CRCT Question



CRCT Question. What causes differences in the air pressure around the earth? Warm air rises at the equator and cold air sinks at the poles. Warm air sinks at the equator and cold air rises at the poles. Warm air rises at the equator and cold air rises at the poles. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CRCT QUESTIONWhat causes differences in the air

pressure around the earth?A. Warm air rises at the equator and

cold air sinks at the poles.B. Warm air sinks at the equator and

cold air rises at the poles.C. Warm air rises at the equator and

cold air rises at the poles.D. Cold air rises at the equator and

warm air sinks at the poles.

WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday: Telescope Notes Tuesday: Review for Star Quiz Wednesday: Star Quiz Thursday: PLANET PROJECT DUE @ end of class

HW: Study Guide for Final-Due MONDAY

Friday: Textbook Collection

Are stars still present in the sky during the day time?

Yes, we just can’t see them because their dim light is

overwhelmed by the brightness of the sun during the day.

Explain A

Star’s Life cycle

A. A star’s light

Planets do not

twinkle because they are closer!





We only see the visible range!!!!

But stars give off energy in all the wavelengths!

B. Types of Telescopes

Using light to discover information about the

universe.There are two kinds:

Uses lens to collect the light.

Today’s refracting telescopes!

Uses mirrors to collect light

Reflecting scopeii. Reflecting telescope

Spotting scope - A small refractor to line up the

big scope.

Eyepiece for viewing

Today’s reflector

2. Infrared Scopes

-Infrared scopes “look for” heat and are best at locating

new stars just forming.

EX: COBE -An Infrared scope that is in orbit.

Cosmic Background Explorer

ii. It has located very important data about the formation of the universe.

i. Infrared = heat

The constellation of Orion in visible light energy and infrared energy.These two views see very different things in the same area of the sky!

3. Radio Telescopes-Records radio waves

i. Sees to the edges of the universe


Very Large Array uses multiple radio telescopes.

VLA from above. They work as a unit kind of like a fly’s eye.

Largest radio scope in the world in the top of an extinct volcano! Puerto Rico

-Records UV radiation.

i. Astronomers use this wave length mostly to look at and track what the sun is doing.

Solar & Heliospheric Observatory

This spacecraft has an ultraviolet scope.

The sun in different UV wavelengths.

-Records x ray emissions from objects in “deep” spacei. Best for “looking” for black holes, dying stars, and other strange objects.

ii. Must be above the atmosphere!

ChandraX-Ray scope

X Rays from twoBlack holes in oneGalaxy.

ii. These telescopes are looking for high energy events: black holes, neutron stars and quasars.

-Due to their high energy content, Gamma rays are able to cause serious damage

when absorbed by living cells. i. Gamma rays are also able to penetrate dense materials. Aren’t we glad our atmosphere blocks them!

The Compton Gamma Ray Observatory orbits the Earth, detecting high-energy photons – GAMMA RAYS

-Takes light from stars and analyzes it.

Light from a star or other source goes through the slit.

i. Every element has a different set of spectrum lines.

Much like people having different fingerprints.

Krypton’s spectrum

Neon’s spectrum

Emission spectrum