Contents Thorpe Bay U3A January 2020 NewsMag...NewsMag Welcome to our 1st 2020 edition of this new...


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Contents January 2020


A Word from…

the Chair

A Word from… Business Sec and Joint VChair

Group News and


Talking Pictures TV

Essex Quiz

Foodies recipe

Take Your Place

(Own the Space)

The Teacher (a poem)

Your Space

Who said That?

Kevin Eason

Thorpe Bay U3A


Welcome to our 1st 2020 edition of this new look newsmag. My heartfelt thanks to all contributors without whom there would be nothing to fill it! We’ve tried to make it easier to read on a tablet, ipad or phone, and to do this have changed the format and the typeface. It was suggested that for each edition a short bio of a member of our committee would help members to know who does what, and who better to start with than our new Chair, Kevin Eason and our Joint Vice Chair and Business Secretary, Janice Archer…………

A Word from The Chair

I have been asked by Jackie Bright, the new Editor of our Newsletter, to

write a short biography of the new Chairperson of Thorpe Bay U3A.

Hey! How appropriate, as that’s me!

Since I am sure that no-one, including myself, knows much about this

very complex person who refuses to play for the public’s amusement, I

could bore you for many hours with tales of my childhood and

schooldays. That was so long ago that I am not sure that even I know

what happened. Then, where do I start? Born and brought up in

Staffordshire, I came down to London to attend Brunel University. After

having far too good a time in the first year of the Applied Physics course

to do any studying I started working to earn my keep. For 33 years I

was employed by the NHS as a Laboratory Scientist specialising in

Blood Group Serology at Hammersmith Hospital, Guy’s & St Thomas’

Hospital and finally Basildon Hospital. As has happened to many of us

in recent years, the paperwork became more important than the

science. At this point I left work and relocated to join my partner Anne in

Southend on Sea.

Being new to the area and having a lot of free time I needed to find

something to occupy my mind. Anne and I were told about Thorpe Bay


Janice Archery

U3A. We attended one of the Monthly meetings, liked it, and signed up.

I immediately joined the Local History Group, and the Music

Appreciation Group. I learnt a lot about the town of Southend on Sea,

and the other members of the Groups. I later acted as leader/co-

coordinator for the latter Group and got myself noticed. I was

approached by a Committee member who suggested that my skills (I

had been a budget holder and had a qualification that included some

training in accounts) would be useful to the Committee and the rest of

the membership. So, at that October’s monthly meeting, six years ago, I

was elected onto the Committee and a year later took the role of

Treasurer. Since then I have been the Trips Liaison Officer, Vice-

Chairman and, now, Chairperson.

Thorpe Bay U3A has been going for over 11 years and I feel, as have

each of the previous Chairmen that we need to have some change in

your U3A. This does not mean that we must throw away what we

already have but, instead, to build upon it and make it even better.

What will those changes be? Well, that is up to you. I have my ideas

but, please, let me or the other Committee members know what you

would like from your U3A and we will see how best to implement it.

Why Chairperson not Chairman? Since our inception we have had five

Chairmen, all male. I want to remind you that it does not have to be a

man at the helm of Thorpe Bay U3A.I know there are plenty of other

members, both male and female, who would find running Thorpe Bay

U3A; as a member of our Committee, or as a Group Leader/co-

coordinator, or in another volunteering role enjoyable and satisfying, so

please come forward.

Finally, I do hope that at the end of my term of 2 or 4 years you will

think I have done a good job. I am sure to stumble occasionally, and

you will be quick to let me know when that happens, but together we

will move forward. Thank You,

Kevin Eason

A Word from Business Secretary and Joint Vice Chair, Janice


If you read my request for Volunteers you will know that I only ever

wanted the high viz jacket and to work in the car park at the General

Meetings, but I found myself acting Secretary last year, and then, at the

recent AGM I was elected Business Secretary and subsequently

appointed Acting Joint Vice Chairman as well – wow what a mouthful.

My photo was taken in one of my favourite bistros in Carcassonne,

South West France where I lived for ten years. My son and I sold up

here in 1999 and bought an old winery just outside of Carcassonne,

which we converted to a backpackers – Sidsmums Travellers Retreat.

It was a wonderful experience and I met the most amazing independent

travellers from all over the world.

Ten years I was there, and then we sold up and I returned to my roots

and the place where I was born. Fluent in French, with a taste for

French food, but a desire to come back home and be beside the sea! I


“How to avoid sea sickness

Sit under a tree”

Spike Milligan

“Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself”

Harrison Ford

“If life were fair Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead”

Johnny Carson

don’t miss France, probably because I visit a couple of times a year and

see my son and his French family, but their otherwise empty suitcase

arrives here containing lots of French goodies for me, which are

promptly exchanged for PG Tips, Oxo cubes, Cadbury’s chocolate and,

of course, Marmite for their return journey.

