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The images on the second and first slides of this PowerPoint were took at Salford quays in January. My aim when I went to take these pictures was to get images of water and things reflecting from the water. Also of buildings and bridges around the area. I took the photos from different angles, to make the buildings more of a subject than them just being straight up.We stayed at Salford Quays until it had gone dark so we could experiment with shutter speed and moving the camera about while in was taking a picture, the bridges had lights on so this we were able to do this. The images on the third slide were a mixture of pictures took in a number of different parks and two are from when I visited London in June 2012. I have used a number of different techniques when taking these pictures such as the rule of thirds, depth of field and I made used of the macro setting on my camera with a few of the images.

From all these images I had to pick ten that I wanted to edit and improve on Photoshop. This was to build up a portfolio of my photography work .