Computer integrated manufacturing cell


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Computer Integrated Manufacturing Cell

A thesis submitted to the

Faculty of the Mechanical Engineering Technology Program

of the University of Cincinnati

in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Science

in Mechanical Engineering Technology

at the College of Engineering & Applied Science




Bachelor of Science University of Cincinnati

May 2012

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Janet Dong

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Computer Integrated Manufacturing Cell University of Cincinnati R Hayden, C Haun CEAS 2012

Table of Contents Background & Problem Statement ............................................................................................................. 6

Customer Interview .................................................................................................................................... 6

Customer Features...................................................................................................................................... 7

Product Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 8

Research ..................................................................................................................................................... 9

Robotic Rails ........................................................................................................................................... 9

Linear Motion ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Stock Feeders ........................................................................................................................................ 13

Control Platforms .................................................................................................................................. 15

Robotic Rail Design ................................................................................................................................... 18

Design Alternatives – Rail Profile Structure .......................................................................................... 18

Design Alternatives – Rail Linear Motion .............................................................................................. 19

Design Selection – Robotic Rail ............................................................................................................. 20

Design Analysis – Robotic Rail ............................................................................................................... 21

Loading Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 21

Material Selection & Justification ......................................................................................................... 23

Stress Analysis ....................................................................................................................................... 23

Factors of Safety ................................................................................................................................... 24

Profile Linear Guide Rail Selection & Justification ................................................................................. 24

Gearing Selection & Justification .......................................................................................................... 25

Servo Motor & Gear Reducer Selection ................................................................................................ 26

Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 26

Stock Feeder Design .................................................................................................................................. 28

Design Alternatives – Stock Feeder ....................................................................................................... 28

Design Selection – Stock Feeder ........................................................................................................... 30

Final Design Discussion and Justifications – Stock Feeder .................................................................... 31

Calculations ........................................................................................................................................... 32

Stock Control Cylinder Justification....................................................................................................... 34

Material Justification ............................................................................................................................ 35

Pressure Sensor Justification ................................................................................................................ 36

Robotic End Effecter Design ...................................................................................................................... 37

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Design Alternatives – Gripper Finger .................................................................................................... 38

Design Selection – Gripper Finger ......................................................................................................... 39

Material Selection & Justification ......................................................................................................... 40

Calculations – Gripper Force ................................................................................................................. 40

Stress Analysis – Gripper Finger ............................................................................................................ 42

Safety Factor – Gripper Finger .............................................................................................................. 42

Payload Proof – End Effecter Assembly ................................................................................................ 43

Door Automation Design .......................................................................................................................... 44

Design Alternatives – Mill Door Automation ........................................................................................ 45

Design Selection – Mill Door Automation ............................................................................................. 47

Final Design Discussion and Justifications – Mill Door Automation ...................................................... 48

Calculations – Mill Door Automation .................................................................................................... 48

Door Bracket Material Justification....................................................................................................... 49

Additional CIM Cell Mechanisms .............................................................................................................. 50

Conveyor Assembly ............................................................................................................................... 50

Pneumatic Mill Vise .............................................................................................................................. 51

Motion Assembly .................................................................................................................................. 51

Controller Mount .................................................................................................................................. 53

Final Cell Assembly ................................................................................................................................... 54

System Control.......................................................................................................................................... 55

Acramatic 2100 CNC Controller ............................................................................................................ 55

Motoman NXC100 Robot Controller ..................................................................................................... 56

Omron PLC ............................................................................................................................................ 58

Fabrication & Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 60

Partnerships .......................................................................................................................................... 60

Processes & Fixturing ............................................................................................................................ 60

Testing & Results ...................................................................................................................................... 63

Engineering Deliverables....................................................................................................................... 63

Learning Potential ................................................................................................................................. 70

Project Management ................................................................................................................................ 74

Scheduling............................................................................................................................................. 74

Budget................................................................................................................................................... 75

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Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 76

Works Cited .............................................................................................................................................. 77

Appendix A: Technical Drawing Package................................................................................................... 78

Appendix B: Stress Analysis Reports ......................................................................................................... 83

Appendix C: List of Inputs & Outputs ........................................................................................................ 84

Appendix D: Wiring Lengths & Connections ............................................................................................. 85

Appendix E: Master Purchase Order List ................................................................................................... 86

Appendix F: Detailed Project Schedule ..................................................................................................... 92

Appendix G: HMI Controller Screens ........................................................................................................ 93

Appendix H: PLC Logic ............................................................................................................................. 101

Figure 1 - Robotic Rail Model .................................................................................................................... 21

Figure 2 - Payload Force ............................................................................................................................ 22

Figure 3 - S Axis Torque ............................................................................................................................. 22

Figure 4 - L Axis Torque ............................................................................................................................. 23

Figure 5 - S Axis Von Mises Stress ............................................................................................................. 24

Figure 6 - Rail Profile Model ...................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 7 - Stock Feeder Final Design ......................................................................................................... 31

Figure 8 - 80 Degree FBD .......................................................................................................................... 32

Figure 9 - 45 Degree FBD .......................................................................................................................... 32

Figure 10 - 10 Degree FBD ........................................................................................................................ 33

Figure 11 - Cylinder FBD ............................................................................................................................ 33

Figure 12 - Time FBD ................................................................................................................................. 34

Figure 13 - Displacement Analysis of Stock Control Cylinder .................................................................... 35

Figure 14 - Schunk KGG 140 Pneumatic Module ....................................................................................... 37

Figure 15 - End Effecter Assembly Model ................................................................................................. 40

Figure 16 - Gripper/Workpiece FBD .......................................................................................................... 41

Figure 17 - Von Mises Stress of Gripper Finger ......................................................................................... 42

Figure 18 - Lathe Door Automation Final Design ...................................................................................... 44

Figure 19 - Mill Door Automation Final Design ......................................................................................... 48

Figure 20 - Von Mises Stress of Door Bracket ........................................................................................... 49

Figure 21 – Conveyor Final Design ............................................................................................................ 50

Figure 22 - Mill Vise Assembly Model ....................................................................................................... 51

Figure 23 – Motion Final Design ............................................................................................................... 52

Figure 24 - Controller Mount Assembly Model ......................................................................................... 53

Figure 25 - CIM Cell Assembly Model........................................................................................................ 54

Figure 26 - CNC Mill Controller Interface .................................................................................................. 55

Figure 27 - CNC I/O Modules .................................................................................................................... 55

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Figure 28 - NXC100 Teach Pendant ........................................................................................................... 57

Figure 30 - Signal Path Diagram ................................................................................................................ 59

Figure 29 - Omron PLC .............................................................................................................................. 58

Figure 31 - Student Welding ..................................................................................................................... 60

Figure 32 - CNC Machining ........................................................................................................................ 61

Figure 33 - PlasmaCAM Cutting ................................................................................................................ 61

Figure 34 - Manual Milling ........................................................................................................................ 62

Figure 35 - General Assembly ................................................................................................................... 62

Figure 36 - Welding Fixtures ..................................................................................................................... 63

Figure 37 - Guide Rail Alignment Fixture................................................................................................... 63

Figure 38 - Pneumatic Lock Out ................................................................................................................ 64

Figure 39 - Stock Feeder ........................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 40 - Robotic Gripper ....................................................................................................................... 65

Figure 41 - Lathe Chuck ............................................................................................................................. 66

Figure 42 - Pneumatic Mill Vise................................................................................................................. 66

Figure 43 - Control Enclosure .................................................................................................................... 67

Figure 44 - HMI Main Page........................................................................................................................ 68

Figure 45 - Sequence Builder .................................................................................................................... 69

Figure 46 - Completed CIM Cell ................................................................................................................ 69

Figure 47 - Student Design Work .............................................................................................................. 70

Figure 48 - Students observing CIM Cell CNC processes ........................................................................... 71

Figure 49 - Instructor discusses robotics with the students ...................................................................... 71

Figure 50 - Instructor discusses signaling between machines ................................................................... 72

Table 1 - Payload Proof ............................................................................................................................. 43

Table 2 - List of Robot Subprograms ......................................................................................................... 57

Table 7 - Testing Checklist ......................................................................................................................... 73

Table 3 - Project Gantt Chart .................................................................................................................... 74

Table 4 - Proposed Budget ........................................................................................................................ 75

Table 5 - Project Funding .......................................................................................................................... 75

Table 6 - Actual Budget ............................................................................................................................. 76


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Computer Integrated Manufacturing Cell University of Cincinnati R Hayden, C Haun CEAS 2012

Background & Problem Statement

Grant Career Center is a vocational school designed to prepare high school students for the

work force or post-secondary education in various technical disciplines. Located in Bethel, Ohio, Grant's

Engineering Design Program is one program in particular that prepares students for an engineering path

to college. Among other strategies, Engineering Design introduces students to state-of-the-art

technology and industry-grade equipment to educate them on real-world applications. This type of

exposure is highly effective as most other students learn certain technologies via theory-based

curriculum or small-scale trainers. Engineering Design already has in place a Hawk 150 CNC lathe, Arrow

500 CNC mill, and a 6-axis HP3LC Motoman robotic manipulator. The program's instructors have plenty

of experience with the CNC machines to incorporate them into curriculum, but do not have the time or

resources to develop the robot's full potential for use in the classroom. The vision of Engineering Design

and the capstone team is to marry all three technologies into one Computer Integrated Manufacturing

(CIM) cell so as to offer its students a full-scale learning module rooted in automation and

manufacturing processes.

This program is constantly asking the question of “how do we better prepare pre-engineering

students for automation in industry?” Engineering Design faculty and the capstone team see the

installation of a full-scale manufacturing cell as an effective solution to this problem statement,

especially to continue to promote the learning strategies mentioned above. The implementation of the

CIM Cell in the Engineering Design lab will not only allow high school students to realize potential career

paths (i.e.: manufacturing, mechanical, robotics, systems, programming, etc.), but also allow them to

engage with full-scale automation as part of their curriculum (design for manufacturing). This cell will be

equipped with a custom HMI controller that will allow students to formulate a multi-step process recipe

to produce a machined part of their own design. To create this capability, the team has taken on several

engineering challenges. The project includes the design and fabrication of a rail system for robot travel

(7th axis), establishment of communication between the lathe, mill, robot, and HMI controller, and

construction of the logic program to govern the entire system. Through resources at UC, many industry

connections, and individual design skills, this team will deliver such a vision for the Engineering Design

Program at Grant Career Center.

Customer Interview

To better understand the needs of the institution that would utilize the CIM Cell, an interview

was conducted with the instructor of the Engineering Design program, Tobin Huebner. The intent of this

interview was to better understand the overall vision of the Cell, any physical or instructional constraints

that were to be considered and also any specific goals that were to be met. Mr. Huebner’s vision was to

integrate three existing pieces of equipment in such a way that would replicate industrial automation

methods and provide the pre-engineering students with a real world, full-scale, manufacturing learning

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module. However, Mr. Huebner asked that certain constraints be followed. The constraints were to use

the existing equipment available without compromising their standalone operational integrity and to

design the system so that the machines would not have to be relocated. Additionally the CIM Cell must

operate using the existing building infrastructure, in terms of electrical and pneumatic requirements.

The main goal of the system was to provide the Engineering Design program with a foundation for

further curriculum expansion and integrate current classroom topics with new areas of focus. Mr.

Huebner also asked that flexibility for reapplication also be a factor during design decisions. Additional

to the goals of the Engineering Design program at Grant, Mr. Huebner also emphasized the importance

of this Cell as a recruitment tool for young students into the Science Technology Engineering and

Mathematic fields (STEM) (Huebner).

Customer Features

In response to the interview conducted with Engineering Design, a list of customer features was

generated to establish overall goals of the system and to ensure satisfaction of the end-user. These

features and their supporting details are as follows:

Functions as a Learning Module

o The main goal of this cell is to allow students to learn. Therefore, the system must

exhibit traits of a “trainer” while still maintaining the title of industry-grade. To do this,

both the physical design of subsystems and the control architecture must be created in

a way that allows the students to have the most effective level of interaction with the


Acts as a Recruiting Tool

o Grant Career Center and Engineering Design recruit their students from local high

schools. Several times a year, the program will invite students, their parents and

members of the community to tour the facility. It is during this time that each program

is given the opportunity to attract young minds to engage a particular area of study.

Having a full-scale example of automation within the lab can be a very effective tool in

drawing greater numbers of students to Engineering Design.

Exhibits an Up-to-Date Industry Presence

o In order to adequately prepare students for automation in the present industrial world,

the equipment and processes being learned must be representative of that world as

accurately as possible. Integrating the most current examples of automation within this

project is crucial to student success in the near future.

