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Corruption in IndiaFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

Political corruption in India is a major concern. However, according to Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI), India is one of the least corrupt governments in South Asia. It has a CPI score of 3.3 (rank 87th), compared to Pakistan (2.3, rank 143th), Bangladesh (2.4, rank 134th), Nepal (2.2, rank 146th), and Sri Lanka (3.2, rank 92nd) in 2010[1]. A 2005 study done by Transparency International in India found that more than 75% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get any type of job done in a public office.[2] Taxes and bribes are a daily life fact, common between state borders; Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually US$5 billion in bribes.[3] For 2010, India was ranked 87th of 178 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index, with a CPI score of 3.3, which is a slight worsening of it's 2009 score of 3.4 (rank 84th)[4]. India compares favorably with other BRIC countries, with China having a CPI score of 3.5 (decreasing from 3.6 in 2009) rank 78th, Brazil 3.7 (rank 69th), and Russia 2.1 (rank 154th, the worst of the BRICs) [5].

Criminalization of Indian politics is a major setback as well as a serious problem.[6][7] In July 2008 The Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8] An international watchdog conducted a study on the illicit flight of money from India, perhaps the first ever attempt at shedding light on a subject steeped in secrecy, concludes that India has been drained of $462 billion (over Rs 20 lakh crore) between 1948 and 2008. The amount is nearly 40% of India's gross domestic product.[9].

Overview of the index of perception of corruption, 2010


[hide] 1 History

o 1.1 Politics o 1.2 Bureaucracy

1.2.1 Land and property 1.2.2 Tendering processes and awarding contracts 1.2.3 Medicine 1.2.4 Death Certificates 1.2.5 Transport 1.2.6 Income tax 1.2.7 Preferential award of public resources

o 1.3 Judiciary o 1.4 Armed forces o 1.5 Police o 1.6 Religious institutions

2 Anti-corruption efforts o 2.1 Right to information act o 2.2 Ombudsmen o 2.3 Computerization o 2.4 Whistleblowers o 2.5 Creation of Anti-Corruption Police and Courts o 2.6 Private sector initiatives

3 See also 4 References 5 Further reading 6 External links

o 6.1 Indian government

[edit] History

The economy of India was under socialist-inspired policies for an entire generation from the 1950s until the late 1980s. The economy was subject to extensive regulation, protectionism, and public ownership, leading to pervasive corruption and slow growth.[10]

[11][12][13] License Raj was often at the core of corruption.

The Vohra Report was submitted by the former Indian Union Home Secretary, N.N. Vohra, in October 1993. It studied the problem of the criminalisation of politics and of the nexus among criminals, politicians and bureaucrats in India.

The report contained several observations made by official agencies on the criminal network which was virtually running a parallel government. It also discussed criminal gangs who enjoyed the patronage of politicians, of all parties, and the protection of

government functionaries. It revealed that political leaders had become the leaders of gangs. They were connected to the military. Over the years criminals had been elected to local bodies, State Assemblies and Parliament. The unpublished annexures to the Vohra Report were believed to contain highly explosive material.

According to Jitendra Singh, "in the bad old days, particularly pre-1991, when the License Raj held sway, and by design, all kinds of free market mechanisms were hobbled or stymied, and corruption emerged almost as an illegitimate price mechanism, a shadowy quasi-market, such that scarce resources could still be allocated within the economy, and decisions could get made. [...] These were largely distortions created by the politico-economic regime. While a sea change has occurred in the years following 1991, some of the distorted cultural norms that took hold during the earlier period are slowly being repaired by the sheer forces of competition. The process will be long and slow, however. It will not change overnight."[14] One of the major problems and obstacles to development that many developing countries face is corruption by greedy, power-hungry politicians, which is endemic in certain parts of the world.

[edit] Politics

Main article: Indian political scandals

Criminalization of Indian politics is a problem.[6][15]

In July 2008 The Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, "including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder".[8] At state level, things are often worse. In Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2002, candidates with criminal records won the majority of seats.

[edit] Bureaucracy

A 2005 study done by Transparency International (TI) in India found that more than 50% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office.[2] Taxes and bribes are common between state borders; Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually US$5 billion in bribes.[3] A 2009 survey of the leading economies of Asia, revealed Indian bureaucracy to be not just least efficient out of Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Philippines and Indonesia; further it was also found that working with India's civil servants was a "slow and painful" process.[16].

[edit] Land and property

Officials often steal state property. In Bihar, more than 80% of the subsidized food aid to poor is stolen [14]. In cities and villages throughout India, Mafia Raj consisting of municipal and other government officials, elected politicians, judicial officers, real estate

developers and law enforcement officials, acquire, develop and sell land in illegal ways.[17].

[edit] Tendering processes and awarding contracts

Government officials having discretionary powers in awarding contracts engage in preferential treatment for selected bidders, display negligence in quality control processes[citation needed]. Many state-funded construction activities in India, such as road building, are dominated by construction mafias, which are groupings of corrupt public works officials, materials suppliers, politicians and construction contractors.[18] Shoddy construction and material substitution (e.g. mixing sand in cement while submitting expenses for cement) result in roads and highways being dangerous, and sometimes simply washed away when India's heavy monsoon season arrives.[19]

[edit] Medicine

In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non availability of medicines (or duplicate/fake medicines), getting admission, consultations with doctors and availing diagnostic services.[2]. There have been cases of diversion of medical supplies from government hospitals and clinics[citation needed] as well as supply and distribution of medicines of inferior quality[citation needed] some hospitals are charging extra amounts from rich peoples. in india there is a unfair co-operation for medi-insurance companies and hospital.

[edit] Death Certificates

The greiving families are often asked to pay a bribe to get their loved one's Death Certificates in the offices run by the Government. It happens in the open and yet nobody cares.

[edit] Transport

Officials who oversee transportation regulations, safety norms, traffic violations engage in rent seeking activity. Typically a lenient treatment for an offending driver or vehicle is accompanied by expectation of a bribe[citation needed]. India has multiple jurisdictions for vehicular laws as well as overlapping laws at the central government and state government level which worsens bureaucratic complications. This leads to facilitation payments to accelerate normal government processes[citation needed].

[edit] Income tax

There have been several cases of collusion of officials of the income tax department of India for a favorable tax treatment in return for bribes [20][21]

[edit] Preferential award of public resources

As detailed earlier, land in areas with short supply is relatively common with government entities awarding public land to private concerns at negligible rates. Other examples include the award of mining leases to private companies without a levy of taxes that is proportionate to the market value of the ore[citation needed].

[edit] Judiciary

Corruption is rampant in the judicial system of India. According to Transparency International, judicial corruption in India is attributable to factors such as "delays in the disposal of cases, shortage of judges and complex procedures, all of which are exacerbated by a preponderance of new laws".[22]

On the basis of various reports in media like Times of India [], Hindustan Times []---various allegations of corruption against Balakrishnan, currently chairman of the National Human Rights Commission and also the former chief justice of India (CJI) As A local TV channel of Thiruvananthapuram has reported that former Chief Justice K G Balakrishnan’s son-in-law P V Srinijan, who did not have any land asset four years ago, is now worth a fortune. Srinijan, a member of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC), had unsuccessfully contested as a Congress candidate in the Assembly elections from the SC reserved constituency of Narakkal in Ernakulam in 2006. He was also a vice-president of the State Youth Congress. According to land registration documents cited by Asianet TV channel, Sreenijan purchased 2.5 acres of riverfront property for `14 lakh in Thrissur in 2007.People in the locality claimed that the market rate for one cent (one-hundredth of an acre) of land in the area now is `2 lakhs. The channel showed footage of a resort under construction on the river front property.[citation needed]Advocates in the Kerala High Court were baffled how Srinijin, a lawyer by profession, was able to accumulate huge wealth as he was not in full fledged practice.

[edit] Armed forces

The Indian Armed Forces have frequently witnessed corruption involving senior armed forces officers from the Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Many officers have been caught for allegedly selling defence stores in the black market in the border districts of Indian states and territories. Recent sukhna land scandal involving four Indian Lieutenant Generals has shaken public faith in the country's growing military at a time when large sums are being spent on modernising the armed forces. A string of eye-popping fraud cases has damaged the institution in recent years.[23][24][25]

[edit] Police

Despite State prohibitions against torture and custodial misconduct by the police, torture is widespread in police custody, which is a major reason behind deaths in custody.[26][27] The police often torture innocent people until a 'confession' is obtained to save influential and wealthy offenders.[28] G.P. Joshi, the programme coordinator of the Indian branch of

the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative in New Delhi comments that the main issue at hand concerning police violence is a lack of accountability of the police.[29]

[edit] Religious institutions

In India, the corruption has also crept into religious institutions. Some of the Church of North India are making money by selling Baptism certificates.[30] A group of church leaders and activists has launched a campaign to combat the corruption within churches. The chief economic consequences of corruption are the loss to the economy an unhealthy climate for investment and an increase in the cost of government-subsidised services. The TI India study estimates the monetary value of petty corruption in 11 basic services provided by the government, like education, healthcare, judiciary, police, etc., to be around 21,068 crore (US$4.6 billion). India still ranks in the bottom quartile of developing nations in terms of the ease of doing business, and compared to China and other lower developed Asian nations, the average time taken to secure the clearances for a startup or to invoke bankruptcy is much greater.

Bold text===Educational Institutions=== Don't know why the semester system of education has been adopted by the State, as well as Central Governments. The system of semester is nothing else parrotlessoning. In the semester type of education, there are internal assessment tests, attendance, practical test marks will be awarded to the students. For awarding these the teachers are collecting money from the students. Some students, though they are poor, adjusting the required money in the fear that otherwise they will get less marks. The absentee student or poor performed students will find out this type of shortcut way to get more marks from the teacher may comeforward to pay the reqquired money to the teacher and will succeed. Though it is shameful on the part of teachers but also dirty teachers will do this type of unhealthy practices and work against their ethics. ducational Institutions=== Don't know why the semester system of education has been adopted by the State, as well as Central Governments. The system of semester is nothing else parrotlessoning. In the semester type of education, there are internal assessment tests, attendance, practical test marks will be awarded to the students. For awarding these the teachers are collecting money from the students. Some students, though they are poor, adjusting the required money in the fear that otherwise they will get less marks. The absentee student or poor performed students will find out this type of shortcut way to get more marks from the teacher may comeforward to pay the reqquired money to the teacher and will succeed. Though it is shameful on the part of teachers but also dirty teachers will do this type of unhealthy practices and work against their ethics.

[edit] Anti-corruption efforts

[edit] Right to information act

Main article: Right to Information Act

The Right to Information Act (2005) and equivalent acts in the states, that require government officials to furnish information requested by citizens or face punitive action,

computerisation of services and various central and state government acts that established vigilance commissions have considerably reduced corruption or at least have opened up avenues to redress grievances.[2][31] The 2006 report by Transparency International puts India at the 70th place and states that significant improvements were made by India in reducing corruption.[32][33]

[edit] Ombudsmen

The LokAyukta is an anti-government corruption organization in the Indian states [34][35]. These institutions are based on the Ombudsman in Scandinavian countries. An amendment to the Constitution has been proposed to implement the Lokayukta uniformly across Indian States as a three-member body, headed by a retired Supreme Court judge or high court chief justice, and comprise of the state vigilance commissioner and a jurist or an eminent administrator as other members [36].

[edit] Computerization

Bhoomi is a project jointly funded by the Government of India and the Karnataka local government to digitize the paper land records and create a software mechanism to control changes to the land registry in Karnataka. The project was designed to eliminate the long-standing problem of inefficiency and corruption.

Introduction of smart cards for vehicle registration and drivers licenses by Karnataka Regional Transport Organization [37] .

Enforcement automation of traffic violations by Bangalore Traffic Police [38].

[edit] Whistleblowers

Whistleblowers play a major role in the fight against corruption. India currently does not have a law to protect whistleblowers, which was highlighted by the assassination of Satyendra Dubey.

[edit] Creation of Anti-Corruption Police and Courts

Some have called for the Central Government to create an anti-theft law enforcement agency that investigates and prosecutes corruption at all levels of government, including state and local level. Special courts that are more efficient than the traditional Indian courts with traveling judges and law enforcement agents are being proposed. The proposal has not yet been acted upon by the Indian government. Certain states such as Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Pradesh Anti-corruption Bureau) and Karnataka (Lokayukta) have similar agencies and courts [39][34]. The creation of a central agency with specialized courts with broad powers, however, is likely to have greater impact in curbing corruption at all levels[opinion][citation needed].

[edit] Private sector initiatives

Several new initiatives have come up in the private sector to raise awareness about Corruption related issues and to build anti-corruption platforms. is one such organization that is promoting the use of Zero Rupee Notes [40] to fight corruption by shaming the officials who ask for bribe. Another popular initiative Jaago Re!One Billion Votes from Tata Tea has now changed its focus from voter registration to fighting corruption [41]. is another platform for corruption free India and advocates the use of direct and regular measurement of corruption to force the hands of the leadership into dealing with corruption related issues[42]

Corruption In India

From small time clerks to the high profile politicians, commissioners, police inspectors, traffic police, stock exchange brokers, military establishments, recruiters, sportsmen, judiciary and most of the government employees, corruption is seen and felt in every transaction from bottom of the chain till the top.

In the recent times the private Indian companies captured the top spot in encouraging corruption when dealing with international clients in order to grab lucrative contracts.

Why are the corrupt susceptible to corruption ?

