Course Syllabus French 1 A Voyage of Discovery


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Course Syllabus

French 1 – A Voyage of Discovery

Topics: Students will use French to exchange greetings and introductions. They will follow simple

classroom direction and spell words in French. The will interpret simple spoken and written French

and use the language to communicate about their preferences, things they like to do, and their

families. The will give simple descriptions of people and communicate about school, including

objects found in the classroom and their classes. Students will tell time and use the days of the

week. As students become more acquainted with the language, they will communicate orally and in

writing about pastimes and interests as well as weather and seasons. They will talk about food and

use French to order in a restaurant or café. Students will communicate about shopping for clothing

and accessories and express their opinions. Throughout the course, students will interpret basic

information on these topics when listening and reading.

Prior knowledge: It is assumed that students have not encountered formal learning of French as

they begin this course.

Instructional time and strategies: This course is designed to require at least 120 hours of

instructional time (85 class periods of 90 minutes each as a minimum). The instructional strategies

used echo the best practices of the World Languages Curriculum, including but not limited to:

Realia, Authentic Texts, Comparisons of Products-Practices-Perspectives of Cultures,

Communication Gap Activities, Direct Instruction, Questioning Techniques, Paired Practice, Gouin

Series, Language Ladders, Modeling, TPR, Role Playing, Graphic Organizers, Cooperative Learning,

Brainstorming, and Research Projects.

Units by Name:

Unit 1 – Enchantée! (It’s nice to meet you!)

Unit 2 – Qui suis-je? (Who am I?)

Unit 3 – Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? (What do you like to do?)

Unit 4 – À l’école (My School Life)

Unit 5 – La famille (Let me introduce my family!)

Unit 6 – Les passé-temps (Hanging Out)

Unit 7 – Au restaurant! (Let’s go out to eat!)

Unit 8 – Les vetêments (I need some new clothes)

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 1 – Enchantée! Duré approximante 15 heures (10 jours)

Questions essentielles

How do I figure out the meaning when I do not understand all the words?

How is French like and/or unlike English spoken in the USA?

Buts expérientiels Students will understand that:

It is not necessary to understand every word in order to understand the meaning

It is necessary to understand context to use the correct greeting or other phrase

Cultural factors determine the correct use of subject pronouns

Résultats d’apprentissage Sujets à développer NL.IL.1 – I can occasionally identify the sound of a character or a word. NL.IL.2 – I can occasionally understand isolated words that I have

memorized, particularly when accompanied by gestures or pictures.

NM.IL.1 – I can understand a few courtesy phrases. NM.IL.2 – I can recognize and sometimes understand basic information in

words and phrases that I have memorized. NH.IL.3 – I can understand simple information with pictues and graphs. NL.IR.1 – I can occasionally recognize a few letters or characters. NL.IR.2 – I can connect some words, phrases or characters to their

meanings. NL.IC.1 – I can greet my peers. NL.IC.2 – I can introduce myself to someone. NL.IC.3 – I can answer a few simple questions NM.IC.1 – I can greet and leave people in a polite way. NM.IC.2 – I can introduce myself and others. NM.IC.6 – I can communicate basic information about myself and people I

know. NL.PS.1 – I can recite words and phrases that I have learned. NL.PS.3 – I can introduce myself to a group. NL.PW.1 – I can copy some characters or letters and words that I see on the

wall or board, in a book or on the computer. NL.PW.2 – I can write words and phrases that I have learned. N.CPP.1 – I can identify some common practices related to home and

community life of other cultures and my own. N. CP. 1 – I can identify some beliefs and values related to age, gender,

social class and ethnicity. N.CIA.1 – I can imitate some simple patterns of behavior in familiar settings

across cultures.


Greetings and Leave taking

Introducing yourself: French names, asking/answering “How are you?”, and asking/answering “Where are you from?”

