CONCORDIA FRANCE - VolunteerMatch.ORG.TW€¦ · 24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 4...


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24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 2


64 rue Pouchet

75017 Paris

Anthony CROCHU, International coordinator


Skype: concordiainternational

Phone: 0033.

Lucie GOUBERT, Short term projects coordinator


Skype: concordia.workcamps

Phone: 0033.

Monica GARCIA PORTO, Long term projects and Erasmus+ projects coordinator


Skype: vltconcordia

Phone: 0033.

Great volunteers in 2015!

Mélanie (Incoming):

Francesca, Dorota and Antonin (Outgoings):

Marco PAOLI, General Manager


Skype: concordiamarco

Phone: 0033.

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 3

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 4

Concordia is a French national non-governmental and non-profit making organisation, founded in 1950 by English, German and French youngsters. Their aim was to enhance the values of tolerance and peace after the 2nd world war by organising international workcamps of young volunteers.

The main objectives of Concordia are the following:

Education i-e helping young people to grow up by acquisition of collective life.

Culture i-e favouring the youth exchanges on an international level, always emphasizing the values of peace, friendship and mutual respect.

Social i-e taking part in concrete actions of solidarity, as well as supporting a civic attitude

Social economy i-e contributing to realisation of local development, in favour of the environment, patrimony, tourism and socio-educational animation.

Workcamps are a perfect tool to reach these goals: Participating in a workcamp means working voluntarily during 2 or 3 weeks at a project of a common utility, such as environment, archaeology, culture, patrimony. It is a form of informal education, but also an opportunity to discover a new region and its inhabitants. The participants get to know the real life of a small community, as well as the culture and customs of other volunteers, who come from all around the world. Every year Concordia gives the opportunity to more than 700 French youths to get involved in its partner projects abroad or in its projects in France, and hosts around 800 foreign volunteers on its own workcamps in France.

Concordia is a member of 2 major international networks and one national which support voluntary service:

The Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations which is a network of 49 national organisations in 28 countries and

The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) which is an organisation founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1948 and coordinates about 300 organisations worldwide.

The national association Cotravaux (Coordination of French Voluntary Work organisations).

The other activities of the association continue throughout the year with weekend or short holiday workcamps, mid and long term voluntary service, inclusion of young people with difficulties, study and activity groups (North-South, International), sending and hosting volunteers of European Voluntary Service. Concordia also organises various trainings throughout the year. Those who wish to be even more involved in Concordia’s activities can be elected at the management committee; Concordia is a democratic organisation, led by dynamic and motivated volunteers as well as young people, and supported by paid staff. Today the management committee counts 15 members, there are 1500 subscribers, 25 employees and 200 activities leaders. The Paris head office supports the 9 regional offices activities i-e the Auvergne, Aquitaine, Brittany, Ile-de-France, Midi-Pyrenees, Normandy, Picardy, Rhône-Alpes and South-East of France. Concordia has the approval of the French Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Ministry of the Environment.

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The aim of this charter is to state clearly the conditions considered by Concordia as the essential elements of the international workcamp. This charter has the value of commitment.

Concordia aims:

To contribute to the enhancement of social life through the involvement of French and foreign volunteers in public projects of common interest;

To encourage the circulation of people and ideas through global exchanges in the interests of international understanding and peace;

To promote an educational project/promote its educative mission through encouraging active citizenship, which is essential for a democratic, united and participatory society.

The rural area is the primary field of activity of the association. It is in this context that Concordia sets up and organizes international workcamps, guided by five criteria:

1. The workcamp is a place of intercultural meetings

The international workcamp representing the mixture of different nationalities and social backgrounds, the encounter of different generations, the confrontation of urban and rural cultures, the willingness to integrate oneself as full as possible into the life of the hosting area and characterised by a communal life:

Is a place of intercultural meetings in the perspective of a voluntary discover of others;

Consequently encourages international understanding, tolerance and international friendship;

Encourages peaceful resolution of conflicts through learning to discover and respect the differences.

2. The workcamp necessarily participates in the project of general interest.

The international workcamps of young volunteers allow to develop educational, social and cultural values, as well as collective solidarity. For that purpose the following principals are applied:

Workcamps are organised "with", but not "for" public bodies, which are the guarantors of general interests;

The result of the workcamps is durable equipment or facilities.

The result of this work accomplished in partnership is open to everybody.

That is why we act in different fields: architectural heritage as well as natural heritage, local area or social life heritage.

Our concern for general interests is also reflected in the choice of our partners for the organisation of exchange of volunteers. Concordia does not act for the private sector.

3. The workcamp for a dynamic local development The preparation and organisation of the workcamp stimulate the emergence of local initiatives in the spirit of economic, social and cultural revitalisation; It allows rallying volunteers for the preservation of cultural, natural or architectural heritage. Therefore, local development of a small area or a larger territory represents for Concordia an economic, social and cultural dimension. Thus, the choice and implementation of the projects are based on the mobilisation of local partners, associations, public bodies and human resources, which constitutes the guarantee of the durability of actions.

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4. The workcamp encourages the development of citizenship International workcamps of young volunteers develop citizens through:

The arrangement of the functioning of the workcamp, i.e. the rules to be adopted by the group in order to jointly attain the set objectives;

The development of critical mind and the application of a dialogue as a means of conflict resolution;

The daily encounter with active and participatory democracy in order to avoid any sort of arbitrariness and prejudice, bringing together young people and local representatives.

5. The international workcamp is a place of educative process and work Workcamps for young volunteers must lead to a high quality, valuable and properly finished work, which should be beneficial to the environment and a given area. Although the organisation of workcamps requires the use of financial resources, they constitute "non-commercial acts", i.e. the acts that are not remunerated. The international workcamp is a place of educative process, which leads to:

The acquisition of technical skills through manual work, know-how and work-organisation;

Social development through the respect of the others, the capacity of self-expression, listening and living in community;

Political development through learning to apply participatory democracy, peaceful resolution of conflicts and intercultural understanding.

We are taking steps to ensure that the dynamics of our charter would be present:

During the training of our leaders and staff of associations;

During the presentation of our projects to our partners, volunteers and the media;

During workcamps;

During the meetings with the local population. The workcamp contributes to the transformation of social relationships thanks to individual and collective exchanges. The workcamp is not an end in itself, but a means to promote values, which should bring transformation both on the individual and the collective level. This charter has been adopted in the Meeting of the Board members, which took place on 29 May 1994.

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Our commitments, towards the volunteers, on international workcamps are:

To propose workcamps that work for peace, solidarity, friendships, citizenship, tolerance and respect for others and the environement.

To favour local development in a village, a micro-region or disctrict with an emphasis on rural areas

To have one or two leaders trained by Concordia on each project who actively participate in the workcamp. The leadership of the workcamp favours the emergence of a group dynamic which should be a school of democracy, participation, responsibility, encouraging the spirit of active citizenship, and the development of the individual.

The gives the impetus to the group, guiding the volunteers towards taking responsibility for the collective life.

The leaders guarantee the values of Concordia and the application of the charter.

The leaders will be able to explain for whom and why a project of general interest (as opposed to private interest) leads to local and social development.

The project should be useful to the community by improving the natural and cultural heritage.

To encourage the local population to continue the project in the future

To propose environemental projects that respect nature (selective cutting, environmentally friendly maintenance)

To give the opportunity of discovering and learning new manual techniques.

To propose workcamps of French and foreign volunteers while trying to reach a balance in the number of men and women.

To promise to give extra information about workcamps with specific exchange details.

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Concordia’s international workcamps are always organised in co-operation with either local authorities or local organisations; the projects are designed to respond to needs of the community and are always for the common good.

Groups have usually between 12 and 20 participants. Concordia wants to have 1/3 of French

volunteers on adults’ camps and half of French on teenage camps. Meetings with the local population are an important part of the projects. Also we try in each workcamp to mobilise young people from the village for an active participation to the workcamp. Sometimes they are coming only for leisure time, sometimes they participate also to the work, and sometimes they are totally part of the project. In general it’s their first « international experience ».

The common language is English during our workcamps, if it’s a French speaking camp it is

specified. Two coordinators are present in each workcamp: one for the group life and another for technical work. They will be either French or they will come from our partners associations abroad (please see below the call for coordinators). Sometimes only one is present (a French coordinator for small groups). Concordia’ French coordinators participate in a training week organised by Concordia and the international coordinators follow training in their partners’ countries (if they don’t have any experience of coordination). All coordinators manage the budget for food, leisure, excursions, etc. with the group.

With Concordia, work time is about 6 hours a day, but in fact it is more important to attain the

work’s objective, defined between the local partner and Concordia. Leisure time is not planned before: it will be organised by the group with the local population and it will be based on the discovery of the region. Most of the time, camps are in small isolated villages and there is not necessarily a car available on the camp: volunteers should be ready to accept that.

General accommodation is basic: a common room for sleeping and eating. Volunteers cook for

themselves; sometimes they are sleeping on the floor and sometimes in tents (see the

description of each workcamp).

Volunteers should bring a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat, work clothes, warm clothes, sport

shoes, gloves…Please notice that it’s easier to have a backpack, especially in the mountains!

We welcome some volunteers with special needs in our workcamps. If your volunteers have

special needs, please contact us. We will do our best to find a way to host them.

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 9

Concordia has been organising workcamps for teenagers for some 50 Years. We always have as general goal the mobility of youth of all publics at all age. The teenager exchanges need to be taken into consideration inside of partnership relations. We truly believe that to be able to exchange teenager volunteers, and explain to the volunteer and even to the parents what to expect, it is really important that we communicate about what each organisation means when they talk about a teenager workcamp. In France, activities for minors are protected by the law which gives a frame. These rules facilitate or determine the organisation of workcamps, leisure activities, health and safety of the volunteer, and also the skills necessary for the group leaders. The camp language is mainly English with some French. The volunteers work on a concrete project, doing about 25/30 hours per week. French legislation changed in 2006 hardening rules, consequently we are organizing teenage workcamps only for teenagers between 15 and 17 years old and no other teen places will be offered.

Moreover, teenagers participating in teenage workcamps will be charged of 165€ extra fees to

cover the costs of qualified coordinators who will lead the workcamps. Our proposal is that

each volunteer’s family or tutor pays by bank transfer before the camp start. Another

agreement may be found on a bilateral level.

The leader team is composed of 2 to 3 persons who are qualified in leading and they are responsible at all times for the volunteers. Teenagers are taken in charge on their arrival at the meeting point (that will be mentioned in the info sheet) and they can’t leave the camp without a written authorisation signed by their parents and sent to our organisation.

According to the French law we cannot host teenagers without the Medical fact sheet. This is why we

ask you to send a copy of the Medical Fact sheet together with the VEF (in pdf by e-mail if possible, or by fax). Please note that we won’t be able to accept your volunteers if we don’t get it

together with the VEF. The confirmation slip with arrival details and the parental authorization

should be sent at least 10 days before the camp starts.

As all volunteers taking part in our workcamps, teens are asked to be volunteers too. They

themselves must take the decision to participate because we are expecting from all volunteers

a certain commitment to participate at the workcamp as well as the collective task of group life

(washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning the accommodation etc), and not ask the leader to do

everything, they will have to be proactive and participative in all aspects of the workcamps. Also, as the number of teenagers demands are increasing and the number of workcamps decreasing, we may have to privilege French teenagers on our workcamps as we cannot easily send them abroad. As much as we can, we will try our best to find the balance between French and foreigners volunteers. It is really hard for the local host to change their habits so the volunteers must be prepared or at least aware of cultural changes. It is the same when it comes to what we expect from a teenage volunteer and what rights he or she may have in one country but not in another: therefore we may expect the teens in France to have a certain degree of autonomy and not expect that the leaders will be like their parents but at the same time, leaders will represent the authority and the volunteer will have to follow the rules.

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Experience a real learning opportunity being a workcamp camp leader in Concordia! Concordia’s international workcamps have the aim to promote peace, solidarity, friendships, active citizenship, tolerance and respect for others and the environment. Coordinating a workcamp means working voluntarily during three weeks in a project for common good, such as environment, archaeology, culture, renovation and discovering a new region and its inhabitants. Through this experience you will develop important skills that you will use in your professional life such as project, team management and leadership, you will improve your English and French, and you will discover the associative sector. Each workcamp will be composed of 12 to 20 participants. One third of them will be French volunteers. The workcamps common language is English. Of course, if you have good bases of French, it will be easier to communicate.

Two leaders will be present in each workcamp:

One for the group life (who will coordinate the group in the organisation of the daily life),

Another one for technical work (who will transfer his technical know-how to the volunteers). They will assure:

The integration of all the participants;

The learning of the technical and social skills;

The contact with the local population and the representative of the local Municipality (if the international coordinator does not speak well French, the French coordinator will mostly cover this role).

Leisure time is not planned before: it will be organised by the group with the local population and it will be based on the discovery of the region. Most of the time, camps are in small isolated villages and there is not necessarily a car available on the camp: future coordinators should be ready to accept that.


Workcamp camp leaders have some particular responsibilities but they will be considered volunteers it means that they won’t be paid.

Accommodation and subsistence are covered as the coordinators will sleep and eat at the workcamp.

Transports’ cost in France are covered (for a maximum of 200 € for one way and return).

Who can be a camp leader? We don’t ask any particular certificate but we ask them to have some bases of oral French (the main WorkCamp language is English), to be motivated and to be dynamic! If you have any previous experience as a camp leader you will be the perfect person for our workcamp. It will be great if candidate will participate in a training for camp leaders in his/her own country and organisation.

Did you decide to get involved? Please contact us!

Please fill up the application form and send it to your contact organization in your country. They will send it to us!

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 11

Surname / Nom: First name / Prénom: Date of birth / Date de naissance: Place of birth / Lieu de naissance: Nationality / Nationalité: Postal adress / Adresse: Phone number / Téléphone: E-mail :

Education / Niveau d'études:

Qualifications (school's certificates, degree or other) / Diplôme(s) obtenus:

Current situation (work, study / further education, vocational orientation course, without particular engagement, or something else). / Situation actuelle (travail, étude / formation, stage d’insertion professionnelle, ou autre).

Language ability / Connaissance de langues (Please indicate if you speak fluently, good or basic / Merci d’indiquer si vous parlez couramment, bien ou avez quelques notions) :

Driving licence / Permis de conduire ? (Yes / Oui or No / Non):

Have you taken part in an international workcamp yet? Give further details. / As-tu déjà participé à un chantier international? Si oui, préciser le pays, la date et le projet.

Have you had any experience as workcamp leader yet? Give further details. / As-tu déjà été animateur d’un chantier international? Si oui, préciser le pays, la date et le projet.

Have you_ ever had a training in order to became workcamp's coordinator? / As-tu déjà suivi une formation pour devenir animateur?

Do you have any sort of technical knowledge or/and experience in the field of the workcamp you apply for (children, festivals, renovation etc.)? As-tu des connaissances techniques particulières ou/et as-tu eu des expériences dans le secteur du chantier pour lequel tu envoies ta candidature (enfants, festivals, rénovation etc.)?

Please write down the workcamp's title and code you are interested to lead (different choices are possible). Ecris le titre et le code du chantier que tu souhaites animer différent choix sont possibles?

Why are interested to lead a Concordia workcamp? Pourquoi es-tu intéressé venir animer avec Concordia?

Please fill up the application form that you will find here below and send it to:

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Teenage Projects for 15-17 years old volunteers



GARDES 06/07 17/07 RENO 6 15-17 French speaking.

CONCF-033 CLERMONT-FERRAND 1 08/07 22/07 CONS/MANU 12 15-17 Urban.

CONCF-034 CLERMONT-FERRAND 2 08/07 22/07 CONS/FEST 12 15-17 Urban.

CONCF-035 PONT DU CHÂTEAU 08/07 29/07 RENO/ENVI 14 15-17

CONCF-062 LANGOELAN 08/07 29/07 RENO/STUD 12 15-17 Trinational.

CONCF-181 NOGENT-SUR-OISE 08/07 29/07 ENVI 16 15-17

CONCF-212 SAINT CYR DE FAVIERES 1 08/07 22/07 RENO/CONS 16 15-17 Lots of work.

CONCF-245 LA DOMITIENNE 08/07 22/07 ENVI/CONS 14 15-17

CONCF-248 SUSSARGUES 08/07 22/07 ENVI 12 15-17

CONCF-002 QUINSAC 09/07 23/07 ENVI/RENO 15 15-17 Work can be physical.

CONCF-154 ALENCON 10/07 24/07 ENVI 17 15-17 Urban. Need to know how

to bike.

CONCF-182 SAINT MAXIMIN 10/07 31/07 ENVI 16 15-17

CONCF-184 BETHISY SAINT PIERRE 13/07 25/07 RENO 16 15-17

CONCF-006 FARGUES - UFCV 01 15/07 29/07 MANU/ENVI 15 15-17

CONCF-063 RENNES 15/07 29/07 CONS/MANU 12 15-17 Urban.

CONCF-185 NANTEUIL 15/07 29/07 RENO 17 15-17 New camp.

CONCF-250 NIZAS 1 15/07 29/07 RENO 12 15-17 Heavy work.

CONCF-186 SACY LE GRAND 15/07 29/07 ENVI 16 15-17 2 weeks, 2 locations.

CONCF-249 MONTALBA LE CHATEAU 15/07 29/07 ENVI 12 15-17 New camp.

CONCF-251 PELISSANNE 1 15/07 29/07 RENO 12 15-17 New camp.

