Concordia Lutheran Church


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Sunday, October 1 8:30am Early Service 9:00-9:45am Blood Pressure Checks 9:15am Fellowship Time—Pathfinder’s Class 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 5:00pm Cherubs’ Choir practice 5:00-6:15 Youth Meeting 6:30pm Chancel Choir practice

Monday, October 2 11:30am Joyful Movement 12:30pm Lunch Bunch 7:00pm Zumba

Tuesday, October 3 9:30am Community Women’s Bible Study

Wednesday, October 4 10-11:00am Holy Yoga 11:30am Joyful Movement 12:30pm Lunch Bunch

Thursday, October 5 11:30am Joyful Movement 12:30pm Lunch Bunch and Bible Study 6:30pm Luther-Reformation Class

Sunday, October 8 Pastors Appreciation Sunday 9:15am Fellowship Time—Friendship Class 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 12:00pm Lunch honoring Pastors 5:00pm Cherubs’ Choir practice 5:00-6:15 Youth Meeting 6:30pm Chancel Choir practice

This Week’s Birthdays: Laura Good 10/1 Sarah Brandt 10/1 Caroline Dayvault 10/2 Caleigh Bostian 10/5 Sandy Fowler 10/5 Ryan Yost 10/6 Jordan Bostian 10/6 Willis Hobbs 10/6 Samantha Garver 10/7 ————————————————————————————————————————

This Week’s Altar Flowers

This Week’s Prayer Concerns:

This Week’s Offerings and Tithes

September 24, 2017

Needed weekly to cover 2017 budget: $5,198.84

Attendance Received 11:00am Worship Service 208 8:30am Worship Service Sunday School 104 $ 76.00 General Fund $ 6,359.81 Building & Improvement Fund $ 450.00 Bus Fund $ 345.00 Specials and Memorial $ 855 Use of Facilities $ 0.00 Other —Feed the Hunger $ 4,790.00

Received Year to Date $242,543.30 Needed Year to Date $225,852.12 OVERAGE $ 16,691.18

Concordia Lutheran Church

October 1, 2017

Welcome to those visiting with us. Please take a moment to sign the pew registers so we can welcome you by name. Thank you for choosing Concordia as your place of worship this morning.

Pastor Rev. Ken Reed 704-857-2163 (ext. 2) 704-857-2077 (home)

Visitation Pastor Rev. Dr. Larry Bost 704-213-3257

Faith Comm. Nurse Shirley Allen 704-857-2163 (ext. 3) Shirley.Allen@ Director of Music Eddie Karriker 704-622-6663

Pianist and Organist Ricky Sharp 704-609-1110

Council Vice-Pres. Judy Haire 704-425-5323

Admin. Assistant Debby Isenhour 704-857-2163 (ext. 1)

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in honor of Caroline Dayvault’s 6th birthday by her parents.

Active Military

Drew Ashley (Lcpl US Marine Corp, Okinawa, Nephew of Mike & Lisa Ashley)

Jason Ciscel (Staff Sgt. US Air Force, Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, Husband of Teresa Rosas Ciscel)

Trent Fisher (Staff Sgt., US Air Force Maryland, Nephew of David Fisher)

Jessy Fowler (US Navy, USS Truxton)

Willis Hobbs (US Army, Ft. Benning, GA)

Justin Holt, Captain US Army, Fort Campbell, KY (Grandson of Evelyn Karriker)

Eric McLaughlin (Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy, Washington DC)

Nathaniel Faggart (1st Lt. Air Force, Brother of Jonathan Faggart)

Christopher Overcash (US Army, UNCC ROTC)

In-Patient Care, Recovery Care, Assisted &

Independent Living

Eloise Bebber (Best of Care, Kannapolis)

Gail Fisher (Brian Center, Kannapolis)

Darthy Murph (Brightmoor, Salisbury)

Martha Ritchie (Caremoor, Kannapolis)

Jeffrey Roberts (Kannon Creek, Kannapolis)

Rev. Clarence Walck (Stanly Manor, Albemarle)

Duane Wood (Kannon Creek, Kannapolis)

Family & Friends Please contact the church office if a

name needs to remain on this list beyond 60 days.

