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Charlize Theron


“It's impossible to forget how incredibly blessed my life has

turned out and how that is not the case for many people in my


Goddess of Grace




APR-MAY 2014







Wearing a sheer black Chloe dress and high heels, Charlize Theron, 38, epitomises glamour. Tanned and fit, she's in Los Angeles to

promote her latest movie, A Million Ways to Die in the West. The Oscar-winning actress and model is mother to Jackson, 2, whose adoption was announced in March 2012.

Born on a farm in Benoni, near Johannesburg, (her first language is Afrikaans) she endured a tumultuous childhood. Her father, an alcoholic, physically attacked her mother and threatened both her mother and her while drunk. Theron's mother then shot and killed him in self-defense and her mother faced no charges. Currently in a relationship with Sean Penn since February 2014, she was formerly linked to Stuart Townsend with whom she starred in Trapped and Head in the Clouds. She was also romantically linked to Third Eye Blind front man Stephan Jenkins, and actor Craig Bierko.

Did you train for this role? Lots of guns?

I've had to do stuff like that in movies all the time so there's a sense of learning that one carries onto the next one. And I did a lot of that on Fury Road actually, where for a month I focused on that. I just had to learn the spinning thing and stuff like that.

So no practicing on the shooting range?

Seth (McFarlane) and I went and practiced together. I think one day we shot something and then it was freezing and we looked at each other and we were like, 'This isn't fun.' It got so cold. (laughs) Yeah, and then that was it.

How has motherhood changed you? Have you sensed a difference in your needs as far as work goes?

I try to get more sleep. (laughter) I have to organise things better, but overall, I have heard people say that once they have children they don't want to work on dark material, but that hasn't happened for me. If anything, having a child has just made me want to be more creative and ask bigger questions and have more interests in things that might be uncomfortable. I think we all have different responses, but for me that's definitely been like that. I didn't look at my slate and go, 'No, I can't do that movie now that I have a kid.'

He just gives me energy to want to do more and explore more.

Did you feel like you didn't get the chance to show your funny bone often enough or did you wish for more comedic roles?

I always say this, I am in no position to com-plain. I work a lot and I work on things that I really want to work on. I am a very, very blessed human being in general. So, for me to complain about anything is silly. I don't do a lot of comedy but I don't necessarily complain about that because it has to be a very specific thing. I get a lot of stuff offered to me, but it's not just necessarily stuff that I feel is funny.

So when this came to me, I saw the potential, and I really fucked up the first meeting with Seth, and so I fought for it, and in the sense that I knew that I had a bad meeting with him and I had 104 fever and I had come back from Namibia, and from shooting in the desert and I was a wreck and literally got off the plane and I met him. I was in a winter coat shivering and I had no hair and

he was just like 'Who are you?' (laughter) And it was the holidays and I just remember waking up every day and sitting on this beautiful beach and thinking, 'God, I really messed that up.' So I thought to myself that I should call him and tell him that I want to meet with him again. So when this stuff comes around I fight for it.

How do you take care of your skin?

There is no mystery to it. Sunblock, water, moisturizer.

You're from South Africa and it was a hard road to get here. Do you feel that your dreams were pointing to where you are now?

No not at all.

So what are your feelings? When you see your-self now, what do you think about the journey that you've taken?

That's why I can probably sit here and say that I am incredibly blessed in my life.

But did you imagine that you would win the Oscar and be the movie star that you are?

No, I don't think anybody can dream that big. I don't think anybody who has gone through that experience will tell you that. It would be very grandiose to sit around and kind of expect those things to come to you. I have never not heard of an actor who just wanted to be able to pay the bills and not have to a waitress on the side or a waiter. What did Nelson Mandela mean to you?

He was a huge inspiration. He was our great liberator, he's the reason why South Africa is uni-ted as it is today and I was very honoured to know



APR-MAY 2014

him and call him my friend. I think very rarely do people as great as that come into your life and have a huge influence on you. So I feel incredibly lucky that I got to experience that.

After seeing your Dior commercial, Kelly Clarkson said you were a goddess.

That's sweet!

Do you sometimes feel like you're a goddess? (laughter)

I have this incredible team that travels with me and does this stuff. So there are moments when you do something like that, where you are just in it and you see the aftermath. I just did a new campaign with Jean-Baptiste who did the first campaign that everybody loved so much. He's actually coming into town and we are doing the print campaign on Sunday and he's bringing the commercial and everybody is in love with it, so I will see it. He sent me some clips where you look at that and just go, 'I am so lucky to have that hair person and that makeup person,' you know you what I mean? You know that's not in your hands. There are moments where I go, 'This is so fantas-tic.' (laughter) It's sixteen hour days and you are tired, and you have got too much eyeliner in your eye, but all of those things are princess problems. I just have to watch out for the croissant basket, (laughs) that's my biggest thing because that's when I feel like a goddess, I am like, 'All of these croissants are for me?'