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CONCF-007 RIONS 16/07 30/07 RENO 15 15-17 Need to know how to


CONCF-155 CHEMILLE 20/07 31/07 RENO 6 15-17 French speaking.

CONCF-036 CLERMONT-FERRAND 3 23/07 06/08 MANU/ENVI 12 15-17 Urban.

CONCF-187 HAM 01/08 22/08 RENO 21 15-17

CONCF-189 TRACY LE MONT 07/08 28/08 RENO 16 15-17 For nature lovers.

CONCF-011 PAILLET 13/08 27/08 RENO 15 15-17

Adults Projects (18+ years old volunteers)



CONCF-241 LES ARESQUIERS 10/04 30/04 CONS/MANU 13 18+ Wonderful place! Indoor


CONCF-031 AYDAT 03/06 24/06 ENVI/FEST 15 18+ Great place!

CONCF-121 LUZ-ST-SAUVEUR 05/06 26/06 RENO 15 18+ Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-122 ST VINCENT 05/06 26/06 RENO 15 18+ Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-242 FRONTIGNAN 10/06 30/06 FEST/ART 22 18+ International Polar


CONCF-032 RIOM 29/06 20/07 FEST/CONS 20 18+ French and English

speaking, Urban.

CONCF-211 MOTTE SERVOLEX 01/07 22/07 MANU 15 18+

CONCF-151 AUBIGNE-RACAN 06/07 27/07 RENO/ARCH 15 18+ Need to know how to

bike. Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-001 LE TOURNE - TRAMASSET 08/07 29/07 ENVI/FEST 13 18+ Maritime environment.

CONCF-061 BAINS SUR OUST 08/07 29/07 RENO 10 18+

CONCF-091 CHELLES 08/07 29/07 RENO 15 18+ Urban. Indoor


CONCF-092 FOSSES 08/07 29/07 ART 15 18+ Urban. Indoor


CONCF-093 NOISY-LE-GRAND 1 08/07 29/07 RENO 20 18+ Urban. Indoor


CONCF-153 LE MANS 1 08/07 27/07 SOCI/KIDS 15 18+

Urban, indoor accommodation.

Motivation letter


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CONCF-243 ADISSAN 08/07 29/07 ENVI 15 18+

CONCF-244 FEUILLA 08/07 29/07 RENO 12 18+ New camp.

CONCF-246 PAYS DE SOMMIERES 08/07 29/07 RENO/ARCH 13 18+ Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-247 RENNES LES BAINS 08/07 29/07 RENO 13 18+ New camp.

CONCF-003 TALENCE - CREPS 09/07 30/07 RENO 13 18+ Urban. Scaffolding.

CONCF-004 BORDEAUX - ARPEJE 10/07 31/07 CONS 13 18+ Urban. Maritime


CONCF-005 HAUX 10/07 31/07 RENO 13 18+ For nature lovers.


CONCF-123 DURAVEL 10/07 31/07 RENO 13 18+ Physical work. Indoor


CONCF-183 THIERS SUR THEVE 10/07 31/07 RENO 16 18+ Indoor accommodation available. Scaffolding.

CONCF-213 SAINT VICTOR SUR RHINS 10/07 31/07 RENO 15 18+ Scaffolding.

CONCF-214 SAINTE AGNES 10/07 31/07 RENO 15 18+ Scaffolding.

CONCF-215 VAUX EN BUGEY 10/07 24/07 RENO 15 18+ New camp.

CONCF-156 LE MANS 2 03/08 24/08 SOCI/KIDS 15 18+

Urban, indoor accommodation.

Motivation letter


CONCF-037 ALLEGRE 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 18+ Trinational. Indoor


CONCF-038 ANZAT-LE-LUGUET 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 18+ For nature lover and good


CONCF-039 DAVAYAT 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 18+ High-up work.

CONCF-064 BAILLE 05/08 26/08 RENO 12 18+

CONCF-065 MALESTROIT 05/08 26/08 CONS/MANU 15 18+ Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-094 NOISY-LE-GRAND 2 05/08 26/08 RENO/ENVI 20 18+ Urban. Indoor


CONCF-095 PARIS 19 05/08 19/08 ART/MANU 12 18+ Trinational. Urban.

Indoor accommodation.


CONCF-158 MOULIN DE ROTROU 05/08 21/08 RENO 15 18+ Scaffolding.

CONCF-159 PNR DES MARAIS 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 18+ Scaffolding.

CONCF-188 MACHEMONT 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 18+

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CONCF-216 ALBERTVILLE 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 18+

CONCF-217 SAINT CYR DE FAVIERES 2 05/08 26/08 CONS 15 18+ Scaffolding.

CONCF-252 NIZAS 2 05/08 26/08 RENO 14 18+ Heavy work.

CONCF-253 PELISSANNE 2 05/08 26/08 RENO 12 18+

CONCF-008 LANGOIRAN 06/08 27/08 RENO 13 18+

CONCF-040 BLESLE 06/08 20/08 FEST/MANU 12 18+ French and English

speaking. Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-009 COUZE ET SAINT FRONT 07/08 28/08 ENVI 15 18+ Work in the water.

CONCF-010 EAUX BONNES 07/08 28/08 RENO 13 18+ Great place but for very

good walker in mountain!

CONCF-124 COUPIAC 07/08 21/08 ENVI 15 18+

CONCF-125 EMMAUS ESCALQUENS 07/08 21/08 SOCI 12 18+

Urban, indoor accommodation.

Motivation letter


CONCF-126 GAZAX ET BACARISSE 07/08 28/08 RENO 15 18+ Scaffolding.

CONCF-096 GENAINVILLE 08/08 22/08 RENO 15 18+

CONCF-127 CASTELNAU D'AUZAN 04/09 25/09 RENO 12 18+ Trilateral. Indoor accommodation.

CONCF-190 AVRICOURT 04/09 26/09 RENO 17 18+ Indoor accommodation.


CONCF-254 NIMES 04/09 18/09 RENO 13 18+

CONCF-012 FARGUES - UFCV 02 07/09 25/09 MANU/ENVI 20 18+

CONCF-160 ECHAUFFOUR TBC TBC RENO 15 18+ Indoor accommodation.


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GARDES 06/07 17/07 RENO 6 vols 15-17 French speaking.

Project: This workcamp is the result of the cooperation between the town hall of Chemillé-Melay, the Chemillois social center and Concordia. The inhabitants have a collective project of valorization of the “Gardes area” located at the highest point of the department of Maine et Loire. Several camps have been organized over the past 3 years and about 15 young volunteers have been actively involved every year in order to enhance the park and the social center. This year, this workcamp will be open to 6 international volunteers who will work with 12 young locals. During your free time you will decide collectively on what to do. You will be able to discover the area, realize media productions (video, photos, radio…) in partnership with the “Espace Régional Numérique du Chemillois”, go swimming, hiking, enjoying concerts etc.

Work: You will be building a stone bridge and doing traditional masonry work in a place called “La planche Grelet”, linked with the organization “The friends of la planche Grelet”. You will be rehabilitating the theatre room of the town (little masonry, painting, lightening, sign-board) with the theatre organization that uses the building.

Accommodation: You will be staying in a shared accommodation under tents with lavatory in the locker room. Collective life and meals at the leisure camp “les Cloîtres”, cleaning and cooking tasks will be done together. Bring a sleeping bag and a mat. You will get to experience a sustainable lifestyle within the camp (local organic food, composting, energy saving).

Location: Saint Georges-des-Gardes is a small village (800 inhabitants) of the Maine et Loire region, located near the cities of Cholet and Angers. It is the highest point in the region.

Special requirements: /

Language: French speaking.

Meeting point: Chemillé SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring suitable shoes, warm and waterproof clothes, a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat.This camp is a French speaking project, to apply it is better to have some knowledge in that language. More information about the project on

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-033 CLERMONT-FERRAND 1 08/07 22/07 CONS/MANU 12 vols 15-17 Urban.

Project: Since 1993, Concordia has been organizing international workcamps with the city of Clermont-Ferrand. In the north of the city, the district of La Gauthière is changing rapidly, a new activity center has just been built, called the “Espace Nelson Mandela”. The urban renewal operations left a large central grassed area, where picnic tables and a large banqueting table were built by international workcamps in 2013 and 2014. This year, working closely with architects from the Fairground University, the district's activity center has asked us to build the park “de l'Ecluse” adjacent to the “Espace Nelson Mandela”, working in tandem with young people, the inhabitants of the area and the local petanque club.

Work: You will create wooden, urban furniture, for example picnic tables, benches, seats and urban sports equipment. This way, you will learn basic carpentry skills.

Accommodation: At the two star campsite in Pont-du-Chateau (with a swimming pool and activities), sharing two-person tents with boys and girls separated, (bring your own sleeping bag) and a collective tent for group life. You will be staying with another international work camp for teenagers.

Location: The lively regional capital of Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (300 000 inhabitants) is located in the Puy-de-Dôme district, between the Auvergne Volcanoes and the Livradois-Forez Natural Parks, about 400 km south of Paris.

Special requirements: Consider bringing strong gloves, work clothes and shoes as well as a swimsuit. Accommodation is located outside of the city center, in a neighboring town. Nights will be chilly so bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Language: English.

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Meeting point: Clermont-Ferrand SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Urban workcamp, but lodging will be far away from the city centre, in another town nearby. For more information: and

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-034 CLERMONT-FERRAND 2 08/07 22/07 CONS/FEST 12 vols 15-17 Urban.

Project: Since 1993, Concordia has been organizing international workcamps with the city of Clermont-Ferrand. Last year, an international work camp constructed two solar-powered showers for the "Sable Show" festival, the second biggest urban beach in France (next to Paris’ “Paris-Plage”). For the whole month of July, this festival will offer water games, a giant slide, a climbing park, recreational and sports activities and cultural workshops. Concordia’s participation will focus on making wooden, urban equipment, allowing the public to be more comfortable when they arrive at the festival. The volunteers from the workcamps will also bring an “international flavor” to the festival and will be in contact with the local population and youth of Clermont-Ferrand city.

Work: You will work on the construction of several wooden sheds composed of individual, secure lockers. These sheds will be made for the festival goers, so they can have a place in which to store their personal belongings. They will be built by hand, so in this way you will learn simple carpentry techniques.

Accommodation: At the two star campsite in Pont-du-Chateau (with a swimming pool and activities), sharing two-person tents with boys and girls separated, (bring your own sleeping bag) and a collective tent for group life. You will be staying with another international work camp for teenagers.

Location: The dynamic regional capital of Auvergne, the city of Clermont-Ferrand (300, 000 inhabitants) is located in the Puy-de-Dôme district, between the Auvergne Volcanoes and the Livradois-Forez Natural Parks, about 400 km south of Paris.

Special requirements: Bring work gloves, shoes and clothes as well as a swimming costume. Nights are cold, so bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Clermont-Ferrand SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Urban workcamp, but lodging will be far away from the city center, in another town nearby. For more information have a look at: and

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-035 PONT DU CHÂTEAU 08/07 29/07 RENO/ENVI 14 vols 15-17

Project: Situated near the river Allier, Pont du Château is a town committed to sustainable development that wishes to bring nature into the city through sustainable management of natural areas, urban parks, and the implementation of a differentiated management of green spaces. Former terraced gardens are gradually being redeveloped and managed as ecological gardens. You will be involved in this project, especially by working on built heritage. This sixth international workcamp in Pont du Château will allow you to discover its medieval center and it will be a very good opportunity to go on walks or go canoeing. During your stay, you will meet volunteers from other international workcamps staying in Pont du Château.

Work: Whilst respecting ancient building work, you will restore the basin of a former fountain, by applying a coat of whitewash to it. From time to time you will also continue the work made on a stone wall. Finally, you will clear away weeds on the low stone wall situated below the fountain and put up a lime mortar rooftop in order to stop leaks that are destroying the wall.

Accommodation: Sharing two-person tents, boys and girls separated (bring your own sleeping bag). You will have your meals and showers in the rugby stadium, which offers a large living space in a calm place near the river.

Location: Pont-du-Château (10 600 inhabitants) is a lively city which overlooks the river Allier. Its medieval market center can be visited and there are many walking paths along the river. The regional capital, Clermont-Ferrand, is 15km away.

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Special requirements: Nights might be cold, so don’t forget to bring your warm clothes and a warm sleeping bag, working gloves, hiking shoes, a backpack and your swimsuit.

Language: English

Meeting point: Pont-du-Château SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: For more information have a look at: and

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-062 LANGOELAN 08/07 29/07 RENO/STUD 12 vols 15-17 Trinational.

Project: Kergoët, in the village of Langoelan, is a very important place for WWII where six members of the “Resistance” died after a terrible battle on July 1

st, 1944. Last year was the event’s 70


anniversary and hundreds of people came to honor the fighters. Today, the mayor would like to work on a remembrance project that would need technical intervention but also some work on the symbolic aspect of peace in order to make Kergoët from a place of contemplation to one of life and hope. This project will be in partnership with the neighboring towns of Mellionnec and Lescouët Gouarec.

Work: You will work on the crystallization process of the ruins of one of the buildings that were burned down during the war. You will also install a panel explaining what happened here and showing photos of the “freedom fighters”. 1/ The sheepfold will need to be worked on in order to make it airy and to crystallized the ruins. Rather than build a new one, the goal is to enhance the place as it is today. The substructure of the building will be built about 50cm high in order to get an idea of its configuration. 2/ The work on remembrance still needs to be defined in agreement with the inhabitants. Indeed, they are the ones who carry this memory and the young locals will be able to offer a new perspective for a future of hope and peace, far away from the current traumatizing memories still associated with this place. The volunteers will help setting up a panel with photos of the victims, together with a text or poem giving a message of Peace.

Accommodation: You will stay in two-persons tents (please bring your sleeping bag and mat) on a campsite, with meals under a marquee or in the municipal hall.

Location: Langoëlan is a very dynamic town of 411 inhabitants. It is located north of the Morbihan department, close to the Cotes d’Armor department where the neighboring towns of Mellionec and Lescouët Gouarec (partners of this project) are. Langoëlan has a very rich and incredible heritage from the Roman period and a typical Brittany landscape (the literal meaning of the town is “close to the wild heathland”). The artificial lake of Guerledan is close by. It will be exceptionally emptied up in 2015, thus making old houses, gardens and locks visible.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Pontivy SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: In Brittany, you can have different types of weather in the same day! Make sure to bring warm clothes and shoes together with lighter ones and a raincoat. You should also bring gloves, work clothes, work shoes and a swimsuit. Nights can be chilly: bring a thick sleeping bag! Trinational project. A part of travel costs of participants is supported on presentation of original receipts.

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-181 NOGENT-SUR-OISE 08/07 29/07 ENVI 16 vols 15-17

Project: It is the 6th workcamp organized in partnership with the city of Nogent-sur-Oise and this year,

Concordia keeps on going with a project mixing teenagers of the town and people from different countries. The objective is to keep on embellishing the surroundings. This year, you will be working in the animation center “Berthelot” that welcomes children after school and during the holidays. You will be a key element of the town life and take part into animations with the children from the leisure center and the elderly people. A very enriching and intergenerational project!

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Work: Together with the town’s workers, you will be rehabilitating the garden space: disassembling a previous game, installing goalposts, repainting the sports field lines. Moreover, you will be setting up a pedagogical garden with plant boxes, flowers, an “insect hotel” and more. In the spring time, the children of the city will be planting seeds in little buckets (cherry tomatoes, aromatic herbs…). During your workcamp, you will be in charge of replanting them in the ground of the St Exupéry retirement home that was renovated during 2014 workcamp.

Accommodation: You will be sleeping in tents, with boys and girls separated. You will be using the kitchen facilities and living space of the football stadium. Don’t forget to bring your sleeping bag and mat!

Location: Nogent-sur-Oise is located in the middle of the department of Oise, close to Creil and Chantilly.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Creil SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: /

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-212 SAINT CYR DE FAVIERES 1 08/07 22/07 RENO/CONS 16 vols 15-17 Lots of work.

Project: Saint-Cyr-de-Favières is a village of 800 inhabitants located near the city of Roanne, proud of its rich history and built heritage. The project aims at giving life back to a wash house that was built a hundred years ago. The city still has all the documents and plans used for its original construction and wants it to be restored the traditional way so that hikers and tourists can take a break in the shade of a typical building (the wash house is located on a hiking path). Last year, the volunteers removed some ground, cleaned the place and tidied the stones so that it can be totally rebuilt this year, over two workcamps.

Work: The wash house is still in ruins and almost everything needs to be built again. This workcamp will focus on the main walls. You will therefore learn all the techniques to build a wall with stones and mortar (how to make a mortar with cement and sand, to put stone adequately, to let it dry, to get a good fit and finish...). The three main walls should be finished by the end of this workcamp.

Accommodation: Sleeping under tents nearby the soccer stadium with girls and boys separated. Bring your own sleeping bag and mat. Kitchen, bathroom and everything needed will be in the built stadium facilities.

Location: Saint-Cyr-de-Favieres is located 10 km away from Roanne and 80 km from Lyon.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Roanne SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-245 LA DOMITIENNE 08/07 22/07 ENVI/CONS 14 vols 15-17

Project: The Community of Communes of La Domitienne calls on Concordia each year to realize international workcamps on its territory in order to reinvigorate it. This year, it is the village of Nissan Lez Ensérune that is concerned. It has a rich cultural heritage dating back from a long period in the History (remains of the Visigoth and medieval period). Very close to the village, the 17

th century Saint-

Christol’s Chapel was recently restored and archaeological investigations have revealed foundations from the 5

th century. As part of this 5

th partnership with Concordia, the volunteers will be working on

the arboretum next to the Chapel. During your stay, you’ll have the opportunity of taking part in the July 14

th festivities (Bastille Day), to visit the city of Narbonne or to go to the beach.