I love my very busy life over here, because in addition to my U3A

commitments, I also volunteer with The Music Man Project who

entertained us royally last Christmas. Between the two of them I am a

bit like a headless chicken, but I am also very grateful for the chance to

spend so much time doing things that I love with such interesting

people. The U3A is eager to get the word out about us and make us a

household name like the WI and I want everyone who is alone, lonely or

in need of company or stimulation to be able to experience this

wonderful organisation and what it has to offer.

Janice Archery

Groups News Spaces….spaces…..spaces!

**To contact any of the groups below either telephone the Group ** Leader using the telephone number listed in your programme card, or log onto our website - , then click on the yellow contact button and send a message about your interest.

The Here and There Group (shown above in the rain!) has been running for 5 years, lead by Shirley Turner and Diane Turner. Diane is stepping down due to ill health, but the group will continue supported by Shirley and volunteers. The group organizes coach trips and holidays, and has visited beautiful gardens and stately homes, and cruised along rivers. To date they have been on 6 holidays including North Yorkshire, Derbyshire, North Wales, the Wye Valley, and recently to Bruges. The next one in May 2020 is to Northumberland. There have been excursions to theatres, both backstage tours and as audience members, trips to the races, Windsor Castle, Kew Gardens and the Tower of London to name just a few, as well as more local trips in and around Essex. Trips are open to all members of Thorpe Bay U3A and if coach space is unfilled other local U3As are invited to join in for that event. To find out about future trips and holidays visit the large lounge after the monthly general meetings, or contact Shirley Turner.

London Group 7 Lead by David and Dana Harbage, this is a fun group of both couples and single folk who meet every 2nd Tuesday in the month. They travel up to London together with group members taking turns each month in planning and leading the activity/walk. There are spaces in the group and anyone who is interested would be very welcome to join them one month to give it a try and see if they would like to become a permanent member of the group. If you would like to know more please contact David and Dana.

Bucket List Group Now here’s something a bit different! This group has spaces for anyone who has a bucket list! The group has no regular meeting times but their next meeting is scheduled for 30th January, venue and times to be confirmed. So if you fancy a bit of wing walking or any other interesting activity, this could be the group for you! What do YOU want to do? This group is the brainchild of Sue Harsent who would be very pleased to hear from people who have their own bucket


“We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for I’ve no idea”

WH Auden

“If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport”

Jonathan Winters

list and/or would like to participate in helping others to achieve theirs.

Walking for Health Group This group meets monthly during the Spring, Summer and Autumn and is lead by Susan Wright. The walks are short, relaxed and gentle to support those who may be less able to walk long distances. The group has spaces and will reconvene in April 2020 and Susan would be pleased to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining them in the Spring. Susan can be contacted via the number on the programme card or by sending a message via our website.

Barn Dancing Group The Barn Dancing group, lead by Andrea

Brain, has some vacancies at the moment and would be happy to welcome new members. It’s an informal and friendly group who enjoy dancing, socializing and most of all having fun. Dancing has been proven to have great benefits for both physical and general well being. They meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Christ Church on Colbert Avenue between 1.00 and 3.00. People don't need to have previous experience of Barn Dancing or come with a partner. Just turn up and join in and if you make a mistake you will fit right in! In February they are very lucky to have a Masterclass from a caller from a local folk band who offers his expertise free and will teach some fancy new steps. Interested? Andrea would be pleased to hear from you.

London Group 3 Graham Taylor, who leads this group, tells us that there are 4 spaces to fill in the group. They meet on the second Monday of every month and usually have a walk and/or visit a place of interest. Members take it in turns to organize the activity but this won’t be more than once a year. If you are interested to know more, please contact Graham.

Literature Group Lead by Eileen Thorn, this group which has spaces, explores a wide genre of books and has covered Shakespeare, crime, books in translation, 19th century authors including plays, poetry and epistles and much more. Members decide the focus for each month. The group would welcome new members and meets on the second Tuesday each month from 2pm-4pm at Eileen’s home. If you are interested in joining please contact Eileen.

Classical Music Group Lead by Sue Heard, this friendly group meets on the 4th Wednesday of each month at Shoebury and Thorpe Bay Baptist Church from 10am – 12noon. Their space allows for a maximum of 14 members, and they have 3 spaces available. Sue would be pleased to hear from anyone who might be interested in joining them.

