COUP D'TWELVE the Enterprise That Bought the Presidency by David Martin



COUP D'TWELVE the Enterprise That Bought the Presidency by David Martin

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[Note: This scribd article will be linked at blog post entitled: “M-

CAM CEO Dr. David E. Martin Anthrax Attacks September 11th Plot Civil Liberties Financial Heists”

"COUP D'TWELVE: The Enterprise that Bought the Presidency by David Martin (Kindle Edition - Oct

3, 2011) - Kindle eBook"


[….] This would be the perfect distraction. And how ironic

that, something as simple as an insurance renewal or replacement

would be so fortuitously timed. The Lloyds policy would either renew or

expire on September 10, 2001 and someone – Lloyds or otherwise –

would go 'on risk' on September 11.

Dan Goldstein was the only one of the Operators to object.

“How the hell are we going to take down a few icons in Manhattan

without killing thousands, hell maybe tens of thousands?” he had


“We're not going to, my friend,” Carey replied. “All we're going to do is

send detailed maps and images to a team who is working on a new

video game that we're planning to release in June. Some random bunch

of gamers are going to be flying planes and none of them will know

that, at the right moment, they're going to be going from virtual to

reality. There's not going to be one goddam piece of evidence anyone

will find because there will be none.”

“We've arranged a virtual gamers conference for the launch of

pre-holiday betas. They'll be some actual video gaming conferences

running from September 9 – 12 in Singapore, Xian, Rio, Johannesburg,

and Tel Aviv and we'll have hot links into consoles in each location,”

Sun explained.

Sun was, without question, the scariest of the Operators. He appeared to

be about 30 but nobody was interested enough to engage in

conversation with him to actually ask. He was either Pacific Islander or

Asian but, again, he had one of those ubiquitous physiques that he could

have been from anywhere. He had worked for MI-6, for the CIA, and for

the Singaporean intelligence service for quite sometime. They had heard

rumors that he had been recruited out of third or fourth grade when he

was identified as being 'gifted'. He didn't volunteer any details about his

life, his family, or even what he did when he'd vanish from the control

room. But what everyone did know is that the digital world was his

absolute domain and if he had a keyboard at his fingertips, there was

nothing that he couldn't do.

“The coolest thing we've done,” Sun continued, “is we've got a team of

real crazies – kids that have exhibited ridiculous skills at multi-player

games like Commando Grit and Shock & Awe III – who've agreed to

play out scenarios with us. We'll have them see if they can simulate a

variety of attacks on critical infrastructure in cities around the world.

We've wired in what we call 'pin ball machine' which gives extra points

if you can take out more than one target with the same assault. For

example, could you crash a plane into one of two neighboring towers

and have the fuselage strike a second one in a kill location.”

“That's some messed up shit,” Carey exclaimed. “What you're saying is

that we're going to hit these buildings with planes being flown by a

bunch of video games?”

“Yep,” Sun chirped without missing a beat.

“And the best part about this deal is that we've got Jonas and Ayman

cued up to short the hell out of the market so Steve's pretty sure that

we'll close to double our money,” Dan seemed to get over his moral

aversion. “I'm going to make sure that we contain the casualties and I've

got a few ideas on how to pull that off.”

“Oh, isn't that touching,” Carey scoffed. “A hardened killer going soft in

his old age.”

“Listen you piece of shit,” Dan retorted, “I've got friends who work

downtown and I didn't sign up for this gig to kill them.”