Complete .NET 4 · Difference b/w MVC3 & MVC4 Introduction to RAZOR Page Advantages of MVC4...


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Software Development & Education Center

Complete .NET 4.5

Microsoft.NET Framework 4.5 – Detailed Curriculum

Goal and History of .NET

DNA Architecture

.NET Architecture

Fundamental Architecture of .NET Framework

Common Language Runtime (CLR) Architecture

Just-in-Time (JIT) Compiler

Managed and Unmanaged Code

Garbage Collection


Data Type, Syntax, Loop and Operators

Value Type, Reference Type and Nullable Type

About Heap and Stack Memory

Operators & Keywords

Syntax of C#

Control Structure and Loops

Boxing and Unboxing

Introduction to Array OOPS Concepts and Implementation

Fundamental of OOPS and its Property

Fundamental of Classes and Object

Constructor and Destructor

Type of classes

Method declaration and its type

Method and Constructor Overloading

Property Declaration and Types

Object Creation

Namespace Mechanism Property and Indexer

About Getter and Setter Method of Property

Implementation of Property

Property v/s Indexer

Implement Indexer

Multidimensional Indexer

Indexer Overloading

Indexer Overriding Inheritance

Type of Inheritance

Implementation of Different Inheritance

Method Overloading, Method Hiding and Virtual Function

Using of Base Keyword

Sealed Class and Method

Abstract classes and Methods

Concrete versus abstract classes

Class Access Modifier Interface

Declaration of Interface

Interface versus Abstract class Structure

Declaration of structure

Structure versus Class

Structure and Inheritance

Constructor of Structure


One dim Array

2 dim array

Multi dim array

Jagged Array String and String Builder Class Delegate and Events

Declaring and using Delegate

Type of delegate

Lambda Expression

Exposing Events

About System defined Event

User Defined Event


Overview of Collections

Arrays versus Collections

Different Collection Classes and their Property

Array List

Hash Table

Sorted List

Stack & Queue

Bit Array Generic Collection

Collection Versus Generic Collection

List, Stack, Queue & Dictionary

Linked List

Sorted List

Specialized Collection

Name Value Collection

String Dictionary

Hybrid Dictionary

Bit Vector 32 File Handling

File Class

Dictionary Class

Stream Reader and Stream writer

Binary Reader and Binary Writer

Reading and writing File

Editing File property Exceptions Handling

Error Versus Exception

Exception Classes

Handling Exception

Using Try, Catch, Finally Block

Throw Exception

Nested Try and Catch Block

Define the user defined Exception Class

Catching User defined Exception

Throwing User Defined Exception Assemblies

Need of Assembly?

Feature of Assembly

Creating and Invoking Assembly

Private and Public/Shared Assembly

Single file and Multi file Assembly

Versioning of Assembly

Add and Remove Assembly from GAC



Role of Reflection

Reflection Classes

Assembly Class

Type Class

Getting Assembly information through Reflection

Invoking Method and Property at Runtime Serialization

What is Serialization?

Object Serialization

Serialization Formatter


.Net Remoting Concept

Architecture of .NET Remoting

Designing a .NET Remoting Services

Creating a Remote Object and hosting it

Create and Build Remote Client

Marshaling and its Type

Type of Activation of Object Threading & Synchronization

Multiprogramming, Multitasking & Multi-Processing

Thread Lifecycle

Multithreading Concept

Passing Data to thread

Background Thread

Thread Priority

Deadlock Condition

Thread Synchronization

Lock statement and thread Safety





Thread Pooling

Thread Background Process Extension Method

Anonymous Method

Lambda Expression

Memory Management and Pointer

Garbage Collection

Working of GC

Understanding Heap Management

Type of Heap

Unsafe Code Window Forms and Controls

Understanding Forms and Controls

MDI Forms

Creating User Control

Working with Various Controls

Picture Box

Rich Tex box

Masked text Box


Flow Layout panel

Tool Strip

Menu Strip

Tab Control and More…… Deployment

Simple Deployment

Creating Setup and Deploy Project

Click Once Operation

Setting of Editor

File System Editor

Registry Editor

Lunch Condition Editor

SQL Server- 2008 R2

Introducing SQL Server 2008

What's New in SQL Server?

