Computacion Primer Grado



planeacion computacion primer grado primaria

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School: Teacher:Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st .Grade Week 23 to 27 August Materials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1 Enviroment: FAMILIAR Y COMUNITARIOSocial Practice (Week's Objective): To recognize, explore, understand daily classroom rules and family connections, besides to listen and say daily greetings and courtesy expressions.


Ss learn how to introduce themselves and interact each others.

Ss Understand and respond, greetings, courtesy and Farewell


Ss Recognize and follow classroom rules.

Ss learn and follow some classroom commands in order they use and

practice English to ask for a permission.

Ss learn grammar structures about the topics seen in class by playing games.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T plays a song, related with greetings to break the ice, then she says Good Morning, My name is Teacher “___ “ and writes on the board this phrase.

T plays Greeting song and encourages the S.s to stand up and

do the actions it requires.Then T. shows them flashcards

with the three different times in a day .

T plays the greeting song , Ss Have to sing and do the actions.

T pastes on the board a chart previously done. (Using drawings

to represent each rule.) .(rise your hand, don’t stand up, don’t eat in the classroom, help each other, respect each other,

don’t shut.)

T plays the greeting song , Ss have to sing and do the actions. Then she writes and draws some classroom rules on the Board in disorder and asks some Ss to

pass to the front and match them.T shows Ss some commands flash cards and says the command, then she asks them to repeat each one. T writes on

the board each command in order to Ss identify the phrases and associate them

with the corresponding drawing.To do (Practice/Application)

T asks the Ss to repeat several times the phrase , ”My name is” while points the phrase on the board and shaking hands to Ss, and encourages them to

do the same action between them

T asks the Ss to repeat Good morning , afternoon and night by

showing them Flash Cards.

T makes the Ss repeat each rule several times and then she gives Ss work sheets with the different rule drawings and asks them to

color and paste them on the wall around the classroom.

T puts in pairs Ss and gives each team one piece of sheet with a written

command, then asks them to draw and color it, after that, they have to paste

them on the wall around the classroom.

To Be (Assessment)T pastes each Ss a tag while she asks

one by one “What is your name?” and Ss have to say: My name is___, T

should help them with the pronunciation.

T shows the flash cards in different order, and encourage them to say the correct word, to check their

understanding, then she gives the Ss a handout, Ss have to match the

drawing with the word.

T gives the Ss a work sheet , Ss have to match the rule with the

drawing to represent it.

T asks some Ss come to the front and act a scene where they have to use a

command, then the group have to say what of the commands do they have to use. Raising their hands to participate.

Homework T gives the Ss a handout with draws related to the subject and asks them to

color it and practice this phrases with their parents.

T asks Ss to practice the greeting at home

T asks Ss to draw their favorite classroom rule.

T asks Ss To draw and color their favorite classroom rule.

Ss have to practice the phrases at home

with their family.



________________________________ ________________________________A.T.P. DIRECTOR(A)



School: FRANCISCO GONZALEZ BOCANEGRA CICLO 2015-2016 Teacher: JOSE ANTONIO LARIOSCycle: 1 Grade 1 st .Grade Week 05 to 09 October Materials: Board, handout,

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: FAMILIAR AND COMMUNITY

Social Practice (Week's Objective): To recognize, explore, understand daily classroom rules and family connections, besides to listen and say daily greetings and courtesy expressions.


Ss have to identify and recognize colors to use in daily expressions.

Ss identify classroom items in order to use simple present tense.

Ss have to learn, recognize and identify shapes by exploring their classroom items.

Ss have to learn numbers 1 to 10, and be able to count objects in their environment.

Ss practice , reinforce and explore with their acquire knowledge through the week.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T asks Ss to take out their red and yellow color, then she plays the color

song (page 2 back pack book), and showing the right color according to

the song is mentioning.T holds up color flashcards,(red, yellow

blue , green, pink, white , brown, purple, orange, black, gray) and makes

them to repeat several times each color.

T writes on the board What color is it? And read it to them encourage them to

repeat after her/him

T plays the color song and encourages Ss to sing it and show

some objects the song is mentioning.

T shows the target language by showing flashcards and motivates them to repeat several times while

T checks their pronunciation.T writes on board What is it? And It

is a___, and read them to Ss, making them to repeat.