Equipment Functions as One Cell or in Standalone Modes

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o The CIM Cell is an integration of various subsystems and equipment into one “task-

group” for the purpose of manufacturing a part. However, the environment in which

this particular cell resides is not industry, but educational. The need will come when the

instructor must use one piece of the cell separate from the rest for a specific lesson or

training procedure. Although each piece will function with one another, a single

machine will still be able to run standalone from the rest.

Robotic Rail is Mobile

o Installing a new axis of motion for the Motoman robot is a huge advantage in terms of

increasing work envelop and material handling processes. Yet, if this axis is constrained

to one area (machine tending), then the application of the robot is limited. Making the

robotic rail mobile will not only allow for use of the CNC machines in standalone mode,

but also allow the robot to be used in other areas of the lab for material handling


Automation and Control is Flexible

o Without flexibility, the CIM Cell would only be able to produce a certain type of part and

would fail in terms of successful student interaction. Therefore, the cell must be flexible

not only in regards to control, but also in the areas of physical automation. The Human-

Machine Interface must offer sequence building and machine tool selection that the

student dictates per their part design. Additionally, part-handling mechanisms

throughout the cell must be designed in a way that can accommodate varying part

designs within a reasonable tolerance.

Product Objectives

The product objectives are measurable characteristics of the customer features.

The CIM Cell must utilize Engineering Design’s existing equipment

o This equipment includes:

Cincinnati Arrow 500 CNC Mill

Cincinnati Hawk 150 CNC Lathe

Motoman 6-axis Robotic Arm

Schunk 140 KGG Gripper

The CIM Cell cannot be permanently affixed to the CNC Mill, Lathe or the shop floor

The CIM Cell must service the CNC Mill and Lathe in their current positions and also allow for

machine maintenance without disassembly of Cell

The CIM Cell will operate using the existing electrical and pneumatic supplies

The CIM Cell must be constructed of modular subsystems and components that allow for

minimal alterations for Cell reapplication

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The CIM Cell must promote multiple levels of educational exposure

o Design for Manufacture

o Robotic Programming

o CNC Technology

o Program Logic

Research Before the design process would begin, the capstone team conducted basic research of robotic

rails, stock feeders and control platforms to gain a better understanding of the overall concepts of each.

These were the major areas of the cell that would require detailed design work and customization.

However, it should be noted that such research was not the sole factor in determining the best design

for each subsystem. Budget constraints, availability of resources and limitations set by the customer

drove major portions of the design process.

Robotic Rails Industrial automation often utilizes robotics for a variety of tasks and processes. However, when

a manufacturing process calls for an increased work envelop, an additional axis (most often a 7th axis) is

created to allow the robot to travel greater distances. Depending on the application, an engineer will

dictate overall aspects of the axis to meet the need. For example, if the robot is small in size and only

requires a few extra feet of reach, the additional axis may be belt-driven and relatively short in length.

However, if the application is on the opposite scale, the engineer may require significant structure and

high-load linear bearings to accommodate the robotic manipulator.

At any rate, the two main areas of robotic rail design that require attention include rail structure

and method of linear motion. Examples of structure can include gantry-style rails, low-riding floor

mounts and bridge-style designs.

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Gantry/Inverted Rail

Mechanism Description This is a gantry-style robotic rail. Also referred to as inverted, this arrangement provides to greatest work envelope for the robot(s) not only in the 7th axis direction, but also within the robot’s normal work envelope. Comments This setup requires significant structure and support. Citation Dual Arm Robot Handling Rails

Floor-Mounted Rail

Mechanism Description This is a floor-mounted style of robotic rail. These types of rails can reach long distances without requiring significant structure due to its low-profile. In this particular design, a rack and pinion gear mechanism drives the motion. Comments This type of setup offers great stability and can handle larger robots handling high payloads. Citation Linear Traversing Axis

Linear Motion Aside from structure, method of linear motion is another area of robotic rail design. These

methods provide support for the robot and also ensure accuracy in travel. Methods can include profile

linear guide rails, ball screw mechanisms and belt-driven systems. Note that these systems can be

hybrids and include additional mechanisms to achieve mobility.

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Profile Linear Guide Rails

Mechanism Description This is a profile linear guide rail with its guide blocks attached. The block consists of internally caged ball bearings that ride of the unique profile of the rail. The mechanism usually comes in pairs and the payload mounts to the top of a combination of blocks. Comments These rails can be manufactured at long distances and offer high accuracy in motion. Citation Thomson Profile Rail Linear Guide

Ball Screw Mechanism

Mechanism Description These are examples of ball screw mechanisms. A ball screw mechanism consists of a precision machined threaded rod and a ball nut. The ball nut travels linearly as the screw turns. Comments These mechanisms can achieve high travel speeds while also maintaining good accuracy. Citation Precision Ball Screw

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Belt Drive Mechanism

Mechanism Description This is an example of a linear belt drive mechanism. It consists of two rotational joints at either end where a toothed belt wraps around. In addition, the mount plate is attached to this belt internally and moves as the belt moves. Comments This mechanism offers good accuracy and works well in shorter distances. Citation Belt Drive Linear Actuator

Each type and method has its appropriate application and calling. Some require combinations

while others are standalone. In addition, each requires some form of power source whether it be

stepper motors, servo motors or pneumatics. Some of the parameters to consider of each include ease

of integration, cost, accuracy/repeatability, payload and range.

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Stock Feeders

Gravity Feeder – Cylindrical Parts

Mechanism Description This is a gravity feeder that is designed to deliver cylindrical parts; in the associated image film canisters are used. The general operation of this feeder is that once the lower most exposed canister is gripped and removed from the feeder, the next canister slides into the pick-up location once the gripped canister is removed. This feeder is also equipped with a part present sensor that will connect directly to the system controller. Comments This feeder offers a low complexity and low cost solution to part delivery. However, it offers low storage capacity, no part flexibility and without part delivery control is prone to delivery issues. Citation Model 5121 – Gravity Feeder (Cylindrical Parts)

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Pneumatic Feeder – Cylindrical Parts

Mechanism Description This is a gravity-fed pneumatically actuated feeder that is designed to deliver cylindrical parts, 0.75” in diameter by 2.5” in length. This feeder consists of storage and feeder sections. The feeder is equipped with a part present sensor, when no part is detected the pneumatic actuator extends pushing a part from the storage chute to the robotic arm pick-up location. This feeder connects directly to the system controller. Comments This feeder offers good storage capacity and part delivery control with minimal complexity and cost. This feeder design does not offer part flexibility. Citation Model 5142-1 – Pneumatic Feeder (Cylindrical Parts)

Conveyor Feeder

Mechanism Description This is a conveyor feeder that is designed to deliver various shaped parts. The parts are manually loaded onto the conveyor belt where they will be moved to the robotic arm pick-up location. Comments This feeder offers great storage capacity and flexibility in terms of part height and shape. The feeder is costly and requires a large amount of room to accommodate the length of the conveyor. This system also requires the integration of a part detection system. Citation Best Machine Conveyor – Model SGCV-3

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Vibratory Bowl Feeder – Cylindrical Parts

Mechanism Description This is a vibratory bowl feeder that is designed to deliver cylindrical parts. The parts are manually loaded into the hopper above the vibratory bowl. The parts are then vibrated into the bowl and move upward as the bowl vibrates. The parts are oriented as they near the exit of the feeder. The parts that are correctly oriented continue into the chutes leading away towards the robotic arm pick-up location, the miss-oriented parts are sent back into the bowl. Comments This feeder offers great storage capacity and part orientation ability with little human interaction. The system is very costly and would also require the integration of a part detection system. The system also provides no part flexibility. Citation Vibratory Bowl Feeder

Control Platforms

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

Mechanism Description This is a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). It is a digital computer that is designed for use in automation and electromechanical processes. The PLC has multiple inputs and outputs. One of the biggest advantages of a PLC is its ability to replace physical hardware, contacts or coils for example, programmatically. Comments The PLC is a cost effective way to control an automated system. The disadvantage is that it requires vendor specific software to program the PLC and presents a problem when

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attempting to communicate with outside company hardware. Citation Omron - Model CP1E

PC-Based Controller

Mechanism Description This is a PC-based controller from the Beckwood Press Company. The PC replaces the more traditional PLC. The PC-based controller has the ability to perform data acquisition, create machine operational trends, allow multiple control access points and many other functions that its PLC counterpart does not offer. Comments The PC-based controller offers great performance history of the automation system it is operating. It however also has the same software and communication issues as the PLC. Citation PC HMI from Beckwood Press Company

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Programmable Automation Controller (PAC)

Mechanism Description This is a Programmable Automation Controller (PAC). This unit is a combination of a PLC and PC-based controller with additional benefits. Such additional benefits include the ability to program the PAC using non-proprietary software, which enables communications between different controller and hardware brands. The PAC also offers the ability to communicate, similar to a PC-based controller, over standard network connections and some models can also communicate wirelessly. Comments The main advantage of the PAC is the removal of the software and communication restrictions that exist with the PLC and PC-based controller. Citation Opto 22 – Model SNAP-PAC-R2-W

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Robotic Rail Design

Design Alternatives – Rail Profile Structure

The robotic rail of the CIM Cell must be stable and offer the greatest work envelope possible for

the robot. The profile design of the rail can account for both of these aspects. Three concepts were

generated and the pros and cons of each analyzed.

Rectangular Profile Concept

Concept Description This design consists of a simplistic, rectangular shape. The symmetrical arrangement allows the rail to be as close to the CNC machines as possible. Pros


Increases work envelope of robot Cons

Possibly unstable

A-Frame Profile Concept

Concept Description This design is of an A-frame design. It is vertically symmetrically and has a short mount on the top with a wide base. Pros

Very stable

Relatively simplistic Cons

Reduce work envelope for robot

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Hybrid Profile Concept

Concept Description This design is a hybrid of the previous concepts and the top choice for the profile option. The arrangement consists of a vertical right leg with an angled left leg. The top mount is short with a wide base. Pros


Increased work envelope for robot Cons


Design Alternatives – Rail Linear Motion

In addition to the profile of the rail, the method for achieving linear motion must be selected.

Aspects of this area include cost effectiveness as well as precision. Three concepts were researched and


Ball Screw & Profile Guide Rail Concept

Concept Description This method is a combination of profile guide rails and a ball screw drive. The design would consist of two rails support the payload and the ball screw driving the payload in the center. Pros

Accurate and precise

Achieve longer distances Cons

Not cost effective

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Linear Belt Drive Concept

Concept Description This design would consist of a belt driven linear actuator. The size of the mechanism would be very large in terms of overall dimensions to handle the payload requirements. Pros

Accurate and precise

Purchasable and plug-and-play Cons

Not cost effective

Very large to accommodate robot

Profile Linear Guide Rail & Gear Rack Concept

Concept Description This design would utilize a pair of profile linear guide rails to support/guide the payload and a rack/pinion mechanism to drive. This design is the top choice for the robot rail method of motion. Pros

Cost effective

Can achieve longer distances

Accurate and precise Cons

Requires additional fabrication

Design Selection – Robotic Rail Below is the final design of the robotic rail. The design uses the hybrid A-frame structure

concept in combination with the profile linear guide rail and rack/pinion method for motion. This design

provides a safe and sturdy structure for robot motion with maximum work envelope while also applying

the most cost effective and precise method of 7th axis travel. Note the bridge-like design for strength

and location of the guide rails.

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Figure 1 - Robotic Rail Model

Design Analysis – Robotic Rail

The 7th axis robotic rail consists not only of structure, but also of motion. To achieve this motion,

the appropriate components must be sized and selected to effectively create an additional axis of the

robot. In addition to analyzing the structure of the rail, the profile linear guide rails must be sized, the

correct gearing must be selected, the servo motor must be specified, and a gear reducer needs to be

chosen. The following provides details in each area of the 7th axis robotic rail.

Loading Conditions

The loading conditions and forces experienced by the robotic rail are influenced by 1) the

payload, 2) the maximum torque generated by robotic axis L, and 3) the maximum torque generated by

robotic axis S. The payload is a combination of the weight of the robot, robot mount plate and the end

effecter. Information regarding the maximum torque at the L and S axes is referenced in Motoman’s

HP3LC Manipulator Manual (HW0482664) within Section 3.2 titled “Mounting Procedures for

Manipulator Base.” The below figures illustrate these three conditions. Note that the location of the

robot base on the rail represents a worst-case situation in which the base has the least amount of

structural support (as opposed to directly in the center of the rail).

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Figure 2 - Payload Force

Figure 3 - S Axis Torque

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Figure 4 - L Axis Torque

Material Selection & Justification

The structure of the rail is comprised of various shapes and profiles such as angle stock, square

and rectangular tubing, plate and bar. A36 Steel was selected as the material type for these structural

components. A36 is readily available, easy to machine and weld, and cost effective. In addition, it has

excellent strength for the applications at hand with a Yield Strength of 36,000 psi.