SQL Server Editions

Installing SQL Server

Basics of Database Design



Introducing SQL Server Management Studio

Creating a Database

Adding Tables

Creating Indexes and Constraints

Building Relations

T-SQL Basics

What is T-SQL?

Syntax Conventions

Introducing AdventureWorks2008

Executing SQL Statements


Creating Data Types, Operators, Variables, Functions

Using T-SQL to Build and Alter Objects

SELECT Queries


Using TOP N and TOP N PERCENT, UNION Queries & Full-Text Search

Action Queries

SELECT / DELETE / TRUNCATE / INSERT / UPDATE / MERGE INTO queries Views, Stored Procedures, and Functions

Using Views

Using Stored Procedures

Using Functions

Advanced Transact-SQL


Rowset / Ranking Functions


Structured Error Handling

XML and SQL Server

XML Columns and Indexes

Querying and Modifying XML Data



Triggers Creating / Altering Triggers

Using the Inserted and Deleted Tables

Recursive and Nested Triggers



About Oledb and Odbc

History of ADO

Overview of ADO.NET

Difference between ADO and ADO.NET

About Providers Architecture of ADO.NET

Connected and Disconnected Mode

Database Specific Class

Connection Class

Command Class

Executing Commands

Working with Data Reader

Calling Stored Procedure

Data Adapter Class Dataset Class

Data Table

Data Relationships

Data Constraints

Updating, Inserting Deleting in Data table

Population Data set From XML

Writing XML Output

Reading XML File

Command Builder Class

Transaction Class

ACID Property of Transaction

Commit and Rollback action with Transaction

Implementation of Save Point

Working with Bulk Data

Data View


ML Schema

Type of Schema

Matching Schema

Action on Missing Schema Connection Mode

Connected Mode

Disconnected Mode

Entity Framework 4.5



Need of Websites

Static and Dynamic Websites

Web Protocol

Difference between asp and

Working of IIS 5 and IIS 6 Introduction to HTML Controls

Simple HTML Pages

Get and Post Methods

Hosting HTML Pages on IIS server Getting Start ASP.NET

HTML Controls versus Controls page Life Cycle page Events pages Structure Option

Http Request and Response Page Directives

Cross Page Posting ASP.Net Server Side Controls



List Box


Multiview Controls

Link Button

Image Button

Check Box

Radio Button

Rich Controls

File Uploader

Ad Rotator

Wizard Control

Validation Server Controls

Understanding Validation

Client Side Versus Server Side Validation Validation Controls

Required Field Validator Control

Range Validator Control

Compare Validator

Regular Expression Validator

Custom Validator

Validation Summary Control

Working With validation Group

Working with web User Controls

Need of User Controls

Creating User Controls

Accessing User Controls on Current Page

Working with Master Pages

Why need of Master Pages?

Master Page Versus Web User Controls

Creating Master Page

Creating Nested Master Page

Accessing Master Page Controls on Page

Programmatically Assign The Master Page

Applying Master Page through Configuration File

Teams -Skins and CSS

Creating CSS

Using CSS on Your Pages

Using ASP.Net Teams

Applying theme on single page

Applying Theme on Entire Application

Understanding Theme when using Master Pages

Crating Skin

CSS Rule

Using CSS in your Theme

Applying theme on page Dynamically

Using of Skin ID in Theme

Applying Controls Skin ID Dynamically

Data Binding Controls

Introduction to data binding controls

Type of Data Binding Controls

Working With Data Bind Controls

Grid View

Data List


Form View, Detail View & List view

Navigation Controls

Site Map

Tree Views

State Management

Need of State Management

Type of State Management (Client Side & Server Side)