The low salaries of people made them susceptible, bringing with it more inefficiencies and the easy way of making money with less or no accountability. The crime of corruption is easily forgotten , the law offers easy way back into the mainstream and acceptance by the society. In addition to that it is the lure of luxury, personal status enhancement and the false sense of elitism that makes the corrupt vulnerable to illegal and unethical means of acquiring wealth.

The cultural connection and other reasons.

Indian society still has a cultural setup of having the "man of the house" to work for a living, while the wife usually deals with the household work,and this puts a pressure on the man to make the living more luxurious. The routine jobs are usually for life-long, with the support of a union there is a lesser fear of losing the job and there is the pressure

of dealing with rising prices of commodities and sponsoring future education of children. The society ,the social upbringing, the culture and a general greed also plays a critical role in influencing a timid mind. The lack of instincts and to avoid the time consuming bureaucratical setup of the organization, the corruption may be a easy way out for people who bribe to make things happen.

How can we stop corruption ? Greater solutions may include population control to improve the quality than the quantity, Controlling population will bring up the quality of life and thus lesser competition and effective control of people and government processes. However feasible solutions are to impart moral principles in schools, and introduction of stringent audits, accountability, effective tracking of corrupt individuals through citizen cards or tax id's.

Computerization of processes, privatization of public sectors, eliminating the chain of corruption by not just punishing the first level but also higher levels involved.

Corruption is not limited to atheists, even the most corrupts are highly religious and have close family ties, in other words corruption has no boundaries. Religion and religious congregations can support and promote anti-corruption drives.

Corruption is NOT a luxury tax. Whoever described corruption is a luxury tax probably said it out of frustration, the religion of corruption, the corruption of politics,the dishonest souls and perversion of integrity is unpardonable.

Corruption in the news !

The World Bank has suspended $800 million worth of loans to India's health sector after detecting corruption in procurement. Fair enough: corruption should be checked. Yet, if corruption is really a no-no, the Bank should stop almost all lending to India, so widespread is corruption here. The Bank may have just discovered corruption, but it is no news at all to the public....

Top secrets leaked for MNC jobs in US? : source All it took was an offer of plum portfolios in United States multinational companies like Microsoft for two senior staffers of National Security Council Secretariat to leak top secret documents to elusive American ‘diplomat' Rosanna Minchew, a Delhi police probe has revealed.Security agencies are still taking stock of the extent to which classified files have been accessed by the two accused NSCS employees.

India 83rd corrupt Nation In the Global Corruption Index, a survey of 133 nations conducted by Transparency International (an anti-graft watchdog), India stood 83rd in the world, alongside Malawi and Romania. India recorded a score of 2.8 out of 10. Last year, India's score was 2.7 out of 10, but it stood 71st in a list of 102 nations, unlike 133 this time. Finland with a score of 9.7 has been ranked first, making it the least corrupt nation on earth. A score of 10 means a country is seen as being ‘highly clean', and a score of zero means ‘highly corrupt.'Bangladesh had the dubious distinction of being the world's

most corrupt nation with a score of 1.3, worse even than Nigeria and Haiti, which had scores of 1.4 and 1.5, respectively to stand 132nd and 133rd. However, Asia as a whole fared badly in the report on corruption, with many nations in the region being counted amongst the worst in the world for graft among public officials and politicians.Myanmar ranked 129th and Indonesia was 122nd.

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sundar 23 months ago

Currently tamilnadu bribes control team searching and also achieve our dream inida that is not bribe india

hitendra shah 21 months ago

Dear friends,

Since Independence we have become victims of bad, dirty and corrupt policies of the government. Since the rule of Smt. Indira Gandhi, the government gave power and position in the hands of mafia, criminals and corrupt people. Today all most all the politicians, ministers, government officials, police and judges of the courts are corrupt and therefore they have become irresponsible, careless, negligent, inefficient, liars, unaccountable, unanswerable, fraud, mean, cheap, dirty, hopeless, useless, criminals and anti national. They are the most harmful and dangerous for the nation and people of the country. They are number 1 enemy of the country and people. They have forced the people to follow or live in the atmosphere of corruption, crimes and vices created by them. All the politicians are sons of corrupt and dirty mother called Politics. The society is divided into 3 groups. At the top in the 1st group there comes Corporates, Rich, Mafias, Criminals and Terrorists on whose direction the policies, laws, rules and regulations are framed for their own benefits and for the harassment and exploitation of poor and middle class people only. In the second group there comes the governments, politicians, ministers, government officials, police, judges of the courts and media who work on the direction of 1st group of people and they are engaged to crush, harass, exploit and kill the innocent people in the society. In the last, at the bottom in the third group there comes poor and middle class people who are divided to be ruled on by the 2nd group, who are being misguided, misled, cheated, harassed, exploited, crushed and killed by 1st and 2nd group of people. The laws, rules, regulations, procedures, formalities and proceedings are only made to involve honest and innocent people in poor and middle class. There is a syndicate between 1st and 2nd group of people. They save and protect each other. The people of India is required to put poor and middle class people at the top in the 1st group and Corporates, Rich, Mafias, Criminals and Terrorists in the third group at last. Media is sold in the hands of Congress and its alliance and therefore they speak only in the language of Congress Party. The Media has become the dirtiest element of the society. All the programs, news and serials shown on TV Channels are made to spread vices in the society and they are deteriorating the minds of general public. They are making the youths unproductive and directionless. The whole media is in the control of Dawood Ibrahim, Arab Countries and Congress Party and therefore they are Anti-Hindu. The Media, Social Activists, Police, Election Commission and Judges of the Courts are working on the direction of Congress Party. The Congress is always engaged in dis stabilizing the country and non congress governments on the state levels. The people of India know it very well that terrorists enter into the country due to wide spread corruption in the government departments, government organizations, authorities and police. The government is encouraging, promoting and spreading corruption, crimes and vices in the society. The whole government machinery has become totally rotten. People knows it very well that behind every scam, scandal, violence, terrorist attack, bomb blast and murder of any political leader Congress party is involved. The statements of Congress Spokespersons are always misleading and full of lies only made to save and protect them. The Congress Party is a party of rich, Afzal Guru, Dawood Ibrahim, Pakistani and Arab Muslims. The Congress has always remained Communal and Anti-

Hindu Party. Since independence the Congress has killed Hindus in the hands of Muslims through terrorist attacks and bomb blasts. The Congress Party has always divided the country on the basis of caste and religion. Smt. Indira Gandhi made every Indians fool by getting votes on the issue of removing poverty from the country and Dr. Manmohan Singh has made Indians fool on the issue of growth and killed general investors. In the name of growth story only Corporates, rich people, promoters and operators of the companies, congressmen and their relatives and friends made money through manipulation. Actually only poor and middle class people are paying taxes through excise, import duties, sales tax, vat, octroi etc as they are mass consumers. The income tax paid by the rich and Corporates is the exploitation of poor and middle class people only.

After Independence, Mahatma Gandhi wanted Congress Party to be dissolved as he knew that Congress would never do better for the poor class people. If the Congress party is a party of Mahatma Gandhi then all congressmen and their family members must surrender or donate all money, properties and assets in their name to the nation. People of India do not want any dirty politics and pretense. They believe that all most all the governments, politicians, ministers, government officials, police, judges of the courts and media are corrupt. They also know that all these people are only PUBLIC SERVANTS and the people of India are SUPREME therefore now onwards the people of India will not tolerate anything from these monsters. It is uncivilized to believe in GOD. It is shame that in the 21st century people quarrel in the name of God. The humankind is divided on the basis of different Gods. There is no God in this universe. God is symbolized only as development of good qualities in human being and monsters are symbolized as development of bad qualities. As per every religion God possess only good qualities. Then why we don't understand that we must pray for developing good qualities in ourselves. Politicians and Religious leaders only divided the people in the name of God and religion and spread violence and unrest in the society. The congressmen were involved in firing and burning the train in GODHRA. On the direction of congress leaders Smt. Indira Gandhi, Sri Rajiv Gandhi, Mr. Rajesh Pilot, Mr. Madhav Rao Sindhia and Mr. Pramod Mahajan were killed. Miss Jaylalita and Smt. Sonia Gandhi know it very well that on whose direction Sri Rajiv Gandhi was killed and Sheila Dikshit and Mr. Manishankar Iyer know it very well that on whose direction Mr. Madhav Rao Sindhia was killed.

People of India want all the political parties to

1, Solve all the burning problems of poor and middle class people immediately.

2, Poor and Middle Class people must get justice in the police station and in the court.

3, Improve and make reforms in judiciary System.

4, Abolish Corruptions, Crimes and vices from the society on the spot.

5, Provide huge opportunities to poor and middle class people. Increase their income. Increase their purchasing power. Increase their sources of income.

6, Adopt the policy of distribution of money. Abolish the policy of concentration of money in few hands.

7, Change the education system from the roots and provide true education and enrich the society with love, respect, values, morals, ethics, merits, help, support, co-operation, harmony etc. 2+2=4 is not a true education.

8, Media should work only for the betterment of the society.

9, Public Servants are accountable and answerable for every minute.

10, If any public servant ever harass and exploit any person he should be given death penalty on the spot and all the money, property, assets etc of him and his all family members must be seized immediately.

11, If any public servant found corrupt, irresponsible, careless, negligent, inefficient, criminal, anti national he should be killed immediately, all the money, property, assets etc of him and his all family members must be seized immediately.

12, The public servants will have to be honest, moral and disciplined.

BHARATH 21 months ago


Anupam Banerjee 17 months ago

It’s a very good website and we will appreciate your job to save India from total corruption.

Eg: At police station for any simple verification process, Government office harassment & Dada giri…




Sanneeswaran 16 months ago

Dear Friends

All essays sre good and true, but what the solution for reduce corruption and bribes, donating tips to server, putting paisa for preist, paying amount for seeing the god quickly are some of the basic crime done most of our citizens. Most of the indians are forcibily moved to evil side. Most of the people for a prestige spoiling our nation.

Unity between the peoples is the only solution. First peoples should realise their mistake and should come back. Let we select a area, let all the peoples join together and appoint a honest man for that area, that fellow work will be doing all the governments work without any corruption, eaxmple in eb office if a individual man is rejected its normal, but if a whole area is rejected thru one man , then it is a problem, it will raise issues .

all methos of payment should be changed , everyone should have bank account, every government payments should be made thru bank only. For every problem complaints should be filed thru bank, bankers should give recipt for that complaint and also a due date to that problem, if the problem is n ot solved within due date, a fine amount should automatically transferred to the customer account, so this make the bankers to force all the government servants to work fast or bank will deduct the salary of the servant from their account. jai hind


bhagwat singh bisht 16 months ago

corruption will continue if the pay is not increase by the Govt of their lower classes employees

bhagwat singh bisht 16 months ago

corruption will continue if the pay is not increase by the Govt of their lower classes employees

shivani 14 months ago

save india stop corruption.

Vijayshree 12 months ago

i am getting all the big fundas people explaining here but can somebody please help me to find a technique to deal with a corrupted person who is not letting an old helpless man getting his pension started without a bribe...

i know its a very particular question.. but i will be thankful if somebody can guide me..


Bhupinder 11 months ago

Vijayshree - get to the CVC or Anti-corruption vigilance.They have helpline numbers as well.Lodge a complain and you shall be assisted with department to catch the bribe seeker redhanded. Its new positive move from govt. and has worked in cases. Hope it helps.All the best.

Ramanuj Asawa 10 months ago

Very Good and informative post and the comments. The basic problem is lack of values and direction. If we have right set of values and a clear direction then there is no need to fight corruption. To me there are two things nowadays which requires you to spent a lot of money. One is healthcare and the other is education.

Everyone wants best health care and education for self and dependents. If we try to know the health care we need to know the body and its functions. For good health we need to eat whole food (as natural as possible), good sleep and hard word in the day. However, we eat processed food, dont sleep at right time and for right duration and dont want to work hard. To cover up the laziness we tell lies and try to evade accountability and the tension steps in. This causes all kind of bodily ailments. Then we go the doctor and he is no less wiser. When he sees that you have amassed wealth through corrupt means he also tries to steal a portion of your booty.

Nowadays health care and education has become big business. Large hospitals with expensive machines are used for daignosis of ailments. As a business these hospitals need to break even and for that they need to procure patients for beds in the hospitals and patients to undergo various non essential expensive tests. Doctors dont know how to diagnose. They fully depend on the test reports, CT scans and MRI tests. The physician prescribing the tests get at least 30% of the charges by the end of the day. This is making the practice of medicine very lucrative these days. People dont question about the need for tests and they are desperate to get cure and are ignorant about the side effects of CT scan etc.

Nowadays most babies are delivered through Cesarean. I wonder how human beings degenerated this much. Even now the animals deliver babies normally. For doctors this is a money making business. It is the mothers who should know how babies were delivered in the past. The humanity came through ages without the doctors to deliver babies. Agreed there were cases of death in child birth. But through proper education and body care and right type of exercises we can take care of the problems and in rare cases Cesarean can be used. But this has become a norm these days. If we dont treat our body with care who else we blame to.

I have found that all body pains can be relieved through acupressure. All other diseases cane be cured/ prevented by acupressure, auto urine therapy, naturopathy, asan-pranayam and meditation. Anyone can see the videos of acupressure at The therapy I use is very simple. Rolling of pencil on fingers with pressure of thumb and all your pains are gone.

