Competitive Integration of Visual and Goal-related Signals on...


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  • Competitive Integration of Visual and Goal-related Signalson Neuronal Accumulation Rate: A Correlate ofOculomotor Capture in the Superior Colliculus

    Brian J. White1, Robert A. Marino1, Susan E. Boehnke1, Laurent Itti2,Jan Theeuwes3, and Douglas P. Munoz1


    ■ The mechanisms that underlie the integration of visual andgoal-related signals for the production of saccades remainpoorly understood. Here, we examined how spatial proximityof competing stimuli shapes goal-directed responses in thesuperior colliculus (SC), a midbrain structure closely associatedwith the control of visual attention and eye movements. Monkeyswere trained to perform an oculomotor-capture task [Theeuwes,J., Kramer, A. F., Hahn, S., Irwin, D. E., & Zelinsky, G. J. Influenceof attentional capture on oculomotor control. Journal of Experi-mental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 25,1595–1608, 1999], in which a target singleton was revealed viaan isoluminant color change in all but one item. On a portionof the trials, an additional salient item abruptly appeared nearor far from the target. We quantified how spatial proximity be-tween the abrupt-onset and the target shaped the goal-directedresponse. We found that the appearance of an abrupt-onset near

    the target induced a transient decrease in goal-directed dis-charge of SC visuomotor neurons. Although this was indicativeof spatial competition, it was immediately followed by a re-bound in presaccadic activation, which facilitated the saccadicresponse (i.e., it induced shorter saccadic RT). A similar sup-pression also occurred at most nontarget locations even inthe absence of the abrupt-onset. This is indicative of a mecha-nism that enabled monkeys to quickly discount stimuli thatshared the common nontarget feature. These results reveal apattern of excitation/inhibition across the SC visuomotor mapthat acted to facilitate optimal behavior—the short durationsuppression minimized the probability of capture by salientdistractors, whereas a subsequent boost in accumulation rateensured a fast goal-directed response. Such nonlinear dynamicsshould be incorporated into future biologically plausible modelsof saccade behavior. ■


    Most of us take for granted that our eyes are always movingin response to external stimuli and internal goals. Ac-cordingly, visual attention can be voluntarily directed(i.e., goal-directed) but it is often involuntarily “captured”by goal-irrelevant stimuli during critical day-to-day actions(Leonard & Luck, 2011; Ludwig, Ranson, & Gilchrist, 2008;de Fockert, Rees, Frith, & Lavie, 2004; Theeuwes, De Vries,& Godijn, 2003). In this study, we examined how com-peting visual and goal-related neuronal signals interact toinfluence oculomotor behavior during target selection.

    There is evidence supported by several biologicallyinspired models that the superior colliculus (SC) playsan important role in resolving competitive interactionsbetween visual and goal-related processes (Marino,Trappenberg, Dorris, & Munoz, 2012; Bompas & Sumner,2011; Meeter, Van der Stigchel, & Theeuwes, 2010;Dorris, Olivier, & Munoz, 2007; Godijn & Theeuwes,

    2002; Trappenberg, Dorris, Munoz, & Klein, 2001). Neu-rons in the superficial SC layers (SCs) receive input pre-dominantly from the retina and visual cortex, whereasneurons in the intermediate SC layers (SCi) integratemultisensory, cognitive, and motor information from sev-eral cortical and subcortical brain areas (see White &Munoz, 2011b, for a recent review). The SCi in turnprojectsdirectly to the brainstem saccade generator (Rodgers,Munoz, Scott, & Paré, 2006; Sparks, 2002). In the SCsand SCi, visual onsets are represented by a transientburst of action potentials beginning about 50 msec fromthe onset of a stimulus in a neuronʼs response field (RF).This transient response is associated with a momentaryfacilitation of spatial attention at the stimulus location(Fecteau & Munoz, 2005). In the SCi, goal-related signalsare represented by sustained low frequency activation,which is associated with cognitive processes such as move-ment preparation (Li & Basso, 2008; Dorris & Munoz,1998; Munoz & Wurtz, 1995; Glimcher & Sparks, 1992)and covert spatial attention (Lovejoy & Krauzlis, 2010;Ignashchenkova, Dicke, Haarmeier, & Thier, 2004; Kustov& Robinson, 1996). Importantly, there is strong evidencethat the SCi is directly involved in the target selection

    1Queenʼs University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2University ofSouthern California, Los Angeles, 3Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,The Netherlands

    © 2013 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 25:10, pp. 1754–1768doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00429

  • process (White & Munoz, 2011a; Port & Wurtz, 2009; Kim& Basso, 2008; Shen & Paré, 2007; Krauzlis, Liston, &Carello, 2004; McPeek & Keller, 2004) and the competitiveinteraction associated with suppressing undesired visualsignals from interrupting saccade goals (White, Theeuwes,& Munoz, 2012; Dorris et al., 2007).Conceptual models of saccade initiation have long pos-

