Conditionals Revisited Basic Input and Output Programming Style · 2016. 8. 31. · •...


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Three Topics in One Lecture!!!

Fundamentals of Computer Science

• Conditionals Revisited • Basic Input and Output • Programming Style

Conditionals Revisited

Fundamentals of Computer Science

Outline: Conditionals Revisited

if Statement

Boolean Expressions

switch Statement

Meaning of the if Statement

Compound Statements

To include multiple statements in a branch, enclose the statements in braces. if (count < 3)


total = 0;

count = 0;


A compound statement can be used wherever a statement can be used. if (total > 10)


sum = sum + total;

total = 0;


Omitting the else Part

Nested if Statements

Syntax if (Boolean_Expression_1)

if (Boolean_Expression_2)





if (Boolean_Expression_3)




Nested if Statements

Each else is paired with the nearest unmatched if.

If used properly, indentation communicates which if goes with which else.

Curly braces can be used like parentheses to group statements.

Nested Statements

Subtly different forms

First Form

if (a > b)


if (c > d)

e = f



g = h;

Second Form

if (a > b)

if (c > d)

e = f


g = h;

// oops

Multibranch if-else Statements

if (Boolean_Expression_1)


else if (Boolean_Expression_2)


else if (Boolean_Expression_3)


else if …


// Default_Statement

Multibranch if-else


Multibranch if-else Statements

if (score >= 90)

grade = 'A';

else if ((score >= 80) && (score < 90))

grade = 'B';

else if ((score >= 70) && (score < 80))

grade = 'C';

else if ((score >= 60) && (score < 70))

grade = 'D';


grade = 'F';

Java Comparison Operators

Compound Boolean Expressions: And

Boolean expressions can be combined using the "and" (&&) operator. if ((score > 0) && (score <= 100))

Not allowed – Don’t do this!! if (0 < score <= 100)

Syntax: (Expression_1) && (Expression_2)

Parentheses often are used to enhance readability.

The larger expression is true only when both of the smaller expressions are true.

Compound Boolean Expressions: Or

Boolean expressions can be combined using the "or" (||) operator. if ((quantity > 5) || (cost < 10))

The larger expression is true When either of the smaller expressions is true When both of the smaller expressions are true.

The Java version of "or" is the inclusive or which allows either or both to be true.

The exclusive or allows one or the other, but not both to be true.

Negating a Boolean Expression

A boolean expression can be negated using the "not" (!) operator.

Syntax !(Boolean_Expression)

Example (a || b) && !(a && b)

which is the exclusive or

Negating a Boolean Expression

Java Logical Operators

Using ==

== is appropriate for determining if two

integers or characters have the same value. if (a == 3)

where a is an integer type

== is not appropriate for determining if two floating points values are equal. Use < and

some appropriate tolerance instead. if (abs(b - c) < epsilon)

where b, c, and epsilon are floating point types, and epsilon is a small number

Using ==

== is not appropriate for determining if two

objects have the same value. if (s1 == s2), where s1 and s2 refer to strings,

determines only if s1 and s2 refer the a common memory location.

If s1 and s2 refer to strings with identical sequences of characters, but stored in different memory locations, (s1 == s2) is false.

Using ==

To test the equality of objects of class String, use method equals.




To test for equality ignoring case, use method equalsIgnoreCase.


Lazy Evaluation

Sometimes only part of a boolean expression needs to be evaluated to determine the value of the entire expression. If the first operand associated with an || is true, the

expression is true.

If the first operand associated with an && is false, the expression is false.

This is called short-circuit or lazy evaluation.

Lazy Evaluation

Lazy evaluation is not only efficient, sometimes it is essential!

A run-time error can result, for example, from an attempt to divide by zero. if ((number != 0) && (sum/number > 5))

Complete evaluation can be achieved by substituting & for && or | for ||.

The switch Statement

The switch statement is a multiway branch that

makes a decision based on an integral (integer or character) expression.

Java 7 allows String expressions

The switch statement begins with the keyword switch followed by an integral expression in

parentheses and called the controlling expression.

The switch Statement

A list of cases follows, enclosed in braces.

Each case consists of the keyword case

followed by A constant called the case label

A colon

A list of statements.

The list is searched for a case label matching the controlling expression.

The switch Statement

The action associated with a matching case label is executed.

If no match is found, the case labeled default

is executed. The default case is optional, but recommended, even if

it simply prints a message.

Repeated case labels are not allowed.