T asks the Ss to show the classroom item she says, to activate Ss to start the class.T draws a circle, a square , a triangle and a rectangle on to the board using different color markers, then she writes its name under each shape, after that T encourage Ss. to repeat and trace an imaginary shape in the air, while she checks their pronunciation.T plays a shape song and encourage the Ss to sing along while T is pretending to draw a shape in the air.

T plays a number song making them to dance.T writes numbers and its names from 1 to 10 on the board and represent them with drawings.T motivate the Ss to repeat each one while she is pointing them.T plays again number song and encourage them to sing along.

Colors, classroom objects , shapes and numbers vocabulary they have already known.

To do (Practice/Application) T asks the Ss. to shows her classroom objects of the color she says. After that T gives them a work sheet for them to

T asks Ss to open their books and work with the exercise related to

the theme, then gives them a work

T asks to Ss to look around the classroom find and point some shapes in the classroom items

T asks the Ss to open their backpack books and work on page 5 by tracing the numbers, counting and matching

T brings a big dice previously made at home, with an item

color she says.

sheet, they have to color and rewrite the classroom items name

in order to participate in the literacy of the school project.

they can see. E.g. T. says: Find a circle! .T works with Ss on page 4 in their backpack books.

the items to the numbers.

of the topics seen in class pasted on each side.Ss should toss it and depending of the side , they have to say what they see.Optionally, back pack page 11 or 13.

To Be (Assessment) T puts Ss in pairs to interact and practice what they have learned.

They have to show an object and ask their pair What color is it? And the

other one, has to answer.

T encourages Ss to participate in front of the class and say to their classmates what classroom items

they have in their backpacks.

T asks Ss to open their notebooks and draw the shape she says. Ss have to identify the word and draw the shape. T can checks understanding.

T puts Ss in pairs and asks them to count their books, notebooks, pencils,

sharpeners, scissors and erasers. To practice and interact, while she

monitors them.Homework T gives the Ss a handout with the colors

name on it, and asks Ss to get some cuts out from a magazine of different colors and then paste them on right

color name.

T asks the Ss to practice at home what they have learned by saying the new target language to their


Cut and paste their favorite shape on their notebooks and ask their family for help.

T gives the Ss a hand out with the numbers on it, and asks them to cut and paste objects according to the number.

T asks Ss to count in English the things they have at home in order to practice the numbers.



________________________________ ________________________________ASESOR: JOSE ANTONIO LARIOS




School: Teacher:

Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st .Grade Week 06 to 10 SeptemberMaterials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: FAMILIAR Y COMUNITARIO

Social Practice (Week's Objective): To recognize, explore, understand daily classroom rules and family connections, besides to listen and say daily greetings and courtesy expressions.



Day's Objective

Ss have to learn about family connection in order to express and

communicate in a family environment.

Ss have to identify and associate the rooms in a house with their

own homes, in order to know more about their family environment in

other language.

Ss have to understand questions about family and house, and learn the relation between them.

Ss have to know and familiarize with the alphabet, and know about the differences between the native alphabet and the second language.

Ss have to practice what they have learned during the week, using grammar structures.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T plays a song or say a chant. related to the topic, and make Ss listen and do

some actions like using their fingers to relate each family member.(warm up),

T displays a big family tree on the board (you can use real pictures of your

own family ) and talks about it, emphasizing family members using

names and encouraging Ss to repeat and talk about their family members.

T asks some Ss pass to the front and show their family picture to the class and talk about their own family.T displays a poster of a house and its rooms, then talks about it, mentioning each room, she/he has to associate with an object that belongs to each one. E.g. kitchen/stove.T makes Ss repeat the target vocabulary after her/him, and asks them some yes no questions about it.

T sings a song related to the topic and encourage the Ss to sing along .T asks Ss open their backpack book on page 16 and asks them to say what do they see, then she writes on the board “ WHO IS IN THE BEDROOM?”, and read it aloud for Ss making Ss repeat .

T plays or sings the alphabet song encouraging Ss to repeat the song.

T writes Alphabet on the board using capital and lower case letters.(use different color markers to write it)

T say letter by letter aloud and make the Ss repeat several times.

Optional : use the phonetic exercises the teacher edition book propose and page 17of student book .

To do (Practice/Application) T asks Ss open their Backpack books on pages 14 and 15 , T. asks them What do you see in the picture, help them using questions as Is this a Family? Yes or no, etc., and then play de audio CD for them to listen and repeat several

T gives the Ss a drawing of a house, they have to color it and trace the dotted words next to each room.

