Convestival - Fastly · Convestival. We’ve organised things a bit differently this year ... From...


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Your pocket guide to Convestival

Convestival 2019

Tiger introduces Convestival 2019 Convestival 2019

Our aim over the two days will be to energise and inspire all of you.

Tiger de Souza Director of Volunteering, Participation and Inclusion, National Trust

Hello everyone,

I’m looking forward to working with you all at this year’s Convestival. We’ve organised things a bit differently this year and hope this will help us drive forward our shared ambitions over the next 12 months.

We also want you to feel a shared sense of purpose when you return to work. That is why this year you’ll be joining

Convestival as teams. We feel that learning together in small teams will enable you to become the catalyst for a change movement in your part of the organisation. Convestival is merely the start and our desire is that the impact of the event reaches way beyond those of us who physically attend.

This year we’re focusing on ‘leading change’. From the research we’ve done we know we need to evolve as an organisation. The world around us is changing and our goal this year is that you feel confident and equipped to evolve and adapt to those changes. To support this ambition we’ve created a programme brimming with insight from across the Trust and from brilliant external speakers.

So, I implore you to come with an open mind, be present and absorb as much as you can. We want our time together to be stretching and challenging

and our hope is that the event pushes all of us out of our comfort zones. Personally, that sense of trepidation tells me I am learning, growing and evolving in a positive way. Then, after our action-packed, inspiring and uplifting two days together, the real work begins …

So I hope that this year’s Convestival lights a spark that ignites your curiosity, fuels your passion and fires us all towards bigger and better things. I am really looking forward to seeing you all at Calke!


Reducing waste

• We’ve made efforts this year to reduce the number of single-use items at Convestival. We know our Convestival lanyards have been popular in the past, but we also know that a lot of these get wasted. So, things are a little different this year, but all with good intentions. We hope you agree that these small changes are worth it to reduce the environmental impact of Convestival.

• We’re also working with Biffa to make sure recycling at Convestival is easy. Please do your bit by putting the right recycling or rubbish in the right bins. Just one piece of rubbish in the wrong bin can mean the whole lot goes to landfill.

• Did you know? Our production company, Cascade, plant 10 trees for every delegate in a worldwide project called the Eden Reforestation Project.

Meet our workshop leaders Meet our workshop leaders

Nina Simon Founder/CEO OF/BY/FOR ALL

Fiona Wynde Dementia Friendly Communities Officer Alzheimer’s Society

Nina Simon has been called a ‘museum visionary’ by Smithsonian magazine, a Silicon Valley Business Journal ‘40 under 40’ and Santa Cruz County Woman of the Year for her innovative community leadership. She is the Executive Director of the Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History and the founder/CEO of the OF/BY/FOR ALL movement. Nina is the best-selling author of The Participatory Museum (2010), The Art of Relevance (2016) and the popular Museum 2.0 blog. She lives off the grid in the Santa Cruz mountains with 20 people, 24 chickens, five dogs, and one zipline.

Fiona started as a scientist and then spent 15 years in various conservation-focused roles with the RSPB. Fiona then moved to Alzheimer’s Society in 2017 to join their programme supporting communities tobecome more dementia-friendly. Fiona now helps communities to enable people living with dementia to still do the things they love through understanding and simple action.

Kathryn Perera Director NHS Horizons Team

Kathryn is Director at NHS Horizons. Kathryn has worked across law, politics and the public sector for the past 18 years. As the National Director of Movement for Change, she grew a national social enterprise which used community organising and campaigning methods to train a new generation of activists in British politics. From tackling payday lenders to improving student housing, Movement for Change grew a network of thousands of activists who won both national legislative change and local campaigns across the UK.

Shaun Crummey Head of Volunteering Absolutely Cultured

As Head of Volunteering at Hull 2017 Shaun’s been accountable for the design and strategic direction of the volunteer programme for Hull’s tenure as UK City of Culture. With 2,500 volunteers recruited, vetted, trained, empowered and deployable, and having delivered almost 500,000 hours of community action to date, Shaun now presides over the future direction of a programme that builds on this momentum. In this new phase the programme looks to opportunities beyond arts and culture, with an eye on social prescribing and community activation, too.

