Conference Checklist



Conference Checklist for Toastmasters district conferences

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  • Conference Checklist The Contest Chair (CC) can be the Club President or VPE, Area Governor, or Division Governor, LGET or any Toastmaster who is given this responsibility.

    Please use as a guide & personalise to suit your conference.

    Activity completed

    who date done

    Create Conference Committee

    Contact Club Presidents or Area Governors invite to be member of team or send deputy


    Call first meeting discuss dates, venues, timing, agenda, budget CC

    Decide on what clubs are responsible for eg contests/ raffles etc CC

    Circulate Minutes of meeting to all Sec

    Ask clubs for email contact details for all members Sec

    Venue Details

    1. Confirm venue availability and facilities eg screen, microphones etc CC

    2. Inspect and book/pay deposit

    3. Confirm catering if venue providing

    4. Note date for final numbersneed this to create RSVP date for flyer etc

    5. Confirm final numbers to venue by agreed date

    6. View room, determine set up/flow of conference, speaking area for contestantsAG/Contest Chair & SAA


    Catering if external

    7. Confirm menu and prices Caterer Name & Contact details CC

    8. Note pick up and payment details required


    9. Costing for conference prepared allow for non paying guests/judges admin

    10. Have full day and half day prices

    Choose Chief Judge (CJ) CC

    11. CJ appoint judges. Except for club level, judges must have completed at least 6 projects from Competent Communication manual


    12. Appoint Counters, Timers and Tie-breaking Judge CJ

    13. Appoint Assistant Chief Judge to brief Counters, Timers and SAAs. CJ

    14. Briefs Judges CJ

    15. Provides a stopwatch to Timer CJ

    16. When judges confirmed/agenda known, confirm details in writing to them CJ

    17. Make up folders for Chief Judge, Judges and Tiebreaking Judge. Folders to have list of contestants, Judges Guide and Ballot for each contest, Speech Contest Rulebook, notepaper and envelopes


    Contest Toastmasters

    18. Recruit a Contest Toastmaster for each contest CC

    19. Ensure they understand their role and have 2 scripts (Contestant Briefing Script and Contest Toastmaster Script) for their contest from D69 website


    Guest Speaker / Educational Session

    20. Invite and confirm guest speaker/educational session presenter

    21. Invite and confirm Test Speaker for the Evaluation Contest


  • Activity completed

    who date done

    22. Determine how and who will be responsible for registrations. Brief them on costing details (full/half day, guests, payment methods), RSVP deadlines

    23. Create sign-in sheets, listed by surname alphabetically

    Marketing: Flyers, Registration forms and formal Agenda

    24. Admin team create marketing campaign of regular updates/teasers/info-create a feel of excitement, theme, promote guest speaker as drawcard

    25. Admin team create marketing flyer and send to all clubs, post on District website

    26. Create and send registration form to all clubs and contestants

    27. Create formal agenda for distribution to clubs and contestants, Chief Judge and Contest Toastmasters

    28. Create conference booklet with reports from council members

    29. Organise Club/ area/ division banners for display


    30. Have Speakers Certification of Originality and Eligibility forms available from TI website

    31. Write / email contestants congratulate, send Originality and Eligibility and registration details and agenda

    32. Ensure contestants (& alternate contestants) know where and when contest will be held

    33. Verify eligibility of contestants by email to

    Council Meeting

    34. Send Council members info on Council Meeting and Proxy forms, plus their participation required ie submit reports

    35. Determine Council Meeting time and format

    36. Invite/work with Parliamentarian on Council meeting procedure / protocol


    37. Raffle team collect prizes Raffle

    38. Purchase raffle ticket books

    39. Organise raffle ticket sellers on day

    40. Display raffle prizes near registration desk to encourage more sales

    Photographer, other helpers

    41. Confirm photographer, videographer (if desired), contest S@Arms, audio/ visual SAA, registrars, calligrapher Audio Visual/Sound System (if necessary), etc.

    42. Create a Dignitary List. The test speaker is introduced only at the end of the contest.

    Trophies & Certificates

    43. Contact previous winners remind to return perpetual trophies CC

    44. Choose and purchase trophies for 4 contests CC

    45. Place-getter Certificates available from TI website (clubs provide own) LGET

    46. Certificates of Participation available from TI website(clubs provide own) LGET

    47. Certificates of Appreciation for Contest Toastmasters/Judges/Test and Guest speakers plus any others to thank


    Contest Forms

    48. Time Record Sheets available from TI website Item 1175 CJ

    49. Counters Tally Sheets available from TI website Item 1176 CJ

  • Activity completed

    who date done

    Gifts for Judges and Speakers

    50. Purchase gifts-Judges, Test Speaker, Guest Presenter, Others: Conf. Toastmasters, Conference Sgt.AtArms



    51. Organise who and how conference booklet will be printed (NB: your local MP will often use their allowance for community groups who need printing On large runs perhaps offer to provide ream of paper. Create booklet double sided)

    52. Advise Clubs or Area Govs of report deadline for conference booklet (Conference booklet might include: Report from AG/DivG, Reports from Clubs/AGs, Blurb on the Presenter, a page for each contest, Minutes of previous Annual Meeting)

    53. Allow time for printing and collating of conference booklet

    54. Print signs as needed eg arrows, Reserved for Judges


    55. Have run sheet for the day of the conference, item by item, by person, by time allowed

    Day Before

    56. Check all details with venue

    57. Check all details with team, Certificates of Participation/ Appreciation, trophies, dignitary list

    58. Check details with Chief Judge, Judges folders, contest official folders, timing lights, timing cards, stopwatch, place-getter certificates

    59. Check, check and triple check all details-walk through in your mind step by step details of conference-jot notes on areas to check

    60. Check Registrars have sign-in sheet, know who pays, float etc

    61. Have a contact phone list of speakers, judges, guests, contest officials, Contest Toastmasters

    62. Audio Visual/Sound System (if necessary)

    On the Day

    63. Arrive early for set up

    64. Allow Contest Toastmaster and Contest Sgt At Arms to perform their role and run the contest

    65. Seating arrangement checked, signs in place eg arrows, reserved for Judges, Registration Table set up (including pens, name tags or stickers), conference booklets

    66. Club/ area/ division banners for display

    67. Check lectern to be on the opposite side of the stage from where the contestants will enter, gavel

    68. Focus on Area or Division Council meetingthen enjoy rest of conference