T plays the audio CD, of the same page, and have the Ss listen , point and say. After that, asks some questions using the structure previously seen, above, Ss have to answer them.

T gives the Ss a set of drawings that represent each letter, then writes it on

the board and draw the picture that corresponds to each letter in order Ss to copy the letter on their notebooks and

paste the drawing .

times while pointing each picture.To Be (Assessment) T asks them to copy from the board the

phrase “This is my FAMILY” and then motivate them to draw and color their

own family.

T asks Ss draw their dream House, and talk about it in front of the

class or with pairs.

T asks the Ss open their books on page 18 and work with this activity to check their comprehension.

Students identify letters of their own names and talk about it in the class.

Homework T asks Ss to bring a family picture in order to identify each family member

next day in class.

T asks Ss cut from a magazine another kinds of houses and paste

them on their notebooks.T asks them to practice the new vocabulary at their homes. T asks Ss to practice alphabet at home.



________________________________ ________________________________A.T.P. DIRECTOR(A)



School: Teacher:

Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st .Grade Week 13 to 17 SeptemberMaterials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: FAMILIAR AND COMMUNITY

Social Practice (Week's Objective): To recognize, explore, understand daily classroom rules, and family connections, besides to listen and say daily greetings and courtesy expressions.


Ss have to know about how are their bodies built and realize their specific

features between them and their families.

Ss have to related body parts with the previous knowledge

Ss have to learn when they can use grammar structures THERE IS / THERE ARE to be able to enhance their communicative skills.

Ss has to learn the usage of the adjectives happy and sad in order to express their feelings and to use the simple present tense.

Ss have to practice what they have learned during the week, using grammar structures.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T plays the body song and makes students touch each body part while

they are singing it.T displays a poster about parts of the body, then says and points each part,

making Ss repeat and touch themselves too.

T plays the body parts song and make Ss sing and do the actions.

T Shows them body parts flashcards and says the word, Ss

have to repeat several times.T shows them the flashcards again and they have to say the word by


T display an alphabet chart on the board and plays the alphabet song for Ss to singT Writes on the board:”THERE IS” and “THERE ARE” and explains the usage of it. T. asks them to repeat this structures and check their pronunciation.T writes some examples on the board and encourages and helps Ss to participate making up some examples.

T plays the song “ If you’re happy and your know it clap your hands” to engage Ss to the topic.T shows Students some flashcards of people happy and sad while she says the adjective word.T make some gestures to express happiness or sadness and invite the students to imitate her/him.T makes Ss repeat several times this two adjectives.

Use There is, There are, I am, I see, what color is it?, what is it?, numbers,

To do (Practice/Application) T asks Ss to open their books on page 26 , and she plays the CD, Ss, have listen , point and repeat what they hear.T asks the Ss to point to an example of it in the big picture.T gives Ss a drawing of a body with its

T gives the Ss a work sheet with a monster printed on it and asks

them to color the body part she / he says using the color she / he

says too.e.g. Color its hands green. And so


T asks Ss to open their backpack books on page 29 and work on exercise 6. T asks Ss count the shapes and say the sentences using there is/are.T asks Ss look around the

T asks the group to make a happy or sad face when she says I am happy, or I am

sad.T asks the Ss to draw and color a happy face and a sad face on their notebooks

and then write each adjective down them.

names written on it., then tells them to color and trace the dotted words.

classroom and make sentences using the structures and classroom objects to participate. Help them giving an example.

To Be (Assessment)

T puts Ss in pairs and asks them to touch his/her friend body part she say.

T asks Ss open their books on page 28 and do together the activity in order to check understanding and


T forms teams of five Ss and give each team a handout with some classroom objects , shapes , body parts drawn on it, in a sort of quantities. Each team should make sentences using There is or are depending on the item. T walks around the class and monitors the teams listening their participations.

T forms teams of five Ss and gives them a magazine, Ss have to looking for

happy faces and sad faces, and paste them in a cardboard as a project.

Homework T asks them to cut form a magazine parts of the body and paste them on

their notebook.T gives Ss a worksheet to do at

home Ss.Ss have to write two sentences using there is and there are.

T asks students to practice at home this adjectives seen in class to enhance their opportunity to use the language.