Dennis Adams 5/28/17 (Family of Che Morrison) Ruth Barnhardt 5/7/17 (Mother of Carol Barnhardt) Frankie Barrier 8/14/17 Sam Barrier 7/2/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Cody Bates 5/21/17 (Son of Debbie Osmon) Sheila Bost 9/10/17 (Wife of Bo Bost) Sarah Bowers 7/3/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Terry Burleson 8/6/17 (Son of Dorothy Poole/Friend Community Tracey Burnette 9/17/17 (Friend of Che Morrison) Jamie Caulder (Friend of the Community) Ivey Cline 6/18/17 (Friend of Winfred Bost) Ethel Comer 9/17/17 (Mother of Kittie McLaughlin) Judy Curlee 6/11/17 Will Fesperman 5/7/17 (Brother of Ben Fesperman) Barbara Hager 5/14/17 (Sister of Bernice Trexler) Donnie &Wanda Hager 5/14/17 (Nephew of Bernice Trexler) Diane Hamilton 9/3/17 (Friend of Sandra Honbarger) Family of Fran Holland 7/19/17 Martha Lewis 5/7/17 (Mother of Patrice Smith, Brookview Living Center, Gaffney, SC) Kenneth & Nancy Martin 5/21/17 (Sister /brother-in-law of Bernice Trexler) Family Priscilla Peek Miller 8/20/17 Family of Mabel Mills 8/20/17

Concordia Prayer Partners

Linda Moore 5/28/17 (Friend of Barbara Beaver) Pam Morgan 5/14/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Family of Tami Pack 8/6/17 Louise Pethel 5/21/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Family of Oscar Ritchie 8/14/17 Ray & Daisy Rogers 5/7/17 (Friends of Ben Fesperman) Family of Jo Starnes 8/22/17 Morgan Utley 9/17/17 Family of Betty R Whitley 6/4/17 Marty Whitley 7/30/17 (Friend of Congregation)

Members at home and special concerns

Jack Blalock Bill Cline Judy Curlee David Fisher Gail Fisher Frankie Freeze Kenneth Galloway Mabel Galloway Jan Garver Leila Hobbs Everette Karriker Nancy Karriker Richard Karriker Melvin McAlister

Comeleta Overcash Judy Ritchie Alan Roberts Boyd Smith, Sr. Zach Smith Henry Starnes Bernice Trexler Geraldine Wood

8:30am Worship Service

Ushers & Greeters Acolyte Council Member

Randy/Ginger Overcash Shianne Beaver Lisa Ashley

11:00am Worship Service Elevator Lay Reader Announcements Adult SS Leader

Ushers Lee Goodnight Ellen Isaacs Steve Garver Crystal Karriker

Darren Corriher (Head)

Brandon Earnhardt Acolyte Banner Bearer Greeters Offering Counters

Tony Brown Lee Karriker Cole Isaacs Jim/Carolyn Howell Connie Lowman

Julie Corriher Todd/Ellen Isaacs Jordan Honbarger

Hilda Goodnight Bible Bearer Crucifer Omar/Jan Williams Sheri Foster

MaryLynn Overcash Jacob Ritchie



Table Set-up Team— Robert Ritchie (Team Leader), Jamie Stikeleather, Eddie Ritchie, Harold Pike, Greg Ritchie, Tommy Schenck


Amazing Grace Friends in Fellowship

Tuesday, October 3 at 7:00pm Thursday, October 5 at 7:00pm Hostess– Nelsie Lawing Hostess—Elizabeth Ritchie Program—Karen Smith Program—Elizabeth Ritchie Collect for Thank Offering —Committee for Growth (all ladies are invited to join a Bible Study Group)