Numbers 0-31, phone numbers

Dates, birthdates, days of the week, months of the year, time, seasons, and basic weather

Common courtesy; please, thank you, you are welcome

Structures grammaticaux

Subject verb agreement Contexte cultural

Socially acceptable forms for greeting people you know and don’t know (Tu vs. Vous)

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Niveau 1 – Unité 1-Enchantée!

Résultats d’apprentissage spécifiques

Au but d’unité, l’apprenant pourra quoi faire?


Greetings and Leave taking

I can understand greetings I see or hear.

I can say hello and goodbye.

I can say hello and goodbye to someone my age or younger.

I can say hello and goodbye to my teacher, professor, or supervisor.

I can say hello to an adult.

I can imitate appropriate greetings. Introducing yourself: French names, asking/answering “How are you?”, and asking/answering “Where are you


I can understand when people introduce themselves.

I can understand when someone asks for a name.

I can tell someone my name.

I can introduce myself and provide basic personal information.

I can respond to an introduction.

I can say my name and ask someone’s name.

I can state my name, age, and where I live.

I can introduce myself.

Numbers 0-31, phone numbers

I can count from 1-30.

I can write numbers such as my phone number.

Dates, birthdates, months of the year, time, days of the week, basic weather, and seasons

I can give times, dates and weather information.

I can identify days of the week and the time.

I can recognize a date.

I can recognize some common weather expressions.

I can say the date and the day of the week.

I can list the months and seasons.

I can write the date and the day of the week.

I can write the months and seasons.

I can express the time and date as locals do.

I can understand some facts about the weather when weather symbols are used.

Common courtesy

I can understand when people express thanks.

I can express thanks and say please.

Structures grammaticaux

Subject verb agreement

I can understand who is being addressed with a question.

Contexte cultural

Socially acceptable forms for greeting people you know and don’t know

I can sometimes tell the way people address each other differently based on age and social standing.

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 1-Enchanté! Vocabulaire

Hello Bonjour, Salut

How are you? Comment allez-vous? Comment vas-tu?

What’s up? Ça va?

I am good. Je vais bien.

I am bad. Je vais mal.

I am fine. Comme ci, comme ça

My pleasure. Enchantée

My name is… Je m’appelle…

What is your name? Comment vous appelez-vous ? Comment tu t’appelles ?

Good morning. Bon matin

Good afternoon. Bonne après-midi

Good night. Bon soir

Who is…? Qui est..?

It is… C’est…

Goodbye. Au revoir, Adieu,

See you later. À tout à l’heure

See you Monday. À lundi.

Where are you from? Vous êtes d’où ? Tu es d’où ?

I am (from)… Je suis de…

Numbers 0-31 zéro, un, deux, etc.

What is your telephone number?

Quelle est votre/ton numéro de téléphone ?

Today is… Aujourd’hui est…

What is the date? Quelle est la date ?

January janvier

February février

March mars

April avril

May mai

June juin

July juillet

August aout

September septembre

October octobre

November novembre

December décembre

What time is it? Quelle heure est-il ?

It is… Il est…heure…

What day is today? Quel jour est-ce ?

Monday lundi

Tuesday mardi

Wednesday mercredi

Thursday jeudi

Friday vendredi

Saturday samedi

Sunday dimanche

week la semaine

weekend le weekend

month le mois

Why? Pourquoi ?

Please S’il vous plait. S’il te plait.

Thanks Merci.

You’re welcome. De rien. Il n’y a pas de quoi.

The weather Le temps

It’s nice. Il fait beau.

It’s bad. Il fait mauvais.

It’s sunny. Il fait du soleil.

It’s rainy. Il fait de la pluie.

It’s windy. Il fait du vent.

It’s cloudy. Il fait des nuages.

It’s snowing. Il fait de la neige.

The temperature is… La température est…

It’s hot. Il fait chaud.

It’s cold. Il fait froid.

