Comparing TV Dramas and their conventions!


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• True Blood

• Once upon a time

• Misfits

True Blood!This shot shows a close-up of the character. It shows the character looking very scared and upset. The expression on the actors face gives the audience the idea that something has happened or is about to happen and adds narrative to the shot. This shot is a very conventional shot because it shows as usual a blonde woman who is alone and looking venerable, this is very stereotypical of a drama as blondes are always portrayed as dumb and suggests that she may not be able to get out of the situation she is in.

In this shot it shows this female as scary looking and rather dominant. This is a very typical Birdseye view shot of this character her hands look weird as if she is some sort of beast and she is smiling, this represents her as being a strong and powerful character. Her costume is a white dress which suggests purity. In contrast the lighting is dark which adds to a scary atmosphere which represents evilness.

Once upon a time!In this shot it shows a man dressed in quite oldish but nice clothing. From his costume this man is represented as being quite rich and well off. From this mid-shot we can see his body language and his facial expressions, reading these he looks quite crazy, just from this shot alone it helps add to the narrative as you know he is a crazy character and something good or bad may happen but from this point we do not know yet. Also this mid-shot shows the background clearly, in the background there are many different kinds of hats, so he must be a hat maker or just really obsessed with hats. Combining the look on his face with all the many hats represents him with crazy and mad characteristics.

In this establishing shot it shows an empty background but shows us in a field, this could mean that no one else is around so it’s quite lonely and isolated. The woman on the floor appears to be dead and the other woman is standing over her with a twisted smile this represents the woman on the floor as inferior and weak compared to the woman stood up. By looking at their costumes the woman stood up looks very well dressed so this must mean she is quiet well off. However her clothing is a very dark colour and the only thing dark in the shot, this represents her as quite an evil character. Contrasting to her the woman on the floor is in quite normal clothes and therefore doesn’t look as if she is well off also her clothing is neutral colours which suggests her being a nice character. Through her clothes she is represented as in superior to the other woman as she doesn’t look like she has any power at all and looks very weak in comparison.

This is a conventional mid-shot for this genre. It shows a weak and scared looking woman this is shown through her body language as she is quite hunched up inside herself, which suggests that she is scared. Also her facial expressions also suggests she is quite scared. The man in the shot looks quite brave and protective, this is represented through the way he is holding the woman as if to protect her and the expression on his face. Through his body language that she needs protecting makes the woman look weak and in superior to the man this is very stereotypical of this type of genre and is used in most of them. The fact that they are both looking a bit startled and looking the same way adds to the narrative and suggests to the audience that something bad has happened. Looking in the background looks as though it’s in an old house as there is an old clock and old statues, this could suggest supernatural activity and this is what the bad thing is that could be happening. There costumes are quite modern therefore this TV Drama must be set in modern times but in an old building.

In this high angle shot it shows the character in a bath. The lighting is quite dark and scary looking, this suggests evilness. The water in the bath looks like the sky just after the suns set, again bad things stereotypically come out at night in this genre. The character is wearing what appears to be an old type of dress so this must be someone from an older time period, also their hair is very long and black. Again, this suggests evilness and that something is going to happen which adds to the narrative and gets the audience thinking on what it is that’s going to happen, which is very stereotypical of this genre to do.