Meet our workshop leaders

Anne-Marie Zaritsky Head of Volunteering Royal Mencap Society

Anne-Marie has worked in volunteer management for over 20 years, and has been Head of Volunteering at Mencap for five years. Previous roles have been at Alzheimer’s Society where she led on the pilot delivery of Dementia Friends at Trinity Hospice and managing a volunteer centre. Since joining Mencap volunteering has become a key strategic enabler, and volunteer numbers have increased from under 200 to over 2,000. A champion of accessible volunteering opportunities, over 13 per cent of volunteers have a learning disability. Anne-Marie is also a Lead Assessor in England for Investing in Volunteers.

Meet our workshop leaders

Diana Pound Director Dialogue Matters

Diana is a chartered environmentalist and a professional stakeholder dialogue and consensus building practitioner. Diana first commissioned a designed consensus building process whilst managing one of the first UK European Marine Sites in the late 1990s – a situation that was riven with conflict and was transformed to enable amicable and collaborative relationships. Diana set up Dialogue Matters in 2000 and has now designed and facilitated over 100 stakeholder dialogue processes and trained over 2,000 people.

Paddy Hanrahan Managing Director Helpforce

Paddy learned the essentials of digital business and leadership through 13 years at Accenture, a global IT consultancy where he helped run its UK Health business. Leaving five years ago at partner level, Paddy moved into the third sector aiming to bring his skills to help create wide-scale social impact. He helped to set up the Centre for Ageing Better before starting Helpforce in 2016 with Sir Tom Hughes-Hallett, which is now helping to grow and transform volunteering within the NHS.

Jon Alexander Co-founder New Citizenship Project

Jon spent his first working decade in brand strategy, both in some of London’s top agencies and also directly for Sainsbury’s and the National Trust, all the time seeking to apply creative skills for positive social and environmental ends. He is both geek and athlete, having completed three Master’s degrees and as many ironman-distance triathlons.

Session detailsD

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Chilled and Chatty Café

Drop in

Do you like having the space to think and reflect on ideas? Or maybe you prefer talking through ideas out loud to explore the possibilities and puzzle them out with others? The Chilled and Chatty Café is here throughout the two days to help you do just that, whatever your style. Drop in and keep curious.


Day one: Inspire and connect

Nina Simon keynote

Nina Simon, Founder, OF/BY/FOR ALL

Nina Simon will share the vision behind OF/BY/FOR ALL, a global initiative to help civic and cultural organisations. The National Trust has been part of this movement for community inclusion from its inception. Get inspired, get new tools, and get ready to make your place stronger with this session.

Top tips from Convestival locals• Eat well and stay hydrated:

looking after yourself is important. Drinks and snacks are available from the tuck shop in the meadow.

• There’s lots to learn, so pace yourself and work out with your team when you’re going to share all that new information.


Day one Convestival

2020 and beyond

Lizzie Carver, 2020 Programme Manager, National Trust

A chance to meet the team working on collating plans for our anniversary year and to discuss your plans and any specific ideas you’d like to share with your regional and central teams. There will be an inspiration zone to show plans that have come through from all of the regions and countries and more information about how to make the most of next year. The team look forward to meeting you at Calke Abbey.

Calke Humankind

Alison Thornhill, Learning and Community Officer, Calke Abbey, National Trust

Find out more about the process of research and partnership working that led to ‘HumanKind’, a property-wide exploration of isolation and loneliness. It marks the 200th anniversary of the death of Henry Harpur

‘the Isolated Baronet’ and was created in collaboration with Calke staff, volunteers and the University of Leicester.

Fit for the future – learning to learn

Ami Davis, Head of Operations, Volunteering, Participation and Inclusion, National Trust

This session is about sharing analysis from the Institute for the Future (IFTF) to help us think about relevant skills for the future in the world of work. IFTF is the world’s leading futures thinking organisation. For over 50 years, businesses, governments, and social impact organisations have depended upon IFTF global forecasts, custom research and foresight training to navigate complex change and develop world-ready strategies.