The switch Statement


switch (Controlling_Expression)


case Case_Label:



case Case_Label:



Conditional Action from a Set

Do something depending on a value value

if-else if-else if... statements can get tedious


if (day == 1) monthStr = "Monday"; else if (day == 2) monthStr = "Tuesday"; else if (day == 3) monthStr = "Wednesday"; else if (day == 4) monthStr = "Thursday"; else if (day == 5) monthStr = "Friday"; else if (day == 6) monthStr = "Saturday"; else if (day == 7) monthStr = "Sunday"; else monthStr = "Invalid day!";

Set a String variable monthStr to a string according to the integer value in the day variable.

Conditional Action from a Set

switch statement

Works with: byte, short, char, int, enumerations

Java 1.7: String


switch (day) { case 1: monthStr = "Monday"; break; case 2: monthStr = "Tuesday"; break; case 3: monthStr = "Wednesday"; break; case 4: monthStr = "Thursday"; break; case 5: monthStr = "Friday"; break; case 6: monthStr = "Saturday"; break; case 7: monthStr = "Sunday"; break; default: monthStr = "Invalid day!"; break; }

default block is optional, but if present executes if no other case matched. Like the else in an if-else if-else statement.

case block normally ends with a break

The switch Statement


final int NORTH = 0; final int SOUTH = 1; final int EAST = 2; final int WEST = 3; int direction = 0; switch (direction) { case NORTH: y--; System.out.println("Walking north"); break; case SOUTH: y++; System.out.println("Walking south"); break; case EAST: x++; System.out.println("Walking east"); break; case WEST: x--; System.out.println("Walking west"); break; }

You can have as many statements as you want between case and break.

final int NORTH = 0; final int SOUTH = 1; final int EAST = 2; final int WEST = 3; int direction = 0; switch (direction) { case NORTH: y--; System.out.println("Walking north"); case SOUTH: y++; System.out.println("Walking south"); case EAST: x++; System.out.println("Walking east"); case WEST: x--; System.out.println("Walking west"); }

Buggy switch Statement


Output: Walking north Walking south Walking east Walking west

case block will fall through to next block if no


int direction = 0; switch (direction) { case NORTHWEST: case NORTHEAST: case NORTH: System.out.println("Heading northbound!"); break; case SOUTHWEST: case SOUTHEAST: case SOUTH: System.out.println("Walking southbound!"); break; }

Falling Through Cases


Sometimes falling through to next case block is what you want.

Easy way to do same thing for a set of discrete values.

Output: Heading southbound


Consider a need to restrict contents of a variable to certain values

An enumeration lists the values a variable can have

Example enum MovieRating {E, A, B}

MovieRating rating;

rating = MovieRating.A;


Now possible to use in a switch statement


An even better choice of descriptive identifiers for the constants enum MovieRating


rating = MovieRating.AVERAGE;

case EXCELLENT: ...

Summary: Conditionals Revisited

if Statement

Boolean Expressions

switch Statement

Basic Input/Output

Fundamentals of Computer Science

Outline: Basic Input/Output

Screen Output

Keyboard Input

Simple Screen Output

System.out.println("The count is " + count);

Outputs the sting literal "the count is "

Followed by the current value of the variable count.

We've seen several examples of screen output already. System.out is an object that is part of Java.

println() is one of the methods available to the System.out object.

Screen Output

The concatenation operator (+) is useful when

everything does not fit on one line. System.out.println("Lucky number = " + 13 +

"Secret number = " + number);

Do not break the line except before or after the concatenation operator (+).

Screen Output

Alternatively, use print()

System.out.print("One, two,");

System.out.print(" buckle my shoe.");

System.out.println(" Three, four,");

System.out.println(" shut the door.");

ending with a println().

Keyboard Input

Java has reasonable facilities for handling keyboard input.

These facilities are provided by the Scanner class in the java.util package.

A package is a library of classes.

Simple Input

Sometimes the data needed for a computation are obtained from the user at run time.

Keyboard input requires

import java.util.Scanner

at the beginning of the file.

Simple Input

Data can be entered from the keyboard using Scanner keyboard =

new Scanner(;

followed, for example, by

eggsPerBasket = keyboard.nextInt();

which reads one int value from the keyboard and assigns it to eggsPerBasket.

Using the Scanner Class

Near the beginning of your program, insert import java.util.Scanner;

Create an object of the Scanner class Scanner keyboard =

new Scanner (

Read data (an int or a double, for example) int n1 = keyboard.nextInt();

double d1 = keyboard,nextDouble();

Some Scanner Class Methods

Some Scanner Class Methods Figure 2.7b

nextLine()Method Caution

The nextLine() method reads The remainder of the current line, Even if it is empty.

Example – given following declaration. int n; String s1, s2; n = keyboard.nextInt(); s1 = keyboard.nextLine(); s2 = keyboard.nextLine();

Assume input shown

n is set to 42

but s1 is set to the empty string.


and don't you

forget it.