    tulated the idea of an oculomotor “decision signal” thataccumulates linearly from some baseline toward a thresh-old (Carpenter, 1988). Under this framework, differencesin saccadic RT (SRT) are attributable to differences ineither baseline activation, accumulation rate (rate of rise),or threshold. Neurophysiological support for this has beenfound in the FEFs (Purcell, Schall, Logan, & Palmeri, 2012;Hanes & Schall, 1996) and the SC (Paré & Hanes, 2003; seealso Basso & Wurtz, 1997). Computational models of theSCi have extended this idea by examining the spatial inter-action between visual and goal-related signals within adynamic competitive framework (Marino, Trappenberg,et al., 2012; Bompas & Sumner, 2011; Meeter et al., 2010;Godijn & Theeuwes, 2002; Trappenberg et al., 2001). Anassumption underlying these models is that visual andgoal-related signals mutually inhibit or excite one anotherdepending on the spatial proximity of their correspondingpopulation responses or “point images” (Marino, Rodgers,Levy, & Munoz, 2008; McIlwain, 1986); that is, the localpopulation of neurons activated by a given stimulus (seeMethods). Spatially overlapping point images are believedto be mutually excitatory, thereby facilitating saccade initia-tion. Spatially nonoverlapping point images are believed tobe mutually inhibitory, thereby delaying saccade initiation.Computational models that employ this type of spatialinteraction have successfully accounted for many saccadicbehaviors, in particular the variation in SRT associated withmultiple competing stimuli (Marino, Trappenberg, et al.,2012). The primary mechanism proposed to account forthis interaction is a lateral neural network believed to existin the SCi (Isa et al., 2009; Dorris et al., 2007; Meredith &Ramoa, 1998; Munoz& Istvan, 1998; Behan&Kime, 1996).However, it is not entirely known how this spatial inter-action shapes the accumulation of goal-directed activity inthe SCi. Previous models have postulated a linear accumu-lation of neuronal activity toward a threshold for saccadeinitiation (Carpenter, 1988), but the limitations of a linearmechanism are evident when one observes actual neuro-nal discharge patterns under various conditions and taskconstraints.In this study, we examined how the spatial proximity

    between competing signals in the SCi shapes the goal-directed response, using a task designed to dissociatevisual fromgoal-related activation—the oculomotor-capturetask (Theeuwes, Kramer, Hahn, Irwin, & Zelinsky, 1999;Figure 1). In this task, the observer fixates a central stimulusfollowed by the appearance of an array of homogeneousperipheral “placeholder” stimuli, each representing a poten-tial target location. After a delay, a target singleton is revealedvia an isoluminant color change in all but one of the place-

    holders. Simultaneously, on a portion of the trials, an addi-tional salient item (the same color as the distractors) appearsabruptly either near (Figure 1B; local abrupt-onset) or far(Figure 1C; remote abrupt-onset) from the goal. The ob-server is required to look to the target singleton, and avoidbeing “captured” by the salient abrupt-onset. The uniqueaspect of this task is there is no physical change in the stim-ulus at the goal-related location where the target is revealed.In studies that have examined the neural basis of targetselection, the entire search array is abruptly presented suchthat the target or one of the distractors is centered in the RFof a neuron on a given trial (White & Munoz, 2011a; Shen &Paré, 2007; McPeek & Keller, 2002; Schall & Thompson,1999). This produces a transient visual response, and targetdiscrimination is typically observed only after this initial non-selective visual burst (Thompson, Hanes, Bichot, & Schall,1996). The oculomotor-capture task provides a unique win-dow into the target-directed accumulation process unconta-minated by transient visual activity evoked by abrupt-onsetof the array. Using this task, we can better quantify how thegoal-related signal at the target location is shaped by com-peting visual signals elsewhere in the visual field.

    We reasoned that the salient abrupt-onset would elicita high frequency burst of activation on the SCi map thatwould act to boost the activity of neighboring sites (localexcitation; Figure 1E) and suppress activity of distal sites(distal inhibition; Figure 1F). Specifically, we predictedthat the visual response evoked by the local abrupt-onsetwould act to boost activation at the neighboring targetlocation (i.e., boost in baseline; Figure 1H) because theexcitatory boundaries of their corresponding pointimages overlap (Figure 1E). As a result, saccades shouldbe initiated earlier (shorter SRT) relative to the control.In contrast, we predicted that the visual response evokedby the remote abrupt-onset would act to suppress activa-tion at the target location (i.e., drop in baseline; Figure 1I)because the boundaries of their corresponding pointimages do not overlap (Figure 1F). As a result, saccadesshould be initiated later (longer SRT) relative to the con-trol. In contrast to these predictions, we observed a pat-tern of presaccadic activation not readily explained bycurrent models of saccade behavior.


    Data were collected from two male Rhesus monkeys(Macaca mulatta, monkey Y = 12 kg, monkey Q = 11 kg).The surgical procedures and extracellular recordingtechniques were detailed previously (Marino et al., 2008)and were approved by the Queenʼs University AnimalCare Committee in accordance with the guidelines of theCanadian Council on Animal Care.

    Stimuli and Equipment

    Stimuli were presented on a cathode ray tube monitorat a screen resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels (75 Hz

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  • noninterlaced, 8-bit per channel resolution), with a view-ing angle of 54° horizontally and 44° vertically. The lumi-nance and color properties of the stimuli were measuredusing the Minolta CS-100 photometer (Minolta, Japan).The behavioral paradigms and visual stimuli were underthe control of two Dell 8100 computers running UNIX-based real-time data control and stimulus presentationsystems (Rex 6.1; Hays, Richmond, & Optican, 1982).Eye position was measured using the scleral search coiltechnique (Robinson, 1963). The data were recorded in amultichannel data acquisition system (Plexon, Inc., Dallas,TX). Eye position and event data were digitized at 1 KHz,and action potentials were digitized at 40 kHz.

    Stimuli were circular disks moderately scaled for eccen-tricity defined by a given neuronʼs RF (from 0.5° diameterat eccentricity of 3.9° to 2° diameter at max eccentricity of25°). Stimulus size never exceeded the RF boundary asconfirmed on-line using a RF mapping procedure de-scribed previously (White, Boehnke, Marino, Itti, & Munoz,2009). All stimuli were presented at 6.5 cd/m2 against ablack background (

  • another will activate overlapping populations of neurons.On the basis of the stimulus configuration in our study,the local abrupt-onset appeared well within this range(30° polar angle relative to target; Figure 1E), whereasthe remote abrupt-onset appeared safely outside thisrange (150° polar angle relative to target; Figure 1F).