Every Step Counts – Hatfield Forest

Diana Pound, Director, Dialogue Matters, and Sarah Barfoot, Experience Manager, Essex and Suffolk Countryside, National Trust

Hear both sides of an award- winning stakeholder process which resolved tensions and found win-wins for Hatfield Forest. The relevance conundrum – designing many ways

to experience your place, for many different people

Jessica Monaghan, Head of Experiences and Programming Anita Stevens, Learning and Engagement Manager, National Trust

Programming is one of the most powerful tools we have to help everyone feel welcome at our places. By programming different experiences, at different times and in different places, we can offer people choices that meet their needs, on their own terms, and build greater relevance. Using some real examples, we’ll explore how to build a programme starting with a deep understanding of who you’re programming for and with, and why. Come armed with your live conundrums and learning to share, and get ready to make a programme with us in this participatory session! You will need some knowledge of programming to get the most out of this session.

Top tips from Convestival locals• Don’t be shy – there are

so many opportunities at Convestival; dive in and make the most of them!

Day one Convestival

Hold your nerve! Co-producing challenging histories

Rachel Sharpe, Creative Partnerships Manager Tracy-Ann Smith, Participation Specialist, National Trust

Beautiful and challenging stories are present everywhere. How do we support a community’s dialogue at our places? How do we democratise the story, collection and programme? What does sharing control with partners look like? What background work makes your place safe for unsafe stories? Accessible to delegates of all levels of experience this ‘in conversation with’ session reflects on how Croome Park created the What is Home? exhibition.

Volunteering in 2025

Paddy Hanrahan, Managing Director, Helpforce

What is the future of volunteering? We live in an increasingly digital world where leaving the house is barely needed – to bank, to shop, to socialise, all can be done online. But in a world where artificial intelligence and automation is taking over more jobs, volunteering could have an even more important role in our future society. Join me and contribute to an interesting, fun, and interactive workshop where we’ll explore the future of volunteering. We’ll look at how digital technology can play an enabling role in the spread and advancement of volunteering within a future society where greater community action is needed more than ever.

In conversation with Nina Simon

Nina Simon, Founder, OF/BY/FOR ALL, Mark Crosby, Head of Participation, Emily Brough, Volunteering and Participation Consultant, National Trust

Following the keynote, hear more about the experiences of OF/BY/FOR ALL at Divis and next steps for the programme. Come and ask Nina and Emily any questions.

Understanding the impact of current and future trends on our audiences

Alex Hunt, Head of Insight Natalie Davies, Insight Officer, National Trust

From Brexit to Blue Planet, external trends matter because they are shaping the expectations and choices of our supporters and future supporters. This session, led by representatives from the Insight and Data team, will look at the possible impact of current and future trends on our audiences. You’ll be guided through some key trends, research, and political and environmental themes. Then, using insight from the new values-based segmentation, you’ll be putting yourselves

‘in the shoes’ of our audiences to consider how people with different sets of values might respond to, or be impacted by, those trends.

If at first you don’t succeed – overcoming fear of failure

Neil Mullarkey, actor, writer and comedian.

A fun improvisation session focused on working together and positive communication. You might feel out of your comfort zone but that’s OK; Neil will expertly guide and encourage us all.

Day one Convestival

Dad dancing with Boaty McBoatface? Hopefully not. New Power book club

Tiger de Souza, Director of Volunteering, Participation and Inclusion, National Trust

In this session Tiger will introduce some of the key concepts framed in the acclaimed New Power book by Jeremy Heimans and Henry Timms. Primarily we will explore the difference between ‘old’ and ‘new’ power and discuss what lessons we can learn from other institutions. Tiger will facilitate a conversation, with examples from the book, about how the Trust can engage people in a relevant, authentic and meaningful way. Reading the book before the session would be very helpful but is not essential.

Connecting with communities – measuring the impact of participation

Annabel Jackson, Independent Evaluation Consultant Hayley Peters, Lead Volunteering and Participation Consultant, National Trust

Have you ever proposed a participatory/community-based activity at your place only to be pushed back because you can’t show how it adds income or significantly increases visitor numbers? Have you ever tried to make the case for a participation/community- focused staff role only to fall at the first hurdle when you’re not sure how to measure its impact? Then this session is for you!

Equality impact assessments

Dr Darren Ralph, Head of Inclusion, National Trust

This workshop will take a straightforward, systematic approach to assessing the impact of service delivery on different social groups. The session is designed to introduce participants to Equality Impact Assessment models and the Protected Characteristics defined under the Equality Act 2010. These will provide a framework to explore some visible and invisible characteristics which make us different and unique. The workshop supports the Everyone Welcome programme and suggests practical steps to advance equality of opportunity and equality of access to services for all.