Do you have a lot of Dior?

I do, I get spoiled. And so does my mum and my friends, and they are incredibly generous, yeah.

Is there something special from there that you keep for yourself?

All their products are great.

In a world of privilege where there are so many people unprivileged, how important is it to find a balance there for you, especially when you see yourself as so blessed?

Well I have always worked in the field of HIV and anti-rape and that's been the last twenty years of my life. And coming from a country like South Africa, it's impossible to forget how incredibly blessed my life has turned out and how that is not the case for many people in my country. So in starting my organisation in 2007, Charlize Theron Outreach Africa project, we focus now primarily on prevention care when it comes to HIV and AIDS and giving children, the youth of South Africa, some kind of future to look up to. Not only taking ownership of their health and making choices to actually save their own lives, but to actually give them something to live for and that has become a huge part of my life. That's the only reason that I go back to South Africa, that's my family and that's what I go back for. And my work with the UN couldn't be more neutralising and sobering to really, really witness the fortunate aspect of all of our lives. When I travel with the DRC or do any work with them in Africa, it's nothing short of miraculous that I am where I am.

Is your mum the most important person in your life?

I think people are there for different reasons. I mean I think I have a closeness to my mum, we are friends, but she's my mother first and foremost and that's how I was raised. That's why I think we

are so close, because she never tried to just be my friend, she's my mum. And so I think that's why we have had the relationship that we have always had because it's a healthy one. She's not just my girlfriend, she just happened to be a person that I actually really like, and who I think is actually funny and all of that stuff. But she's the first person to put me in line, the way a parent does.

Does she do that still?

Yeah of course. I mean, in a way where she treats me like I am an adult. She doesn't treat me like I am twelve anymore, but we have a very healthy relationship in that sense.

When she gives you advice, how do you take it? Do you feel it's like she's criticising you?

I mean, look, I think every child wants their parent to be proud of them and I think anybody who won't admit that is secretly hiding something. I think there's definitely a sense when it comes to a child and their parent and I think we are all human beings and it can sometimes be harder to take criticism from a parent, and I have had mo-ments with mum where she's like, 'That movie is a piece of shit!' (laughter) But I would rather her be incredibly honest because then when she says that movie is really good I really believe it. But yeah that's normal.

Can relate to what Lupita Nyong'o said when she won the Oscar, that every little girl's dream is valid?

And a very lovely moment because a lot of people don't acknowledge that I am African, and I ran into her parents backstage, and they said, 'Our African sister!' I completely relate to everything she's saying








SeaSon of Love


CeLebritieS DivuLge their romanCing




FEB-MAR 2014

David Beckham







When it comes to romance, your average celebrity is just as anxious to make some sort of amorous gesture as the rest

of us. And just as clueless sometimes as to how to do the right thing.  Even though they may have private jets at their disposal or a limitless bank account, most celebs prefer a simple show of affection as opposed to any lavish display.  Some, however, mark the occasion with some interesting and even poignant preparations to surprise their partner.

 Many celebrities, however, confess that the season where love is in the air, can leave them very cold indeed, particularly when they're single and somber.

  Le City Deluxe interviewed some of Hollywood’s most known celebrities to find out how the movie stars commemorate the season of love. 


 Becks has the dreamy admiration of women

the world over. The soccer star who is planning

to purchase a soccer stadium in Miami, pulled off a particularly romantic surprise for Victoria in 2011, when he flew out to America after training in England to take her to New York res-taurant, Minetta Tavern for a candlelit dinner. 

 It was rumored he then took her for a stroll down to the Brooklyn Bridge, back to the area that inspired the name for their first son. 

  The couple’s three sons weren’t traveling with David, who had come over to spend the day with Victoria on their own, and enjoy their first time together on the holiday for seven years. With the two celebrities now having such monumental careers, it was a romantic move from them both who said in a BBC interview, “we knew as soon as we met that we knew we were perfect for each other.”


 Several years ago, Mark Wahlberg decided

to surprise his wife Rhea with an elaborately planned surprise.

 “A couple of years ago on Valentine’s day, I just pretended the whole day that I didn't even

know it was Valentine's Day," Wahlberg recalls.  "We didn't speak the whole day. I left around lunch to meet some producers, but I had one of Rhea's friends take her out shopping late in the afternoon."