    During each session, monkeys were seated in a primatechair (Crist Instrument, Hagerstown, MD), in a darkroom, head-restrained facing the video monitor. A tung-sten microelectrode (0.5–5 MΩ, Frederick Haer, ME) waslowered into the SC while monkeys viewed a dynamicvideo. The dynamic video served to engage the monkeyand generate rich visual stimulation that activated neu-rons across the SC, making it easier to locate the dorsalsurface. Neurons were isolated 1–3 mm below this point,which represented the approximate locus of the SCi. Oncea neuron was isolated, the center of its visual RF was deter-mined using a rapid visual stimulation procedure describedpreviously (White et al., 2009). Monkeys then performedthe oculomotor-capture task (Figure 1). Once the monkeyfixated the central stimulus for a fixed duration of 500msec,the four placeholder stimuli appeared for 800–1200 msecduring which monkeys had to maintain central fixation.The target was then revealed via an isoluminant colorchange in all but one item (illustrated by the open circlesin Figure 1A–F), and the fixation point disappeared at thesame time indicating to the monkey to launch a saccadetoward the target for a liquid reward. The abrupt-onset,when present, appeared simultaneously with the iso-luminant color change that defined the target. A rewardwas issued only if the saccade endpoint fell within an in-visible computer controlled window that was small enoughto ensure that the local abrupt-onset did not fall within it.Each trial was followed by a momentary (800 msec) incre-ment in background luminance to prevent dark adaptation.The target appeared with equal probability at any one ofthe four placeholder locations, such that the target orany of the three distractors had an equal probability ofappearing in the RF of the neuron. Also, the local, remote,and no abrupt-onset conditions occurred with equal proba-bility. This resulted in 12 primary conditions (3 Abrupt-onset conditions × 4 Target locations), all of which wererandomly interleaved.


    A saccade was defined as an eye movement that exceededa velocity criterion (35°/sec). Only the first saccade aftertarget appearance was analyzed. SRT was the time fromtarget appearance to saccade onset. Saccades with SRT of500 msec were excluded, which resultedin removal of less than 0.1% of trials across 46 sessions. Asaccade was considered correct if its endpoint fell withinthe computer controlled window surrounding the target

    (described earlier) and was closer to the target in Euclideandistance than any of the other items. Otherwise, the saccadewas considered a direction error. Because there were sofewdirectionerrors (

  • earlier), to the mean SRT for the session. Epochbaseline wasthen defined as a ±10 msec window centered on thispoint. There was no clear suppression associated withthe remote abrupt-onset condition, so Epochbaseline wasused to also make comparisons with this condition.Suppression magnitude was defined as the percentage ofdecrease of the activation level during Epochbaseline forthe local abrupt-onset condition relative to the control.

    Second, for each neuron we estimated the accumula-tion rate (rate of rise) of the goal-related response (seeFigure 5A, H). This was achieved by fitting a least-squaresregression line to the goal-related activation profile over a75-msec epoch and calculating the slope (spks/sec/msec).This was computed for data aligned on target and saccadeonset. For the target-aligned case, this epoch started atthe trough of the transient suppression for a given neuron(defined earlier), which represented the point whereactivation reversed and first began to increase towardthreshold. The 75-msec epoch was partly imposed bythe data because we wanted to ensure that it was less thanthe interval between the suppression trough and saccadeonset, and the trial vectors had to be the same length be-cause they were averaged within a given condition of aneuron. For the saccade-aligned case, this epoch startedat −100 msec relative to saccade onset and then con-tinued for the same duration as the target-aligned case(75 msec), ending just before the interval defining thresh-old. To perform within-neuron correlations betweenaccumulation rate and SRT, we had to obtain an estimateof accumulation rate for each trial. We expected this esti-mate to be less reliable, so for each trial we chose an inter-val starting from the trough of the suppression estimatedearlier to −25 msec relative to saccade onset. Thus, thissize of this interval was often greater than 75 msec andvaried depending on SRT for that trial. Although some-what different from the method used earlier, it yieldedreliable estimates of the trial-by-trial accumulation ratenecessary for within-neuron correlations.

    Finally, we estimated saccade threshold activation bycomputing the average discharge rate over a 10-msec epochfrom 18 to 8 msec before saccade onset (Epochthreshold;see gray bar in Figure 5H). The rationale for this epochwas based on physiological reports that the shortest timea saccade can be influenced by a neuronal signal from theSCi falls within this range (Miyashita & Hikosaka, 1996;Munoz, Waitzman, & Wurtz, 1996). This estimate was alsochosen in light of a similar but slightly earlier estimate forFEF of 20–10 msec before saccade onset (Purcell et al.,2012; Hanes & Schall, 1996).



    Saccade Direction Errors

    For untrained human participants, the oculomotor-capturetask can elicit many saccade direction errors—roughly

    30–40% (Theeuwes et al., 1999). Here, monkeys per-formed comparatively better, most likely because of thehigh degree of training required for monkeys to learn therules of the task. Figure 2A shows the cumulative distri-bution of errors across the 46 sessions for the key condi-tions. Overall, there were less than 12% errors across allsessions. Figure 2B shows the mean percentage of errors(triangles and squares represent the data from monkey Yand Q, respectively). Although monkey Q made visiblyfewer errors than monkey Y, the pattern in the abrupt-onset conditions was the same, so we collapsed the dataand performed a repeated-measures ANOVA across theconditions. The ANOVA revealed a significant differencein Error Rates, F(4, 180) = 4.96, p < .001. Bonferroni-corrected post hoc tests revealed a significantly greaterpercentage of errors directed toward the local (red bars)versus remote (blue bars) abrupt-onset, t(45) = 3.12,p = .003, indicating greater competition from abrupt-onsets that appeared closest to the goal. Also, there weresignificantly more errors directed toward the oppositedistractor relative to the ipsilateral, t(45) = 2.8, p = .007,and contralateral, t(45) = 2.3, p = .02, distractors, butthis was primarily driven by the data obtained from onemonkey (Y).