Local History Walking Group This group meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month from March until November and is lead by John Everett. There is space for 2 more members and if this interests you please contact John.


Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures

All about Essex Quiz (answers at the end – no peeping!)

1. Name the two counties that border Essex to the north

2. Where in Essex did Billy Butlin open his second holiday camp

in 1938?

3. Name the county town of Essex

4. Which poet is quoted as saying “the pier is Southend,

Southend is the pier”?

5. Which principle port for London is located on the River

Thames in Essex?

6. Which 55 mile motorway links Greater London, Essex and


7. Which two new Essex towns were designated to help alleviate

the housing shortages following the Second World War?

8. When you enter Chelmsford, the signpost says says

“Welcome to Chelmsford, the birthplace of ???” what?

9. The county’s coat of arms comprises of three what?

10. The artwork called A House for Essex was created as a

concept by which Essex born Turner prizewinning artist?


Talking Pictures TV Event by Lynne Collins

photo courtesy of Renown Films

TPTV's producers created the Renown Film Festivals, which

celebrate classic British film, feature guest appearances and

musical entertainment. The sixth festival took place last October

at the Stockport Plaza, a stunning 1932 Art Deco cinema,

complete with ascending and descending Compton Organ. The

Plaza had suffered mixed fortunes over decades, survived the

wrecking ball, to be brought back to life through public

subscription, hands on volunteers and the communal will to save

TPTV is an independent

archive film and television

channel, showing free to

air feature films and

documentaries on TV that

we loved a long time ago

and still do. It's very much

a family organisation,

founded by producer Noel

Cronin, run by his

daughter Sarah Cronin-

Stanley and her husband

Neill. TPTV is a labour of

love and it shows.


Talking Pictures

Photo courtesy of Renown Films

French Onion Tart

a beautiful venue. We made the journey and queued excitedly

outside the Plaza clutching our tickets in our hot little hands. Bags

duly checked, we got the ink stamp (remember those?) before

making our way into the auditorium, mouths open, gawping at the

glorious interior. The day featured interviews with and by the

stars, including Stephanie Beacham, Jenny Hanley, Rita

Tushingham, Ray Brooks and Terry Dene. No, I'd never heard of

Terry Dene either but Him Indoors, being of an earlier vintage

recalls he was destined to be the UK's answer to Elvis until an

unfortunate misunderstanding about National Service put the

brakes on that. It's difficult to put into words the sheer joy

generated that day. We were surrounded by friendly people with

particular interests in common. The atmosphere was relaxed, the

good nature and conviviality almost palpable.

Sarah Cronin-Stanley talked of the ethos behind TPTV

which is to provide a twenty four hour channel, catering for

an often overlooked audience, bringing people together into

a community. That was certainly evident in Stockport.

Throughout the day we also enjoyed Pathé newsreels and

some stiff upper lip public information films, punctuated by

musical interludes from the virtuoso organist and the

splendid singer Lola Lamour. As the metaphorical sun set,

the Compton Organ played 'Wish me Luck as you wave me

Goodbye ' and I swear there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

For more information go to and

Food for Thought ……..French Onion Tart

Our Foodie groups are always being asked for recipes! All the

recipes shown will be ones that the foodies have prepared,

cooked and eaten! So here is one for French Onion Tart which is

delicious served hot or cold.


1 sheet ready rolled short pastry (or of course you may prefer to make your own!)

1 cup gruyere cheese grated, 1.5 tsp fresh chopped thyme

2 tsp fresh chopped chives, 3 large onions red and white

1 tblsp double cream, 3 tblsp unsalted butter, Half tsp salt


Firstly spread out the pastry onto baking parchment and place on a

baking tin appx 10 X 14 ins. Place in the fridge for appx 20mins

Heat the oven to 200c

Peel and then slice the onions very thinly in half moon shapes


Remove pastry from the fridge and sprinkle the grated cheese right

across all of the pastry sheet right to the edges and then do the same

with the thyme and chives.

Then lay on the thin onion slices barely overlapping and and brush

lightly with the double cream, trying not to spoil the half moon pattern

(this is the most difficult part!). Now dot the tart with the butter and

sprinkle with salt. It can now go into the oven for about 40 minutes or

until golden and browned. Allow to cool a little before cutting into

squares to serve, or eat at room temperature.

