Contribute to WHS Processes HLTWHS300A #1 Introduction to Workplace Health & Safety


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Contribute to WHS ProcessesHLTWHS300A

#1 Introduction to Workplace Health & Safety

Lesson Outline

• Introduction to WHS– definition– importance– relevance to community service work

• WHS legislation & standards• State & Territory WHS contacts• Employers’ & employees’ WHS responsibilities• Role & responsibilities of WHS representatives

What is WHS?

What is WHS?

Workplace health and safety (WH&S) is the term used to describe the laws and processes that help to protect employees from death, disease and injury while at work.

Why is it important? Watch these short videos & discuss why WHSis an important workplace consideration :– Don’t sleep at work– Funny Accident compilation– Forklift narrow squeeze

Importance of WHS

Workplace Health and Safety protects workers by setting standards for the workplace.

It provides guidelines for lifting, for working with hazardous chemicals, institutes regulations with regard to protective equipment like hard hats and eye protection, and limits the number of hours a person can work at a particular job (preventing injury due to fatigue/ stress).

Relevance to community service work context

• The community services sector encompasses group homes, youth centres, child services, mental health day centres, residential facilities for people with disabilities, working in client’s homes or home care services, aged care facilities, and more.

• Workers in this sector can be exposed to a wide range of hazards which can have serious effects on their health and/or safety.

WHS legislation & standards

WHS legislation & standards

WHS Acts• States and territories are responsible for making and

enforcing laws about Workplace Health and Safety (WH&S).

• Each state and territory has its own WH&S Act, setting out requirements for ensuring that workplaces are healthy and safe.

• These requirements spell out the duties of different groups of people who play a role in workplace health and safety.

WHS legislation & standards

If you are working in the community sector, the following Acts, regulations & codes control how you may safely work. When working in disability or aged care services, manual handling of clients is a WHS issue where policy and procedure controls how clients can be lifted for personal care and other needs.

1. Workplace health legislation• The WHS legislation relevant to each state or territory sets out the

general requirements for protecting health and safety in the workplace.

• WHS Acts make it clear that safety is the responsibility of employees, employers and representatives.

• Encourages the parties to work together to resolve health and safety issues in the workplace.

WHS legislation & standards

2. Workplace health and safety regulations• Regulations provide a simplified approach to health and safety in

all workplaces.

3. Approved codes of practice made under the Act• Approved codes of practice provide minimum standards for health

and safety. • A code of practice provides practical guidance on how a particular

standard of health and safety can be achieved by using preferred methods.

WHS legislation & standards

4. Policy & procedure at the organisational level

• A policy is a line of action adopted from other considerations such as government legislation, to guide and determine present and future decisions. Policies provide an overall plan with general goals.

• A procedure prescribes actions that need to be executed as a sequence of activities, tasks, steps and processes that when undertaken produce the desired result or outcome. As a community service worker you may need to carry out WHS procedures such as fill in incident reports.

Legal instrument What it covers Legal status

Work Health and Safety Act 2011

The legislation required to ensure the safe working conditions for employees, visitors and the general public

Legally binding

Work Health and Safety Regulations 2011

The regulations that provide details for how the act is to be implemented

Legally binding

Codes of Practice A set of guidelines that provides practical guidance on how to comply with the OHS Act and Regulations

Not legally binding, but can be used to show where compliance with the OHS Act and OHS regulations have not been followed

Australian Standards

A set of standards that specify the level at which OHS procedures are to be performed

Provides guidance & not legally binding

Guidance Notes Notes that provide practical guidance on how to comply with the OHS Act and Regulations

Not legally binding, but can be used to show where compliance with the OHS Act and OHS regulations have not been followed


State and Territory contacts

State/Territory Relevant department

Australian Capital Territory WorkCover/WorkSafe ACT

New South Wales WorkCover NSW

Northern Territory NT WorkSafe

Queensland Work Place Health and safety QLD

South Australia Safe Work SA

Tasmania Work Safe Tasmania

Victoria WorkSafe Victoria

Western Australia WorkSafe

Employers’ responsibilities

What can we expect from our organization?An organisation is legally bound, under the Act, to provide & maintain:

• A current WHS policy signed by the CEO• A safe, healthy work environment which includes

appropriate & safe equipment, safe work systems.• Facilities for employees’ welfare at work (eg:

kitchens and bathrooms)• Safe access in the workplace, even during any

construction or renovations.