Type of Cookies

Non Persistent Cookies

Persistent Cookies

Single Valued Cookies

Multiple Valued Cookies

Merit and Demerit of Cookies

Query String

View State

Hidden Field

Control State

Post Backs and Cross Page Post Back


Understanding Session Object

Creating Session

Different Mode of session

Store session values into SQL server

Implement session through Configuration File Application

Understanding Application

Creating and Clear Application

Using of Global.asax file


Creating Cache

Reading and Writing into cache Caching

Need of Caching

Type of Caching

Output Caching

Partial Page Caching


Http Cache Policy and Client Side Caching

Data Caching

Controlling cache

SQL Server Cache Dependency

Enabling Database for Sql Server Invalidation

Enabling Table for Sql Server Invalidation

Attaching Sql server cache dependency to the Request object

Attaching Sql server cache dependency to the Cache object

Using Web.Config File

Login Controls

Configure Membership provider Page

Using Controls

Login & Login View

Login Status

Password Recovery

Login Name

Create User Wizard

Change Password

Portal Framework and Web Parts

Introduction to Web Parts

Working With Web Page Manager Controls

Zone Layout

Web Part Zone Controls

Create Custom Webpart

Connecting Webpart on Pages

Globalization & Localization

Need of Globalization and localization

Culture and UiCulture

Culture Info Class

Local and Global Resources Web Services

Introduction to web Services

Need of Web services

Working of SOAP Protocol

Different Attributes of Web Services


Publishing and Consuming a web Services


Designing and Implementing Web Pages

Creating simple HTML documents

Adding Hyperlinks to HTML documents

Designing Web pages with Fonts, Colors and Graphics

Adding Tables to HTML documents

Using Frames in HTML documents

Creating Web page forms

Writing Cascading Style Sheets

Creating inline Cascading Style Sheets

Creating embedded Cascading Style Sheets

Creating external Cascading Style Sheets Developing JavaScript Functions

Creating JavaScript functions

Using conditional statements

Using For loops

Using JavaScript Objects and Events Creating XML Documents

Creating Simple XML documents

Working with Elements

Working with Attributes

Processing XML documents with DOM

Creating DTD to Validate XML Documents

Creating Valid Documents

Declaring Document Elements

Working with Attributes Types

Creating Schemas to Validate XML documents

Creating Schemas documents

Working with simple types

Working with complex types

Creating XSLT Style Sheet for formatting data

Displaying data with XSLT

Using XPath functions

Creating and Consuming Web Services

XML Web Service in Visual Studio

Test and Run Your Web Service

Web Service from a .NET Client

Reading and Writing XML Using the XML DOM

Reading and Writing XML Programmatically

Important Classes in the System.Xml Namespace

Create XML Documents

Style and Consistency

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

Themes and Skins

Master Pages & User Controls

AJAX (Asynchronous Java Script)

Understanding AJAX Technology

Building a ASP.NET Page with Ajax

Using Update Panel Control

AJAX Server Controls

AJAX Control Toolkit Downloading and Installation

AJAX Control Toolkit Extenders

Advance .NET 4.5 Framework

LinQ & PLinQ

LINQ Support Features

An overview of language query operators

Extension Methods and IEnumerable

Extension Methods and Anonymous Types

LINQ Query Operators

Developing Query Operators

Categorizing query operators

Language integration of query operators

Implementing Query Operators

Applied LINQ to Objects

Using Query Operators with Objects

Examples of LINQ to Objects

LINQ to Reflection

LINQ to File System

LINQ to Strings

Using LINQ to query the .NET Reflection API.


Introducing the XElement API

Constructing XML fragments with XElement

Axis methods

XML query and aggregation using LINQ to XML and LINQ to Objects

LINQ to SQL as an Object-Relational Mapper

Stored procedures and database functions

Database creation from schema

Constructing a Data Context from embedded XML mapping files.

Transactional work and concurrency control.

Object tracking and identity management.