  "But when she got back, I had the house filled with flowers and little presents all over the place.  I also had this trail of rose petals, which created a path up the stairs and directly into the bedroom.  She loved it, although maybe it was too much, because she started crying and then I started to get kind of emotional, too.  But it was a really beautiful day."


 One of the hottest women in Hollywood

and an avid chef who one day intends to open her own restaurant, Gossip Girl's Blake Lively loves to show appreciation for her husband Ryan Reynolds by cooking a romantic dinner for two. “Ryan is wonderful when it comes to surprising me on special occasions," Lively reveals. “I love to cook something special for Ryan. Something that he loves. "

Channing Tatum Blake Lively



FEB-MAR 2014


 While her husband Ben Affleck is one of the

most decorated and celebrated modern actors and producers in Hollywood, Jennifer Garner is grateful that Ben is one of the most romantic men on earth.

 "Ben is just so sweet and caring and very emotional," Garner explains. "He loves to give little gifts and be very romantic.  We don't do anything special, but we do kind of acknowled-ge how much we love and care for each other. Romance is romance, but in addition romance can just be breakfast and just getting through the day looking after your kids. You just have to make that be romantic. But in the end it all comes down to being healthy and happy"


 One of the hunkiest men in Hollywood,

Channing Tatum has found himself feeling rather melancholy and unloved when it comes to a particular Valentine's Day moment several years ago when he was just struggling to make

ends meet as an unemployed young actor in Los Angeles.

  "There was this girl I was seeing and she got me a dog for Valentine's Day.  But I was so poor and living in a room in someone else's apartment that it was impossible for me to keep a dog.  I didn't even have enough money to buy a decent meal for myself much less take care of a pet.  I thought it was the most inappropriate gift ever.  It just depressed the hell out of me and I wound up breaking off with the girl and giving the dog to a friend."   Ouch!


 Oscar-nominated star Hugh Jackman says

his new company, Laughing Man, which pro-duces a line of fair-trade coffee, tea and choco-late products could help you it easier for you to give the perfect gift for your partner, although he's not sure whether his wife Deborrah-Lee will be appreciative.

  "Well, my wife is on a diet, so chocolate can be thorny to give," Jackman admits. "But if I have any advice to give, I'd say the key to

romantic gestures is all about the element of surprise.  If you've given something in the past, do something new. If you've never given chocolates, then I say go for it."

 Jackman's company was created in the style of Paul Newman's food company which over the years has raised over $100 million for chari-ty. Hugh has the same high hopes for his venture and hopes that this season of love will inspire people to be in a giving mood. "I had been looking for an opportunity to start a business like that and when I travelled to Ethiopia to work with a coffee farmer out there, the ideas came together.  If you buy our chocolates and coffee, all the money goes back to the farmers and investors who are giving all their profits back to charity."


 Reese Witherspoon likes to use the occasion

to be open about her feelings.  Now married to Hollywood agent Jim Toth, Reese loves to buy chocolates and tell her man how much she appreciates having him in her life.

Jennifer Garner Reese Witherspoon







"I think it's important to be open about your feelings whenever you can, and it's really important to listen to what (your partner) likes.  It's important to know your guy and what he enjoys."


 Elton John and husband David Furnish are

often seen in public displaying their affection and closeness to one another. They treat every single weekend like an anniversary, and always have done. 

 “We have this wonderful tradition in rela-tionship. We met on a Saturday, and we cele-brate our relationship every Saturday. Wherever we are in the world we send each other an anniversary card. We talk about what we’ve been doing in the week. It’s something we’ve been doing every single Saturday since we got together – Seventeen years of cards! But you know what? it keeps our love in focus, and I so look forward to getting my Saturday card.”

The couple, who wedded on the first day that the law permitted same-sex marriages in the UK, certainly know the meaning of romantic significance. 

“We’re very romantic with each other anyway. After seventeen years, I didn’t think you could

Sir Elton John

Mark Wahlberg

Sir Paul Mccartney



FEB-MAR 2014

feel closer to someone, but now that we share a child together, I feel incredibly close to Elton.”  


 Despite a widely public and turbulent recent

love life, Paul McCartney remains a loving ro-mantic. The songwriter behind Beatles ballads: ‘Yesterday’, ‘The Long and Winding Road’, and ‘My Love’, showed his affection for his wife Nancy Shevell by playing his new songs to her down the phone before he went into the studio to record his new album.

“I got in the habit of writing a song in the morning and then ringing her up and saying, ‘Do you fancy hearing it?’

He also recorded the song, ‘My Valentine’ for Nancy in 2011, the year that they married. 

