Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Community Infrastructure Levy- What is it? Tax on new floor...


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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Community Infrastructure Levy- What is it?

• Tax on new floor space or additional dwellings.• Includes domestic extensions of more than 100 sq m • Expressed as a £ per square metre charge.• Only charged on “Buildings where people normally

go” (i.e. excludes plant rooms, agriculture etc). • Non-viable uses can be excluded (e.g. Employment

uses)…But only on grounds of viability. • Not paid on affordable housing or buildings used for

charitable purposes. • Partially replaces S106 Agreements. Tighter

restrictions on use of S106 Contributions.

Community Infrastructure Levy -Funding Gap and Viability

• Need to show an infrastructure funding gap…Not likely to be a problem to show this.

• CIL shouldn’t make development unviable: Viability is likely to be the sticking point.

• Choice between CIL and affordable housing and Code for Sustainable Homes.

• Choice between out-of-town retail (big CIL earners) and town centre protection.

Community Infrastructure Levy – Government Proposals.

• Government recently consulted on whether affordable housing could be funded through CIL (rather than S106 agreements).

• Requirement in Localism Act to spend a “meaningful proportion” of CIL in the area where development takes place.

Community Infrastructure Levy- Torbay

• Torbay’s Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule was published for consultation between December 2011-February 2012.

• Seeks CIL of £100 per sq m for new dwellings.

• There will be a second consultation stage and then Independent Examination.

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