    The hypotheses outlined in this study emphasize SRT asa key behavioral index of the spatial competition be-tween visual and goal-related signals. We predicted thatthe local abrupt-onset would elicit shorter SRTs, whereasthe remote abrupt-onset would elicit prolonged SRTs. Thebehavioral results were in line with these predictions.Figure 2C shows the cumulative distribution of meanSRTs across the 46 sessions for the key conditions.Figure 2D shows the mean SRTs between these condi-tions (triangles and squares represent the data frommonkey Y and Q, respectively). For both monkeys,the trend was similar, so we collapsed the data and rana repeated-measured ANOVA across the conditions. TheANOVA revealed a significant difference in SRT acrossthe conditions, F(2, 90) = 42.3, p < .001. Bonferronicorrected post hoc tests revealed that SRTs were shorterin the local abrupt-onset condition relative to the noabrupt-onset control condition, t(45) = 6.7, p < .001.This is in line with the hypothesis that the overlappingvisual and goal-related signals associated with this condi-tion were mutually excitatory (Figure 1B), thereby elevat-ing baseline activation closer to saccade threshold. Incontrast, SRTs were prolonged in the remote abrupt-onset condition relative to the no abrupt-onset controlcondition, t(45) = 3.2, p = .002. This is in line with thehypothesis that the nonoverlapping visual and goal-related signals associated with this condition were mutu-ally inhibitory (Figure 1C), thereby suppressing baselineactivation away from saccade threshold. This latter result isalso consistent with human studies on the effect of remote

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  • distractors (McSorley, McCloy, & Lyne, 2012; Bompas &Sumner, 2011; Born & Kerzel, 2011; White, Gegenfurtner,& Kerzel, 2005;Walker, Deubel, Schneider, & Findlay, 1997).

    Neuronal Activation

    Characteristics of the Neuronal Response during theOculomotor-capture Task

    We recorded extracellular single-unit activity from 46visuomotor neurons in the SCi of two monkeys (20 frommonkey Y, 26 from monkey Q) that performed theoculomotor-capture task. Figure 3 shows a single unitexample across the key conditions. First, the onset ofthe array of placeholders produced a characteristic tran-sient visual response because one of the items appearedin the neuronʼs RF (Figure 3A). This was followed by asustained response that gradually ramped up as targetappearance approached (Figure 3B). Most of the neurons(42/46, 91%) showed a significant increase in the meandischarge rate leading up to target appearance ( p <.05, repeated-measures ANOVA across 100-msec intervalsfrom −500 msec to target appearance). This suggeststhat most of the neurons were like the “prelude” or “build-up” type described previously (Munoz & Wurtz, 1995;Glimcher & Sparks, 1992), which are commonly associated

    with target selection (Keller & McPeek, 2002). Once thetarget was revealed, activation quickly increased whenthe target was in the RF of the neuron (Figure 3B) andquickly decreased when a distractor was in the RF of theneuron (Figure 3C). Finally, there was a high-frequencyburst of activation around the time saccades were elicitedin the direction of the RF (Figure 3D).

    Because the target was revealed via an isoluminantcolor change at the nontarget locations, there was nophysical change associated with the target stimulus. Thisallowed us to compare pure modulation of the goal-related response across stimulus conditions as the targetselection process developed. When the target was in theRF and the local abrupt-onset was present (Figure 3B, redline), we observed a transient decrease in discharge rate(essentially a drop in baseline activation highlighted bythe downward arrow) relative to the control condition(black line). This transient decrease was time-locked tothe appearance of the local abrupt-onset because it wasabsent when the data were aligned on saccade onset (Fig-ure 3D, red line). In contrast to our prediction, this isindicative of spatial competition, which suggests thatthe point images associated with the local abrupt-onsetand the goal were nonoverlapping. However, rather thandelay the saccadic response, this momentary suppressionwas followed by a rapid rebound in goal-related activation

    Figure 2. Summary ofbehavior on the oculomotor-capture task. (A and B)Percentage of saccadedirection errors across allsessions. (C and D) SRT forcorrectly directed saccades.Squares and trianglesrepresent the results ofmonkey Q and Y, respectively.Ipsi, contra, and opp D referto the distractor items thatwere ipsilateral, contralateral,or opposite the targetlocation, respectively.

    White et al. 1759

  • (essentially greater accumulation rate highlighted by theupward arrow), which quickly exceeded the other condi-tions, and was associated with shorter target-directed SRTs.

    A similar transient suppression was observed at thedistractor locations (Figure 3C, highlighted by the down-ward arrow). Although the decrease in activation at thedistractor-related sites is characteristic of the selectionprocess, it is notable how sharply the activation droppedand how closely it resembled the suppression at thetarget-related site in the local abrupt-onset condition.Following this transient decrease in the distractor case,we observed a pronounced rebound (highlighted bythe upward arrow) for distractors that were flanked bythe remote abrupt-onset (Figure 3C, blue line). This isindicative of competition from the remote abrupt-onsetand is consistent with the slower SRTs associated withremote distractors (Figure 2C–D; McSorley et al., 2012;Bompas & Sumner, 2011; Born & Kerzel, 2011; Whiteet al., 2005; Walker et al., 1997).

