Crea ng a Crystal Healing Mandala Class Office Hours TranscriptMaterials/C… · Crea!ng a Crystal...


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Creating a Crystal Healing Mandala Class (Office Hours) Transcript

!Hi everyone welcome to our office hours calls. We're in the final week of our actual class material and next week we will start our implementation week and then we'll have our amazing graduation ceremony live for everyone. I'm really super excited about everything that's coming up. I've seen so many course completions coming in over the past week. Lucy and I have been really busy with all kinds of transcript stuff and getting extra certificates made and all that kind of thing. It's been a busy, busy week, almost two weeks now, but about a week and just congratulations to everyone who has completed the classes already. !I have seen so many positive comments in the Facebook group and emails coming in from everyone and I just want to let you know I've seen those messages and I am so excited and just everybody please if you've finished give yourselves like a big pat on the back and a big round of applause and you know start to cheer on your fellow classmates who are crossing that finish line. Seems like there's someone almost everyday who is finishing the program and you guys have just been so amazing to work with. So I just wanted to say that to start our office hours with today and Ira I think you'd just finish right before office hours, didn't you? I think I got an email just a little bit ago. Yeah, congratulations to everyone, this is just going so amazingly, beautifully, wonderfully, spectacularly well and I couldn't be happier, it's been great. !With that I just wanted to say good job and if you're a little bit behind, that's okay too because we'll have implementation week next week. If you're a little bit more behind than that and you won't be done by next week, that's all right just work through everything at your own pace. Remember there's no time limit to complete the class material, but i did want to address a couple logistical things that did come up and a few emails and stuff like that I hadn't, I haven't had time to reply to because we're nearing the end of the program and have these other kind of thing starting to happen and on top of that the big website change over. !So with the marketing mentorship for those of you who signed up we decided to make a big last minute change.

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I've had so many people saying, "Oh I didn't sign up the last time when it was open and I know that I'm not going to be done with my CCH program in time for the marketing program to start in August but I really want to join in on this round, is there anything that I can do?" and I've even had a few people from the other programs who have asked because they have been kind of tracking everyone's progress I think in the Facebook group and they know that we're coming up to the completion for the CCH live study. And people from other programs like the Crystal Reiki Program and the Sacred Stone Grids Program. I've had a few people ask about joining the marketing mentorship from there as well. So after having a meeting with my team this week, we decided we're going to open up the marketing mentorship to all of the current students. That way if you didn't sign up for the marketing mentorship before, but you want to join in now you're going to have five days to be able to do that. That will be next week, you should be able to sign up Monday through Friday and then if for some reason you already did sign up for the marketing mentorship but you haven't gotten through the CCH program yet, no worries you can still hop right into the marketing if you're ready for that piece of it. !If you want to finish up your CCH program just kind of plug away at it a little bit at a time and then join in the marketing stuff later because that's all going to be recorded too just like these office hours calls that's just fine. Totally, totally up to you. I just want to make sure that everyone gets all the time that they need to work through everything and that everyone gets all the materials that are going to support their success and that's what everybody's been asking for so like I said after that team meeting we decided to make that little adjustment and let people join in the group if that's something that they're really feeling called to do. Because the nice thing about my school is like it's all of us together, right and like I get to know everyone really pretty well over time so I have a good relationship with all my students and it's so nice just to be able to go, "Yeah, okay let's open the doors", I really want to help you out with this and make sure that your're successful and that you have everything that you need to really hit the ground running as a crystal healer. And these are the things that you can apply to really any business, but we're going to really kind of hone them in on what it means to be a crystal therapist and kind of work through it from that perspective which makes it a little bit unique but you can take these as brighter concepts to apply them elsewhere. !So yeah Brenda says, "So ready for the marketing mentorship program." I know I'm really excited. I think it's going to be awesome because it's going to be really pretty interactive, we're going to have some like little hot seat calls where people can bring you know a burning question or two about their business and I'll give you some guidance right there and It'll be a really cool group learning experience. So I'm super excited. The other thing that I want to say is in for next week your email sequence is going to be a little bit different because there are no class materials during the implementation week.

