Corn flakes research notes



Reaserch notes on Kellogg's corn flakes and it's history.

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Things to research

 -Product brand history.

-Analysis of T.V adverts across history.

-Any dealings with ASA or regulations you need to abide by.

-SWOT analysis.

-Research target audience.



Dr. John Harvey and his brother Will Keith Kellogg created corn flakes in the year 1894. Back when it was invented it was also known as the Sunshine cereal and it was a popular breakfast in hospitals. It was only in the year 1906 that corn flakes became available to the public.  Corn flakes were the first cereal made by Kelloggs and was the cereal that made Kelloggs what it was today.  Will Keith wanted to make the cereal so that it would improve the diet of patients in hospitals. The way it was invented by an accident, Will Keith left a pot of boiled wheat out on a table and it softened, when he found it he let it dry and it turned into thin tasty flakes so turned it in to a cereal. Dr. John Harvey Kelloggs wanted to make the cereal because He lived on a very strict diet, he was a vegetarian with no alcohol, caffeine and no tobacco and he wanted to make a cereal that was healthy and fit in to his diet. Kelloggs Corn flakes was the first cereal that put a free toy or a prize in their cereal, this started in 1910.

 Sites for research

The Kelloggs corn flakes site


 Analysis of T.V adverts across history

In the history of Corn flakes advert they used to use a lot of

Celebrity endorsement and they used a lot of jingles in their adverts.

 During the 90s corn flakes adverts were more aimed at young people like teenagers, also they tried to make corn flakes more than a breakfast and made it like a snack.


Todays Corn flakes advert are different, there is a Claymation advert showing us how good Corn flakes are good for you. Also they are Corn flakes adverts use humour and have a narrative in the ads. There are also corn flake advert aimed at parents and their kids to get a good and healthy start to their day.

Advert analysis on popplet:

ASA dealings with Kellogg’s 

At the moment Kellogg’s have a special deal where if you collect codes from boxes of Kellogg’s cereals including Corn flakes to get a free box of Kellogg’s cereal. They have to say at the start of the advert that you have to be at least 18 to apply for the free box of cereal by texting them in the codes. Kellogg’s are aloud to advertise Corn flakes because it is not bad for peoples diet however they can’t abuse the fact that it is not bad for people by saying it’s really good for peoples diet.

Kellogg’s did get into trouble with ASA in 2005 when they advertised Corn flakes saying that it made children 9% more alert than children that skipped breakfast. ASA received 19 complaints about the advert and they thought that Kellogg’s couldn’t support their claim. Watchdog said that Kellogg’s claim was misleading.  

Sites used for research

The Guardian website: Corn flakes and ASA article.

 SWOT Analysis

 Strengths- Kelloggs own 42% of the market in breakfast cereals in the UK. It one of the oldest cereal companies around so Corn flakes are a very trusted brand of cereal because it is has been eaten for over a century. Corn flakes is the most popular cereals that Kellogg’s.

 Weaknesses- A weakness for the Kellogg’s is that there is 58% of the market that belongs to other cereal companies like Nestle that has been around a only since the 90s. Nestle and other companies have only been around over 10 years and have taken over half the breakfast cereal market.    

 Opportunities- In the 90s Kelloggs tried to aim Corn flakes at a new target audience of teenagers also they tried to make corn flakes more of a snack than a breakfast cereal and that you can eat it anytime of the day.

 Threats- The biggest cereal company that is a rival to Kellogg’s is Nestle cereals because they are very big in the UK and in other parts of European countries. Nestle also sells healthy cereals like Shreddies, Oats and more and Cheerios. Another threat to Corn flakes is that big supermarket like Asda and Sainsbury’s sell there own brand corn flakes for a much cheaper price.  


Sites used for research

 Nestle company website

Sainsbury’s own brand corn flakes

Target audience

When corn flakes were first made they were to help sick people have a balanced diet in hospitals but there target audience changed when the cereal was released to the public in 1906. During the 1900s the target was adults and they used the fact that it was apart of a good diet as a persuasive technique. By the 80s and 90s Corn flakes changed its target audience to teenagers and tried to make corn flakes a snack. Today corn flakes are aimed more at parents and trying to get them to buy it for their children and say that it is a good start to their day. You can tell who the audiences are for corn flakes because of the adverts that have been used. Corn flakes today is overall aimed at a much more wider audience today than it was 100 years ago, anyone today can eat corn flakes today when ages ago it was aimed at people who were either sick or had an incredibly strict and healthy diet.