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 2 – Qui suis-je ? Duré approximante 15 heures (10 jours)

Questions essentielles Do French students like to find out about others physical characteristics and personality traits? Do the French have a more polite way to find out about people?

But expérientiels Students will understand that:

Descriptions of people take a different format in French.

The locations of the 26 countries with French as the official language

Résultats d’apprentissage Sujets à développer NH.IL.1 – I can often understand words, phrases and

simple sentences related to everyday life. NL.IR.2 – I can connect some words, phrases, or

characters to their meanings. NM.IC.3 – I can answer a variety of simple questions. NL.PS.2 – I can state the names of familiar people, places,

and objects in pictures and posters using words or memorized phrases.

NM.PS.1 – I can present information about myself and others using words and phrases.

NM.PS.5 – I can name the main cities on a map. NL.PW.3 – I can write the names of countries on a map. N.CPP.1 – I can identify some common products related

to home and community life of other cultures and my own.

N. CP. 2 – I can identify some characteristics of national identity.

N.CIA.1 – I can imitate some simple patterns of behavior in familiar settings across cultures.

What will students know by the end of this unit?



Physical characteristics

Personality traits

Structures gramaticaux

Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she

Verbs: to be, to have

Basic Negation

Adjectives: agreement with gender

Contexte cultural

Socially acceptable forms for describing people you know and don’t know

Countries with French as an official language (26)

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Niveau 1 – Unité 2-Qui suis-je ?

Résultats d’apprentissage spécifiques

Au but d’unité, l’apprenant pourra quoi faire?



I can understand questions about how old I am.

I can answer questions about how old I am.

Physical characteristics

I can sometimes understand questions or statements about my friends and classmates or workmates.

I can answer questions about what I look like.

I can say what I look like.

I can say what someone is like.

Personality traits

I can answer questions about what I am like.

I can say what I am like.

I can say what someone is like.

Structures grammaticaux

Subject pronouns: I, you, he, she

I can sometimes understand if people are referring to me in their conversations.

Verbs: to be, to have

I can use the verbs to be and to have to describe myself and others.

Basic Negation

I can use the negative “not” to help describe myself and others.

Adjectives: agreement with gender

I can use the appropriate adjective based on the gender of the object.

Context cultural

Socially acceptable forms for describing people you know and don’t know

I can imitate some simple patterns for describing people.

Countries with French as an official language (26)

I can recognize some cities on a map

I can name countries on a map.

I can name the main cities on a map.

I can write the names of countries on a map.

I can identify some geographical features of other countries.

I can identify some elements of geography that define a nation.

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 2-Qui suis-je ? Vocabulaire

How old is he/she? Quel âge a-t-il/elle? good looking beau/bel/belle

He/she is … years old. Il/elle a … ans. pretty joli/jolie

What are you like? Comment es-tu ? ugly laid/laide

I am… Je suis… fat gros/grosse

What is he/she like? Comment est-il/elle ? thin/skinny mince

He/She is… Il/elle est… bald chauve

nice gentil/gentille old vieux/vieil/vieille

unpleasant/unfriendly désagréable young jeune

funny amusant/amusante You have… Tu as…/Vous avez…

serious sérieux/sérieuse I have… J’ai…

athletic sportif/sportive He/she has… Il/elle a…

shy timide green eyes les yeux verts

outgoing agréable blue eyes les yeux bleus

lazy paresseux/paresseuse brown eyes les yeux marron

hard-working travailleur/travailleuse short hair les cheveux courts

intelligent intelligent/intelligente long hair les cheveux longs

stupid bête straight hair les cheveux raides

dumb stupide curly hair les cheveux frisés

interesting intéressant/intéressante brown hair les cheveux bruns

boring ennuyeux/ennuyeuse brunette brun/brune

weak faible blonde hair les cheveux blonds

strong fort blond blond/blonde

generous généreux/généreuse gray hair les cheveux gris

organized organisé/organisée red hair les cheveux roux

disorganized désorganisé/désorganisée red-headed roux/rousse

patient patient glasses des lunettes

impatient impatient braces un appareil dentaire

talented talentueux/talentueuse pimples des boutons/boutonneux

artistic artistique mustache des moustaches

creative créatif/créative beard une barbe

studious studieux/studieuse tattoo un tatouage

tall grand/grande scar une cicatrice

short petit/petite

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 3 – Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire ? Duration : approximately 15 hours (10 days)

Questions essentielles

Do French students my age like the same things I do?