Inheritance Mapping

Transactional work and concurrency control

Overview of Parallel LINQ

Performance Considerations of LINQ to Objects

An overview of language query operators Crystal Reports


Creating Crystal Report

Creating Sub Report

Adding Data Table with Crystal Report

Crystal Report Formatting

Using Various Formula with Report

Integration of Crystal report with Window and Web forms W.C.F (Windows Communication Foundation)

Introduction to SOA

Introduction to WCF

Web Services versus WCF

Core Concept of ABC in WCF

Creating WCF Services

Hosting WCF Services

Binding WCF Services

W.P.F. (Windows Presentation Foundation)

Introduction to WPF

Architecture of WPF


Crating WPF Simple Application

Working with Brushes, Controls and Layouts

Data Binding with WPF

W.W.F. (Windows Workflow Foundation)

Introduction to WFF

Type of WFF

Workflow Activities

If Activity

Invoked Method Activity

While Activity

Creating Workflow enabled application

Workflow within web Services

SilverLight 5.0

Silverlight v/s Flash

Introduction to Silverlight

RIA Technology

Create simple Silverlight application

Silverlight data binding


Introduction to JQuery

Working with JQuery Inbuilt Functions

MVC4 (Model View Control)

Introduction to Design Patterns

Difference b/w MVC3 & MVC4

Introduction to RAZOR Page

Advantages of MVC4

Creating ASP.NET Web Application using MVC4 Pattern

VS.NET Developer Preview of .NET 4.5

Future Aspects of VS.NET Developer.NET 4.5

Introduction to VS Developer Framework 4.5

IIS 7.5

Architecture of IIS 7.5

Internet Information Service Manager & Security Metro Style

Create your first window store App

Navigation , Layouts and Views

Create a Blog Reader HTML 5 and CSS3

New Tags and Elements

Header and Footer

How to include audio and video

New property in CSS3

CSS3 shadows, gradients and round corners

CSS3 for style, Color and opacity

Microsoft Windows Azure

Course Outline

Module 1: Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has been labeled the next big thing in the computing industry. What exactly is cloud

computing? What are the benefits of cloud computing? Why would my organization and I want to

explore cloud computing? Will it help us solve some of our IT problems? Of what potential issues should

we be aware? This introductory module addresses the what’s and why’s of cloud computing. It also

introduces Microsoft’s Windows Azure cloud computing product. How does the Microsoft solution

compare to other cloud computing platforms? What exactly is Windows Azure?


Define cloud computing.

Learn the benefits of cloud computing.

Understand the different types of cloud computing services.

Explore where computing clouds might exist.

Hear about potential concerns with cloud computing.

Learn where cloud computing can and cannot be applied.

Place Windows Azure in light of general cloud computing.

Know how Windows Azure compares to other cloud environments.

Module 2: Windows Azure Architecture

Several components and technologies make up the Windows Azure Platform. In this module, you get a

glimpse of a Windows Azure. You also explore the components that make up the Windows Azure

Platform. Specifically, you look at the Microsoft data centers and the hardware and software that host

Windows Azure applications and data. You also look at the development environment. What does it take

to produce Windows Azure applications? Finally, you explore the various parts of the Windows Azure

platform to include Windows Azure, SQL Azure and the App Fabric.


See a simple Windows Azure application.

Learn about the Microsoft data centers.

Explore the hardware, servers and virtualization (the Fabric) that host cloud applications and


Understand the role of the Fabric Controller in managing the Windows Azure cloud.

Know the general architecture and components of the Windows Azure Platform.

Understand the tools used to create and deploy Windows Azure services and data stores.

Understand the different types of roles in Windows Azure (Web, worker, VM).

Understand the types of storages provided by the Windows Azure Platform (Azure Storage, SQL

Azure, etc.)

Module 3: Windows Azure Web Roles

In this module you explore the details of Web roles introduced in the last module. Web roles are

essentially Web sites or HTTP services running in the cloud. As part of your exploration of Web roles,

you learn some of the Windows Azure API you can use in roles and about how to configure roles. While

Web roles run in Microsoft data centers, you test and debug them in your local machine using the

Compute Emulator. So, in this module, you also explore details about the Compute Emulator and how to

explore what’s going on in the Compute Emulator as your code executes.


Explore the purpose of Windows Azure Web roles.

Understand how to create Web roles in a cloud service project.

See how to configure a Web role.

Learn how to test Web roles run in the Compute Emulator.

Start exploring the Windows Azure API.