The problem of education can be taken care of through self learning. Internet is a very tool in this direction. One can find all the knowledge. Only children with right flair should go for advance studies. Higher education is making people more corrupt as lot of money is spent on education and they have to recover the money with compounded interest.

There is rigorous procedure for selection and appointment of civil services. However, there is no test to prove that the person is honest and will continue to be honest given power.

For politics the only qualification is manipulation. Therefore we are doomed till we have a revolution of kind. Awakening at mass level is required.

Nowadays people make the gods partner in their dubious deals and visit big temples and donate big money to feel safe. If this is the attitude of people then there is no way for reform. Everyone justifies his act and the show goes on.

Nationalist 10 months ago

Since the rule of Smt. Indira Gandhi, the Congress Party and the Congress Government are engaged and involved in producing, creating, spreading and encouraging corruption, crimes, vices and evils in the society through political parties, politicians, ministers, public servants, government servants, judges, police, committees, commissions, mafias, criminals, frauds, anti-national elements, RICH PEOPLE, CORPORATES and terrorists. The government is making each one of them corrupt, criminal and vicious. There is only one solution left to abolish corruption. India should be built on only one principal that is DHARAM KI RAKSHA KE LIYE ADHARM KA NASH KARO. All the nation loving people of India will have to get united and they will have to be JALLAD or HITLER minded. They should not have any sympathy or mercy for corrupt people because corrupt are always irresponsible, careless, negligent, unaccountable, unanswerable, liar, criminal, fraud, mean, dirty, characterless, hopeless, useless and anti-national. They are the No. 1 enemy of the people and the country. They are the most dangerous and harmful to the people and the nation. They are the GERMS OF CANCER and they are worst and dirtiest than drainage water. They must be killed on the spot along with their all family members and seized all their properties. people will have to take laws in hand, as government and Congress Party are the operators of corruption and crimes in the country. Behind every scam, scandal, violence, murder or accident of political leaders, bomb blast, terrorist attack the congress party and the congress government and its alliance are involved. Only on the direction of them bomb blasts and terrorist attacks happen in India. The congress is not at all interested in the people of India they are sold in the hands of Dawood Ibhahim, Pakistan Government, ISI, Arab and UAE countries and USA. Declare WAR AGAINST CORRUPTION from this moment.

Paramveer 10 months ago

Corruption is more dangerous than plague bcoz it has devastated whole of our system.Every govt whicheve in power helps directly or indirecly in corruption. Every party needs money for elections and funds normally come from black money. Once the govt is formed those who donated to the party fund they force the govt to make such policies to help them amass huge wealth. Almost in every recruitment at least at state level the post from peon to Dy collector are sold. Even in the forward state like Maharashtra this is rampant so no need to talk about other backword states. I have seen such examples that father is working is a particular office and he son gets selected in the same office that to not bcoz of any calibre but bcoz of his father and corruption. Such cases create much anger in pure potential candidates and they get frustated.In most of the private colleges and also in govt colleges more internal marks are given to them who join tutions. Then one more thing is that student even purchase marks. Several candidates go to moderators to increse their marks specially in SSC and HSC exams. People also pay to be the topper and also to pass university esxams. Taluka offices and collector offices are dens of corruption. U hardly get certificates without paying bribe. Traffice police is one of the most corrupt profession. Police receive hafta from small vegetables vendors apart from liquor shops, lottery and even from prostitutes.Files in Mantralaya moves only after receiving money weight.Income tax dept, Customs and Excise are the most corrupt dept. People from a particular part of India always want to get selected in these depts to earn as much as possible by corrupt means. Tehy even good dowry and beautiful wife too. See the level of these people. In development programmes corporates are making all corrupt practices. Every govt helped Hiranandani to grab the land of innocent tribes bcoz in response they got khokas. Neither those received bribes nor those paid are ashamed of their acts and they are the torchbearers of high class society. No govt ever dared to touch the property of Daud. I dont know why his properties are still not attached. This disease is now creeping into our armed forces. This is most scaring. Non politician or high official has been punished for corruption. Regional officer of particular organisation receives Rs 50000-1 lakh a day as bribe. There are govt officials getting more than this but they escape unhurt.If somebody do not want to pay they will create all sorts of problem and make him pay. On the other hand in some cases people will try to make corrupt to honest officials.Though such cases are not much. To fight corruption we need to upright and strong enough to face such people without any fear then only we can defeat them.

Jenifer 9 months ago


Danendra jain 7 months ago

Flattery, gifting in cash or in kind leads to large scale corruption. Power makes a man corrupt. In all department posting and promotion should be well defined, transparent and without giving an option of Interview for manipulation of marks as per whims of

executives. Appraisal marks should be made known to employee. Everyone should be promoted in well defined time frame and if found not suitable he should be demoted. There should be total ban on rally, strike, inaugural functions, etc for at least three years. Politicians should not be allowed to conduct rally or bring out julus or make public promises, at best they may say what they have already done. No reservation based on caste. All types of aids, facilities, reservations, help should be based on economic conditions of the person. Judiciary should be well equipped to deliver justice in three to six months, come what may or whatever may be the dimension of the case. To expedite the process of justice enough infrastructure and manpower should be provided.

Danendra jain 7 months ago

Through media AND PROMINENT MEDIAMEN I like to draw the attention of a person or a group of persons who is legal expert or who has an expertise on Right to Information Act or filing of Public Interest litigations or who is well experienced in dealing with court cases related to servicemen on following points and expect some solution in the interest of service men community. I like to draw the attention of even politicians who has strong will to change the prevailing bad culture and corrupt practices in administrative, political and judicial system in the country.

When a bank or any government office is unable to promote an employee due to shortage of vacancies in upper cadre , bank should not stagnate the employee only because he has reached the last stage of his scale .This is a fundamental question concerning all employees who are not getting annual increment only because he could not get promotion in time due to management’s fault or due to corrupt interview panel who promote an employee not on the basis of performance but on the basis of gift or money he receives from the employee. It is ironical that in government offices, departments, insurance companies and banks seniors are getting lesser increment whereas in private sectors seniors are worshipped like owners, promoters and savers of the firm. This is why private sector flourishes in real worth whereas public sector officers are facing continuous erosion in value.

In this age of flattery there is no respect for policy or performance. An officer is promoted only when he or she has a God father in upper echelon or he has pleased his boss with huge gifts in cash or in kind or bought and motivated the top executive who is a member of Interview panel. HRD policies in bank promote chamcha culture, RBI and Ministry of Finance or Banking Division all irrigates and promotes such culture. The more one is corrupt, the more he is flatterer and the higher is he posted. This is why cancer of corruption is growing unabated and even vulnerable department like defense is sick of this disease.

There are many EDs and CMDs of banks and government departments whose history is full of instances of indulging in corruption. If CBI conducts an honest inquiry in the credit decision taken by top executives, loan waived by them, and present status of loan sanctioned by them directly or indirectly trough his team of chamchas, bad advances

hidden by them, personal assets accumulated by them, I think eight out of ten top executives will be found suitable for severe punishment and not fit for even junior posts.

Unfortunately in our country even authorities entrusted with duty of unearthing corrupt practices and bringing corrupt persons to justice are themselves indulged in corruption to a great extent. Then who will bell the cat is a million dollar question. So called clean and honest PM like Manmohan Singh expresses his helplessness on the front of corruption, naxalism and terrorism very wisely and boldly.

It is due to such wrong policies perpetuated by corrupt and greedy executives that even an officer like Madhuri Gupta could hold an important, sensitive and vulnerable post for more tan 30 years, get whimsical posting and promotions for such a long period inspite of the fact that she indulged in anti-national activities and worked as an agent of Pakistan silently.

Mrs. Rabri Devi, wife of Lalu Yadav could became Chief Minister of Bihar not because she was an able administrator, experienced politician or a knowledgeable lady , but because flatters of Lalu Yadav had vested interest to support her.

Similarly Mr. Lalu Yadav could get the post of Railway Minister despite his involvement in thousand crore Chara Ghotala because ruling government led by UPA and Congress party wanted to survive with his support.

Mr. Ratore could get promotions after promotions and best posting despite Ruchika’s case because of his god liasoning with his bosses and because he could shut the mouth and eyes of his bosses by keeping them happy through gifts in cash and kind.

Raju in Satyam computers could perpetuate fraud in thousands of crores of rupees for years together and win even the award of best corporate governance because he was surrounded by his greedy flatterers, greedy team of Chartered Accountants and corrupt ministers.

Madhu Koda Ex Chief Minister of Jharkhand and Reddy brothers in Andhra Pradesh could commit fraud with the government treasury in billion of rupees because he or they got the support of flatter team of IAS, IPS and other monitoring officers.Mayawati, Mulayam, Lalu like CM reshuffle senior officers like playing cards .Only a team of officers who are yes-men ,flatterer and ready to support and executive all ill motivated work ordered by ministers of the government can only survive and flourish in his or her career. This is the fate of good officers in all banks. There are several Raju in all banks who makes the balance sheet shining and who manage Chartered Accountants at various levels, officers working in Banking division, ministry of finance , top bureaucrats , top politicians all over the country.

In brief in our country even a donkey is posted on top post he can survive and get continuous elevation in career provided he or she has enough acumen to earn bribe and share with is bosses.

It is also a bitter truth all frauds continues and continues until shareholders of the fraud are divided. Frauds are seldom unearthed by CA. CBI or any investigating agency, not to speak of nip in the bud.

As such my second point to attract your attention is that in my opinion there should not be any scope of Interview for existing employee for giving him promotion because quality of his services have already been tested and attested by management for a decade or two or even three.

Even 25 marks allotted for Interview in any departmental promotion processes are enough to make or mar the career of an officer in a bank or any government office. It is a bitter truth of our country that a corrupt officer get 25 out of 25 in interview process whereas a performer get hardly 10 out of 25 which results in diluting the effect of performance of an employee or good marks obtained by him in his appraisals. The great Supreme Court has even advised transparency in appraisal system, but banks management seldom respect even court advises if it hurts the personal interest of its executives. The more power is delegated in bosses the more chances of misutilisation of power and perpetuation of corrupt practices exists and increases in the system.

This is happening in not only in banks but also in all other government departments and this is why, whenever a new Chief Minister takes charge of a state, several IAS and IPS officers are transferred from one place to another as per whims and fancies of the ministers in the new government. Majority of decisions on postings, promotions and transfers are taken on the basis of earning capacity of the officer who can share his illegal earnings with the minister or support the minister in carrying out his illegal tasks for the benefit of his kith and kin or his party men.

In conclusion there should not be any stagnation in any scale of any cadre of any officer of any department or office or bank and there should be no Interview for existing employees to be promoted.

In my opinion whimsical posting, arbitrary promotions and abrupt but ill motivated transfers are the root causes of all corrupt practices prevailing in the Indian administrative, judiciary and political system. It is the power delegated to persons sitting at post empowered to take whimsical decisions which irrigates ,cultivates and promotes the culture of flattery and demotivates the person who actually work and believe in honest performance.

It is unfortunate that no remedy can be obtained even from courts even after lapse of a decade or two .This is the reason that management of a bank or any office or any organ of the government at state or national level indulge in selling promotions and postings and in turn contributes directly or indirectly, willingly or unwillingly, in increasing

Danendra jain 7 months ago

It is the time that our honourable CMD MVNair conducts introspection and justifies the actions of various DGMs and GMs who transferred whimsically a lot of officers to other states on the excuse of non-performance. I especially mention the case of DGM Jharkhand and the then GM of Kolkata who practically transferred all Non Orriyas to other states, some officers to Bangladesh Border i.e. to Tripura state, some to Gangtok, some others to West Bengal or UP or MP or Maharashtra. The DGM and the then GM satisfied their ego by disturbing the family life of officers who did not flatter him and who did not belong to a particular caste lobby. It is worthwhile to mention here that officers of West Bengal, Tripura,Karnataka, Tamilnadu ,Maharashtra are seldom transferred to remote states as those of states like Jharkhand, Bihar, Orrissa and UP

Our beloved and renowned CMD should now see whether there is any improvement or further deterioration in the value of assets during last three years in those branches wherefrom some special type of officers were transferred by biased DGM on the excuse of non performance (surrounded by some different type officer’s lobby) two years ago?

I do not want to enlighten the complicate the matter, which may violate bank’s secrecy policy or which may further hurt the ego of person sitting in top echelon.. Management has every tools in its almirah to look into each credit account of big and old branches and ascertain whether so called non performers had improved the health of Bank’s asset or their successor or their predecessor have/ had done better for the bank which resulted in their promotion and rejection of so called non performers in the same promotion process and their posting at the most remotest and the most critical branch.

If CMD hesitates to touch his corruption ridden General Managers AGM, DGM till their retirement, other competent authorities may be ordered to peep into the matter and try to precipitate the reality and truth of banking administration and Human Resource Management.

CMD should justify his action of picking management executives from MBA college campuses at packages higher than those of employees of the same bank who have served for more than two or three decades.

I hope bank will justify the action of promoting young officers at the cost of senior, experienced and devoted officers. Young officers may humiliate senior officers and give some transitory vale to the ban but in the long run such unethical and unconstitutional practices may spoil the bank.

CMD should tell the people of India whether there was actual cash recovery in bad accounts or manipulation in the system to hide bad accounts which portrayed better picture of some officers who got preferred promotion and posting. Why and how an officer indulging in bad advances is promoted, even an officer who financed to person against whom action under SERFACIE was initiated is promoted and within one year, the account becomes bad again? Does it not prove the malicious intention of executive protecting and promoting such officers?

