Cohering a Collective Consciousness · David Bohm referred to this dynamic as “undivided...


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Cohering a Collective Consciousness

June 19, 2020

In the Unified Physics model, all matter and energy is interconnected in and as a universal field of information

That information is the patterns of electromagnetic and acoustic vibration that literally in-form, or bring into form, the hologram we call physical reality

Energy, Matter and Information are one and the same, which means that Light, Sound and Consciousness are one and the same

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

At the very foundation of this universal field is a state of near-perfect equilibrium, wherein all of the fluctuations of energy come into unison and resolve to zero, which Buckminster Fuller identified geometrically and called the Isotropic Vector Matrix

We can think of this as the ultimate underlying state of coherence that is always present throughout the cosmos

It’s like the coherent laser light that is required when making a holographic image, and I propose that this zero-point field is itself an “absolute hologram” of universal information

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

Within this coherent zero-point field arise localized expressions of disequilibrium, that which we experience and observe as ourselves, nature, our world, the solar system, galaxy, universe

These are dynamic expressions of energy, matter and information that stabilize into form across all scales – coherent structures, or local holograms, that are in a dynamic feedback loop with the underlying universal hologram

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

David Bohm referred to this dynamic as “undivided wholeness in flowing movement”, with the underlying Implicate Order and observable Explicate Order in continuous “reciprocal relation”

Bohm often referred to the acoustical system of Music as the most evident example of this Implicate/Explicate reciprocal exchange

Music is not something that we humans invented, it’s a phenomenon that already exists in the universe that we discovered – we can invent with music, but we did not invent music

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

In the quantum realm and across all scales, the cosmic field of energy-matter is most fundamentally like a vast ocean of vibrations

These vibrations are constantly interacting, forming intersecting wave dynamics and standing wave patterns across the entire cosmos, based upon frequency and resonance relationships

What is the organizing framework for these relationships?

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

The harmonic system we call Music







Atomic structures behave like “perfect musical instruments”, according to Nobel Laureate physicist Frank Wilczek

Solar systems organize in coherent, musically harmonic proportions of planetary orbital spacing and cycles

The many cycles of activity in our bodies – our heartbeat, brainwave frequencies, organ functions, every cell, DNA molecules and atoms – all operate with a coordinated integrity that is optimally synchronized in a complex yet harmonious rhythmic coherence

This is true throughout nature and the cosmos – we live in an ever-present field of coherent rhythmic and harmonic beauty and integrity

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

The scientific study of this rhythmic and harmonic integrity that literally in-forms nature, Earth, humans and cosmos, is called Harmonic Science

It is like being given the keys to the kingdom – the kingdom being a world that is in harmonic integrity

Through the knowledge of unified physics and harmonic science, and application of this knowledge in resonance-based technologies, the human family has the great opportunity to bring ourselves back into alignment with the already-present coherence of nature and the cosmos

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

And as we engender coherence in our environment, societies, bodies, hearts and minds through resonance-based restoration of harmonic integrity, the collective field of consciousness will make a profound shift into coherence at a new level of shared experience

Cohering a Collective Consciousness

“The world is not to be put in order, the world is order incarnate.It is up to us to put ourselves in unison with this order.”

- Henry Miller

Cohering a Collective Consciousness
