Combined analysis of light impurity transport in AUG and...


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Max-Planck-Institutfür Plasmaphysik

Combined analysis of light

impurity transport in AUG and


P. Manas, Y. Camenen, S. Benkadda, H. Weisen, C. Angioni, F. J.

Casson, C. Giroud, M. Gelfusa, and JET contributors for C transport

studies at JET

A. Kappatou, R. M. McDermott, T. Pütterich, C. Angioni, R. Dux, R. J. E.

Jaspers, E. Viezzer, M. Cavedon, R. Fischer, M. Willensdorfer, G. Tardini

and the ASDEX Upgrade Team for He and B studies at AUG

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th

Theoretical background

• Modelling of Impurity transport

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 2

• Convective mechanisms:

• Steady state + no sources → Peaking factor

Thermo-diffusion Roto-diffusion Constant pinch


• Stress theory vs experiment

Assess the impact of roto-diffusion

Theory consistent with different Z impurities?

Do we have all the ingredients in the theory?

Quantitative prediction of impurity profiles?

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 3

AUG database

• H-mode, deuterium plasmas

• 5 shots, several time slices → 131

steady states

• NBI: 2.5 – 7.5 MW BT: 2.5 T

• ECRH: 0 – 2.5 MW Ip: 600 kA

• ne: 4.8 – 8.2x1019 m-3 q95: 7

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 4

AUG database


• Helium and boron profiles

• Helium (Plume effect)

• Boron profiles:

Peaked at low NBI

Flat/Hollow at high NBI

• He profiles:

Always peaked

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 5

JET database

• H-mode plasmas

• Deuterium plasmas

• 156 shots

• Carbon wall era

• Ip: 1 – 2 MA

• BT: 1.4 – 3.4

• q95: 4 – 9.6

• ne: 2.6 – 7.7x1019 m-3

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JET database

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 7

• NBI: 2.6 – 22MW

• Mainly 10 – 22 MW

• ICRH: 0 – 5 MW

• Mach number: 0.1 – 0.38

• u’: 0 – 2.5

• Typical carbon density


Hollow (core)

Peaked (edge)

• Interested in core region

Plasma parameters (midradius)

AUGR/Lti 3 – 7

R/Lte 3.4 – 7

R/Ln 0 – 3.5

u’ -0.15 – 1

R/LnB -0.3 – 1.8

R/LnHe 0 – 3.4

NBI (MW) 2.5 – 7.5

ECRH (MW) 0 – 2.5

Te / Ti 1 – 1.6

u 0.08 – 0.25

ν* 0.14 – 0.6

ρ* 1.10-3

JET5 – 10 R/Lti

3 – 7.5 R/Lte

0 – 4.4 R/Ln

0.8 – 2.1 u’

-5 – 2 R/LnC

2.6 – 22 NBI (MW)

0 – 5 ICRH (MW)

0.6 – 1.4 Te / Ti

0.18 – 0.32 u

2.9 10-3 – 0.1 ν*

1 – 2.7 10-3 ρ*

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 8

Plasma parameters (midradius)

AUGR/Lti 3 – 7

R/Lte 3.4 – 7

R/Ln 0 – 3.5

u’ -0.15 – 1

R/LnB -0.3 – 1.8

R/LnHe 0 – 3.4

NBI (MW) 2.5 – 7.5

ECRH (MW) 0 – 2.5

Te / Ti 1 – 1.6

u 0.08 – 0.25

ν* 0.14 – 0.6

ρ* 1.10-3

JET5 – 10 R/Lti

3 – 7.5 R/Lte

0 – 4.4 R/Ln

0.8 – 2.1 u’

-5 – 2 R/LnC

2.6 – 22 NBI (MW)

0 – 5 ICRH (MW)

0.6 – 1.4 Te / Ti

0.18 – 0.32 u

2.9 10-3 – 0.1 ν*

1 – 2.7 10-3 ρ*

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AUG + JET databases

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• Same range of R/Lne

• Hollow profiles in JET

• Higher R/LTi and u’ in JET (flattening from ECRH in


• → Hollow profiles?