If any unbiased authority looks into each and every account of at least Pilaval branch since the inception of the branch , it will be enough to spoil the career of a lot of Chief Manager, AGMs, DGM, EDs, and CMD too. Branches of Jharkhand, Bihar, UP etc have the potential to open Pandora ’s Box for a lot of executives. But who will bell the cat is a million dollar question. Birds of the same feather have flocked together in the top domain of bank’s management.

Whether government deposit mobilized by an executive may turn bad assets into good asset and thus help bank in enhancing the intrinsic value of the bank? If hundred crores of deposit is distributed among ten flatter branch managers, it is sure that these ten persons will be treated as performer and others as non performer.

It has to be ascertained whether so called good officers have added bad assets in the name of achievement of credit delivery target. It has to be seen why finance made by star performers become bad in a year or two. Why executives responsible for irregularities are exonerated and juniors are punished, why wrong doers are promoted and person on the spot is made scapegoat.

And so on…………………..

Lastly I agree with the idea of CMD of punishing non-performers. But it has to be ascertained by the system whether the non- performance is due to lack of motivation by his boss or by virtue of his posting at a critical branch or it is lack of will of the officer to perform or lack of knowledge.

In case of lack of knowledge management may impart the best training to him to convert him performer. Otherwise it proves the failure of training system.

In case the boss is lacking motivating skill the boss may be given a lesson to improve. When a boss cannot motivate a few BMs, how can a BM may be expected to manage the branch where staff as well as customers have to be motivated.

In case the non-performance is due to adversities attached with the branch or due to environmental impediments in the path of performance, the officer shouldering the load of such branch should rather be awarded.

In case there are non willed officer, transfer to some other place may appear justified, but not without giving him an opportunity to improve. Management has right to force such officers to retire or should have a provision for VRS for such unwilled and unskilled non performers.

It is always to be kept in mind that a person is not always bad. It rather depends on the perception of his assessor who may be caste biased, region biased or there may be some hidden greed of money or gift or flattery in the mind of assessor which forces him to be biased against any officer even if he is devoted performer.

Best tool available in the almirah of Human Resource Development Department should be applied on case-to-case basis. Otherwise there is every possibility that an executive sitting at the top of affairs uses his whims even at the cost of intrinsic value of the bank.

Real success of the management lies in not only transferring an officer to remote place but in making efforts for value addition in an officer and thus in bank. It is always told for branch head to be tactful in handling junior staff in the branch. Real success of a Branch Manager lies in taking work from available staff. Similarly it is expected from Regional head to apply prudence and wisdom in dealing with Branch head shedding personal ego. Everyone in the bank knows how officers under work pressure and in want of enough manpower are constrained to bypass rule to achieve the target under various parameter, it may be credit delivery, opening of accounts, deposit mobilization, monitoring of advances or recovery under NPA accounts.

Despite all if management is really interested to give value to merit and merit only, same team of officers sitting at head office should judge the performance of all officers and there should be no room left for regional heads to apply their mind in whimsical manner and there should be no room for Interview in promotion processes. It is bitter truth that delegated power vested in different persons cannot be utilized by different person in similar manner ant in desired and expected manner. Under CBS system management can assess the performance of all officers sitting in office at Mumbai and in this path there will be minimum use of whims. Management can save lot of expenses incurred in conducting promotion processes and ensure reign of justice.

Danendra jain 7 months ago

Problem of Naxalism and extremism is increasing year after year. Government in last three decades has almost underestimated the gravity of the matter ad neglected the same altogether. There have been fatal attacks by naxalites in their area of operation on many occasions in the past but no substantial action has been taken against the attackers.

Police force in each state knows how naxalites are extorting money from rich businessmen, house builders, service men and even police personnel. Many police stations have been attacked in the past and their guns and other arms and ammunitions have been taken away by attackers. Hundreds of innocents have been killed brutally in group. And so on…

Naxalites are growing in numbers and strength year after year. Their Finacial power has assumed the dangerous proportion, they have accumulated huge arms and ammunition and are capable to strike even CRPF camps and kill them in good numbers as happened on black Monday saddest 6th April 2010 in Indian history. They have exhibited their power of strike on many occasions in the past. But unfortunately politicians in our country never tried to stop the same.

There are still many politicians who are sympathizer of such naxalites, who take the support of these hard core naxalites during election to give a befitting reply to their

opponents, who use gang members of naxal groups to motivate and threat voters and force them to cast their valued votes in favour of desired candidate or face the dire consequences. It will not be exaggeration to say that members of naxalite groups are sitting in all offices from state level assemblies to village level panchayats and block level government offices to state secretariats.

Members of naxal groups have not only spread their network to a great extent but actively working in each corner of the country. Every big or small contractor working for various departments of the government has to donate money in proportion to their contract value to Naxalite groups. For common men it is called as dadagiri tax. People have accepted this dirty system and do not approach police or any office to get rid of this extortion, because of non action or because of more dangerous consequences.

It is unfortunate that during last three decades government remained almost silent spectators of all such dangerous activities of naxalism. After each fatal attack by naxal groups, Home Minister like Mr. Shiv Raj Patil thought it wise to announce some monetary help for the family of victim of naxal attacks and thought it better and beneficial not to take any step to stop spread of naxalism in the country like cancer.

It is also a bitter truth that even ruling government and police forces are also afraid of repercussions on their family or on the their election prospects from naxal groups,.

Many nationalist, writers, social activists and honest politicians have pointed out that naxalism is greater threat to India than external threat from country like Pakistan or global terrorism. But the valued suggestions of noble writers were always ignored. As a result of this prolonged negligence and casual approach of various governments naxalism has become greatest threat to people of India.

It is only in the last year that Mr. P Chidambram took charge of Home department and started his sincere work against terrorism coming from abroad as also against naxalism in the name of Operation Red Hunt. There is no doubt that he has created a fear in the mind of naxal groups and this is why they are trying to belittle the effort of the government .I have no doubt that Mr. Chidambaram has the will and the brain to combat naxalism and terrorism tooth and nail and it is he who can finish the same from the root provided he gets wholehearted support not only from his party members but also from members of opposition groups,

Mr. Home Minister needs support not only from central and concerned state governments but also from local people who can play prominent and vital role in identification of naxalites, trained criminals and tell about their hide outs, their action plan etc.

It is the urgent task before government to leave no stone unturned to finish naxalism from the country. Government should not give opportunity to Pakistan in particular and international community in general to say that India is incapable to control even domestic terrorism.

Danendra Jain

Danendra jain 7 months ago

This refers to news of 12th April 2010 that Maoist have offered compensation to aggrieved families of CRPF jawans killed by them at Dantewara in the state of Chattishgarh on the memorable and unforgettable day 6th April 2010


This is the fittest reply given by Maoist to inefficient, corrupt and non performing government. Hitherto government used to announce compensation for poor and innocent killed in any mishap, terror attack or naxal attacks where government was guilty of ineffectiveness, inertness and corrupt administrative system.

Instead of improving the quality of administration or punishing the guilty persons sitting in government offices, our ministers used to sit calm by announcing some compensatory packages or relief and rehabilitation after each naxal or terror attacks and brutal killing of innocent villagers.


For the first time, Maoists have announced the same compensation for family members of victim families of 76 CRPF men killed by themselves. This is indeed a cruel joke on our government and should now at least open the eye of sleeping government and of at least those social reformers or politicians who advocate for dialogue with naxal elements.

Now it may be clear to government that Maoist has grown more powerful than government in financial as well as fighting capacity. Government should be ashamed and keep their head low now or else leave no stone unturned to fight to finish Maoists without listening to any demand for dialogue with those who do not respect Indian laws and Indian citizen.

Government should now act before it is too late.

Danendra Jain

Danendra jain 7 months ago

Central government cannot escape its responsibility to handle the problems related to naxalism and save he country from the danger posed by naxalite groups, by anti national forces acting from inside the country. They cannot put blame squarely on state governments saying that naxalism is law and order problem and hence a subject of state government. Only fool can accept the theory of law and order problem cited by Ministers in Central Government or leaders of Congress Party or any other person like Lalu Yadav even after experiencing large scale killing of CRPF and common men in last one month

only , that too on one place only and that in Dantewara district in Chattisgarh state. This is happening despite the fact that Chief Minister of Chattishgarh is making all efforts to handle naxalism and extending all support to Central government wholeheartedly. In other states like Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand mass killing by naxalites has become common feature and hence accepted by common men as usual incident like road accidents. .

Naxalites have grown in number, in financial strength and accumulated huge arms and ammunitions and now they openly challenge and threat state governments, kill CRPF and police personnel in wholesale number, not to speak of thousands of innocents common men. When naxalites are not worried of central Para military forces, how untrained and unequipped police personnel under the control of state government can control and stop naxalism. It is pity that state government are not able to control even traffic jams or stop large scale money extortion carried out by local goonda elements in small or big towns. Digvijay Singh like mad politician can only blame Raman Singh CM of Chattishgarh to do dirty politics, such person should keep in memory naxal like incidents occurring frequently in Kashmir and also Mumbai terror attack of 1991 and incident of unforgettable 27 -11 and many more fatal attacks which occurred in the past when Congress Party was in rule. I do not want enumerate them to waste the time of readers.

I therefore appeal leaders of ruling party not to treat the problem of naxalism from the view of political advantage r disadvantage. Naxalism has penetrated in many states of the country and presently it poses a bigger threat than terrorism managed by foreign based camps. It is no more a hidden fact that Pakistan based terrorists are using India based naxalites to weaken India’s internal security and demoralize the security forces. It is open secret that even police forces are paying dadagiri tax to naxalites for survival in all naxal affected areas and they are even parting with their arms or even selling arms and ammunitions to naxal groups.

If Indian government even now do not understand the gravity and danger of Maoism or naxalism and delay in launching a sincere war against naxalim to finish it for ever and for rooting it out from every corner of the country, India will have to face the same problem as Sri Lanka faced the problem of LTTE . Ultimately Sri Lanka declared war against LTTE and finished it. India will have to do the same sooner or later, though they may do so after incurring huge loses of human beings and facing the worst position of demoralization, demotivtions and division in armed forces as also revolt from police forces. Common men have undoubtedly lost faith in UPA government and many state governments specially those in states like Jharkhand and West Bengal.

It is proper to mention here that late Indira Gandhi was courageous lady to finish Khalistan Movement though belatedly and it was her this act for the safety of people of India that she was assassinated. But she always considered nation and poor people above party she belonged to. Nation is always bigger than Individual. It will not be an exaggeration to say that present team of politicians could never win the battle of freedom because they are least bothered of common men or safety of the country. Lastly I do not hesitate in appealing all state governments and politicians in general to support present

Home Minister Sri P Chidambaram wholeheartedly in fighting Naxalism even by using war weapons or using air strikes.

Danendra Jain

Danendra jain 7 months ago

Now-a-days Engineers and MBAs change the company frequently to get better and better job opportunity and better and better annual package. Attrition rate in most of the private companies is 20% and more. It means every one of five recruited by a company leaves the job of that company in one year to join some other company , either due to better offer or due to uncomfortable work in the existing company or the company removes him due to poor performances.

But in all such cases companies save payment under Gratuity Act because minimum service for payment of gratuity to an employee is five years. In all such cases employees are losers and the employers are gainers. As a matter of the fact there are less than 50 out of 100 employees recruited in a particular company are more than five years old. Advocate should file a PIL or any other case in any court of law to give relief to such job changers.

Gratuity Act is very old and it needs amendment in the present change scenario. Since the private sector employees are not well organized and particularly job changers have no support of any union or political party this anomaly of the law could not come to light. Since the public sector employees are organized and there are very few cases of leaving of job by an employee in less than five years span of time. As such employers in public sector do not get such gain and the loss to employees in government sector is almost insignificant.

I however request highest officer President of India to look into the matter and guide HRD Minister or Finance Minister or the Law Minister to bring out necessary changes in the Gratuity Act to ensure that gratuity is paid to an employee even if he has served for a month or else it should be made transferable like Provident fund. It is worthwhile to mention here that such job changers face a lot of difficulty in taking back even accumulated contribution towards PF account from many newly developed companies and lastly they discard it. Obviously new brand companies are depriving genuine right of employees and there are hardly a few people who seek remedy from Indian courts because legal remedy is more costly and time consuming than the amount involved in such sacrifices. However it is also true that Job seekers who are to make their career excellent do not have time and also cannot afford legal action.

Danendra jain 7 months ago

It is reported in prominent newspaper today that tax dues from tax evaders has been increasing year after year and due to some reason or the other has mounted to Rs.198508 crores, say two lac crores rupees as on 30.09.2009. Out of this Rs.133232 crores pertain

to corporate sector and Rs.65274 crores from individuals. Department of revenue, the Central Board of Direct Taxes has proposed punishment of rigorous imprisonment from three to seven years for such tax evaders, who conceal their income, who do not file income tax returns, who violates anti money laundering act, or who do not deduct TDS or do not deposit tax deducted at source in time..

This is indeed a very good proposal .I however feel that CTBT should start this holy task by launching searching and investigating process in respect of all officers and babus working in Income tax department and various Ministries of Central government. Charity and good work should begin from home. In the second round big fishes involving tax evasion of rupees ten lacs and more may be trapped, then politicians having houses, apartments, colleges, factories worth more than a crore rupee may be caught and so on.