Oct Flowers Fellowship Time

Front Porch Visits

Nursery Children’s Church

8:30am Communion Servers

11:00am Communion Servers

1 Amanda Dayvault

Pathfinder’s Class

Mike/Lisa Ashley

Jonathan/Amanda Faggart

Lani Earnhardt

Eddie Starnes and Family

Leslie, Jack, Kurtis Reed, Tony Brown, Banner Bearer

8 Kenneth Bost

Friendship Class

Ronnie/Margie Baucom

Jonathan/Amanda Faggart

Jordan Honbarger

Coyt Karriker and Family

Omar Williams, Tony Brown, Joey Ashley, Cross Bearer, Banner Bearer

15 Vinnie Duncan

Friendship Class

David/Crystal Allen

Mackenzie Dabbs

Che Morrison Nelsie Lawing and Family

Leslie, Jack, Kurtis Reed, Tony Brown, Banner Bearer

22 Midji Bost Men’s & Women’s Class

Jason/Jenni Ritchie

Mackenzie Dabbs

Christy Yost Charles Starnes and Family

Omar Williams, Tony Brown, Joey Ashley, Cross Bearer, Banner Bearer

29 Debbie Osmon

Council-Gary Mclaughlin

Lee/Hilda Goodnight

Jill & Sheri Foster

Sarah Wells Tim and Jutta Beaver

Leslie, Jack, Kurtis Reed, Tony Brown, Banner Bearer


Thursday, October 5 Luther-Reformation Class 12:45pm Thursday, October 12 Luther-Reformation Class 12:45pm (classes taught by Pastor Ken) Monday, October 23 Trip to Apple Hill Orchard, Valdese-leave after lunch at 1:00pm Monday, November 13 Trip to Shatley Springs-leave at 8:30am

(Contact Dale Karriker-704-857-3472

Concordia's Library is located in the room to the right of the stage in the FLC.

Blessing Bags are available for pick up in the hallway outside the Family Life Center.

Receiving Holy Communion: Those who are baptized and believe that Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is truly present in, with, and under the forms of bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation, are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Please let the pastor or communion server know you wish to receive this gift of life by holding your open hands toward the cup. We encourage you to bring forward young children for a blessing. The sign for a blessing is folded hands. As you come forward, receive the bread, move to one of the cupbearers and dip the bread into the wine, then partake. Then return to your pew for prayer.

Thrivent will match up to $500,000 in personal donations made online through to specific disaster relief organizations responding to Hurricane Harvey. The dollar-for-dollar match is open to Thrivent members and will lead to a total combined impact of up to $1 million. For more details and to see the list of organizations included in the match, visit the Disaster Response page on

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma: $500,000 match on personal donations

Memory Makers of Rowan County, an Alzheimer's support group created by Lutheran Services Carolinas, is sponsoring a Memory Café the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10:30 a.m. at Gary’s Bar-B-Que in China Grove. The Memory Café provides a safe and welcoming environment for individuals with Alzheimer’s or dementia and their loved ones or care partners. See flyer on the FLC bulletin board for additional information.

Wednesdays, 10:00 to 11:00 am Family Life Center

No need to sign up, just show up. Donations can be contributed per class. This Yoga can also be done in a chair. You'll need: a yoga mat or beach towel, a yoga block or large book, a yoga strap or a belt/scarf, comfortable clothes, and an open heart to God's unconditional love for YOU! Feel free to email if you have any questions.

Annual Golf Tournament will be held at Irish Creek Golf Course on Monday, October 30. SRPSBTA is a non-profit organization responsible for the funding of Bible Teaching as an elective at South Rowan High School, China Grove Middle School and Corriher Lipe Middle School. It has funded 100% of the instructional costs (teacher salary, and compensation package) for the last 30 plus years. No tax dollars are used for this mission. It is funded solely through contributions of local churches, individuals, civic organizations and fundraisers.

"Chicken & Pickin" at the China Grove Roller Mill: You are invited to the historical Roller Mill in China Grove for homemade chicken and dumpling and homemade desserts on Saturday, October 7th, 5 - 7 pm. . Bring your family, tour the mill, hear some great music and enjoy a wonderful meal. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children. Your donation will support the upkeep of this important landmark.

Thursday Oct 5 Luther-Reformation Class 6:30pm (Friendship Class)

Sunday Oct 8 Pastors Appreciation Sunday One service and lunch

Thursday Oct 12 Luther-Reformation Class 6:30pm (Friendship Class)

Sunday Oct 15 Dedication of the Columbarium After each service

Monday Oct 23 Lunch Bunch Trip—Apple Hill Orchard 1:00

Saturday Oct 28 Halloween Party-Trunk or Treat 6:00-8:00pm

Sunday Oct 29 Reformation Sunday

Monday Nov 13 Lunch Bunch Trip - Shatley Springs 8:30am

Catechism Schedule (final year) 7th, 8th and 9th graders

2017 Dates Times Topics October 1 (Sunday) 12:30-2:30pm Ten Commandments (#6-#10) November 5 (Sunday) 12:30-2:30pm Christian Discipleship and Vocation December 3 (Sunday) 12:30-2:30pm Worship and the Liturgical Calendar