Work: You will be brush cutting the inside the arboretum, arranging a path and creating informative panels on the different species. You will be using various tools (spade, scissors).

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Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated, on the communal sports ground, which cloakrooms will be at your disposal. Bring your sleeping bag and a tent if you have one.

Location: Nissan Lez Ensérune is located in the Herault department, part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, between Narbonne and Béziers. It is 20 minutes from the Mediterranean coastline.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Béziers bus station.

Terminal: Montpellier or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring sun protection such as hat, sunscreen etc. For more information on the village:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-248 SUSSARGUES 08/07 22/07 ENVI 12 vols 15-17

Project: The typical Mediterranean village of Sussargues is located in the inland of the Herault department, 20km from Montpellier and 30min from the Mediterranean Sea. The volunteers will have the possibility to discover the local heritage such as the 11

th century Roman church, or the “capitelles”

(used as shelter for the quarry workers in the 18th century). They will be able to go to Montpellier and

visit the botanical garden, the Peru Walk and its classified water tower building. They will also have the opportunity to take part in the festivities of July 14

th (Bastille Day) with the local population, to spend a

day on the banks of the Crès Lake or to hike around the Pic Saint-Loup Mountain. It is the third consecutive year that Sussargues is working with Concordia to maintain the banks of the river in order to improve its accessibility and make it more convivial for the village population.

Work: You will be taking part in many improvement works of the site (brushing, clearing up paths) using cutting tools.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated. There will be a communal building available with a kitchen and bathrooms.

Location: Sussargues is a village located in the Herault department, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. It is 20km from Montpellier and 30km from the Mediterranean Sea.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Montpellier SNCF train station then bus.

Terminal: Montpellier or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring your sleeping bag and working clothes. If you own a tent, you can bring it. For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-002 QUINSAC 09/07 23/07 ENVI/RENO 15 vols 15-17 Work can be physical.

Project: The towns of Quinsac, Camblanes et Meynac and Saint Caprais de Bordeaux have decided to intervene on the La Jaugue river, that crosses the three municipalities. This workcamp aims at preserving the natural heritage by cleaning the shores of the river and therefore enhance the beautiful ruins of the ancient mill and of the wash house. The area, once renovated, will host the cultural event “Point de vue”, that will allow the volunteers to meet the local population.

Work: You will be supervised by a technical leader and a group life leader. You will clear the path and clean the ruins. Moreover, you will get the opportunity to realize some artistic crafts inspired from the river and the mill’s history, using recycled materials.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated. The living conditions are basic.

Location: The municipality of Quinsac is located 20km in the South West of Bordeaux.

Special requirements: The work can sometimes be physical.

Language: English

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station (33).

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, hiking shoes and warm clothes.

Fee: 165€.

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CONCF-154 ALENCON 10/07 24/07 ENVI 17 vols 15-17 Urban. Need to know how

to bike.

Project: For the 17th year in a row, the city of Alençon will be hosting a group of international

volunteers for the design and planning of a medieval garden. The city of Alençon, administrative center of the Orne department, is a dynamic city of 30 000 inhabitants where you will take advantage of the various local organization but also of the closed countryside, full of discoveries. A first workcamp, took place in 2014. They started this project by cleaning and designing the place. Local institutions are trying to raise awareness among the youth for environmental protection and sustainable development issues, but also in order to build a city by all and for all. This workcamp will be an opportunity for meetings and exchanges between the different cultures and the inhabitants.

Work: You will be supervised and helped by leaders. You will be working on the second part of the planning of the medieval garden.

Accommodation: In collective tents on the camp-site; sanitary facilities in a building close to the sleeping place; cooking and eating under a big tent outside. If you have a tent, please bring it. Don’t forget your sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. Cleaning and cooking tasks will be done together.

Location: In the south of Normandy, in the Orne department. You will take part of the local events in July: parade and fireworks for the 14

th of July, “Echappées

belles” festival and “Folklore of the world” festival. You will get to discover the local heritage.

Special requirements: As the workcamp takes place in an urban area, for practical and eco-friendly reasons, you will have to use bikes for local transportation. Therefore, you should know how to bike.

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Alençon SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring suitable shoes, warm and waterproof clothes, a thick sleeping bag and a sleeping mat.

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-182 SAINT MAXIMIN 10/07 31/07 ENVI 16 vols 15-17

Project: The little town of Saint Maximin is located in the south of the Oise department. This area is very rich in stone quarries and therefore owns a very unique cultural heritage: troglodyte houses, open sky quarries, underground mushroom growing rooms, etc. That is enhancing thanks to the “Maison de la Pierre” museum. After 8 successful workcamps, the volunteers will continue their work inside and around the “Tranchée quarry” where the past international volunteers have already worked. Thanks to them, there is now a pedagogic garden and a stone stage area. Many events and activities will be organized by the town’s youth center in order to encourage intercultural exchanges!

Work: This year follows up the 2014 workcamp and is done in cooperation with the town’s services. The work will consist in continuing the set-up of an urban park which will add value to the quarries. You will be doing various kinds of work: clearing, putting up natural fences etc.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents in the football stadium and have access to all its facilities for the daily tasks.

Location: Saint Maximin is located in the south of Creil, in the “Parc Naturel Regional Oise Pays de France”. Plenty of walks in the forest of Chantilly and around its castle can be organized.

Special requirements: Please bring good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Chantilly SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris Beauvais Tillé airport or Paris airport.

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-184 BETHISY SAINT PIERRE 13/07 25/07 RENO 16 vols 15-17

Project: The city of Bethisy aims at getting the local youngster to be involved in the life of the city. Indeed, there already is a municipal council for the youth, a youth service that organizes various activities etc. It is the 4

th year that Concordia is working with them on an international workcamp. The

goal is to multiply the exchanges and interactions between young locals of the city and international volunteers. Needless to say, people are excited to meeting you!

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Work: There are in the middle of the city the ruins of a dungeon called “Queen Constance’s dungeon” that was built on a clod. The goal of the workcamp is to consolidate the ruins in order to make the site accessible to the public. There will be various masonry works.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with boys and girls separated.

Location: Bethisy Saint Pierre is located on the outskirts of Compiègne forest, in middle of the beautiful Automne valley.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Crepy en Valois SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring your sleeping bags!

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-006 FARGUES - UFCV 01 15/07 29/07 MANU/ENVI 15 vols 15-17

Project: The UFCV, a vast and great leisure center for youngsters, is an established partner of Concordia. The project aims to support the development and promotion of the charming Domaine de la Fraysse. The volunteers will take part in the construction of facilities for the kids and adults coming to the center, and will participate to the preservation of the natural heritage.

Work: You will be supervised by two Concordia leaders. You will be building outdoor wood furniture (tables, benches, picnic areas etc.) and be creating walking paths in the immense park.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents, with boys and girls separated. The living conditions are basic.

Location: The Domaine de la Frayse is located in the town of Fargues, 20km away from Bordeaux.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station (33).

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes, sports shoes, warm and waterproof clothes, a swimsuit and sunscreen.

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-063 RENNES 15/07 29/07 CONS/MANU 12 vols 15-17 Urban.

Project: The Robiquette house is a beautiful building surrounded by classified trees. The city of Rennes chose to give it to non-profit organizations that work with young people. Concordia in Brittany has its regional office there and share it with other organizations for non-formal education and performing arts. After a very successful camp in April 2013, we have decided to renew the experience and welcome younger volunteers who will surely know how to enliven the place!

Work: The goal is to have small urban furniture made out of pallets for future camps and sustainability promotional events. Therefore, you will help to conceive and build urban furniture, dry toilets and solar shower. The workcamp itself will be the right time to raise awareness about good practices against global warming. Many activities will be organized between the local organizations and the locals.

Accommodation: You will stay in 2 people tents, in the common garden. Don’t forget to bring a sleeping bag and a mat!

Location: Rennes is the capital of Brittany region! It is a student city, medieval and festival, less than 1h away from the sea and the legendary Brocéliande forest. The Robiquette house is located in the “green” Beauregard district, connected to the city-center by an express bus line.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Rennes SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: In Brittany, you can have different types of weather in the same day! Make sure to bring warm clothes and shoes together with lighter ones and a raincoat. You should also bring gloves, work clothes, work shoes and a swimsuit. Nights can be chilly: bring a thick sleeping bag!

Fee: 165€.

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CONCF-185 NANTEUIL 15/07 29/07 RENO 17 vols 15-17 New camp.

Project: Nanteuil le Haudouin social center has been developing projects to help children, youngsters and their parents. Their goal is to build a new social center in order for them to develop their actions, mainly towards teenagers. This international workcamp will help them achieve this goal! In addition, you will be connected to the volunteers of a local association that works to preserve and enhance the local history and heritage.

Work: The hiking trail GR11 goes through the city and crosses over an old Roman bridge. Your role will be to enhance this historical bridge and its elements: brushcutting, cleaning and lime joints making. Moreover, you will spend 2 days working on the ground of the old agricultural secondary school in order to transform it into the future social center for teenagers (cleaning, brush cutting, upkipping of the area).

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated on the grounds of the football stadium. You will be able to use the building for the daily tasks (kitchen, bathrooms).

Location: Nanteuil le Haudouin is a small city located in the south of the Oise department. Close to Paris, it is also bordering the forests of Ermenonville, Senlis and Chantilly which is famous for its beautiful castle.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Nanteuil le Haudouin SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring your sleeping bag!

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-250 NIZAS 1 15/07 29/07 RENO 12 15-17 Heavy work.

Project: The current village of Nizas dates back, for its oldest parts, from the 10th century, with 3

meters thick walls that used to protect the old city. It is located in a beautiful location, in the heart of the Hérault valley. You will have the opportunity to discover various natural sights, such as the Salagou Lake and the Cirque de Mourèze, and to visit the royal factory of Villeneuvette and the city of Pézenas, jewel of the Renaissance era. You will be working in the old town center in order to enhance and develop it: you will be creating “calades” (stone-lined paths) and repaving the plaza.

Work: You will be carrying stones of various sizes before setting them up on the bare ground in order to build a pavement. You will be creating terraces that all together will form “calades”.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents on a campsite with girls and boys separated. If you have a tent, you can bring it!

Location: Nizas is a village located in Herault department, part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. It is 8 km from Pézenas and 35 km from Béziers.

Special requirements: You will be asked to do some tedious and heavy work.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Béziers SNCF train station then bus.

Terminal: Béziers or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring work clothes and shoes as well as a sleeping bag. For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-186 SACY LE GRAND 15/07 29/07 ENVI 16 vols 15-17 2 weeks, 2 locations.

Project: Concordia is working in partnership with the local Youth Service, called “Communauté de Communes Oise Pays d'Halatte” (CCOPH), in the Oise department (North of Paris) in order to see international volunteers work on a common project with local teenagers. This workcamp has a particular set up: the first week will take place in the city of Sacy le Grand in order to help enhance this rural town, and the second week will take place in Pont St Maxence. This second part of the workcamp will be focusing on work in the schoolyard where volunteers will be building a pedagogic garden for the children of the city.

Work: During the first week, you will be doing some gardening work: mowing, cutting, replanting. You will also build up a scenic lookout (benches etc.).

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The second week, you will be creating a new space in the schoolyard with flower and vegetable boxes, doing some plantation work, creating a pedagogic “insect hotel” etc.

Accommodation: During the first week, you will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated in the football stadium of Sacy le Grand. You will be able to use the building for the daily tasks (kitchen and bathroom). The second week, you will be staying in tents as well in the school of Pont St Maxence, where you will be working. You will be able to use the sanitary facilities inside the school. Remember to bring a sleeping bag!

Location: La CCOPH is made of various cities and towns between Creil and Compiègne in the Oise department, which is itself crossed by the Oise River. The area is rural and rich in forests (Halatte forest), but in the same time it is very close to Paris.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Chantilly SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring your own sleeping bag!

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-249 MONTALBA LE CHATEAU 15/07 29/07 ENVI 12 vols 15-17 New camp.

Project: Montalba le Château is a beautiful village of 150 inhabitants, perched at 500 meters above sea level. The friendly local population is looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you in this wonderful wine country, with an exceptional view on the snowy Pyrenees Mountains. You will be working on enhancing the village’s heritage, particularly an old water mill near the river.

Work: You will be cleaning the river banks and clearing brush around the water mill.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with boys and girls separated. If you have a tent, you can bring it.

Location: Montalba le Château is located in the Pyrénées Orientales department, part of the Languedoc Roussillon region, between sea and mountains. It is near the city of Perpignan.

Special requirements: /

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: At the bus station in the village.

Terminal: Perpignan or Paris airport

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, remember also to bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag. For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-251 PELISSANNE 1 15/07 29/07 RENO 12 vols 15-17 New camp.

Project: It is in the middle of Provence, in the land of “garrigue” scrubland, that you will find the ancient walled city of Pélissane and its rich historical heritage. Many archaeological campaigns were led in the 70s and allowed the discovery of Neolithic vestiges, of a Gallo-Roman villa dating from the 1

st century BC as well as a necropolis beside a church. You will be working in the mill of Costes

(formerly called mill of Jean Bertrand) which was built in 1775. It is the most upstream of the seven other mills located along the Canal of Craponne. You will have the opportunity to visit inland Provence and have various leisure activities.

Work: The workcamp will be carried out on several steps. The purpose of this first session will be to clean and restore the ceilings of the first floor’s mill: you will apply coating layer of linseed oil on the beamed ceilings, you will use lime in order to work on specific resumptions of the mural coatings and then you will clean the room.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents on a campsite. If you have a tent, you can bring it!

Location: The city of Pelissanne is located near Salon-de-Provence, only 26 km from Aix-en-Provence, which is a city known for its cultural heritage and student life. Pelissanne is a typical village of the Provence area which becomes very lively in the summer season.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Train station of Salon-de-Provence then bus.

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Terminal: Marseille or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring a sleeping bag! Make sure to bring work shoes and clothes, rainproof equipment as well as items to protect yourself from the sun. For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-007 RIONS 16/07 30/07 RENO 15 vols 15-17 Need to know how to


Project: The municipality of Rions, charming village on the riverbanks of the Garonne, is planning an ambitious program of valorization of its historical heritage. The objective of this workcamp is the renovation of the ancient docks on the banks of the river, linking Rions to Bordeaux, and the restoration of the Grotte aux Dames, a fountain rich in history. The volunteers will also visit the surroundings and meet the local population.

Work: You will be supervised by two group leaders from Concordia. You will take part in the digging of the village docks and in the cleaning and renovating of the Grotte aux Dames.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated. The living conditions are basic.

Location: The municipality of Rions is located 25km from Bordeaux.

Special requirements: The work can sometimes be physical. For security reasons participants shall be able to swim.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station (33).

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. As you will mainly be working in water, remember to bring boots and clothes for such conditions.

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-155 CHEMILLE 20/07 31/07 RENO 6 vols 15-17 French speaking.

Project: This workcamp is the result of the cooperation between the town of Chemillé-Melay, the social center of Chemillé and Concordia. For the past few years, the city has developed opportunities for locals around the park of the Cloître castle. Several camps have been organized over the past 3 years and about 15 young volunteers have been actively involved every year in order to enhance the park and the social center. This year, this camp will be open to 6 international volunteers who will work with 12 young locals. During your free time you will decide collectively on what to do. You will be able to discover the area, realize media productions (video, photos, radio…) in partnership with the “Espace Régional Numérique du Chemillois”, go swimming, hiking, enjoy concerts etc.

Work: The work will consist in the redesign of a pound in the classified park of the beautiful Cloître castle, in the middle of the town, next to the social center. You will be doing various works: sandpapering, painting and rebuilding of a wood pontoon in order to access to the island in the middle of the pound. You will be doing some masonry around the pound.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with lavatory in the locker room. Collective life and meals will be at the leisure camp “les Cloîtres”, cleaning and cooking tasks will be done together. Bring a sleeping bag and a mat. You will get to experience a sustainable lifestyle within the camp (local organic food, composting, energy saving).

Location: Chemillé-Melay is a little city (8755 inhabitants) of the Maine et Loire department located between the cities of Cholet and Angers. It offers many services to the population: swimming pool, parks, playgrounds, cinema…

Special requirements: /

Language: French speaking.

Meeting point: Chemillé SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring suitable shoes, warm and waterproof clothes, a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. This camp is a French speaking project, to apply it is better to have some knowledge in that language. More information about the project on

Fee: 165€.

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CONCF-036 CLERMONT-FERRAND 3 23/07 06/08 MANU/ENVI 12 vols 15-17 Urban.

Project: Since 1993, Concordia has been organizing international workcamps with the city of Clermont-Ferrand. It will be the first time that international volunteers come to the Oradou area. Welcomed by the community center, the international volunteers will set up a sensory garden among the trees in the garden of a leisure centre: "L'arbre aux Enfants". The focus will be on sustainable development and the ecological practices used to make the sensory garden. The group will work alongside the children who use the leisure center.

Work: You will participate in making different workshops in the sensory garden, related to the sense of hearing: defining the route in the garden, realization of the path, creation and construction of noise-making objects and the setting up of these attractions.

Accommodation: At the two star campsite in Pont-du-Chateau (with a swimming pool and activities), sharing two-person tents with boys and girls separated, (bring your own sleeping bag) and a collective tent for group life. You will be staying with another international work camp for teenagers.