    Figure 4 summarizes the latency and magnitude of thetransient suppression. Suppression latency was definedas the time of the trough of the suppression, and sup-pression magnitude was defined as the percentage ofdecrease relative to the control condition (see Methods).Across the 46 neurons, the suppression latency (median86 msec) occurred reliably after visual response latencies(median 49 msec; Figure 4A). The box and whiskers rep-resent 75% and 99% confidence intervals, respectively. Inthe following sections, we quantify these observationsstatistically.

    Between-condition Comparison of Baseline, Threshold,and Accumulation Rate of the Goal-directed Signal

    The primary aim of this study was to determine how thegoal-related signal is shaped by its spatial proximity to asalient abrupt-onset. To do so, we obtained estimates ofthree important parameters of the goal-related signal

    Figure 3. Characteristics of a single-unit response across stimulus conditions. (A) The visual response evoked from the onset of the array ofhomogenous placeholders. (B) Activation leading up to and following the appearance of the target in the RF of the neuron for each condition(T in = target in the RF). (C) Activation leading up to and following the appearance of the distractor in the RF of the neuron for each condition(D in = distractor in the RF). Only activation associated with the opposite distractor is shown for brevity. (D) Activation leading up to and followingthe saccade into the RF of the neuron for each condition (spike density function in saccade-aligned case truncated to fit within the range of theordinate). The illustrations depict the visual display across conditions, with the upper left item centered in the RF of the neuron.

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  • specified by accumulator models (see Methods): Weestimated differences between conditions in terms of(i) the baseline activation following target appearance(Epochbaseline; Figure 5A), (ii) the accumulation rate (i.e.,rate of rise) of the goal-related signal in both the target-aligned (Figure 5A) and saccade-aligned (Figure 5H) case,and (iii) the saccade threshold activation level (Epochthreshold;Figure 5H).The differences described earlier in the single unit

    were evident in the population averages (Figure 5A, H).Figure 5B, D, and F compared the estimate of the changein baseline (Epochbaseline) between the abrupt-onset andcontrol conditions. In Figure 5B, most of the neurons(87%) fell below the line of unity, indicating lower activa-tion for the local abrupt-onset condition relative to thecontrol condition during Epochbaseline. In contrast, Figure 5Dshowed little difference in activation between the remoteabrupt-onset condition and the control condition duringEpochbaseline. A repeated-measures ANOVA revealed a sig-nificant difference in activation across conditions duringEpochbaseline, F(2, 90) = 31.2, p < .001. Bonferroni cor-rected post hoc tests confirmed that there was signifi-cantly lower activation in the local abrupt-onset conditionrelative to the control condition, t(45) = 6.3, p< .001, butno difference between the remote abrupt-onset conditionrelative to the control condition, t(45) = 1.4, p = .16.These results indicate that only the local abrupt-onsetcondition induced a reliable suppression in baseline acti-vation (Figure 5F).The pattern in terms of accumulation rate was oppo-

    site to the pattern in terms of baseline. Figure 5C, E, andG compared the estimate of accumulation rate betweenthe abrupt-onset and control conditions. In Figure 5C,most of the neurons (83%) fell above the line of unity,indicating greater accumulation rate (i.e., faster rate ofrise) of the goal-related signal for the local abrupt-onsetcondition relative to the control condition. In contrast,Figure 5E showed little difference in accumulation ratebetween the remote abrupt-onset condition and thecontrol condition. A repeated-measures ANOVA revealed

    a significant difference in Accumulation Rate across theconditions, F(2, 90) = 34.0, p < .001. Bonferroni cor-rected post hoc tests confirmed that Accumulation Ratewas significantly greater in the local abrupt-onset condi-tion relative to the control condition, t(45) = 6.2, p <.001, but was not different between the remote abrupt-onset condition and the control condition, t(45) = 0.1,p = .91 (Figure 5G). Taken together, these results indi-cate that although the local abrupt-onset induced a robusttransient decrease in goal-related activation (essentially adrop in the baseline), it was also associated with a reboundthat resulted in a greater accumulation rate of goal-relatedactivation, which induced the shorter SRTs associated withthis condition.

    The same analysis was performed on the data alignedon saccade onset1 (Figure 5H–N). There was a significantdifference in Accumulation Rate across the conditions, F(2,90) = 18.16, p < .001. As in the target-aligned case,Bonferroni corrected post hoc tests confirmed thataccumulation rate was significantly greater in the localabrupt-onset condition relative to the control condition,t(45) = 4.2, p < .001, but was not different between theremote abrupt-onset condition and the control condition,t(45) = 0.4, p = .66 (Figure 5I, K, M).

    Finally, Figure 5J, L, and N compared the estimate ofsaccade threshold activation (Epochthreshold) betweenthe abrupt-onset and control conditions. Figure 5J andL showed approximately the same percentage of neuronsabove or below the line of unity, suggesting little dif-ferences in threshold activation between conditions. Arepeated-measures ANOVA revealed no significant differ-ences in Activation during Epochthreshold across the con-ditions, F(2, 90) = 2.6, p > .05. Thus, differences insaccade threshold cannot adequately account for the dif-ference in SRT between conditions. Rather, it is the dif-ference in accumulation rate that best accounts for thedifferences in SRT associated with the stimulus condi-tions. This is consistent with results obtained previouslyin the FEF (Hanes & Schall, 1996) and the SC (Paré &Hanes, 2003).