How often is it culturally appropriate to express likes and dislikes in Francophone countries and the USA?

But expérientiels Students will understand that:

Personal likes and dislikes are some of the determining factors in making friends

Cultural factors determine, to some extent, which sports/activities teens like/dislike as well as personal taste

Résultats d’apprentissage Sujets à développer NL.IL. NL.IR. NL.IC. NL.PS. NL.PW. N.CPP. N. CP. N.CIA.


Verbs for likes and dislikes

Common activities (categories and verbs)

Frequency words (how often)

Phrases for asking/saying why you like an activity

Structures grammaticaux

Using simple connector words in sentences (and, but, or)

Regular –er verbs (like préfèrer, aimer, détester, etc.)

Forming and answering simple questions

Contexte cultural

Which sports are more or less popular in that target culture than in my own

Where teens meet their friends in the target culture

What activities teens do with their friends in the target culture

About the popularity and usage of email, texting, etc. in the target culture

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Niveau 1 – Unité 3-Qu’est-ce qui tu aimes faire ?

Résultats d’apprentissage spécifiques

Au but d’unité, l’apprenant pourra quoi faire?


Verbs for likes and dislikes

I can

Les activités diverses pour les jeunes (common activities by categories and verbs)

I can

Frequency words (how often)

I can

Phrases for asking/saying why you like an activity

I can

Structures grammaticaux

Using simple connector words in sentences (and, but, or)

I can use connector words to make more complex sentences.

Regular –er verbs (like préfèrer, aimer, détester, etc.)

I can conjugate regular –er verbs to express what I like and don’t like to do.

Forming and answering simple questions

I can understand/answer simple questions.

I can ask simple questions.

Contexte cultural

Which sports are more or less popular in that target culture than in my own

I can

Where teens meet their friends in the target culture

I can

What activities teens do with their friends in the target culture

I can

About the popularity and usage of email, texting, etc. in the target culture

I can

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Niveau 1 – Unité 3-Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire ? Vocabulaire I like… J’aime… to listen écouter

He/She likes… Il/Elle aime… to read lire

You like… Tu aimes…/Vous aimez… to practice pratiquer

I don’t like… Je n’aime pas to run courir

He/She doesn’t like… Il/Elle n’aime pas to text faire le SMS

You don’t like… Tu n’aimes pas…/Vous n’aimez pas

to eat manger

What do you like to do? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? to draw dessiner

What does he/she like to do?

Qu’est-ce qu’il/elle aime faire? to hang out with friends

être avec des amis

Do you like…? Tu aimes…?/Vous aimez…? to watch a movie regarder un film

What do you like more? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes mieux? to dance danser

What do you prefer to do? Qu’est-ce que tu préfères faire? /Qu’est-ce que vous préférez faire?

to play a sport jouer à…

I prefer… Je préfère… to play an instrument jouer de …

a little un peu to sing chanter

a lot beaucoup to watch TV regarder la télé

me too moi aussi to sleep dormir

me neither moi non plus to work travailler

And why? Et pourquoi ? to surf the internet surfer sur l’internet

because parce que to shop faire les courses

with avec to drink boire

With whom? Avec qui ? to travel voyager

with you avec toi/vous to skateboard faire du skate

with me avec moi to ride a bike faire du vélo (de la bicyclette)