2018 Dates Times Topics January 7 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) The Gospel of Mark February 4 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Creating and Leading a Bible Study March 4 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Bible Study presentation ---- ---- ----

May 6 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Genesis: Creation Story (project distributed) ---- ---- ----

September 9 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Church History: Protestant Reformation October 7 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Presentation of Projects October 28 (Sunday) (9:45am-Rehearsal) Rite of Confirmation: Reformation Sunday


Weekly Sunday School (9:50-10:45am) Catechism instruction continues in Sunday School. Each young person in the catechism program is expected to be present.

Cherubs’ Choir practice at 5:00pm

October 1 - Regular Meeting KFC-Sarah Wells Luther League-Jenni Rithcie October 8- Regular Meeting KFC-Samantha Stikeleather Luther League - Brandy Starnes October 15 - Regular Meeting KFC-Lani Earnhardt Luther League-Elizabeth Ritchie October 22 - Regular Meeting KFC-Amanda Dayvault Luther League-Miriam Lowery October 29 - Fall Party at Goodnight Lake

October through December 5:00 to 5:30pm- KFC (K-4th grade) meet in the Sunday School Wing Luther League (5th-12th) meet in the upstairs of the youth building 5:30-6:15pm- Youth will have music together to practice for Christmas Play.

Local Classes, Events, Worship Services and Other Opportunities on the Reformation and Dr. Martin


Oct. 5 – “The Protestant Reformation, pt. 1 What It Meant THEN” (led by Pastor Ken) Oct. 12 – “The Protestant Reformation, pt. 2 What It Means TODAY” (led by Pastor Ken)

Thursdays, 12:45 p.m. in the Family Life Center, or Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. in the Friendship Classroom Oct. 29 – Reformation Worship Service (8:30am and 11:00am)


LUTHER: LIFE & LEGACY: The Dept. of Lutheran Studies at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary will offer a guided study to the life and theology of reformer Martin Luther. Rev. Dr. Mary Havens will teach this class in observance of the 500th anniversary of Luther’s posting of the 95 theses. This is a non-credit course offered to pastors and members of congregations. Pastor Ken will be attending this event. Cost: $ 150 per person. Deadline to register is September 15th. ($ 50 scholarships are available.) Please contact Pastor Ken for more information on this event.

Dates: September 29-30, October 27-28, December 1-2 {Fridays, 7-9pm and Saturdays, 9am-2pm} Oct. 12-21 — PPT presents “In God’s Own Country,” a special collaborative production between the German Theater company Landesbuhnen Sachsen and Piedmont Players. It follows the story of Henry Muhlenberg and his ef-fort to bring the Lutheran Church to America and details the struggles of immigrants who fled to America to escape religious persecution. Performed at the Meroney Theater, 213 S. Main St. Ticket info at 704-633-5471 and

Oct. 29 — Reformation Celebration and Worship: 4 p.m. Organ Lutheran Church will host a joint Reformation Service with Holy Communion. The guest preacher will be The Rev. Mark Ryman, pastor of Grace Lutheran, Clemmons, NC and Communications Director of the NALC. There will be a combined choir from the participating


MEMORIALS AND HONORARIUMS To Concordia Lutheran Church

In Memory of Jo Starnes By: Bob and Bettie Blevins Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Alexis, NC Clement and Lenora Bost In Memory of Jo Starnes To: Choir Robe Fund By: Phillip and Peggy Karriker Jack and Mary Ruth Owens

In Memory of Jo Starnes To: Building Fund By: Ferman & Barbara Karriker In Honor of Philip Sloop To: Bus Fund By: Kathy Irvin

Pastor Appreciation Sunday:

On October 8, we will honor Pastor Ken and Pastor Larry with a special appreciation worship service. Lunch will be provided for them and the congregation. There will be only one service at 11:00am. Please mark your calendar now to attend this appreciation event honoring our pastors and their families.

Columbarium Dedication “Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.”