Stress Analysis

The stress analysis of the robotic rail was conducted using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012

modeling software. The model of the rail was imported into the analysis environment where certain

parameters were specified to simulate loading conditions as accurately as possible. To be more specific,

material properties of the components were specified (structural components, linear guide rails,

hardware, etc.), a representative concrete floor was modeled, and gravity forces were applied to the

overall system. The material properties at work include A36 mild steel, T6061 Aluminum, 440C Stainless

Steel and Portland Concrete. For the particular examples below, a gravity force is applied to the entire

rail and a moment with magnitude 1328 lb-force is applied in the direction and location of the S axis of

the robot. Below is the graphical output of Von Mises Stress within the system. The complete stress

analysis report generated by Inventor is referenced in the appendix.

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Figure 5 - S Axis Von Mises Stress

Factors of Safety

In reference to the Yield Strength of the structural material, the maximum stress experienced is

2.547 ksi resulting in a minimum safety factor of 11.8. This is more than sufficient for the overall design

of the rail and the environment in which it will be installed.

Profile Linear Guide Rail Selection & Justification

Selection and sizing of the profile linear guide rails for the 7th axis was advised by MQ

Automation, a local industry partner for the capstone project. Based on the application at hand, the

mechanical department at MQ recommended mounting the guide rails on extruded aluminum tubing

manufactured by Bosch-Rexroth. Extruded aluminum by Bosch-Rexroth uses a T-slot design to fasten

various components together. Based on the 20 foot length of the 7th axis, this approach would offer the

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best form of mounting and adjustability as the linear guide rails each require 100+ fasteners to secure.

After consulting with MQ, 60x60H (60mm by 60mm) extruded aluminum was selected for mounting and

25mm linear guide rails manufactured by Thomson Linear were chosen. Information for selecting these

guide rails was provided by Thomson via MQ Automation (Scheper). A modeled state of this setup is

displayed below. Note the relationship between the components located at the top of the rail profile.

Figure 6 - Rail Profile Model

Gearing Selection & Justification

While the profile linear guide rails provide payload support and linear accuracy, a rack and

pinion system would provide the driving motion. Along the same lines, a servo motor would drive the

spur gear that mates with the gear rack. A gear pitch of 12 was selected as it offers a critical balance

between accuracy and speed. Too fine a pitch would compromise velocity while too coarse a pitch

would jeopardize accuracy in linear movement. The gear rack face-width measures 0.75 inches square

and would be purchased as a series to achieve 20 feet. This sizing is driven by the space constraints of

the topical area of the rail. The corresponding spur gear size would later be calculated from speed

requirements of the 7th axis (Scheper).

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Servo Motor & Gear Reducer Selection

Under the guidance of MQ Automation, a servo motor was chosen to be the driving force of the

7th axis. This type of motor was selected due to the motor having a built-in encoder. This combination

would offer the best precision in regards to linear motion as opposed to a stepper motor requiring

additional positioning hardware. Based on the education needs of Engineering Design, the team decided

that a maximum linear velocity of 4 feet per second for the 7th axis would be sufficient. This information

in conjunction with the gearing specifications would allow for the appropriate sizing of the servo motor

to achieve the required speed and provide the necessary torque (Sloan).

For this particular application, MQ recommended using a 200W Omron Servo Motor rated at

3000 RPM in combination with an Apex Dynamics 10:1 ratio gear reducer. To prove that this industry

recommendation would suffice, a series of calculations was established. The first section describes force

required of the servo motor to move the payload while the second describes the rated velocity of the

robot carriage based on the spur gear size and RPM of the motor.


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Stock Feeder Design

The Stock Feeder is a critical component to the CIM Cell. The stock seeder is responsible for

stock storage and lengthening the operating time of the Cell without human interaction. The stock

feeder is also accountable for reliable and repeatable stock delivery to the robotic arm, not doing this

successfully will result in a less than useful learning module for the students. For these reasons it was

vital to conduct a design analysis on the stock feeder to identify the best design and flush out any

potential shortcomings.

Design Alternatives – Stock Feeder

J Feeder Concept

Concept Description This is gravity fed feeder, the raw stock will be placed in the top of feeder and the stock will roll down until it reaches the hard stops and the part present sensor, located at the bottom of the feeder. The robotic arm will be able to grip the center of the exposed stock and lift upward until the part has cleared the feeder. After the robotic arm has removed the stock from the feeder, the next piece of stock will roll down into the pick-up location of the feeder. When no more stock is sensed by the part present sensor the student/operator of the Cell will be notified to refill the feeder, no new operations will commence and until the stock feeder is refilled. Pros This feeder has the highest storage capacity of the three feeder designs. The J Feeder is also very easy to integrate into the system, no motors or actuators are required. This feeder also presents the greatest cost benefit because of its low number of parts. Cons The J Feeder is not easily adaptable in terms of stock shape and size.

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Tube Feeder Concept

Concept Description This is a gravity fed and actuator assisted feeder. The raw stock will be placed in the top of the feeder and the raw stock will rest stop the piece below it, with the bottom piece of stock resting on top of the cylinder cover. When the feeder is signaled to dispense a piece of stock the actuator will retract towards the cylinder body, allowing one piece of raw stock to slide down in front of the actuator. The actuator will then extend, pushing the raw stock, until it reaches the part present sensor. When the stock is sensed, the cylinder will retract to its “home” position located directly under the feeder tube. When the cylinder has reached its “home” position, the robotic arm is signaled to pick-up the piece of stock. The process will be repeated after the robotic arm as cleared the stock pick-up location. When no more stock is sensed by the part present sensor the student/operator of the Cell will be notified to refill the feeder, no new operations will commence and until the stock feeder is refilled. Pros The Tube Feeder can accommodate additional stock shapes, and requires no stock carriages to do so. Cons The Tube Feeder requires the use of an optic part present sensor which can be costly. There is also a potential problem with only dispensing one piece of stock at a time.

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Conveyor Concept

Concept Description This is a motor fed feeder. The raw stock will be placed, by the student, in the stock carriages located on the belt of the conveyor. When a piece of stock is needed the conveyor will rotate until the stock is sensed by the part present sensor. When the stock is sensed, the conveyor will be signaled to stop rotating. From there the robotic arm will pick-up the piece of raw stock. After the robotic arm has cleared the pick-up location, the conveyor will be signaled to rotate again. When no more stock is sensed by the part present sensor the student/operator of the Cell will be notified to refill the feeder, no new operations will commence until the stock feeder is refilled. Pros The biggest positive about the Conveyor Feeder is its adaptability; it can accommodate various stock shapes and sizes. Cons The Conveyor Feeder is the most expensive concept design, due to the purchase of the conveyor and the stock carriages that attach to the conveyor belt. This feeder also presents the highest degree of complexity and integration into the system. This feeder’s capacity is limited by the length of the conveyor.

Design Selection – Stock Feeder

The concept selected for continued design and revision was the J Feeder concept. This design

was selected because it presented the simplest and most straight forward approach. There is a slight

sacrifice in the stock shape flexibility but has a greater cost benefit. However, the limited flexibility

provides the students with a learning opportunity to identify the current system limitations, but also

how to adapt the system as well as design new system components that meet their project needs. This

learning opportunity aligns with the product objectives of the CIM Cell.

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Final Design Discussion and Justifications – Stock Feeder

Figure 7 shows the completed design for the stock feeder.

The stock feeder consists of three sub-assemblies the main frame

(Figure 1 – 1), stationary side (Figure 7 – 2) and mobile side (Figure

7 – 3). Please reference the assembly and detailed drawings in the

appendix for more information. The main frame of the feeder is

characterized by three angled sections from top to bottom; 80°, 45°

and 10° respectively. These angles were chosen to help feed the

stock in the storage area of the feeder as the stock in the pick-up

area is removed by the robotic arm. The main frame also includes

legs that support the remaining structure of the feeder. The legs

also act as a means of mounting the feeder to its support base.

Equally important to the main frame of the feeder are the

two side assemblies. The side assemblies retain the stock and

maintain alignment. Unlike the original concept, the final feeder

design has detachable sides. These removable sides help to make

the feeder more flexible by accounting for various stock shapes and

diameters that the CIM Cell may encounter in future applications.

As depicted in Figure 7, it is currently setup to accept two inch

diameter rods with lengths ranging from four to twelve inches. The

various stock lengths are accommodated by the mobile side

assembly. The mobile side assembly is held in place by four bolts.

When loosened, the mobile side assembly will slide in the slots of the main frame to the desired stock

length and then retightened. Under its current set up this feeder has the capacity to hold eleven pieces

of cylindrical stock. Also included in the stationary and mobile side assemblies are part protectors,

shown in green and blue in Figure 7. The part protectors are in place to prevent wear on the raw stock

as well as the stock feeder main frame. The part protectors are made from acrylic because of its good

wear characteristics.

Also integrated into the feeder body are two stock control cylinders and pressure sensors to

determine when a piece of raw stock is available for pickup by the robotic arm and to monitor feeder

capacity. The stock control cylinders, shown in purple and tan in Figure 7, move in opposition to one

another. This motion allows for one piece of stock to be dispensed at a time. The upper cylinder, purple,

will extend as the lower cylinder, tan, retracts. The upper cylinder will retain the remaining stock and

the lower cylinder will allow the piece of stock between the two to move to the pick-up location. The

cylinders are equipped with custom end effectors that help to catch or separate the pieces of stock, as

the case may warrant. The addition of this equipment slightly increases the complexity of operation but

more greatly increases the feeder’s operational robustness and repeatability.

The selection of stock feeder material, stock control cylinder and pressures sensors will be

discussed in the Stock Feeder Calculations portion of the report.

Figure 7 - Stock Feeder Final Design




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The below calculations include forces applied to the feeder and its control cylinders. All total

forces calculated assume the feeder to be full with twelve inch long stock, this provides the worst case

operating conditions. In the below figures the stock is represented by a red circle and the stock feeder

geometry is represented by the black triangle. The exact material that will be used in the CIM Cell is not

yet selected due to the influence of machinability of the material. The assumed material for use in these

calculations is High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).

Stock Material Calculations

HDPE Density: 0.04325

HDPE Coefficient of Friction: 0.1

Stock Diameter: 2 in

Stock Length: 12 in

Forces on Stock Feeder - 80° Section

Stock Weight (Green Arrow): 1.63 lb

Feeder Angle (S): 80°

Pieces of Stock Held in Section: 6

Force on Feeder (Blue Arrow):

Force on Subsequent Stock (Orange Arrow):

Total Force from Stock in 80° Section of Feeder:

Forces on Stock Feeder - 45° Section

Stock Weight (Green Arrow): 1.63 lb

Feeder Angle (S): 45°

Pieces of Stock Held in Section: 3

Force on Feeder (Blue Arrow):

Force on Subsequent Stock (Orange Arrow):

Total Force from Stock in 45° Section of Feeder:



Figure 8 - 80 Degree FBD

Figure 9 - 45 Degree FBD

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Forces on Upper Stock Control Cylinder

Total Force:

This force is calculated by adding the summation of the forces generated by the raw stock in the 80° and

45°sections of the stock feeder, which are located above the upper stock control cylinder.

Forces on the Stock Feeder - 10°Section

Stock Weight (Green Arrow): 1.63 lb

Feeder Angle (S): 10°

Pieces of Stock Held in Section: 1

Force on Feeder (Blue Arrow):

Force on Lower Control Cylinder (Orange Arrow):

Total Force from Stock in 10° Section of Feeder:

*This force also represents the actuation force that will be applied to the part present pressure sensor.

Forces on Lower Stock Control Cylinder

Total Force:

This force is calculated by adding the summation of the forces generated by the raw stock in the 80°, 45°

and 10°sections of the stock feeder, which are located above the lower stock control cylinder.

Force to Retract Cylinder

In the figure below, the black shape represents the end effecter of the control cylinders.

Total Force on Lower Cylinder (Green Arrow): 13.38 lb

HDPE Coefficient of Friction: 0.1

Friction Force (Blue Arrow):

Minimum Cylinder Force (Yellow Arrow): > 1.38 lb


Figure 10 - 10 Degree FBD

Figure 11 - Cylinder FBD

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Minimum Air Pressure to Retract Cylinder

Cylinder Bore: 0.75 in

Rod Diameter: 0.25 in

Retract Area of Cylinder:

Time for Next Stock to be Available

This calculation tells the time that is required for the next piece of stock to be move from the lower

stock control cylinder to the part present pressure switch.