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So instead what you're going to get are some reminders, some pointers about kind of where you should be at with things, encouragement to go back and look at some of those bonuses again and that sort of thing and then you're also going to get instructions for how to use that raise hand feature that I've been talking about over the last few office hours calls. So that I can have you guys participate in the event live as well so I can have quite a few of you kind of share your smiling faces and that sort of thing, give you big congratulations when you are doing the graduation ceremony. So if you do plan to be live for that graduation ceremony, make sure you just look at those instructions in your email ahead of time. If kind of going live and saying hi to everyone is something that you want to try out, I think it's really fun and I'm totally happy and willing to take some questions from all of you that way this evening too if anyone wants to go for it. !I'm just after a long day at my shop today. We had our annual sidewalk sale and it's really cool. Downtown Menace and all the business get together and put some tents out. I did a little bit of a Facebook live cast on my Mimosa Books Facebook page and that was really fun, it was like a really fun day but I got home and I'm like no make up, no anything so just it's like come as you are. So if any of you are feeling a little like me a little bit like no make up, end of the day got your pajamas on, like hey were all friends here. So if you want to hop on and do the live video I would love to see you and connect that way but if not again, like always, no pressure, that's cool. If that is something that you want to do, you can use the raise hand button above the chat box, ask your question and you can turn on your video or you can just turn on your audio. So if you don't want to -- if you're in your pj's and you don't want to show your cute little pj's and you just want to do an audio question instead of typing it in the chat box, you're totally welcome to do that and yeah, Courtney says, "In pj's, for sure, yes." !Okay, and Brenda thank you so much I just saw your comment in chat thank you so much. I just, I really like connecting with everybody. For those of you who watch that video about my personal story and journey with crystals and how I got started and how I got where I am now it's really because I was seeking that connection with other crystal healers and I just can't imagine letting that part of it go for the sake of like growing a business. Like it's that personal connection that really fuels my passion and makes me excited to kind of sit down with everybody all the time and talk about crystals and just share an grow as people because that's really what it's about. I mean I'm, yeah I know a lot about crystals but I can always learn something new and I do always learn new things from you guys and I just, I love that time. !!

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So, okay, with that I guess why don't we go ahead and dive into questions, I'm going take, we only got one question that came in on the form ahead of time, ahead of class tonight but, as always, if you have some questions you want to ask, feel free to pop those in the chat box or if you want to try the live video or just live audio, go ahead and give me a hand raise and I'll put you on and I actually do have a hand raised from Lucy. Maybe I can put Lucy on, Lucy can I put you on? I'm going to put Lucy on. Lucy, Lucy do you really have your hand up like for real? Can I put you on? Give me a yes if I can put you. I don't...can you type in the chat Lucy out see your normal little welcome. Yes, yay, okay. I'm going to put Lucy on everybody so you can all meet the wonderful Lucy that's been helping everyone and here we go. So it might take about 15, 20 seconds we figured out there's a little bit of a delay but Lucy will kind of pop in, you should see like a picture in picture video thing and hopefully you'll be able to see the wonderful Lucy that's been helping all of you. Yay. !Lucy: Hello? !Hi. How are you? !Lucy: Hi everybody. Good, good. I just thought I'd put my hand up and say hello to everyone so hello everyone I'm Lucy the behind the scenes. I just went for a walk this morning because I'm in New Zealand so it's midday over here so I'm a little bit no make up as well but -- sorry what? !Midday and winter. !Lucy: Yeah but it's actually warm today, thankfully. The sun's out and I just went for a nice big walk in the beautiful New Zealand rain forest. It was lovely but then I love being on these calls as well so I totally enjoy coming in connecting with everyone on these calls as well and I thought I'd show you guys I just bought this new crystal the other day because I don't have a question but I have to show and tell. It's a beautiful rose quartz and last night I did a meditation in bed with on my heart and then I promptly fell asleep and woke up in the morning lying on it. !Yeah, if you've never woken up with rocks in your bed then you're truly not living. !Lucy: Yeah, yes. But anyway I won't take up too much of the webinar time. I just wanted to say hello to everybody and show you that it's not too scary being on video. !Thank you, and also I think it's nice for everybody get to meet you. Lucy is like so instrumental to my team. Me and Lucy and our webmaster so. !

