Community Conference on the Brain


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15th Annual Brain Conference


Community Conference on the Brain

Theme: The Science of Hope, Holistic Approaches to

Achieving Joy

Sponsored by PACT for Families Collaborative

Featuring keynote speaker: Dr. Henry Emmons Author of The Chemistry of Joy and The Chemistry of Calm

Thursday, April 6, 2017

15th Annual Brain Conference


See the following pages for guest speakers, their breakout session information, and room locations. Many, many volunteer and professional hours went into creating and planning this conference. Conference planners wish to thank all who were involved. The Planning Committee: Christa Otteson, Rochelle Peterson (PACT), Connie Spartz, Val Swanson (community member), Debb Sheehan, (formerly of PACT), Josh Pierskalla (Woodland Centers), Lisa Dusek, Lori Park-Smith (Ridgewater College), Sharon Tollefson (Willmar Public Schools), Shelly Huseby (Goodwill-Easter Seals), Sue Thomes (UCAP)

Platinum Sponsor: Willmar Public Schools and Willmar Community Education & Recreation Gold Sponsor: Southwest Initiative Foundation (SWIF) Presenter Sponsors:

*If you would like to be part of the planning committee for next year’s conference, please contact the PACT for Families office 320-231-7030. We welcome new members to the committee at any time.

Thank you for being a part of the legacy known simply as the Brain Conference!


We are grateful for the financial and inWe are grateful for the financial and in--kind contributions of numerous community agencies. kind contributions of numerous community agencies. These contributors have allowed you to participate at an affordable cost. These contributors have allowed you to participate at an affordable cost. Please thank the sponsors who have helped to make this event possible.Please thank the sponsors who have helped to make this event possible.

Willmar Public Schools

15th Annual Brain Conference


(A certificate of attendance will be available to pick up at the registration table, following the keynote address.)


3:15 pm – 3:30 pm Registration and afternoon refreshments in the cafeteria Commons/Cafeteria

3:30 pm—4:00 pm Welcome Message by Rochelle Peterson, PACT for Families;

Somali Dance Performance; Latino Dance Performance


4:10 pm—5:10pm Breakout Session I with conference faculty See Pages 6-9 for Descriptions

5:20 pm—6:20 pm Breakout Session II with conference faculty See Pages 6-9 for Descriptions

Breakout Session Titles and Locations

1. Using brain resilience & capacity to overcome addiction—Paula

DeSanto, Minnesota Alternatives, LLC

Room 105 D

2. Developing the architecture of your child’s brain—Lynn Herrick,

Greater MN Family Services

Room 105 E

3. What is EMDR therapy?—Sheila Loya, Woodland Centers Room 105 F

4. Restorative yoga practices—Sarah Dimond, Dimond Wellness LLC Room 115 Pod Area

5. Social & emotional learning & children’s mental health: utilizing

findings in neuroscience & applied theory in practice—Kenny Turck,

Crow River Family Services

Room 117

6. Inviting the horse to set the PACE for hope & peace in daily life—

Doug & Tammie Knick, Delta Equine Center

Room 316 (ag room)

7. Discovering joy & fulfillment through sensory awareness—Jeanne

Jacobs, Woodland Centers

Room 506 (orchestra room)

8. Emotional wellbeing through the use of natural products, not

drugs—Steve Fjerstad, Back to Nature Wellness Center

Room 512 (Choir Room)

9. Your Brain on Nature—Kelsey Olson, Sibley State Park Room 516 (Band Room)

10. Building capacity for resilience & self-regulation of emotions &

behavior—Panel Presentation


6:20 pm—6:50 pm Meal and Networking Cafeteria

Music provided by Josh Pierskalla, Michelle Suter, Marie Nelson,

and Paula Ulicsni-Halvorson


7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Keynote Address: “”The Science of Hope: Prevention & Recovery

from Depression & Anxiety”, Dr. Henry Emmons


15th Annual Brain Conference



Music Area:

Room Detail


Front Entrance




15th Annual Brain Conference



Building Capacity for Resilience and Self-regulation of Emotions and Behavior Panel members include: Michelle Thomas, Elementary School Social Worker, LSW, New London-Spicer Schools. Ms. Thomas holds a Bachelors in Social Work from the University of Minnesota-Mankato and has worked as an elementary school social worker for 11 years. She is in-volved in school-wide initiatives like PBIS and Girls United, works individually and in groups with students, assists families in finding resources, and works with teachers/administration to implement behavior interventions. Mark Stier, 6th grade Educator, Willmar Public Schools. Moxie All Access Movement, has degrees in Elementary Education and English from the University of Minnesota-Morris, and a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of Minnesota. Mr. Stier works within educational settings and presents on Mindful Movement in the classroom as well as how to implement Active/Mindful Schools. The intent is to use social/emotional learning mixed with academics, and physical movement, to create a mindful student. Research on the brain has proven this to be an effective environment for optimal learning. Mr. Stier and the methods he use was recently featured in a West Central Tribune front page article! Rick Loseth, LICSW, Clinical Supervisor, PACT for Families Collaborative. Mr. Loseth received an M.A. at the University of North Da-kota. He provides supervision to PACT-contracted school staff, helps coordinate grant-funded initiatives, and works with collabora-tive members to address the needs of children and families across the five-county area PACT for Families serves. Sara Jacobson, LSW, School Social Worker, Kennedy Elementary School in Willmar. Ms. Jacobson holds a Bachelor of Science from St. Cloud State University. She works individually and in groups with kindergarten through second-grade students on social skills, provides support to children and families with emotional and mental health needs, and assists in making appropriate outside refer-rals. Jodi Wambeke, Early Childhood Manager, Willmar Public School, Community Education and Recreation. Ms. Wambeke has a M.Ed. from St. Mary's University. She is responsible for planning, organizing, evaluating, and providing leadership and representation of all early childhood family programs, including Early Childhood Family Education, School Readiness preschool and programming, Early Childhood Screening, special events, and collaborative programming with ECSE and other community organizations. Lori Dunham-Morton, Woodland Centers. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in psychology from the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis; and her Master’s Degree in community counseling from St. Cloud State University. Ms. Dunham-Morton provides clinical services in a variety of programs at Woodland Centers, including outpatient, crisis and supervision, and consultation to community agencies. Areas of interest and training are working with adolescents utilizing DBT and TF-CBT models. Ms. Dunham-Morton is the clinical director at Woodland Centers and maintains the priority of promoting good mental health and services with-in our communities. Reagan Quinn, LPCC, Woodland Centers. Reagan received her undergraduate degree in Science and Mathematics from North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota and her Master of Arts degree in Forensic Psychology from the University of Denver in Denver, CO. Ms. Quinn came to Woodland Centers with a background as a program director and mental health professional to chemically dependent adolescents and their families through an inpatient residential treatment program. She currently works with children, adolescents and their families through school-linked mental health in the Willmar Public Schools while obtaining certifica-tion as a TF-CBT therapist. Social and emotional learning involves the process through which children and adults acquire the knowledge and skills to under-stand and manage emotions, show empathy for others, establish positive relationships and learn to make responsible decisions. A panel of area school and mental health professionals will discuss ways this can be accomplished to address the needs of all kids, as well as those needing more individualized supports. Emphasis will be on early childhood, elementary, and middle school-aged chil-dren.