Employers’ responsibilities

• Safe methods for use, handling, storage & disposal of plant or substances, including hazardous substances

• Consultation & communication with staff on safety & reporting workplace hazards

• Help with the election of a workplace WHS representative or WHS committee

• Support the people chosen to be the WHS representatives & inform them of hazards/incidents/accidents

• Procedures to enable workplaces to be regularly inspected for hazards

All these measures aim to ensure the employer meets its duty of care to its employees & clients

Employee responsibilities

What are our responsibilities as employees under the Act? • work safely and follow all training, processes and

procedures• not put anyone else in danger• report any hazards or incidents, including near-misses• follow instructions• use personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriately • cooperate with the supervisor & employer• understand that your rights & responsibilities are equally


WHS Committees

The role of WHS Committees in the workplace involves:

• Help develop safe work practices & review changes being made to processes or work methods

• Assist in hazard/risk assessments to resolve workplace safety issues• Create open communication channels with workers & management so

that safety issues are addressed seriously by all• Inform employees about up to date safety measures & information• Make sure all in the workplace know how to report incidents, accidents

and hazards they identify• The committee can work on issues that cannot be resolved at the

employee level, using expert advice if needed• The members of a WHS committee must be at least 50% employees

WHS Representative

The WHS Representative:• May be elected to take much the same role as a WHS

Committee• The employer must allow a WHS rep. to be elected if the

employees ask for it• They investigate safety complaints, conduct inspections of any

reported risks, and liaise between staff and the employer to resolve them

• Their role includes referring health & safety matters as needed

Roles and responsibilities of OHS representatives

• Designated WHS persons in the workplace may include:– Team leaders – Supervisors – WHS representatives – WHS committee members – Managers – Organisation WHS personnel – Other persons designated by the organisation

Video: Working on a Safer Queensland Discuss some of the hazards employees in the human services sector may experience. How

are they different from those shown in the video?

WHS Scenario Activity Pairwork: You are a volunteer coordinator in a residential centre for

people with an intellectual disability. A worker took 3 residents on a BBQ in a large suburban park for a lunch outing. She has just called to say she fell and sprained her ankle while helping cook the BBQ. She says she cannot walk without assistance unless one of the residents helps her, and is in pain even to stand up. The residents are physically mobile, c an speak in very simple sentences but have very limited planning or organisational skills. They cannot safely cook nor use a stove without monitoring.

As volunteer coordinator, you are responsible for her health and for the risks for the residents

List all the hazards & risks you can think of in this situation

Use ipads to find websites for the legislation & sample policy on the next slide to help you brainstorm what you should do as volunteer coordinator to comply to WHS Law

WHS Scenario Activity

1. Commonwealth Work Health & Safety Bill 2011:

2. Explanation of Australian (Federal) WHS legislation and Regulation: Safe Work Australia Volunteer Regulations factsheets

3. OHS/WHS legislation at the State/Territory level: Queensland Work Health & Safety Act 2011

4. Sample Policy link/handout : WHS Incident & Injury Reporting policy from a simulated community organisation

Make a list of things you as volunteer coordinator would be responsible for to respond to this incident. Discuss as a class


• Archer R, Borthwick K, Travers M & Ruschena L 2012 WHS: A management guide, 3rd edn., Cengage Learning: Australia

• Building Stronger Communities Through Stronger Community Organisations, Model OHS Injury & Incident Reporting policy, West Melbourne, accessed 31 July, 2012, date site last updated not cited, ttp://

• Business, web finance incorporated, 2012, accessed 26 July, 2012

• Child Care Safety: Manual handling and slips, trips and falls - Family Day Care, online video, accessed 26 July, 2012

• Corey G, Corey MS & Callanan P 2011 Issues and ethics in the helping professions, 8th edn., Cengage Learning: Brookes/Cole , United States

• Creighton B and Rozen P 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Law in Victoria, 3rd edn., Australia: Federation Press

• Dept of Justice & Attorney General, Working Safely in People’s homes, 2011, Queensland


• Geldard D & Geldard K 2011 Basic Personal Counselling: A Training Manual for Counsellors, 7th edn., Australia: Pearson education

• It only takes a second safety video, online video, accessed 26 July, 2012

• McDonald C, Craik C, Hawkins L & Williams J 2011 Professional practice in human services organisations, Allen & Unwin, Australia

• O’Hara A & Pockett R (eds) 2011 Skills For Human Service Practice: Working with Individuals, Groups and Communities, 2nd edn., Oxford University Press, Australia/ New Zealand

• Quinlan M, Bohle P & Lamm F 2010 Managing occupational health and safety in Australia. A multidisciplinary approach, 2nd edn., South Melbourne Victoria: Palgrave Macmillan

• SafeWork Australia, Legislative Factsheet Series, 2011, How Volunteer organisations can Comply to WHS Act, accessed 31 July, 2012

• Work Health & Safety Act 2011, Queensland


• Working on a Safer Queensland, online video, Workplace Health & safety Qld, accessed 26 July, 2012

• Workplace Health & Safety Queensland, The five Steps, 2012 accessed 26 July, 2012,

• Workplace Safety Australia, National Safety Handbook, 9th edn., Australia & New Zealand

Additional Websites:• – theory of counselling supervision• – Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors• – Australian Association of Social Work• – source of law materials and legislation• – promotes OHS in Australia•• - Vic Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 • - Vic Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007f

Additional Articles/Journals: • Journal of Occupational Health and Safety Australia and New Zealand. CCH Australia Limited• Sample Occupational Health and Safety Management System.• Psychologists and Counsellors – a guide to practice.