Stock Weight (Green Arrow): 1.63 lb

Feeder Angle (S): 10°

Coefficient of Friction: 0.1

Force on Feeder (Blue Arrow):

Friction Force (Purple Arrow):

Forward Motion Force (Orange Arrow):

Net Force (Gray Arrow):

Distance to travel: 0.268 ft

Stock Control Cylinder Justification

Given the low forces that are applied to the stock control cylinders, calculated above, selection

was based more heavily on the travel distance of the actuator. The raw stock diameter is two inches,

therefore to maintain adequate control of the stock at least half of the stock must be blocked by the

cylinders. With this thought process a one inch actuator travel distance was selected with 0.25 inch

diameter rod. To verify this cylinder could withstand this loading, the Stress Analysis Suite or Autodesk

Inventor was used.


Figure 12 - Time FBD

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Figure 13 - Displacement Analysis of Stock Control Cylinder

Figure 13 is a displacement image created using the Stress Analysis Suite. The image shows a

model of the selected cylinder, with correct material properties. Note that in Figure 13 the end effector

was removed for greater clarity and understanding of the cylinder rod behavior. From the above force

calculations, a 14 lb. force was applied to the end of the cylinder rod, in the same way the raw stock

would be applying its force. The results of the Displacement and Von Mises analysis show that the

cylinder rod deflects 0.001 of an inch and has a minimum safety factor of 1.5. The selected cylinder

withstands the loading conditions.

Material Justification

Given the forces that are applied to the stock feeder from the raw stock and that the feeder has

no other dynamic loads applied to it, the applied load relative to the material strength was not a

concern. The stock feeder assemblies were constructed from 1018 mild steel plate, 0.125 inch in

thickness. This material was selected because of its machinability and workability, meaning ease of

bending, cutting and welding.

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Pressure Sensor Justification To select the part present and feeder capacity pressure sensors, force calculations for the 10°

section of the stock feeder were used, given this represented the least amount of force the stock

applied parallel to the feeder body. That force was equal to 0.28 lb. or 4.53 oz., from there a pressure

sensor with a 2.5 oz. actuation force was selected.

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Robotic End Effecter Design

In addition to the robot manipulator already being purchased by Engineering Design, a two-

finger pneumatic gripper was purchased from Schunk GmbH & Co. This particular gripper is a KGG 140

Module that incorporates proximity sensors as part of its functioning. In simple terms, air pressure is

applied to the module and the internal pneumatic cylinder actuates on one axis in two directions for a

total travel of approximately 3 inches. This motion allows custom fingers to grab and release a part


Figure 14 - Schunk KGG 140 Pneumatic Module

To effectively implement this device into the material handling capabilities of the robot, an

adapter plate must be design as well as two gripper fingers. The analysis that follows focuses on the

gripper finger design as this will determine the capabilities of the end effecter.

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Design Alternatives – Gripper Finger

Slender Concept

Concept Description This design represents a sleek approach to the gripper finger profile. The end uses a curved surface to acquire round stock, especially useful when tending a lathe. Pros -Reduced weight -Increased length for extra reach Cons -Limited in stock shape handling

Reduced Weight Concept

Concept Description The profile represented in this concept makes an attempt at reduced weight and increased handling of various workpiece shapes. Through-holes are present in the structure of the finger to limit payload on the robot. The angle of the v-notch is sharp to ensure part security. Pros -Reduced weight -Can handle round and rectangular shapes Cons -Limited in handling of larger size stock

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Multi-Orient Concept

Concept Description This concept employs a cavity for a lightweight design. In addition, two v-notches increased handling orientations of parts. The angle of the main v-notch is wide to handle various sizes of parts. Pros -Lightweight -Multiple orientations of part handling -Multiple shape handling Cons -Reduced strength

Design Selection – Gripper Finger

The third concept previously described was chosen and developed as the best option for the

end effecter assembly. The dual v-notch design allows for acquisition of rectangular and round shapes of

various sizes, maximizing the flexibility of the end effecter. Angles and fillets were adjusted to ensure

part security during handling while cavity dimensions were refined to gain most from being lightweight

and maintaining strength. Below is completed model of both fingers, the KGG 140 module and the

adapter plate.

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Figure 15 - End Effecter Assembly Model

Material Selection & Justification

T6061 Aluminum was the top choice for use in the gripper adapter plate and the fingers. This

type of aluminum is readily available, easy to machine, cost effective and light weight.

Calculations – Gripper Force

Depending on the orientation of the part being gripped, acceleration forces can have a differing

effect when it comes to part security. During normal operation, it is estimated that the acceleration

experienced by the part is approximately 3 ft/sec² (Motoman). While loading the workpiece into the

CNC Lathe, the part is supported by the finger itself. However, this is not the case when loading a part in

the CNC Mill. For a horizontal grip of the workpiece, the following calculations show the required force

of the end effecter.

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Figure 16 - Gripper/Workpiece FBD

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Stress Analysis – Gripper Finger

To ensure the strength of the gripper fingers is not compromised by the operating forces of the

module, a stress analysis was conducted using Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012 software. From the

calculations above, each finger will experience approximately 30 lb of force. This force was applied to

the model and the mounting surface constrained to simulate attachment to the KGG 140 module. Below

is a graphic generated by the software showing the Von Mises Stress within the structure of the finger.

Figure 17 - Von Mises Stress of Gripper Finger

Safety Factor – Gripper Finger

The yield strength of T6061 Aluminum is 39.9 ksi. The maximum stress experienced by the

gripper finger is 2.839 ksi. This results in a safety factor of at least 14 and proves the design is sufficient

for use within this cell.

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Payload Proof – End Effecter Assembly

The HP3LC manipulator has a maximum payload of 3 kg or approximately 6.6 lbs. Anything

attached to the wrist of the robot populates this category. In this situation, the adapter plate, KGG 140,

fingers, hardware and the material being gripped all make up the payload together. The table below

shows compliance of these components to the maximum allowed payload.

Table 1 - Payload Proof

End Effecter Assembly

Component Weight (lb)

Schunk KGG 140 Module 1.587

Left Finger 0.495

Right Finger 0.495

Adapter Plate 0.339

Fittings/Fasteners 0.25

Workpiece 0.436

Total 3.602

Allowed 6.6

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Door Automation Design

The CIM Cell will encompass both a CNC

Mill and CNC Lathe, both of which will need to be

automated. However due to the CNC Lathe only

having one door to automate a design analysis

will not be conducted in this report. The CNC

Lathe will be operated by a single cylinder. The

cylinder and cylinder media will match that of

the CNC Mill. Figure 18 shows the automation

design for the CNC Lathe. Both the CNC Mill and

CNC Lathe have an interlock safety latch that

prevents door operation during a machining

process; this prevents injury to the operator and

equipment. When door operation is allowed

there is a force needed to overcome the

interlock safety latch. This will be discussed in

greater detail in the automation calculations. The

following design analysis covers the CNC Mill

which has two doors that currently work

independently of one another.

Figure 18 - Lathe Door Automation Final Design

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Design Alternatives – Mill Door Automation

Type Two Concept

Concept Description The Type Two concept will use two cylinders, one for each of the CNC Mill doors. The cylinder bodies will be mounted on top of the CNC Mill enclosure, perpendicular to the doors' opening and closing motion. The cylinders will attach to the CNC Mill doors via a bracket. To operate the doors, a signal will be sent from the main controller, to the solenoid-piloted valves which will release the cylinder media into the cylinder. Pros This is the most straight forward approach to opening both doors. Cons This is the most expensive option given that two cylinders plus additional electronics (solenoid values, sensors) will be to be purchased. This option also presents a problem when mounting the right cylinder to the enclosure because there is a wireway that connects to the CNC Mill controller.



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Linkage Concept

Concept Description The Linkage concept will encompass one cylinder and a linkage assembly. The cylinder will mount on top of the CNC Mill enclosure perpendicular to the doors’ opening and closing motion. The cylinder end will mount to the left side operator door as well mount to one side of the main linkage. The right side operator door will mount to the door linkage. The linkage assembly will mount to the enclosure, suspended over the operator doors with the pivot point centered where the doors come together when closed. To open the doors, the cylinder will retract, rotating the main linkage about the pivot point, moving the door linkage in a rightward direction opening both doors. The same process will take place to close the doors, but in reverse directions. Pros This is the most cost effective option, as the main and door linkage will be fabricated by the CIM Cell team. Cons This concept presents the possibility of binding the doors as they open and close, given that the forces applied to the door will not always be in parallel with the door guides.

Door Linkage

Pivot Point


Main Linkage

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Gear Concept

Concept Description The Gear concept will include one cylinder, two gear racks and one pinion gear. The cylinder will mount on top of the CNC Mill enclosure perpendicular to the doors’ opening and closing motion. The cylinder end will mount to the left side operator door via a bracket. The leftmost gear rack will also mount to the left side operator door, with the rightmost gear rack mounted on the right side operator door. The pinion gear will be mounted on a gear shaft and bearing. To close the doors the cylinder will extend towards the left, giving the leftmost gear rack the same motion. The pinion gear will then rotate counter-clockwise, giving the rightmost gear rack a rightward motion. The cylinder continues to extend until the doors have closed together. The same process will occur to open the doors, but in reverse directions. Pros This is a more cost effective option than the Type Two concept because there is only one cylinder and is predicted to be more reliable than Linkage concept because the forces applied to the doors are always parallel to the door guides. Cons There is a possibility that the gear racks will skip on the pinion gear if they are pushed too fast, which would result in the doors not closing together.

Design Selection – Mill Door Automation

The concept selected for continued design and revision was the Gear concept. This design was

selected because it presented the most reliable and cost effective approach. The layout of this option

also aligns well with the top of the CNC Mill enclosure. Relocation of the interlock safety latch is

required but given the additional concept layouts the same would need to done for them as well.

Gear Rack

Pinion Gear


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Final Design Discussion and Justifications – Mill Door Automation

Figure 19 shows the completed

design for the CNC Mill door automation.

The assembly consists of a cylinder

(Figure 19 – 1), cylinder mount plate

(Figure 19 – 2), door bracket (Figure 19 –

3), bearing bracket and bearing (Figure

19 – 4), pinion gear and shaft (Figure 19

– 5), two gear racks (Figure 19 – 6) and a

gear engager (Figure 19 – 7). Please

reference the assembly and detailed

drawings in the appendix for more

information. The cylinder mount plate

was added to support the cylinder end

that extends beyond the mill enclosure

and it also houses the union mount

bracket for quick disconnection of

cylinder lines. The door bracket affixes

the cylinder rod end to the left side operator door. The bearing bracket suspends the bearing, pinion

gear, shaft and gear engager above the CNC Mill doors. The gear engager mounts on the pinion gear

shaft and encompasses the meshed section of the gear racks and pinion gear. The gear engager prevents

the racks from skipping across the teeth of the pinion gear, eliminating possibility of doors not closing


The selection of the cylinder, cylinder media and door bracket material will be discussed in the

Mill Door Automation Calculations portion of the report.

Calculations – Mill Door Automation

The following calculations include minimum air pressure to overcome the interlock safety latch

force and also calculated forces generated by the cylinder at system pressure.

Minimum Pressure to Overcome Interlock Force

Interlock Safety Latch: 7.86 lb (Euchner-USA)

Cylinder Bore: 1.575 in

Rod Diameter: 0.625 in

Retract Area of Cylinder:

Figure 19 - Mill Door Automation Final Design






7 6

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Cylinder and Cylinder Media Justification

The cylinder and cylinder media selected were both decided based on donations given to the

CIM Cell team by Grant Career Center. The cylinder selected has a 1.575 inch bore, 25 inch actuation

travel and is pneumatically actuated. The cylinder has a maximum pressure range of 120 psi and only

requires approximately 5 psi to overcome the interlock safety latch force. The cylinder also has more

than adequate actuation travel as the CNC Mill Door has a travel of 12.5 inches. Choosing air as the

cylinder media also made the most logical sense over hydraulic or electronic actuation from a cost,

cleanliness and ease of application standpoint.

Cylinder Force

Cylinder Bore: 1.575 in

Area of Cylinder:

Maximum Operational Pressure: 30 psi

Door Bracket Material Justification

The door bracket and all other brackets and

mounting plates used in the CNC Mill door automation

design were constructed from 1018 mild steel plate,

0.125 inch in thickness. As stated in the Stock Feeder

Justifications this material was selected because of its

machinability and workability, meaning ease of bending,

cutting and welding. Furthermore it also makes sense

from a material purchasing standpoint to buy a large

quantity of a similar material and use that whenever

applicable throughout the project. To verify that the

door bracket could withstand the force generated from

the cylinder at operational pressure, the Stress Analysis

Suite or Autodesk Inventor was utilized. Figure 20 is an

image of a Von Mises stress analysis, this predicts the

stress in the bracket based upon material properties and

applied load. The 60 lb. load applied to the cylinder rod

mounting location yields a 10.65 ksi maximum stress.

