Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen Donor Divas: 4 Keys to Capture Women Wealth Minnesota Planned...


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Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Donor Divas: 4 Keys to Capture Women Wealth

Minnesota Planned Giving CouncilSeptember 14, 2010

Margaret May Damen, CFP. CLU, ChFC, CDFA

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

WHY IMPORTANTWHY IMPORTANT• Control 2lst century economic and

philanthropic purse strings• History of successfully nurturing

social causes• Evolutionary

process=revolutionary results• Strategic generational peer group

(idealist) empowered, a mission and “Call to Destiny.” Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

• Control 2lst century economic and philanthropic purse strings

• History of successfully nurturing social causes

• Evolutionary process=revolutionary results

• Strategic generational peer group (idealist) empowered, a mission and “Call to Destiny.” Strauss & Howe The Fourth Turning

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Largest National EconomyLargest National Economy

• Entrepreneurship – 10.6 million owners – Wealth

•Business generate $2.6 trillion annual sales•Net worth $500,000+ = 43% (16.5 million)•Year 2010 control 60% wealth = $22 trillion

– Decisions – 80-84% giving & major consumer– Life-style

• Conspicuous consumption to conspicuous compassion

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

•“We are Not Permitted to choose the frame of our

destiny.• But What We Put into it is

Ours.”• Dag Hammarskjold

“We are not permitted to

choose the frame of our destiny.

But what we put into it is ours.”

Dag Hammarskjold

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

The Millennial Saeculum 1943 – 2025?

The Millennial Saeculum 1943 – 2025?

High American High


High American High

1943-1960Spring Awakening

Consciousness Revolution1961-1983




Summer Unraveling Culture Wars 1984-2007?


Unraveling Culture Wars 1984-2007?


Crisis Millennial Crisis

2008- 2025? Winter

Crisis Millennial Crisis

2008- 2025? Winter

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

The Four Archetypes The Four Archetypes • Constellation

•Idealist vision / values

•Reactive survival / liberty

•Civic honor / service

•Adaptive expertise / pluralism

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Archetypes Alive 2010

•Type Name Birth Years• Civic G.I. 1901- 1924 86+

• Adaptive Silent 1925 - 1942 68-85

• Idealist Boom 1943 - 1960 50-67

• Reactive Gen X 1961 - 1981 29-49

• Civic Millennial 1982 - 2002 8-29

• Adaptive TBA 2003 -

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Idealist/ Boom Generation

• 1943-1960 age 50-67•Optimism, Autonomy, Self-esteem, Independence, Quality of life, Simplicity

– Focus On•Value to team, your need for them•Public recognition•“Change world” by working with you• Humor, information & respect• Her life-stage not her age

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

EXPECTATIONSPeer-Personality Traits

•Empowerment – make a difference

•Expedience – impatient for solutions

•Engage – authentic & meaningful

•Experience – inspired life & legacy

•Entrepreneurial – creative

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

The Four Keys The Four Keys

TLCTLCTrust, Leverage,




Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen


Instill ValuesInstill ValuesAge 0-18Age 0-18

Distill ValuesDistill ValuesAge 18-60Age 18-60

Essence Essence OfOf

ValuesValuesAge 60 +Age 60 +


LegacyLegacy Values

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

AbundanceThree Principles

• Every Woman has a Legacy

• Every Woman is a Philanthropist• Every Woman makes a


Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

First PrincipleFirst Principle

•Every Woman has a Legacy–Her Story–Her Values

•Honor the Past•Celebrate the Present•Inform the Future

•Every Woman has a Legacy–Her Story–Her Values

•Honor the Past•Celebrate the Present•Inform the Future

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Second PrincipleSecond Principle

•Every Woman is a Philanthropist– Greek Meaning “Love of Humankind”

•“Money is congealed energy, and releasing it releases life’s possibilities.” Joseph Campbell

• Involuntary or voluntary

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen






CURRENTCURRENT TransactionTransaction





FUTUREFUTURE Transformational Transformational





Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Third PrincipleThird PrincipleMakes A DifferenceMakes A Difference

Third PrincipleThird PrincipleMakes A DifferenceMakes A Difference





COMMITMENCOMMITMENT Time, T Time, Talent, Talent,




Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Words From the Heart-O-Gram

Words From the Heart-O-Gram

I make a difference in my community by ______.

I want to be remembered as a person who _______

I receive joy from giving because _______.

I make a difference in my community by ______.

I want to be remembered as a person who _______

I receive joy from giving because _______.

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

BUILD RELATIONSHIPSTrust Leverage Commitment

BUILD RELATIONSHIPSTrust Leverage Commitment

• Gender-Specific Communications• Gender-Focused Marketing• Gender-Receptive Programs• Education of the Heart

“Speak to where the audience is listening from.”

Ben Cameron

• Gender-Specific Communications• Gender-Focused Marketing• Gender-Receptive Programs• Education of the Heart

“Speak to where the audience is listening from.”