Location: The dynamic regional capital of Auvergne, the city of Clermont-Ferrand (300, 000 inhabitants) is located in the Puy-de-Dôme district, between the Auvergne Volcanoes and the Livradois-Forez Natural Parks, about 400 km south of Paris.

Special requirements: Consider bringing strong gloves, work clothes and shoes as well as a swimsuit. Accommodation is located outside of the city center, in a neighboring town. Nights will be chilly so bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Clermont-Ferrand SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Urban workcamp, but lodging will be far away from the city center, in another town nearby. For more information: and

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-187 HAM 01/08 22/08 RENO 21 vols 15-17

Project: Ham Castle had a very rich History before its destruction by the German army in 1917 during WWI. Indeed, it was used as a jail in the 19

th century and had a very infamous prisoner in the person

of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte! The association “Les Amis du Château de Ham” (the friends of Ham Castle) has been organizing various actions and events in order to promote the castle and its restoration. There have been flea markets, theatre performances, exhibits and international workcamps. This year and for the 6

th year, it

has decided to work with Concordia in order to welcome an international and intercultural workcamp that would work together with the young inhabitants of Ham and its surroundings. Many shared activities are to be expected!

Work: You will be doing some renovation, masonry and other different kinds of works. You will be working in the “prisoners” garden in order to redesign it, you will be consolidating the ruins of the old German kitchen, fixing up the walls etc.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated and will be using a house for the daily life and tasks.

Location: Ham is located at the heart of the Picardie region, about 20km from St Quentin and Noyon.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Ham SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring your sleeping bags! For more information:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-189 TRACY LE MONT 07/08 28/08 RENO 16 vols 15-17 For nature lovers.

Project: This is the 7th workcamp organized between Tracy le Mont and Concordia! Located in the

middle of the Laigue forest, this pretty little town is preserving its living and historical environment through the involvement of its youngest inhabitants. Moreover, you will have a key role in the village’s

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activities during the month of August. During your free time, you will have the possibility to explore the hiking paths which go through the forest. A great workcamp for nature lovers!

Work: You will be finishing the work that was started last year and renovate a traditional stonewall of the school. In addition, there is a remembrance trail that goes through the forest with explicative panels about WWI. You will be working on maintaining these panels.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents and have access to the kitchen of the village hall. The showers are 1km away from your living place, based on a soccer field.

Location: Tracy le Mont is located in the middle of the Laigue forest, close to the cities of Compiègne, Noyons and Pierrefonds which is famous for its castle.

Special requirements: Since there will be a lot of walking, you should be in good physical condition. This workcamp is for nature fans.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Compiègne SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring good shoes and work clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, remember also to bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag. You will find more information on:

Fee: 165€.

CONCF-011 PAILLET 13/08 27/08 RENO 15 vols 15-17

Project: Paillet is a small village on the banks of the Garonne River, 20km south of the city of Bordeaux. The project aims at contributing to the renovation of an old market square, once a key element of the fluvial trading in the village. You will therefore participate in the promotion of the local heritage among the population who will warmly receive you in this beautiful environment!

Work: You will be supervised by two Concordia leaders. You will renovate the square using traditional masonry techniques.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents with girls and boys separated. The living conditions are basic.

Location: Paillet is a small village located on the banks of the Garonne River, at around 20 km south of Bordeaux.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, sport shoes, warm and waterproof clothes.

Fee: 165€.

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CONCF-241 LES ARESQUIERS 10/04 30/04 CONS/MANU 13 vols 18+ Wonderful place! Indoor


Project: In the middle of an area belonging to Coastal and Lake Spaces Conservatory, “Cevennes Friendship” has been accommodating children since 1958 and they have been working with Concordia for more than 10 years. It is located on the Mediterranean coastline, in the the Aresquiers. The ancient salt marshes became a protected natural reserve for wetlands fauna and flora. There, you can find pink flamingos, herons, cranes, but also glassworts, which are halophilous species that composes the sansouïres (Occitan term for salt marsh). This place gives you a direct access to the beach, therefore providing various activities such as walking, biking, body-surfing, etc. Moreover, the hinterland has a very rich heritage (history, gastronomy and culture), many harbours and fortresses next to rivers and vineyards.

Work: You will be restoring the different wooden equipment of this holiday resort; such as the dormitories shutters. You will also be tearing down and rebuilding a wooden boat shelter.

Accommodation: You will be staying in dormitories which usually accommodate children. A building with showers and toilets will be at your disposal. Remember to bring your sleeping bag!

Location: The city of the Aresquiers is located in the Herault department which is part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, in the south of France. It is 20km from Montpellier.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Frontignan SNCF train station.

Terminal: Montpellier or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Days can be rather windy, so make sure you come with warm clothes! Bring also work shoes. For more information, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-031 AYDAT 03/06 24/06 ENVI/FEST 15 vols 18+ Great place!

Project: “Le mont Redon” is a volcanic hill, situated 875m above sea level, where the remains of an ancient fortress are still visible. Nearby is Ponteix, the village in the commune of Aydat. A path from Ponteix allows access to the summit, offering walkers a 360° panoramic view. But today this pathway is in a bad state and covered in undergrowth. The local council wishes to restore and do up the summit for the benefit of the many visitors who go there each year. This is the first international work camp in Aydat. Your stay will be interspersed with hikes, swimming in the lakes, meeting up with the local inhabitants and with summer events.

Work: Your goal will be to simplify access to the site and to make it pleasant. You will participate in the restoration of stone steps on the steeper parts of the path, in the light clearing of land and in the creation of a stone stairway on the last fifty meters of the path. At the summit, you will restore the base of the cross (repositioning stones that have moved, redoing the joins between stones) and you will make a new wooden cross. At the same time, you will participate in the organization of the big music festival at Aydat Lake on the 6th of June.

Accommodation: You will sleep in two-person tents (please bring your own sleeping bag and mat) and the group activities will take place in a former school “Rouillas-Bas”. The meals may be served outside, in the courtyard, or in one of the classrooms. Kitchen, bathrooms and toilets are in the building. The whole site will be made available to the volunteers of Concordia.

Location: Aydat (1,000 residents) is located in Puy-de-Dôme, at the heart of the volcanoes, 20 km to the south of Clermont-Ferrand. It is a commune in the Natural Park of “Volcans d’Auvergne”. You will have the chance to swim in the Aydat Lake, to hike to the summit of the volcanoes and to do various outdoor activities.

Special requirements: Please bring work gloves, walking boots, a backpack and a swimsuit. As the nights can be chilly, remember to bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag too. For more information:

Language: English.

Meeting point: Clermont-Ferrand SNCF train station.

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Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: For this workcamp it is important that you enjoy walking.

Fee: /

CONCF-121 LUZ-ST-SAUVEUR 05/06 26/06 RENO 15 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.

Project: The town of Luz-Saint-Sauveur has recently started a large renovation project regarding its local heritage. Indeed, the town is a very popular destination during the winter and summer months. The inhabitants have decided to organize an international workcamp for several reasons: they wanted to find an original way to promote the local heritage but also give the opportunity to the younger inhabitants to meet international volunteers in order for them to exchange and be inspired to go travel the world. You will decide together on what to do during your free time or on what to organize for the locals in order to encourage dialogue with the young locals.

Work: You will be restoring St Clément’s washhouse located in the middle of the town. The building has been modified throughout the years and you will work on giving it its original aspect. You will demolish its most recent extension and repair the roof, using traditional masonry, covering and woodwork techniques

Accommodation: You will be staying in an apartment just a few minutes away from the workcamp site. There, you will find the dormitories, kitchen, bathrooms and common room for collective life.

Location: Luz-Saint-Sauveur is located in the Hautes-Pyrénées department, in the south-west of France, close to the city of Lourdes. There you will find the natural wonders of the Pyrenees Mountains, such as the Pic du Midi, the Cirque de Gavarnie, the Pont d'Espagne and many natural parks and lakes. Thanks to its beauty and diversity, this region shows a unique historical, architectural and environmental interest. Luz-Saint-Sauveur disposes of several touristic facilities. You will have the opportunity to go swimming in the swimming pool, visit the thermal center, go to the tennis courts, do some via-ferrata and climbing, go to the movies, the museum etc.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Lourdes train station then a bus to Luz-St-Sauveur.

Terminal: Toulouse, Bordeaux or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Make sure to bring gloves, working clothes and working shoes. Bring rain and warm clothes (Luz-St-Sauveur is located 750 meters above sea level), hiking shoes, and a thick sleeping bag (nights may be chilly). Bring a good mat. You will have the opportunity to go swimming, remember to bring your swimsuit!

Fee: /

CONCF-122 ST VINCENT 05/06 26/06 RENO 15 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.

Project: The city of St Vincent has decided to renovate its heritage with the help of international volunteers. Therefore, you will be refurbishing built elements of the city but also work as much as possible to promote intercultural exchanges between the international volunteers and the local population. You will help the local youth discover mobility opportunities in order for them to be inspired to go on a workcamp abroad and travel the world. You will decide together with the other volunteers on what to do during your free time, on how to maintain the provided facilities, organize the meals but also on what to organize for the locals in order to encourage dialogue with the young locals.

Work: You will keep on doing the work that was started in 2014: you will be working around the cemetery wall and on the two columns surrounding its access to the city. You will clean off the walls and apply a thick coating. Then, you will add tiles at the top of the wall in order to protect it, all the while using traditional masonry techniques and lime mortar.

Accommodation: You will be staying in a comfortable recent building provided by the city where you will find dormitories, bathrooms, toilets, kitchen and common room for the collective life. It is only 3 minutes away from the workcamp site.

Location: St Vincent is located in the south-west of France, in the Midi-Pyrénées region, 45min away from Toulouse. Throughout the workcamp, you will have various opportunities to go to local dance festival or walk around one of France’s most beautiful markets, Revel market. You will be able to go to

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St Ferréol Lake, to the Laurageais slopes, visit castles and museums or taste culinary specialties, such as the Castelnaudary cassoulet.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Villefranche-de-Lauragais SNCF train station.

Terminal: Toulouse, Marseille or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Make sure to bring gloves, working clothes and working shoes. Bring rain and warm clothes, hiking shoes, and a thick sleeping bag. Bring a good mat. You will have the opportunity to go swimming, don’t forget to bring your swimsuit!

Fee: /

CONCF-242 FRONTIGNAN 10/06 30/06 FEST/ART 22 vols 18+ International Polar


Project: The FIRN (International Festival of Thriller Novel) was created 18 years ago. It welcomes every year great and famous authors of the genre, from writers to cartoonists who come each year to exchange around a specific theme. It is the 12

th year that the city of Frontignan is renewing its

partnership with Concordia. The project consists in helping with the creation of the décor in collaboration with young local adults who will also be involved on this project.

Work: You will be expressing your creative side while working on the set design of the festival, from the start to its final set up in the city. You will be helping with the public reception and the communication around this cultural event.

Accommodation: You will be sleeping in tents (if you own one, you can bring it!), in the children holiday resort of the Aresquiers. A building with showers and toilets will be at your disposal, as well as a kitchen.

Location: The city of the Aresquiers is located in the Herault department which is part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region, in the south of France. It is 20km from Montpellier. The ancient salt marshes became a protected natural reserve for wetlands fauna and flora. There, you can find pink flamingos, herons, cranes, but also glassworts, which are halophilous species that composes the sansouïres (Occitan term for salt marsh). You will have a direct access to the beach, therefore providing various activities such as walking, biking, boy-surfing, etc. Moreover, the hinterland has a very rich heritage (history, gastronomy, and culture), many harbours and fortresses next to rivers and vineyards.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Frontignan SNCF train station.

Terminal: Montpellier or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring a sleeping bag. You will be working with paint and solvents: make sure to bring used clothes. For more information on the festival, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-032 RIOM 29/06 20/07 FEST/CONS 20 vols 18+ French and English speaking, Urban.

Project: For several years, the city of Riom has been organizing the festival “My summer in Cerey”. The main aim of this event is to offer free activities to those who don’t go on holiday. The organization is very family-friendly and keeps values of the non-formal education movement: “meeting” and “sharing”, in mind. For ten days, sport, recreational and cultural activities will be run by the city of Riom and local associations. This year, “My summer in Cerey” will take place from July 6

th to July 17

th. For

the second year, an international work camp will participate in the organization of this festival. The activities will take place every day between 2pm and 7pm. You will be able to fully enjoy this event and spend plenty of time with the local population.

Work: You will be present before the festival starts in order to help set up the site. You will build wooden furniture to welcome the public and put up pergolas from kits provided by the carpentry workshop. You will make the decorations and information panels about sustainable development for the festival. During the festival, you will be in charge of welcoming people and running activities like the zip line, trampoline or inflatable attractions, but you don’t have to worry; you will be taught how to handle these responsibilities. Lastly, you will help take down the structures after the end of the festival.

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This work camp needs a great deal of commitment on behalf of the volunteers as the festival takes place during ten days.

Accommodation: You will be housed in the Pierre Robin stadium, which is a 5 minute walk from the festival and 10 minutes from the town centre. You will sleep in two-person tents and group life will take place in a marquee. A kitchen, changing rooms, showers and indoor toilets are available on the stadium premises. The stadium will be entirely reserved for the work camp.

Location: Located 16 kilometers north of Clermont-Ferrand, regional capital of Auvergne region, Riom is situated at the foot of the volcano chain. It is a very dynamic city and offers a preserved historic centre and many shows and activities during the summer: concerts, street shows, swimming pool, tree climbing Adventure Park, swimming in the lakes, hiking etc.

Special requirements: Bring work gloves, clothes and shoes, plus hiking shoes, a sleeping bag, a backpack and your swimsuit. You will get around Riom on foot, by bike and by minibus.

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Riom SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: For more information have a look at: and

Fee: /

CONCF-211 MOTTE SERVOLEX 01/07 22/07 MANU 15 vols 18+

Project: La Motte-Servolex has welcomed workcamps for 14 years, for the greater enjoyment of its technical department and inhabitants, as it became an annual ritual they are waiting for. More and more local youngsters participate in the project every year. Our partner usually offers a two-sided project: one aspect is purely technical but they always try to give the project an artistic or cultural aspect as well.

Work: The technical part will consist of the renovation of "la Place de la Lecture", a public park where tourists and inhabitants come to watch shows or events. You will work to restore the rows of seats with stones and mortar, using traditional techniques. On the other side, you will meet a local artist in order to create or renovate street art. It is foreseen but not yet confirmed that you could work on a bronze statue.

Accommodation: You will be sleeping under tents, in front of the local soccer stadium. Bring your own sleeping bag. There are built facilities right next to it with kitchen, bathroom, collective room and everything needed.

Location: La Motte-Servolex is touching the city of Chambery, one of the biggest cities of the Savoie department. It is located 100 km away from Lyon, 90 km from Geneva (Switzerland) and 200 km from Aosta (Italy).

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Chambery SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Fee: /

CONCF-151 AUBIGNE-RACAN 06/07 27/07 RENO/ARCH 15 vols 18+ Need to know how to

bike. Indoor accommodation.

Project: It is the 3rd

year of partnership between Concordia, the Sarthe department and the city of Aubigné-Racan. Aubigné-Racan is a lovely city near the Loir’s river and it spreads over 3203 hectares with 2112 inhabitants. A very important part of Aubigné’s heritage is the Gallo-Roman complex composed of a theater, a temple, thermal facilities and markets built in the second half of the 1


century. This archeological site, property of the Sarthe department, is one of the most beautiful sites of the Pays de la Loire region. This area is very rich in built heritage and natural discoveries. You will discover archeology through the explanation of an archeologist from the CAPRA (Center of Archeological Prospection and Research of Allonnes) about the Gallo-Roman history of Aubigné and about the wild life. You will take part of the local festivities: 14

th of July parade and fireworks, lightening

of the old city called “Nuit des Chimères”, discovery of the local heritage, hiking.

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Work: Like the two previous workcamps, you will be restoring a part of the archeological site: weeding, restoring the low walls using traditional masonry.

Accommodation: You will be staying in a building with two rooms dedicated to sleeping and a kitchen. You will be able to use the bathrooms of the stadium and of the gymnasium. Cleaning chores and cooking will be done together.

Location: Aubigné-Racan is located 40km south from Le Mans, 15 km west from Château du Loir.

Special requirements: You will be biking on a daily basis to go from the city to the workcamp (4km).

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Aubigné-Racan SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring suitable shoes and warm clothes. Please bring a thick sleeping mat (the floor is hard) and a sleeping bag. For more information, have a look at: and

Fee: /

CONCF-001 LE TOURNE - TRAMASSET 08/07 29/07 ENVI/FEST 13 vols 18+ Maritime environment.

Project: The Tramasset Shipyards are located on the shores of the Garonne River, in the municipality of Le Tourne. During the workcamp you will take part in the renovation of two docks and in the stabilization of the riverbanks, using innovative and environmentally friendly techniques. Meanwhile, you will be able to exchange with the local population and to help during the organization of the Tramasset Festival.

Work: You will be supervised by a technical leader and a group life leader of Concordia. You will be helping in the renovation of the docks and the consolidation of the riverbanks. You will also help during the preparation of the Tramasset Festival, a real sailors’ feast!

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents. The living conditions are basic.

Location: The Tramasset Shipyards are located in the municipality of Le Tourne, on the shores of the Garonne River, 20 km South of Bordeaux.

Special requirements: Work can be physical. You must love the maritime environment in order to apply for this camp.

Language: English

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station (33).