This delivers a maximum displacement of 0.012 of an

inch and provides a minimum safety factor of 2.8. This

material selection is adequate for this application. Figure 20 - Von Mises Stress of Door Bracket

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Additional CIM Cell Mechanisms

In addition to the previously analyzed mechanisms that comprise the core of the CIM Cell, there

are many other subsystems that did not require as stringent a design process, but still remain vital to the

operation of the automation. Among these items include the finished-part conveyor, motion assembly,

pneumatic mill vise, controller mount, wireway mounting blocks, various brackets and enclosures. The

following represents some of these items in model state with a description of its role in the cell.

Conveyor Assembly

One assembly that is crucial to creating the real-world effect of the CIM Cell is the finished part

conveyor, Figure 21. It was not necessary to conduct the design analysis on this assembly given its low

conveying load and the reapplication of a proven drive system from a donated piece of equipment. This

conveyor assembly will be located at the end of robotic rail by the CNC Mill. After the manufacturing

processes have been completed the robotic arm will place the finished part on the conveyor, the CIM

Cell master controller will power on the conveyor and the finished part will be moved to a safe pick-up

location. The main sub-assemblies of the conveyor include: drive system (Figure 21 – 1), guarding (Figure

21 – 2), main frame (Figure 21 – 3), conveyor belt (Figure 21 – 4) and an electronic drive controller

(Figure 21 – 5). The conveyor was redesigned using the major components from a donated powder-

transferring conveyor. This conveyor is design so that it can be run by the CIM Cell master controller or it

can be run manually by a student or instructor for additional purposes. Please reference the assembly

and detailed drawings in the appendix for more information.

Figure 21 – Conveyor Final Design






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Pneumatic Mill Vise

As the robot tends each CNC machine, the machine tool itself must have an automated method

for part acquisition. The CNC Lathe already uses a powered 3-finger chuck for holding its workpiece, but

the CNC Mill requires the operator to manual affix the workpiece in a vise before machining can begin.

Below is a graphic of a pneumatic vise that allows for this automated presence in the CNC Mill. The vise

is composed of a base, two jaws and a pneumatic cylinder. The design of the jaws ensures proper

location of the workpiece deposited by the robot while the cylinder provides adequate clamping force

during machining. In addition, the base design allows for both round stock and rectangular stock to be

machined based on reference planes of the machine tool.

Figure 22 - Mill Vise Assembly Model

Motion Assembly

To work in conjunction with the 7th Axis Robotic Rail a Motion assembly was required to be

designed, see Figure 23. For this assembly it was also not necessary to conduct a design analysis because

the assemblies it correlates to ultimately locked in the design of this assembly. The Motion assembly

provides a platform for several important features of the CIM Cell. The major component of the

assembly is the robotic mounting plate (Figure 23 – 1) where the robotic arm will mount as well as the

linear guide blocks (Figure 23 – 3) which mate to the linear guide rails on the robotic rail. The last

important feature is the motor mount assembly (Figure 23 – 2). The motor mount assembly has

integrated gear guarding for safety and a jacking bolt for precision control of the pinion gear and gear

rack mesh, this is crucial to minimizing gear backlash and preventing gear binding. Also shown in the

motor mount assembly is servo motor and gear box. The pinion gear will mount to the gear box shaft

and will then engage with the gear rack mounted on the robotic rail; this will propel the Motion

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assembly along the robotic rail providing the 7th axis of the robotic arm. Please reference the assembly

and detailed drawings in the appendix for more information.

Figure 23 – Motion Final Design




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Controller Mount

To centralize the electronic hardware responsible for cell control, the components are arranged

within an electrical enclosure. This housing holds the PLC, servo drive, relays, power supply, operator

buttons and HMI. This enclosure must be placed in an ergonomic location as the operator will interact

the most with this part of the cell. To do this, a controller mount was designed to affix the enclosure to

the robotic rail. The mount provides the ability to swivel the enclosure for adjustment and locates the

HMI in the best position for the operator.

Figure 24 - Controller Mount Assembly Model

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Final Cell Assembly

Below is a completed assembly model of the CIM Cell. This model represents existing equipment

within the Engineering Design Lab as well as custom subsystems previously described. Note the

locations of the (1) Arrow 500 CNC Mill, (2) Hawk 150 CNC Lathe, (3) Robotic Rail, (4) Stock Feeder, (5)

Finished Part Conveyor, and (6) Motoman HP3LC Robot.

Figure 25 - CIM Cell Assembly Model

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System Control

Aside from the mechanical aspects of the cell, a significant portion of the CIM Cell’s design is

rooted in control. Much of the physical makeup of the system would not function without some sort of

control input. The three major areas of that required attention includes the Omron PLC, Acramatic CNC

Controllers, and NXC100 robot controller. While the PLC governs all aspects of the cell’s sequencing,

both the CNC controllers and the robot controller oversee critical operations in terms of machining and

material handling.

Acramatic 2100 CNC Controller The Mill and the Lathe are both

representations of computer integrated

manufacturing, and similar to what the

CIM Cell team is constructing, each

machine requires a master controller.

The machines use a computer numerical

control (CNC) to operate. Figure 26

shows the CNC Mill controller interface.

The operator and CNC interface via a

programming language known as G and

M Coding. The G codes refer to

movement types such as a linear

movement at a predetermined speed, a

rapid move at the machines maximum

velocity or a circular interpolation from two points at a user-

set radius. Each G code includes a set of variables that must be

included for the machine to function properly. The M codes

refer to control of the machine functions. For example,

operating the machine spindle or toggling the machine


The CNC Mill and CNC Lathe are designed and

programmed for an operator to be in continuous interaction

with the machine before, during and after a raw stock change.

One of the main goals of the CIM Cell is to make it as

autonomous as possible, to better replicate industrial trends.

The CNC machines presented a major hurdle in achieving this

because the only way to start the machining cycle was to

manually push the cycle start button on the machine

controller. It wasn’t known until the CIM Cell team spoke with

industry expert Robert Varney, from MAG IAS, that the

Figure 26 - CNC Mill Controller Interface

Figure 27 - CNC I/O Modules

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machine could be remotely cycled. This would be accomplished using an input/out (I/O) port in the

machine control cabinet. However due to the machines’ age, the programming to make sense of the I/O

signal did not exist and would need to be created (Varney). Through a visiting instructor at UC Clermont,

Chris Goodman, a connection between the CIM Cell team and Terry Smith of Kentucky Rebuild

Corporation (KRC) was made. Terry is an industry expert in programming CNCs, and graciously donated

his time and effort help generate the needed code. Terry had to modify the ladder logic of the

controllers to except either a push button cycle start, for manual cases of operation, or an I/O signal for

remote cycle start via the CIM Cell master control (Smith).

Aside from remotely cycling the CNC machines additional control and monitoring of the

machines is required for the CIM Cell to function properly. This monitoring and control will be done also

using the I/O ports located in the machine control cabinets. Figure 9 shows a small portion of the I/O

modules within each of the CNC machines. To accomplish the control and monitoring of the machines,

wire connections will need to be made from the CIM Cell master controller to the I/O modules of the

CNC machines. For additional control of the machines a 24 volt DC signal will be sent from the CIM Cell

master controller, through a contact relay and into the I/O modules in the CNC machines. An example of

this would be chuck actuation in the CNC Lathe. For CNC monitoring, a 24 volt DC signal will be sent

from the I/O module in the CNC machines, through a contact relay and into the master controller of the

CIM Cell. An example of CNC monitoring is determining if the operator door is closed and locked and the

CNC machine is ready to be cycle started. The contact relays are crucial to both operations because they

maintain power separation between the CNC machines and the master controller of the CIM Cell,

preventing damage to both pieces of equipment. Through the use of I/O ports in the CNC machines and

the CIM Cell master controller, nearly complete autonomous control of the machines will be achieved.

Motoman NXC100 Robot Controller

The robot controller not only oversees manipulator movement and end effecter control, but

also communicates with PLC in terms of program status. The NXC100 will utilize 7 subprograms to

incorporate standard cell functions. These programs include Go Home, Unload Stock Feeder, Load Lathe,

Unload Lathe, Load Mill, Unload Mill, and Deposit Part. The PLC controls which program to call through a

series of input signals and also controls the cycle start. Once a program has been completed, a feedback

signal is sent to the PLC. Below is a photograph of the teach pendant where actual programming takes

place. The table below provides additional details of each program.

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Figure 28 - NXC100 Teach Pendant

Table 2 - List of Robot Subprograms

NXC100 Subprograms

Program Name Sequence Details

Go Home Robot folds up in preparation for 7th axis move

Unload Stock Feeder Robot extends to feeder, grabs part, and retracts

Load Lathe Robot extends into lathe, loads part in chuck, and retracts

Unload Lathe Robot extends into lathe, grabs part from chuck, and retracts

Load Mill Robot extends into mill, places part in vise, and retracts

Unload Mill Robot extends into mill, grabs part from vise, and retracts

Deposit Part Robot extends over conveyor, releases part, and retracts

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Omron PLC

The Omron PLC governs all aspects of the cell’s

functions in terms of sequencing and logic flow. In addition,

the PLC directly controls the 7th axis servo motor, the finisher

part conveyor motor, the solenoid bank and peripheral

electronics (light curtain, sensors, etc.). The language in

which the PLC is programmed is in simplistic terms ladder

logic. The PLC accepts operator input through the HMI and

makes decisions based on that input, feedback from

subsystems within the cell, and the governing logic that has

been written. The PLC sends output signals in a particular sequence to

the appropriate recipient to complete the task(s) that the operator

desires. At any given time during operation, the PLC handles multiple

input and output signals. Below is a diagram illustrating the path of various signals traveling to and from

the PLC.

Figure 29 - Omron PLC

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Figure 30 - Signal Path Diagram


CNC Controller


Servo Motor Drive

NXC100 Controller

Conveyor Motor Drive

Solenoid Bank

Proximity Sensors

Light Curtain

Servo Encoder

Cylinder Sensors


-Machining processes

-Operator functions replaced by remote inputs

-Robot movements

-Part handling

-Subprograms called by PLC

-Controls motor speed

-Controls servo motor speed and location

-Controls pneumatics of system

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Fabrication & Assembly

Upon completion of the design phase of the CIM Cell, fabrication and assembly was conducted.

Fabrication of the cell was made possible through a multitude of partnerships and through the

application of a variety of processes.

Partnerships In addition to receiving funding and materials from industry partners, several connections were

utilized at Grant Career Center to aid in the construction of the major components of the cell. The two

major partners included the Engineering Design and Metal Fabrication programs. Each program allowed

the capstone team to take full advantage of the onsite tools and equipment special to each. Along the

same lines, each program offered up its students to help with small projects and fabrication of the cell.

Engineering Design offered the use of a CNC mill, CNC lathe, manual mill, manual lathe, machine tooling,

and a variety of power and hand tools. Metal Fabrication offered the use of a chop saw, welding

machines, welding tables, and a multitude of fabrication tools. Below is a snapshot of one of the Metal

Fabrication students welding the 7th axis rail.

Figure 31 - Student Welding

Processes & Fixturing

Among the processes utlized to manufacture the cell’s components, the capstone team used

those such as:




Manual machining

CNC machining

Laser cutting

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General assembly

Figure 32 - CNC Machining

Figure 33 - PlasmaCAM Cutting

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Figure 34 - Manual Milling

Figure 35 - General Assembly

Tooling used was of industry standard. Custom fixturing was used for welding assistance (Figure 36) and

linear guide rail alignment (Figure 37).

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Figure 36 - Welding Fixtures

Figure 37 - Guide Rail Alignment Fixture

Testing & Results

Engineering Deliverables From an engineering perspective, the capstone team has delivered a safe and flexible robotic

manufacturing cell. In addition, the equipment that comprises the cell is real-world and the master

control is user-friendly.

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Safety is of the utmost importance for this CIM Cell. Three key areas that the team tested to

ensure student and onlooker safety include light curtain operation, Emergency Stop button function,

and Lock-Out Tag-Out (LO/TO) presence. When the light curtain is broken, all robot motions including

the 7th axis cease to function. The same test was conducted with the Estop button. This button is located

on the master controller and, when pressed, all robot motions and cell functionally immediately stop. As

for LO/TO, there exists two isolation devices for electrical power and pneumatic power for the cell

located near the master controller (Figure 38). These devices allow the operated to lock out the cell

during maintenance. Both of these devices have been tested and function properly.

Figure 38 - Pneumatic Lock Out

Flexibility in the cell is critical for the customer as it will be used for instructional purposes and

may manufacture a variety of parts. Flexibility within the cell is mainly found in five main areas: the

stock feeder, robotic gripper, lathe chuck, mill vise, and controller. To allow for variation in part size, the

stock feeder can handle various lengths and diameters of stock at an appropriate quantity (Figure 39).

