Course Goal 2




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Done by: Ahmad Ghazi / Eisa Mansour

Fahad Abdulaziz / Amira Abdulla Fakhra Abdulla


*Introduction to the “isms”

-Isms: Its specific of manifestations of

Prejudice and Discrimination .

-Biases :Combination of Stereotypes, prejudices and discriminations

-Example: can’t afford money for a living and can’t get the job done.


-Reason: physical problems.

-Suggestion: government should make a place for them to work.


-Example :

#Old people can’t work like young people .

-#Teenager are reckless and Irresponsible.

-Reason:#Young people want every

thing ready.#Old people have less power

than young.

-Suggestion:#Do something to get

something.#Government have to offer

suitable jobs for old people.


-Example:(stereotype ) black people are

dangerous and are doing a lot ofcrimes.

-Reason: Gang People.

-Suggestions:#Government should accept different skin

colors .#They should give them full rights .


-Example:All Poor people not educated and less experience.

Government have to provide education and health care for free all around the word for all people



Because they Don’t have the enough money to go to schools and universities and all what they care about it is get money for food

-Example:People in the west think that Muslims are terrorists and killers

Religious bigotry*



Each person should respect other people religions and be aware about his words and

behavior .

Because of rumors from news and TV shows that Muslims are murdered and dangerous people.


-Example :

“girls are bad drivers”


Men's think that they are more skillful than women's.


Each of them should know their abilities in driving and respect the law of the roads .


To sum with, stereotype spread very fast and its from many years ago.

Now you are aware about it and you have to respect people around you and treat them as the way you want to treat with.