Ben Cameron

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

CommunicateCommunicate• Speak Female

•A Whole New Mind (Daniel H. Pink)

Facts and Feelings- (IQ and EI)Text vs. ContextWhat vs. How Details vs. Big PictureL = analyses R = synthesizes– Creators & Empathizers

»Conceptual age – harmony - holistic

• Speak Female •A Whole New Mind (Daniel H. Pink)

Facts and Feelings- (IQ and EI)Text vs. ContextWhat vs. How Details vs. Big PictureL = analyses R = synthesizes– Creators & Empathizers

»Conceptual age – harmony - holistic

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Gender-Specific CommunicationsGender-Specific Communications

• Paint Verbal & Visual Picture– Brush vs. Point

• Offer Ownership– Ask for opinion– User-generated content

• Be R.E.A.LRelevantEmotionActionLegacy

• Paint Verbal & Visual Picture– Brush vs. Point

• Offer Ownership– Ask for opinion– User-generated content

• Be R.E.A.LRelevantEmotionActionLegacy

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Gender Specific MarketingGender Specific Marketing

• Create Awareness– Go to her – Affinity groups– Think in reverse

•Professions – “ugly-duck”• Influence by experience not experts

– Referral network

• Sharpen Focus– Mission statement – reflective writing– Education of the heart

• Create Awareness– Go to her – Affinity groups– Think in reverse

•Professions – “ugly-duck”• Influence by experience not experts

– Referral network

• Sharpen Focus– Mission statement – reflective writing– Education of the heart

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Gender-Receptive Gender-Receptive ProgramsPrograms

Gender-Receptive Gender-Receptive ProgramsPrograms

Sharpen FocusSharpen FocusPersonal-Legacy StatementsPersonal-Legacy Statements

Ethical wills Ethical wills

Education of the heart Education of the heart

Writing CirclesWriting Circles Mission StatementMission Statement

Giving PlansGiving PlansStrategic givingStrategic giving

Sharpen FocusSharpen FocusPersonal-Legacy StatementsPersonal-Legacy Statements

Ethical wills Ethical wills

Education of the heart Education of the heart

Writing CirclesWriting Circles Mission StatementMission Statement

Giving PlansGiving PlansStrategic givingStrategic giving

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Writing Circle TopicsWriting Circle Topics

• Reflection, Discussion and WritingReflection, Discussion and Writing

Attitudes about Money Attitudes about Money

Anticipating Financial NeedsAnticipating Financial Needs

Handling InheritanceHandling Inheritance

Leaving Money to Charitable Leaving Money to Charitable CausesCauses

Choosing a ProfessionalChoosing a Professional “ “Women’s Lives, Women’s Legacies”Women’s Lives, Women’s Legacies”

Rachael FreedRachael Freed

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen


Identify Emotional StatesIdentify Emotional States

Manage Emotional StatesManage Emotional States

Sensitive to and can InfluenceSensitive to and can Influence Emotions of OthersEmotions of Others

Sustain QualitySustain QualityInterpersonalInterpersonalRelationshipsRelationships

Emotional Intelligence

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

LeadershipLeadership Communications Communications

•WOMEN – Rapport Talk WOMEN – Rapport Talk Establish ConnectionsEstablish Connections

I know what you feel…I know what you feel…

Display SimilaritiesDisplay SimilaritiesYes, I felt the same way when…Yes, I felt the same way when…

Match ExperiencesMatch ExperiencesLet me share how it …Let me share how it …

Full Circle ExperienceFull Circle Experience

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen


• Identify Market Share– “Men and Women don’t buy for the same

reasons. He simply wants the transaction to take place. She’s interested in creating a relationship”

» Faith Popcorn, author – “Clicking”

• Build Relationships– Interrelationships are inclusive vs.

hierarchical• Connects via empathy not competition• Relationship- Partnerships

• Identify Market Share– “Men and Women don’t buy for the same

reasons. He simply wants the transaction to take place. She’s interested in creating a relationship”

» Faith Popcorn, author – “Clicking”

• Build Relationships– Interrelationships are inclusive vs.

hierarchical• Connects via empathy not competition• Relationship- Partnerships

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen


•“ A great fund-raiser (Gift Planner) is a broker for the sacred energy of money, helping people use the money that flows through their life in the most useful way that is consistent with their aspirations and hopes for humanity.” – Lynne Twist

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

The 4 Keys Trusted Advisor

• Broker of ”Sacred Energy”– Catalyst for their Empowerment– Culture for their Expedience– Causes for their Engagement– Conduit for their Experiences– Capacity for their Entrepreneurship

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

Power of the Pebble in the Pond

Values AbundanceAbundance

TLCTLC LeadershipLeadership

Power of the Pebble in the Pond

Values AbundanceAbundance

TLCTLC LeadershipLeadership

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

“Life is no brief candle for me.

It is a splendid torch which I have got a hold of for a

moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as

possible before handing it over to future generations.”

»George Bernard Shaw

Copyright 2010 Margaret May Damen

ThankThank You You“The future belongs to those who believe in the The future belongs to those who believe in the

beauty of beauty of their dreams.”their dreams.” Eleanor Eleanor RooseveltRoosevelt

Share the MessageShare the MessageWorkshops & Keynote SpeakingWorkshops & Keynote Speaking

Margaret May Damen, Margaret May Damen, CFP, CLU, ChFC, CDFACFP, CLU, ChFC, CDFA

Phone: 561-202-0863Phone: 561-202-0863 Email: Email:

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