When top level ministers, IT officers , IT commissioners, CBI personnels,vigilance officers and officers involved in scrutiny of files, searching, assessing and investigating processes are honest , there is no doubt that the same culture will percolate down the level and this message will spread like epidemic in entire country and people of India will never dare opt for tax evasion. It is a bitter truth and undeniable fact that all types of tax evasions are taught by none other than IT babus and officers either directly or middlemen called as IT consultants. There is clear nexus between tax assessing authorities and businessmen and all tax files involving big individuals and corporate. As soon as Income tax payer agrees to quantum of bribe or commission set by IT officers are given in an envelope, file gets clearance from tax officers. This corrupt practice causes loss many times more than existing tax dues revealed herein above to government.

It is unfortunate that honest tax payers in India are never awarded, respected and given preferred treatment, but more often than not harassed and unnecessarily tortured by corrupt IT babus and corrupt officers of Income tax departments because such honest tax payers do not easily agree to give bribe to the department .It is also true that in our country even IT officers do not get promotions and good posting as long as he or she do not fill the pocket of Ministers and top officials of Ministry of concerned department. Such practice is all offices of government, all banks and all departments where government is having control. Merit is seldom respected, but corrupt officers are more often than not awarded. When the Ganga flowing from top is poisoned and polluted one cannot dream of pure water at ground level. .

This is why I have to suggest to Government and CTBT to launch attack first on those officers who are originators, perpetuators and irrigators of corruption and immediately stop financial terrorism let loose by tax authorities .If we start giving respect to honest tax payers and punishing corrupt government officers honestly, sincerely, quickly and without any based attitude there will be great improvement in the prevailing culture and people of prefer paying tax than opting for tax evasion. There are enough laws in existing law books to penalize the guilty if there is will to do so. There is no need to frame tougher rule in this regard. India needs strong will of execution of rules truly and in good spirit

India should learn to award honest officers and stop giving preference to officers who flatter and who earn through unfair means and give share to seniors. Public opinion should be sought to assess honesty and integrity of an officers. Formal certificate of honesty and integrity as prevalent in the system is nothing but a formality. Truth and reality of Indian system is known to all Indians. As such proposed rigorous imprisonment should commence from corrupt IT officials and corrupt ministers sitting at the top post and who are root cause of all evils. Tax payers deserve praise, respect and honour because they are backbone of Indian economy.

Danendra Jain

Danendra jain 7 months ago

It is not surprising that rich people are grabbing houses meant for poor. As a matter of fact all subsidies, aids, lands etc are grabbed by rich person in the area, politicians, middlemen and poor get a slice of the cake as a sympathetic contribution. Even good quality wheat and rice meant for distribution to ration card holders are bought by traders and sold in the market. Only rotten quality wheat which is not saleable in open markets are distributed through Fair price shops. Gas cylinders sold by Gas agencies at subsidized rates are mostly used by hotels owners, shop keepers, guest houses, wedding houses, factories, houses of middle class and rich class etc. Rural people or poor people cannot even dream of buying a gas cylinder. Government is selling Kerosene oil at very cheap rate and incurs huge loss due to this subsidized sale. But here also 80%of kerosene oil is bought by traders and sold in black market or bought by petrol and diesel dealers for adulteration in petrol and diesel.

Even schools free meals meant to attract poor students are eaten by teachers or sold to traders. Only a part of free meal which is rotten and of mean quality is served to enrolled students. Everyone knows very well how middlemen and politicians are looting fund under NREGA. Even then our clean Prime Minister claim of good governance and at least everyday he talks of GDP growth which he means to say Gross Domestic Product but actually for poor and rural people it is Garibi Development Project.

Government knows very well that fund given for development and poverty alleviation is mostly grabbed by middlemen, political leaders, and babus in government offices. All types of Construction work including Indira Awas construction carried out by government agencies involves distribution of illegal money in the shape of commission to dealing officers , monitoring agencies and politicians. Contractors cannot survive and cannot become wealthy person until he distributes at least 50% of contract amount among corrupt persons sitting in the administration and political workers called as dadagiri tax..

This is unending sad story of Indians and Indian administrations , more specially of Indian politicians and babus.

Danendra jain 7 months ago

Everyone had right to seek education and become talent. I have right to climb on mountain to touch Everest, but I cannot, because I am too weak to climb even a ten feet high tree. Reality of villages is that the children cannot afford going to schools where fees are not charged. Because most of the children are engaged in earning money, farming or doing what their parent desires to run the livelihood of family. Even in towns you will find many children doing job in hotels, shops, factories, offices and elsewhere.

Even if hundred percent seats are reserved for them they cannot dream of education. Government has been claiming to have all primary schools providing free education with free mid day meals. But unfortunately in such schools there is neither quality education, nor good environment or hygienic food. There is share of money among school staff and parent of children so far as free meal is concerned. These schools are liked by none. Even middle class family cannot afford taking education in private schools and colleges of higher education because tuition fee in such schools are in lacs and million of rupees.Let ussee how Kapil Sibal make his dream project success.

I submit few question below and seek your views thereon.

Why not existing system is corrected and made free of corruption on priority and idea of bringing new bills in Parliament are dumped for few years.

Why judicial reforms promised in party manifestos are not put into action even after 62 years of freedom

Why even charge sheeted or corrupt persons are selected for the post of CEO of any PSU or PSB or various offices, departments and courts ? Are politicians serving their political and economical interest?

All ministers and bosses in offices are discriminating based on caste while giving promotion and posting. Why government do not stop misuse of power?

Freedom to speak is used by film heroes in cinemas and TV serials by using vulgar languages and showing vulgar scenes. Do you like such freedom?

Police are meant to lodge FIR. We have right to lodge FIR. But are FIR lodged n police station freely?

Every Indian has right to get justice, but Indian courts deliver the judgment after two three decades. Is it the fruit of right?

Naxalites are openly extorting money from traders, industrialists and even police personnel. Have government given them right to do what they like, even kill innocent people

Every Indian has right to get justice, but Indian courts deliver the judgement after two three decades. Is it the fruit of right?

Constitution has provided right to live anywhere in the country, but most of Indians do not have his own house

Why not Kapil sibal try to fix limit of tuition fee for all schools, colleges of higher education?

Right to food or right of education is more important

Why opposition parties forget the pain of Indians caused due to unprecedented price rise and why are they trapped in dirty politics of ruling party and get involved in quota debate or right to education

Does government want to divert the attention of Indians from unprecedented price rise to woman quota or by right of education bill

Is is desirable to spend in opening new schools when even existing schools are useless and running mostly in registers.

It is the duty of government to ensure quality education in government run schools or to give advice to private schools to keep 25% quota for poor.

Tuition fee is free but education is nil in government schools. Is quota relevent in such schools?

Right to education is more important or right to have job opportunities, or business avenues or even farming potential

Can Education bill submitted by Kapil Sibal help in educating Indian poor or middle class children?

Can a parent having even annual income of five lac rupees afford education for his child in MBA, Engineering and medical good colleges?

Danendra jain 7 months ago

I congratulate Mayawati for her courageous and straight forward reply to people and parties who were raising hue and cry over the matter of garlanding. Her colleagues have shown how other political leaders in the past were also garlanded by his or her supporters. It is also to be kept in mind that supporter offer money laden garland or any precious gift to any political party member or any officers in government office only after he or she gets assurance or get much more benefits in his business, he gets tax rebate or he evades tax payment and gets protection, he gets various subsidies or tax concession or allotment of contract work, gets supply order or government land at cheap rate or any other ill-legal advantage from person who is worshipped by garland .

Politicians in general are corrupt and sitting in glass house. As such it is better for them not to throw stone on others. She has rightly said that almost all politicians are getting money this way or that way. It is true that political leaders in general (like Mulayam Singh Yadav, Lalu Yadav and congressmen in general ) have accumulated huge wealth either in their name or in the name of their family members or family trust. All Political parties are getting donation from rich businessmen and in turn these politicians are extending tax benefits or subsidy benefits or sanction contractual work to these businessmen. Without the support of businessmen political parties cannot afford election expenses involving hundreds of crores of rupees. It will not be an exaggeration to say that politicians are even doing own business in the name of family members or friends and using their ill earned money as capital. But who will bell the cat? Even IT officials or CBI or CVC (Vigilance department) or anti corruption bureau have got no courage to touch, assess, punish, and impose tax penalty on these politicians in fear of repercussions because these officers ( in general )are also birds of same feather and sitting in glass house.

Most of the big colleges of higher eduction, big schools, great shopping malls, and residential apartments belong to the family of politicians, old or new. Every person who is associated with government offices know very well that without getting money politicians or officers do not release government fund or sanction bill of contract work done by any contractor all over the country. At least fifty percent of contract value is eaten away by greedy politicians, government officers and other middlemen or musclemen who bring these two class together and put stamp on MOU regarding hidden money on each big project involving crores and crores of rupees.

Mayawati is really bold enough to face even her misdeeds. She has not only accepted the garland once or twice but asserted her stand. She has rightly retorted her opponents and silenced them all and only such dare devil politician can expose the reality of Indian politics and Indian administration. I praise her who boldly told that when Sonia was garlanded by her supporters by similar money laden garland, none opposed and criticized. When a dalit woman is garlanded, everyone has started shouting.

It is desirable to mention here the other aspect of the Mayawati episode which is true and an open secret and which cannot by denied by any administrators, social activist or economist or advocate or judge in the country. This excuse is very common in India. If any person of dalit community or Muslim community is punished or exposed in private or public office or anywhere in the society, the victim guilty person will take the shelter of his or her caste or community and ultimately the system surrenders and the guilty is acquitted or exonerated from punishment.. This may be called as sentimental atyachar. Even police department fears taking action against a person of SC or ST or Muslim community because of political reaction. This is another dark side of Indian politics.

Danendra jain 7 months ago

Companies like Satyam and Maytas are numerous in all areas of life. We have seen Harshad and Ketan Parikh. We have seen the fate of Chara Ghotala and Stamp scam.

There is no doubt that when bank’s balance sheet is scrutinized in depth and bank’s assets are assessed in the framework of good performing assets, most of PSU banks and SBI will face negative net worth, worse than Satyam. After collapse of Global Trust Bank it was expected that government and SEBI will come out of deep slumber and set right the functioning and reporting system of Banks, but the situation instead of improving, health of banks is going from bad to worse. It will not be exaggeration if one says that more than fifty percent of declared good assets will turn to be Non Performing asset and as a consequence capital of all banks will be extinguished in making provisions. SEBI may start investigation from two or three top banks which claim their net NPA is less than 1% if SEBI really want to know the truth.

The fraud perpetuated by Satyam management and authenticated by Chartered Accountants for last so many years not only exposes the truth of corporate governance but also the quality of Certification done by Chartered Accountants on whom Government believes blindly. Only in the last month, team of CA had clearly denied that they had given any report on value to his son’s company called as Maytas and when doubtful integrity of Satyam management was well established and came to light. Prior to that World Bank had also debarred these companies for eight year for alleged improper financial operation. Inspite of all, regulators like SEBI and Institute of CA’s remained silent spectator only because they all are birds of same feather. As a matter of fact all regulators remains mostly in deep slumber and only when blast like Mumbai blast occurs they are awaken. They will again sleep as soon as the news is forgotten by general mass.

It is not astonishing in Indian context. Companies in general are manipulating their balance sheets in their style and as per their whims just by feeding extra fees/bribes to auditors. In banking industry or in insurance industry or in government run departments, everywhere Chartered Accountants are purchased by gifts in cash and kind so that they may certify their books of accounts as per direction and choice of promoters, CEOs and high profile officers.

CA certification is so much significant in the eye of IT officials ( who are greater evil force in our country) and the government of India ( which is constituted by money eaters) that every company or every traders having turnover of more than Rs.40.00 lacs in a year has to worship CAs and even his supporting clerks and peons. In majority of the audit certification process, CA’s do not even look into books of record seriously. Only their audit clerks (many of them do not even know the ABC of accounts) go to the office of the department /company/traders who pretend to go through books of accounts and CA simply put his signature and Stamp. I put emphasis because in most of audit certificates, CA takes money /fees only for his signature and stamp. It will not be an exaggeration to say that 90% of CA blindly sing on balance sheet if they get fees of their choice. Government believes CA certificates even if entire books are concocted, manipulated and not based on real facts. Audited balance sheets are prepared after payment of large amount of money and only after the concerned company treat the auditors as their most respected guests.

Money in our country play vital role in every segment of society in deciding the goodness and badness of any individual or any company. Money has the capacity to make or mar the image of anyone and everyone. Money has the power to turn the table in any department, in any office of the country.

Certificates in our country are as such unreliable from quality point of view and hence I never believe in even audit reports of the company. Right from Birth certificate to death certificate, ration card to passport, caste certificate to competence certificate, all can be bought in the office concerned without any linkage with reality. Even ISO certifications, CRISIL ratings, financial ratings all are issued and improved on the basis of money power.

Only God can save us from the clutches of mischievous lot of officers, ministers, professionals like CA’s who are entrusted to make the country great.

And only those who live in fool’s paradise can believe our rulers, administrators, CA’s and businessmen.

Exceptionally few are however exceptionally good to shoulder the burden of the Nation at large.

Danendra Jain

Danendra jain 7 months ago

I resubmit hereunder a very common question coming in the minds of common men.

What is the reason behind declining economy for common men inspite of rising GDP or what is the reason behind continuous rise in prices of essential goods and commodities?