“I wrote the song on Valentine’s Day in Morocco where we were on holiday and it had been raining, and she’d said to me "it doesn’t matter, we’ll have a good time" – and I really liked that because I know there’s nothing you can do about weather.”

Asked what his last romantic gesture was, he laughs: “We’ve done millions. There are too many.”

He wrote some of songs on his new album – it’s actually called New – in honor of Nancy.

“She was a great motivation and inspiration,” he says. “The title track is about her. It’s about finding new love.” 


  Helen Mirren has previously confessed that

she only married for ‘economic’ reasons and that her and her husband don’t send each other Valentine cards and regularly forget to mark birthdays with a present.

 However, the 68-year-old actress seems to think that not being overly affectionate in a relationship, might indeed be the key to keeping things special.

 “Taylor and I aren’t remotely romantic with each other. And actually we appreciate the lack of romance in the other person. I’d be comple-tely horrified if Taylor gave me a Valentine’s card! That’s not our sort of relationship at all – we would pour cold water on that sort of thing.”

 “We even forget to get each other birthday presents – I’m always thinking the day before, “Oh, I must get Taylor something for his bir-thday. Without being corny, we try simply to be considerate to each other every day rather than lavishing each other with gifts.”

 She has confessed, rather romantically, that “being with Taylor is exciting and I feel as if

I’m on a permanent date with him.” Sometimes in a relationship, perhaps a quiet

and understated love can be more romantic than a huge token or gesture.

 “The one thing that Taylor does always do for me, though, is to send me a bouquet of yellow roses on a first night for luck. When they arrive, I know they’re from him and I love that. And they are all the more special because he’s not constantly giving me things.”


 The One Direction boys could probably bring

most cities to a standstill if they were too public about their romancing techniques.

In previous interviews the band have said that they enjoyed going to Paris for the romantic holiday, and that “even though it sounded like we were going on a romantic trip for five, we really went to meet the French fans. It was so nice to spend the day in the city of love”

 There is also speculation as to whether this season of love will be marked with member Louis Tomlinson proposing to his long-term girlfriend Eleanor Calder


Hugh Jackman Dame Helen Mirren












-JAN 2013/14

DwyanewaDe Man of Many Roles

Dwyane Wade has achieved success against some of the longest odds possible. The Miami Heat shoo-ting guard was born dirt poor in

1982 on Chicago’s notorious gang-infested South Side and in his early years he subsisted on government handouts. This was a time when the crack cocaine epidemic was beginning to devastate inner city neighborhoods across America. One of the early victims of this drug scourge was Wade’s mother, Jolinda, who sold cocaine to feed her habit. Lost to the crack pipe, she was unable to look after her son, so Wade was raised by his beloved sister Tragil, only five years older than him. After his mother was sent to prison for dealing cocaine, Dwayne went to live with his father, Dwyane Sr., a former army sergeant and strict disciplinarian who Wade credits with setting him on the road to eventual basketball stardom. Wade was ten years old.

In a remarkable turnaround in fortune, today life couldn’t be sweeter for the NBA superstar. He’s one of basketball’s most valuable players

and a millionaire many times over, a much sought after spokesperson for companies as diverse as T-Mobile, Gatorade and cookie makers Pepperidge Farm, but that’s not all he is. As well as a fashion icon (Esquire named him the best dressed NBA player and Forbes maga-zine voted him one of America’s best dressed athletes) and an outspoken advocate for social justice (he appeared on the cover of Ebony magazine wearing a grey hooded sweatshirt to protest the Trayvon Martin killing), he’s also a philanthropist (the Huffington Post named him “number one featured doer” for his chari-table work). His Wade’s World Foundation has hosted Christmas parties for underprivileged kids, organized free basketball camps and raised money for earthquake victims in Haiti. But Wade insists that the most important role he plays is that of a doting father to his two sons, six year old Zion and eleven year old Zaire. Wade won sole custody of the two boys in 2011 after a messy and highly public divorce from his childhood sweetheart. In his recently

“Wade is that rare breed of basketball player who has learnt the valuable lesson that helping others is the one of best ways to heal yourself.”







published autobiography, A Father First, Wade writes: “I’m a father first and everything else after that.”

Just as inspiring as Dwyane’s story is what became of his mother. After getting out of prison in 2001, she turned her life around by quitting drugs cold turkey and studying to become a Baptist preacher. Now, grateful for a second chance, Jolinda is a constant presence in her son’s life, the mother to Dwyane she couldn’t be when she was a homeless junkie. 

As Jolinda often says of her son: “Dwyane’s life is bigger than just basketball.”