Examine how to build Web roles with multiple Web sites.

Module 4: Local Storage

Most applications use files from the server’s file system for something. Cache, simple reference data,

logging, etc. are all possible uses of files and file space in a “normal” .NET application. Windows Azure

computing instances (Web or worker roles) run on a VM, but share the physical server’s resources. So

how does a Windows Azure application use and access a file system? This chapter covers Windows

Azure local storage. That is how applications can access, to some extent, files in the cloud. This chapter

also covers a number of limitations of using local storage as well as the good and bad uses of local

storage. Additionally, you learn about alternatives to local storage; most notably a product called

Windows Azure Drive.


Examine Windows Azure local storage.

See how local storage differs from normal server file systems.

Learn how to configure local storage.

Understand the limitations of local storage and where/when to use it.

Explore the API to access local storage.

Learn about Windows Azure Drive (formerly X-Drive).

Module 5: Windows Azure Administration

There are multiple administrator roles in Windows Azure. Some administrators are responsible for

paying for the services used in Windows Azure. Other administrators deploy applications and data. Still

other administrators need to manage and maintain the applications and data put in the cloud. This

chapter covers a number of miscellaneous administration tasks and items with regard to Windows

Azure. In addition, this chapter addresses some additional administrative capabilities that don’t always

apply to the development of an Azure application, but may be helpful in the care and management of

Azure applications in general.


Explore the various Windows Azure subscription administrators.

Understand Windows Azure OS Families and Guest OS Versions.

See how to Remote Desktop to a Windows Azure virtual machine.

Learn how to define a startup task for a role.

Module 6: Windows Azure Storage and Queues

Windows Azure Storage provides highly scalable and available data storage to both cloud and on-

premise services. It is not relational database storage. In fact, some types of Windows Azure Storage are

quite different from relational or structured storage. In this module, you explore what Windows Azure

Storage is, why you want to use, and how to access it. Once you have a general understanding of

Windows Azure Storage, you explore in detail the first of three types of Windows Azure Storage; namely

queue storage. Queues provide interoperable message communication between services and are not

unlike what you might have seen if you have used MSMQ or IBM’s MQ Series.


Understand the purpose of Windows Azure Storage.

Learn how to create a Windows Azure Storage account.

Explore Windows Azure Storage costs.

Understand the Storage Emulator, how to use it, and how it is different from Windows Azure


See how to access Windows Azure Storage using both the REST API and the Storage Client


Examine Windows Azure Storage Queues.

Learn how to get messages in and out of Windows Azure Queues.

Module 7: Blob Storage

In this module, you learn about the second of three Windows Azure Storage data storage facilities called

blob storage. Blob storage provides a place to store any type of data (MP3 file, PDF document, flat text,

etc). All instances of the application share this common storage. In fact, the storage can even be

accessed by applications outside of the cloud.


Understand the rationale for using blob storage.Learn about the different types of blobs: block

and page blobs.

Examine blob storage containers and how they are used to organize and control access to blobs.

Explore how to access blob storage with both the Storage Client and REST API.

Module 8: Table Storage

Table storage is the last of Windows Azure Storage data services explored in this class. Table storage

provides structured storage similar, but not the same, as a traditional database may offer. In many ways,

table storage is simpler and more scalable than a traditional database. It also costs less to put data in

table storage than a relational database in the cloud. In this module, you learn how to use Windows

Azure table storage. You also learn how it differs from SQL Azure. You also learn how to use table

storage to implement sessions used by multiple roles.


Explore Windows Azure Storage’s structural data service.

Understand the reason for table storage.

Examine the differences between table storage and traditional relational databases (as

exhibited by SQL Azure).

Learn how to access table storage with both the Storage Client and REST API.

Understand entities as they relate to table storage.

Examine how to save and retrieve entities in table storage.

Module 9: Worker Roles

Web roles exist to serve HTTP content. Worker roles, on the other hand, are processing work horses that

can do just about anything you would like them to do. Generally speaking, worker roles serve as

backend processors. By default, worker roles don’t even have an interface with which to communicate

with them. The standard and accepted means to communicate with worker roles is to have them react

to messages deposited into a Windows Azure Storage queue. In this module, you explore worker roles:

their purpose, how to create and configure them, and how to communicate with them.