    Figure 4. Characteristics of thetransient suppression. (A and B)Cumulative distributions of thelatency and magnitude of thetransient suppression acrossthe 46 SCi neurons. Visualresponse latency (dotted line)is plotted for comparison andwasderived from the visual responsesevoked by the onset of thearray of placeholders at thebeginning of the trial (Figure 3A).The box and whiskers of theboxplots represent the 75%and 99% confidence intervals,respectively. The thick lineat the center of the boxplotsrepresents the median.

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  • Figure 5. Comparison of baseline, threshold, and accumulation rate of the goal-related signal. (A) Normalized population average responses(±SEM ) aligned on target appearance (target in the RF). (B and D) Comparison of activation level during Epochbaseline (estimate of baseline, seeMethods). (C and E) Comparison of accumulation rate of the goal-related signal (target aligned). Squares and triangles represent the data frommonkey Q and Y, respectively. (F and G) Summary of the differences. (H) Normalized population average responses aligned on saccade onset.(I and K) Comparison of the accumulation rate of the goal-related signal (saccade aligned). ( J and L) Comparison of activation level duringEpochthreshold (estimate of threshold). (M and N) Summary of the differences.

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  • Between-condition Comparison ofDistractor-evoked Activation

    Recall in the single unit example (Figure 3C) there wasevidence of an early transient suppression at the oppo-site distractor location, followed by a pronounced re-bound when flanked by a remote abrupt-onset. Herewe quantify these observations across the population.Figure 6A plots normalized distractor-evoked populationaverage responses across the key conditions (oppositedistractor in the RF; target aligned). We observed a smallvisual response (indicated by the arrow in Figure 6A),which was associated with the isoluminant color changethat defined the distractors. This is consistent with iso-luminant color responses in the SC (White et al., 2009).This initial visual response was followed by a fairly dis-tinct dip in activation that coincided closely with the inter-val associated with the transient suppression describedearlier (note the shaded region representing Epochbaselinein Figure 6A). Because distractor-evoked activation shouldnaturally decrease as a result of the target selection pro-cess, we reasoned that an increase in distractor-evokedactivation following Epochbaseline would be consistent withthe idea that the dip represents suppression similar to thatobserved in the target-related case (Figure 5A). We com-

    pared distractor-evoked activation between Epochbaselineand subsequent Epochrebound, defined as the same intervalassociated with the target-related rebound describedearlier (i.e., the 75-msec epoch over which accumulationrate was estimated in Figure 5A). Figure 6B shows meandistractor-evoked activation during Epochbaseline (filledbars) and Epochrebound (unfilled bars) across the keyconditions. We performed a 2 × 3 (Epoch × Abrupt-onsetcondition) repeated-measures ANOVA on the distractor-evoked activation. The ANOVA revealed a main effect ofEpoch, F(1, 45) = 22.08, p < .001, and a significant inter-action, F(2, 90) = 15.63, p < .001. Bonferroni correctedpost hoc comparisons revealed that distractor-evokedactivation was lower during Epochbaseline than the sub-sequent Epochrebound, t(45) = 4.69, p < .001. In addition,the difference was greater in the remote abrupt-onset con-dition (Figure 6C) than the local abrupt-onset condition,t(45) = 4.42, p < .001, or the control condition, t(45) =4.57, p< .001. This result is in alignment with the longerSRTs associated with the remote abrupt-onset condition(Figure 2C, D). The suppression was also observed at ipsi-lateral, but not contralateral, distractor locations (notshown), and when the abrupt-onset was absent. Takentogether, this implies that the suppression occurred atmost locations associated with the common feature de-fining the distractors and abrupt-onsets (i.e., the colorred). This is reminiscent of the type of experience-inducedfeature suppression built up through extensive training(Bichot, Schall, & Thompson, 1996).

    Within-neuron Correlation between Goal-directedAccumulation Rate and SRT

    Our results showed that the shorter average SRT in the localabrupt-onset condition was associated with a greater aver-age accumulation rate of the goal-related signal (Figure 5C,I). To establish that SRT was directly related to the trial-by-trial variation in accumulation rate in our study, we per-formed within-neuron correlations between these twofactors. To do so, we estimated the trial-by-trial accumula-tion rate (see Methods). Figure 7A, C, and E show a singleunit example for the local, remote, and no abrupt-onsetconditions, respectively. Each point represents a singletrial. Across the three conditions, one can see a negativerelationship between accumulation rate and SRT (i.e.,shorter SRT is associated with greater accumulationrate). Figure 7B, D, and F show the distribution of correla-tion coefficients (Spearmanʼs R) across the population of46 SCi neurons (gray bars represent the neurons showinga significant negative correlation, p < .05). Although only30% (14/46, control condition) to 36% (17/46, abrupt-onsetconditions) of neurons showed a statistically significantnegative correlation between accumulation rate and SRT(gray bars), the distributions of correlation coefficientswere reliably shifted leftward across all conditions indi-cating a negative relationship, and this shift was statisti-cally significant ( p < .001 across all conditions, Wilcoxon

    Figure 6. Distractor-related activation. (A) Normalized populationaverage responses (±SEM ) aligned on target appearance (oppositedistractor in the RF; note the illustrations in the inset). The light shadedregion (Epochbaseline) represents the epoch associated with the transientsuppression in Figure 5. The darker shaded region (Epochrebound)represents the interval associated with the target-related rebounddescribed earlier (i.e., the epoch over which accumulation rate wasestimated in Figure 5A). (B) Compares the average distractor-evokedactivation between Epochbaseline (filled bars) and Epochrebound (unfilledbars) across the key conditions. (C) Plots the differences betweenEpochbaseline and Epochrebound, with positive values indicating greateractivation for the latter.