15th Annual Brain Conference



Inviting the Horse to Set the P.A.C.E. for Hope and Peace in Daily Life

Doug and Tammie Knick live on an eight-

acre ranch nestled in the beautiful,

rolling hills just five miles NE of Willmar

near the Glacial Ridge Trail. Tammie

grew up in Willmar and moved back to

the area three years ago with Doug to

open DREAM Technical Academy, a 7th-

12th grade public charter school on the

MinnWest Technology Campus in

Willmar. In June of 2016, Doug and

Tammie opened Delta Equine Center to

offer creative and innovative experiential

equine assisted therapy and educational

programs to assist people in finding

balance in their life. Doug is an author of

three books and has a doctorate degree

in Critical Pedagogy and Tammie is a

Licensed Independent Clinical Social


Participants will learn how Equine

Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning

activities allow the horses to work their

own simple magic to help people find

hope and peace in daily life. This

powerful client-centered and heart-

centered approach offers participants

alternative ways to heal, grow, and/or

deepen their relationships with self and

others. Participants will be invited to

work with horses or witness others

interacting with horses to develop

Patience, Acceptance, Consistency and


Discovering Joy and Fulfillment Through Sensory Awareness Jeanne Jacobs, LPC, NCC holds a

Master of Education (M.Ed.) in

Counseling from North Dakota State

University. She is licensed in

Minnesota, North Dakota, and

Wyoming as a Licensed Professional

Counselor and is working toward her

Clinical Counselor license. She is a

Nationally Certified Counselor

through the National Board for

Certified Counselors.

Jeanne has experience working in the

State of Wyoming in the areas of

trauma, mental health and addic-

tions, SPMI populations, domestic

violence, and parenting issues. She

joined Woodland Centers in January

2016, working in Outpatient Mental

Health, Intensive Outpatient

Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Day

Treatment using DBT skills.

Using DBT curriculum and personal/

professional experience, the benefits

of mindfulness will be discussed.

What mindfulness is and how to

practice mindfulness will be explored.

Participants will leave with a

repertoire of experiential adventures

for more joyful and fulfilling living.

Restorative Yoga Practices Sarah Dimond, R-HYI graduated with

a Master of Science in School

Counseling from SCSU. She worked

as a school counselor for two years

in the Maple Grove area and with

students with Intellectual Disabili-

ties at Ridgewater College. She has

been practicing yoga for six years

and instructing yoga for two years.

Sarah is currently an Integrative

Yoga Therapist at Clara's House in

St. Cloud, teaching mindfulness and

body awareness skills to students

ages five to eighteen years of age

who have been referred to attend

Clara's House after crisis, mental

health issues, behavioral issues, or

medication management. Sarah also

teaches various yoga classes at

Rejuv Medical Gym and other

locations in the St. Cloud area.

Restorative Yoga works to achieve

physical, mental, and emotional

relaxation in order to provide heal-

ing for the mind, body, and soul.

This session will include passive

stretching, mindfulness, deep

breathing, and supportive postures

held for longer periods of time.

15th Annual Brain Conference



Nature RX Kelsey Olson has been a naturalist at Sibley State

Park for nearly two years. Prior to coming to

Sibley she worked at Gooseberry Falls State Park,

Buffalo River State Park, and on northwest

Minnesota’s Scientific and Natural Areas as a

naturalist. After completing an associate’s degree

in Natural Resources from Central Lakes College

in Brainerd, she continued studies for her

Bachelors in Environmental Education and

Interpretation and the University of Wisconsin

Steven’s Point. Today, Kelsey enjoys life in her

small town of New London, is intrigued by

history, and enjoys any time outside, especially

with her little dog, Teenie.

As humans we are nature; however, we have lost

our connection to our instinctive relationship to

nature. In this age of technology, it is easy to pick

up a smart device and get the weather, scroll

through someone’s vacation pictures, or watch a

video. But the positive mental and physical

effects gained when we actually experience a

scenic vista, step outside and observe the clouds,

or simply watch a bird on a branch provide us

with clarity that can only be achieved through a

natural setting. Join Kelsey for a scientific and

hands-on experience that will provide you with

the tools and knowledge that will help you lead a

peaceful life with positive stress management.

