Courbet Woman in the Waves


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Woman in the Waves Oil on Canvass 186625 ¾ x 21 ¼ in (65 x 54 cm)

Gustave Courbet

The face of the woman reflects literal feminity that is solid and void. The movement of the waves appears so magnificently dynamic, often conveys

changing visual experience. Like the depths of the ocean His heart is where the most overwhelming love for beauty and harmony prevails.

He was keen to details, even rough as granite; he can make it altogether tender and soft. His sublime soul ,sensitive artistic feelings ,he noticed all the colors,delicate details, the movement of the waves ,the mighty clouds ,every details of light and shade and so on .

He is a mighty artist the tip of his brush as if stolen from the fleeting hours. Courbet rendered this painting with His soul. With free fantasies and reveals calm perfection…perfection that is serene close to reality and thoughts.

Courbet achieved quality into His brushwork predominantly his depictionOf water where he used varnish into the paint to lubricate it and spread it on with a palette knife. He created images that are based on the visible or imaginable world.

He did not search for seamless illusion of it but to create an image that captured something of the sensation of ““ Being There ““.

Photograph : source