AUG + JET databases

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AUG + JET databases

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 11

• Low R/Lti and u’ with ECRH

• Trends of R/LnZ with R/Lti and u’ (JET data scattered)

• However for similar values of u’ and R/Lti in AUG and JET,

very hollow C profiles / peaked B profiles

• Does the modelling recover these trends?

Modelling hypotheses

• Local, flux-tube gyrokinetic simulations (GKW)

Gradient driven

Linear and nonlinear


Linearised Fokker-Planck operator (with ad-hoc field

particle part)

MHD equilibrium (CHEASE)

Coriolise drift

Centrifugal effects

• Quasilinear approach (consistent with few

nonlinear simulations)

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 12

Dominant instabilities (core)

• Main instabilities at

r/a = 0.5 → ITG

• Outward CT, Cu : flatten

• Inward Cp : peak

• Quasilinear rule


• Valid against NL spectra

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Transport coefficients

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• Higher CT for Helium (1/Z


• Inward CT and Cu for few

TEM cases

• Cu and CT are comparable

in JET

Modelling vs Experiment

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• AUG:

Experimental and modelled peaking factor are correlated to R/Lti

Underprediction not clearly correlated to R/Lti for He

Change from underprediction to overprediction for B at high R/Lti


Modelled peaking factor correlated to R/Lti but not EXP one

Hollow profiles for similar to AUG R/LTi

Modelling vs Experiment

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• AUG:

Underprediction not clearly correlated to u’ for He

Change from underprediction to overprediction for B at high u’


Better agreement at high u’ (roto-diffusion)

Hollow profiles at similar to AUG u’

Modelling vs Experiment

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Modelling vs Experiment

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Modelling vs Experiment

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Quantitative agreement at low

Te/Ti (due to roto-diffusion)

Systematic disagreement at

Te/Ti > 1

Hollow EXP profiles predicted



Two different EXP trends with


Not recovered in the modelling

Underprediction for He and B

Maximum for Te/Ti = 1.2

Overprediction of B at high NBI

Modelling vs Experiment

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Modelling vs Experiment

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Modelling vs Experiment

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Modelling vs Experiment

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 18

• Boron Modelling:

Underprediction (low NBI)

Overprediction (High NBI)

Modelling vs Experiment

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• Boron Modelling:

Underprediction (low NBI)

Overprediction (High NBI)

Modelling vs Experiment

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• Boron Modelling:

Underprediction (low NBI)

Overprediction (High NBI)

Modelling vs Experiment

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 18

• Boron modelling:

Underprediction (2.5 MW NBI)

Overprediction (7.5 MW NBI)

• Helium modelling:

Higher underprediction for all

range of NBI

Opposite trends (EXP / TH)

with ν* (low ECRH)

Modelling vs Experiment

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• Comparison between low

ECRH AUG shots and JET

for boron and carbon

• EXP dependencies not

recovered theoritically

• High u’ in JET → Hollow


• Overall predictions:

Peaked profiles R/LnZ ~ 1

Tests performed so far

• Impact of sub-dominant modes

Nonlinear simulations (including ExB shearing)

• Global effects (symmetry breaking)

Nonzero radial wave number

• Higher poloidal wave numbers contributions

Extension of the QL rule to TEM / ETG range (check consistency with

EXP Qe/Qi)

• Neoclassical transport negligible (NEO)

• Variations of input parameters

• Modifications of the quasilinear rule

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 20


• EXP:

Very hollow C compared to Peaked / flat B at similar R/Ln

Higher u’ and R/Lti in JET

• Modelling

JET: overall overprediction of R/LnC

Only cases at high u’ yield very hollow profiles

ASDEX: underperdiction (NBI 2.5 MW), overprediction (NBI 7.5 MW)

for B

• Impact of roto-diffusion:

JET: comparable to thermo-diffusion

AUG: ~20% of thermo-diffusion

• Stronger thermo-diffusion for He but also stronger

disagreement between EXP / modelling

Light impurity transport in AUG and JET P. Manas / ITPA 16th 21


• Missing ingredient?

• Features

Stronger for lower Z impurities

Not dominantly dependent on u’ and R/Lti

Correlation with NBI (clear in AUG, less in JET)




Hollowness also observed in LHD for C at high NBI (“impurity hole”)

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