COMP25212 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Antoniu Pop Jan/Feb 2015COMP25212 Lecture...


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Antoniu PopAntoniu

Jan/Feb 2015 COMP25212 Lecture 1

COMP25212: System COMP25212: System ArchitectureArchitecture


• Lectures22 (two per week)

Mon 12pm Kilburn Theatre 1.1Thu 2pm Kilburn Theatre 1.1

Multicore Systems lecture on 23rd April by John Goodacre, Director of Technology and Systems at ARM

COMP25212 Lecture 12

Jan/Feb 2015

COMP25212: System COMP25212: System ArchitectureArchitecture

• Laboratories5 x 2 hour sessions starting NEXT week

(Thu 9am & 11am)Lab results is 20% of the course Final Mark.Extensions up to 5pm one week after lab.Extensions are not automatic.

COMP25212 Lecture 13

Jan/Feb 2015

COMP25212: System COMP25212: System ArchitectureArchitecture

• Recommended textbooks– D.A. Patterson & J.L. Hennessy, “Computer

Organization and Design. The Hardware/Software Interface”, Morgan Kaufmann, now in 4th Edition.

– J. Smith & R. Nair, “Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and Processes”, Morgan Kaufmann.

COMP25212 Lecture 14

Jan/Feb 2015

Aims of the CourseAims of the Course

• To introduce architectural techniques which are used in modern processors and systems

• To understand how the specification of systems affects their performance and suitability for particular applications

• To understand how to design such systems

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

COMP25212: Course COMP25212: Course OverviewOverview

• Architectural techniques – making processors go faster– Caches– Pipelines– Multi-Threading– Multi-Core

• How to make processors more flexible– Virtualization

• The architecture of permanent storage

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Motivation for Motivation for PerformancePerformance

• There is always a demand for increased computational performance

• Current ‘microprocessors’ are several thousand times faster than when they were first introduced 30 years ago.

• But still lots of things they can’t do due to lack of speed – e.g. HD video synthesis, realistic game physics

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Single Threaded PerformanceSingle Threaded Performance

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Architecture & the FutureArchitecture & the Future

• Speed improvements due to technology have slowed since around 2004/5– Physical production limits– Power Dissipation– Device Variability

• Architecture plays a larger role in future performance gains – particularly parallelism (multi-core?)

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Architecture & TechnologyArchitecture & Technology

• A lot of performance improvements over 30 years have been due to technology

• Mainly due to smaller, faster circuits• But it isn’t that simple e.g.

– CPU speed increased > 1000x– Main memory speed < 10x

• Need to tailor architecture to exploit technology – changes with time

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Processor Cache MemoryProcessor Cache Memory

• A very important technique in processors since about mid 1980s

• Purpose is to overcome the speed imbalance between fast internal processor circuitry (e.g. ALU & registers) & main memory

• No modern processor could perform anywhere near current speeds without caches

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Understand Caches:Understand Caches:PrerequisitesPrerequisites

• Processor is a CPU connected to memory

• CPU fetches a sequence of instructions from memory and executes them

• Some instructions are loads or stores which read or write values from/to memory addresses

COMP25212 Lecture 1

CPU Memory

Jan/Feb 2015

What is a Cache?What is a Cache?

• Cache: “A secret hiding place”

• General principle

– If something is far away and/or takes a long time to access, keep a local copy

– Usually limited fast local space

• Not just processors

– Web pages kept on local disc– Virtual Memory is a form of caching– Web Content Delivery Networks (e.g.

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

What is a Processor What is a Processor Cache?Cache?

• Small amount of very fast memory used as temporary store for frequently used memory locations (both instructions and data)

• Relies on locality:

– during any short period of time, a program uses only a small subset (working set) of its instructions and data.

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Processor Cache Processor Cache MemoryMemory

Example: 2.8Ghz processor

•32k L1 data cache and 32k L1 instruction cache

•256k on-chip L2 cache (L2 cache is 4 way set associative)

What does it mean?

Why is it there?

What is ‘good’?

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Why is Cache Needed?Why is Cache Needed?

• Modern processor speed > 1GHz• > 1 instruction / nsec (10-9 sec)• Every instruction needs to be fetched

from main memory.• Many instructions (1 in 3?) also access

main memory to read or write data.• But RAM memory access time typically

>50 nsec! (67 x too slow!)

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Facts about memory Facts about memory speedsspeeds

• Circuit capacitance is the thing that makes things slow (needs charging)

• Bigger things have bigger capacitance

• So large memories are slow

• Dynamic memories (storing data on capacitance) are slower than static memories (bistable circuits)

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Interconnection SpeedsInterconnection Speeds

• External wires also have significant capacitance.

• Driving signals between chips needs special high power interface circuits.

• Things within a VLSI ‘chip’ are fast – anything ‘off chip’ is slow.

• Put everything on a single chip? Maybe one day! Manufacturing limitations

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Basic Level 1 (L1) Basic Level 1 (L1) CacheCache

COMP25212 Lecture 1


Compiler makes best use of registers – they are the fastest.Anything not in registers – must go (logically) to memory.But is data (a copy!) in cache?





Jan/Feb 2015

Cache RequirementsCache Requirements• Main memory is big e.g. potentially 232 bytes

(4G bytes) if 32 bit address (or 248 if 48 – x64)• Cache is small (to be fast), e.g. 32k bytes,

can only hold a very small fraction (x10-17 or x10-33) of all possible data.

• But cache must be able to store and retrieve any one of 232 (or 248) addresses/data (in practice would not hold single bytes, but in principle ….)

• Special structures needed – is not simple memory indexed by address.

COMP25212 Lecture 1Jan/Feb 2015

Memory hierarchyMemory hierarchy

• Fast vs. slow• Small vs. large

COMP25212 Lecture 1




LargeJan/Feb 2015
