Conjunctions 2


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1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions : Birleştirme bağlaçları 

2. Correlative Conjunctions  : Denklik bağlaçları 3. Subordinating Conjunctions :Yan Cümle bağlaçları 

A - Co-ordinating Conjunctions 

‘’ and, or, but, yet, nor, so, for,’’

• ‘ but / yet ‘ zıtlık belirtir; 

eg, ‘ She is beautiful but/yet stupid.’

‘ Everything around him was blown to pieces but/yet the minister escaped without a


‘ nor ‘ devrik biçimde kullanılır  eg. ‘ We hadn’t gone on a holiday, nor had we let our students go.’ 

‘ He refuses to take exercises, nor does he try to eat less.’ 

‘ Egzersiz yapmayı reddettiği gibi az yemeye de çalışmıyor .’ 

‘ so ‘ sonuç bildiren bir bağlaçtır ( result). ‘ bu yüzden ‘ anlamı taşır. 

eg. ‘I was very sleepy last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual.’ 

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‘ for ‘ neden (reason) bildirir. ‘ Because ‘ gibi cümle başında kullanılmaz. 

eg. ‘ Don’t lend him your money, for he doesn’t pay it back.’ 

‘ I have to stay at home today, for there is a strong storm outside.’ 

B – Correlative Conjunctions

İkili olarak kullanılır. Cümleleri, isimleri, nesneleri, fiilleri ....bağlar. 

Both ... and, either .... or, neither ... nor, not only ... but also.

Both ... And ( hem .... hem de)

eg. ‘ Both his brother and his sister are married. ( subjects)

‘ He can both speak and write.’ (verbs) Either .... or (ya .... ya da)

eg. ‘ I will learn either Spanish or French in addition to English. ( objects)

‘ She must have either missed the train or got up late.’ 

Neither ... Nor ( ne .... ne de)

eg. ‘He has neither talent nor the desire to learn English.’ ‘ She can’t either see or hear.’ = 

‘ She can neither see nor hear.’ ‘Not only .... but also’ Yapı olarak alumsuz anlam olarak olumlu.

eg. ‘Not only my father was there but also your father.’ 

‘ She is not only arrogant but also selfish.’ 

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……… does the Eiffel Tower dominate the skyline of Paris, 

………. it is also a landmark of construction history. 

A) Hardly / when

B) Neither / nor

C) Not only / but

D) Only if / asE) The more / the less


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C – Subordinating Conjunctions ( Adverbial Clauses)

TIMEWhen, whenever, while, as, since, after, before, until/till, once, as

soon as, now (that), the minute/moment (that), by the time,

immediately, as long as

PLACE Where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere

MANNER As, as if, as though

COMPARISONAs ( adj or adv) as, not so/as ( adj or adv) as, -er than, the ...the,

more (adj or adv) than

REASON Because, as, since, seing (that)

PURPOSE So that, inorder that, for fear that, lest, in case

RESULTSo, so that, so ( adj or adv) that, such (a) adj+noun that


Although, though, even, ( verb, adj or adv) as/though, even if, while

much as, whereas, no matter QW ( question word), however (


CONDITIONIf, unless, provided that, providing that, so/as long as, on condition

that, assuming that, supposing, whether

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1. Conjunctions of Time

When, While/as

eg. ‘ When he reaches his aim, he will be very rich man.’ 

‘ While/as her son was playing with toys, she was cleaning the window’ As ( reason and time)

eg. ‘ As it was in a public holiday, all shops were shut.’

‘ As they live near us, we see them quite often.’ 

‘ As I walked into the room, the phone started to ring.’ 

‘ I wept bitterly as he told his life story.’ Once, as soon as, the moment/minute that, immediately

eg. ‘ Once you have understood all these subjects, you can easily solve all problems.’ 

‘ Bütün bu konuları anladığında bütün problemleri kolaylıkla çözebilirsin.’ 

eg. ‘ They decided to climb the mountain as soon as the whether turned into sunny.’ 

eg. ‘ I want you to call me the moment/minute that you arrive there.‘ Oraya varır varmaz beni aramanı istiyorum.‘  

eg. ‘ She wanted to change her room in the hotel immediately she learned that I lived


‘ Yan dairede kaldığımı öğrenir  öğrenmez odasını değiştirmek istedi.’  

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By and Until/till

eg. ‘ I have posted the letter, they should receive it by Monday.’ 

‘ They will receive it on Monday or before Monday.’ eg. ‘ I couldn’t get up this morning. I stayed in the bed until/till 10:30.’ 

‘ I got up after 10:30. eg. ‘ He had been wathing TV for eight hours until/till her mother came.’ 

So long as / as long as ( If conditionals)

eg. ‘ I won’t forget you so long as I live.’ ‘ He won’t study his lessons as long as you play with him.’ 

By the timeeg. ‘ By the time we get to the cinema, the film will already have started.’ 

