Course Description on the USI Bulletin


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MKTG 471

INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Course Description on the USI Bulletin The whole of enterprise, comparative marketing, and transport institutions and systems in selected

foreign countries and the United States. The managerial and operational problems of world enterprise,

with emphasis on the role of ethnic and cultural differences in influencing marketing strategy. Case studies

will be used.

Welcome to International Marketing! Class Learning Objectives This course will equip you with an understanding of international business marketing practices, unique foreign cultures, and the environment necessary for conducting business in the "global world." You will gain an appreciation of the importance of international trade and cultural dynamics occurring in the global marketplace and also an understanding of strategies and tactics of international marketing efforts and the circumstances under which they are most likely to be successfully deployed. Specifically, this course will:

Provide insights into environmental aspects of doing business outside the U.S.

Provide opportunities for understanding the similarities and differences among different business environments.

Provide opportunities to be familiarized with the problems and perspectives of marketing across national boundaries and with those within foreign countries.

COURSE MATERIALS Technical Requirements

A Reliable Computer: a dedicated computer with an updated operating system, such as Windows 7 or later, or Mac OSX.

Course module will be accessible through Blackboard, go to to log in.

High-Speed Internet Connection: (e.g. DSL or Cable). All USI online students are required to have a stable high-speed Internet connection. A wired Internet connection is recommended for online meeting, exams, and assignment submission.

Office 365 (USI login needed) & Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

Supported Web Browser: Firefox or Google Chrome Microphone & Webcam


Ms. Sabinah Wanjugu

Class Communication Communication will be conducted through email, on your USI email address. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING YOUR E-MAIL ON A DAILY BASIS DURING THE COURSE PERIOD.

I can be reached through my email or phone

for any questions, comments or, concerns.


Textbook This course is using First Day Access for the course textbook:International Marketing, By Philip Cateora and John Graham and Mary Gilly and Bruce Money, 18th edition, 2020. More details on the First Day Access option are provided on the last page of this document.


Blackboard will be used to post course materials, grades, and important information.


Your grade will be based on your 5 QUIZZES, a case study, participation and coproduction. The points

for each component of your grade are as follows:


Quizzes (20 pts X 5) 100


Global-Inform 10

Class Participation through Blackboard discussion forum



Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

A (153-170); B (136-152); C (119-135); D (102-118); F (101 or lower).

Civility Statement

The University of Southern Indiana

embraces and celebrates the many

differences that exist among the

members of a dynamic, intellectual, and

inclusive community, and strives to

maintain an environment that respects

differences and provides a sense of

belonging and inclusion for everyone.

Any form of discrimination or

harassment, including sexual harassment

and sexual misconduct, will not be

tolerated. All members of the University

community are expected to conduct

themselves in a manner that does not

infringe upon the rights of others, and

should be aware that the University is

prepared to take prompt action to

prevent and correct such inappropriate

behavior and to remedy its effects.

For more information, please visit USI

Policies for Civil Rights and Sexual

Misconduct .

A) QUIZZES There will be 5 quizzes (each 20 points). All

quizzes will comprise of multiple-choice,

true/false, and short essay questions based on

lectures (including videos and articles), class

discussions and the textbook.

The quizzes will be administered through Black

board, every Friday from

Disability Statement If you have a disability for which you

may require academic accommodations

for this class, please contact Disability

Resources at 812-464-1961 or email

Disability Communications at as soon as possible.

Students are approved for

accommodations by Disability Resources

should request their accommodation

letter be emailed to them to forward to

their online instructors. Due to the

nature of online courses, some

accommodations approved for on

campus courses may not apply. Please

discuss this with Disability Resources to

clarify as needed. Students who receive

an accommodation letter from Disability

Resources are encouraged to discuss the

provisions of those accommodations

with their professors before or during

the first week of the semester. If you will

be in an internship, field, clinical, student

teaching, or other off-campus setting

this semester please note that approved

academic accommodations may not

apply. Please contact Disability

Resources as soon as possible to discuss

accommodations needed for access

while in this setting. For more

information, please visit the Disability

Resources website at USI Disability


Class Withdrawal &

Incomplete Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to

officially drop/withdraw from any

courses before the deadline. The

university does not withdraw students

from any classes. Please refer to the USI

Academic Calendar for specific dates.

For more information, please visit

Registrar’s Office Schedule Changes.

Under special circumstances, students

may petition for an incomplete grade.

However, it is up to the course instructor

to decide if an incomplete will be

granted. Students receiving an incomplete

grade will need to complete all course

requirements by the agreed deadline to avoid

an “F” grade.

B) DISNEY FRANCE CASE STUDY You will analyze a case about Disney opening new theme

parks in Paris and Hong Kong. Your analysis will focus on

identifying cultural differences in these new markets and how

Disney appropriately adapted their product based on these

cultural differences (or how Disney failed to appropriately

adapt). You will be graded on how well you recognize the

cultural differences and the company’s response (or lack of)

to them. You will be given questions to answer concerning the

case later in the coming weeks.

The case can be found on the book’s online student resources

webpage. It can also be found by searching on Google:

Case 2-1: The Not-So-Wonderful World of EuroDisney—

Things Are Better Now at Disneyland Resort Paris.

The case analysis will be due on July 13 at 11.59 pm. NO LATE


case analysis via Blackboard.