Outline: Basic Input/Output

Screen Output

Keyboard Input

Programming Style

Fundamentals of Computer Science

Documentation and Style: Outline

Meaningful Names



Named Constants


Compound Statements

Documentation and Style

Most programs are modified over time to respond to new requirements.

Programs which are easy to read and understand are easy to modify.

Even if it will be used only once, you have to read it in order to debug it .

And when we talk about javadoc, if your comments are meaningful, your code will write its own documentation!!

Meaningful Variable Names

A variable's name should suggest its use e.g. taxRate

Boolean variables should suggest a true/false value Choose names such as isPositive or systemsAreOk.

Avoid names such as numberSign or systemStatus.

Style: Naming Things

Variable names

Begin with lowercase, uppercase each new word

int totalWidgets;

Class names

Begin uppercase, then lowercase except for new words

public class InventoryTracker

Name exactly as in assignment description


All upper case, use _ between words

double SPEED_LIGHT = 3.0e8;



The best programs are self-documenting.

Clean style

Well-chosen names

Comments are written into a program as needed to explain the program.

They are useful to the programmer, but they are ignored by the compiler.

Style: Comments

Comments help reader/grader understand your program Good comments explain why something is


Write comments before coding tricky bits

Helps you formulate a plan

Don't comment the obvious:

i++; // Increment i by one



A comment can begin with //.

Everything after these symbols and to the end of the line is treated as a comment and is ignored by the compiler.

double radius; //in centimeters


A comment can begin with /* and end with */

Everything between these symbols is treated as a comment and is ignored by the compiler. /**

This program should only

be used on alternate Thursdays,

except during leap years, when it should

only be used on alternate Tuesdays.



A javadoc comment, begins with /** and ends with */.

It can be extracted automatically from Java software. /** method change requires the number of coins

to be nonnegative */

We will talk about javadoc later in the semester.

When to Use Comments

Begin each program file with an explanatory comment

What the program does

The name of the author

Contact information for the author

Date of the last modification.

Provide only those comments which the expected reader of the program file will need in order to understand it.


Indentation should communicate nesting clearly.

A good choice is four spaces for each level of indentation.

Indentation should be consistent.

Indentation should be used for second and subsequent lines of statements which do not fit on a single line.

Indentation does not change the behavior of the program.

Proper indentation helps communicate to the human reader the nested structures of the program

Eclipse will help you indent correctly Eclipse can fix automatically, ctrl-a then ctrl-i

Using Named Constants

To avoid confusion, always name constants (and variables). area = PI * radius * radius;

is clearer than area = 3.14159 * radius * radius;

Place constants near the beginning of the program.

Once the value of a constant is set (or changed by an editor), it can be used (or reflected) throughout the program. public static final double INTEREST_RATE = 6.65;

If a literal (such as 6.65) is used instead, every occurrence must be changed, with the risk than another literal with the same value might be changed unintentionally.

Declaring Constants

Syntax public static final Variable_Type

Variable_Name = Constant_Value;

Examples: public static final double PI = 3.14159;

public static final String MOTTO = "The

customer is always right.";

By convention, uppercase letters are used for constants.

Style: Whitespace


public class StarTriangle { public static void main(String[] args) {int limit = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); for (int i=0;i<limit;i++){ for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) System.out.print("*");System.out.println(); }}}

Indent each level of conditionals/loops

Indent a fixed number of spaces (3-4)

Use blank lines to separate logical sections

Only one statement per line

Style: Whitespace


for (int i=0;i<limit;i++)

Use spaces between

Statements in for loop

Operators in math expressions

After the // starting a comment

for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) vs.

a=b*c/d-(8.12*e); a = b * c / d - (8.12 * e); vs.

//this is a comment //describing my code

// this is a comment // describing my code vs.

Style: Whitespace


Math . random ();

Do NOT use spaces between method class, dot, name, or


array name and []'s

statement and ending semicolon

Math.random(); vs.

args [0]; args[0]; vs.

i = i + 1 ; i = i + 1; vs.

Style: Whitespace

Use spaces to align parallel code if it makes it more readable

Often helps to spot mistakes


int numPoints = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int startX = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int startY = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); double velX = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); double velY = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);

int numPoints = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int startX = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int startY = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); double velX = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); double velY = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);

Style: Curly Bracing


public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } }

BSD-Allman style

K&R style

Choose a bracing style and stick to it!

No mixing and matching!

public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } }

public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String [] args) { System.out.println("Hello world!"); } }


Meaningful Names



Named Constants


Compound Statements