Designing for impact

Professor Richard Sandell Professor Suzanne MacLeod, University of Leicester

Need help scoping your project or demonstrating the impact of your changes? Put off by all the jargon and worried it all sounds a bit technical? The University of Leicester has years of experience helping organisations worldwide adapt to and lead for change. It’s not all academic speak though. Richard and Suzanne come with bundles of natural curiosity and a strong partnership ethos. So if you want to learn about the change programmes they have supported, how they have approached them and their role in the Everyone Welcome programme, come along and join the discussion.

Day one Convestival

Stakeholder participation masterclass

Diana Pound, Director, Dialogue Matters

Want to work with stakeholders to find win-win outcomes for the places you care about? Come and learn keys to success.

Don’t go breaking my heart – working with emotions in volunteering

Professor Anne-Marie Greene, Dr Jenna Ward, University of Leicester, Annabel Smith, Head of Volunteering and Participation Development, National Trust

Are you finding it tricky to lead change with volunteers? Hitting walls rather than opening doors? Join us for this fun, practical workshop to explore the role strong emotional connections and affective commitment to places and spaces have on volunteering relationships, and discover approaches to working purposefully with emotions so you can progress.

The power of partnerships in delivering our cause

Tom Clarke, Land Outdoors and Nature Engagement Officer, Purbeck National Trust

Creating, nurturing and supporting partnerships are fundamental if we are going to deliver our cause at scale – we cannot do this alone! This session will start by focusing on some basics: why do we need partnerships, where to find them, how to start them, how to keep them going – using examples from Purbeck. We’ll then work together in small groups to come up with an outline of a property partnership action plan.

Dementia-friendly heritage – information session and workshop

Fiona Wynde, Dementia Friendly Communities Officer, Alice Billin, Programmes Partnership Officer, Alzheimer’s Society

Understand dementia and discuss inclusive planning for your visitors, staff and volunteers.

Design thinking and scrum working – experiences from a non-tech team

Ami Davis, Head of Operations, Volunteering, Participation and Inclusion, Rachel Clark, Volunteering and Participation Manager, VPI, National Trust

This session is about sharing the journey and experiences of the Volunteering, Participation and Inclusion Operations team in moving to create new ways of working. In 2018 this team set out some goals for how they wanted to work together and play to their strengths. Over the past 12 months they have run multiple design sprints, shifted all of their work into a scrum framework and started to see the benefits in how they create and work together, personal development gains and the beginning of seeing higher quality work being delivered faster and more effectively for end users. This session shares their secrets.

Corporate volunteering – more than clearing leaves and painting fences

Ellie Marcus, Corporate Account and Volunteer Executive Ellen Myers, Corporate Account Executive, Shelter

Making corporate volunteering more meaningful for Shelter and our partners.

Landing and leading change

Bryan Sampson, Director, Hawksberry Consulting

This session is perfect for people involved in leading change or who are experiencing change personally. Exploring the behavioural impacts of uncertainty and unfamiliarity, we’ll cover the triggers of cultural resistance, the neuroscience behind people’s behaviour in times of change and how to ‘flip’ perspectives to enable a more empowered state of being. It’s impossible to ignore the tensions a change leader feels as they both implement change and experience change themselves, and the effect this has on their leadership style and wellbeing.



Our stories move the world

Kathryn Perera, Director, and Olly Benson, Communities Programme Lead, NHS Horizons Team

We all sense that power is shifting in the world. We see it in our public life, our organisations and our individual lives. This session explores the nature of that shift and offers both methods and real-world examples of how narratives (the ‘frames’ we use) and stories move people to action and help change the world. The session is a live preview, designed especially for Convestival, of Week Four of the School for Change Agents, the biggest Massive Open Online Course in the NHS. All Convestival participants have been invited to participate in the School from 16 May.

Day two: Move to action

Session details Convestival


Volunteering for young people

Hattie Clayton, Project Manager Green Academies Project, National Trust, Kerri Wheale and Daniel Brotheridge, GAP volunteers

Over 9,000 young people have volunteered through Green Academies Project. We’ll share our key learning and how you can use it.

