Course Plan Ss 2015




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Department : Electronics & Communication


Course Name & code : Signals & Systems, ECE 2104

Semester & branch : IIIrd, E&C Engg

Name of the faculty : M Sathish Kumar, Ananthakrishna

T, Divya B, Sriharsha K G

No of contact hours/week : 3


1. In Semester Assessments - 50 %

Written tests : 2 (Max. Marks: 30)

Surprise quizzes : 5 (Max. Marks: 20)

2. End Semester Examination - 50 %

Written examination of 3 hours duration (Max. Marks: 50 )

Portions for Assignment

Assignment no. Topics

1 L1-L8

2 L9-L15

3 L16-L22

4 L23-L29

5 L30-L35

Portions for Sessional Test

Test no. Topics

1 L1-L14

2 L15-L28

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MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(A constituent college of Manipal University, Manipal)

Manipal Karnataka 576 104


Course Objectives

At the end of this course, student should be able to:CO1: Classify and perform various mathematical operations on signals and

systems.CO2: Analyze linear time invariant (LTI) systems in time domain.CO3: Represent the signals in frequency domain and describe its significance. CO4: Discuss Fourier representations and their properties CO5: Define and apply sampling theorem to continuous time signals.CO6: Use Laplace and Z-transform to analyze LTI systems.

Course Plan

Lecture no. Topic to be covered

1 Overview and general introduction to signals and systems

2 Elementary signals

3 Classification of signals

4 Basic operations on signals

5 Systems viewed as interconnections of operations

6 Classification and properties of systems

7 Introduction to LTI Systems, response of LTI systems - convolution

8 Convolution sum evaluation

9 Convolution Integral evaluation

10 Properties and characterization of Convolution

11 Differential Equation representations for LTI systems and solution

12 Difference Equation Representations for LTI systems,

13 Block diagram representations

14 Response of LTI systems to complex exponentials

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15 Fourier representations for four classes of signals

16 Discrete Time Fourier Series – examples

17 Continuous time Fourier series – examples

18 Convergence issues

19 Properties of Fourier series – examples

20 Properties of CTFS - examples

21 DTFT – examples

22 FT – examples

23 Properties of Fourier representation

24 Properties of Fourier representation (contd)

25 Frequency response of LTI systems

26 Fourier Transform representation of periodic signals

27 Convolution and Multiplication with mixtures of periodic and non periodic signals

28 Fourier Transform representation of Discrete time signals

29 Introduction to the concept of sampling and derivation of sampling theorem

30 Statement of Nyquist’s sampling theorem and examples

31 Reconstruction of continuous time signals from its samples

32 Aliasing and examples on signal reconstruction from samples

33 Introduction to Laplace transforms, inversion and ROC

34 Examples on Laplace transforms, and its inversion

35 Transfer function and representation of LTI system in Laplace domain

36 Analysis of continuous time signals and systems.

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37 Introduction to the Z-transform, ROC, Properties of the ROC

38 Properties of the Z-transform and its inversion

39 Transfer function, Causality and stability

40 Unilateral Z-transform and solution of difference equations

References: 1. Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen, (2005), “Signals and Systems”, John Wiley

&Sons, New Delhi2. A.V.Oppenheim , A.S.Willsky &A. Nawab, (2002), “Signals and Systems”

PHI. /Pearson Education, New Delhi3. H.Hsu, R. Ranjan (2006) “Signals and Systems”, Schaums’s outline, Tata

McGraw – Hill, New Delhi4. B.P.Lathi., (2005), “Linear systems and Signals”, Oxford University Press

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(Signature of the faculty)


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(Signature of HOD)



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