Social and Emotional Learning and Children’s Mental Health: Utilizing findings in neuroscience and

applied theory in practice Kenny Turck, MSW, LICSW is the founder, Chief

Creative Officer, and President of Crow River Family

Services, LLC (CRFS), a mental health agency based in

Hutchinson, Minnesota. Kenny holds a Master’s

Degree in Social Work from St. Cloud State University,

where he is also a member of the MSW program’s

Community Advisory Board. Kenny grew up on the

farm his family has called home since 1875. Kenny has

been working in Adolescent and Children’s Mental

Health for 25 years and is passionate about social

work, program and staff development, and he is a

professional speaker/trainer. In September of 2015,

Dirt Group was honored by NASW-MN as the Program

of the Month; and in 2010, NASW-MN named Kenny

as the recipient of the Paul & Sheila Wellstone Social

Justice Award. Dirt Group is a children’s mental health

application based in social and emotional learning in

the context of an experiential gardening and farming

group skills training project.

Developing social and emotional intelligence are at

the core of successful youth development. This

workshop will identify and discuss recent findings in

neuroscience and applied theory in practice, which

foster increasing social and emotional competencies,

mental health and well-being, as well as implications

for practice in education, community, treatment,

restorative justice, and correctional/probation


15th Annual Brain Conference



Building the Architecture of Your Child’s Brain E. Lynn Herrick, MS, has been a Licensed Psychologist and

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist for 28 years. He was

instrumental in establishing five day treatment programs in

various school districts and created and ran a crisis shelter

for children. He has served as a mental health consultant for

Head Start programs for 35 years in Iowa and Minnesota.

Over the last ten years, he has specialized in services for

Early Childhood-birth to five, completed the Infant and Early

Childhood Mental Health Certification program through the

University of Minnesota, and provides treatment for

traumatized children and their families. He is a State trainer

for TACSEI, a system for enhancing preschool classrooms

and Head Starts programs’ ability to facilitate the social and

emotional growth of young children; and for Early Childhood

Services Intensity Instruments (ECSII), which is a tool for

establishing strengths and areas of concern for children

birth to five. He has served on various state committees,

including the initial advisory board to Department of Human

Services for early childhood; the Governor’s Task Force on

changes for service delivery for early childhood; and is a

charter board member of the Minnesota Association of

Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (MAIECMH).

Lynn’s session will explore how nature and nurture work

together to develop the architecture of the brain of a very

small child and how those early experiences enhance or

hinder future growth. The demand to meet the emotional

needs of infant, toddler, or preschool children is essential

for both social and emotional growth as well as developing

the internal structures in the brain that allows this child to

learn later in life. This session will examine how simple

decisions made before the age of three will have profound

effects on the rest of the child’s life well into adulthood.

Using brain resilience and capacity to overcome addiction

Paula DeSanto, MS, LSW, CPRP, CCDP-D has

developed programs that serve adults with mental

illness and/or substance use issues for over 25

years. She has worked in a variety of settings that

include case management, community support,

intensive residential and outpatient treatment,

and the Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center.

She is currently the owner and director of

Minnesota Alternatives LLC, a program providing

consultation, training, and outpatient substance

use disorder treatment. She has a Master’s degree

from Boston University in Psychiatric Rehabilita-

tion Counseling, is a Licensed Social Worker, and is

certified as a Co-Occurring Disorders Professional


Her workshop introduces a model for treating

people with substance use disorders, called The

Minnesota Alternative. This approach focuses on

engagement, personalized interventions, best

practices in co-occurring care, and key concepts

from neuroscience. It will emphasize strategies to

“harness neuroplasticity” and build internal

capacity to change addictive patterns.

15th Annual Brain Conference



What is EMDR Therapy? Sheila Loya, LPCC is a Licensed Professional Clinical

Counselor; a National Certified Counselor; Certified

in EMDR; and an LPCC Board-Approved Supervisor.

