Connect B2 UP Teachers Manual



Teachers Manual for Connect Lower Primary curriculum for Christian Religious Education

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connectUpper Primary B2

T e a c h e r ' s m a n u a l

a christian education curriculum for children aged 10 to 12 years.

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For the teacher 4What you will fi nd in each lesson 4Music CDs and CD-ROM 6Curriculum stance 7Training and support 7Five circles of learning 8Connect icons 9

Introduction—God keeps his promises 10Lesson 1 Survivor: Egypt begins Exodus 1:1—2:10 12 Lesson 2 The leader Exodus 3:1—4:17 24Lesson 3 The challenge Exodus 7:1—10:29 32 Lesson 4 The rescue Exodus 11–14 50Lesson 5 The Law Exodus 19–20 60Lesson 6 The tabernacle Exodus 25–40 72Lesson 7 The exploration Numbers 13–14 86Lesson 8 The people’s response Deuteronomy 4 96Lesson 9 The land Joshua 1–6 106Lesson 10 The new covenant Various 116

Introduction—God’s promise for the world 128Lesson 11 The gospel: then and now Romans 1:1–17 130Lesson 12 The need for the gospel Romans 1:18—3:26 136Lesson 13 The good news of the gospel Romans 3:21—5:21 144Lesson 14 The fruit of the gospel Romans 6–7 152Lesson 15 The goal of the gospel Romans 8:1–13 158Lesson 16 The hope of the gospel Romans 8:14–39 168Lesson 17 The body of the gospel Romans 12:1–8 178Lesson 18 The love of the gospel Romans 16:25–27 186Lesson 19 The Christmas promise Matthew 1 196Lesson 20 Miriam 1 Timothy 4:12 210

Christmas assembly Matthew 1 220

Special lesson—The environment Genesis 1–2; 2 Peter 3:13 230

Teaching ideas 235Help with classroom management 235Helpful teaching techniques 237Teaching Memory verses 240Is your class different? 243The special needs of indigenous students 245Understanding the student: the learning theory undergirding Connect 246Using appropriate language in the (S)RE class 248When a student wants to make a response 249Christian Education outcomes 250

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For information about what is included on your Music CDs and CD-ROM, refer to page 6.



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In these first few verses Paul contrasts the weakness of the Law with the power of the Spirit. The Law was only able to reveal sin and condemn sinners. However in Jesus’ sacrificial death for us, God condemned the sinful nature and gave life through the Spirit. Those whom God has made alive are no longer enslaved to the sinful nature but live according to the Spirit and produce ‘fruit’ (good deeds) in keeping with the Spirit (8:1–9; see also Galatians 5:13–26).

Even though our physical bodies are still destined to die, those who live by the Spirit will be physically raised again, by the power of that same Spirit, just as Jesus was raised from the dead (8:10–11). Therefore, the obligation of all who have been made alive by the Spirit is to live by the Spirit and to walk in step with him, since it is through the Spirit that we become children of God. It is through the Holy Spirit that God adopts those who are in Christ Jesus as his own children, and gives them the right to be co-heirs with Christ, if indeed they share in the sufferings of the Son of God (8:12–17).

LESSON AIM ■ To help students to understand that being

declared innocent and looking forward to heaven affects the way we live now.

LESSON OUTCOMESStudents will learn about:

■ how the goal of heaven should change the way we live now

■ how God has given us his Spirit to help us live the way he wants us to.

Students will learn to: ■ know what it looks like to say ‘No’ to their

sinful desires and to choose to live the way God wants them to.

MEMORY VERSEYou were saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own. It isn’t something you have earned, so there is nothing you can boast about. God planned for us to do good things and to live as he has always wanted us to live. Ephesians 2:8–10 (CEV)

» Bible backgroundChapter 8 is the glorious climax of Paul’s argument in this section. Romans 8 is concerned with the work of the Spirit. It begins with the victorious declaration: ‘If you belong to Christ Jesus, you won’t be punished. The Holy Spirit will give you life that comes from Christ Jesus and will set you free from sin and death’ (8:1–2, CEV).

the goal of the gospel

romans 8:1–13

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BEFORE YOU START ■ If you intend to use an interactive whiteboard,

review the PowerPoint slide(s) for this lesson on the CD-ROM that comes with this manual.

■ In the Bible focus the students will complete a timeline in their Activity books. You will need to reproduce the Visual aid on page 165 of the Marathon runner timeline on a piece of cardboard.

■ Ask the following questions to help students fi ll in their Marathon runner timelines. What kind of training would Stavros have done? What kind of diet? What kind of decisions would he have had to make about bed times, wake-up times, how he spends his time, and so on? Help them to think about how winning the race would have affected the way Stavros lived in the lead-up to the race. They can draw pictures or write words.