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, warm clothes, sports shoes, swimsuit and sunscreen. Bring boots and clothes adapted to work in the water and in the mud.

Fee: /

CONCF-061 BAINS SUR OUST 08/07 29/07 RENO 10 vols 18+

Project: It is the 3rd

time that the city of Bains Sur Oust hosts an international workcamp! This time, it will take place in the city-center, in the domain of Souriais. This place used to be a farmhouse until the city bought it, to transform it into a cultural center, surrounded by nature. An ideal location for a camp!

Work: The work will consist in rehabilitating the old fence that was made with slates. The current fence is much damaged and will need to be dismantled and rebuilt, using the traditional way. The slates will be put in the ground 20cm away from each-other and held together with chestnut branches.

Accommodation: You will sleep in the tents in the municipal campsite with access to the gymnasium. You will have access to a building for daily meals.

Location: Bains sur Oust (3361 inhabitants) is located in the south of the department Ille et Vilaine, close to Redon city. During your free time you will get the opportunity to discover the local heritage, to hike around the area, to discover the island “Ile aux Pies”, to learn more about the Brittany’s region culture and meet locals.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Redon SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

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Special remarks: In Brittany, you can have different types of weather in the same day! Make sure to bring warm clothes and shoes together with lighter ones and a raincoat. You should also bring gloves, work clothes, work shoes and a swimsuit. Nights can be chilly: bring a thick sleeping bag!

Fee: /

CONCF-091 CHELLES 08/07 29/07 RENO 15 vols 18+ Urban. Indoor


Project: The city of Chelles disposes of an ideal geographic location: less than 20km away Paris center, it is nonetheless a green city along the Marne River, the gateway to the countryside. It is the 7


year that the city is hosting an international workcamp, it is therefore well rooted in the city’s life. It connects the volunteers, the residents and youth organisation around many activities for moments of sharing and conviviality. The inhabitants and the volunteers will focus their action on a building renovation project.

Work: With a technical leader, you will work on a renovation project. Through this workcamp, you will learn different technics of “second fix” on building (cleaning, paint, sandpapering…). You will also organize many events and entertainments with the local population: language coffee, international meals, etc.

Accommodation: You will stay in a collective dormitory inside the city gymnasium.

Location: Chelles is located in the suburbs of Paris which is accessible by train. It is less than 20km from the heart of Paris, between town and country side.

Special requirements: As you will have to ride on bike for long distances, you must know how to ride a bike.

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Chelles Gournay RER train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring working clothes and shoes and a sleeping bag.

Fee: /

CONCF-092 FOSSES 08/07 29/07 ART 15 vols 18+ Urban. Indoor


Project: Valophis Habitat is a significant social landlord in Ile de France Region. It owns several buildings in Fosses. Concerned with the welfare of the inhabitants, the social landlord wants to improve the quality of living for the residents. For the 7

th consecutive year, the social landlord will

welcome a group of international volunteers who will take part in the project to decorate and beautify the main entrance hall of the residence. You will be helped by the inhabitants and you will organize many activities with them.

Work: With a technical leader, you will create a mural mosaic in the main entrance hall of the building. In parallel, you will set up animations for the inhabitants and share many good times with the local population.

Accommodation: Collective accommodation. Valophis Habitat will provide two flats for the volunteers.

Location: Fosses is located 30km away from the North of Paris.

Special requirements: /

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Survilliers Fosses train station (RER D).

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring working clothes, shoes and a sleeping bag. Most of the activities will be held in Fosses. Between city and countryside you will get to enjoy many varied activities.

Fee: /

CONCF-093 NOISY-LE-GRAND 1 08/07 29/07 RENO 20 vols 18+ Urban. Indoor


Project: Noisy-le-Grand is a city located in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, 20 kilometers from Paris. It’s a beautiful city crossed in the north by the Marne River. The city will host this year an international group of volunteers for a renovation and embellishment project local youth organisation premises.

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Work: With a technical leader, you will participate in the refreshment and the interior outfitting of local youth organisation’s rooms in order to turn them into warm and welcoming spaces. Throughout the work camp you will organize many friendly times with the locals: welcome event, “language coffee”, international meals: there will be plenty of opportunities to share, discover and to know one another’s cultures.

Accommodation: You will stay in a permanent accommodation, the boarding school of the international high school.

Location: Noisy-le-Grand is a city located in Seine Saint Denis. It is approximately 20km from Paris.

Special requirements: /

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Noisy-le-Grand RER train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring working clothes, shoes and a sleeping bag. Most of the activities will be held in Noisy-le-Grand where you will discover all the wealth of a green city of Parisian suburb.

Fee: /

CONCF-153 LE MANS 1 08/07 27/07 SOCI/KIDS 15 vols 18+ Urban, indoor

accommodation. Motivation letter needed.

Project: It has been now 5 years since the Normandie-Maine Concordia regional office settled in the popular neighborhood of Le Mans called Les Sablons. The goal of its establishment was the creation of various volunteering projects as part of the social development of the city. Indeed, it would open this neighborhood to an international scale through the creation of a real dynamic in which locals and young locals would get involved. Concordia has been organizing international workcamps for the past 2 years in order to develop local activities for the kids and inhabitants of the neighborhood. Last year’s workcamp was very successful and was the opportunity to organize a beautiful block party at the end of the project. This year, we want to renew the experience by organizing 2 camps during the summer, in close partnership with the educational team and specialized prevention team of Les Sablons and the Youth Service of Le Mans.

Work: The workcamp of July will consist in creating and building temporary spaces with recycled materials which will be used in August: huts in wood, playgrounds, meeting points in wood… You will be in charge of organizing an event at the end of your workcamp. This workcamp will enable the youth of Les Sablons to take part in free activities organized in the heart of their neighborhood and to become aware of intercultural meetings and international commitment. A particular attention will be paid to the participation of the residents, local organisations and the youth in the creation of activities to develop local events.

Accommodation: You will be sharing collective accommodation in 2 flats in the neighborhood, with basic living conditions. There will 4 or 5 people per room with mattresses provided by Concordia. Housework and meals will be done in group. Bring your sleeping-bag with you.

Location: Le Mans (143000 inhabitants) is located in the West of France. It is the administrative center of the Sarthe department, in the Pays de La Loire region (50 min from Paris, and 1h30 from Nantes by train). You will have time to discover the city. Le Mans is a beautiful art and history city, it is the third one of the Pays de la Loire region when it comes to culture and tourism. The old city center is surrounded by Roman walls and the most recent renovation works organized to preserve the oldest parts of Le Mans have helped to enhance its local heritage. Two rivers cross the city which has been named one of France greenest cities. There we can find various parks and gardens, in addition to the two big forests bordering the city. During the summer, many festivals and events are organized, such as “La Nuit des Chimères” which highlights the historical heritage of the town. At night, the walls of the cathedral and monuments of the old city become projection screens. A must see!

Special requirements: Because it is an urban workcamp, you must provide a motivation letter. Volunteers should be interested in child/youth animation and come with ideas (original games, outdoor activities, workshops about recycling and materials recovery…).

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Le Mans SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Don’t forget your sleeping bag! For more information about the city:

Fee: /

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CONCF-243 ADISSAN 08/07 29/07 ENVI 15 18+

Project: Adissan is a charming and typical village which is located in the middle of the Languedoc vineyards. This place is very well known for growing vines, and more specifically the “clairette”. This is actually thanks to this sole cultivation that the local population thrived through time. You will get to enjoy the local animations around the Clairette Festival and take part in the July 14

th festivities with the

population. The neighboring city of Pézenas will show you its rich heritage and you will get to enjoy the very mild climate of the area by going swimming in the Salagou Lake for instance.

Work: You will be brush clearing the banks of a river and take part in various development works in the village.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents on a campsite. If you have one, you can bring it!

Location: Adissan is in the department of Herault, which is part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. It is located between Narbonne and Béziers, 20 minutes from the Mediterranean coastline.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Béziers SNCF train station then bus to Pézenas.

Terminal: Béziers or Paris airport

Special remarks: Bring work shoes and clothes and accessories to protect you from the sun. Remember your sleeping bag! For more information, you can visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-244 FEUILLA 08/07 29/07 RENO 12 vols 18+ New camp.

Project: Feuilla is located in the south of France, between the Mediterranean Sea and Pyrenees mountains. In the middle of the rocky hills of the Corbières, it is part of the Aude department which ancestral activities (viticulture, cereal agriculture and bee-keeping) marked durably the landscape. In addition, a rich flora remains within the scrubland. In this small village with almost an hundred inhabitants, remotely located from the main tourist routes, and about 10 km of the littoral, you will be in the middle of Mediterranean nature. You will have the opportunity to visit Feuilla’s natural (Botanical garden of Foncaude, Continental shelf de Leucate, Regional natural park of the Narbonnaise…) and cultural heritage (village of Opoul-Perillos, Cathar castles …). For this first workcamp, you will be cleaning up the interior of Feuilla’s chapel.

Work: You will participate in various renovation works inside of the chapel. You will brush the walls in order to eliminate the old residues then you will focus on enhancing the inside walls by remaking the coatings.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents. If you have one, you can bring it!

Location: Feuilla – located between Narbonne and Perpignan - is located the Aude department within the Languedoc-Roussillon region.

Special requirements: /


Meeting point: Narbonne SNCF train station, then a bus to Feuilla.

Terminal: Toulouse or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring a sleeping bag! For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-246 PAYS DE SOMMIERES 08/07 29/07 RENO/ARCH 13 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.

Project: Villevieille is a city in the South of France, with a rich heritage covering a very long period of time (Copper age, Gallo-Roman and medieval periods etc.) and a lot of Historic buildings (castles of Pondres, Prehistoric village of Fontbuisse etc.). An archaeological campaign led between 1998 and 2005 helped the renovation of a residential part of the Gallo-Roman urban area of Villevieille, going back from the 1

st century BC. During this 5

th partnership between the Pays de Sommières and

Concordia, you will develop the site of “Terriers” in the continuity of the work completed the previous years. The aim is to restore the foundations of this villa by building a low stone wall, so that the visitors can see what existed at the time.

Work: According to specifications defined in advance, you will build a low wall which will delimit the foundations of the villa. You will be using stone and make lime mortar.

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Accommodation: You will be staying in a collective accommodation that includes an equipped kitchen, a big dormitory (girls and boys separated) and two showers.

Location: Villevieille is located in the Gard department, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, between Nimes (Roman city) and Montpellier (student city). You will therefore get to witness the wonderful historical heritage of this area (Castle of Villevieille and Pondres, Gard Bridge, Arena of Nimes…). With the local population, you will be able to take part in the various summer activities (Bastille Day on July 14

th, Sommières Festival, medieval animations etc.).

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Train station of Nîmes then bus until Villevieille.

Terminal: Marseille or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Don’t forget to bring sleeping-bag, gloves, works shoes and clothes. For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-247 RENNES LES BAINS 08/07 29/07 RENO 13 vols 18+ New camp.

Project: The Village of Rennes-les-Bains has been dedicated to Hydrotherapy since ancient times. They have decided to work with Concordia on a project near to the legendary Devil's Armchair (a large boulder fashioned into the shape of an armchair) and the Source of the Circle. The village is located in the heart of nature and you will appreciate this high esoteric site. The surroundings are coveted by the gold prospectors who based their research on the legendary notes of the French cleric Saunière.

Work: You will be working on the Circle path in order to restore the dry wall around the stream and improve the landscape.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents near the river, in the village. You can bring your own tent.

Location: In the Aude department, close to the famous medieval city of Carcassonne.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Train station of Limoux, then a bus to the village.

Terminal: Carcassonne, Toulouse or Paris airport;

Special remarks: Remember to bring your sleeping bag! For more information, you can visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-003 TALENCE - CREPS 09/07 30/07 RENO 13 vols 18+ Urban. Scaffolding.

Project: Bordeaux CREPS was founded in 1945 and is located in Talence. It is a public establishment of 15 hectares depending on the department of sports, youth, popular education and associative life. The CREPS welcomes high level athletes in order for them to be able to both train and study, together with some interns aiming to become sports and animation professionals. The environment surrounding the CREPS is quite pleasant. It is located next to schools, universities, close to the center of Talence and only 20 minutes by tram from Bordeaux city center. The CREPS is also close to several parks and green areas. The CREPS and the municipality of Talence decided to work with Concordia because of their common wish to renovate the Roul Chapel and to promote interactions between the CREPS center and the local population.

Work: You will be renovating the Roul Chapel within the CREPS area. It was built by Mr Roul, mayor of Talence and owner of the domain during the 19

th century.

Accommodation: You will be staying in collective rooms. The living conditions are basic.

Location: The municipality of Talence is located 3km from Bordeaux.

Special requirements: The work can sometimes be physical. A certificate allowing you to work on scaffoldings is compulsory.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station (33).

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

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Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes.Talence is situated in the urban community of Bordeaux, 20 minutes away from the town center by tram. To learn more:

Fee: /

CONCF-004 BORDEAUX - ARPEJE 10/07 31/07 CONS 13 vols 18+ Urban. Maritime


Project: ARPEJE is an association that works on the educational and social reintegration of young people. For the past five years, the association has been renovating and building wooden schooners (sailboats). For the third year ARPEJE is hosting a Concordia workcamp. Various exchanges with other associations and young people from other camps are expected!

Work: Under the supervision of an ARPEJE technician and two group leaders from Concordia, you will participate in the interior renovation of a schooner (35m) and in the construction of a small boat accessible to people with disabilities. Therefore, the work will consist of traditional marine carpentry work and painting.

Accommodation: You will be staying in a hard-walled facility with simple living conditions.

Location: Bordeaux (240’000 inhabitants) is a beautiful city on the Garonne River in the Gironde department in southwestern France. The workcamp will take place in the Bassins à flot district.

Special requirements: You must love the marine environment to join this workcamp and be motivated to participate in the actions of the association.

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Bordeaux Saint-Jean SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a warm sleeping bag, work clothes, sport shoes and warm clothes. Work might be physical sometimes.

Fee: /

CONCF-005 HAUX 10/07 31/07 RENO 13 vols 18+ For nature lovers.


Project: The town of Haux has been a partner of Concordia’s since 2000 and this year again they are renewing their intercultural engagement and are welcoming a new workcamp. Haux is a little town located in the Entre Deux Mers region, famous for its great wines and castles. The workcamps there are notorious for being filled with the inhabitants’ spontaneity, warmth and good mood. Many enriching events are organized between the young (and not so young!) locals who have always been very welcoming of the international volunteers, setting up the standards in Concordia’s history!

Work: You will be supervised by a technical leader and a group leader from Concordia. You will be doing some traditional masonry in order to repair the stone stairway of Courcouyac. You will also repaint the ceiling of the town’s party hall.

Accommodation: You will be staying collectively in a building connected to the school’s cafeteria where you will have access to the bathroom.

Location: Haux (800 inhabitants) is located in the Entre Deux Mers region, 25km from the south-east of Bordeaux.

Special requirements: Haux is a small town with very few public transportation. The volunteers will have to be nature lovers and like walking. The work will either be done at height (you should not suffer from vertigo), either a bit physical, your choice!

Language: English

Meeting point: Bordeaux Saint Jean SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes and sports shoes and some warm clothes. For more information, you can visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-123 DURAVEL 10/07 31/07 RENO 13 vols 18+ Physical work. Indoor


Project: Duravel has a very rich 2000 year old history. It was founded by the Romans because of its strategic geographic location between Bordeaux and Lyon. Many remains are still visible today, in spite of the many religious wars that took place here (1596).

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The city would like to preserve and restore its rich historical heritage, and more specifically its 160 meters high Middle-Age battlements that protected the city during the 1369 war against England. You will be working on these battlements. It is the 5

th consecutive year that Duravel and its local population

are warmly welcoming an international workcamp.

Work: You will be supervised by 2 technical leaders, a professional mason and an archeologist. You will work on the stabilisation of the North battlement of the city: cleaning off the grass elements, dismantling and reassembling the stones, sealing. There will be some traditional masonry work.

Accommodation: You will sleep in the stadium building. You will have access to the showers, bathroom and sports room. You will have access to the rest of the facilities for the meals.

Location: Duravel (1000 inhabitants) is a very touristic place of the south-west of France, in the Lot valley, 40 km west of Cahors. Duravel is located between 2 wooded hills overlooking many wine estates. You will have the opportunity to go on hikes and walks, visit night markets, go on wine tastings in castles or visit some sightseeing (Roc Amadour, St Cyr la Popie etc.).

Special requirements: This camp may have some physical work.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Cahors or Monsempron Libos SNCF train station, then direct bus to Duravel.

Terminal: Toulouse, Bordeaux or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Make sure to bring gloves, working clothes and working shoes. Bring warm and rain clothes, hiking shoes, and a thick sleeping bag (nights may be chilly). Sleeping mats will be lent to you. You will have the opportunity to go swimming, remember to bring your swimsuit!

Fee: /

CONCF-183 THIERS SUR THEVE 10/07 31/07 RENO 16 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation available. Scaffolding.

Project: This is the 6th workcamp organized in the town of Thiers sur Thève, located at the edge of

Chantilly’s and Ermenonville’s forests. Thiers sur Thrève is a calm and rural town and this workcamp is a great opportunity for the town to enhance its heritage through the work that will be performed on its old church. Therefore, the inhabitants are really looking forward to welcoming the international volunteers!

Work: You will be working on the outside walls of the church: cutting stones, jointing. All tasks will be done on scaffolding.

