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Copernicus at a glanceJuly – December 2019

All that Copernicus

Measuring Mantemporary exhibition

Thinkatoriuman innovative workshop

Buzzz!permanent exhibition for children under 5 years of age

RE: generationpermanent exhibition for visitors over 14 years of age

Experimental Zonepermanent exhibition


High Voltage Theatre Litteredfree exhibition at Pavilion 512


Robotic Theatre










Look: There’s the Earth!free exhibition in the planetarium



In the photo: Turntable, Experimental Zone

We are not running a museum here. There are no showcases and guides. Instead, we offer a space that will inspire you to ob-serve, experiment, ask questions and seek answers. What are you going to do with it? It’s up to you.

Welcome to a world where you can experiment for yourself.

Welcome to the Copernicus Science Centre.

Don't be afraid if you don’t know some-thing. Don't be afraid to ask. Don’t worry about being wrong. Check. Question. Test. Nitpick. Use your imagination. Be rebellious. These are the characteristics of an explorer, and all of us can make use of them. At Copernicus, we want to help you remember that.

Measuring Man

Can you jump softly, like a cat? Do you have a sure and steady hand? Can you eyeball a metre?

The Measuring Man temporary exhibition offers more than 40 exhibits that enable you to get to know your body and its limits.

Our bodies make for excellent research material – always “on hand”, ready to un-dergo various tests. Including those you’ve never even heard about until today. Measure your height, arm span, foot and toe length. Count the frequency of contractions of your heart. Determine the speed of response to different stimuli. Discover your own unique-ness and common features shared by most people.

Measure the world, measure yourself, see how you measure up to yourself and others.

• surprising experiences• experiments for everyone• additional thematic attractions

The Measuring Man exhibition is open until the 26th of April 2020.

Admission included in the price of the ticket to the Copernicus.

We are here for you

We constantly change and develop, because we want you to discover and experience as much as possible. We are constantly looking for new and diverse ways to inspire you to discover things on your own. Why? Because you – the visitor – are the heart of Coper-nicus. You are the reason why we create our exhibits and exhibitions, and why we develop and improve our existing ones. We make sure that every visit is an unforgettable experience.

Temporary Exhibition Partner

In the photo: Measure your heart rate exhibit

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Experimental Zone

Real life. A white whiter than the whitest white. The Cheshire Cat, which disappears, leaving only a lingering smile.

The Experimental Zone is an open space, which occupies most of the first floor of the Copernicus Science Centre, which enables independent experimentation at more than 200 exhibits, which make up 19 thematic groups devoted to humans and nature.

The space is divided into two sections – Eastern and Western. The clearly and easily visible pavilions – blue (in the west) and orange (in the east) serve as characteristic points of reference in each of the sections. The pavilions house exhibits which require darker lighting conditions.

The Eastern section (beside the orange pa-vilion) is dedicated to humans. Here you be-come the subject of surprising experiments. You will see how your senses and skills allow you to perceive, interpret and describe the world. Here, you can also test your body. This part of the Experimental Zone also fea-tures a number of unique exhibits illustrating biological processes occurring in nature. You can see photosynthesis with your own eyes, or take a look at hydras, water fleas and growing fungi.

The Western section (by the blue pavilion) focuses on physical phenomena. There, you can find exhibits connected to waves, flow and liquids. Go for a walk with a gyroscopic suitcase, build a magnetic bridge and check the capabilities of a rotating table. Experi-ment with stroboscopes and sound. See cosmic radiation and check out what earned Einstein the Nobel Prize.

The Experimental Zone also features a re-laxation area and a café with a terrace.

In the photo: the In a Drop of Water exhibit


Find out that you think better than you think you do – regardless of how much you know and how old you are.

The experiment menu features engineering, scientific and logical challenges. You can try to build a flying machine! We’ll provide you some drinking straws, insulating foam, paper and scissors. Or maybe you will try to build a tower that can hold an egg? Or build a bridge? We are not going to give you exact instructions. There will be no grades, ratings, time limits and hints. You will get an oppor-tunity to discover something for yourself, understand the laws of science, learn that you can think outside the box, practice pa-tience, determination and that you are ready to take up various challenges.

“Ha ha! I made it!” Probably all the people exclaim something along those lines when they solve a difficult task. According to psy-chologist Arthur Koestler, humour and joy of discovery is one of the three components of creativity. The remaining two are: “Aha” (expressing wonder and interest) and “Aha...” (discovering the principles). And these are all expressions and exclamations you can hear quite often at the Thinkatoriuim.