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  • signed-rank test for zero median). It should be noted thatthe R values are not an indicator of the magnitude of theslope of the relationship. These results simply confirm thatSRT was directly related to the trial-by-trial accumulationrate. The slope of this relationship was still greatest inthe local abrupt-onset condition, as seen in the single unitexample (Figure 7A, C, and E) and as shown previously inFigure 5.

    Relationship between the Transient Suppression andGoal-directed Accumulation Rate

    Because the transient suppression was immediately fol-lowed by a rebound that facilitated saccade initiation,

    it raised the question whether the two processes areassociated with a common mechanism. Therefore, weexamined the relationship between the trial-by-trialestimate of accumulation rate (derived earlier) and atrial-by-trial estimate of suppression magnitude. Weestimated the trial-by-trial suppression magnitude bycomputing the percentage decrease of the activationduring Epochbaseline in local abrupt-onset conditionfor each trial from the mean activation level duringEpochbaseline in the control condition. Figure 8A showsthe correlation between the trial-by-trial suppressionmagnitude and accumulation rate for an example neuron.Figure 8B shows the distribution of correlation coeffi-cients (Spearmanʼs R) across the 46 neurons. Although

    Figure 7. Within-neuroncorrelation between goal-related accumulation rateand SRT. (A, C, and E)Spearmanʼs correlationsbetween the trial-by-trialaccumulation rate and SRTfor the local, remote, andno abrupt-onset conditions(R = correlation coefficient,m = slope of the relationship).(B, D, and F) The distributionsof the correlation coefficientsfor the 46 SCi neurons. Graybars represent individualneurons that showed asignificant correlation betweenSRT and accumulation rate.The z and p values in B, D,and F refer to the results ofa Wilcoxon signed-rank testfor zero median for thedistributions of correlationcoefficients.

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  • the relationship was modest, there was a clear trend inthe positive direction with 10/46 (22%) neurons show-ing a significant positive correlation between suppres-sion magnitude and accumulation rate ( p < .05).Also, the distribution of correlation coefficients wasshifted to the right of zero indicating a positive relation-ship, which was statistically significant (z = 3.06, p <.01, Wilcoxon signed-rank test for zero median). Takinga reverse approach, we divided the trials within eachneuron according to the median split in accumulationrate and then measured the magnitude of the suppres-sion in the slower versus faster accumulation rate bins.Figure 8C shows population-averaged spike densityfunctions associated with slower versus faster accumu-lation rate (target in RF, local abrupt-onset condition).Again, faster accumulation rate was associated withgreater suppression magnitude (Figure 8D, z = 3.88,p < .001, Wilcoxon paired-samples test). This confirmsthat at least some of the variation in accumulation rateis related to the earlier suppression. Taken together,these results establish a link between the magnitudeof the transient suppression, the subsequent reboundin accumulation of neuronal activity, and subsequentsaccadic behavior.


    This study utilized the oculomotor-capture task (Theeuweset al., 1999) to explore how the spatial proximity betweencompeting visual and goal-related signals shapes the ac-cumulation of goal-directed activity. The unique aspectof this task was that there was no physical change inthe stimulus defining the target, allowing us to preciselyquantify modulations of the goal-directed response as aresult of competing visual signals. We quantified differ-ences in the goal-directed discharge of SCi neurons interms of three basic parameters of accumulator models:baseline, accumulation rate, and threshold. We pre-dicted that an abrupt-onset near the target would actto boost goal-directed activation (i.e., boost in baseline;Figure 1H) because the excitatory boundaries of theircorresponding point images overlap (Figure 1E). In con-trast, we predicted that an abrupt-onset far from the tar-get would act to suppress goal-directed activation (i.e.,drop in baseline; Figure 1I) because the boundaries oftheir corresponding point images do not overlap (Fig-ure 1F). The behavioral results were in line with thesepredictions: The local abrupt-onset was associated withshorter SRTs, and the remote abrupt-onset was associated

    Figure 8. Within-neuroncorrelation betweensuppression magnitude andaccumulation rate. (A) TheSpearmanʼs correlationbetween the trial-by-trialsuppression magnitude andaccumulation rate for a singleneuron. (B) The distributionof correlation coefficients forthe 46 SCi neurons. Gray barsrepresent individual neuronsthat showed a significantcorrelation betweensuppression magnitude andaccumulation rate. The zand p values in B refer toa Wilcoxon signed-rank testfor zero median for thedistribution. (C) Normalizedpopulation average responses(±SEM ) in which the trialswithin each neuron wereseparated by the mediansplit in accumulation rate(N = 46 neurons, localabrupt-onset condition).Black is associated with thefaster accumulation rate,and gray is associated withthe slower accumulationrate. (D) The suppressionmagnitude associated withthe slower versus fasteraccumulation rate. The z andp values in D refer to aWilcoxon paired-samples test.

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  • with longer SRTs (Figure 2). However, we found that thelocal abrupt-onset was associated with a momentary de-crease in goal-directed activation (i.e., a drop in baseline;Figures 3 and 5). Although this decrease was indicative ofspatial competition, it was immediately followed by a re-bound in activation that resulted in a faster rise-to-threshold,and it was this rebound that produced the shorter SRTsassociated with this condition (Figures 5 and 6).

