Confirmation Class



Sharing in the Eucharist. Confirmation Class. Overview. First Thoughts Opening Ritual Solidarity Passover “The Lamb of God” An Offering of Love Eucharist: Life Changing Encounter Sacrifice One Mind and Heart with Christ Confirmation and Eucharist The Church Lives the Faith - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Confirmation Class

Sharing in the EucharistSharing in the Eucharist


First Thoughts Opening Ritual Solidarity Passover “The Lamb of God” An Offering of Love Eucharist: Life Changing Encounter Sacrifice One Mind and Heart with Christ Confirmation and Eucharist The Church Lives the Faith Living the Faith

First Thoughts

In the Eucharist Jesus comes to us and offers us the strength to transform our lives

Through the Lord’s Supper we receive the grace to transform our lives in Christ

Opening Ritual

Turn to page 107 for the Opening Ritual Need one volunteer (reader) in the Opening Ritual

Show reverence during the ceremony and during the Sharing of Bread ritual

Once finished with the Opening Ritual have a seat

Opening Ritual

What was your experience as you shared the bread and connected it with those

who are suffering?

Do you remember where you were when

you heard of the 9/11 terrorism


Do you recall any solidarity, or

connection, with the victims or with your

own families? Please explain.

In what way does your experience of solidarity,

with those who suffer, help you better

understand the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins?

What is Passover?


The Hebrew word for Passover, pesah, is translated pascha in Greek

Gospels clearly link the Paschal Mystery with Passover

The Lamb of God

Turn to page 78 and read, “The Lamb of God”

• Highlight the key points

The Lamb of God

Slaughter of the Passover lamb

• Blood marked the doorposts of the homes of the Israelites. This signaled the Lord to “pass over that door and not let the destroyer come into your houses (Exodus 12:23)

Jesus is “the Lamb of God”

• “The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29)

• Innocent blood of Jesus delivered humanity from the slavery of sin and power of death

The Lamb of God

In the Eucharist, we share in the Body and Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of

both the living and dead

An Offering of Love

Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21)

• Nicodemus came to Jesus in the darkness of night

• Jesus told Nicodemus he couldn’t enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit

• The symbolism used was one of lightness and darkness

In your reading, we have another either-or choice, one of light and darkness

• Judas faced an either-or decision: Should he betray Jesus and hand him over to certain death, or treat Jesus as would a loyal and faithful disciple?

An Offering of Love

After Judas makes his choice, John very deliberately states, “And it was night” (John 13:30)

How does a history of innocent suffering link

the Jewish Passover and the Eucharist?

Eucharist: Life-Changing Encounter

The Bible is filled with account of people’s life-changing encounters with God

• Many took place during a meal or were followed by or commemorated in a meal

• For example, the two disciples who recognized the Risen Lord in breaking of the bread

• Read Luke 24: 29-31

What is a sacrifice?

Faith Vocabulary - Sacrifice

The free offering, out of love, of something of great value, for

example, one’s life

Faith Vocabulary - Sacrifice

Old Testament

• Sacrifice was a festive time of thanksgiving to God

• The larger the sacrifice, the greater the joy one expressed towards God

Creation of the Temple

• The purpose of the Temple was to house God, to feed God in exchange for God’s protection

• Annual trip to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices at the Temple

Faith Vocabulary - Sacrifice

Destruction of the Temple

• Worship shifted from sacrificial offering to prayer

New Testament

• Sacrifice becomes key way to understand the death of Christ and the celebration of the Eucharist

• In participating at Eucharist we participate in the Paschal Mystery

• We offer ourselves as a living sacrifice

• Holy and pleasing to God

Group Exercise

Read silently …

• “Eucharist: Life-Changing Encounter” on page 80

• “One Mind and Heart with Christ” on page 81

How does sharing in the Eucharist transform our lives?

Eucharist: Life-Changing Encounter

There are two sides to every life-changing encounter with the Mystery of God

• God’s part and

• Our response

God is present and active at every Eucharist celebration in many ways

• In the Scripture

• The assembly

• The priest

• In the Body and Blood Christ

One Mind and Heart with Christ

The power of the holy Spirit is at work in the Eucharist to …

• deepen our union with Christ,

• deepen our unity the Church,

• separate us from sin,

• and commit us to the poor

One Mind and Heart with Christ


• Listen

• Respond to prayers

• Singing


• Lift your mind and heart to God

• Let God guide you to be aware of what is happening inside you

Small Group Exercise

Break into groups of 3 or 4

Individually and silently read the Bible verses assigned to your group

Once everyone is finished reading, complete the “Life-Changing Encounters” worksheet, as a group

Each group will share their responses with the whole group

Noah and the FloodGenesis 9:1-13

Who is having an encounter with God?