Recently, Le City Deluxe sat down with the dapper NBA superstar to talk about his life on and off the court, his hard-scrabble early years and his desire to be more than simply a high-living baller. The first thing we wanted to know was what was it like growing up in a war zone.  

“Like every kid growing up in the south side of Chicago, it had its good and bad points, but every experience was a lesson,” says Wade. “Bas-ketball was one of those outlets that allowed me to remain focused on the positive things while helping me realize my dreams.”

If you examine the sociological circumstances of his upbringing, Wade should be behind bars, drug-addicted or dead by now. How did he manage to ignore the siren call of the streets that nearly destroyed his mother? How did he manage to avoid the fate that befalls so many young black men from poor neighborhoods? Wade claims it was his father’s influence.

“He was my first coach,” he says. “He was the one who really got me into basketball.He taught me perseverance and athleticism at an early age, and since then, I've never stopped. If you look at the statistics, I’m not supposed to be here right now but I am and I’m immensely proud of that. My father is a big part of the reason why.”




-JAN 2013/14

As well as his father, another source of ins-piration growing up was fellow Chicagoan Michael Jordan. “His will to win and how he consistently broke records and helped lead his team to championships is something that, still to this day, inspires and motivates me,” says Wade.

  Another thing that Wade is immensely proud of is the Wade‘s World Foundation, which he started in 2003 to give back to the community. What motivated him to start his own foundation?

“I was inspired to start my own foundation because as a little kid I remember looking into my community and seeing the need for mentors and role models. I noticed the trend of no one really coming back to us to motivate us and inspire us, to say "You can do whatever you put your mind to do." So, I always told myself that if I was ever put in a position to give back, that I would. Starting the Wade's World Foundation was that way to give back and be a role model to those on the South Side of Chicago and in other underserved areas.”

What has been his most meaningful moment as a philanthropist? “As a philanthropist, every day and moment is meaningful,” he says. “With each and every event we host or program we put in place-whether it's a concert we put on at a local park or a talent showcase, we help kids get inspired and give them the opportunity to pursue their dreams. With the support of my family, having faith in God and believing in myself, I was able to live out a dream and I want to encourage others to do the same.”

Wade is that rare breed of basketball pla-yer who has learned the valuable lesson that helping others is the one of best ways to heal yourself

“I wAs INspIrED to stArt my owN fouNDAtIoN

bECAusE As A lIttlE kID I rEmEmbEr lookINg INto

my CommuNIty AND sEEINg thE NEED for mENtors AND

rolE moDEls."




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LeBron James was labeled The Villain of basketball, but Le CITY deluxe reveals him as a Hero of Miami and a King of Philanthropy

“!e LeBron James E"ect” for !e Heat & Miami’s economy: $1.4 billion produced annually. 21,000 local jobs. $171 million in tax revenues. $918 million for the GPD.

Charitable Works to date: $2.5 million donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America. Founded the LeBron James Family Foundation to aid families in Ohio area. Created “Wheels for Education” to target and prevent school drop-outs.



JAN · FEB 2013

How did LeBron James earn the title of villain? It's hard to pinpoint the precise moment or provide a reasona-

ble explanation. Perhaps it was his immaturity and occasional lack of social graces that soured his image. Perhaps it was his moodiness and frequent sullen expressions on the court that turned the public against him.

For a time, James accepted this characteri-zation as part of his public persona, stating in interviews, "You start to hear 'the villain,' now you have to be the villain, you know, and I started to buy into it. I started to play the game of basketball at a level, or at a mind state that I've never played at before ... meaning, angry." While James felt this characterization was undeserved, explaining, "It basically turned me into somebody I wasn't," it did serve to mold his image into something more fascinating and more complex than mere positive popularity could have brought him.

As early as 2008, LeBron James' Vogue cover with supermodel Gisele Bundchen sparked controversy after being blamed for contributing to the negative racial stereotype that African American men are dangerous and criminal. !e shot seemed to re"ect a King Kong motif with James posed as the angry, oversized gorilla, clut-ching a delicate white female, played by Gisele. While Vogue spokespersons denied any racial undertones, claiming it was meant to celebrate two professionals at the top of their game, critics could not help but relate the King Kong-esque image to James' self-endorsed "King James" title. !e image was widely panned as being racially insensitive, and many chastised James for not being more careful with his image. Meanwhile, James explained simply that he was, “just trying to show a little emotion.”