In the photos:A. entrance to the ThinkatoriumB. one of the challenges of the Thinkatorium



Exclusive Partner of the Thinkatorium

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RE: generation

Who are you? What are your relationships with others? What goes on in your head when you are afraid, when you love, grieve, lie?

Despite the fact that we know quite a lot about the functioning of the brain, searching for our selves and our consciousness is still the greatest mystery of science. Yet, there is nothing that is closer and more intimate than our own minds. What do you know about it? With this exhibition, we will go to the land of emotions. It features the latest discoveries of psychology, sociology, as well as neurobiology and technology. It takes you to the world, where you and your rela-tions with others are the main theme. We wish you a pleasant journey…

The exhibition is suitable for adults and youth over the age of 14.


An exhibition intended only for children and their guardians, enabling the youngest visitors to the Copernicus to experiment with all their senses, without hesitation and embarrassment after making a mistake. They are driven only by their curiosity.

What does the world look like when seen through the eyes of a snake? What is inside the kaleidoscope? What does the fox smell like? They will get to touch, smell, check, destroy and build. Buzzz! is a space stimu-lating children to experiment without any restrictions.

The exhibition is suitable for children under the age of 5. Admission with a guardian only. The visit to the Buzzz! exhibition is limited to 70 minutes at most. During experiments at the water exhibit, children may get wet. We advise bringing a change of clothes.

In the photos: A. the Buzzz! exhibition B. Smell Recognition


We are able to distinguish about four thou-sand smells. Of all the senses, it is the smell that evokes the most memories, and chil-dren have a much better sense of smell than adults. It’s because our smell receptor cells die over the years, and we do not get any new ones made. The exhibit in the picture smells like a forest – mint, violet, pine, but also elk and fox.



In the photos:A. the Who’s saying it exhibitB. the Head in the clouds exhibit


The RE: generation exhibition is unique, since it expands one’s perception of science, while presenting other issues that are often considered to be non-scientific in nature, such as human emotions, feelings, sympa-thies or antipathies, ethical doubts.

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High Voltage Theatre

Here you can see real lightning bolts, you will touch electricity, discover the fourth state of matter and learn more about the principles of electromagnetics.

Admission included in the price of the tick-et to the Copernicus. The auditorium can accommodate 50 visitors. The demonstra-tion’s runtime is about 30 minutes. When there are no shows and demonstrations, the Theatre can be visited just like other exhibitions at the Copernicus – you can even find some interactive exhibits there.


Note! Persons with medical electronic de-vices (such as pacemakers, insulin pumps, hearing aids, etc.) may not visit the Theatre. Visiting the Theatre is not recommended for persons with epilepsy, pregnant women and children under the age of 6.

Shows at the High Voltage Theatre:

Duel of the MastersTwo brilliant minds. Two different ideas. One great confrontation. Who is going to win? The favourite of Thomas Edison – the direct current? Or the alternating current support-ed by Nikola Tesla? See for yourself!

Electrons in the SpotlightYou will see powerful lightning bolts, feel your hair bristle and you’ll go with the flow – electric one at that. You will learn about numerous rules governing electromagne-tism and check how wireless power delivery works.

Storm BustersWhere to hide from lightning bolts? Does your phone attract lightning? Get to know the storms like never before and meet the daredevil who, thanks to a special costume, can face the lightning.

Musical CurrentsThe Tesla coil means not only a spectacular lightning show, it also means playing music. You are in for a meeting with really musical million volts. Listen to the current playing music.

Exclusive Partner of the High Voltage Theatre

Robotic Theatre

The students of the Robotic Acting School feel great in every repertoire. They are passionate about starring in fairy tales, bold interpretations of Lem’s stories or presenting mathematical stories with great enthusiasm.

The robots, or rather RoboThespians were built by the UK-based Engineered Arts Ltd. They are technologically advanced human-oids, which are powered with compressed air. They can move, bow, tilt, move their heads, show gestures and express emotions (thanks to the eyes made of LCD displays).

Admission included in the price of the ticket to the Copernicus. The auditorium can accommodate 50 people. The shows take place every 45 minutes and run for a maximum of 30 minutes. Admission included in the price of the ticket to the Copernicus.


The theatre's repertoire includes three shows:

Prince Ferrix And Princess CrystalA love story and a satirical look at the his-tory of the human kind at the same time. An adaptation of one of the famous Tales of the Robots by Stanisław Lem.

The Secret Of An Empty Drawer or The Ghosts Of The Fourth DimensionBased on a 19th century short story by Ed-win A. Abbott Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions, where the protagonist – a square from Flatland – sets off on a journey into the third dimension.

What The Old Man Does Is Always RightAn adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's classic fairy tale.