Accommodation: You will choose either to stay in tents with a sleeping bag or in a building on camp beds. The kitchen and bathrooms will be available in a common building where you will find all amenities (oven, dishwasher etc.).

Location: Thiers sur Thève is located in the Regional Natural Park “Oise Pays de France”, near the Val d'Oise department and the city of Senlis. You will be in the middle of Chantilly's forest, near its renowned castle and horses facilities.

Special requirements: You will be working on scaffolding. It is better to not have vertigo to be able to participate.

Language: English.

Meeting Point: Orry la Ville SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: If you decide to stay in a tent, remember to bring a sleeping bag. Bring work clothes and shoes.

Fee: /

CONCF-213 SAINT VICTOR SUR RHINS 10/07 31/07 RENO 15 vols 18+ Scaffolding.

Project: Saint-Victor-sur-Rhins is a village with a population of 1160 people in the Loire department, in the North of Lyon. This village has started a new partnership with Concordia in order to preserve and restore its cultural and built heritage. Saint-Victor-sur-Rhins has been inhabited for more than 1000 years. The workcamp aims at raising awareness among young people regarding the cultural heritage of their town.

Work: This year, you are going to work on the maintenance of a tile stove, which was built around the 17

th century, and that has kept the name of its first user: the “Cabin stove”. The roof structure of the

building must be rebuilt identically because it presents some problems regarding the waterproofing

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system. Over time, the frost and thaw in the winter can damage the masonry of the stove. You will learn how to dismantle and rebuild an old-style roof structure.

Accommodation: The volunteers will sleep in tents in front of the football stadium. The kitchen, the toilets, the showers and the space for group activities will be in the stadium facilities, which will also offer shelter in case of bad weather.

Location: Saint-Victor-sur-Rhins is located 20 km away from Roanne and 70 km from Lyon.

Special requirements: Warning for people who suffer from vertigo: work will take place at a height, on scaffolding!

Language: English

Meeting point: Saint-Victor-sur-Rhins SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Fee: /

CONCF-214 SAINTE AGNES 10/07 31/07 RENO 15 vols 18+ Scaffolding.

Project: Sainte-Agnès is a mountain village made up of ten hamlets, which are spread over the slopes of the mountain. It is an ideal place for nature lovers and hikers. 2015 will mark the 20th anniversary of our partnership with this village, with the same happiness every year! Indeed, the local inhabitants are waiting for the workcamp as the main event of the summer, a moment rich of intercultural encounters.

Work: You will work on the biggest public house of the village, which was built the traditional way more than a hundred years ago. The aim will be to restore outside walls coating, using limestone, and making the old stone appear. This year the aim will be to restore one wall out of the four, as this workcamp should be renewed in the coming years in order to come to a full rehabilitation of the house.

Accommodation: You will sleep in two or three people tents (please bring your sleeping bag and mat). Kitchen, toilets, showers, and a big meeting room can be found inside the building.

Location: Sainte-Agnès itself is quite isolated in the mountain, but a very big city (Grenoble) is 15 km away, and can be reached easily. It is situated 100 km away from Lyon.

Special requirements: Warning for people who suffer from vertigo: work will take place at a height, on scaffolding!

Language: English

Meeting point: Brignoud SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Fee: /

CONCF-215 VAUX EN BUGEY 10/07 24/07 RENO 15 vols 18+ New camp. Indoor accommodation.

Project: Vaux-en-Bugey is a village of 1100 inhabitants with a very rich cultural and built heritage. Indeed this territory has been inhabited for more than 2500 years! Many workcamps took place over the last ten years, so you will walk into the paths of many previous volunteers who helped this village to maintain its historical richness. But it is not all about history, as this year you will work on a newer facility, which is used mainly by youngsters and hikers.

Work: The main work will concern the "laboratory", which was used by scientists working on gas extracted locally, many decades ago. However, in the last years, the place has been mainly used as a room dedicated to welcome hikers and hunters during their lunch break. The place was recently vandalized and needs to be restored. You will therefore have to work with different materials such as paint, glass and wood to renovate the inside as well as the outside parts. But there will probably be enough time to go and work in other places as well, so the work should be really varied.

Accommodation: You will sleep in the village center, in a house which was given to the city by a famous artist. Kitchen, bathroom and everything needed will be there. You should bring a sleeping bag. You may use the bread oven that was built by previous volunteers.

Location: Vaux-en-Bugey is located 5 km away from Amberieu-en-Bugey and 50 km away from Lyon.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

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Meeting point: Ambérieu-en-Bugey SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Fee: /

CONCF-156 LE MANS 2 03/08 24/08 SOCI/KIDS 15 vols 18+ Urban, indoor

accommodation. Motivation letter needed.

Project: It has been now 5 years since the Normandie-Maine Concordia regional office settled in the popular neighborhood of Le Mans called Les Sablons. The goal of its establishment was the creation of various volunteering projects as part of the social development of the city. Indeed, it would open this neighborhood to an international scale through the creation of a real dynamic in which locals and young locals would get involved. Concordia has been organizing international workcamps for the past 2 years in order to develop local activities for the kids and inhabitants of the neighborhood. Last year’s workcamp was very successful and was the opportunity to organize a beautiful block party at the end of the project. This year, we want to renew the experience by organizing 2 camps during the summer, in close partnership with the educational team and specialized prevention team of Les Sablons and the Youth Service of Le Mans.

Work: The workcamp of August will consist in the organization of animations in the district with the local kids and inhabitants in order to plan the block party of August 22

nd. It will allow the valorization of

their artistic and cultural abilities. This workcamp will enable the youth of Les Sablons to take part in free activities organized in the heart of their neighborhood and to become aware of intercultural meetings and international commitment. A particular attention will be paid to the participation of the residents, local organisations and the youth in the creation of activities to develop local events.

Accommodation: You will be sharing collective accommodation in 2 flats in the neighborhood, with basic living conditions. There will be rooms of 4 or 5 people with mattresses provided by Concordia. Housework and meals will be done in group. Bring your sleeping-bag with you.

Location: Le Mans (143000 inhabitants) is located in the West of France. It is the administrative center of the Sarthe department, in the Pays de La Loire region (50 min from Paris, and 1h30 from Nantes by train). You will have time to discover the city. Le Mans is a beautiful art and history city, it is the third one of the Pays de la Loire region when it comes to culture and tourism. The old city center is surrounded by Roman walls and the most recent renovation works organized to preserve the oldest parts of Le Mans have helped to enhance its local heritage. Two rivers cross the city which has been named one of France greenest cities. There we can find various parks and gardens, in addition to the two big forests bordering the city. During the summer, many festivals and events are organized, such as “La Nuit des Chimères” which highlights the historical heritage of the town. At night, the walls of the cathedral and monuments of the old city become projection screens. A must see!

Special requirements: Because it is an urban workcamp, you must provide a motivation letter. Volunteers should be interested in child/youth animation and come with ideas (original games, outdoor activities, workshops about recycling and materials recovery…).

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Le Mans SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Don’t forget your sleeping bag! For more information about the city:

Fee: /

CONCF-037 ALLEGRE 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+ Trinational. Indoor accommodation.

Project: Allègre is a medieval town with a very rich heritage. At an altitude of 1,000 metres, the remains of a castle classed as a Historic Monument overlook the village. Today, a large, 14th century archway named "La Potence" remains. The village is crossed by old pedestrian alleyways or small, steep pathways, locally called "charreyrons". This seventh consecutive work camp working with Allègre's town council will help renovate one of the "charreyrons" providing access to the castle on foot. Local celebrations and the discovery of the region will be on your workcamp schedule! This project is based on a local tradition of French-German exchanges.

Work: You will finish the restoration of the "charreyrons" by working on the paving on the lower part of the path. The higher part was renovated during the international workcamps of 2013 and 2014. Two

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rough tracks will be created and the paving will be made using a traditional technique: you will remove the existing cover layer and replace it by “trifous” (local round stones) laid side by side, on a layer of soil. This technique gives a beautiful aesthetic result. The secondary objective for you will be to participate in the reconstruction of the dry stone wall which supports the path.

Accommodation: In an apartment in the town centre (bring your own sleeping bag). Group life will take place in a municipal room made available for the group with a spacious, fully-equipped kitchen and a large activity hall.

Location: Allègre (1000 inhabitants) is located in the Haute-Loire department in Auvergne region. It is 30 km north from Le-Puy-en-Velay. It is a village in the Natural Regional Park of Livradois-Forez, with remarkable natural and built heritage, at the foot of Mont Bar. You will have the opportunity to swim in the lakes and to take part in outdoor leisure activities.

Special requirements: Nights can be chilly, so please bring warm clothes and a sleeping bag, work gloves, clothes and shoes. Don't forget to bring your swimsuit.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Darsac SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Trinational OFAJ France - Germany – South Korea. A part of travel costs of participants is supported on presentation of original receipts. For more information have a look at: and

Fee: /

CONCF-038 ANZAT-LE-LUGUET 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+ For nature lover and good


Project: The village of Anzat-Le-Luguet has a certain number of “burons” which today are in ruin. A “buron” is a small stone building, covered by thick-tiles or slate, that can be found on mountains and high-altitude pastures that farmers use in summer to make cheese, such as Saint-Nectaire. The town council would like to restore one of these buildings to demonstrate the lifestyle and the activity of the inhabitants in this part of the Cézallier plateau. This new international work camp will be the opportunity to begin the renovation work of the “buron”, in exceptional outdoor surroundings.

Work: Your goal will be to rebuild all of the outer walls of the “buron”, up to the lintel of the entrance door. You will rebuild one of the walls from its base, including a protective wall. You will clear away plants from the other walls and pull down the parts of the building that are the most damaged and rebuild them on good foundations. Finally, you will strengthen the ceiling by cleaning off the moss which covers it and by applying a coat of whitewash. In this way you will learn traditional building techniques.

Accommodation: Sleeping in two-person tents and communal living in a marquee, on a site in the village. Bring your own sleeping bag.

Location: Anzat-le-Luguet is situated in the Puy-de-Dôme district, in the Auvergne region. It forms part of the 'Natural regional park of the Auvergne volcanoes', and the protected zone for Saint-Nectaire cheese (« Appellation d'origine controlée »). The village is at the heart of the Cézallier volcanic chain, whose highest point is very close: the 'Signal du Luguet' (1,551m).

Special requirements: This workcamp is for those who love nature and the great outdoors. You should be a good walker as the work camp is in an isolated spot.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Massiac SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring work gloves, walking boots and a backpack. Nights can be chilly, so bring warm clothes and a good sleeping bag. For more information visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-039 DAVAYAT 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+ High-up work.

Project: The town council of Davayat has been welcoming international workcamps for four years and has been housing them in the leisure centre. Today, the rooms in this building deserve a good lick of paint, which the group of volunteers will be in charge. On the other hand, Concordia has been participating in the renovation of Davayat's former lime-kilns since 2011, working alongside a local organisation called Cynorhodon 135, which was formed in order to fight against the disappearance of

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the lime-kilns. For the fifth year running, the organisation's volunteers are looking forward to showing you their region. You will share friendly moments around good meals with the inhabitants.

Work: For two weeks you will participate in repainting the walls and ceilings of the leisure centre. During the third week, depending on how much time you have left, you will take part in clearing away weeds on one of the outer walls of the lime kilns and in rebuilding a “chaînage d'ange”: a protective wall. You will use traditional brick-laying techniques, using local stones and lime mortar.

Accommodation: In two-person tents (bring your own sleeping bag) in the village near the leisure centre. Access to toilets, shower facilities and a kitchen in the leisure centre nearby. When the weather is good you will eat your meals outside and if it rains, meals will be eaten in a room in the town hall.

Location: Davayat is a small town in the Auvergne region situated on the plain of Limagne, at the foot of the volcanic mountains. Situated at around 20 km north of Clermont-Ferrand, it is a wine-producing region which offers many hiking opportunities, canoe/kayak trips and swimming in the lakes. Your stay will also include seeing concerts and shows at the town of Riom.

Special requirements: You might work high-up on a builder's trestle.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Riom SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: The nights could be cold, so bring warm clothes, a sleeping bag and ground sheets, gloves, working clothes, and shoes for work. You will get around town on foot. For more information have a look at: and

Fee: /

CONCF-064 BAILLE 05/08 26/08 RENO 12 vols 18+ .

Project: The town may be small but its ambitions are great when it comes to enhance its heritage! The city council really liked the idea of receiving a multicultural group in order to bring life to the rural town. The workcamp will take place in the center, right next to the church and the city hall. A great occasion for you to meet the locals!

Work: The work will consist in traditional masonry. The wall will need to be cleaned off before applying cement mortar.

Accommodation: You will stay in 2 people tents, on a campsite. Don’t forget to bring a sleeping bag and a mat! You will have meals under a marquee.

Location: Baillé (320 inhabitants) is part of the Coglais Community. With more than 200km of pathway, this rural area of the Ille et Vilaine department is the ideal place to hike through the rivers, valleys and bocages, by foot or by bike. You will discover the rich and old heritage of the Coglais, with its castles, mansions and traditional houses. Moreover, the Fougères Castle and the famous Mont Saint Michel are respectively 30min and 1h30 away from the camp!

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Baillé, château de Fougères bus stop.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: In Brittany, you can have different types of weather in the same day! Make sure to bring warm clothes and shoes together with lighter ones and a raincoat. You should also bring gloves, work clothes, work shoes and a swimsuit. Nights can be chilly: bring a thick sleeping bag!

Fee: /

CONCF-065 MALESTROIT 05/08 26/08 CONS/MANU 15 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.

Project: Through this international workcamp, the city of Malestroit proposes a local and intercultural animation! The project will therefore answer a request from the local organisation and shopkeepers in building wooden chalets that will be available during events such as the Christmas market, the annual rock festival or during the tourist season.

Work: You will use traditional carpentry in order to build 5 wooden chalets. You will be supervised by a technical leader through all the steps. Local volunteers will also join you for this project.

Accommodation: You will stay in collective dormitories.

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Location: Malestoit (2500 inhabitants), is part of the Morbihan department, halfway from the Gulf of Morbihan (natural harbor on the coastline) and the legendary Broceliande forest. It benefits from a very unique atmosphere thanks to the Oust River that goes through the city, between woods and valleys. Malestroit has a great sports center, including a canoe and kayak base. The oldest rock festival of Brittany, Pont du Rock, will take place in the city on July 24, 25.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Ploërmel, Jean Paul II square.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: In Brittany, you can have different types of weather in the same day! Make sure to bring warm clothes and shoes together with lighter ones and a raincoat. You should also bring gloves, work clothes, work shoes and a swimsuit. Nights can be chilly: bring a thick sleeping bag!

Fee: /

CONCF-094 NOISY-LE-GRAND 2 05/08 26/08 RENO/ENVI 20 vols 18+ Urban. Indoor


Project: Noisy-le-Grand is a city located in the Seine-Saint-Denis department, 20 kilometers from Paris. It’s a beautiful city crossed in the north by the Marne River. The city will host this year an international group of volunteers for a renovation and embellishment project local youth organisation premises.

Work: With a technical leader, you will help to create urban furniture and a shared garden. Throughout the work camp you will organize many friendly times with the locals: welcome event, “language coffee”, international meals: there will be plenty of opportunities to share, discover and to know one another’s cultures.

Accommodation: You will stay in a permanent accommodation, the boarding school of the international high school.

Location: Noisy-le-Grand is a city located in Seine Saint Denis. It is approximately 20km away from Paris.

Special requirements: /

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Noisy-le-Grand RER train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring working clothes, shoes and a sleeping bag. Most of the activities will be held in Noisy-le-Grand where you will discover all the wealth of a green city of Parisian suburb.

Fee: /

CONCF-095 PARIS 19 05/08 19/08 ART/MANU 12 vols 18+ Urban. Indoor

accommodation. Trinational.

Project: Located in the North-East of Paris, the 19th arrondissement of Paris is a dynamic area with a

rich associative life. Popular district of the city, a large range of social-educational initiatives are being developed in the neighborhood. For this summer 2015, Concordia and the local non-profit organisation are uniting for urban art and a social-educational activities project. With the local children you will take part in the realisation of an ambitious urban art project to revitalize the district.

Work: With a technical leader you will take part in an urban art project. Throughout the workcamp, you will share many good times with the local children.

Accommodation: You will stay in a permanent accommodation.

Location: In the 19th arrondissement of Paris.

Special requirements: /

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Délégation Concordia Ile-de-France, 156 rue d'Aubervilliers, 75019 Paris.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring working clothes, shoes and a sleeping bag. A part of travel costs of participants is supported on presentation of original receipts.

Fee: /

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CONCF-157 MONTFAUCON-MONTIGNE 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+

Project: This will be the 5th workcamp that Concordia organizes with Montfaucon-Montigné.

This town (2 villages grouped together in 2000) is located in the middle of the Mauges region, 20km from Beaupréau and near Cholet. It is a dynamic place full of history where protohistoric and Gallo-Roman remains have been discovered. During the 11

th century, Montfaucon has been turned into a

fortified castle and a monastery. Today, we can still find moat and feudal mounds (where defensive buildings were built).

Work: You will restore and continue the reconstruction of the former wall using traditional masonry.

Accommodation: Under tents in a soccer stadium. Toilets, kitchen and living room will be provided in the stadium. Please bring a sleeping mat and a sleeping bag.

Location: Montfaucon-Montigné is located 25km north-west from Cholet, 95km south from Angers, 100km from the Atlantic coastline. Maine-et-Loire region is a fascinating department with 1,200 castles, great ramparts and manors, wonderful banks of the Loire River and numerous vineyards. You will be able to take part to August festivities: discover the local heritage, go on hikes and share meals and good times with the locals.