James' most controversial moment came in 2010 with his interview special, "!e De-cision" in which he revealed, "I'm going to take my talents to South Beach and join the

Miami Heat." Critics raged that by making his decision into a highly publicized event, he revealed a narcissistic need for attention or that he was tactless and alienated fans. Regardless of whether his handling of this decision was proper, James' move to Miami gave way to "!e LeBron James e#ect" in which NBA television ratings increased along with dramatically more tra$c "ow to NBA and ESPN web pages, mo-bile downloads and video streams. Professional basketball interest reached highs it had not experienced since Michael Jordan's popularity and eventual retirement in 1998.

!e King James e#ect continues to ripple through the South Florida area. Last year, the Heat Group commissioned an economic analysis of its impact upon Miami, concluding that it is responsible for producing around $1.4 billion yearly, in addition to creating 21,000 jobs for local residents. !e positive e#ects of this include more than $589 million annually in labor, $171 million in federal, state and local tax revenues and $918 million the for GDP.

In addition to these economic fruits for the area, LeBron James is dedicated to philanthro-py, which casts him decidedly more as a hero than a villain considering his charitable record. Proceeds from the ill-received Decision special went entirely to charity, resulting in over $2.5 million for the Boys and Girls Club of America, and they presented him with the “Champion of

Youth Award” in 2011. James was the only NBA player to be included in Parade Magazine's "Most Charitable Athletes," and he remains one of the league's biggest supporters of cha-ritable work. He founded the LeBron James Family Foundation that provides aid to single parent households in the Ohio area, stemming from the memory of his own childhood stru-ggles. He also created the “Wheels for Educa-tion” program to combat school dropouts and encourage American youths to value learning.

James possesses a forward thinking and con-cern for the community, all too rare in the world of professional athletes. He has admit-ted, "Kids are a huge passion of mine. I always said growing up, 'If I ever have an opportunity … I will always try to give back as much as possible.'" As to his future after basketball, James admirably admits, "I won't play this game forever. But the things we're doing in the communities, the things we're doing in the gymnasiums, in the computer labs, they will last. When I'm done playing basketball, I can still go back ... and see what we were able to accomplish ... !at's important to me."

!ose closest to James claim he is nothing like his villainous typecast, citing the fact that he has never been arrested despite being raised by a single mother with addiction problems and never knowing his father. !ey also defend his behavior by stating that obviously anyone in their twenties will be inclined to immaturity. In this light and considering his charitable works, shouldn't James be heralded as a hero and true champion of the American dream? As a three time NBA MVP, nine time NBA All-Star and as of January 13, 2012, the youngest player to reach 20,000 career points, Le City Deluxe hails LeBron as Miami's king and proof that talent, ambition and hard work can always trump mistakes, criticism and adversity





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JAN · FEB 2013

¿Cómo LeBron James ganó el título de vi-llano? Es difícil precisar el momento exacto o proporcionar una explicación razonable. Tal vez fue su inmadurez y la falta ocasional

de simpatía hacia la sociedad que desencantó su imagen. Quizá fue su mal humor y las frecuentes expresiones desagradables en la cancha que con-virtió al público en su contra.

Durante un tiempo, James aceptó esta ca-racterización como parte de su imagen pública, expresando en entrevistas "Empiezas a escuchar ‘el villano’, ahora tienes que ser el malo, ya sabes, y yo empecé a conquistar eso. Empecé jugando el juego del baloncesto en un nivel o en un estado que nunca antes había jugado”. Mientras James sentía que esta caracterización era inmerecida, explica, "Básicamente me convirtió en alguien que no era", lo utilizó para moldear su imagen en algo más fascinante y más complejo que la mera popularidad positiva podría haberle traído.

Ya en 2008, la portada de Vogue en la que apa-recía Lebron James junto a la supermodelo Gisele Bundchen desató polémica después de haber sido culpado por haber contribuido al estereotipo racial que los hombres afroamericanos son peligrosos y criminales. En la fotografía re!ejaba a James interpretando al gorila enojado King Kong, de gran tamaño, agarrando a una delicada mujer blanca, interpretada por Gisele. Mientras los portavoces de Vogue negaron cualquier trasfondo racial, a"rmando que el objetivo era elogiar a dos profesionales en lo más alto de su juego, los críticos no podían dejar de relacionar la imagen de King Kong con la de James y la auto aprobación del título “King James”. La imagen fue duramente criticada por ser racialmente insensible, y muchos castigaron a James por no ser más cuidadoso con su imagen. Mientras tanto, James explicó que simplemente, "tratamos de mostrar un poco de emoción"

El momento más polémico de James llegó en 2010 con su entrevista especial "#e Decision" en la que reveló: "Me voy a llevar mi talento a South Beach y unirme a los Heat de Miami". Los críticos se molestaron por tomar su decisión en un programa tan popular y reveló una necesidad de atención narcisista y una falta de tacto hacia

los a"cionados. Independientemente de si su manejo de esta decisión fue correcta, James se trasladó a Miami y dio paso a "El efecto LeBron James" en el que aumentó el índice de audiencia en la retrasmisión de la NBA junto con el !ujo de trá"co más radical de las páginas web de la NBA y ESPN, descargas móviles y vídeos. El interés por el baloncesto profesional alcanzó niveles que no había experimentado desde la popularidad de Michael Jordan y eventual retiro en 1998.