■ The next two lessons are based on the image of a marathon runner. It would be helpful for you to do some research on what life is like for a marathon runner. To this end please read ‘Thoughts of a marathon runner’ on page 167.

» teacher’s prayerThank God that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!

Pray that the students will look forward to an eternity with Jesus.

Pray that the goal of heaven will affect the way the students live now.

» You will need ✔ A CEV Bible marked at Romans 8:1–6, 11–13 ✔ Visual aids on pages 164–167 of Lesson 15

Media release, Marathon runner timeline, Romans timeline and Thoughts from a marathon runner (see Before you start)

✔ Piece of cardboard ✔ Activity books ✔ Materials for Taking it further (optional) ✔ Now no condemnation (track 10) on CEP’s

Upper Primary CD (Ben Pakula) ✔ CD player or MP3 player and portable

speakers ✔ The CD-ROM from this manual if you intend

to use an interactive whiteboard to display the PowerPoints of the lessons, song words or prayers.

OTHER RESOURCESIf your lessons are longer than the standard, you may fi nd the following resources useful.

■ Ephesians 2:8–10 (track 15) on Colin Buchanan’s Practise being godly CD.

■ Titus 3:5 (track 26) on Colin Buchanan’s Practise being godly CD.

■ Practise being godly (track 2) on Colin Buchanan’s Practise being godly CD.



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When you have a future goal in mind, it shapes the way you live in the present.Bible icon

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Distribute the Activity books and ask the students to open to Lesson 15.

This is what Paul says in his letter to the Romans. He shows them that their goal in life should affect the way they are living now. Have a listen.

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Read Romans 8:1, 11 from your CEV Bible.

■ What does Paul say the future holds for those who belong to Jesus? (Accept responses. They won’t be punished and they will be raised to life.)

■ So what is the goal of those who belong to Jesus? Where are they heading? (Accept responses. Heaven.)

Those who belong to Jesus are heading to heaven. Bible icon

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In their Activity books, ask the students to copy your example (using the Visual aid on page 166 of

the Romans timeline) and write ‘heaven’ onto the end of the top half of their timeline along with the words ‘no punishment’ and ‘life’.

Followers of Jesus can be confident that their bodies will be raised again and they will get to live in heaven forever.

Think about Stavros Massoud. He was always the favourite. He was always going to win the race. His victory was definite. Just like that, those who belong to Jesus can be confident of their place in heaven. Their goal is secure, definite!

■ Why can those who follow Jesus be confident? (Accept responses.)

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Read Romans 8:1–4 from your CEV Bible.

■ Why does Paul say we can be confident? (Accept responses. Jesus, the perfect man, died in our place so that we can be declared innocent.)

■ Is it because of the good things we do that we can be confident of our place in heaven? (Accept responses. No. It is only because Jesus died in our place; on our own we would only ever earn death. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord, see Romans 6:23.)

» Way inBible icon

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I want to tell you about Corey. Corey just won the award for the most gold medals at his little athletics

carnival. Corey has been training all year for this day. Every afternoon he’d go for a run at the park. He’d practise his long jump and shot-put and even his high jump! Corey’s goal all year was to win as many events as he could in this carnival, and all the hard work paid off! He got his trophy!

■ What are some goals that you have had in the past? (Accept responses. You may need to help them think of some examples like winning a certain race or sporting competition, or saving up to buy a particular item.)

■ Did you achieve your goal? (Accept responses.)

■ How did you change the way you did things in order to reach your goal? (Accept responses.)

Our future goals shape the way we live in the present. In the next part of Paul’s letter to the Romans, Paul encourages them that their future goal or destiny should shape the way they live now. Let’s head into our media briefing.

» Bible focusOur media release for today is … (Remind the students that all the stories in these media releases are fictional.)

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Read the Visual aid on page 164 of the Lesson 15 Media release.

Wow! 10 minutes in front of the silver medallist? That is unheard of! What a great race for Stavros Massoud and a great victory for Australia.

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Distribute the Visual aid on page 165 of the Marathon runner timeline. In pairs or small groups ask the students to design a

timeline of what life might have been like for Stavros Massoud in the 12 months before the Olympic marathon (see Before you start). After about five minutes ask for volunteers to report back to the class with their timelines.

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■ What does a person ruled by the Spirit think about?(Accept responses. They think about spiritual things.)

■ What do you think Paul means by that?(Accept responses. Paul means that they think about things that please the Spirit of God.)

Their goal in life is to please God.