Date: Sunday, October 15th Times: At the conclusion of the 8:30am and 11:00am services

Our new addition to the church cemetery is complete and ready to be dedicated to God’s glory. There will be no communion on those Sundays and an abbreviated service. After the offertory we will process to the columbarium to conclude worship.

The columbarium and the cemetery are indeed holy places where the remains of loved ones are interred in the sure and certain promise of the resurrection.

Please let us know if you are joining us for the Pastors Appreciation Luncheon following worship service on October 8th.

Names ________________________________________ Number attending __________________

Trunk or Treat

Saturday October 28th 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm

Candy, Hot dogs, Popcorn, and Fun!

Costumes are welcome, but please nothing that is scary or evil.

Trunk or Treat

Saturday October 28th 6:00 pm till 8:00 pm Concordia Trunk or Treat is looking for people willing to bring their vehicle and pass

out candy or other treats. Contact Lisa Ashley to sign up.

Box instant potatoes Gravy mix Box or bag of stuffing Canned yams Canned green beans

Canned corn Canned pumpkin or Pumpkin pie filling Canned cranberry sauce

Earlier in the year our church council voted to designate the 5th Sundays in each year as dates we will work closely with Main Street Mission to help them meet their greatest needs. This year our last fifth Sunday of 2017 falls on October 29th.

On that day we have the opportunity to help Main Street Mission reach their annual goal of providing the ingredients for Thanksgiving Dinner to the least fortunate here in our community.

When you're grocery shopping the next few weeks, please remember to pick up one or more of the items listed below and bring them to church to place on our Thanksgiving Table in the FLC.

As part of this project Main Street Mission

collects $10 donations to help with the cost of a


There will also be an opportunity for you to join other volunteers from our church who

help with packing the Thanksgiving bags for distribution the Saturday before


Please speak with Joe Allen or Melvin McAlister if you are interested in helping.

"Whatever you do in word or deeds, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the father." Col. 3:17

Concordia Lutheran Church – Council Minutes September 10, 2017

Meeting Called to order: Judy Haire, Vice President Devotions: Pastor Ken Reed Roll Call: 14 Present, 4 absent August 2017 Minutes: Approved Reports: Church Treasury Balance 08/31/2017 $ 53,121.67

Building Fund Balance 08/31/2017 $ 71,557.28 Building Fund Certificate of Deposit Balance 08/31/2017 $ 47,119.33 For Individual reports see attachments. Pastor’s Report: Attached Faith Community Nurse Report: See attached Old Business: New Member Approval: Recommendation by Pastor Ken to receive Judy Curlee into Concordia membership. Motion: Melinda Dabbs; 2nd: Mark Smith; Motion passed Constitution: Returned to Constitution Task Force for final approval New Business: The “Feed the Hungry (Pack-a-Thon) campaign was presented to Council by Sarah Brandt. Mrs. Brandt challenged Concordia to provide 15,000 meals at a cost of $.28 per meal to be packaged by Concordia. Motion: Concordia will accept the challenge and provide 15,000 meals at a cost of $4200; The Congregation will be asked to supply the cost of $4,200 through member donations ($1,150 may be taken from budgeted Missions if needed). The Congregation will also be responsible for personnel for assembly line packaging of the meals. This Pack-a-thon will be September 29, 2017 in the Family Life Center. Motion -Mark Smith; 2nd: Melinda Dabbs: Motion Passed Times were set for the following events: Dedication of the Columbarium October 15, 2017 Trunk or Treat October 28, 2017 Congregational Meeting October 29, 2017-Nomination of 2018 Council Members and presentation of proposed 2018 budget. Youth Task Force: New Youth Program begins Sept. 10, 2017 for K-12 grades (Sundays, 5:00 – 6:15 pm). Pastors Appreciation Sunday: Council made plans to honor our pastors on October 8th with one worship service and lunch to follow. Reminders: *October Council Meeting rescheduled to October 15, 2017 *October Council Person for the month: Lisa Ashley. Breakfast/snack: Gary McLaughlin *Announcements: Steve Garver *Offering Counters: Connie Lowman, Jordan Honbarger, Sheri Foster *October 29 Council Breakfast: Coordinator Lisa Ashley Meeting Adjourned with Prayer. Jerry Beaver, Council Secretary

General Fund