El efecto King James sigue creando tensión en la zona sur de Florida. El año pasado, el Heat Group encargó un análisis económico de su im-pacto en Miami, concluyendo que es responsable de producir alrededor de 1,4 billones de dólares al año, además de la creación de 21.000 puestos de empleo para los residentes locales. Los efectos positivos de esto son más de $ 589 millones al año en mano de obra, $ 171 millones en ayuda federal, ingresos "scales estatales y locales, y $ 918 millones para el PIB.

Además de estos frutos económicos para la zona, LeBron James se dedica a la "lantropía, lo que le sitúa decididamente más como un héroe que un villano teniendo en cuenta su historial de caridad. Las ganancias mal-recibidas de "#e Decision" especialmente fueron destinadas ínte-gramente a la caridad, lo que resulta más de $ 2,5 millones para el Boys and Girls Club of America, y se le otorgó el "Premio Campeón de la Juventud" en 2011. James fue el único jugador de la NBA que se incluyó en la revista Parade en “Los atletas

más caritativos” y sigue siendo uno de los mayores partidarios de la asociación de estas labores.

Fundó la LeBron James Family Foundation que proporciona ayuda a las familias monoparentales en el área de Ohio, derivada de la memoria de su propia lucha durante la infancia. También creó las “Wheels for Education”, programa de lucha contra la deserción escolar y alienta a los jóvenes estadounidenses a valorar el aprendizaje.

James tiene una visión de futuro y preocupación por la comunidad, cosa extraña en el mundo de los atletas profesionales. Él ha admitido: "Los niños son una de mis grandes pasiones. Siempre me he dicho mientras crecía, si alguna vez tengo la oportunidad… Siempre trataré de darle la vuelta en la medida de lo posible”. En cuanto a su futuro después del baloncesto, James brillan-temente admite, "no voy a jugar este juego para siempre. Pero las cosas que estamos haciendo en las comunidades, las cosas que estamos haciendo en los gimnasios, en las aulas de informática, van a durar. Cuando he terminado de jugar al balonces-to, todavía puedo volver ... y ver lo que hemos sido capaces de lograr... Eso es importante para mí".

Los más cercanos a James a"rman que no tiene nada que ver con la asociación que se la hace de un villano, citando el hecho de que nunca se ha detenido a pesar de haber sido criado por una madre soltera con problemas de adicción y no saber nada de su padre. También de"enden su comportamiento diciendo que obviamente cual-quier persona a sus veinte años está destinado a ser inmaduro. En este sentido y teniendo en cuenta sus obras de caridad, ¿no debe ser relacionado como un héroe y un verdadero campeón del sueño Americano? Como tres veces NBA MVP, nueve veces NBA All-Star y el 13 de enero de 2012, el jugador más joven en alcanzar los 20.000 puntos en su carrera. Le CITY deluxe considera a LeBron como el rey de Miami y la prueba de que el talento, la ambición y el trabajo duro siempre triunfa ante los errores, la crítica i la adversidad


LeBron James se le ha etiquetado como “El Villano” de baloncesto, pero Le CITY deluxe lo revela como un Héroe de Miami y un Rey de la Filantropía

EL REY LEBRON JAMES Héroe o villano?

"El Efecto LeBron James" para el Heat Group y la economía de Miami:$ 1,4 billones producidos anualmente. 21.000 puestos de trabajo locales. $ 171 millones en ingresos !scales. $ 918 millones para el PIB.

Las obras de caridad hasta la fecha: $ 2,5 millones donados a los Boys and Girls Club of America. Fundó la LeBron James Family Foundation para ayudar a las familias en el área de Ohio. Creó la “Wheels for Education” para atacar y prevenir la deserción escolar.





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Robert Downey Jr.’s story has a touch of Cinderella, a bad boy past, and now repertoire of box o!ce hits along with the award nominations

to prove that he is truly Hollywood’s king.As Iron Man 3 raked in over a billion dollars worldwide, Hollywood’s bad boy took a trip to Miami to temporarily retire the arduous life of Tony Stark, and shoot a commercial in Miami Beach. Robert Downey Jr. started his acting career at the ripe age of "ve. Since then he has seen dark days, but at the age of 48 he is nothing short of in his prime. Downey Jr. as described by Kevin Feige, his Producer in the summer blockbuster Iron Man 3, is the “biggest star in the world.”