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Figure 39 - Stock Feeder

Along the same lines, the robotic gripper has been designed and manufactured to handle part diameters

ranging from 0.75 inches to 2.5 inches. In addition, the gripper has the ability to acquire parts at two

orientations (Figure 40).

Figure 40 - Robotic Gripper

As part of its inherent design, the lathe chuck can be adjusted for varying stock diameter sizes (Figure


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Figure 41 - Lathe Chuck

Flexibility within the mill vise is comprised of removeable jaws that can be custom machined for any

application (Figure 42). (Note that this vise is a purchased part per the request of the customer. The

original custom vise was not used due to limitations in clamping force).

Figure 42 - Pneumatic Mill Vise

Finally, control of the cell makes up for much of the operational flexibility. The PLC program has been

designed with the help of Roger Sloan of MQ Automation. This program is linked with the HMI controller

interface that the operator interacts with and customizes as desired. Together, these components

provide the necessary flexibility the customer needs for instruction while still maintaining a level of

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robustness that ensures the safety of bystanders and the equipment itself (Figure 43). The compilation

of the logic program can be found in the appendix.

Figure 43 - Control Enclosure

Accompanying flexibility, user-friendliness of the cell is another aspect that was successfully

achieved by the capstone team. To ensure the cell is easy to use, special attention was given to the HMI

controller interface and labelling of the cell components. The controller was created in the form of

several pages that are easy to navigate between depending on the desired operation. Each page displays

status information, provides data input, and allows for function control of the various components of

the cell (Figure 44).

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Figure 44 - HMI Main Page

The interface also provides a reconfigureable sequence builder that allows the customer/student to

create a custom process depending on the part being manufactured (Figure 45). A full display of all

pages can be found in the appendix.

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Figure 45 - Sequence Builder

The real-world aspect of the cell is the final deliverable provided by the capstone team. The fact

that industry-grade equipment is part of the cell itself makes this module unique from small-scale

trainers and simulation software. Full size CNC machinery, robotics, modern control, and safety devices

are all functional pieces to the CIM Cell.

Figure 46 - Completed CIM Cell

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Learning Potential In addition to the engineering deliverables discussed above, an intangible deliverable of the cell

is learning potential. The installation of the cell in the Engineering Design Lab provides the ability for

students to engage with four main areas of learning that are engineering-related:

Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

CNC Technology

Multi-level Robotics

Machine Handshaking

The cell in its entirety exposes students to DFM. During the design process of a part to be manufactured,

the student must consider not only the limitations of the CNC machines but also the constraints of the

robot gripper, stock feeder, and other clamping devices. One or all of these factors can have an

influence on the part the student is designing. The thought process that ensues is one that occurs in

college and manufacturing in industry.

Figure 47 - Student Design Work

As mentioned earlier, CNC Technology is already part of Engineering Design curriculum. The presence of

the CIM Cell seeks to expand this area of learning. Typically, students will take their designs to the next

level by either manually writing CNC code or using CAM software to generate the code automatically.

Next, they take this code and upload it to small CNC trainers that produce small parts. Both the CNC

lathe and CNC mill that are incorporated into the cell are full-size and allow the students to interact with

this technology on a more real-world scale.

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Figure 48 - Students observing CIM Cell CNC processes

One of the more comprehensive areas of learning made possible by the CIM Cell is that of robotics. In

addition to engaging with machine tending operations, students will also have the opportunity to learn

basic robotic programming via the demonstration table installed in the front of the cell. Although

students already learn basic robotics on small trainers, this cell provides students the ability to train on a

full scale Motoman robot in common manufacturing situations. The instructor can teach students an

example of robotic language found in industry and walk them through instances of material handling

and machine tending.

Figure 49 - Instructor discusses robotics with the students

The final area of learning that the CIM Cell provides is that of machine handshaking. The cell itself stands

as an example found in flexible manufacturing that the instructor can use to discuss concepts such as

PLC programming, input/output signaling, and feedback sensing to further explore the idea of

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automation. Although the handshaking abilities are already installed, the cell acts as an example that

can be explored both in theory and through the observation of the components that make automation

possible for this application.

Figure 50 - Instructor discusses signaling between machines

A summary of the testing procedures of the CIM Cell as well as the validation of each process is

organized in Table 7 below. Customer validation is also part of this table.

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Table 3 - Testing Checklist

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Project Management

An undertaking of this magitude requires a significant amount of planning and preparation in

order to be a success. A schedule of tasks was created for efficient workflow and effective use of time

while a budgetary plan was generated to understand cost of various portions of the project. Below is

general breakout of the tasks planned. See appendix for a more comprehensive schedule.


Table 4 - Project Gantt Chart

Concept Development

Industry Partnerships

Secure Funding


Material Procurement

Fabrication & Assembly


Programming & Testing

Delivery of System

Project Schedule

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An important part of any project is the budget, and the CIM Cell project is no exception. At the

early stages of the project life a proposed budget was created to not only grasp the economics of the

project but to also set a goal of how much funding would need to be acquired to make this project

successful. Table 1 is the proposed budget created by the CIM Cell team. This budget represents a

“worst-case-scenario”, meaning no education discounts were pursued and no donations were made to

the team. The estimated total cost of the CIM Cell project was $37,000, with more than half the budget

used for purchasing the 7th axis of the robotic arm.

Proposed Budget

Category Amount

Motoman 7th Axis $20,200

Controls Package $7,000

Robotic Rail $4,000

CNC Machine Automation $2,500

Stock Feeder $350

Contingency 10%

Total Cost $37,000

Table 5 - Proposed Budget

From the proposed budget, the CIM Cell team members went to their perspective co-op

employers and told them about the CIM Cell and the educational benefit associated with it. They asked

their companies if they would like to make it possible by making a donation. Table 2 shows the cash

donations given to the CIM Cell project team. A combined total of $10,250 was donated by The Procter

& Gamble Company and Clarke.

Project Funding

Company Amount

The Procter & Gamble Co. $10,000

Clarke $250

Total Funding $10,250

Table 6 - Project Funding

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The $10,250 cash donation was well short of team’s estimated project cost of $37,000, but the

CIM Cell team was not discouraged. Table 3 shows the actual budget spent to date. To work within their

constrained budget the project team had to come up with cost saving alternatives to their original

approaches. The biggest savings in the actual budget compared to the proposed budget is the 7th axis

pack of the robotic arm. The original approach was to purchase the 7th axis package from Motoman, the

robotic arm manufacturer. Instead, the project team created and purchased a custom 7th axis package

using the specifications from the Motoman as a reference. In addition to the cash saving alternatives

developed by the team, Grant Career Center and other industry partners donated used equipment,

technical expertise and their time. These donations have also been extremely impactful and crucial to

the continuing success of the CIM Cell project. To date, the project team has a balance of $1,771.42 left

in the project budget. This budget will be used to purchase the control screen for the Cell interface and

other electrical components.

Actual Budget

Category Amount

Custom 7th Axis $3,570.64

Controls Package $745.27

Robotic Rail $3,385.19

CNC Machine Automation $325.20

Stock Feeder $95.83

Conveyor $356.45

Total Spent $8,478.58

Table 7 - Actual Budget


In conclusion the Computer Integrated Manufacturing Cell project was a great success. The

capstone team was able to complete the project within the alotted budget and timeframe. Most

importantly the project met and exceeded all customer requirements, and functions as designed. The

future of this project is to remain at Grant Career Center and be successfully intragrated into the

Engineering Design program curriculum. As mentioned previously in the Testing and Results section, this

project provides great learning potential to the students who interact with it. The CIM offers multiple

levels of learning. The CIM Cell itself provides a great example of the engineering process: concept,

design, fabrication and assembly. Additionally the project also exposes students to engineering concepts

such as: Design for Manufacturing (DFM), CNC Technology, Multi-level Robotics and Machine

Handshaking. By using this Cell the students will be introduced to engineering concepts and

considerations at a high school age. The goal of this team and project is to engage students early in their

educational careers into engineering situations and provide students with greater incite into the

engineering field.

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Works Cited Autodesk. "Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012." 2012.

Bosch-Rexroth. Bosch Rexroth Aluminum Framing Shop. 2012. October 2011.

Collins, Danielle. Design World. 2012. 14 August 2011.

Contract Design Service, Inc. Vibratory Parts Feeders. 15 August 2011.

Corp., Opto 22. Sysmac CP1E. 22 August 2011.

Euchner-USA, Inc. Safety Switches. 15 September 2011.

Fanuc. Fanuc Robotics. 2012. 23 August 2011.

Guangzhou SuoGao Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. Products-Best Machine Conveyor. 2011. 13 August


Gudel. Gudel. 2012. 2 August 2011.

Hollman, Rob. Motoman High-Flex Cabling Capstone Team. 22 February 2012.

Huebner, Tobin. CIM Cell Features Capstone Team. August 2011.

Lab-Volt System, Inc. Servo Robot System Series 5250. 15 August 2011.

Motoman. HP3LC Manipulator Manual. Yaskawa America, 2003.

Omron. Omron Industrial Automation. 2012. 12 December 2011.

Riehn, Michael. PC Based Control System for Hydraulic Presses. 5 May 2010. 25 August 2011.

Scheper, Brad. Linear Guide Rail & Gearing Discussion Capstone Team. 15 September 2011.

Schmiesing, Kevin. NXC100 Ladder Logic Editing Capstone Team. 5 March 2012.

Schunk. Schunk GmbH & Co. 2012. 22 October 2011.

Sloan, Roger. Electrical & PLC Programming Capstone Team. 2011-12.

Smith, Terry. Modifying CNC Controller Logic Capstone Team. 5 March 2012.

Thomson. Thomson: Linear Motion Optimized. 2012. 24 September 2011.

Varney, Robert. CNC Controller Discussion Capstone Team. 2 February 2012.

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Appendix A: Technical Drawing Package



Part Number Sub-Assembly Description Author CIM MASTER Haun/Hayden

CIM-S Stock Feeder Assembly Hayden

CIM-S1 Base Assembly Hayden

CIM-S1-001 Base Plate Hayden

CIM-S1-002 Base Support - Rear Hayden

CIM-S1-003 Base Support - Front Hayden

CIM-S1-004 Base Support - LH Angle Hayden

CIM-S1-005 Base Support - LH Vertical Hayden

CIM-S1-006 Base Support - RH Angle Hayden

CIM-S1-007 Base Support - RH Vertical Hayden

CIM-S2 Frame Assembly Hayden

CIM-S2-001 Frame Cylinder - Lower Mount Hayden

CIM-S2-002 Frame Cylinder - Upper Mount Hayden

CIM-S2-003 Frame Main Panel Hayden

CIM-S2-004 Frame Main Panel - Lower Support Hayden

CIM-S2-005 Frame Main Panel - Upper Support Hayden

CIM-S2-006 Frame Pressure Switch - Upper Mount Hayden

CIM-S2-007 Frame Stationary Guide - Mount Hayden

CIM-S3 Mobile Guide Assembly Hayden

CIM-S3-001 Mobile Guide Mobile Guide - Lower Mount Hayden

CIM-S3-002 Mobile Guide Mobile Guide - Upper Mount Hayden

CIM-S3-003 Mobile Guide Mobile Guide - Bottom Hayden

CIM-S3-004 Mobile Guide Mobile Guide - Main Hayden

CIM-S3-005 Mobile Guide Mobile Guide - Stop Hayden

CIM-S3-006 Mobile Guide Mobile Guide - Top Hayden

CIM-S3-007 Mobile Guide Part Protector - Mobile Bottom - Lower Hayden

CIM-S3-008 Mobile Guide Part Protector - Mobile Bottom - Mid Hayden

CIM-S3-009 Mobile Guide Part Protector - Mobile Bottom - Upper Hayden

CIM-S3-010 Mobile Guide Part Protector - Mobile Top - Lower Hayden

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CIM-S3-011 Mobile Guide Part Protector - Mobile Top - Mid Hayden