The robots are voiced by Piotr Fronczewski, Marian Opania, Wiktor Zborowski, Marta Lipińska, Jarosław Boberek, Marian Kociniak, Magdalena Różczka, and others.

Exclusive Partner of the Robotic Theatre

In the photo: the Plasma Ball exhibit In the photo: Robothespian



You can visit well-equipped laboratories devoted to physics, chemistry, biology and robotics, along with a team of people who will walk you through the secrets of inde-pendent experimentation step by step.

At the Copernicus Laboratories, you can feel like a real scientist, wearing a lab coat and protective glasses. Hunched over glass-ware and tubes with focused expression, surrounded by measuring probes, titration apparatus, magnetic stirrers, spectroscopes, as well as pneumatic and electropneumatic machines.

Sounds complicated? Don't worry! We’re making science more accessible. We are here to bring it closer to you. Without stress, without marks and grades, without testing your knowledge. All for pure joy and happi-ness of experimenting on your own.

Minilabs – classes for individual visitors over the age of 9. They run for 45 minutes and take place on Saturdays and Sundays. The Minilabs start at: 11.00 a.m., 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. Admission included in the price of the ticket to the Copernicus! Children aged 9–13 must be accompanied by an adult guardian.

Classes for school groups - from October to June, from Tuesday to Friday. They are designed for students who have com-pleted 6th grade of primary school. Each laboratory can accommodate as many as 16 researchers. The Minilabs are paid ad-ditionally.


In the photos:A. bioluminescenceB. Nao robotC. DIY lightbulb

Biology laboratory

Biology is the science of life. Despite the work of a biologist may bring some asso-ciations with breeding plants or observing animals, the core of this science is nowa-days formed by the study of much smaller structures: cells and genes.

Biologists are similar to engineers – they try to boil down the principles of functioning of mechanisms as complex as living organisms to a set of simple rules. Thanks to biology we better understand how we are built and how we function.

Chemistry laboratory

Chemistry is always with us. It accompanies us in every single one of our activities, even the simplest ones. What happens to the cake when you put it in the hot oven? Chemistry, that’s what!

For a chemist, the rising dough is nothing but thermal decomposition of acidic sodium carbonate, and frying eggs in a pan is the denaturation of protein. Chemistry arouses curiosity and allows you to see more.

Exclusive Partner of the Chemistry Laboratory


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“Lates” 18+ Hosted by SamsungAfter standard opening hours, once every month, the Copernicus Science Centre opens only for adults.

Each evening is a special event, focusing on a different topic. All of them are a guarantee of great fun, captivating programme and a unique approach to science. Both fans of humanities and lovers of hard sciences will find something for themselves here.

Apart from visiting exhibitions, during the evening you can take advantage of additional attractions: workshops, film screenings in the planetarium, shows, dem-onstrations, performances, games, lectures, meetings with experts and live music.

The events take place on the last Thurs-day of each month and are intended for adults only. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket offices on the day of the event and on-line up to 2 hours before the event starts.

In the photos:A. the Hidden perspective exhibitB. the Air fountain exhibit


Physics laboratory

Physics describe the general laws of nature and quantifies the principles governing the material world. It is a foundation of all natural sciences, a starting point to chem-istry, biology, astronomy, meteorology and technical sciences.

Physics enable us to discover all the phe-nomena occurring in the surrounding world… As long as we have enough input data. It enables us to measure, describe and analyse everything, along with its reasons and consequences, even predict future phenomena! Physics is key to understanding the world.

Robotics laboratory

Robotics is the science that will shape the future by developing artificial intelligence and new technologies.

From theory and algorithms to complex machines used in a variety of applications, robotics makes our lives easier and more enjoyable. It also has something to do with the humanities – it inspires numerous writ-ers, while drawing from literature in the first place. After all, it was the Czech writer Karel Čapek who used the term “robot” for the first time in his play R.U.R.

Exclusive Partner of the Robotics Laboratory


In the photo: experiment in the chemistry laboratory

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The Copernicus Science Centre is home to one of the most modern planetariums in the world. The building, situated right on the bank of the Vistula River, reminds the onlookers of a huge erratic boulder from the outside. Its interior features a projection room with a spherical screen, boasting a diameter of 16 metres. The projections are displayed using digital projectors and a star projector, offering the visitors an opportu-nity to take a look at 20 million stars. The 3D image surrounding the visitors from all sides gives the illusion of full immersion in the virtual world.

The planetarium has separate tickets, its own cloakroom and a separate entrance (from the Vistula River). Please keep in mind to come to the projection room at least 5 minutes in advance, as you may not enter after the screening has started.

Information about the repertoire:

Look: There’s the Earth!