It is none other than corruption is my clear cut answer. Politicians in collusion with administrative officers (beaurocrats) are busy in making money from traders and have given full freedom to them to loot as much as possible and share with them (politicians and government officers) Prices are rising and rising unbridled only because there is none to monitor.

I disagree with lame excuses given by ruling central government of UPA like global slowdown or lesser production or bad climate. You might have heard on TV and read in print media that onion and rice in huge quantity were exported inspite of ban on export of rice.

Why and how could it so occur?

Because politicians in general and ministers in particular forget all rules when they are offered some commission. Officers working in government departments including judiciary and defense become ready to violate rules once they are gifted adequately.

Indians are suffering and paying high prices of rice due to crisis created by traders and politicians not by farmers. Economy is declining or improving, I am unable to understand, it is known to only God. But I hear in news media, sometimes political leaders talk of India shining and say India will be the leader in the world and sometimes when people raise question on increasing poverty, increasing unemployment or price rise they any hesitation talk of decline or global recession.

This is why most of the people conclude as follows which may appear ridiculous but bitter reality for majority of Indians.

Corruption is the Fifth pillar of democracy.

Corruption is the foundation of Indian Administration.

Corruption in the backbone of Indian economy.

Corruption provides lubricant to Indian Judicial system.

Corruption is the oxygen for politicians.

Corruption keeps your Boss happy and you go on moving up.

Corruption elevates your social status, hides your mistakes, and gives you choice posting, helps in getting early promotion and what not.

Any work can be done smoothly and timely if you indulge in corruption and agree to prevailing corrupt system.


Accept and Give bribe as much as possible and be happy.

Accept illegal practices prevalent in the system with joy and pleasure, you will lead a peaceful life. Don't try to protest anyone or point out anyone's fault, otherwise it will open Pandora's Box for you.

tarun 7 months ago

the only and the bet way to break corruption is education......

As people become educated , they will get to know more about their rights completely and will be less cheated...

satish O Nath 7 months ago

Can we remove corruption from INDIA in 15 days ?

I am sure if following suggestions of mine r implemented, corruption will vanish totally, in INDIA.

Only requirement is, will of leaders & more imp of people who elect them.

It seems political bosses r happy with it & people in general also are not worried.

1. Declare a heavy award (say 1000 times of bribe amount) for the bribe giver, who reports the crime with proof.

At present bribe giver is also treated as criminal thou' he is victim of circumstances & nobody reports.

This award amount should be recovered immediately from bribe taker.

Besides, the reporter must also be given preference in govt flat allotment. His children should be given reservation in jobs schools & colleges.

Effect of this will be such that list of these awards will not be long.

Any photographer giving picture of any crime should be awarded.

Even photo of faulty number plates/ traffic violations / people giving alms or purchasing things from vendors at traffic red lights should be awarded heavily. This'll give employment to many photographers.

A special web-site should be created where anybody can report a suspected criminal in private.

If found correct he be awarded but if found intentionally false reporting he be penalized.

2. Criminal (corrupt leaders/ officers etc) should be debarred from entering any civil city for whole life. Their whole property will be seized.

All criminals should be extricated to a special city of such type of criminals only, which they themselves should manage (peace loving citizens have a right to live in peace).

Hard criminals should be kept in a jail in side criminal's city.

Soft criminals should be kept in separate city .

3. Death Penalties should be given even to rapists/ any illegal arms keeper/ spy.

4. Death penalty may be pardoned by president in 100% cases but it should not be made public.

The pardoned criminals will still remain in their criminal city for whole life. No relatives/friend should be allowed to meet them. After long period if their behavior found improved, they me be sent to another special city of reformed where their relatives can also be allowed to live.

5. Declaration of penalties by court should be published prominently, while actual crime news should be published in 2-3 lines without heading.

6. voting in election should be made 100% compulsory.

SMS/ e-mail voting should be allowed after registering voters per cell phone or PC. Reverse confirmation should be sent immediately.

7. Election-campaign should be 100% on TV / internet or mobile only. This'll save paper & petrol & reduce costs & hence corruption.

This will save TREES also.

7. Corruption/ crime can not be curbed unless, Court cases r solved swiftly say in 3 months.

Summons should be served in one day. This is not impossible if there is a will.

All judges / panchs should be paid salary per cases solved/ pm.

Each mohalla of 50-100 houses should elect a panchayat.

Every citizen sud be registered in these.

Citizen should give his or panchayats phone number/ PC e-mail address to govt. These panchayats will have court powers. They'll decide on small cases swiftly. If both parties are of different panchayats both panchayats can sit together to solve the case.

All summons should be sent to these regd cell number/ e-mails & also published in local news-paper on first day of case & deemed served.

Police avoid registering a FIR, to reduce crime-rate in their area. Sometimes they are not certain in whose area crime was done & this creates hardship to general public. Sometimes they write simple complaint instead of FIR. (govt should count crimes in a area by number of ordinary complaints + FIRS & not only by FIRs .)

Hence, Power to register FIR should withdrawn from police .

Instead Panchayats where victim resides or any panchayat near to crime spot should register a FIR & forward to police-thana.

speaker 6 months ago

If in a distribution house or wholesale dealer get prices from dealer more than the company norms.then whats is the steps.If company personnel and govt personnel involved in this case,what will be the ultimate results?I have more quaries,if u helped me about those will give some hardcore data about this.waiting 4 responxes.

A Ramachandra Reddy 6 months ago

Victims by corrupt police , judges ,advocates , gundas and any others may approach my NGO to get justice.

A Ramachandra Reddy

Chief Executive

Advocates & Journalists for Public Justice

16-8-908/7 New Malakpet

Hyderabad - 500024

Phone & Fax No : 040-24414736

Mobile No : 09985108812


Abdulla 5 months ago

We have to stopp all congress criminals from coming in next election. We need BJP continuously 10 in years in Power.

aishwarya 5 months ago

sto india

Raj 4 months ago

Hey its not about the party... its all about corruption. No party to day is out of it. That's why most of our educated people don't vote. Youths should enter politics. If we see all young faces in the election, only then corruption can be handled. I am not saying the elder people cant do this but to control corruption in India that too at this level, we surely need young blood and some challenging moves.

Virupaksha Rudra N. Benni 4 months ago

Doctors are not doing thier duties at their govt.Hospitals.Much they are interested in thier own privite clinic for earning more.

They want earn by both side this is also one kind of corruption.

How can we prevent it

HUSEN UDAIPURI 3 months ago


VENKATESH.N 3 months ago

If finland the country with the least corrupted nation in the world ,why india can't be like that..the citizens in india should be aware of the corruption and should fight against it.we should not encourage this practise to be held in india.its impossible to destroy the word corruption in indian dictionary,atleast we should reduce it within a short period.and to avoid the corruption ,cameras should be placed in the government offices,hospitals etc..we should bring our country a less corrupted country among the world countries..if the corruption has been reduced,the debt amount of the india to the world nations can be payed easily..the needs of the indian citizens are becoming more and more nowadays.due to that corruption has been practising here a shows the lack of honesty of the individual and the other parties..avoid corruption and make india the best nation in tne world..JAI HIND

Nandhagopal 8 weeks ago

To be a INDIAN Citizen,be honest,true to you and nation ,register your voice against injustice and CORRUPTION.And save our future INDIA and her growth

rang de basanti 7 weeks ago

the problem with the heath care system of india is money. govt. is paying very small amount of money to the doctors working in the govt. hospitals and that is the root cause of all the negligence on behalf of doctors.

rang de basanti 7 weeks ago

the problem with the heath care system of india is money. govt. is paying very small amount of money to the doctors working in the govt. hospitals and that is the root cause of all the negligence on behalf of doctors.

Sumit 7 weeks ago

Respected Anti Currption Team,

I want to inform you that long ago Chief Minister Mayawati government LDA has set up a new department in Lucknow (U.P.- INDIA). From peon to which the term had come to possess a written exam which was not. Just had to direct interview has now begun to interview the same position. Now such information is received every position now being taken bribes in exchange for five million bucks and Ministers recommended going to get a job just the same people who bribe is worth half a million bucks that I submit to you that you should check it and stop the corruption that bless the person who is eligible for this job only he got the job

Senthil Kumar 6 weeks ago

Anyone who made corruption, must be punished. They must be penalized double the amount they looted, as penalty. Only if there is wealth loss on corruption, no one will dare to do it again.

Stop corruption and save India. Jai Hind!

Jagadish 6 weeks ago





puneet 6 weeks ago


Raja Seevan 3 weeks ago

Project Vigeye (Vigilance Eye) is a citizen-centric initiative, wherein citizens join hands with the Central Vigilance Commission in fighting corruption in India. Project Vigeye is the platform through which vigilance information flows freely through common public, the government agencies and the vigilance commission, making it possible to achieve a step jump in improving the corruption index of the nation.

You can send an blank SMS or "VIGEYE" to 09223174440 to get an SMS containing the registration link in your mobile. You have to register first, before filing a complaint.

To check whether the system is working for you, you can send a test complaint - mention "test" in the complaint body and it will be ignored. This is available for the next 15 days.

BLOW YOUR WHISTLE is a technology supported fully transparent anti-corruption initiative of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), India’s apex vigilance institution dealing with all matters of Corruption in the Central Government. The goal is to: help build TEAM India that will help in realising every ones dream of corruption free India. Creating awareness over the prevalence of corruption in the system and empowerment of the citizens in their fight against corruption and thus bringing about improvement in Efficiencies and Good Governance is the primary objective of this nation-wide programme.

Project Vigeye-GPMS has the following components,

• Online Global Project Management System (GPMS)

• Remote Eye Monitoring System (REMS)

• Intelligence Report Generation System (IRGS)

• Online Help Desk

• Scan and do Data Entry

• Task Management integrated with Mobile

While the GPMS serves as the main repository of information regarding various projects, the REMS will be used for capturing data from the field, such as photographs, audio/video, comments and signatures of witnesses, etc. through mobile phones and uploading the same to the GPMS in an automated manner. Once the field data capture is complete, the IRGS generates various intelligence reports, documenting all the related data for each project. The same can be viewed online.

Rajnish Khare 3 weeks ago

Control on Corruption can never be achieved because The Laws of indian government are very poor. There are no hard rules to overcome this. People are free even after big scandles. I know a person who was a big show of a very big scandal in a telecom company in Bhopal, though he has fired from that place but he is still free, and might be planning for other organization. recently he joined my organization, i am really worried abt this. -- Rajnish









MUMBAI -400007

Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, 16/4, Girish Banerjee Lane, Howrah - 711 101. 2 weeks ago

Nearly all the communities in India, such as Bengali, are succumbed in 'Culture of Poverty' (a theory once introduced by an US anthropologist Oscar Lewis), irrespective of class or economic strata, lives in pavement or apartment, nobody is really at all ashamed of the deep-rooted corruption, decaying general quality of life, worst Politico-administration, immature mother language, continuous absorption of common space(mental & physical, both), is becoming parents by blindfold self procreation simply

depriving their(the incoming children) fundamental rights of a decent, caring society. Do not ever look for other positive alternative behaviour(values), i.e. deliberately co-parenting of those children who are born out of ignorance, real poverty. All of us is being driven and followed by the very animal instinct. Can the Indian(Bengali) people ever be able to bring that genuine freedom (from vicious cycle of 'poverty') in their own life/attitude, start themselves 'Production of (social)Space, at least initiate a movement, by heart.

Anand 2 weeks ago

Who is these politicians to take away our money that to in millions and billions. After these scams even though they are caught nothing happens they simply escape from law and we lower/upper middle class simply watch the news discuss in the forum and forget it after 2 to 3 weeks. even the media is not so responsible enough that they can take this issue to next level with the public support.

we really lac initiation in the process to out throwing these politicians and make them in there knees and they not even think of this corruption again.

are we really waiting for some leader to take us in the right path? i dont think we can find any leaders like Bhagat singh or Subhas chandra bose to fight against these Criminal.

i just searched for the forum where some one requires people to support and Outcry against these politicians and save each other from them.

Public are only medium through which we can control the corruption, if we join hands together and protest or bring some revolution against these politicans we really can achieve these.

y i am so stressing on politicians is when the leader is good all the things will be working great.

please let me know the forum where people are required for support and outcry against these criminals.

we need to bring the revolution as these leeches are sucking our money like anything

Jai hind

Root Cause of Corruption in India

Apr 1 2007  | Views 6467 |  Comments   (1)  | Report AbuseTags: corruption india politics hindu hindus integrity citizen citizenship bharat slaves creed creeds religion religions culture cultures tradition traditions

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Everyone will agree that we are one of the most corrupt nations on Earth. There is corruption in every dimension of human endeavour. So much so that we are sometimes surprised when we find some person or circumstance where there is no scope for corruption! We need to adopt a scientific attitude and process to eliminate this malady from our society, mere calls for integrity are useless. We need to study and understand those individuals and systems where there is no scope for corruption and replicate/roll-out those models for the rest of the population and institutions. First let us review the qualities of individuals of integrity. 1. Self-respect is one of the most important of the common qualities of men/women of integrity. They are content with what their qualification and work can fetch them. And if their present state does not meet their ambition, they will strive to improve in a legitimate way. 2. They love themselves, their families and the mother land. 3. They do not exhibit such cheap behaviour as throwing thrash in their neighbour's plot, elbowing others to beat the queue, jump the traffic signal etc. Instead and they are calm and composed in public, follow rules and desire harmony in society. 4. While some of them oppose corruption publicly, others are content to be clean themselves and leave the others' behaviour to their own conscience. But the latter is not due thier acceptance of corruption, but because of practical limitations in constantly opposing an overwhelming majority of people. Let us now review the qualities of institutions of integrity. 1. Honesty is their policy. It is the cornerstone of their business existence. 2. They build and tune their systems to be resilient enough not to fall prey to human weaknesses and inadequacies. 3. They rely on innovation and continuous improvement rather than questionable business practices. 