‘ By the time we got the cinema, the film had already started.’ ‘ By the time we got to the cinema, it was  just three o’clock ‘ ‘ By the time we get to the shops, they will be closed.’ 

Now thateg. ‘ Now that our project has finished, we can go a holiday.’ 

‘ Madem projemiz bitmiş, tatile gidebiliriz.’ eg. ‘ Now that we have enough money, we can buy a new car.’ 

 Not: ‘Now that’ genellikle present ve present perfect tenselerle kullanılır .

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No sooner ....than, hardly .....when

eg. “ I had no sooner closed my eyes than I fell asleep. “ 

‘ No sooner had I closed my eyes than I fell asleep.’ eg. ‘ We had hardly gone out when it began to rain.’ 

‘ Hardly had we gone out when it began to rain.‘ Henüz dışarı çıkmıştık ki yağmur yağmaya başladı.’ 

eg. ‘ The film hardly began when the light went out.’ 

Connecting words or phrases

eg. ‘ We swam in the sea. Afterwards, we ate something.’ 

‘ After we swam in the sea, we ate something.’ ‘ She was laughing and crying at the same time’ 

‘ The criminals will be executed concurrently.’ 

‘ Suçlular aynı anda idam edilecektir.’  

‘ They will call a doctor for you. In the meantime you should rest.

‘ I went on dealing with computer. Meanwhile my mom went to shopping.’

‘ My family subsequently heard (that) I had left the country.’ ‘ Ailem ülkeyi terketiğimi sonradan öğrendi.’ 

2. Conjunction of Place‘ wherever, anywhere, everywhere, I go, there are always crowds of people waiting tosee me.

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3. Conjunction of Manner ( tarz bağlaçları) As

eg. ‘ He is different from others, he doesn’t behave as  others do.

‘ diğerleri gibi davranmaz.’ 

As if/ as though

be, act, behave, appear, seem, look, feel, smell, sound, taste

eg. ‘ I feel as if  I am going to be sick. ‘ ‘ He behaves as though nothing happened.’ ‘ We acted as if  we had never seen each other before.’ 

4. Conjunctions of ComparisonsAs, er ....than

eg. ‘ She is as clever as everybody in the class.’ 

‘ I can’t run so fast as you.’ ‘ You are much younger than you look.’ ‘ I don’t read so many books as you read.’ 

By comparison to / in comparison with ( ..... İle karşılaştırıldığında) Eg. ‘The tallest buildings in Turkey are small by comparison to those in New York.’ 

‘ Türkiyedeki en uzun binalar New York’takiler ile karşılaştırıldığında küçüktür. ‘ ‘ Our possessions are fewer in comparison with those of our ancients.’ 

Compared to/with ( ile karşılaştırıldığında) 

Eg. ‘ Our students are more successful compared with/to other students.’ 

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Likewise, similarly ( aynı şekilde) 

Eg. ‘ The meal was excellent likewise the desert.’ 

Equally ( aynı şekilde eşit olarak) 

Eg. You should try to think which job is suitable for you, equally you should consider

whether it is well paid or not.’ 

4. Conjunction of reason


SinceAs + Clause

Seeing that

Seeing as

Inasmuch as

Because of 

On account of 

Thanks to + noun, pronoun, gerund

Owing to

Due to

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Eg. ‘Since / as she has been ill, she won’t come to school today.’ 

‘Seeing that the weather was rainy, we decided to stay at home.

As, since, seeing that, bazan ‘ in view of the fact that’ anlamındadır. 

‘ Seeing that you don’t like her, why did you invite her to the party. 

‘ Madem ki ondan hoşlanmıyorsun niye onu partiye davet ettin.’ 

‘ Seeing that ( as / since) you have no pity for yourself, don’t you have any tendernessof heart for your own child.

‘ Merhametin yok diyelim kendine, merhamet etmezmisin evladına.’ 


‘ Because the weather is rainy, we can’t go out.’ 

‘ Because of ( due to) the rainy weather , we can’t go out. 

‘ On account of  lack of confidence, he couldn’t speak to others .’ 

‘ Thanks to him, we managed to finish this work.’ 

‘ Owing to mobile phone, people can be in touch with themselves easily.’ 

‘ Because of ( Due to) the fact that she is afraid of being alone, she refuses to stay at


‘ Owing to fact that he took me to work , I was able to get to office on time.’ 

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5.Conjunctions of Purpose

So that/ in order that

Eg. ‘ He has studied very hard so that he can pass the exam.’ 

‘ I raised my voice in order that students could hear me.’ in order that/ in order to / so as to

Eg. ‘ She wants to go abroad in order to/ so as to improve her English.’ 

‘ She wants to go abroad in order that she can improve her English.

for fear that ( korkusuyla) 

Eg. ‘ I took some more money before I set off for fear that I might need.


Eg. ‘ I will phone you tomorrow, lest you should forget the date of meeting.’ 