Look through the window on the Interna-tional Space Station, receive the signal from an American satellite, try on the astronaut’s suit, make your own weather forecast and launch a rocket into Space.

The exhibition encompasses 20 exhibits located on three floors of the planetarium, which enable you to take a look at our plan-et through the eyes of astronauts and get to know the devices working for us in orbit.

Come! Looking for inspiration? Just listen to the words of Jean-François Clervoy, an astronaut: “The sight of the Earth from space brings one to tears, the planet is incredibly impressive, gorgeous. At the same time, when looking at it, I realise how fragile hu-man existence on Earth is.”

Admission is free of charge.

In the photo: the planetarium building

In the photos: exhibits featured in the Look: there’s the Earth! exhibition

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The planetarium hosts film screenings (in 2D and 3D), interactive live shows, concerts (jazz, classical and events for children), laser and music shows, meetings with scientists, as well as outdoor astronomical observa-tions, such as the Night of Shooting Stars.


The screenings are about space exploration and astronomical discoveries. The repertoire is very diverse. While booking tickets you can choose the subject matter of the film, adjust the content to the age, as well as choose a 2D or 3D screening.

Live shows

Before the film screening, you can take part in a short presentation showcasing some of the astronomical phenomena that can be observed. You will learn to find characteris-tic constellations and other objects clearly visible in the sky. You can also go and take part in a “full-length” shows – Solar Jour-ney, Cosmic Voyage, Here Be Dragons and Odyssey Across the Sky.


Music and stars go together just perfectly. No wonder that the concert repertoire of the planetarium is getting richer and more extensive all the time. You can come to listen to classical, contemporary, electronic and jazz compositions. You may also join us for special concerts for the youngest music aficionados. All events are accompanied by music-inspired projections of the sky.

Laser and music shows

Modern multimedia technologies featured in the planetarium, enable us to create impres-sive shows. Let yourself be carried away by music, enriched with visualisations and laser shows.

Meetings with scientists

Once a month, the planetarium offers an opportunity to get to know the latest de-velopments and discoveries in space, when scientists – astronomers, astrophysicists, engineers – talk about their research. The meetings are accompanied by unusual ex-cursions and trips to distant galaxies.

Special events

Every time something happens in the sky, we leave the planetarium, we set up our telescopes and observe the phenomenon “live”. You can always join us – together we will look at the stars and talk about them.

In the photos:A. Hello Earth filmB. Concert under the starsC. Night of Shooting Stars




Are mountains of waste going to be our only legacy? It’s up to each and every one of us! It’s time to change our everyday habits before it’s too late. The Littered exhibition helps to take the first step towards change by teaching various concepts concerning waste sorting and presenting eight aspects of destruction of our environment. The infamous subjects of individual zones are: landfills, plastic, smog, disposable products, electro-waste and food.

The Littered exhibition is open until Octo-ber 6th.

Pavilion 512, admission is free of charge.

Park next to the CopernicusThe Copernicus Science Centre is located on the Vistula embankments, connected to them with green space for recreation. We encourage you to take a walk and relax in the open air. In spring and summer, as-tronomical observations, workshops and scientific shows take place here.

The park is not fenced, you are free to use it free of charge around the clock.

Pavilion 512

The building is concealed by the embank-ment, and its grass roof makes it virtually invisible when you try to see it from the Centre. You will find it as soon as you go to the river embankments. The 85-metre long and 5-metre wide pavilion made of clay and concrete serves as an exhibition and workshop space, located exactly on the 512th kilometre of the navigable route on the Vistula.

In the photos: A. summer at the Copernicus Science CentreB. the interior of Pavilion 512

In the photo: Littered exhibition

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FameLab CompetitionFameLab is a competition for scientists who have something to say. Listen to them! We guarantee an exciting and extremely inspiring experience!

The participant’s task is to stand in front of the jury and the audience and present the topics that they are passionate about and what they do every day in their research work – in just 3 minutes. If they do it cor-rectly, with charisma and passion, they have a chance to win the main prize. See the competition finale – you will have first-hand access to the latest research and see real science with your own eyes.

The Polish edition of the competition is organised by the Copernicus Science Centre and the British Council.

Science Picnicof Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Centre

The Science Picnic is the biggest outdoor event in Europe, which proves that science is really fascinating.

Every year, about 200 institutions from Poland and all over the world take part in the Picnic, representing hard and natural sciences, as well as social sciences and the humanities. Scientific institutions, univer-sities, research institutes, museums and cultural institutions, educational foundations and research clubs present their achieve-ments and show the audiences what their everyday work looks like behind the scenes. All visitors can take advantage of hundreds of shows and experiments. Come with your family and catch the scientific bug!