    Underlying Mechanism

    Under the assumption of distance-dependent excitation/inhibition between point images in the SCi (Marino,Trappenberg, et al., 2012; Trappenberg et al., 2001), theresults suggest that point images associated with the goaland local abrupt-onset did not overlap and were mutuallyinhibitory. One possibility is that point images in the SCiare not fixed but may be shaped (sharpened) by top–down inputs in response to task demands (Schall, Sato,Thompson, Vaughn, & Juan, 2004). For example, thegoal-related point image may become narrower such thatneighboring distractors fall outside the excitatory bound-ary in the inhibitory region and are therefore suppressed.However, such inhibition should delay, not facilitate sac-cade initiation. Moreover, the suppression was observedat most locations that contained the common feature de-fining distractors/abrupt-onsets (i.e., the color red; Fig-ures 3C and 6) but not at other locations (namely, thetarget location in the control and distal abrupt-onset con-ditions; Figures 3B and 5A). This is indicative of a mecha-nism that enabled monkeys to quickly discount stimuli thatshared the common nontarget feature, most likely ac-quired through extensive training with fixed stimulus col-ors. This is reminiscent of the type of experience-inducedfeature suppression of FEF neurons described by Bichotet al. (1996). However, although this may account for thesuppression, it does not account for the subsequent re-bound. Furthermore, the suppression and rebound werenot entirely independent because suppression magnitudewas correlated with accumulation rate (Figure 8). In otherwords, the momentary decrease in goal-directed activationassociated with the local abrupt-onset appeared to sub-sequently boost neuronal excitability, acting to drive activa-tion toward saccade threshold. This pattern is reminiscentof the action of certain types of neuronal ion channels, forexample, T-type calcium channels (Cain & Snutch, 2010;Huguenard, 1996). These channels will inactivate duringsteady depolarization (Isope, Hildebrand, & Snutch,2010), which in our paradigm would occur during presen-tation of the array (Figure 3A), which produces a persistentgoal signal (25% probability) before the target is revealed.Presentation of the local abrupt-onset then momentarilyinhibits the neuron (release of GABA), producing thesuppression response (transient reduction in discharge fre-quency, marked by downward arrow in Figure 3B). Thisinhibitionwould lead to a deinactivation of theT-type calciumchannels (Williams, Toth, Turner, Hughes, & Crunelli, 1997)

    so that theneurons can then respondmore aggressively to thesubsequent incoming excitatory goal signal (post inhibitory re-bound, marked by upward arrow in Figure 3B). This mecha-nism could produce an accelerated accumulation rate andsubsequently shorter SRTs. Such a mechanism relies uponnon-linear cellular processes. Incorporation of such dynamicsmay be important for future biologically plausible models if adirect relationship with oculomotor behavior is established.

    Relation to Human Studies

    Although the oculomotor-capture task was designed to studythe effect of salient stimuli on saccade programming, it is anextension of the attention-capture task (Theeuwes et al.,1999). Human studies have examined neural correlates ofattention-capture during target selection using fMRI andERPs. The capture of visual attention by irrelevant singletonsis associated with enhanced activation over parietal andfrontal regions (de Fockert & Theeuwes, 2012; Talsma,Coe, Munoz, & Theeuwes, 2010; de Fockert et al., 2004)and visual cortex (Mulckhuyse, Belopolsky, Heslenfeld,Talsma, & Theeuwes, 2011). It is also associated with an en-hancement of the N2pc ERP component (Hickey, McDonald,& Theeuwes, 2006), which is related to the deployment ofspatial attention. The general consensus from these studiesis that visual attention is automatically captured by the salientdistractor and is then voluntarily shifted toward the goal,which accounts for the delayed response. These studiessupport the dominant view of a frontal-parietal network inthe control of visual attention. However, a growing numberof influential studies also implicate the evolutionarily olderSC as a crucial substrate in this regard (Zenon & Krauzlis,2012; Lovejoy & Krauzlis, 2010; Ignashchenkova et al., 2004;McPeek & Keller, 2004; Basso & Wurtz, 1997; Kustov &Robinson, 1996). Reasoning by analogy, if the salient task-irrelevant items in our study “captured” visual attention, itwas certainly most associated with the local abrupt-onset(Figures 3 and 5). This would be consistent with theidea that attention was exogenously shifted away fromthe goal toward the local abrupt-onset. However, be-cause of the subsequent rebound, this was associated withshorter, not longer, SRTs. To our knowledge, such non-linear dynamics are not described by existing theories/models of overt or covert selection. Whether this patterndepends on the type of training and experience describedearlier remains to be determined. Highly trained animalswith months of reward feedback could shape the visualattention system in a manner that is not typically seen inhuman studies (Awh, Belopolsky, & Theeuwes, 2012).Future research would benefit from examination of neuralcorrelates of human behavior after extensive training.


    This study reported a simple behavior that was associatedwith a rather complex pattern of neuronal activation notreadily explained by current models of the saccade system.

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  • The results revealed a pattern of excitation/inhibitionacross the SC visuomotor map that acted to facilitate opti-mal behavior in a typically difficult oculomotor task—ashort duration suppression minimized the probability ofcapture by salient distractors,while a subsequent reboundboosted accumulation rate that ensured a fast goal-directedresponse. Such nonlinear dynamics in presaccadic activa-tion should be incorporated into future biologically plausi-ble models.


    The authors thank Ann Lablans, Donald Brien, Sean Hickman,and Mike Lewis for outstanding technical assistance. This projectwas funded by the Human Frontiers Science Program, grantRGP0039-2005-C, the National Science Foundation (CRCNSgrant BCS-0827764), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Re-search grant CNS-90910. D. P. M. was supported by the CanadaResearch Chair Program.

    Reprint requests should be sent to Brian J. White, Centre forNeuroscience Studies, Queenʼs University, Botterell Hall, Rm 245,18 Stuart Street, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 3N6, or via


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