■ What are some examples of the kinds of things that a person with this goal might think about?(Accept responses. Ask the students to draw a person with a thought bubble on the top half of their timeline. Ask them to write their answers in the thought bubble. Loving others, being kind, speaking nicely, sharing, being generous, putting others fi rst, and so on.)

■ What is the end result for someone whose goal is to please God?(Accept responses. They will have life and peace.)

The things we think about reveal our goal in life. Our goal infl uences the way we think but also shapes the way we act.

■ What do you think might have happened if Stavros Massoud had thought like this?‘I’m going to win the Olympic medal for sure so I don’t think I’ll worry about training today! I might just sleep in and I think I’ll have pizza for dinner tonight!’(Accept responses.)

Stavros might have been the favourite runner. He may have thought he was defi nitely going to win the gold medal. But if he didn’t train or keep focused on the goal, he would have lost.

Paul says the same to those who follow Jesus. Our goal, where we are headed, must infl uence the way we live now!

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Read Romans 8:12–13 from your CEV Bible.

■ What does Paul tell the Romans to do?(Accept responses. They must not live to satisfy their sinful desires. With the Spirit’s help they must say ‘No!’ to them.)

If we are heading to heaven and our goal in life is to please God then we will say ‘No’ to our sinful desires. But we don’t do this to be saved.

Unlike Stavros Massoud, our place in heaven doesn’t come because of our hard work. Our efforts only earn us death. But Jesus died in our place so that we can be declared innocent. In this way he gives us what we need to be acceptable to God. But it is a gift. We didn’t do anything to earn it.Bible icon

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Encourage the students to draw a cross at the beginning of the top half of their timeline and write

‘Jesus’ death’ underneath it and a set of law tablets at the beginning of the bottom half with the words ‘our works’. Also add the words ‘death’ and ‘punishment’ (see page 166 for a completed example of the Romans timeline).

Paul then goes on to show us how the way we think reveals our goal. Have a listen ...

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Read Romans 8:5–6 from your CEV Bible.

Refer again to the timeline.

■ Which person on your timeline is ruled by their desires?(Accept responses. The bottom person. Ask the students to add ‘Desires’ down the side of the bottom half.)

■ Which person on your timeline is ruled by the Spirit?(Accept responses. The top person. Ask the students to add ‘Spirit’ down the side of the top half.)

■ How does a person ruled by their desires think?(Accept responses. Selfi shly. They only think about themselves.)

We could say that their goal in life was to please themselves.

■ What are some examples of the kinds of things that a person with this goal might think about?(Accept responses. Ask the students to draw a person with a thought bubble on the bottom half of their timeline. Ask them to write their answers in the thought bubble. Pleasure, food, money, getting my way, the things they want, not caring about others, and so on.)

■ What is the end result for someone whose goal is to please themselves?(Accept responses. They will die.)


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If Jesus has taken our punishment and we have been declared innocent, then we can’t keep living our sinful lives. If we are heading to heaven then the way we live now matters. But we don’t have to do this on our own. God has given us his Spirit to help us to live his way, which is the best way.

I want you to think about one thing that you do that you know God wouldn’t like you to do. Now think about what you could do instead.

Ask for volunteers to share their answers, have one ready yourself if your students aren’t confident enough to share these personal thoughts.

In a minute I’m going to pray that the Spirit would help us to say ‘No!’ to this and to live the way God wants us to! Let’s pray.

» Concluding prayerDear God, thank you that Jesus died on the cross to take away the punishment for our sin. Thank you that because he died in our place we can be declared innocent. We are sorry for the sinful things that we do. We think particularly of the thing we thought about just now. By your Spirit, please help us to say ‘No!’ to our sinful desires and to live the way you want us to. Amen.

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Direct students’ attention to Lesson 15 in their Activity books. Students can listen to Now no

condemnation (track 10) on CEP’s Upper Primary CD (Ben Pakula) while they complete their activities.

■ Remember, what did our good deeds earn us? (Accept responses. Direct the students’ attention to the bottom half of their page. Good deeds on their own earn death.)

Our good works can’t save us. But our goal in life is to please God because he has saved us. And if this is our goal, then we will choose to say ‘No’ to the things he doesn’t like and ‘Yes’ to the things he wants us to do.

■ Do you think it would be easy to say ‘No!’ to your sinful desires? (Accept responses. It’s not easy. Even though we have been declared innocent we are not perfect yet. Each day we have to choose not to do the wrong thing and choose to do the right thing. And this can be very difficult.)

■ Did the Romans have to say ‘No!’ to their sinful desires on their own? (Accept responses. No they didn’t. God’s Spirit lived in them and he helped them to make the right choices.)