my friends mes amis to buy acheter

my family ma famille to write écrire

When? Quand ? to do homework faire les devoirs

in dans, en, à to be alone être seule

on sur, en to be with friends être avec des amis

How often? Combien de fois ? to cook cuisinier/faire la cuisine

sometimes quelque fois to walk marcher/faire une promenade

never jamais to clean nettoyer

every day chaque jour to exercise faire l’exercice

rarely rarement to go aller

often souvent to drive conduire

in the winter en hiver to chat bavarder

in the spring au printemps sports les sports

in summer en été game un jeu

in fall en automne baseball le baseball

to love aimer, adorer soccer le football

to hate détester football le football américain

free time/past times temps libre/passé temps tennis le tennis

to swim nager volleyball le volley

to talk on the phone parler au téléphone basketball le basket

to study étudier golf le golf

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 4 – À l’école Duration : approximately 18 hours (12 days)

Essential Questions

What is the role of school in a given Francophone country?

What influences choices and school-related activities?

Unit Understandings Students will understand that:

It is not necessary to

It is necessary to

Cultural factors determine

Learner Benchmarks Unit Content NL.IL. NL.IR. NL.IC. NL.PS. NL.PW. N.CPP. N. CP. N.CIA.

What will students know by the end of this unit?


Classroom items

Courses in school

Description of classes

Ordering words and ordinal numbers

Scheduling words

Grammar Structures

The verb “to have”

Definite and indefinite articles

Present tense of regular verbs

Cultural Content

Compare school schedules in the target culture and one’s own

Give some information about teen participation in sports in the target culture

Compare how students and teachers interact in the target culture

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 4-À l’école Vocabulaire

book un livre French le français

pen un stylo Spanish l’espagnol

pencil un crayon German l’allemand

paper du papier first premier, première, 1er

notebook un cahier second deuxième, second(e), 2ème

binder un third troisième, 3ème

writing pad un bloc fourth quatrième, 4ème

computer un ordinateur fifth cinquième, 5ème

dictionary un dictionnaire sixth sixième, 6ème

student desk un pupitre seventh septième, 7ème

teacher desk un bureau eight huitième, 8ème

backpack un sac ninth neuvième, 9ème

calculator une calculatrice tenth dixième, 10ème

Math les mathématiques then puis

Science les sciences next prochain(e)

World Language les langues after/ afterwards après

History l'histoire after that après ça

PE l’éducation physique again encore une fois/de nouveau

English l’anglais classroom la salle de classe/la classe

Art l’art gym le gymnase

Music la musique lab le laboratoire

Lunch le déjeuner office le bureau

Computer Science and Technology

l'informatique et la technologie

principal le surveillant

difficult difficile

easy facile

interesting intéressant

boring ennuyant

a lot beaucoup

a little un peu

There is/There are Il y a

My favorite class is… Ma classe favorite est…

It starts (begins) at… Elle commence à…

It ends at… Elle finit à…

I need J’ai besoin de…

schedule un horaire

class/course la classe

teacher le prof(esseur)

elementary school l’école

middle school le collège

high school le lycée

college l’université

*review time

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 4-À l’école

Sample Learning Targets

What will students know and be able to do by the end of the unit?


Classroom items

I can

Courses in school

I can

Description of classes

I can

Ordering words and ordinal numbers

I can

Scheduling words

I can

Grammar Structures

The verb “to have”

I can

Definite and indefinite articles

I can

Present tense of regular verbs

I can

Cultural Content

Compare school schedules in the target culture and one’s own

I can

Give some information about teen participation in sports in the target culture

I can

Compare how students and teachers interact in the target culture

I can

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 5 – La famille Duration : approximately 18 hours (12 days)

Essential Questions

How does culture influence family traditions and family relationships?

How is the Francophone culture’s view of family similar to the view in the USA?

Unit Understandings Students will understand that:

It is not necessary to

It is necessary to

Cultural factors determine

Learner Benchmarks Unit Content NL.IL. NL.IR. NL.IC. NL.PS. NL.PW. N.CPP. N. CP. N.CIA.