4. They respect the interests of their customers, stake holders and employees. Their policies and procedures are tuned to imbibe responsibility and accountability in every individual. 5. Unscrupulous individuals will find it difficult to survive and grow in such institutions as the system demands accountability. Now, though an institution is greater than an individual, it is individuals who form, contitute and run insitutions. Hence, let us see why our country is failing in producing individuals of integrity. The main reason why our country is failing to produce individuals of integrity is because of Lack of Intellectual Independence. Sitting at the top of our national executive are mere parrots who will simply speak out what they have learnt by rote. All that they know is to imitate and follow the legacy of our erstwhile colonial masters. There is a very subtle problem here - all those pre-independence things were first put in place to make us loyal servants of our colonial masters, and prevent us from becoming authors and masters of our own destiny. For example, take our social studies text books, while they heap condemnation on all 'bad' aspects of our culture and tradition, they have absolutely nothing worthy to highlight in a positive way. As a result, an average Indian is led to believe that our inheritance is evil and we need to "reform" - that is change in a way mostly acceptable for our western audience. But even while the text books condemn and call to abandon all aspects of our native culture, they un-conditionally extoll the 'virtues' of foreign cultures and creeds. Our text books scrupulously avoid being critical of any aspect of foreign cultures/creeds. This results in an average citizen developing the attitude of being inimical to the country's own culture and tradition - that is to towards his own fellow citizens of the native culture and tradition - while they are timidly respective of foreigners and other fellow citizens following colonial/foreign cultures/traditions. This behaviour is seen even more in our mainstream media (mainly English). Another simple example - especially of common knowledge to frequent fliers - is that most Indians scrupulously follow the Q system outside India, while they will resort their normal 'elbow thy neighbour' the moment they touch-down back home. To sum it up our current educational system will continue to create good slaves of foreign masters, but cannot create good masters of our own destiny. Coming to the un-educated, they simply follow the behaviour of their educated peers. Once we achieve Intellectual Independence, everything else will fall in place. Individuals of integrity have their role to play - to write about what is good about them and their motherland.


Greetings and good-after noon to all of you. My speech today will address the topic

corruption and especially political corruption. Everything in this era revolves around the decisions

made by powerful people in society, particularly governmental people and politicians and many of

them resort to misuse power for personal gains such as money, luxuries or even more power. This

means that corruption could make you gain a lot but it also means that you deprive certain people of

a lot. This is why in certain countries, we see a gap that is widening between the poor and the rich

and certain economies are falling, as in the united states economy. Corruption only leads to the

destruction of a persons morals and ethics and would increase peoples hatred towards that person. A

significant example on political corruption is when our countries in the middle east- through

corrupted people- facilitated the way for the occupational troops to invade Iraq and when they

ignored the cries for help by Palestinians in Gaza and other cities. It is time for people to start

paying attention to these issues and understand that we must fight corruption to end these miserable

issues upon our people. It is therefore that corrupted people must suffer the consequences incurred

by their actions and should be punished according to the Islamic system. But what if the people

within the system are also corrupted? Then I believe that change comes from within us if we are

willing to step up to these people and by taking initiatives, sacrifices and perhaps try to influence

people and future generations to put pressure in the face of corruption. One of the ways of applying

pressure and drawing attention to this case was shown by a reporter a few days ago who threw a

pair of shoes at the united states president. Although I liked the idea but other methods such as

demonstrations are proved to be effective methods and as I've stated earlier, its all about taking

sacrifices and initiatives towards these methods, that we can eliminate corruption.

THE MONSTER OF CORRUPTIONTHE MONSTER OF CORRUPTIONThe monster of corruption has spread its tentacles in all walks of life. The louder the noise against the evil of corruption, the wider the tentacles it spreads as if with a vengeance.At the moment, the rule ruling the roost on the country’s administration front is: Go in for bribery and flourish; shun it and be dammed. So rampant is corruption that someone has rightly remarked. “ Blessed are the corrupt; for, they will inherit the world.†Corruption is rampart in all spheres of life in our society. That Is the reason why the �common man on the street is afraid of the police, the sales tax office and so on. But the most dangerous face of this menace is reflected in the dubious nexus between a corrupt politician and a corrupt bureaucrat. When the lawmakers become law breakers with impunity, who will save the country?The factors responsible for corruption are many. One, caste and nepotism have become the basis for distribution of patronage. Two, with common financial interest, emotion rather than reason dictates politics. Three, society tolerates amassing of wealth by any method, right or wrong. And finally, one’s extreme attachment to one’s family makes one often feel that one has to earn enough for children and grandchildren. If democracy has to survive, the middle class value of probity in public life will have to be sustained. If each one of us refuses to offer bribes, however small, corrupt officials will have to back down eventually and this vicious circle can be broken.

How to eradicate corruption?We all know that corruption levels are growing at an alarming rate in several countries like India.

Every day we see flash news in news channels like "ACB catches yet another corruption fish".The surprising thing is,corruption is not confined to a single department or organization.Every department has people who are unwilling to do their duties without taking bribes.

We people earn amounts for contributing in ISC.Then how officials get their pockets full?(Mind you there are already getting their salary)By taking Bribes.

My personal Experience:

Many of you might have had real life experiences.Let me share mine.

I applied for passport recently.One have to produce valid documents like residence proof etc.when I went to the passport office,the officer said I have to produce another certificate signed by Mandal Revenue Officer.I came out in dilemma.Then a nearby broker came to me .He said he will get the job done but charged Rs 2000.In half and hour he some how produced the certificate signed by MRO and himself submitted in the passport office.

All I did is wait till I got my passport in a month.

Here comes the million dollar question.How can we eliminate corruption?

Let me share my suggestions with you:

1.Imbibing strong moral values:

If our children are inculcated with strong ethics they will show reluctance in taking bribes when they grow up.

Teachers and Parents have to play a huge role in bringing up the kids.

2.Strengthening the governing body:

There should be some strict reforms in the governing body that monitors corruption.

3.Strict punishment

Often criminals are using the loop holes in our judicial system to their advantage.If the government makes strict rules and punishes the criminals mercilessly,other people will at least fear to do the same mistake.

Presentation Transcript

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WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA Is India a poor Country - Revelation on Swiss bank accounts

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Slide 11:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA INDIA PERCEIVED AS MORE CORRUPT AFTER CWG SCAM According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) for 2010, India this year ranks 87 among 178 countries, down three spots from 84 in 2009.

Slide 12:


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Slide 14:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA In Our Shining India, Over 5000 Children Die Every Day From Hunger And Malnutrition.After reading this Do you still think india is a developing country? Around 23 lakh children, aged 1-59 months, died in India in 2005 alone.

Slide 15:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA One woman dies every seven minutes in India due to pregnancy-related complications and these are conservative estimates since more than 30 per cent of maternal mortality cases go unreported, according to estimates. INDIA IS A NUMBER 1 IN : MATERNAL MORTALITY RATE

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Slide 17:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA New census estimates that there are 13 million homeless people in India

Slide 18:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA “BHIKSHA NAHI SHIKSHA CHAHIYEN’’ 80 , 43 , 889 Children aged between 6 & 14 Years do not Go to School. 1 , 48 , 696 Government Schools are run Without a Building. 1 , 14 , 531 Primary Schools have a Single Teacher. 1 , 68 , 742 Schools do not have a Drinking Water. 4, 55 , 561 Schools do not have Toilet. (PMO- Dec. 2009)

Slide 19:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA 40 Million Unemployed with an Unemployment Rate of 9.4%. (NSS0)

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Slide 22:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA WHERE ARE THE ROADS ???? India lowers target for highway construction. It will now build 12-13 km a day from the set target of 20 km owing to lack of adequate infrastructure and technology. ( REAL FACT ONLY 2-3 KM A DAY .)

Slide 23:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA "Indian Railways has not produced any world-class technology since Independence.” The railway minister's grand plans for Railways only on paper?

Slide 24:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA 11,700 tonnes(out of about 57.8 million tonnes) of food grains worth Rs 6.86 crore were found “damaged” in government godowns. Food and Agriculture Minister Hungry People –Rotting Food grains

Slide 25:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT CORRUPTION FREE INDIA According to an estimate by the World Food Program, one quarter of the world’s hungry live in India. India ranks 66th in the world in battling hunger. Over 20 crore people are hungry. During 1997-2007, 10 lakh tonnes of food grain was damaged. With this 10 lakh tonnes of food one crore people could be fed for a year. At a time when food prices are sky-rocketing and thousands of families living below poverty line are struggling to get their meals, such wastage of food grain is unfortunate and shameful.

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Slide 28:

WE WANT DEVELOPMENT WE WANT “CORRUPTION FREE INDIA” "People perceive India as a land of a billion problems, but I see it as a land of a billion opportunities.“ MR. MUKESH AMBANI

Slide 29:


Political Corruption in India: An Analysis 

by R. Upadhyay

"I would go to the length of giving the whole congress a decent burial, rather than put up with the corruption that is rampant." --- Mahatma Gandhi May 1939

This was the outburst of Mahatma Gandhi against rampant corruption in Congress ministries formed under 1935 Act in six states in the year 1937.  The disciples of Gandhi however, ignored his concern over corruption in post-Independence India, when they came to power. Over fifty years of democratic rule has made the people so immune to corruption that they have learnt how to live with the system even though the cancerous growth of this malady may finally kill it.  The recent Tehelka episode surcharged the political atmosphere of the country but it hardly exposed anything, that was unknown to the people of this biggest democratic polity.  

Politicians are fully aware of the corruption and nepotism as the main reasons behind the fall of Roman empire, the French Revolution, October Revolution in Russia, fall of Chiang Kai-Shek Government on the mainland of China and even the defeat of the mighty Congress party in India.   But they are not ready to take any lesson from the pages of history.   

The history of corruption in post-Independence India starts with the Jeep scandal in 1948, when a transaction concerning purchase of jeeps for the army needed for Kashmir operation was entered into by V.K.Krishna Menon, the then High Commissioner for India in London with a foreign firm without observing normal procedure.  Contrary to the demand of the opposition for judicial inquiry as suggested by the Inquiry Committee led by Ananthsayanam Ayyangar, the then Government announced on September 30, 1955 that the Jeep scandal case was closed.  Union Minister G.B.Pant declared "that as far as Government was concerned it has made up its mind to close the matter.  If the opposition was not satisfied they can make it an election issue.”  Soon after on February 3,1956 Krishna Menon was inducted into the Nehru cabinet as minister without portfolio.   

In 1950, A.D.Gorwala, an eminent civil servant was asked by Government of India to recommend improvements in the system of governance.  In his report submitted in 1951 he made two observations: “One, quite a few of Nehru's ministers were corrupt and this was common knowledge.  Two, even a highly responsible civil servant in an official report as early as 1951 maintained that the Government went out of its way to shield its ministers” (Report on Public Administration, Planning Commission, Government of India 1951)    

Corruption charges in cases like Mudgal case (1951), Mundra deals (1957-58), Malaviya-Sirajuddin scandal (1963), and Pratap Singh Kairon case (1963) were

levelled against the Congress ministers and Chief Ministers but no Prime Minister resigned.   

The Santhanam Committee, which was appointed by the Government in 1962 to examine the issue of corruption in its report submitted in 1964 observed: “There is widespread impression that failure of integrity is not uncommon among ministers and that some ministers, who have held office during the last sixteen years have enriched themselves illegitimately, obtained good jobs for their sons and relations through nepotism and have reaped other advantages inconsistent with any notion of purity in public life.” 

The following comments of Nehru on the memorandum of charges against Pratap Singh Kairon submitted to the President of India by the non-Communist opposition in Punjab suggest his approach on corruption - “The question thus arises as to whether the chief minister is compelled to resign because of adverse findings on some questions of fact by Supreme Court.   The ministers are collectively responsible to the legislature.  Therefore, the matter was one, which concerned the assembly.  As a rule therefore, the question of removing a minister would not arise unless the legislature expressed its wish by a majority vote.” (Pathology of Corruption by S.S.Gill) 

Thus, we find that while Nehru’s tolerance of corruption among his ministers legitimized this malady, his daughter Indira Gandhi institutionalized it by holding both the posts of the Prime Minister and party president.  By doing so she was herself controlling the party funds, which gave birth to the money power in politics.  The famous V.P.Malhotra (Chief Cashier of State Bank of India) case in which he got a telephone call believing from Indira Gandhi to pay Rs,60 lakhs to one Nagarwal remained a mystery.   Corruption cases like Fairfax, HBJ Pipeline, and HDW Submarine deal came up since then.  The famous Bofor’s deal is well known.  Narsimha Rao was the first Prime Minister being prosecuted in corruption charges.  Cases like Rs.2500 crore -Airbus A-320 deal with France involving kickback (1990), Harshad Mehta security scam (1992), Gold Star Steel and Alloys controversy (1992), JMM bribery case, Hawala scam of Rs. 65 crore and Urea scam (1996) also came up during the period of Narsimha Rao Government. 