Special requirements: If you own a tent, you can bring it.

Language: English and French.

Meeting point: Cholet SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring suitable shoes, warm clothes, a sleeping mat and a sleeping bag. For more information:

Fee: /

CONCF-158 MOULIN DE ROTROU 05/08 21/08 RENO 15 vols 18+ Scaffolding.

Project: Le Moulin de Rotrou is a water mill that dates back from the 16th century, located in the city of

Vaas, on the Loir River. Thanks to the local association “Friends of the Mill”, visitors can discover the various steps of making bread, a pedagogical process that started in 2011. Quickly after its inauguration in June 2013, the site became a key element in the touristic development of the city. Many renewable energies related events are organized there, such as the “Fête des Céréales” and the organic market, therefore developing a new attractive side related to the heritage of the Loir valley area. The association is more than 25 years old and the mill project brought a new vitality to it, mainly thanks to the intergenerational exchanges, the involvement of the volunteer and the great dynamism of the current facilitator. The Friends of the Mill association has been linked to the Jinov network for more than a year. Jinov aims at promoting youth initiatives and intergenerational cooperation with the purpose of the implementation of a youth center in the Mill. Concordia has been organizing international workcamps in the Sarthe department for many years, and it is thanks to this involvement that a youth exchange will take place in Vaas in July and an international workcamp in August. Therefore, international volunteers and local youth will get to communicate and work together, animating the local community and strengthening the attractiveness of the territory. The workcamp will allow the area to be more outward looking, through the valorization of the local heritage and the preservation of the Mill.

Work: You will take part in the renovation of the walls inside the Mill: clear it off undergrowth, masonry work, repair the joints of the bricks by using traditional techniques (e.g. lime mortar).

Accommodation: You will be staying in a collective accommodation under tents in a municipal campsite with the toilets and bathroom in a building. The meals will be taken in a room in the mill with the volunteers of the organization. Cleaning and cooking tasks will be done together. Don’t forget to bring a sleeping-mat, a sleeping bag (and a tent if you own one!).

Location: 40km south of Le Mans and 15km the west of Château du Loir. You will be of the local animations: discovering the local patrimony, hiking, “Nuit des Chimères” event in the old city of Le Mans, meeting with an AMAP (association that preserves local farming), and various other events.

Special requirements: You may work in a scaffolding, be sure to not have vertigo in order to participate to the camp.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Vaas SNCF train station.

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Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring good shoes, warm and rain clothes and a warm sleeping bag (nights can be chilly). For more information about the mill:

Fee: /

CONCF-159 PNR DES MARAIS 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+ Scaffolding.

Project: It is the second time that Concordia organizes an international workcamp with the Cotentin and the Bessin Marshland Regional Nature Park. Located in the south of the Cotentin’s peninsula, this wide surface of marshland polders contains unique fauna and flora. The park’s house proposes touristic information, exhibitions and animation in the aim of discovering natural and architectural heritage. Around this place, you will have the opportunity to hike, sail boats, discover the local and environmental heritage and enjoy animations. This workcamp is a part of a long-term project. This is an old farm built with homemade mud bricks owned by the Manche region. This place is now used for the trainings organized by the Regional Nature Park about homemade mud bricks building.

Work: You will be continuing the project that started last year. You will be restoring the inside of an old ground built farm, where the park organizes trainings and exhibitions: you will build a wooden floor at the first level and use lime’s mortar for the ground floor.

Accommodation: Collective accommodation to be defined. Household tasks and cooking will be undertaken by the group.

Location: 60km south of Cherbourg and 20km north of Saint-Lo.

Special requirements: You may work in a scaffolding, be sure to not have vertigo in order to participate to the camp.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Carentan SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring good shoes, warm and waterproof clothes, a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. For more information about the park:

Fee: /

CONCF-188 MACHEMONT 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+

Project: Machemont is a little town from the north-east of the Oise department, in the Noyon area that used to be filled with stone quarries. This is the 4

th year that Marchemont and Concordia are working

together. After two successful workcamps organized on the quarries, Concordia is working directly with the city hall for the 2015 edition. Machemont was particularly damaged during the First World War and it was rebuilt following the 1920s masonry techniques. Today, the church needs to be renovated and particularly its interior. Your work will be part of a bigger event organized around the centenary celebrations of WWI.

Work: Following last year’s work, you will be doing some basic masonry inside of the church.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents on the local soccer field. You will have access to a building for the common life activities as well as the bathroom and kitchen facilities. Bring your own sleeping bag!

Location: Machemont is in the north-east of Oise, between Compiègne and Noyon.

Special remarks: You can bring your bikes and music instruments.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Ribécourt SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris Beauvais Tillé airport and Paris airport

Special remarks: Don’t forget your sleeping bag!

Fee: /

CONCF-216 ALBERTVILLE 05/08 26/08 RENO 15 vols 18+

Project: Fort du Mont is an old military fort, built in 1881 and maintained by three surrounding cities: Albertville, Tours-en-Savoie and Venthon. This fort is located 11000 m above sea level on a mountain, above Albertville, the city that welcomed the 1992 Winter Olympic Games. Nowadays the fort is of no

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military use, but it became a part of the built heritage and it is a point of interest for tourists. However, due to a lack of maintenance, some of its parts are not shown to tourists. This project enables the local youth to be aware of this heritage as they will come to visit the site during the workcamp.

Work: Continuing the work that was started last year, this second workcamp will enable you to restore a "caponniere" (a room that allows the soldiers inside the building to shoot enemies outside, while staying protected) by applying a new lime mortar, with a traditional technique. You will also have to restore a brick vault at the entrance of this room.

Accommodation: You will sleep in two or three people tents (please bring your sleeping bag and mat). Kitchen, toilets, showers, and a big meeting room can be found inside the building.

Location: The fort itself is very isolated, as it takes around 20 minutes by car to get to the closest city (Albertville). However it will be possible and necessary to go to the city very often, so the city will lend a minibus to the group. The fort is located 150 km away from Lyon and 130 km from Geneva. The city of Annecy and its famous lake are closer and can be reached within 45 minutes. You will therefore have opportunities to go for a swim and walk around one of France’s most beautiful lakes.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Albertville SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag. For more information (in French):

Fee: /

CONCF-217 SAINT CYR DE FAVIERES 2 05/08 26/08 CONS 15 vols 18+ Scaffolding.

Project: Saint-Cyr-de-Favières is a village of 800 inhabitants located near the city of Roanne, proud of its rich history and built heritage. The project aims at giving life back to a wash house that was built a hundred years ago. The city still has all the documents and plans used for its original construction and wants it to be restored the traditional way so that hikers and tourists can take a break in the shade of a typical building (the wash house is located on a hiking path). Last year, the volunteers removed some ground, cleaned the place and tidied the stones so that it can be totally rebuilt this year, over two workcamps. With the July session, it is planned that the walls should be finished. This last session aims at finishing the wash house’s reconstruction, working mainly on the roof.

Work: The wash house is still in ruins and almost everything needs to be built again. This workcamp will focus on the main walls. According to the work achieved by the volunteers in July, you may learn how to build a wall with stones and mortar (how to make a mortar with cement and sand, to put stone adequately, to let it dry, to get a good fit and finish...). But your main work will consist of carpentry and woodwork: how to cut precisely and assemble the roof wooden structure. There will be work a few meters above the ground.

Accommodation: Sleeping under tents nearby the soccer stadium. Bring your own sleeping bag and mat. Kitchen, bathroom and everything needed will be in the built stadium facilities.

Location: Saint-Cyr-de-Favieres is located 10 km away from Roanne and 80 km away from Lyon.

Special requirements: Warning! This workcamp is not advised for people who are afraid of heights as you will have to work sometimes 2 or 3 meters above the ground.

Language: English

Meeting point: Roanne SNCF train station.

Terminal: Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring gardening gloves, good shoes and working clothes. As the nights can be quite cold, also remember to bring warm clothes and a thick sleeping bag.

Fee: /

CONCF-252 NIZAS 2 05/08 26/08 RENO 14 vols 18+ Heavy work.

Project: The current village of Nizas dates back, for its oldest parts, from the 10th century, with 3

meters thick walls that used to protect the old city. It is located in a beautiful location, in the heart of the Hérault valley. You will have the opportunity to discover various natural sights, such as the

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Salagou Lake and the Cirque de Mourèze, and to visit the royal factory of Villeneuvette and the city of Pézenas, jewel of the Renaissance era. You will be working in the old town center in order to enhance and develop it: you will be creating “calades” (stone-lined paths) and repaving the plaza.

Work: You will be carrying stones of various sizes before setting them up on the bare ground in order to build a pavement. You will be creating terraces that all together will form “calades”.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents on a campsite. If you have a tent, you can bring it!

Location: Nizas is a village located in Herault department, part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region. It is 8 km from Pézenas and 35 km from Béziers.

Special requirements: You will be asked to do some tedious and heavy work.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Béziers SNCF train station then bus.

Terminal: Béziers or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring work clothes and shoes as well as a sleeping bag. For more information about the village, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-253 PELISSANNE 2 05/08 26/08 RENO 12 vols 18+

Project: It is in the middle of Provence, in the land of “garrigue” scrubland, that you will find the ancient walled city of Pélissane and its rich historical heritage. Many archaeological campaigns were led in the 70s and allowed the discovery of Neolithic vestiges, of a Gallo-Roman villa dating from the 1

st century BC as well as a necropolis beside a church. You will be working in the mill of Costes

(formerly called mill of Jean Bertrand) which was built in 1775. It is the most upstream of the seven other mills located along the Canal of Craponne. You will have the opportunity to visit inland Provence and have various leisure activities.

Work: The workcamp will be carried out on several steps. The purpose of this second session will be to restore the second floor, where the mechanism of the mill is (it will be covered for protection): you will take off the plaster from the ceilings and you will use lime in order to work on specific resumptions of the mural coatings.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents on a campsite. If you have a tent, you can bring it!

Location: The city of Pelissanne is located near Salon-de-Provence, only 26km from Aix-en-Provence, which is a city known for its cultural heritage and student life. Pelissanne is a typical village of the Provence area which becomes very lively in the summer season.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Train station of Salon-de-Provence then bus.

Terminal: Marseille or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring a sleeping bag, work shoes and clothes, rainproof equipment as well as items to protect yourself from the sun. For more information, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-008 LANGOIRAN 06/08 27/08 RENO 13 vols 18+

Project: The Langoiran municipality, between cliffs and water, is part of the Gironde department. By participating to this workcamp, you will contribute to the preservation of its heritage by renovating a fountain and clearing the path of the Montagnes Russes, in order to open it again to the public.

Work: You will be supervised by a technical leader and a group life leader of Concordia. You will participate to a traditional masonry work in order to restore the fountain and the path leading to it.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents. The living conditions are basic.

Location: Langoiran is a municipality located on the Garonne banks, about 20km from Bordeaux.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station (33).

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, hiking shoes, warm clothes and a raincoat.

Fee: /

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CONCF-040 BLESLE 06/08 20/08 FEST/MANU 12 vols 18+ French and English

speaking. Indoor accommodation.

Project: The annual music festival in Blesle celebrates its 14th year of existence. In a welcoming and

family-friendly atmosphere, about 30 groups and more than 100 artists will be invited to perform in several places for 3 days (from August 14

th to 16

th). The program is eclectic and open to the wider

public: concert, jam-sessions, “musical hiking” and workshops. The volunteers will arrive in advance in order to help with the festival organization and also to reinforce the international dimension of this event. The festival will take place in a particularly charming environment (Blesle is one of the most beautiful villages in France), and one of its objectives will be to raise awareness on issues of sustainable development for the visitors.

Work: You will participate in different activities together with a group of other festival volunteers. You will help with the logistics before and after the event: setting up and dismantling the stages. You will be helping with the decoration of the festival as well. You will raise awareness on sustainable development (construction and use of dry toilets). You will also welcome the artists as well as the visitors during the festival and be in charge of two stands "Refreshments" and "Catering".

Accommodation: You will be sleeping on mattresses, on the mezzanine level of the municipal gymnasium in Blesle, which is located in the centre of the town. The group activities will take place in the gymnasium, which is entirely reserved for the group.

Location: Blesle is a village with 600 inhabitants and is located in the Haute-Loire Department (Auvergne region). It is 70km away from Clermont-Ferrand, in a very beautiful valley called Allagnon, with a rich natural and architectural heritage.

Special requirements: /

Language: English and French. Some basic French is necessary.

Meeting point: Massiac SNCF train station.

Terminal: Clermont-Ferrand, Lyon or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Nights can be cold. Bring your sleeping bag and warm clothes. For more information, you can take a look at: and

Fee: /

CONCF-009 COUZE ET SAINT FRONT 07/08 28/08 ENVI 15 vols 18+ Work in the water.

Project: Couze et Saint Front is a typical paper producing village in the Périgord area, with many water-powered mills. This village is located on the banks of the Dordogne River and crossed by the Couze River. The workcamp aims at enhancing the natural heritage of the village and fighting against floods by cleaning the river and maintaining its shores. By participating to this workcamp you will be able to meet and exchange with international volunteers as well as the local population.

Work: Supervised by Concordia group leaders, you will be cleaning the river and its banks.

Accommodation: You will be sleeping in tents. The collective living conditions will be rather basic.

Location: Couze et Saint Front (800 inhabitants) is located in the South of the Dordogne department, 20 km away from Bergerac.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Lalinde SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, working clothes, hiking shoes and warm clothes. The work may be physical sometimes and you’ll be often with your feet in the water so you need to bring boots or shoes for aquatic activities.

Fee: /

CONCF-010 EAUX BONNES 07/08 28/08 RENO 13 vols 18+ Great place but for very

good walker in mountain!

Project: It is the sixth year that Concordia come back to the village of Eaux Bonnes in order to help renovating its local heritage. Located in the Vallée d’Osseau, in the heart of the Pyrenees, the village of Eaux Bonnes is a renowned thermal station and host also the biggest skiable domain of the Atlantic Pyrenees.

Work: You will be supervised by a technical leader and a Concordia leader. Your work will consist of renovating a traditional shepherd shelter located 2400 meters high, on the hiking trail GR10.

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Accommodation: You will be staying in tents just beside the shepherd shelter. The workcamp is located 2400m high, more than 2 hours away by foot from the village. The living conditions are very basic, in the middle of the mountains. You must be equipped against cold and rain. During the week-end, you will be hosted in the village.

Location: Eaux Bonnes is located 50km from Pau and 30 km from the Spanish border. You will live and work in the mountain during the whole project, except the week-end.

Special requirements: In order to take part in this project and since you will be going up and down the mountain on a daily basis, you need to be highly motivated and in a very good physical condition.

Language: English

Meeting point: Oloron Ste Marie SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Please make sure that you bring the proper equipment to live in this environment: very thick sleeping bag, really warm clothes and some lighter ones, raincoat, hiking boots, mosquito repellent spray, flashlight, sun cream and swimsuit. A backpack is necessary in order to ascend the mountain. For more information check the following link:

Fee: /

CONCF-124 COUPIAC 07/08 21/08 ENVI 15 vols 18+

Project: Concordia and the town of Coupiac have been working together for many years on the enhancement of Coupiac’s heritage. This year, you will be working in order to maintain its leisure natural space. You will organize with the volunteers in order to maintain the facilities that you will be using, to clean and to prepare meals. You will decide together on what to do during your free time or on what to organize for the locals in order to encourage dialogue with the young locals.

Work: You will be doing various works (cleaning, brushing) on the facilities, the little lake, the hiking paths and the fitness trail.

Accommodation: You will stay in tents at the municipal campsite surrounded by trees and next to a lake, 20min from the work place on foot. 2 marquees will be set up for collective time and meals. You will have access to the showers and bathrooms on the campsite.

Location: Coupiac is a very cute little town, part of the “Pays du Roquefort”, between Albi and Millau, in the touristy Aveyron department where you will find the famous city of Toulouse, various cathedrals, the Millau Viaduc, Toulouse-Lautrec and Pierre Soulage museums etc. In the middle of the town, you will be able to visit local museums, a 15

th century gothic castle and

discover life in the Middle-Age, go to Wednesday morning and Monday night markets, go on hikes etc. Around the town, you will find many chapels, mills and historic sites.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Toulouse or Albi, then bus to St Sernin sur Rance. Local inhabitants will be waiting for you there to drive you to the workcamp site.

Terminal: Toulouse or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Make sure to bring gloves, work shoes and clothes, rain clothes and hiking shoes. Remember to bring a thick sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. If you own a tent, you can bring it! There are only 2 buses a day, don’t miss them!

Fee: /

CONCF-125 EMMAUS ESCALQUENS 07/08 21/08 SOCI 12 vols 18+ Urban, indoor

accommodation. Motivation letter needed.

Project: You will work with the Emmaüs community in Escalquens, in the Midi-Pyrénées region. The laic movement of solidarity Emmaüs was born in 1949 from a will to help people in need. Under the leadership and example of the Abbé Pierre, the “compagnons” have been working all around the world in order to help deprived people to find security, dignity, autonomy through work and mutual help. They retrieve all kind of objects (furniture, clothes, household appliances etc.) in order to fix it up and resell or recycle it. The benefits of the sales are used to help people in need and to encourage people to get involved in this solidarity approach. You will work with the compagnons and volunteers in order to take care of the “Bric à Brac”, a place where objects are retrieved, sorted, fixed up, and sold.

