Country experience in reporting on cross-cutting issues and application of the template under the...


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Country experience in reporting on

cross-cutting issues and application of the template

under the SNC

Albania case

Ermira Fida, MBAManager

Climate Change Program

Cairo, 20-22, September, 2007

Outline of presentation

Background on Albania, Climate Change and NCs; Institutional framework for NCs;Organizational structure of the CCU;SNC project implementation strategy; Planning of the SNC process;Cross-cutting issues under the INC;Addressing cross-cutting issues under the SNC;Applying the template;Case: Integrating climate change issues…Constraints; Recommendations.

Joined the UNFCCC in 1995Status under the UNFCCC

Non-Annex 1 Party to the UNFCCC

No emission reduction targets

Joined the Kyoto Protocol

16 December, 2004

Albania and UNFCCC & Kyoto Protocol

Status of the NC process in Albania

INC: completed on July 2002 Launched at COP8, India; Followed up by a Technology Needs

Assessment. Completed on November 2004;

SNC: In process Stocktaking exercise completed in October

2004 SNC project started on March 2005

Institutional framework for NCs

Relies upon the responsibility of the Climate Change Unit/Program (CCU/P): Based under the Ministry of Environment,

Forests and Water Administration of Albania; Funded jointly from UNDP and GoA Responsibilities:

Support the implementation of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol

UNFCCC Focal Point DNA for CDM

Draft/design nation policy actions for climate change and mainstreaming;

Management and implementation of climate change projects portfolio;

Organizational structure of CCP/U

SNC Project Implementation Strategy

Build upon the previous work and expertise gained under the INC and TNA in order to ensure the sustainability of the process;Start up with GHG inventory and V&A in parallel and follow up with GHG abatement once the first draft of GHG inventory is available;

GHG inventory: work with key sources and data gap filling; V&A focus in a priority system (Drini River Cascade); Update the GHG mitigation analysis and TNA.

Elaborate other/cross-cutting issues in an integrated manner with other thematic components . Apply the strategy of improvement of the quality of studies (GHG inventory, mitigation) and replicate it at the V&A studies, at the extend possibleArchive/document the data and the studies.Mobilize additional resources for additional studies to be attached to the SNC study and process, such as:

UNEP& Dutch: Public awareness, training and education activities. GoA: GHG inventory, Abatement, V&A REC: V&A (expanding the project site area from Drini to Mati River Deltas)

Work in parallel to designing project proposals that address findings from NCs, subject of funding from GEF and/or other donors.Develop partnership with relevant institutions and involve stakeholders from the beginning to ensure among others integration of climate change into national planning Conduct public awareness activities and communications continuously.


2005 2006 2007 2008

GHG inv X X X

GHG mitigation





Other info X X

SNC report X X

Planning the SNC

Cross-cutting/other issues under the INC

Delivered under a separate chapter under INC of Albania The chapter addressed only such issues as:

Public awareness Training Education Capacity building Potential follow-up activities

No information on steps to integrate climate change into policy formulation under this chapter:

This information has been provided in an integrated manner under the section of the National Climate Change Action Plan as part of the baseline situation at policy level.

No information on technology transfer under this chapter: Some elements of the situation regarding technology transfer has

been implicitly provided under the GHG mitigation chapter.Lots of information on the level of climate change integration and technology transfer has been provided under the TNA report

Addressing cross-cutting issues under the SNC

Status of the work on cross-cutting issues: Majority of the information has been collected

An approach to collect information on cross-cutting issues in the most effective and accurate way has been followed:

Refer to 17/CP8, UNFCCC user manual for guidelines on NC from NA1 and to NCSP resource kit for NCs as guiding materials.

Integration of the information on the cross-cutting issues under key thematic areas: GHG mitigation and Vulnerability and Adaptation

Majority of of the information obtained through GHG mitigation and V&A studies performed.

ToRs for Mitigation and V&A contained tasks that required collection and elaboration of information on cross-cutting issues

Cross-cutting issues will be provided as a separate chapter under the SNC of Albania, containing the following subsections:

Steps taken to integrate climate change; Activities relating to technology transfer; Climate Change RSO and research programs; Public awareness, communications, training, education and capacity

building A synthesis of the collected information on cross-cutting issues is

needed aiming at the provision of the information in a comprehensive without repetitions in other sections.

Application of the UNFCCC template…

The template has reached us before the synthesizing of the information in the form of the draft-chapter on cross-cutting issues;Once delivered by the UNFCCC has been shared with Team Leaders of three thematic areas, and relevant experts involved in the SNC preparation;Consultations with Team Leaders and experts have been held to discuss and agree on the degree/rate of its application:

The template has been found helpful in terms of the provision of the list of the key issues for reporting and applicable for us;

The template complements the current guidance on cross-cutting issues:

Bringing additional key issues for consideration The national team recommended to revise the already collected

information on cross-cutting issues in the light of the key considerations provided by the template;

The team recommended a provision of the synthesized information on cross-cutting issues in a narrative way rather than in tabular form as per the template.

Example 1: Steps to integrate CC

This has been addressed as an issue for consideration under both thematic areas: GHG mitigation and V&A :Ex: GHG Mitigation has been addressed under Energy Strategy

This has been addressed as an issue for consideration under both thematic areas: GHG mitigation and V&A.Ex: Hydropower sector (mitigation and V&A); Coastal zone (V&A).

The description of the level of stakeholder involvement has not been addressed explicitly. It will be elaborated in a comprehensive way.

This has been addressed as an issue for consideration under both thematic areas: GHG mitigation and V&A . Ex: Energy sector

This has not been addressed in such an explicit way . It will be elaborated in an explicate way and in such a chronology.

This has been addressed as an issue for consideration under national circumstances .


Not easy to synthesize information on issues related to: Technology transfer and specifically with TNA:

In Albania’s case the team has planed the update the TNA study carried out in 2004

GHG mitigation technologies Adaptation technologies in a priority system

Solution: The results of the updated TNA are going to be elaborated under the respective

chapters (GHG mitigation and V&A); Under the cross cutting part we are planning to describe the TNA as a process,

rather than its findings. Institutional framework on:

National Communications (recommended under national circumstances) Implementation of climate change policy (recommended under cross-

cutting) Technology Transfer (recommended under cross-cutting) Public awareness, communications, … (recommended under cross-cutting) Solution:

Adding a new sub-section namely: Institutional framework to deal with climate change in Albania.

Measurable impact indicators of the NC:. Solution:

Add a matrix to summarize the indicators (most quantitative)

Example: Activities related to TT


Collect cross-cutting issues in an integrated approach - an effective way; Consider the template as a complementary and flexible guide; andAdapt the template according to national circumstances;

Integrate some issues in one, if necessary Add new issues as needed.

More focus on processes rather than results;Conduct consultations with the technical teams on the approach to be used;Consider the section of Cross-cutting issues as the most proper site to provide information on the impacts of NC. Draw on good practices identified from other countries, if available.Document the information collected

Thank you !