The 24th Scientific Picnic will take place on May 9th, 2020 at the National Stadium. Admission to the event will be free.

Przemiany FestivalThe future cannot be foreseen but it may be shaped. During the Przemiany Festival, you will have the opportunity to see that the power of creating the future is in the hands of every single one of us.

Our driving force can change the world. We are limited by nothing else but our imagination. In order to expand it, we must travel beyond the limits of specialisation. Therefore, the festival combines science, art, design, and new technologies. Its pro-gram – consisting of an exhibition, panel discussions, workshops, live shows – allows the attendants to confront various ideas and viewpoints, encouraging critical reflection upon the directions of future development.

This year’s edition of the festival titled “Appetite and Apathy” will be held on the 3rd-6th of October. Admission to the event will be free.





In the photos:A. a bird’s eye view of the Science PicnicB. one of the picnic stands

In the photos:A. Przemiany FestivalB. FameLab 2019 Semifinals


Practical information

How to purchase tickets?

online: or via an application available in App Store and Google Play, no later than 1.5 hours before going to the Centre.

at the ticket office: only individual tickets for a given day, if they have not been sold out online in advance.

group tickets: online or by calling our helpline (+48) 22 596 41 00 (Mon–Fri 8.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.)

Can you return your ticket?

You can return individual tickets 7 days or more before your visit. The rules and regula-tions concerning returning group tickets can be found at:

Tickets with a QR code:

Each ticket to the Copernicus Science Cen-tre and the planetarium contains a QR code, which opens the entrance and exit gates, as well as the door to the projection room in the planetarium. If you buy tickets online, they will be sent via e-mail.

You can print them out or display them on your phone while passing through the gates.

Can you enter and leave the Centre?

A ticket to the Copernicus Science Centre entitles you to a single entry*. You will not be able to go back to the exhibition area after leaving. Please keep in mind to take all the needed things with you (money, food, phone, etc.) before entering the exhibition.

* The only exceptions are group tickets to laboratories, tickets for a visit to the Copernicus Science Centre and the planetarium (both individual and group tickets), as well as tickets for members of the Copernicus Club and participants in the “Lates” 18+ events. Holders of tickets to the Copernicus Science Centre and the planetarium are asked to use the junction between the buildings.

How long are the tours?

If you are visiting the Copernicus Science Centre for the first time and you want to see everything, make sure to leave around 3 hours for a visit.

Persons with disabilities

The building has appropriate ramps, lifts and toilets. You can enter the Centre with guide dogs and assistance dogs. The projection room of the planetarium features one place for a person in a wheelchair.

Dream to Fly, Earth, Moon, Sun and Black Holes feature audiodescription.


Right at the entrance to the Copernicus Science Centre, there are cloakrooms with cloakroom service. You can also leave your things in lockers (returnable deposit of 2 PLN).


Catering facilities offering their services at the Copernicus Science Centre include:

• “Wiem” Bistro (outside the ticketed zone, near the main entrance)

• café with a view of the Vistula River (in the ticketed zone, on the first floor)

• Blue Sky café (planetarium, outside the ticketed zone)

• café in Pavilion 512 (open-air café, by the Vistula embankments, opens in May)

Please do not eat or drink in the exhibition area. You can do it in a designated space on the first floor, next to the café. There, you can find tables where you can eat products brought from the outside.


The shop is located in the exhibition area.

Photos & videos

You can film and take pictures for pri-vate use on the premises of the Centre. In all other cases, please contact us at:


The Copernicus Science Centre is located in a paid parking zone. There is also a paid underground car park (5 PLN/hour).

Coaches should be parked in city car parks, in dedicated places.


It can be found right next to the building, outside, to the left of the main entrance.

Free Wi-Fi

Thanks to the operator of the Plus network, our guests can enjoy free Wi-Fi both in the building and in the park adjacent to the Co-pernicus Science Centre.

We would like to thank Samsung Polska – the strategic partner of the Copernicus Science Centre – for providing the facility with the equipment necessary to carry out its activities.

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Copernicus Science Centre Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20 00-390 Warsaw

information: (+48) 22 596 41 00 (8.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. on weekdays)

There is a lot going on at the Copernicus Science Centre.

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Join the Copernicus Club

Do you like experimenting and learning new stuff? Do you want to develop your children’s interest or dig deeper into sci-ence with your family and friends?

If you answered yes to at least one of the above questions, then the Copernicus Club is just for you! Its members get the best the Copernicus Science Centre has to offer – easy and unlimited admission to exhibitions, special discounts and plenty of additional attractions.