CIM-S3-012 Mobile Guide Part Protector - Mobile Top - Upper Hayden

CIM-S4 Stationary Guide Assembly Hayden

CIM-S4-001 Stationary Guide Part Protector - Stationary Bottom - Lower Hayden

CIM-S4-002 Stationary Guide Part Protector - Stationary Bottom - Mid Hayden

CIM-S4-003 Stationary Guide Stationary Guide - Main Hayden

CIM-S4-004 Stationary Guide Stationary Guide - Stop Hayden

CIM-S4-005 Stationary Guide Stationary Guide - Top Hayden

CIM-S4-006 Stationary Guide Pressure Switch - Lower Mount Hayden

CIM-S4-007 Stationary Guide Part Protector - Stationary Bottom - Upper Hayden

CIM-S4-008 Stationary Guide Part Protector - Stationary Top - Lower Hayden

CIM-S4-009 Stationary Guide Part Protector - Stationary Top - Mid Hayden

CIM-S4-010 Stationary Guide Part Protector - Stationary Top - Upper Hayden

CIM-S5-001 Stock Control Cylinder - Part Holder Hayden

CIM-S6-001 Stock Detection Pressure Switch - Extension Hayden

CIM-M Motion Assembly Hayden

CIM-M1-001 Robot Mount Plate Hayden

CIM-M2 Drive Mount Assembly Hayden

CIM-M2-001 Drive Mount Plate Hayden

CIM-M2-002 Drive Mount Jacking Bolt - Mount Hayden

CIM-M2-003 Drive Mount Jacking Bolt - Receiver Hayden

CIM-M3 Guarding Assembly Hayden

CIM-M3-001 Guarding Main Hayden

CIM-M3-002 Guarding Bottom Hayden

CIM-M4 Drive Assembly Hayden

CIM-M4-001 Drive Shaft Extension Hayden

6325K1 Drive Pinion Gear Modification Hayden

CIM-M5-001 Electrical Wireway Mount Hayden

CIM-I Mill Automation Assembly Hayden

CIM-I1 Cylinder Mount Hayden

CIM-I1-001 Cylinder Mount Door Bracket - Main Hayden

CIM-I1-002 Cylinder Mount Door Bracket - Rib Hayden

CIM-I1-003 Cylinder Mount Cylinder - Mount Plate Hayden

CIM-I2-001 Door Mechanism Pinion Gear - Mount Hayden

CIM-I2-002 Door Mechanism Pinion Gear - Shaft Hayden

CIM-I3-001 Pneumatics Bracket - Pneumatic Unions Hayden

6325K11 Door Mechanism Pinion Gear Modification Hayden

6296K123 Door Mechanism Gear Rack Modification Hayden

CIM-L Lathe Automation Assembly Hayden

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CIM-L1 Cylinder Mount Hayden

CIM-L1-001 Cylinder Mount Door Bracket - Main Hayden

CIM-L1-002 Cylinder Mount Door Bracket - Rib Hayden

CIM-L2-001 Pneumatics Bracket - Pneumatic Unions Hayden

CIM-C Conveyor Assembly Hayden

CIM-C1 Frame Assembly Hayden

CIM-C1-001 Frame Angle - 45 Long Hayden

CIM-C1-002 Frame Angle - 45 Short Hayden

CIM-C1-003 Frame Angle - Cross Support Hayden

CIM-C2-001 Frame Plates Stationary Bearing Hayden

CIM-C2-002 Frame Plates Mobile Bearing Hayden

CIM-C2-003 Frame Plates Conveyor Control Hayden

CIM-C3 Frame Support Assembly Hayden

CIM-C3-001 Frame Support Angle - Mobile Bearing Hayden

CIM-C3-002 Frame Support Plate - Mobile Bearing Hayden

CIM-C4 Motor Frame Assembly Hayden

CIM-C4-001 Motor Frame Angle - Lower Front Hayden

CIM-C4-002 Motor Frame Angle - Lower Rear Hayden

CIM-C4-003 Motor Frame Angle - Vertical Right Hayden

CIM-C4-004 Motor Frame Angle - Vertical Left Hayden

CIM-C5 Drive Side - Bearing Mount Assembly Hayden

CIM-C5-001 Drive Side - Bearing Mount Angle - Slotted Hayden

CIM-C5-002 Drive Side - Bearing Mount Plate - Threaded Hayden

CIM-C5-003 Drive Side - Bearing Mount Plate - Bent Hayden

CIM-C6 Operator Side - Bearing Mount Assembly Hayden

CIM-C6-001 Operator Side - Bearing Mount Angle - Slotted Hayden

CIM-C6-002 Operator Side - Bearing Mount Plate - Threaded Hayden

CIM-C6-003 Operator Side - Bearing Mount Plate - Bent Hayden

CIM-C7 Motor Mount Assembly Hayden

CIM-C7-001 Motor Mount Angle - Slotted Hayden

CIM-C7-002 Motor Mount Plate - Hole Hayden

CIM-C8 Frame Legs - Rear Assembly Hayden

CIM-C8-001 Frame Legs - Rear Angle - 45 Upper Hayden

CIM-C8-002 Frame Legs - Rear Angle - 45 Lower Hayden

CIM-C8-003 Frame Legs - Rear Angle - 45 Vertical Hayden

CIM-C9 Frame Legs - Front Assembly Hayden

CIM-C9-001 Frame Legs - Front Angle - 45 Lower Hayden

CIM-C9-002 Frame Legs - Front Angle - 45 Vertical Left Hayden

CIM-C9-003 Frame Legs - Front Angle - 45 Vertical Right Hayden

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CIM-C9-004 Frame Legs - Front Plate - Threaded Hayden

CIM-C10-001 Spacers 3/8" ID - 3.250" Hayden

CIM-C10-002 Spacers 3/8" ID - 0.375" Hayden

CIM-C11 Guarding Assembly Hayden

CIM-C11-001 Guarding Plate - Back Hayden

CIM-C11-002 Guarding Plate - Top Hayden

CIM-C11-003 Guarding Plate - Viewing Hayden

CIM-C11-004 Guarding Angle - Mount Hayden

CIM-G1 End Effecter Assembly Haun

CIM-G1-001 End Effecter Gripper Finger Haun

CIM-G1-002 End Effecter Module Adapter Plate Haun

CIM-G1-003 End Effecter Proximity Sensor Mount Haun

CIM-NV Mill Vise Assembly Haun

CIM-NV-001 Mill Vise Base Plate Haun

CIM-NV-002 Mill Vise Vise Jaw Haun

CIM-NV-003 Mill Vise Jaw Spacer Haun

CIM-R Robotic Rail Assembly Haun

CIM-R1 A-Frame Assembly: Left End Haun

CIM-R1-001 A-Frame Base Plate Haun

CIM-R1-002 A-Frame Top Plate Haun

CIM-R1-003 A-Frame Vertical Tube Haun

CIM-R1-004 A-Frame Angled Tube Haun

CIM-R1-005 A-Frame Cross Member Tube Haun

CIM-R1-006 A-Frame Light Curtain Mount Tube Haun

CIM-R2 A-Frame Assembly: Centers Haun

CIM-R2-001 A-Frame Base Plate Haun

CIM-R3 A-Frame Assembly: Right End Haun

CIM-R3-003 A-Frame Vertical Tube Haun

CIM-R3-004 A-Frame Angled Tube Haun

CIM-R4 Angled Support Assembly Haun

CIM-R4-001 Angled Support A-Frame Joiner Plate Haun

CIM-R4-002 Angled Support Main Mounting Plate Haun

CIM-R4-003 Angled Support Angled Cross Member Haun

CIM-R4-004 Angled Support Vertex Tube Haun

CIM-R5 Bottom Cross Assembly Haun

CIM-R5-001 Bottom Cross Angle Fasteners Haun

CIM-R6 Gear Rack Mount Assembly Haun

CIM-R6-001 Rack Mount Angle Joiner Haun

CIM-R7 NXC100 Mount Assembly Haun

CIM-R7-001 NXC100 Mount Plate Haun

CIM-R7-002 NXC100 Mount Angled Strap Haun

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CIM-R8 Controller Mount Assembly Haun

CIM-R8-001 Control Mount Tube Haun

CIM-R8-002 Control Mount Swivel Mount Haun

CIM-R8-003 Control Mount Enclosure Support Bar - 9.5" Haun

CIM-R8-004 Control Mount Enclosure Support Bar - 8" Haun

CIM-R8-005 Control Mount Enclosure Support Bar - 16" Haun

CIM-R8-006 Control Mount Enclosure Support Bar - 18" Haun

CIM-R9 Miscellaneous Rail Components Haun

CIM-R9-001 Misc. Wireduct Mount Haun

CIM-R9-002 Misc. Wireway Support Strap Haun

CIM-R9-003 Misc. Wireway Support Plate Haun

CIM-R9-004 Misc. Wireway Stationary Mount Haun

CIM-R9-005 Misc. Wireway Mobile Mount Haun

CIM-R9-006 Misc. Wireway Plate Extension Haun

CIM-R9-007 Misc. Overtravel Hardstop Haun

CIM-R9-009 Misc. Robot Demonstration Table Hayden/Haun

CIM-R9-010 Misc. Demo Table Support Block Haun

CIM-R9-011 Misc. Bosch Mount Bar Haun

CIM-R9-012 Misc. Bosch 60x60 End Cap Haun

CIM-R9-013 Misc. Signature Cap Huebner/Haun

CIM-R9-014 Misc. Modified Proxy Gusset Haun

CIM-R9-015 Misc. Control Arm Strut Haun

CIM-PD Pencil Dispenser Haun

CIM-PD-001 Pencil Dispenser Vertical Support Haun

CIM-PD-002 Pencil Dispenser Magazine Guide Haun

CIM-PD-003 Pencil Dispenser Base Plate Haun

CIM-PD-004 Pencil Dispenser Feeder Arm Haun

CIM-PD-005 Pencil Dispenser Support Bar Haun

CIM-PD-006 Pencil Dispenser Handle Haun

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Appendix B: Stress Analysis Reports

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Appendix C: List of Inputs & Outputs Hawk 150 Lathe

o Operator Door Closed (LS_OPDR_CLSD): IO3:04/01

o Operator Door Locked (LS_OPDR_LOCK): IO3:04/02

o E-Stop (PB_E_STOP): IO3:01/03

o Master Start (PB_MAST_STRT): IO3:01/01

o Cycle Start (REM_INPUT(0)): IO3:06:03

o Chuck (SW_CHK_JAWS): IO3:05/01

Arrow 500 Mill

o Operator Door Closed (LS_OPDR_CLSD): IO1:05/01

o Operator Door Locked (LS_OPDR_LOCK): IO1:02/03

o E-Stop (PB_E_STOP): IO1:01/03

o Master Start (PB_MAST_STRT): IO1:01/01

o Cycle Start (REM_INPUT(0)): IO1:07:04

HP3LC Robot

o Motion Hold (Light Curtains) – X61: 37(+) & 12(-)

o E-Stop (Button on HMI) – X61: 38(+) & 14(-)

o Start (Button on HMI) – X33: 36

o Gripper Control – X33: 56 & 22, Common: 19(24v) & 54 (0v)

o Gripper Sensors – X33: 41 &42, Common: TBD

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Appendix D: Wiring Lengths & Connections

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Appendix E: Master Purchase Order List


Vendor: LOCAL

1 5/8" Nuts (SKU: 1136314) $ 4.53 $ 4.53

1 M8 x 20 Cap Screw (SKU: 38615) $ 0.31 $ 0.31

3 M8 Nut (SKU: 40307) $ 0.10 $ 0.30

10 M5 x 20 Socket Head Cap Screw (SKU: 11103327) $ 0.17 $ 1.73

12 M5 x 12 Socket Head Cap Screw (SKU: 11103323) $ 0.15 $ 1.78

1 1/2"-13 Bolt (SKU: 13824) $ 1.48 $ 1.48

2 3/8"-16 Hex Cap Screw (SKU: 13107) $ 0.30 $ 0.61

10 #5-40 Philips Machine Screw (SKU: 28719) $ 0.07 $ 0.73

2 1/4"-20 x 0.5 Set Screw (SKU: 25347) $ 0.23 $ 0.45

2 M5 x 30 Socket Head Cap Screw (SKU: 11103330) $ 0.19 $ 0.37

6 M10 Lock Washer (SKU: 40384) $ 0.09 $ 0.54

6 M10 Flat Washer (SKU: MW6400000ZP9021) $ 0.16 $ 0.98

6 3/8"-16 x 0.5 Hex Cap Screw (SKU:13101) $ 0.26 $ 1.59

6 #8-32 x 1.25 Philips Machine Screw (SKU: 28908) $ 0.08 $ 0.47

8 3" Swivel Caster (SKU: 38709) $ 4.49 $ 35.92

10 SMC 1/4" Plugs (KQ2P-07) $ 0.92 $ 9.20

1 Shipping $ 9.95 $ 9.95

1 A36 Hot Rolled Steel - 5/8" x 11" x 23" $ 78.25 $ 78.25

3 A36 Hot Rolled Steel - 1/2" x 8" x 14" $ 45.53 $ 136.59

1 A36 Hot Rolled Steel - 3/8" x 1.5" x 3" $ 26.72 $ 26.72

1 A36 Hot Rolled Steel - 3/8" x 3.5" x 6.75" $ 28.71 $ 28.71

1 Shipping Cost $ 82.72 $ 82.72


1 3/4" Washers (P/N: 90850A400) $ 5.68 $ 5.68

1 1/2" Washers (P/N: 98023A033) $ 5.66 $ 5.66

1 3/8" Washers (P/N: 98023A031) $ 5.39 $ 5.39

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1 1/4" Washers (P/N: 98023A029 ) $ 6.00 $ 6.00