‘ Toplantının tarihini unutmaman için sana telefon edeceğim. 

‘ Toplantının tarihini unutursun korkusuyla sana telefon edeceğim.’ 

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6. Conjunctions of Result

So ...(adj/adv).......that/ such .........(adj + noun)...............that

eg. ‘The child is so naughty that we have to hide all fragile things.’ ‘ He is such a naughty child that we have to hide all fragile things.’ 

‘ He is so naughty a child that we have to hide all fragile things.’ ‘ It was such an interesting book that I couldn’t stop reading it until I finished.’ ‘ It was so interesting a book that I couldn’t stop reading it until I finished.’ “ He was driving the car so fast that we were all afraid of having an accident “ 

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7. Conjunctions of Concession (zıtlık )Although, though, even, ( verb, adj or adv) as/though, even if, while, much as, whereas, no

matter QW ( question word), however ( adj/adv)

Although/though/even though ( rağmen)

eg. ‘ Although the thief had escaped, the police were able to catch him later.

‘ he came to the school even though he was very ill.’ 

‘ I left home very early, I couldn't get the office on time, though.’ 

‘ I left home very early, though I couldn't get the office on time.’ 

‘ I didn’t like the cast of film, but/yet I like its theme.

Although = Despite & In spite of 

eg. ‘ Despite/In spite of the rain, we went to the picnic.

‘ Despite/In spite of the fact that I am ill, I go on studying.’ 

Although = much as =

eg. ‘ Much as I hate being laughed, I sometimes laugh at people.‘ Hard as (though) I try to solve the problem, I couldn’t.’ 

Not: Alhough,though, as, much as, even though bağlaçlarından 

sonra cümle gelir.

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Eg. ‘ However hard I study, I can’t manage to take higher score.’ 

‘ We liked the natural park ; however/nevertheless/nonetheless

we couldn’t stay there long.’ 

Even if 

Eg. ‘ Even if  you disagree with her, she is worth listening to.’ 


Eg. ‘ Gülcan is lively and talkative, whereas I am very quiet and reserved.’ 

‘ Gülcan neşeli ve konuşkan olmasına karşın, ben sezsiz ve çekingenimdir.’ 


Eg. ‘ English is spoken by all over the world while German is spoken by only a few people

outside Germany itself.

‘ Almanca almanyanın kendisi dışında çok az konuşulmasına karşın İngilizce dünyanınher tarafında konuşulur. 

No matter + QW

Eg. ‘No matter what you do, don’t give up studying.’ 

‘ Don’t open the door, no matter who came.’ 

‘ Kim gelirse gelsin, sakın kapıyı açma.’ 

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However adj/adv

Eg. ‘ We will all pass the exam however difficult the YDS exam is.’ 

‘ However much he eats, he never puts on weight.’ 


Eg. ‘ Try as/though might, he couldn’t open the window.’ ‘ ne kadar denediyse de pencereyi açamadı.’ 

‘ Young as he is, he knows more than us.’ 

‘ Carefully though he drives, it is impossible for him to have an accident in such a traffic jam.’ 

However late it is, you can call me for help.

No matter how late it is, you can call me for help.

By/in contrast (aksine)

Eg. ‘ By contrast, nobody loves you.’ 

‘ Their sails, in contrast, increased incredibly.’ 

On the contrary (aksine)

Eg. ‘ The exam was not difficult; on the contrary, everybody could pass the exam.’ 

Anyway/Anyhow ( her nasılsa ...) 

Eg. ‘ Don’t make bet with me, anyhow you’ll lose.’ 

All the same ( yine de, buna rağmen) 

Eg.’ The teacher knows that some of his students don’t study at home in the evenings, but he goes on

giving them homework all the same.

On the one hand / On the other hand

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On the one hand ....../ On the other hand

Eg. ‘ Some countries are rich, however, others are poor.’ ‘ Some Countries are rich. Others, on the other hand, are poor.’ 

Eg. ‘ His family is really poor, so he didn’t know what to do. On the one hand he wants to go touniversity for his education, on the other hand he knows his family can’t affort it.’ 


While I was surfing on net last night, I found the information I needed.While surfing on net last night, I found the information I needed.

Surfing on net last night, I found the information I needed.

After we had waken up, we had something.

After waking up, we had something.

having waken up, we had something.

Before you went to bed, you should have set the alarm.

Before going to bed, you should have set the alarm.Not: Before kısaltma yapılırken kesinlikle atılmaz. 

When I was a young boy, I could eat a lamb myself.

When a young boy, I could eat a lamb myself.

When she arrived at the airport, she called us.

On/upon arriving at the airport, she called us.

Because you are students, you should study all time.

Being students, you should study all time.

Since she was tired, she didn’t want to talk to us.  Being tired, she didn’t want to talk to us.  Because I had eaten something before, I am not hungry.

Having eaten something before, I am not hungry