» ConnectionsBeing one of Jesus’ followers who have been declared innocent means that we need to choose to do the right thing! We need to say ‘No!’ to the sinful things we might want to do and say ‘Yes!’ to the things we know God wants us to do because he’s saved us and we want to please him.

■ What are some examples of sinful things we need to say ‘No!’ to? (Accept responses. Ask the students to write their answers in the table in their Activity books. Lying, saying mean things, hurting others, disobeying our parents or school teachers, stealing, being jealous, and so on.)

■ What would be the choice in these situations that would please God? (Accept responses. Ask the students to write the alternative in the next column of the table in their Activity books, beside the sinful action. Telling the truth, speaking kindly, not being aggressive, listening to and obeying our parents and teachers, being generous, being thankful to God for what he’s given us, and so on.)

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» teacher refl ections ■ Were students able to copy your Romans

timeline easily into their Activity books?

■ Do all students have a good view of the front of the classroom from their desks?

» For next lesson ■ Next lesson includes an interview with the

marathon runner Stavros Massoud from today’s lesson. There are a couple of ways that you could use this interview. You could ask a young sporty man from your church to come and play the part of Stavros, or you could ask a student to be the interviewer while you play the part of Stavros. Whatever way you do it, make sure the person playing Stavros knows their part well and understands what life might be like for a marathon runner.

» taking it further

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Say no to sin (track 5) on CEP’s Upper Primary CD (Ben Pakula).

Supplementary songs are suggested in Other resources at the start of the lesson.

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Ask the students to think of a goal they have. Ask them then to make a chart that might lay out how they will need to live leading up to achieving that goal.

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Space & Vision iconMEMORY VERSE POSTER

Ask the students to design a poster to remind them of the Memory verse for the term.

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Ask the students to imagine what it might have been like for Stavros Massoud to win the Olympic gold medal for the marathon. What might he have been thinking and feeling? What might he have done? Perhaps they could draw a picture of what it might have been like in those fi rst few moments after he won? Discuss what it might be like for God’s people when Jesus returns and they get to live forever in heaven with him.

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Read Galatians 5:13–26 and discuss how people who are guided by the Spirit should live and how they should not live.


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© 2012the purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.

LESSON 15 Media releaseIt’s a proud day for Australians everywhere! Australian Stavros Massoud has just won the Olympic gold medal for the marathon. He ran into the stadium late yesterday a� ernoon 10 minutes ahead of the silver medallist, Christopher James. What an outstanding athlete! We knew he was the best in the � eld and he would always win this race but this result is just incredible!

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© 2012 the purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.

The finish line






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© 2012the purchaser of this manual is entitled to photocopy this page for classroom purposes.

� oughts from a marathon runner …The fi rst thing you need to consider is the commitment to training. The more you put in during the preparation period, the more you will get out during the event. It’s important to have a training guide or diary as it helps to ensure you are doing enough training but also gives you the structure to train well. It’s important to stick to the training schedule as best you can, even when you aren’t in the mood to train—often the most benefi cial training sessions are the ones you do when you can’t be bothered or that you would prefer to put off because you would rather do something else. It is also really motivating when you are training in the pouring rain/freezing cold/late at night etc knowing that many people would have decided not to. The other thing with training, especially for marathons, is to increase the total mileage every week—that is, do a little more each week to improve your body’s ability to perform. To safely increase your mileage the rule is to increase your longest run by no more than 10% each week and to increase your total mileage by no more that 10% each week. Every 5–6 weeks you should reduce the volume in a week to allow your body to recover/rest.

Throughout the training program there are a lot of times when you will need to sacrifi ce social events to train. I would attend some social events but go home early to ensure I was getting enough sleep. I also had to avoid certain activities when it got close to the race, i.e. I didn’t play soccer in case I got injured.

With respect to diet, there are plenty of changes that need to be made including how often you eat—eat more regularly but less—and what you eat. You need to try to avoid acidic foods like onions and tomatoes because they affect digestion, and avoid eating within two hours of going to bed to ensure good quality sleep. While fat is a good source of energy, your body metabolises it at lower exercise intensity levels so it is important to get enough carbohydrates especially close to the event to ensure you get the right energy release during the event. Fresh fruit and vegies are a good source of vitamins and minerals so they are great for general good health.

There are two main hardships when training for a marathon. The fi rst is physical. This is overcome through preparation. The second is mental. This is about self-talk and continuing to push when your body is telling you to stop. The most powerful self-talk is to visualise what success looks like and to keep heading towards it.

There are heaps of other things but the key is discipline to train, commitment to work hard when training, as well as making sacrifi ces in the present to get the most out of the future.

Stavros’ runners


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