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Lucy: We're the team. !Yeah, she's so great at helping out with all the text support and everything else and getting all your transcripts and your certificates ready. It's so, I'm sure it's probably nice for a lot of you to be able to see a face and Lucy is like my superstar, we get to have our meetings every week, even though she's in New Zealand and I even want to bring her here to Wisconsin sometime soon because... !Lucy: I would love that. !We need to hang out so... !Lucy: We'll do it. !Well with that, I guess I'll let Lucy go for a minute and then if anyone else wants to pop on just give me a raised hand and we'll do that so, thanks Lucy. !Lucy: Okay bye everyone. !Awesome and Brenda says, "We love Lucy." I know it always makes me think of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz. I always think Lucy, you've got some explaining to do. Like I love, I Love Lucy that show is like one of my favorites. Okay, so awesome. Let's see, questions, right? Yes, questions. Okay, so I'm going to pop over to our document of questions that came in before class today and get started. !The first one was actually a really, really great question. If you don't have a particular stone for your zodiac sign or your sun sign, or moon sign, what would you substitute? Would you substitute based on the color or by the attribute? So that is an awesome question. So I did mention in the class video I believe that if you don't have the stone that corresponds to your sign's sun stone then you can actually use a sunstone like an actual sunstone, the beautiful orange feldspar sunstone or if you don't have the stone that corresponds to your sign's moon type stone or moon crystal then you can use a moonstone. which is a different kind of feldspar. So, feel free to use the sun and moonstones interchangeably because obviously there's a really great representative energy there corresponding with the name and all those properties and attributes so those would be just fine. But as far as for your zodiac stone if you don't have the stone that we talked about in the mandala class then go back to the class one manual and there's a great chart in that manual that shows different crystals that you can use for the zodiac signs. I think less between like three and maybe five or six stones for each sign.

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So you don't have -- if you don't have the one that we talk about in the mandala class then you can use any of use any of those other ones from that chart and then I think there are even a few other correspondences in one of the bonus handouts. So you can kind of check that out too just for some alternatives because it really should be based probably more on the planetary energy of the sign rather than the color or the attribute because the color, although gives a certain amount of properties, doesn't necessarily connect the same way to the zodiac frequency because those correspondences are more planetary based. !And the same with even the attribute because when you're talking about your zodiac sign, there are so many attributes that encompass a full zodiac sign that's why astrology is so complex. So, I think that what will be best is going back to that class one manual and checking out your chart for a different zodiac stone and if you don't have any of those, then look at the planet that corresponds to your zodiac sign and choose one of those planetary stones. So I hope that's helpful but that would be my suggestion for that and there's something else I was thinking about mentioning. About that like I mentioned it's been a bit of a long day so the thought kind of escaped me. If it comes back I'll let you know, I guess I was just thinking about other ways that you could choose, yeah, okay I remember. !That other thing that I was going to say is that the reason that I selected the ones that I did for the class are because they're really commonly available for the most part. So hopefully it just gives you something that you should be able to find at your local rock shop or if you really, really can't find any of those stones near you, I know some people just live in places where you don't have a rock shop nearby that's like a good trustworthy source or maybe you just don't have anything where you live, you can always do a little order at Mimosa if you want. My staff is awesome and we pick everything out by hand and have a lot of fun putting those orders together. If you do need anything in particular just get in touch or if there's something that you don't find on our website email us because we might have it in stock. !Otherwise there's all in the student Facebook group. There's actually a document so if you're on the student Facebook group on the main wall of the Facebook group up at the top there are all these different tabs and you can actually find one that's called files and if you click there, there are different documents with places to find crystals. So there's one for buying your crystals wholesale, one for brick and mortar stores where you might actually visit from different places and then there's one for online stores and this is compiled by some of my favorites and then other contributions from other students in the group. And if you have some of your favorite stores that you'd like to add to those documents, you're actually able to go in and edit those files.