Criminalisation of politics is another facet of corruption.  N.N.Vohra, Union Home Secretary in his report (1995) on this issue observed:- “A network of mafias is virtually running a parallel Government pushing the state apparatus into irrelevance.  Quoting some ‘DIB’ sources, he added, “….there has been a rapid spread and growth of criminal gangs, armed senas, drug mafias, smuggling gangs and economic lobbies in the country, which have over the years developed an intensive network of contacts with bureaucrats, government functionaries at local level, politicians, media persons and strategically located individuals in non-state sector.  Some of these syndicates have also international linkages including the foreign agencies.” 

Against the above-discussed historical background of corruption during last fifty years, the only contribution of Tehelka is that the exposure has forfeited the right of the BJP to claim itself to be a party with difference.  So long the BJP was in opposition, it was by and large known as a party with moral integrity, but when it aligned with the political leaders with shady background for the sake of power, the malady of corruption infected this party too.  Once the moral integrity is compromised it opens the door of corruption.  Perhaps the BJP leadership deliberately went for ideological compromise for capturing power at centre.  L.K.Advani put the responsibility on middle class when he reacted to a suggestion by an important ex-National Executive member of the party against the “dubious coalition politics”.  Advani reportedly said: “ The middle class does not like compromises and tends to be idealistic.  At the same time, it is unhappy if we lose power.  It wants power as well as ideological integrity.  This is the dilemma of the party”.  ( Inside BJP by Dr. Jay Dubashi published in Times of India dated March 22,2001).  Advani might have philosophised the situation but he cannot escape from the responsibility for the ideological compromise the BJP made for the sake of power. 

Corruption is an abstract term.  According to World Bank report 1997 abuse of public power for private gains is described as corruption.  But this appears to be too simplistic explanation of corruption.  In fact it is a multi-faceted evil, which gradually kills a system.  A basic conflict between the ethos and system has weakened the Indian polity.  The feudal outlook of the ruling class polluted the people’s mindset, which judge the status of an individual on his capability to flout the law to favour them.  This is the reason why corruption is no more viewed by people with abhorrence in Indian society.  Leaders like Laloo, Jayalalitha, Sukhram and others, who are facing corruption charges, continue to have wide range of people’s support.  Transparency, responsiveness, accountability, probity in public life and good governance are now only slogans.  The legislature has failed to make the judiciary, executive and even media sensitive to the cause of the common people.  The failure of the political leadership to take a principled stand against corruption has clouded the system to the extent that it is now difficult to understand whether the system is alive or dead.  

In the present context corruption is so much linked with power that our politicians have adopted a cynical attitude toward political morality.  Maneuvering the anti-defection law for electoral politics with the help of both money and muscle power and other unfair means for the sake of power have affected the political morality of all the political parties and as such none of them can claim themselves to be faithful to nation in true sense.  It was pathetic to see an excellent orator  of congress struggling to brush away the past of the congress in the recent “Big fight” programme of Star TV.  

The collapse of  the Janata Party Government (1977-80), fall of V.P.Singh and Chandrashekhar Government (1990-91), turning his minority Government into majority by Narsimha Rao, split in Telugu Desam Party (1994), defection of Ajit

Singh with his supporters to Congress (1993), defection of S.S.Vaghela from BJP, maneuvering defection by Kalyan Singh to keep the BJP led Government in power in UP are some of examples to prove that a sizeable number of our politicians are not immune to corruption.   

With Tehelka exposure, we may like to refer to our ancient law book, which said, “That monarch, whose subjects are carried from his kingdom by ruffians, while they call aloud for protection, and he barely looks on them with his ministers, is a dead, and not a living king.” (Manusmriti VII/143)  Tehelka is simply an addition to thousands of past and present eruptions in the cancerous body polity of the country. 

 Manu may not be relevant to the present century, but as human nature more or less remains same and states either in monarchy or democracy are governed by the same human beings, he is still relevant.  License to govern does not mean license to be corrupt. Mahatma Gandhi believed in the need for creating a social climate against corruption, which meant creation of an atmosphere in which the corrupt could not thrive.  The need of the hour therefore, is to wipe off the tormenting system, which could be possible only after its thorough overhaul.   For this our national leadership is expected to devise a political mechanism to create a social atmosphere by empowering of people.  The on going war cry against corruption, which is nothing but a mad fight to replace one corrupt system by another is not going to transform the beleaguered nation to a sustainable social order.   

Disillusioned by rampant graft scandals Sandy Gordon From: The Australian December 15, 2010 12:00AM

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THE wealthy in India are laundering $19bn a year.

ALTHOUGH corruption in India is nothing new, recent examples appear to put the country in the category of one of the worst kleptocracies, and a survey indicates widespread disillusionment with the Singh government.

Former mines minister and chief minister of Jharkhand, Madhu Koda, is in jail on charges of having siphoned off $US1 billion ($1bn), mainly from corrupt mining deals, during his short tenure.

By laundering funds through cronies, Koda managed to acquire hotels around the world and even a mine in Africa.

Although India has passed legislation to strengthen its anti-money-laundering regime, a recent Global Financial Integrity report found rich Indians launder a staggering $US19bn a year.

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According to a government audit, the 2G telecommunications licence sales of 2008 cost the Indian state $US39 billion in lost fees due to under-selling to favoured magnates.

Indian journalists, who are usually associated with the vigorous exposure of corruption, were caught up in an unholy alliance of influence between the telecommunications companies and government officials involved.

And to India's international shame, the administration of the New Delhi Commonwealth Games was replete with examples of corruption and incompetence.

All payments for Games services are now frozen pending the corruption investigations. Legitimate providers, including some leading Australian companies, are incurring millions of dollars in losses, leaving India's reputation in tatters and putting at risk the staging of future events.

Tax evasion is widespread, and accused evader Hasan Ali Khan (supposedly an associate of mobster Dawood Ibrahim) allegedly illicitly put $US8 billion in the UBS AB Zurich bank.

In another major claim of money-laundering and cover-up, the Indian government is trying to suppress documents linked to the accounts of Indians in the Liechtenstein LGT Bank, the bank infiltrated by a German agent.

Audits of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme, the giant rural work program intended to uplift the poor, show that in some states only a small percentage of the allocated funds reaches the intended recipients.

Even the military, hitherto relatively free of corruption, has recently been involved in several land scams, including the notorious Adarsh scam in Mumbai, in which apartments intended for military veterans were instead allocated to high-ranking officials.

Smaller in scale, but if anything more excruciating for cricket-mad Indians, is the Indian Premier League scam, which claimed the scalps of several luminaries of the Congress party.

These and many other cases illustrate the rapid decline in the state of governance in India. This in turn casts a shadow over future development and stability in the emerging Asian giant.

But is this an accurate depiction of the state of affairs in India, or are there other, perhaps more hopeful, interpretations?

The emerging role of governance mechanisms such as the "social audit" by India's vigorous civil society sector, activism in the financial and tax departments, judicial

activism - particularly in the Supreme Court - and investigations by India's media are discovering cases of corruption and seeking to impose justice. The exposure of such cases appears to indicate a system out of control.

However, you could argue that unlike true kleptocracies, at least corruption in India is frequently being exposed and the perpetrators brought to justice.

And the enhanced role of government agents in audits, tax and financial regulation can fill some of the gaps left by India's somewhat etiolated anti-corruption mechanisms.

For example, the audit process built into the Mahatma Gandhi scheme has proved quite effective in uncovering impropriety and improving performance.

Such government processes are augmented by the activities of non-government organisations, which are conducting social audits. In an Indian first, Andhra Pradesh state has decided to turbocharge the social audit process by giving it state support and legal sanction.

In the 2G sale scam, it was the government's audit office, the office of the Comptroller and Auditor-General, that identified the shortfall of about $US39bn. The Telecommunications Minister has been forced to resign, and other heads are likely to roll.

The Supreme Court (equivalent to Australia's High Court) has been active in seeking to expose the corruption. The court recently ordered the government to lift the suppression of information relating to German correspondence with the government about Indians with accounts in Liechtenstein. It has played a leading role in unseating the recently installed head of India's federal corruption watchdog, the Central Vigilance Committee.

In a case eerily reminiscent of the way Al Capone was brought to justice, the Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Finance initiated the actions against Koda, precipitating the wider involvement of other anti-corruption and law-enforcement agencies and bringing about his eventual arrest.

So at one level you can lament the apparent decline of public life in India and the breathtaking scale of corruption. But at another, you can note that many illicit activities are now being exposed and that the checks and balances built into India's democracy still appear to be functioning.

In other words, you can either adopt a glass half-full or a glass half-empty view of corruption in India. My guess is it that it was always there, but now appears to have increased because it is more frequently exposed.

Fighting corruption in India with the Zero Rupee


When Vijay Anand moved to the US from India to start his own software company, he realised how much more he could achieve when he didn't have to deal with corrupt officials.“It got me thinking about how citizens in India could fight the corruption that affects them every day.” In 2006 he founded the NGO 5th Pillar; the following year he returned to his home state of Tamil Nadu armed with a brilliant idea which he would use to launch 5th Pillar and to fight corruption: the Zero Rupee note.

The Zero Rupee note is a visual aid to mobilise people to say 'no' to corrupt officials and to expose where and when bribes are demanded. Its design is based on the Indian 50 Rupee note. But printed on the note in English and Tamil is the message: “Eliminate Corruption at all levels” and “I promise to neither accept nor give a bribe”. The idea is that when a corrupt official suggests a citizen should pay a bribe to get something done, s/he can hand over the Zero Rupee note. On the back of the note are the goals, contact details and the website address of 5th Pillar.

Vijay explains, “I realised corruption is affecting everyone, rich and poor, in a vicious cycle. To fight it I knew that we would need to focus not just on a small group of activists but on getting all citizens involved.” Within two years one million notes had been printed and distributed. As the notes circulated, so too did the organisation's volunteer base, which is now at 14,000.

When a volunteer has recruited another 100 volunteers, the group becomes a 'chapter' with its own president and other roles. Each chapter is sent copies of a monthly publication which documents corruption stories, provides information on laws relating to corruption and citizen rights to information and details the activities of 5th Pillar and volunteer groups and their anti-corruption success stories. Vijay explains this strategy: “The way corruption happens is often locally-specific – in cities, villages, towns and regions corrupt practices are different. So by supporting groups to think and act locally and by sharing information about what they did and what success they had, we are able to be more effective.”

In 2008 the concept went global with the launch of Volunteers worldwide helped build the website which provides anti-corruption notes in the currencies of the 196 UN-recognised nations. Vijay says they've since been contacted by organisations and groups in six different countries who are taking steps to replicate the model. But what's important, he says, is that they first look at the local context and

consider how the idea will be received. “Before I implemented the Zero Rupee note in India I tested it by using it myself and I looked carefully at how corrupt officials responded. They were usually ashamed and worried and immediately changed their attitude. In Tamil Nadu officials now know who 5th Pillar are and they know we will follow through if we learn they have taken or asked for a bribe or if they make any threats to someone who won't pay a bribe.”

Now that 5th Pillar's work has been proved effective and sustainable, their mission is to expand and get the Zero Rupee note operating all over India.

TOOLS USED: Image editing software to design the Zero Rupee note, a website for distribution of the notes and for documenting where they have been used and for promoting success stories.

REACH: Tamil Nadu in India, expanding across India and worldwide through Zero Currency.

COST: 5th Pillar is supported by its members and by donations. Each Zero Rupee note costs around 1 Rupee to produce ($0.02).

RESOURCES: TIME: 6 months research by the founder to research corruption, test the concept, print the first notes and organise a launch event. VOLUNTEERS: needed to popularise the project, use the notes and keep momentum.

LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: 2 out of 5 for the concept but 4 out 5 for widespread coordination of outreach and volunteers.

LINKS TO LEARN MORE: Campaign page of the Zero Rupee note and the Zero Currency website. Articles in the The Economist , The Independent and Foreign Policy Digest

Images by 5th Pillar. Top: The Zero Rupee note in Tamil language. Middle: The audience holding up their Zero Rupee note and take a pledge not to give or accept bribes. Bottom: Audience members holding up their Zero Rupee note.


I happened to look at the latest July 09 report to check out how many of them have been caught taking bribe and the action that was taken against them.

With India being one of the most corrupt countries in the world, I was pretty sure that monthly number would be quite sizeable. But upon seeing the report, I was left in utter dismay.

Out of literally lakhs of Government officials only 522 cases were referred to Central Vigilance commission – 258 cases will see some action against them.

Of these 258 corruption cases Government will launch prosecution cases again 22 of them and 236 may be imposed major penalty.

Here is the interesting part – Due you know what a major penalty means?

A small cut in pay (from 5% to 25%), a small cut in pension or gratuity (5% to 30%) or probably temporary suspension from duty (3 to 6 months). Out of all these cases only 3-4 of them will face dismissal from service.

Here is the July 09 CVC report – Have a look and decide for yourself.

Also, the surprising part is that all of them who are caught are just the smaller pawns – who is looking at Politicians and senior officers in the Government – They are the biggest culprits, not a single case will be ever registered against them.

Here are some of the findings of the survey

58% of the respondents in India singled out politicians as the most corrupt individuals.

13% of the respondents rated government officials as the second most corrupt.

10% of the respondents felt that Parliament and other law making bodies are corrupt.

9% of the respondents felt that the private sector – which was included in the survey for the first time – are corrupt.

Media and judiciary are corrupt in the view of 8% and 3% respondents respectively.

45% of people surveyed in India said the government is ineffective in addressing corruption

Have you noticed how a bunch of ants surround a cube of sugar