________________________________ ________________________________A.T.P. DIRECTOR(A)



School: Teacher:

Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st .Grade Week 20 to 25 SeptemberMaterials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: LEISURE AND LITERARY

Social Practice (Week's Objective): To explore rhymes and stories in order be able to participate in oral expressions besides to get the student approach with the literature through the participation in the reading and writing . learn how to predict themes according their previous knowledge.


Ss have to learn when they can use grammar structures THERE IS / THERE ARE to be able to enhance their communicative skills.

Ss has to learn the usage of the adjectives happy and sad in order to express their feelings and to use the simple present tense.

Ss have to learn how to make predictions by observing pictures, and an approach to the literacy. Besides to listen and read for enjoyment.

Student builds a mask in order to identify body parts and develop their oral skills and interact each other.

Ss have to practice what they have learned during the week, using grammar structures.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation) T display an alphabet chart on the

board and plays the alphabet song for Ss to singT Writes on the board:”THERE IS” and “THERE ARE” and explains the usage of it. T asks them to repeat this structures and check their pronunciation.T writes some examples on the board and encourages and helps Ss to participate making up some examples.

T plays the song “ If you’re happy and your know it clap your hands” to engage Ss to the topic.T shows Students some flashcards of people happy and sad while she says the adjective word.T make some gestures to express happiness or sadness and invite the students to imitate her/him.T makes Ss repeat several times this two adjectives.

T begin the class hiding a puppet behind the desk, and then she asks Ss where it is? And mention word “hide” T present a vocabulary to the students, helping herself /himself by using gestures.(love)

T asks some Ss hide into the classroom, while others wait for them

out side the classroom, then every body get in and guess where the

others are.

T uses the enrichment activities of the back pack book to develop Students pronunciation and phonetic sounds.

,To do (Practice/Application) T asks Ss to open their backpack books

on page 29 and work on exercise 6. T asks Ss count the shapes and say the sentences using there is/are.T asks Ss look around the classroom and make sentences using the structures and classroom objects to participate. Help them giving an example.

T asks the group to make a happy or sad face when she says I am

happy, or I am sad.T asks the Ss. to draw and color a happy face and a sad face on their

notebooks and then write each adjective down them.

T asks Ss to open their books on the little book page, and asks

them to look at it, then she/he asks them what do they see, and

what do they think is about (predicting). After that teacher

reads the lesson in loud voice to the Ss. and then asks Ss. read


T writes and draws on bb. What material they are going to use, and

talks about body parts, asks Ss point each body part then, T draws each part on the board in order to Ss. recognize

and associate them.T makes Ss to cut the masks on their books and build it up. While she /he

monitors them

Use There is, There are, I am, I see, what color is it?, what is it?, numbers

To Be (Assessment) T forms teams of five Ss and give each team a handout with some classroom objects, shapes, body parts drawn on it, in a sort of quantities. Each team should make sentences using There is or are depending on the item. T walks around the class and monitors the teams listening their participations.

T forms teams of five Ss and gives them a magazine, Ss have to

looking for happy faces and sad faces, and paste them in a

cardboard as a project.

T comments about the story with the students and make questions

about the reading to check understanding.

T plays the CD. In order students listen and learn pronunciation rhythm and intonation, to help

them develop oral, reading skills.

T and Ss put on their masks and talk about the body parts and make

questions about it. Using colors in their descriptions.


Ss have to write two sentences using there is and there are.

T asks students to practice at home these adjectives seen in class to enhance their opportunity to use the language.

T asks the Ss try to read the story to their parents and tell them what is it about and show them what are the words they learn and already know in English pointing them in the images. T asks Ss to bring a paper plate to make a mask next day.

To practice at home with their parents, encourage them show their parents

how much did they learn.Comments


________________________________ ________________________________A.T.P. DIRECTOR(A)



School: Teacher:

Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st .GradeWeek: September 27th to October 1st.

Materials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: LEISURE AND LITERATY

Social Practice (Week's Objective): Social Practice (Week's Objective): To explore rhymes and stories in order be able to participate in oral expressions besides to get the student approach with the literature through the participation in the reading and writing . learn how to predict themes according their previous knowledge


Ss have to make a rhyme about a clown on page 30 of backpack book, in order

to learn how detect words in verse. (literary purpose)

Ss have to be able to identify words that have the same sound and learn how to form a rhyme.

Ss have to demonstrate knowledge of unit targets by playing games.

Ss have to develop their reading and listening skills by reading a short story and develop a love for reading.