What will students know by the end of this unit?


Names to identify family members

Identifiers for pets

Places to live

Descriptive words for family members

Grammar Structures

Possessive adjectives

Review of the verbs to be and to have

Adjective agreement with both gender and number

Cultural Content

Define the “nuclear family” for both the target culture and the native culture

Compare what families do together in target culture and one’s own

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 5-La famille Vocabulaire

father le père pet le mascotte

mother la mère dog le chien

parents les parents cat le chat

brother le frère fish le poisson

sister la sœur bird l’oiseau

uncle l’oncle to live habiter/vivre

aunt la tante house une maison

stepfather/father-in-law le beau-père appartement un appartement

stepmother/mother-in-law la belle-mère elder ainé(e)

stepsister/ half-sister la demi-sœur younger cadet(te)

stepbrother/ half-brother le demi-frère my mon/ma/mes

grandmother la grand-mère your ton/ta/tes/votre/vos

grandfather le grand-père his/her/its son/sa/ses

grandparents les grands-parents our notre/nos

cousin le cousin/la cousine their leur/leurs

nephew le neveu

niece la nièce

son le fils

daughter la fille

step-son/son-in-law le beau-fils

step-daughter/ daughter-in-law

la belle-fille

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 5-La famille

Sample Learning Targets

What will students know and be able to do by the end of the unit?


Names to identify family members

I can

Identifiers for pets

I can

Places to live

I can

Descriptive words for family members

I can

Grammar Structures

Possessive adjectives

I can

Review of the verbs to be and to have

I can

Adjective agreement with both gender and number

I can

Cultural Content

Define the “nuclear family” for both the target culture and the native culture

I can

Compare what families do together in target culture and one’s own I can

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 6 – Les passe-temps Duration : approximately 15 hours (10 days)

Essential Questions

What are the most popular pastimes in Francophone countries?

How does culture influence personal choices of pastimes?

Unit Understandings Students will understand that:

It is not necessary to

It is necessary to

Cultural factors determine

Learner Benchmarks Unit Content NL.IL. NL.IR. NL.IC. NL.PS. NL.PW. N.CPP. N. CP. N.CIA.

What will students know by the end of this unit?


Calling on the phone

Making invitations

Accepting/refusing invitations

Locations in town

Grammar Structures

The verb “to go”

The near future tense

Cultural Content

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 6-Les passe-temps Vocabulary

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 6-Les passe-temps

Sample Learning Targets

What will students know and be able to do by the end of the unit?


Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

Page 20 of 24

Unité 7 – Au restaurant Duration : approximately 18 hours (12 days)

Essential Questions

How does culture affect our view of clothing?

How do preferences of clothing and accessories differ in Francophone countries and the


Unit Understandings Students will understand that:

It is not necessary to

It is necessary to

Cultural factors determine

Learner Benchmarks Unit Content NL.IL. NL.IR. NL.IC. NL.PS. NL.PW. N.CPP. N. CP. N.CIA.

What will students know by the end of this unit?


Grammar Structures

Cultural Content

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 7-Au restaurant Vocabulary

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Level 1 – Unité 7-Au restaurant

Sample Learning Targets

What will students know and be able to do by the end of the unit?


Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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Unité 8 – Les vêtements Duration : approximately 18 hours (12 days)

Essential Questions

How do housing situations differ between cultures?

How does culture affect chores and who completes them?

Unit Understandings Students will understand that:

It is not necessary to

It is necessary to

Cultural factors determine

Learner Benchmarks Unit Content NL.IL. NL.IR. NL.IC. NL.PS. NL.PW. N.CPP. N. CP. N.CIA.

What will students know by the end of this unit?


Grammar Structures

Cultural Content

Chapman High School World Languages Department

Frances Pack, M.Ed.

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