Explore the purpose of Windows Azure worker roles.

Understand how to create worker roles in a cloud service project.

See how to configure a worker role.

Learn how to test worker roles run in the Compute Emulator.

Learn how to use Windows Azure Storage queues and messages to communicate with worker


Explore how to setup worker role endpoints.

Learn how to communicate with worker role internal and input endpoints.

Module 10: SQL Azure Introduction

In this module you learn about SQL Azure. SQL Azure is a relational database in the cloud. Use SQL Azure

to support applications in the cloud or on-premise. Use SQL Azure as a backup storage facility. Use SQL

Azure as an easily and quickly provisioned database for prototyping, rapid development, and testing.

SQL Azure is a highly scalable, available relational database maintained and operated by Microsoft yet

familiar to SQL Server users.


Learn what SQL Azure is and why you want to use it.

Understand SQL Azure in comparison to SQL Server and Windows Azure table storage.

Learn how to provision a SQL Azure server and databases.

Examine costs associated with SQL Azure.

See how to use familiar tools and APIs to work in SQL Azure.

Explore how to create and manage database objects in SQL Azure.

Know how to limit SQL Azure access.

Understand options for performing database backups.

See how to migrate data to SQL Azure.

Module 11: Diagnostics

Most developers are accustomed to debugging applications. Debugging in the cloud is a bit more

complex. Most developers are also familiar with the process of collecting various logs to analyze

problems that occur in hardware and software systems. Windows Azure has log files. Unfortunately,

since the hardware and file system of the Windows Azure data center systems are not directly at your

disposal, getting data from the log files requires a little more work. In this optional module, you learn

about the Windows Azure Diagnostic Service. The API provided through this service grants you access to

collect all the log data you would normally desire from your Windows system. The diagnostic service

also provides the means to move that data to Windows Azure Storage so it may be externally accessed.


Learn how to accomplish debugging and logging in Windows Azure.

Examine Windows Azure Diagnostic Service.

Understand the role of the Diagnostic Agent process in the diagnostic service.

Learn how to configure the diagnostic service.

See how to transfer diagnostic data to Windows Azure Storage.

Industry Interface Program


Modular Assignments

Mini Projects

1 Web-based Project

1 Major Project

Domains / Industry

Retail Industry

Banking & Finance



Manufacturing & Production

Web Application Development

Research & Analytics

HR & Consultancy


Consumer Electronics

Event Management Industry


Training & Performance Tracking

Knowledge related to current technology aspects and corporate level deliverable &

Continuous training and assessment to make you industry ready. Throughout the Training

Curriculum Candidate will go through a Scheduled Assessment Process as below:

Continues Assessments

Practical Workshops

Modular Assignments

Case Studies & Analysis

Presentations (Latest Trends & Technologies)

Tech Seminars

Technical Viva

Observing live Models of various projects

Domain Specific Industry Projects

Skills Development Workshop

Communication is something which all of us do from the very first day of our life, yet there

is a question that haunts us most of the time “Did I express myself correctly in such and

such situation?” The answer to this question is really tricky, because in some cases we

leave our signatures and good impression but in some others we even fail to get our idea

clearly. It happens mostly because we don’t know how to act in certain situations. Every

time we fail we don’t lose completely, we do learn something, but prior knowledge of the

same thing could be more beneficial because then we could have turned that failure into


The course / workshop would focus at many aspects of personality, like:

Building positive relationships with peers & seniors

Building self-confidence & Developing clear communication skills

Exploring and working on factors that help or hinder effective interpersonal


Learning impacts of non-verbal behavior & Dealing with difficult situations and

difficult people

Workshops Consists of Following Activities:

Personality Development

Group Discussions & Debates

Seminars & Presentations

Case Studies & Analysis

Corporate Communication Development

HR & Interview Skills

Management Games & Simulations

Aptitude, Logical & Reasoning Assessments & Development