Ss have to practice what they have learned during the week, using grammar structures

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T writes on board this rhyme:

I have ten tiny fingers,

Ten tiny toes,

Two eyes two ears,

And a little nose,

My hands are clean and ready

To clap form three to four;

My feet are waiting for a chance,

To walk upon the floor.

(write the last words in another color

and circle the endings to high light the

words that rhyme) T talks about what

a rhyme is compose, and explains

about the words sounds and endings.

T has to be prepared with a short rhyme about the clown on page 30

of their back pack books.T plays the body song in order Ss

get involve with the subject.( warm up)

T writes on board the words that rhyme in their done verse; in order Ss know their pronunciation, sound

and meaning.

T makes Ss stands up andtouch the body part she says. As a warm up.T displays an image that shows a girl smelling a flower and asks them what part of the body is she using to smell a flower. T helps them touching his/her nose.T points the other parts of the body in the picture and asks them what part is it?

T plays the body song and encourages Ss to dance and sing along.T makes an introduction about the stories, and makes them questions like Do you like stories? While she shows them a story book, mentioning them the little book they have already read in their backpack books

T uses enrichment activities in the book to improve their pronunciation and get familiar with the grammar structures.Use the background knowledge.

To do (Practice/Application) T makes Ss repeat the rhyme she wrote before on bb. And check their pronunciation and intonation.

T display a poster with the rhyme written without the words that

rhyme, letting them try to

T asks Ss to open their backpack books on page 37, and look at the picture on it, then explain the

T sits Ss around her/him forming a middle circle, then shows the story book, (try to

choose a little story, which be appropriated

T writes some two columns of words that rhyme each other, and read them to Ss Then asks them what word do they think could match, while she draws a line to give then an example.

accommodate the words on it.

game procedures.T form teams and ask them to play the game while she monitors them.

for the kids of this age), reads the title, and makes them to repeat it and motivate them

to make predictions of what they think is the story about.

T reads the story to Ss and shows the images it has on it, don’t forget to use

gestures and mimic to help the Ss understand, some words. Let them question if they want, and motivates them to guess

some words meaning.To Be (Assessment)

T asks volunteers to participate matching the words with the same

sound on bb.

T gives Ss a hand out with the rhyme on it, and asks them to

complete it with the rhyme words, as in the bb. And read it together, making them repeat several times.

T checks team by team their interaction, knowledge and oral skills.

T reads again the story and makes Ss repeat after her.

T asks questions about the reading to checks Ss comprehension and uses their

background vocabulary in your questions.


T asks Ss to do the activity of page 30 of their back pack books, they have to cut

and paste the missing parts to the clown.

T gives Ss another hand out with another short rhyme, where they have to complete it.Write the rhyme words in disorder on it, and draw a picture of the meaning to help them to understand. No homework.

Talk to their parents about the story and tells them words they know in English.



________________________________ ________________________________A.T.P. DIRECTOR(A)



School: Teacher:

Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st .Grade Week OCTOBER 4th to 8 thMaterials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: LEISURE AND LITERARY

Social Practice (Week's Objective): To explore rhymes and stories in order be able to participate in oral expressions besides to get the student approach with the literature through the participation in the reading and writing . learn how to predict themes according their previous knowledge


Makes Ss practice numbers by playing games.

Ss learn the difference between nouns and verbs.

Ss make an Action Pictionary in order to associate the words with their meanings doing a drawing.

Ss make an Action Pictionary in order to associate the words with their meanings doing a drawing

Ss reinforces their knowledge and practice a test a multiple choice format.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T asks Ss. stand up and says a number, then they have to jump the times of the

number she said. (warm up)T writes on board the numbers 1 to 10

And makes them count while she is writing them. T points the number in

random and asks S.s say each one

T asks students do the actions she mentions then she says stand up, helping them doing mimics, then

she says sit down and jump up and jump down, several times.

T shows S.s action flashcards of verbs they have already seen in class like eat, drink, jump, talk, listen, look, open, close, write,

play, sing, read, repeat, show, see, point, say, count, come, paste, cut, go, like) and encourages them to say the word if they remember it.

Then T says the word and makes Ss repeat and do the action.

T explains Ss difference between verbs and nouns.

T shows Ss action flashcards and asks them to say and do the action. T displays a poster with the action words they have already seen ( Or draw on bb) For them to visualize the words.

