Concept Mapping Sue Klemmer * Camden Hills Regional High School


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Concept Mapping

Sue Klemmer * Camden Hills Regional High School

“Corners” Introduction

Please go to the poster that most closely matches your experience

with concept mapping.

THINK: What do you want to get out of this workshop?

WRITE your goal(s) on the poster.SHARE your goals with one another.

What do you notice?PICK a spokesperson to share your

goals with the rest of the group.


• minimize side talk

• get up whenever!

• ask questions any time

... and?

In the next 2 hours ...what’s a concept map?

• make a basic map & discuss

• compare map technologies

what’s a map do?• different uses for maps

• grading vs. feedback; rubrics

• a look at student work

mapping power• hierarchy & symmetry

•make a 2nd map & peer edit

What’s a Concept Map?

concept maps show relationships between ideas, rather than definitions

maps are visual tools that organize knowledge

maps must have:1. concepts: ideas in bubbles; nouns2. links: labeled lines; verbs3. these connect as “concept-link-

concept” sentences

concept maps





Map Technologies

1. paper & pencil2. whiteboards /benchtops3. sticky notes & string or chalk4. word processors5. software• “Inspirations”• “Omnigraffle” ME-MLTI

a good technology is easily edited & easily shared

Task: Make a Map

• Put each term on a separate sticky note.

• Think about how they are related.

• Move them around on a piece of paper and lightly connect with lines.

• Like it? Mark in the lines and label them.

instructional practice

professional development

student learning

1. Divide team into pairs.2. Swap maps with your

partner.3. Have one partner read out

loud each “concept-link-concept”. Do they make grammatical sense? Edit if needed.

4. Repeat for the other partner.5. Compare your maps. What

do you notice?6. Put the pairs together as a 4.7. Have each person share

something they noticed about his/her partner’s map.

8. Discuss: what insights do we want to share with the larger group?

Early Maps

1. “Make a map from these 3 words: ___”2. “Make a map from these 3 words (___)

plus two more concepts of your own from your reading ___.”

3. “Make a map of 4-5 key words from reading ___.”

keep first efforts small and structured

Early Maps: “Buy In”

low stakes or no stakes gradingopportunities to share and edit USE THEM! avoid “mapping for

mapping sake”; what’s the purpose?• probe prior knowledge• get main ideas from a reading• pull different lessons together for review

keep first efforts enjoyable and useful

Simple Map Rubric

All required concepts are present.Required concepts represent important

ideas.All concepts are connected to another

concept.All links are labeled.All links make grammatical sense &

scientific sense.

Typical Error #1: Definitions

Typical Error #1: Definitions


Typical Error #2: Dependency

Walk & Talk

• Get up and walk about! Stretch!• STOP and share

one new thing you’ve learned.

Task: Student Work

• Get the “Basic Map Rubric” page in your packet.

• Evaluate each sample map.

• Write 4 sticky note feedback comments for each student:o “warm” & “cool”o on science & on the


TEAM WORK:1. In a “roundrobin”

report out your scores for the first sample. Come to consensus!

2. Share your feedback for this student. Select the 2-3 you think most helpful to the student.

3. Repeat for the 2nd sample.

4. Be prepared to share an “ahah!” or a “hmm?”

Hierarchy & Symmetry

HIERARCHY requires students to prioritize the importance of ideas.

SYMMETRY requires students to “chunk” knowledge into parallel pieces. This builds “HOTS”.

Some students will do this intuitively, but it should not be pushed until basic skills are mastered.

Hierarchy & Symmetry

main idea #1

the topic


main idea #3

main idea #2

detail detaildetaildetail

“lead to” idea

Unusual Hierarchy!

a more advanced rubric

All required concepts are present.All concepts are connected to at least one other

concept. Multiple links highlight a few significant cross-

connections.All links are labeled and substantial.All links make grammatical sense & scientific

sense. The map uses one of the following strategies:• hierarchy to show the relative importance of

different concepts.• symetry to show “chunking” of ideas into


Task: Make a Map #2• As a team, select a

topic in chemistry you would be interested in having students map.

• Brainstorm a list of key concepts. Select 3-4 concepts all maps must have.

• Make a map of 6-10 concepts on your own, using your choice of “basic” or “advanced” rubric.

Editing:1. Swap maps with a

partner. Tell him/her what rubric to use.

2. Evaluate your partner’s map using the correct rubric.

3. Provide “warm” and “cool” feedback on his/her mapmaking.

4. Get your own map back. Edit it.

5. Time permitting, swap with another member of the team.

Survey says ...68%


Using Maps: a Review

