Computers and Society IST 2710 Section 006 Class #1: 1/9/08


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Computers and SocietyIST 2710

Section 006

Class #1: 1/9/08

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Starting Off #1

• Initial the attendance sheet (every week)• Pick up copies of

o Syllabuso Lab and Assignmento Essay assignment

• Get a laptop from the carto Check for green light first! (It’s charged up.)o Unplug the power packo Open it up – push silver button to turn it on

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Starting Off #2

• Get a laptop from the carto Login

• DO NOT CHANGE USER NAME!• Password: dis@culma (Passwords are case-

sensitive, everywhere)

o Keystroke to check battery status• Batteries last 2 – 3 hours only, then computer

shuts down• Now shut yours off• At end, put it back, plug it in, check for orange light

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Review of Syllabus #1

• Course web site has these notes and all handoutso Also Full Version of Syllabus

• Instructor and contact informationo Office hours

• Course description and topics

• Materials – will need these before Jan 16

• Grading scale

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Review of Syllabus #2

• How I will calculate your semester grade

• Assignment / exam schedule

• Late Assignments, Missed Assignments

• Early academic assessment

• Incompletes

• Exceptions to grading policies

• Class conduct

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Review of Syllabus #3

• Grade appeals

• Educational accessibility

• Plagiarismo The real effect of plagiarism

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Tonight’s Schedule

• Spelling• Computer Overview• Break• Binary, #1

o But first, how does the decimal system work?

• Review of lab and assignment• Lab period• Done

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08



• In this class, spell these computer-related words correctlyo Internet (always capitalized)o email (not e-mail or E-mail)o website (not web sight)o network (one word)o eCommerce (not e-Commerce)o online (not on-line)o it’s = “it is”, not “belonging to it”

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Computer Overview #1

Computer: definition

• A programmable device thato Accepts inputso Performs operations on or processes the

inputso Presents or outputs the resultso Can store results for further use or changes

• Programmable: can run different programs

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Computer Overview #2

• Computers used very widely todayo New types being developed (examples)o Use is increasingo Used on all areas of life – home, school, work,

etc.o Hardware – Physical parts of computer

• Five types – see diagram on back of assignment

o Software (Book’s name – I will call it information)

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Computer Overview #3

• Software (Book’s name – I will call it Information)o Diagram – see back of assignment

• Types of computers (book has 5, I add 1)o Mobile deviceso PC – basically for one persono Midrange Servers – Department in large corp.o Mainframes – large corporationo Supercomputers – fastest, single-use

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Computer Overview #4

• Types of computers (book has 5, I add 1)o Embedded

• Usually invisible• Runs a machine or appliance• Examples: TV or Digital Radio tuner, Microware

and appliance controls, Runs automobile engine and transmission, Digital clock, Garage door opener, etc.

• The most common type

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Binary #1

• Computers use binary because it can be represented by switches (on / off)o Switches can be fast and cheap

• If we understand how decimal system works, binary is very similaro Place-value system – value of a digit depends

on its place in the numbero For a computer, first number is zeroo Count in decimal – ten number symbols 0 - 9

• What to do when we run out of number symbols?

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Binary #2

o Count in decimal – ten number symbols 0 – 9o Counting is really adding one each time

• In a place value system, when you run out of number symbolso Carry (add) 1 to the next column to the lefto Reset the present column to the beginning - 0

• Binary has only two number symbols 0 & 1o Counting in binary

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Binary #3

• Binary has only two number symbols o 0 & 1

• The three rules of binary addition:A. Zero + anything = that thing

o 0 + 0 = 0o 0 + 1 = 1o 1 + 0 = 1o Or “If you have to add a zero, don’t” (skip it)o No carry

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Binary #4

• The three rules of binary addition:B. 1 + 1 = 0

o With a carry

C. 1 + 1 + 1 = 1o With a carry

Memorize these!

• Counting examples

• Addition examples

1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Binary #5

• Decimal system: place value system with 10 number symbols

• Binary system: place value system with 2 number symbols

• Why do humans use decimal system: it’s compact

• “Bit” – one binary digit – a 0 or 1• “Byte” – eight bits, also one alphabetic


1/9/08 Computers and Society, Winter 08


Lab – see handout

• Computer on & log in (dis@culma)• Looking at Word 2007

o “Ribbon”o Many familiar things under this top layero Dialogs can do more than buttons on ribbono File formats are different

• Example: Word .doc .docx (XML) Incompatible – solutions for sharing files

1. Office 2007 can save as .doc2. Office 2000, 2003 can download conversion from to save as & read .docx

• Lab – see handout• Assignment – see handout