T says the action word to the Ss and they have to do the action with mimic.

T shows the Ss their own Pictionary cards and say the word to students

repeat them.,T. displays a poster again, with the action words they have already seen ( Or draw on bb) For them to visualize the words.

T plays “Simon says” e.g. Simon says show me a red color, Simon says, jump up,Simon Says open your book, etc.Teacher explains Ss the instructions to do a Test . ( Test should be of multiple choice , use drawings, they have to listen and circle, color and cross out).T do and example on board for them to understand the procedures.

To do (Practice/Application) T puts Ss on teams and gives them a dice, after that explains them the game’s procedures by rolling the dice and saying the number, adding language like classroom objects, e.g. I see three pencils.

T plays with Ss showing the flashcards and makes them to do

the action by themselves.

T gives each student a card with the verb written on it, then she asks them to make a drawing according the action word they got and color it.

T gives each student more cards with the verb written on it, and then she asks them to make a drawing according the

action word they got.

T gives each Ss the Test and monitors them.

To Be (Assessment)Ss talk about what do they see in the Students say the action word and Ss show their card made to the Students interchange their cards and

classroom using numbers. E.g. I see ten books in the classroom. do the action in front of the group. group and say the noun.

interact each other and guess the action when they see their mate drawing, and

associate the word.Homework

T asks Ss practice numbers at home. Draw their favorite action.Practice at home what they have learned.

T asks Ss cut out from magazines the action pictures they saw in class and

paste them on their notebooks. Let them rest.Comments


________________________________ ________________________________



School: Teacher:

Cycle: 1 Grade 1 st. Grade Week: OCTOBER 11th. To 15th.Materials: Board, handout, CD player, CD

Block: 1 (Unit): 1Enviroment: LEISURE AND LITERARY

Social Practice (Week's Objective): To explore rhymes and stories in order be able to participate in oral expressions besides to get the student approach with the literature through the participation in the reading and writing. Learn how to predict themes according their previous knowledge


Ss have to know about a foreign culture and be respectful of their costumes.

Ss have to find word that rhymes on a rhyme and identify changes in


Ss make a Pictionary in order to associate the words with their meanings doing a drawing.

Ss have to explore the writing of a rhyme with visual recourses (flashcards they made before) and teacher giddiness

Ss Practice grammar and pronunciation words (phonetic) in order to improve their target language.

To know (Warm up/ Presentation)

T shows students the Mexican and United Sates flags, and talk about them

and their meaning in a country.Such the differences between each language and our vicinity to get Ss.

involved with the topic.

T writes and draws the vocabulary they are going to use in the rhyme.

And makes students repeat it several times

T makes them to remember about rhymes.

T shows Ss vocabulary of block 1 flashcards and asks them to say what is it? An make some yes / no questions like: Is it a pencil?, is it blue? etc. T displays a poster with the action words they have already seen (Or draw on bb) For them to visualize the words.

T makes teams and gives them 5 flashcards; two of them have the same sound or ending. Each team have to find them, gives them 10 minutes to do it, then asks them come to the front and say the word to the group while you are writing them on board.When you have finish.

T uses enrichments notes of backpack book.Some exercises using there is , there are, Yes /No questions, practice vocabulary, T checks pronunciation, practice short sentences, use verbs, etc.

To do (Practice/Application)

T gives each student a work sheet with both flags drawing on it and asks them to color them.

T writes a rhyme on the board and gives them a hand out with a

written rhyme. Then T. reads the rhyme for them and makes them

to repeat.T asks Ss circle the word that


T gives each student a card with the nouns written on it, then she asks them to make a drawing according the action word they got and color it.

T says Ss they are going to do a short rhyme with the words they got. And

helping them to have sense. ( you can have a rhyme written in ahead with

those words).

One, two threeBirds on a treeFour , five , six

With yellow beaksSeven , eight, nine ,ten

Now let me watch them.To Be (Assessment)

Students talk about the colors on each flag.

T asks students to clap when they hear the word that rhyme.

Ss show their card made to the group and say the verb.

Teacher asks Students to write their rhyme on their notebooks.


Talk about what the saw in class with their parents.

T asks Ss to ask for help to their parents to find 2 words that

rhyme.T asks Ss to practice at home what they have learned.

Ss talk about their rhyme with their family.

T asks Students to bring a magazine.



________________________________ ________________________________A.T.P. DIRECTOR(A)