5 Gear Rack (P/N: 5170T4) $ 86.15 $ 430.75

1 Spur Gear (P/N: 6325K1) $ 41.79 $ 41.79

1 1/4-20 Socket Head Cap Screw (P/N: 91251A540) $ 13.04 $ 13.04

1 Concrete Threaded Insert (P/N: 97083A360) $ 15.31 $ 15.31

1 Concrete Threaded Insert Installation Tool (P/N: 97077A150) $ 11.51 $ 11.51

1 3/8-16 Bolt (P/N: 92865A622) $ 7.44 $ 7.44

1 3/8 Lock Washer (P/N: 91104A031) $ 4.81 $ 4.81

1 3/8 Washer (P/N: 98025A031) $ 9.48 $ 9.48

1 1/2-13 Bolt (P/N: 91247A732) $ 10.48 $ 10.48

1 1/2 Lock Washer (P/N: 91104A033) $ 10.37 $ 10.37

1 1/2 Washer (P/N: 98025A133) $ 10.35 $ 10.35

1 1/2-13 Nut (P/N: 95462A033) $ 11.96 $ 11.96

3 M6 Socket Head Cap Screw (P/N: 91290A323) $ 9.50 $ 28.50

1 M8 Bolt (P/N: 91280A538) $ 9.63 $ 9.63

1 M8 Bolt (P/N: 91280A565) $ 7.26 $ 7.26

1 M8 Lock Washer (P/N: 91202A238) $ 3.61 $ 3.61

1 M8 Washer (P/N: 91455A130) $ 6.09 $ 6.09

4 3/4-10 Bolt (P/N: 91280A565) $ 3.83 $ 15.32

1 3/4 Lock Washer (P/N: 91104A047) $ 8.46 $ 8.46

1 3/4 Washer (P/N: 98025A036) $ 9.66 $ 9.66

1 M10 Bolt (P/N: 91280A630) $ 7.46 $ 7.46

1 No. 5 Flat Washer (P/N: 90126A507) $ 1.39 $ 1.39

1 M5 Lock Washer (P/N: 91202A230) $ 2.26 $ 2.26

1 No. 5 Lock Washer (P/N: 90073A006) $ 0.67 $ 0.67

1 M6 Socket Head Cap Screw (P/N: 91760A318) $ 12.05 $ 12.05

1 1/4-20 Bolt (P/N: 92865A540) $ 6.70 $ 6.70

1 1/4 Washer (P/N: 91201A029) $ 7.23 $ 7.23

1 No. 8 Washer (P/N: 91083A009) $ 5.56 $ 5.56

1 1/4 Lock Washer (P/N: 90073A029) $ 2.02 $ 2.02

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1 No. 8 Lock Washer (P/N: 90073A009) $ 1.37 $ 1.37

1 1/4-20 Nut (P/N: 95505A601) $ 1.49 $ 1.49

2 Air Cylinder (P/N: 6498K151) $ 18.52 $ 37.04

2 Pressure Switch (P/N: 7090K370) $ 7.91 $ 15.82

1 M8x30 Bolt (P/N: 91280A538) $ 10.12 $ 10.12

1 3/4-16 Tap (P/N: 26035A219) $ 10.00 $ 10.00

1 Pneumatic Bushing (P/N: 4429K412) $ 1.91 $ 1.91

1 3/8" Spacer Stock (P/N: 92377A140) $ 5.38 $ 5.38

1 1/4" Flat Washer (P/N: 91201A029) $ 7.23 $ 7.23

1 3/8" Flat Washer (P/N: 91081A131) $ 5.43 $ 5.43

1 3/8 Bolt (P/N: 91247A630) $ 12.44 $ 12.44

1 3/8" Bolt (P/N: 91247A642) $ 5.99 $ 5.99

1 3/8" Nut (P/N: 95505A603) $ 4.90 $ 4.90

1 #10 Washer (P/N: 91081A127) $ 1.20 $ 1.20

1 #10 Lock Washer (P/N: 92147A430) $ 3.45 $ 3.45

1 10-24 Philips Screw (P/N: 90272A242) $ 4.02 $ 4.02

1 10-24 Nut (P/N: 90480A011) $ 1.72 $ 1.72

30' 3/8" Polyurethane Tubing - Clear Blue (P/N: 5648K713) $ 0.86 $ 25.80

1 5/8"-18 Hex Nuts (P/N: 94895A835) $ 6.75 $ 6.75

1 Gear Rack 16 Pitch - 1/2" Face Width (P/N: 6295K123) $ 43.48 $ 43.48

1 Spur Gear -16 Pitch - 1/2" Face Width - 3/4" DP (P/N: 6325K11) $ 13.89 $ 13.89

1 5/16" Flat Washer (P/N: 91083A030) $ 4.15 $ 4.15

1 5/16" Lock Washer (P/N: 91101A230) $ 2.34 $ 2.34

1 Bolt - 5/16-18 UNC x 1" (P/N: 92865A583) $ 11.95 $ 11.95

1 Nut - 5/16-18 UNC (P/N: 90499A030) $ 3.97 $ 3.97

1 7/16" Flat Washer (P/N: 98023A032) $ 4.23 $ 4.23

1 7/16" Lock Washer (P/N: 91102A765) $ 5.78 $ 5.78

1 Bolt - 7/16-14 UNC x 7/8" (P/N: 92865A668) $ 5.75 $ 5.75

1 Nut - 7/16-14 (P/N: 95462A032) $ 10.33 $ 10.33

1 8-32 x 3/4" Socket Head Cap Screw (P/N: 91251A197) $ 10.84 $ 10.84

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30' 3/8" Polyurethane Tubing - Clear Blue (P/N: 5792K35) $ 1.88 $ 56.40

1' 10 mm Polyurethane Tubing - Clear Blue (P/N: 50315K723) $ 0.82 $ 0.82

4' 6 mm Polyurethane Tubing - Clear Blue (P/N: 50315K693) $ 0.33 $ 1.32

1 Quick Disconnect - 3/8" NPT Industrial Type (P/N: 1077T21) $ 4.31 $ 4.31

1 10.2 mm Drill Bit (P/N: 2958A151) $ 7.93 $ 7.93

1 Spade Head Thumb Screw (P/N: 96966A850) $ 8.47 $ 8.47

1 1/4-20 x 1" Socket Cap Screws (P/N: 91251A542) $ 14.43 $ 14.43

1 Shim Stock Assortment (P/N: 9513K42) $ 34.75 $ 34.75

1 5mm Broach (P/N: 8805A14) $ 49.25 $ 49.25

1 16mm Collared Broach Bushing (P/N: 8804A72) $ 10.36 $ 10.36

1 5mm End Mill (P/N: 8854A15) $ 14.75 $ 14.75

1 M8x1.25 Tap (P/N: 26475A75) $ 9.59 $ 9.59

1 M10x1.5 Tap (P/N: 26475A76) $ 17.62 $ 17.62

1 M20x2.5 Tap (P/N: 8305A45) $ 50.33 $ 50.33

1 8.7 mm Drill Bit (P/N: 2958A135) $ 6.30 $ 6.30

1 17/32" Drill Bit (P/N: 2931A45) $ 18.57 $ 18.57

1 21/32" Drill Bit (P/N: 2931A54) $ 25.83 $ 25.83

1 25/32" Drill Bit (P/N: 2933A34) $ 26.60 $ 26.60

1 6.8 mm Drill Bit (P/N: 2958A114) $ 3.43 $ 3.43

1 8 mm End Mill (P/N: 8854A21) $ 14.75 $ 14.75

1 11 mm End Mill (P/N: 8854A24) $ 19.53 $ 19.53

1 6.6 mm Drill Bit (P/N: 2958A112) $ 3.74 $ 3.74

1 Lubricated Square Turntable (p/n: 1544T1) $ 5.20 $ 5.20

1 1/4-28 Set Screw, 0.25" Long (p/n: 94105A630) $ 7.69 $ 7.69

1 1/4" Keystock (p/n: 99020A425) $ 1.88 $ 1.88


1 Omron S2 Servo Motor (P/N: R88M-G20030L-S2) $ 335.24 $ 335.24

1 Drive (P/N: R7D-BP02L) $ 362.00 $ 362.00

1 Drive Power Cable (P/N: R7A-CLP002S2) $ 14.96 $ 14.96

1 Control Cable (P/N: XW2Z-100J-B28) $ 101.32 $ 101.32

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1 Feedback Cable - 15 meters (P/N: R88A-CRGB015C) $ 123.08 $ 123.08

1 Control Terminal Block (P/N: XW2B-34G4) $ 48.96 $ 48.96

1 Motor Power Cable (P/N: R7A-CAB015S) $ 49.64 $ 49.64

1 Apex Gearbox 10:1 (P/N: PE070-010/OMRON R88M-G20030L) $ 302.50 $ 302.50

1 Omron IO Expansion Pack (CP1W-16ER) $ 142.80 $ 142.80

1 Economy Molded D-Sub Cable DB37 Male/Female 25 ft (p/n: CSM37MF-25) $ 47.50 $ 47.50

1 Omron HMI 8" (NS8-TV00B-V2) $

1,155.84 $ 1,155.84

1 Omron PLC I/O Expansion: 24 in / 16 out (p/n: CP1W-40EDT) $ 262.69 $ 262.69

1 SMC 1/4" Plug - Package of 10 (SMC#: KQ2P-07) $ 0.40 $ 0.40

1 Patelite Light Stack (p/n: LME-302FBL-RYG /M) $ 100.00 $ 100.00

2 400 Series Profile Rail Linear Guide (P/N: 421N25AJT+6096.0 Y=18.0) $ 620.64 $ 1,241.28

4 400 Series Profile Rail Linear Guide Block (P/N: 413H25C0) $ 42.96 $ 171.84

2 60x60H Extruded Aluminum Profile (6096 mm) $ 210.38 $ 420.76

6 60x60 Gusset w/ Fasteners (P/N: 3 542 523 553) $ 3.76 $ 22.56

130 10mm M6 T Nut (P/N: 3 842 530 285) $ 0.33 $ 42.90

1 Minarik Motor Drive (P/N: Minarik VFD04-115AC) $ 135.00 $ 135.00

500' 1/4" Polyurethane Tubing - Clear Blue (P/N: TIUB07BU-153) $ 66.94 $ 66.94

10 Reducer: 5/16" to 1/4" (P/N: KQ2R07-09) $ 0.84 $ 8.40

10 Unions: 1/4" (P/N: KQ2E07-00) $ 1.95 $ 19.50

4 Flow Control - 1/8" NPT - 1/4" Tube (P/N: NAS2201F-N01-07S) $ 6.18 $ 24.72

4 Reed Switch - Tie Rod Mounting (P/N: A53L) $ 15.17 $ 60.68

1 Switch Mounting Bracket (P/N: BT-03) $ 2.22 $ 2.22

10 Male Fitting - 1/4" NPT - 3/8" Tube (P/N: KQ2H11-U02) $ 1.73 $ 17.30

10 Male Fitting - 1/8" NPT - 10mm Tube (P/N: KQ2H10-01S) $ 1.62 $ 16.20

10 Male Fitting - M5 - 6mm Tube (P/N: KQH06-M5) $ 1.36 $ 13.60

10 Elbow Male Fitting - 1/8" NPT - 1/4" Tube (P/N: KQ2L07-34S) $ 1.08 $ 10.80

10 Y Branch - 3/8" NPT - 3/8 Tube (P/N: KQ2U11-36S) $ 3.79 $ 37.90

10 Reducer: 3/8" to 1/4" (P/N: KQ2R07-11) $ 0.87 $ 8.70

500' 1/4" Polyurethane Tubing - Clear Blue (P/N: TIUB01BU-153) $ 59.50 $ 59.50

1 Omron Serial Interface Card (CP1W-CIF01) $ 39.79 $ 39.79

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2 Picofast 4 Pin Male Connector (p/n: BS5143-0) $ 16.43 $ 32.86

Vendor: MSC

1 High Performance DTM Epoxy Mastic (MSC#: 94120177) $ 94.93 $ 94.93

1 High Performance DTM Mastic Activator (MSC#: 00243527) $ 70.95 $ 70.95


1 1BC Cable, 5m (p/n: 151122-3) $ 800.00 $ 800.00

1 2BC Cable, 5m (p/n: 151123-3) $ 750.00 $ 750.00

1 3BC Cable, 5m (p/n: 150038-2) $ 260.00 $ 260.00

Subtotal $9,326.72

+10% Estimated Shipping $932.67

TOTAL $10,259

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Appendix F: Detailed Project Schedule

CIM Cell Detailed Schedule.xlsx

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Appendix G: HMI Controller Screens

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Appendix H: PLC Logic