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So it's just like this constantly evolving resource where you can look for information but also add your own information. So if you find a really great rock shop, please do add it to that document because it helps everybody. Okay, awesome. So, let's see. !Great, okay and Lucy just shared the link for how to raise your hand or if you can't figure out how to do it you can also just type in the chat like raise hand and I can invite you to be a speaker and then you just have to I think allow the controls for your audio and or video. Whatever you'd like to do. Okay, let's see and so does anyone...I do see a request, so Dayra has her hand raised. So were all going to meet the lovely Dayra. So I'm going to invite her as a speaker and it's going to like take maybe about 15, 20 seconds for her to pop up but I'm excited to meet Dayra face to face or voice to voice whichever she so chooses. And again if you have any questions, go ahead and type them in the chat. If you don't want to ask on audio or video, that's okay and I'll make sure that we get all those answered for you. Dayra. !Dayra: Hey. !Nice to meet you. !Dayra: Nice to see you and meet you. !What can I do for you? !Dayra: Let's see. It says it needs my permission? !It's working okay. !Dayra: Okay, right. !I think it... !Dayra: I wanted to show you one of my pieces here. This is like a... !Is it clear quartz? !Dayra: Yeah, and it's on it's own little bed. !That's beautiful. Is that like a big double terminated quartz? I can't see on the one side. !Dayra: Yes. !

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That's gorgeous. !Dayra: Yeah I got that. That's one of my favorite pieces. !How do you like to use that one? !Dayra: I like to touch it before I leave the house and then I have a strawberry [inaudible]. !Wow that's spectacular. That's totally gorgeous. !Dayra: This one's called a green healer. !That looks like a chlorite phantom. That's really, those are super powerful, those are great immune boosters. !Dayra: They're so cool. I love them. !Yeah and so have you ever feel like you know when you're like getting a little cold and you get that first tickle in your throat, you put one of those on your bedside table and go to sleep and it usually will make you feel a little bit better. !Dayra: Okay, and then this last one is like a little quartz with dendrites in them. !That's really cool. Those look like manganese dendrites. !Dayra: Here, can you see that? !Yeah, oh yeah. That's awesome. How do you use that one? !Dayra: I'm not really using this one yet. I haven't figured out how to use it. !That's okay. !Dayra: Do you have any suggestions? !Well, it'll come to you. Sometimes you're just kind of drawn to a piece you don't know why right away. !Dayra: Okay. !

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It takes a little time to figure out. If that, I can't figure out from the video if that's a...if they're a little anthracite bits. They look like they might be anthracite which is like a type of coal. It's actually really grounding and then the quartz is really high vibrational so it helps kind of pull things from spirit into the physical. So, if you're doing like channeling or meditation or manifesting work like a higher level stuff that you want to pull into the physical realm, that's what those are really great for. !Dayra: Okay, great. I just wanted to share those pieces with you. My dog Maverick is trying to get my attention now. !Yeah, my dog CC is like over there and she's eating her little bone, her after dinner bone and she's being very noisy, but that’s okay. Well thank you so much for sharing. Those are beautiful and yeah if anybody else has a show and tell, we could totally do that all night. !Dayra: All right. !Thanks. !Dayra: Bye. !Female Speaker: So that was the lovely Dyra. So bravo, hooray! I’m going to just click back over here and see and you know, I’m just thinking, okay, since Lucy and Dyra got to do show and tell, I have to show you guys. I just got this new crystal. It’s right on my book shelf, sorry. Okay. So most of you probably know I really love aura quartz. I don’t know what it is about the aura quartz that I like so much, but I just got this super beautiful angel aura cluster and I am in love with it. I love the shape and the color it's like super spectacular and there’s like little bits of druzy crystals in there among the big points and I just, I love the whole thing so much and I just had to have it. !So I was with my husband and we are out kind of go grocery shopping and there’s a crystal store right by the grocery store that I go to. It’s bad. So I wasn’t going to stop because I hadn’t had anything new in kind of a long time and I’m like, I’ll just pop in and see what it’s like and holy smokes, am I glad that I did because this baby totally caught my attention. So I am just loving this piece right now. Super spectacular. But yeah, it was just very different than what you usually find with the aura quartz. I have never seen like a cluster that big and it was like a super awesome price and because I shop there so much I had like a good customer discount so I got 20 bucks off. I was like, this is the best day ever but yeah, so that’s my... this is my most recent acquisition to my crystal collection. But yes.