What is God doing in the encounter?

What is the person or people doing in the encounter?

Describe the result of the encounter. How was it life-changing, or transforming?

Abraham and IsaacGenesis 22:1-14

Who is having an encounter with God?

What is God doing in the encounter?

What is the person or people doing in the encounter?

Describe the result of the encounter. How was it life-changing, or transforming?

Moses and the CovenantExodus 24:1-8

Who is having an encounter with God?

What is God doing in the encounter?

What is the person or people doing in the encounter?

Describe the result of the encounter. How was it life-changing, or transforming?

What excuses do some teens make for not

fulfilling their responsibility of taking part

regularly in Mass on Sundays and

holy days of obligation?

Holy Days of Obligation

Date Holy Day Comments

1 Jan Mary, Mother of God Honors Mary as the mother of Jesus Christ

16 May Ascension of the Lord 40th day after Easter commemorating the Ascension of Christ into heaven

15 Aug Assumption of the Blessed Virgin (T)

(1) The happy departure of Mary from this life; (2) the assumption of her body into heaven

1 Nov All Saints To honor all the saints, known and unknown

8 Dec Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Immaculate conception of Mary

25 Dec Christmas Birth of Christ

Liturgy Link

One of the special graces of the Eucharist connects us to the poor and suffering and demands that we stand in solidarity with them and act on their behalf.

The Eucharist commits us to the poor. To receive in truth the Body and Blood of Christ given up for us, we must recognize Christ in the poorest, his brethren

Ref: CCC 1397

Confirmation and Eucharist

Sacraments of Christian Initiation

• Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist

• Foundation of Christian life

In the Beginning

• Preparation for celebrating these sacraments lasted for many years and took place in a process known as the catechumenate

Confirmation and Eucharist

Centuries later

• Confirmation became separated from Baptism and the Eucharist; infant Baptism became the norm; sharing in the Eucharist was not allowed until the child had first been confirmed (o/a 12 yrs of age)

Beginning of the 20th Century

• Baptized as infants; permitted to receive Communion at the age of reason, or discretion, around the age of 7; Confirmation was celebrated at a later age

Transformed into the Body of Christ

Confirmation stresses the connection of this sacrament to the Eucharist

• You must have a genuine desire to fully, consciously and actively share in the Eucharist

• You’re transformed into the Body of Christ as a full member of his Church

Individual Exercise

On page 83, read the Lifelinks section at the bottom of the page

Close your eyes in prayer asking the holy Spirit to show you how to participate in the Mass each Sunday more fully, actively, and consciously

How can you more fully, actively, and

consciously participate in the

Mass each Sunday?

The Church Lives the FaithCatholic Relief Services

The bishops of the US recognize Christ in the poorest by participating in the work of the Catholic Relief Services (CRS)

CRS stand in solidarity with the poor of the world in their work in Niger, since 1991, one of the poorest nations in the entire world

• Smaller than Alaska

• 63% of 12.5 million people live on less than one US dollar a day

• 40% of children are malnourished

• 84% of adults cannot read or write

The Church Lives the FaithCatholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) include the following:

• Food for Work: Help over 40,000 household learn sustainable agriculture techniques, improve local infrastructure, and feed their families

• Food Security: Promotes sustainable agriculture, natural resource management, and improved health and nutrition in 120 villages

• Nomad Education: Runs an education project helping nomad children access quality primary education

Living the Faith

The Sermon on the Mount presents a vision and summary of how the disciples of Jesus are to bear witness to their faith in him

These actions are key to what it means for you to participate in the Eucharist at a deep level (fully, actively, and consciously participating in the Eucharistic celebration)

Faith Decision

The BeatitudeBeatitude in

Contemporary Language Beatitude in Action

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.

People who have faith and trust in God above all else

know God loves them.

Keep God first in their lives.

The BeatitudesMatthew 5:3-11

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me.


First Thoughts Opening Ritual Solidarity Passover “The Lamb of God” An Offering of Love Eucharist: Life Changing Encounter Sacrifice One Mind and Heart with Christ Confirmation and Eucharist The Church Lives the Faith Living the Faith