Day two Convestival

Creating great plans to successfully communicate change

Sarah Almroth, Internal Communications Business Partner, and Robert Leaney, Internal Communications Manager, National Trust

Learn some top tips and techniques on how to develop an effective communications and engagement plan that helps colleagues understand and embrace change. We’ll explore different approaches for different audiences, moving away from telling, to talking and involving.

Hull UK City of Culture – Volunteering’s the means not the end

Shaun Crummey, Head of Volunteering, Harriet Johnson, Volunteer Programme Manager, Chris Newton and Sarah Newton, Volunteers, Absolutely Cultured

From mass-participation mega-event to people-powered movement: the story of how we’re maintaining momentum and maturing Hull’s ground-breaking UK City of Culture volunteer initiative.

Journeying to a brave new world

Sarah Worth, Volunteering and Participation Manager, Barbara Stanley, Visitor Experience Manager, Ken Greenhalgh and Keith Lockyer, Volunteer Room Guides, Plas Newydd, National Trust

How we approached a new visitor experience and brought the team with us. This is a sharing session and intended for those with an understanding of changing visitor experiences at National Trust.

keynoteLet’s rumble – talking with volunteers about Everyone Welcome

Chloe Keen, Head of Volunteering and Annabel Smith, Head of Volunteering and Participation Development, National Trust

Curious about how you might go about creating positive and respectful conversations about Everyone Welcome? Wondering about the best ‘way in’ to ensure everyone’s voices are heard? Join us in the Chilled and Chatty Café to explore the possibilities.

Collaboration and conflict

Rose Lundie and Victoria Povall, People Development Managers, National Trust

What do we mean by collaboration and how do we collaborate effectively in and across teams? We will look at what gets in the way of collaboration and how to break down barriers. We will consider the capabilities needed and the motivations that will lead to others wanting to collaborate. Finally, we will consider why collaboration can lead to conflict and how to deal with it constructively.

Making participation purposeful

Jon Alexander, co-founder New Citizenship Project

Two National Trust places, Tredegar House and Fountains Abbey, have been involved in a year-long collaborative project exploring the role of participation in the future of cultural heritage alongside the Wellcome Collection, York Minster, Brighton Museums, and the National Archive, covened by pioneering strategy consultancy the New Citizenship Project.

Day two Convestival

Connecting with nature

Penelope Chapple, Outdoors Experiences Lead Mark Crosby, Head of Participation, National Trust

Explore how using the five pathways to nature can help deepen people’s relationship with the natural environment. A chance to share practical examples and identify potential opportunities to work in partnership to engage your volunteers.

If you’d like this information in an alternative format, please call us on 0344 800 1895 or email

Turning values into action

Anne-Marie Zaritsky, Head of Volunteering, Royal Mencap Society, Emma Hodges and Jo Parry, Volunteering Innovation Managers, National Trust

Explore ways to embed organisational values (and make them matter) with volunteers. To be lived and not laminated!

Opening up opportunities through the seasons

Joanna Tolliday, Seasonal Programming Officer, National Trust

Seasonal programming gives us brilliant new opportunities to engage with volunteers to make the best of their skills in different ways and meet their changing needs and motivations.

Photography © National Trust Images / Chris Lacey / Trevor Ray Hart

Connecting through crisis

Torri Crapper, Supporter Engagement Manager and Claire Sarris, Volunteering and Community Involvement Manager, Clumber Park National Trust

Join us to curate your own crisis. Walk through your crisis journey sharing lessons to widen support, create partnerships and deepen existing relationships with our internal and external supporters. Work together to explore brave new opportunities and how to involve the whole property in growing support through volunteering, membership and fundraising to turn a crisis into longer-term relationships.

In conversation with Hull City of Culture

Shaun Crummey, Head of Volunteering, Harriet Johnson, Volunteer Programme Manager, Chris Newton and Sarah Newton, Volunteers, Absolutely Cultured

A chance to continue the conversation with the Hull City of Culture team, following the keynote. Find out more about how the team has nurtured and grown social capital to build people-powered volunteering.

© National Trust 2019. Registered charity no. 205846. NTM938

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Chilled and Chatty Café

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Hidden Figures

Black Ferns

Apollo 11



Convestival 2019

The Avengers

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