Downey Jr. was born in Manhattan to Robert Downey Sr., a actor/writer/producer/cinema-tographer/director of underground "lms and Elsie an actress. With his genes, it seems as though he was destined to be a part of the "lm industry from the word go. Downey Jr. stared in his father’s "lm “Pound” when most children are starting kindergarten, and ever since then he

RObERTDOwnEy JR.HOllywOOD'S baD bOy in MiaMi

The Iron Man Who Didn’t Need a Suit to Fly to The Top

has continually risen to the top, but that wasn’t without struggle and set back. For about two decades Downey Jr. struggled with drug and alcohol addiction and run-ins with the law. He even served 12 months in a California prison for failing to show up to court ordered drug tests.

Downey Jr.’s battle with substance abuse and jail stints are seemingly over and he has persistently been turning out movie hit after movie hit ever since. Downey credits his current wife, Susan, for his successful recovery from drug use. Susan, formerly the Executive Vice President of Production at Silver Productions has now stepped down to work more closely with her husband. #e power duo launched a production company appropriately named Team Downey in 2010. Continuing the list of their accomplishments, the couple welcomed Exton, their "rst child, together in February of 2012.

Since his recovery Downey Jr. has let his star power shine, starring in several critically acclai-med roles. He is a two-time Academy Award nominee and is suspected to become a winner

soon. He has starred in too many movies to list, and is on track to break the record for the single biggest payday in Hollywood history for his continuing role as Tony Stark in the fourth and "fth installments of “Iron Man. “

#is month marks the premier of “Iron Man 3.” Downey Jr. for the third time plays Iron Man Tony Stark opposite Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays his love interest Pepper Potts, in the new release. #e "lm, along with Downey Jr.’s performance, directed by Shane Black was greatly anticipated after “Marvel’s #e Aven-gers” record-breaking release last summer. #e genius, inventor and super hero that is Tony Stark will continue his epic adventures in the third installment. “Iron Man 3” introduces many new famous faces to star along side Downey Jr. including Guy Pearce as Adlrich Killian and Ben Kingsley as #e Mandarin.

In addition to the wildly popular Iron Man series, Downey has also been recognized for his performances in the duo of “Sherlock Hol-mes” "lms directed by Guy Ritchie. In this role Downey Jr. plays the unpredictable and






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eccentric genius detective, Sherlock Holmes, who solves intricate mysteries along with co-star Jude Law. Law, who takes on the role of Watson, Holmes’s sidekick, does so in Batman and Robin sort of fashion, but with a lot less spandex. Downey Jr. earned a Golden Globe nomination for his performance in the "rst "lm of the two "lm series.

Downey Jr.’s "rst Oscar nomination came years before he put on an iron suit to save the masses, but he did have to but on a notable mus-tache. In 1992 he received an Academy Award nomination, in the category of Best Actor, for his portrayal of Charlie Chaplin in Richard Attenborough’s celebrated "lm “Chaplin.” So inspired as to truly perform as Chaplin in the "lm, Downey Jr. bought a house that was built for the real Charlie Chaplin in 1926. Gestures like these are really what make it obvious to see why Downey Jr. has been such a success at the box o!ce and with critics.

He received his second Oscar nomination, in the category of Best Supporting Actor, for his role as Kirk Lazarus in the movie “Tropic #under”. #e character of Lazarus is "ttingly,

a critically acclaimed method actor. Lazarus in “Tropic #under” has taken on the extraor-dinarily challenging role of playing an African American solider, although he is a white Aus-tralian. #e character Lazarus goes so far as to medically change the color of his skin. His hi-larious role as Kirk Lazarus earned Downey Jr. several award nominations in addition the Os-car nom, including a Golden Globe, BAFTA and Screen Actors Guild Award nomination.

Among his less recognized roles, Downey Jr. is also a talented musician. In 2004 he released his debut album titled “#e Futurist” through Sony Classics. #e album featured eight origi-nal songs that displayed his musical abilities. His variety of talents showcase why he holds the position in Hollywood that he does today.

Downey Jr. is rumored to continue his roles in “ Marvel’s Avengers 2,” another “Sherlock Holmes” movie and more “Iron Man” "lms in the next few years. But one thing that is for sure is that his seat on Hollywood’s thrown, as king, surely will not be overtaken anytime soon. #e world greatly anticipates what we will see next from Robert Downey Jr