Title IX, Sexual Assault

and Gender Violence

Policy USI does not tolerate acts of sexual

misconduct, including sexual harassment

and all forms of sexual violence. If you

have experienced sexual misconduct, or

know someone who has, you may seek

help by contacting USI’s Title IX

Coordinator, Carrie Lynn, at 812-464-

1703 or at It is

important to know that federal

regulations and University policy require

faculty to promptly report incidences of

potential sexual misconduct known to

them to the Title IX Coordinator. The

University will work with you to protect

your privacy by sharing information with

only those who need to know to ensure

we can respond and assist. If you are

seeking help and would like to speak to

someone confidentially, you can make

an appointment with a counselor in the

University Counseling Center by calling

812-464-1867. Find more information

about sexual violence, including campus

and community resources at Sexual

Assault Prevention and Response

Privacy Policies &

Accessibility Statements For detailed information about the

privacy policies and accessibility

statements of the course technologies,

please visit USI Online Learning Support


Counseling Center

The Counseling Center is open every

Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to

4:30 pm CST. You’ll find the Counseling

Center in the Orr Center, Room 1051;

their phone number is 812-464-1867 USI

Counseling Center


Each week, we will have some students inform us on some current global

issues. Each of you will get a chance to bring forward at least one global

issue throughout the course session. I will randomly allocate the dates for

you to post your topic as the course session goes by. When it’s your turn to

lead the discussion. You will be required to post a topic on Blackboard

discussion forum and pose 3 discussion questions. The other students need

to read about this topic and are expected to make comments on that topic

via the discussion forum. These comments will count toward your

participation points. Mention how the issue is related to a topic being

covered in class.

Could be:

1. Global technology trend e.g. privacy issues

2. Economic opportunity and employment issues

3. Global warming and climate change issues

4. Violence/conflict resolution issues

5. World trade and tourism issues

6. Corruption in governance systems

7. Poverty

8. Terrorism ETC.

Discussion points

Which countries are affected?

How businesses are being affected?

Any changes required in the marketing strategies of international


If so, suggest solution/changes to address the issue

This section allows you to

contribute to the class by posting

a topic of discussion. One of the

keys to successful global

marketing is staying informed

about issues that are happening

around the world. Political

changes e.g. change of leadership,

disease outbreaks such as the

recent Coronavirus are examples

.of issues that might influence

international marketing


Romain College of Business building

D) PARTICIPATION Students have better learning experience if they participate in class discussion. Also, students make better grades when they read class chapters thoroughly.

Class discussions will be conducted on a Blackboard Forum. Your coproduction grade will be worth 40 points. Each comment you make will be counted as 4 points. Every week, you are required to make two comments, one addressing the questions that I will post and the other comment addressing questions posted by your course mates or within the Global inform forum. Thus, to receive all 40 points on participation, you will need to make 8 comments over the course of this second summer session (8 comments x 5 weeks= 40). Any extra comments made will earn 1 bonus point up to 5 bonus points per week. However, redundant and mindless comments do not count.

Additional Student

Resources The university provides a comprehensive

range of support services and activities

for students. Please refer to Student

Support Services for detailed

information regarding academic

advising, registration, financial aid,

student affairs, counseling, career

services, etc.

University Health Center

The University Health Center is a full-

service clinic offering medical services

and health-related information to

students, faculty, and staff. It located in

the lower level of the Health Professions

Center and is open Monday through

Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm CST. Click on this

link to learn more about the Health

Services offered at USI, or to make an

appointment, please call 812-465-1250.

Financial Aid Office

Information about current or future

financial aid (including the implications

of withdrawal from courses) can be

obtained from the University Financial

Aid Office. The office open is every

Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to

4:30 pm CST; phone 812-464-1767, or

email them at

Student Basic Needs

Students who have difficulty affording

food on a regular basis or lack a safe

place to live and believe this may affect

their class performance are encouraged

to contact the Dean of Students Office.

A list of resources can also be found at

USI Financial Wellness Resources.


WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


WEEK 1 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19

Chapter 1: Scope and Challenge of International Marketing Chapter 2: Dynamic Environment of International Trade


WEEK 2 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 Chapter 3: History and Geography: The Foundations of Culture

Chapter 4: Cultural Dynamics in Assessing Global Markets Chapter 5: Culture, Management Style, and Business Systems


WEEK 3 June 29 June 30 July 1 July 2 July 3 Chapter 8: Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research

Chapter 9: Economics Development and the Americas



WEEK 4 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 Chapter 10: Europe, Africa, and the Middle East

Chapter 11: The Asia Pacific Region



analysis due) July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17

Chapter 12: Global Marketing Management Chapter 13: Products and Services for Consumers

Chapter 16: Integrated Marketing Communications and International Advertising


First Day Access Details: International

Marketing Textbook

Read me first!!!! 1. First day option for the book will cost be $99.07.

2. Please be aware if you choose to purchase a hard

copy of the textbook from another source, you must

opt-out of the First Day Access to avoid having your

student account charged the price of the textbook.

3. If you do not choose to opt-out by June 19, @

11:59 PM, Central Time the cost of these

materials will be automatically charged to your

student account.

4. Please keep in mind, hard copies of this book are not

available for purchase in the Campus Store and it

will be the student’s responsibility to get access to

the necessary materials should they choose to opt-


5. For additional information about the First Day

Access program, please go to:

Option 1 OPT-IN: To start access to the book follow the

following steps

Option 2 OPT-OUT: To opt-out of first-day access please follow the below steps:

What is First Day Access? This means you have access

to the course textbook from

the first day of class.

1. Go to the "First Day Access" tab in the class's Blackboard menu.

2. Go to--> Click on this link to go to Connect. Where you'll access an e-copy of the textbook

Enter you USI'e email address to access the

e-copy of the textbook

1. Go to the "First Day Access" tab in the class's Blackboard menu.

2. Click on "First Day Access Opt-Out or Access Materials" link.

3. Scroll to the “I want to opt out of access to all required materials for this course” (the exact phrase may be slightly

different, but it should be clearly labelled).

4. Follow the instructions for opting out.

Opt out option