She has extensive experience working with different

populations, such as psychiatric patients, SPMI,

developmentally disabled, criminal/sex offenders,

substance abuse patients, children/adolescents/

adults, families, and couples. Treatment

environments have included outpatient, day

treatment, partial hospitalization, residential,

correctional, and inpatient settings. Over the years,

Sheila began to notice that no matter what their

background, most individuals had suffered some

sort of trauma. From that point forward, she has

strived to provide a trauma-informed approach to


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach

that has been extensively researched and proven

effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set

of standardized protocols that incorporates

elements from many different treatment

approaches. This workshop will provide an overview

of the basic concepts within EMDR therapy, how it

was developed, and what issues it can be

successful in treating. Also discussed will be what to

expect in an EMDR therapy session.

Emotional Wellbeing Through the Use of Natural Products, not Drugs

Steven Fjerstad, CTN is a former high school auto shop

teacher who got into his current profession because of

his youngest daughter. In 1980, Steven and his wife

adopted an infant daughter from Mexico. She was a

beautiful and wonderful addition to their family! But

shortly after becoming a part of their family, she

began struggling with digestive problems that

eventually became severe. The conventional medical

community tried its best to diagnose and treat her.

Steven and his wife took her to every doctor who they

believed might help and they submitted to every test

and treatment that was suggested. Through two years

of frustration and heartache, the digestive problems

only became worse and she ended up having to be fed

by machine. Eventually, they began to lose hope as

the situation became critical with no solution in sight.

After being home for a couple of days they were told

by the family chiropractor about a medical doctor in

Reno, Nevada. Dr. Ewing Tang MD, using technologies

now used at the Back to Nature Wellness Center, was

able to diagnose, treat, and help her regain her health.

This and also seeing other chronic and terminally-ill

people get well at the Century Clinic is what

prompted Dr. Fjerstad to go back to school and

become a Naturopath.

Steve will be talking about the advancements in

nutritional technology that are used when it comes to

emotions and learning issues like anxiety, ADD, ADHD,

etc. Many people are unaware of the nutraceuticals

that have been developed that can help the body

produce neurotransmitters, like serotonin, that helps

with depression; and dopamine, which helps you

remain happy.

15th Annual Brain Conference


”The Science of Hope: Prevention & Recovery from Depression & Anxiety”

Dr. Henry Emmons, MD, Integrative Psychiatrist

Henry Emmons is a psychiatrist who integrates mind-body and natural

therapies, mindfulness and Buddhist teachings, and compassion and insight

into his clinical work. Henry developed the Resilience Training Program,

which is currently offered at the Penny George Institute for Health and

Healing. This unique program is based upon the ideas developed in his

books, The Chemistry of Joy and The Chemistry of Calm.

His career has been animated by the desire to develop more integrative

approaches to the treatment of depression and anxiety. Henry is a sought-

after presenter and a respected consultant on such topics as integrating

natural and mindfulness therapies in psychiatry, building personal resilience,

and personal and professional renewal. In addition to Resilience Training,

Henry has developed “A Year of Living Mindfully” and “The Inner Life of

Healers: Programs of Renewal for Health Professionals” offered through the

University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing. He is also a founding board member of the

International Network for Integrative Mental Health.

Dr. Emmons’ newest book The Chemistry of Joy Workbook: Overcoming Depression Using the Best of Brain

Science, Nutrition, and the Psychology of Mindfulness (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook) can now be

purchased on Amazon.

Dr. Emmons will explore what it takes to cultivate inner calm and joy, and how to protect one's brain across

the lifespan. During today's challenging times, when stress-related disorders like anxiety and depression are

more prevalent than ever, maintaining a healthy brain and a vital mind have never been more important.

Blending new neuroscience with ancient wisdom, Dr. Emmons will discuss what we can do to restore resili-

ence and to protect ourselves from the many faces of stress.




15th Annual Brain Conference



“Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done

without hope and confidence.”

Helen Keller

15th Annual Brain Conference



“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the

one you had before.”

Elizabeth Edwards

15th Annual Brain Conference



“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King, Jr.

15th Annual Brain Conference



“We live in a time when science is validating what humans have known

throughout the ages: that compassion is not a luxury; it is a necessity

for our well-being, resilience, and survival.” Joan Halifax

15th Annual Brain Conference