Take Your Place (Own The Space)

By J V Lambert

“Where do we put this?” the waitress questions her colleague while gesturing at me. I feel stunned, like an unwieldy and surplus to requirements piece of furniture. I move forward in a kind of daze. “Can’t you walk?” is the next comment thrown out in my direction, by a man behind the counter, as I am maneuvering myself at the table. What does he mean? Can I ever walk under any circumstances, is it just today or is he suggesting that I am ‘swinging the lead’? I resist the urge to retort, “Of course, using a mobility scooter is a life-style choice.” Instead I ask, “Is this not all right then?”

“Oh yes, yes, we welcome people like yourself who can’t walk.” He responds.

It is all feeling a bit surreal. I decide that given it appears that English is not his first language; the nuances of questioning in English are giving him some trouble.

My friends take their place at the table. “Did you hear what the waitress said?” One of them shook their head. The other confirmed, “I heard what she said and I didn’t think it was appropriate. Do you want to stay? we can leave if you want to.” It is not often a day goes past that does not involve me in some kind of challenge but I had been to this restaurant before, although that was in the summer and we had sat outside. I remember noticing that there was a slope up to the entrance and assumed, wrongly it appears, that it was an accessible venue for people with disabilities.“No, we’ll stay,” I decide, “I am fed up leaving places because they have no idea how to deal with disability issues. Nothing ever changes so this time I’ll stay and prove that I am not a menace or burden to the catering industry.” We did and had a delicious meal but I left thinking that it unlikely that I would return.

It is difficult for people with mobility issues to access buildings, such as shops, restaurants etc., I do my best not to get in the way. It is not simply about gaining entry but includes other issues such as, the space available to negotiate round, the toilet facilities, furniture and flooring. It is the law that business should make ‘reasonable adjustment’ but what does that mean. I find it hard to remonstrate because I am not always sure if I am being ‘reasonable’ or ‘bloody-minded’. The Equal Opportunities act came in back in the eighties this is the twenty-first century and yet I am still having these conversations. Of course, this is a fairly minor incident compared with those of people who have arrived at train stations to find themselves stranded or who do not get their wheelchairs returned after an airline flight and having to haul


We need YOUR help!


Group news…… jokes…..

Your views on our U3A

themselves on their bottoms through the airport concourse.

Disability issues could happen to anyone at any time and any age so we should all be sensitive to the needs of people with visible or unapparent disabilities because one day that could be you or one of your family.

There was a fabulous advertisement campaign some years ago which showed a parking space designated for disabled drivers and the caption underneath said, “Is this the only time you want to put yourself in our place?”

The Teacher

by J V Lambert A teacher is a funny thing I can’t dance and I can’t sing. Don’t put any reliance on my knowledge of Science To me History is a mystery. When it comes to Sums I’m all fingers and thumbs Oh yeah I can talk the talk but can I walk the walk. Telling a tale I’m is bound to fail Any work of Art will fall apart. As for Morals and Ethics I’m totally pathetic In terms of Communication I’m like a disused railway station. To me Tact and Diplomacy are clearly just lunacy Thus try as I may it’s just learning through Play. But you leave your child with me for five hours a day. So what say you? Take your kids to the, beach For an ice cream each After all those who can, do Those who can’t, teach. Your NewsMag.......Your Space! Firstly, You’ll have noticed that as the new Ed, I have referred to this literary masterpiece (now please don’t snigger!) as a NewsMag. This is because it has been suggested that we have a new name for it, and also there have been questions as to whether or not it is a magazine or a newsletter! Hence my temporary title of NewsMag. I thought it would be great if our membership could choose a name for future editions. So if you’ve any bright ideas do please please let me know, and if you haven’t got any bright ideas, then please please give it some thought! There will be a small prize for the member who comes up with the best name! Secondly, It would be helpful to know what sort of content you would like to see in our NewsMag. This edition has contributions from several members on different issues and subjects. Without these we wouldn’t have anything to read! We know that many people enjoy a quiz, want to know about our groups and maybe have a chuckle too. But hopefully you will have some new ideas that we could include either on a regular basis or as a one off. You may want to contribute something yourself, or just to suggest a subject for content. I would love to hear from you and can be reached via email at or via the telephone number on your programme card under committee listings.


Why did the oyster leave the party early?

Because he’d pulled a mussel!

A Christmas cracker

A gentle reminder to all of us that the telephone numbers on the programme card are the personal home numbers of the Group Leaders and Committee members who are all volunteers. Please be patient if the person you are calling is unavailable. Thank you!

Answers to the Quiz: 1. Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, 2.Clacton, 3.

Chelmsford, 4. Sir John Betjeman, 5. Tilbury, 6. M11, 7. Harlow and

Basildon, 8. Radio, 9. Knives (that look more like scimitars), 10.

Grayson Perry