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You will organize yourself in order to maintain the facilities that you will be use, to clean it and to prepare meals. You will decide together on what to do during your free time and to organize with the locals in order to encourage communication with the young locals.

Work: You will do various work in the “Bric à Brac”: cleaning, organizing, selling etc.

Accommodation: You will stay in tents on the site of Emmaüs Escalquens. You will have access to the bathroom and showers. You will share meals with the compagnons.

Location: Escalquens (6000 inhabitants) is located at the gates of the Laurageais area, between sunflower covered hills and houses. It is in this beautiful setting that you will find a bridge that dates from 1772, a green brick castle from 1568 in the city center and a 14

th century church. At the

Cousquille crossroads, you will find local shops, many festivities and the Sunday market. During your days off, you can take a bus to Toulouse in less than one hour. Toulouse is famous for its rich heritage, it is a beautiful, innovative, cultural and dynamic student city. In the area, you will get to discover villages, castles and wine estates, together with the UNESCO classified Canal des Deux Mers.

Special requirements: You will need to write a motivation letter in order to apply to this workcamp. You will live with the “compagnons”. Compagnons may come from difficult background; they are spending a year in the Emmaüs facilities as part of their integrating process. They usually had previous professional or social difficulties, related to their age, health, highly unstable setting. You will share the same place and therefore the same rules will apply to you in order to all live together. You will work mornings and afternoons (about 6/7h a day), help prepare meals and clean the place. Your days off will be Sunday and Monday. During the day, you will share the compagnons’ life and in the evening or time off, you will be with the other volunteers. External persons are not authorized outside work hours, alcohol is forbidden on the facilities with no exception.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Escalquens SNCF train station.

Terminal: Toulouse or Paris airport.

Special remarks: You will have the opportunity to go swimming, don’t forget your swimsuit!

Fee: /

CONCF-126 GAZAX ET BACARISSE 07/08 28/08 RENO 15 vols 18+ Scaffolding.

Project: You will be working on the restoration of Bacarisse’s church, a building dating back from the 15

th century. The church is classified Historical Monument, therefore all the work will be done under

the supervision of “Bâtiments de France” architects and over many years. The town of Bacarisse is in the process of creation an association in order to save the church. You will decide together with the other volunteers on what to do during your free time, on how to maintain the provided facilities, organize the meals but also on what to organize for the locals in order to encourage dialogue with the young locals.

Work: The tower of the church is mainly made out of big blocks of stone facing each-other. You will be working in order to consolidate that part by putting the stones back into place. Then, you will work on the grouts and the coatings.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents, next to community hall which was recently renovated. There, you will find a kitchen, the bathrooms, toilets and a big room for the common life activities.

Location: Gazax-et-Bacarisse (91 inhabitants) is located 40min from the historical city of Auch, at the heart of the Gascony countryside, in the Gers department. There, you will find many charming villages with beautiful colors and flowers. You will have the opportunity to taste the culinary specialties of the south-west region.

Special requirements: You will be working on scaffoldings up to 10 meters high. Be sure to not have vertigo in order to participate to the camp.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Auch SNCF train station.

Terminal: Toulouse, Marseille or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Make sure to bring gloves, working clothes and working shoes. Bring rain and warm clothes, hiking shoes, and a thick sleeping bag. Bring a good mat. You will have the opportunity to go swimming, remember to bring your swimsuit!

Fee: /

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CONCF-096 GENAINVILLE 08/08 22/08 RENO 15 vols 18+

Project: The Natural Park of Vexin Français has a very well-preserved natural and historical heritage that includes 120 churches and 80 castles classified as historical monuments. It is in this area, between nature and culture that you will be welcomed in Genainville, a small village 50 kilometers from Paris. Crossed by a stream, the village is located near the Gallo-roman sanctuary of the Vaux-de-la-Celle. Genainville has a rich and diverse cultural and architectural heritage. In order to help preserve it, you will renovate the ancient washhouse and the front of the church with the local population. During the workcamp you will share many good times with the locals and archaeology students who comes there during that period.

Work: With a technical leader, you will renovate the ancient washhouse and the paving around the church. On the program: repointing, coating, roof cleaning, soil levelling as well as sharing many moments with the locals and the archaeology students.

Accommodation: You will stay in tents at the campsite of Genainville.

Location: Genainville, in the heart of the Natural Park of Vexin, 50km away from Paris.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Cergy-Saint-Christophe train station.

Terminal: Paris

Special remarks: Bring working clothes, shoes, and a sleeping bag. Ideally located for history and nature lovers, most of the activities will take place in Genainville and its surroundings.

Fee: /

CONCF-127 CASTELNAU D'AUZAN 04/09 25/09 RENO 12 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.


Project: The town of Castelnau d’Auzan hosted Concordia international workcamps between 1965 and 1968. The 1965 volunteers have decided to meet up again in September 2015 in Castelnau d’Auzan in order to celebrate the 50

th anniversary of their workcamp and friendship. The mayor

proposed to organise another workcamp during the same period of time. Many activities and festivities will be organized together with the “1965 group” and the locals. In the meantime, you will work to enhance and facilitate the access to Notre Dame de Pibèque church.

Work: The church was built in 1896 on a 2 hectares land. It is in great conditions and is still considered an “architectural jewel”. However, in order to walk to the “miraculous fountain” below, visitors must go through a path that is now covered with vegetation. The steps and low walls around the fountain are in a bad shape and need to be rebuilt. Therefore, you will build the semi-circular low wall around the fountain and restore the steps of the stone stair. You will also help clean off the vegetation from the path.

Accommodation: You will stay in a recent communal building with direct access to the toilets, showers and collective kitchen (you will be sharing the facilities with the “1965 group”). You will have access to a club-house and covered courtyard.

Location: Castelnau d’Auzan (1000 inhabitants) is a little town from the Gers department. It is located in a haven of greenery, between the Landes forest, the Armagnac area, 1h from the ocean and close to the Pyrenees Mountains. The town dates back from the 12

th century, where the Armagnac area was

filled with medieval castles and bastides (country houses). You will be able to hike in this Middle-Age scenery and take part into traditional games, local events and celebrations. Moreover, you will be able to discover the local gastronomy: wines, Floc de Gascogne, Armagnac, foies gras, confits etc.

Special requirements: /

Language: English.

Meeting point: Agen SNCF train station, then bus to Barbotan Les Thermes.

Terminal: Toulouse, Bordeaux or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Remember to bring gloves, work shoes and clothes. Make sure to bring warm clothes, protective rain clothes, hiking shoes, a sleeping bag and a thick mat (nights can be chilly and you will be sleeping on the floor). There will be opportunities for you to go sw imming, don’t forget your swimsuit! Trinational project. A part of travel costs of participants is supported on presentation of original receipts.

Fee: /

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 52

CONCF-190 AVRICOURT 04/09 26/09 RENO 17 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.


Project: It's already the 16th workcamp taking place in Avricourt! This little town of 200 inhabitants

does everything it can in order to guarantee a pleasant stay for the volunteers and some of them have come back to this camp several times. The volunteers get to taste products from the village and home grown vegetables as well as homemade marmalade are part of the regular menu. You will be part of the community and be involved in the animation program of the local school. Be aware: they are looking forward to meeting you! A concert in the church will wrap up this workcamp (on the evening of the 25


Work: This year, you will keep on working on the brick wall of the church, on which we have been working since 2011. You will be doing traditional masonry.

Accommodation: You will be sleeping on camp beds in the community hall and will be using its equipped kitchen. Be aware, that there is only 1 shower and 1 toilet to be shared.

Location: Avricourt is located 15 km from Noyons, in the middle of Picardy.

Special requirements: You will work on scaffolding; make sure you are not suffering of vertigo.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Noyons train station.

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Please bring a photo with you for the volunteers’ photo book. If you are a musician, feel free to bring your instrument with you, Noyons orchestra would be happy to have you play with them.

Fee: /

CONCF-254 NIMES 04/09 18/09 RENO 13 vols 18+

Project: This workcamp project started in 2002 in partnership with the association MENHIR and Nimes municipality, within the Escattes domain. This area is a natural space of 75 hectares open and arranged for the public, as part of the discovery about the local heritage. This place also helps promoting the olive-tree culture through regenerated or experimental parcels. There is a 5km path where you will be able to discover basins of various forms, capitelles (18

th century shelters in dry

stone), an oratory and an arranged source system that dates from the 19th century.

For this 13th edition, you will keep on working on building a dry stone retaining wall in order to develop

this strolling zone for the inhabitants of the city.

Work: You will be building up a dry stone retaining wall, following the ancestral techniques in order to preserve the original concept of terraces.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents (if you have one, you can bring it!) in Bezouce campsite which is equipped with showers, toilets and washing machines. Meals will be prepared under a marquee.

Location: Bezouce is a medieval village located in the Gard department, in the Languedoc-Roussillon region, where French famous author Alphonse Daudet spent his childhood. It is located about 10km from the Gallo-Roman city of Nimes, close to the Roman aqueduct Pont du Gard. You will be able to go for a swim in the river or enjoy various activities (paint-ball, karting, archery etc.).

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Nîmes SNCF train station.

Terminal: Marseille or Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring your sleeping bag and warm clothes. Remember to bring sun protection (hat, sunscreen, sunglasses). For more informations, visit:

Fee: /

CONCF-012 FARGUES - UFCV 02 07/09 25/09 MANU/ENVI 20 vols 18+

Project: The UFCV, leisure center for the youngster, is an established partner of Concordia. The project aims to support the development and promotion of the charming Domaine de la Frayse. The volunteers will take part in the construction of facilities for the kids and adults of the town, and will participate to the preservation of the natural heritage.

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 53

Work: You will be supervised by two Concordia leaders. You will be building outdoor wood furniture public (tables, benches, picnic areas etc.) and be creating walking paths in the immense park.

Accommodation: You will be staying in tents. The living conditions are basic.

Location: The Domaine de la Frayse is located in the town of Fargues, 20km away from Bordeaux.

Special requirements: /

Language: English

Meeting point: Bordeaux SNCF train station.

Terminal: Paris or Bordeaux airport.

Special remarks: Bring a sleeping bag, work clothes, sports shoes, warm and waterproof clothes, a swimsuit and sunscreen.

Fee: /

CONCF-160 ECHAUFFOUR TBC TBC RENO 15 vols 18+ Indoor accommodation.


Project: This will be the second year of partnership between Concordia and the municipality of Echauffour, a small and charming village with 700 inhabitants, rich of its natural and built heritage. The town is really into the organization of projects for the youth and for the renovation of its local heritage. 6 youth of the village have been part of the workcamp last year. During your free time, you will be able to go on hikes, discover the built and natural heritage and take part in the city life through event with the locals.

Work: You will be supervised by two leaders. You will take part in the restoration of the Saint Andre’s church frontage, and will learn old technics of masonry.

Accommodation: You will be staying in a building with bathrooms (remember to bring a sleeping bag). All volunteers will participate in household chores and cooking meals.

Location: Echauffour is located 50 km North-East of Alençon.

Special requirements: You will work on small scaffolding; you should therefore be to be able to work at height.

Language: English.

Meeting point: Sainte Gauburge train station (SNCF).

Terminal: Paris airport.

Special remarks: Bring strong shoes and warm clothing together with a sleeping bag. You will be using bicycles during the project.

Fee: /

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 54

Remarks on accessibility: The projects are suitable for socially, economically or educational disadvantaged. Unfortunately these projects are most of them unsuitable for wheelchair. We could host a volunteer with a minor physical or mental disability. These guidelines are given to avoid putting the young volunteer at risk.


CONCF-241 LES ARESQUIERS 10/04 30/04 13 18+

CONCF-031 AYDAT 03/06 24/06 15 18+

CONCF-121 LUZ-ST-SAUVEUR 05/06 26/06 15 18+

CONCF-122 ST VINCENT 05/06 26/06 15 18+

CONCF-242 FRONTIGNAN 10/06 30/06 22 18+

CONCF-032 RIOM 29/06 20/07 20 18+

CONCF-151 AUBIGNE-RACAN 06/07 27/07 15 18+

CONCF-033 CLERMONT-FERRAND 1 08/07 22/07 12 15-17

CONCF-034 CLERMONT-FERRAND 2 08/07 22/07 12 15-17

CONCF-035 PONT DU CHÂTEAU 08/07 29/07 14 15-17

CONCF-061 BAINS SUR OUST 08/07 29/07 10 18+

CONCF-062 LANGOELAN 08/07 29/07 12 15-17

CONCF-091 CHELLES 08/07 29/07 15 18+

CONCF-092 FOSSES 08/07 29/07 15 18+

CONCF-181 NOGENT-SUR-OISE 08/07 29/07 16 15-17

CONCF-212 SAINT CYR DE FAVIERES 1 08/07 22/07 16 15-17

CONCF-243 ADISSAN 08/07 29/07 15 18+

CONCF-244 FEUILLA 08/07 29/07 12 18+

CONCF-245 LA DOMITIENNE 08/07 22/07 14 15-17

CONCF-246 PAYS DE SOMMIERES 08/07 29/07 13 18+

CONCF-247 RENNES LES BAINS 08/07 29/07 13 18+

CONCF-248 SUSSARGUES 08/07 22/07 12 15-17

CONCF-002 QUINSAC 09/07 23/07 15 15-17

CONCF-003 TALENCE - CREPS 09/07 30/07 13 18+

CONCF-004 BORDEAUX - ARPEJE 10/07 31/07 13 18+

CONCF-005 HAUX 10/07 31/07 13 18+

CONCF-123 DURAVEL 10/07 31/07 13 18+

CONCF-182 SAINT MAXIMIN 10/07 31/07 16 15-17

CONCF-183 THIERS SUR THEVE 10/07 31/07 16 18+

CONCF-215 VAUX EN BUGEY 10/07 24/07 15 18+

CONCF-184 BETHISY SAINT PIERRE 13/07 25/07 16 15-17

CONCF-006 FARGUES - UFCV 01 15/07 29/07 15 15-17

CONCF-063 RENNES 15/07 29/07 12 15-17

CONCF-185 NANTEUIL 15/07 29/07 17 15-17

CONCF-250 NIZAS 1 15/07 29/07 12 15-17

CONCF-186 SACY LE GRAND 15/07 29/07 16 15-17

CONCF-249 MONTALBA LE CHATEAU 15/07 29/07 12 15-17

CONCF-251 PELISSANNE 1 15/07 29/07 12 15-17

24/02/2015 [CONCORDIA France – Programme 2015] 55

CONCF-007 RIONS 16/07 30/07 15 15-17

CONCF-036 CLERMONT-FERRAND 3 23/07 06/08 12 15-17

CONCF-187 HAM 01/08 22/08 21 15-17

CONCF-037 ALLEGRE 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-038 ANZAT-LE-LUGUET 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-064 BAILLE 05/08 26/08 12 18+

CONCF-065 MALESTROIT 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-095 PARIS 19 05/08 19/08 12 18+

CONCF-157 MONTFAUCON-MONTIGNE 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-158 MOULIN DE ROTROU 05/08 21/08 15 18+

CONCF-159 PNR DES MARAIS 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-188 MACHEMONT 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-216 ALBERTVILLE 05/08 26/08 15 18+

CONCF-252 NIZAS 2 05/08 26/08 14 18+

CONCF-253 PELISSANNE 2 05/08 26/08 12 18+

CONCF-008 LANGOIRAN 06/08 27/08 13 18+

CONCF-009 COUZE ET SAINT FRONT 07/08 28/08 15 18+

CONCF-124 COUPIAC 07/08 21/08 15 18+

CONCF-125 EMMAUS ESCALQUENS 07/08 21/08 12 18+

CONCF-126 GAZAX ET BACARISSE 07/08 28/08 15 18+

CONCF-189 TRACY LE MONT 07/08 28/08 16 15-17

CONCF-096 GENAINVILLE 08/08 22/08 15 18+

CONCF-011 PAILLET 13/08 27/08 15 15-17

CONCF-127 CASTELNAU D'AUZAN 04/09 25/09 12 18+

CONCF-190 AVRICOURT 04/09 26/09 17 18+

CONCF-254 NIMES 04/09 18/09 13 18+

CONCF-012 FARGUES - UFCV 02 07/09 25/09 20 18+

To apply, fill in the A4ALL pre departure form and send it to us with your choice. We’ll try to find the best place for your volunteer. Contact person: Monica Garcia Porto,

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Concordia PICARDIE

21, rue Sully

80000 AMIENS

Tel: 03 22 39 06 47


2 Rue d'Autriche, Apt 1740

72 000 LE MANS

Tel: 02 43 75 23 03

CODES: CONCF-151 to 180


156 rue d'Aubervilliers

75019 PARIS

Tel: 09 81 23 96 41

CODES: CONCF-091 to 120

Concordia AUVERGNE

14, bd Gergovia


Tel: 04 73 90 65 66

CODES: CONCF-031 to 060


14, rue de l’église


Tel: 05 56 78 76 46

CODES: CONCF 001 to 030


10, rue du Gazomètre

69003 LYON

Tel: 04 72 60 97 56

CODES: CONCF211 to 240

Concordia BRETAGNE

c/o la Coopérative

273 boulevard de la Robiquette,

35000 RENNES

CODES: CONCF-061 to 090

Concordia SUD-EST

24 cours Jean Jaurès


Tel: 05 56 78 76 46

CODES: CONCF 241 to 270


CODES: CONCF-121 to 150

And where our outgoing and incoming great team of volunteers,

Lucie, Monica, Anthony and Marco are in the head office in Paris:


64 rue Pouchet

75017 PARIS