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So just everyone has just been so amazingly supportive of one another in this group and I am like thrilled to be a part of that and just see that kind of unfolding. I mean, the comments that have been happening over in the Facebook group and by e-mail are just like totally amazing and people are just really having these really powerful journeys through this whole program and I’m just so grateful to be able to share that with all of you and I’m really looking forward to the business part too because it’s like heart centered business. It’s going to be totally different than like business business. So it’s going to feel really good while we’re doing it. We’re going to do it together and be able to bounce ideas off of each other and that was one of my I think biggest struggles as an entrepreneur was not having really anybody to kind of talk about some of those things with or trying to bounce ideas off of my friends and family who maybe didn’t have that much experience and they’d be like, well, that sounds pretty good and you know, but you never really know until you try sometimes and sometimes things worked out great and other times they didn’t work out so good. And I really just learn from all those experiences and kept changing and growing and I’m ready to kind of give that, you know, some like real sit down, teaching moments with everybody and make sure that you don’t have to go through that process too because it can be a little painful. You know, you’re already kind of scared sometimes about doing something totally new and then having to make all these decisions and figure out all the stuff out. I mean, there’s a certain amount to be said for, you know, just like trial and error learning and I think a little bit of that as healthy in every business but it shouldn’t be like that about the big things, right? It’s good to have trial and error about the little things but the big things you just want to get through them and you know, start kind of moving along.

So with that like how is everybody doing with the program? Is everybody feeling like really good about it? Is there anything that you thought would be covered that I didn’t get to or touch on? Or is there anything you’d like see updated or changed since we’re getting ready with this new website build out? One thing that’s going to be, and I know I’ve probably mentioned it before, but one thing that’s going to be so much easier is the student account area like when I say so much easier I mean so much easier. It’s going to be awesome. I get to actually start testing it out and playing with it next week, the week after next week. So like a week and a half, almost two weeks and I’ll be able to go in and actually click around and see everything and it’s going to be all beautiful and sparkly and amazing and it’s going to look prettier and be more organized and not be so confusing and not have the weird technical issues that we’ve been having hopefully cross my fingers. I’m pretty sure that we won’t have that. So I’m really excited.

Okay. And yeah, I can’t think of anything else that I have to talk about so how about you guys? I’m opening the floor to questions, comments, etc. Does anybody have anything that they want to discuss or share or a question to ask? It doesn’t have to be about this class. If you have something else that you just want to like share.

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So yeah, Brenda says, she was so happy to have her husband get a red tiger eye for himself as well as he bought a salt lamp all on his own now. That’s awesome. So you’re kind of passion is rubbing off a little bit. I find that’s true. My husband and I do that. You know, he likes crystals a little bit now and I like comic books and nerdy stuff and Star Wars and even Star Trek and what else all kinds of stuff but it’s good. It’s good when you can have shared interests.

And Joanne says she got so much out of this course and she’s so grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Joanne. Really, it’s like there’s a group of people that has just made this whole thing feel like it’s like on fire. I love it. I love how enthusiastic everybody is and I’m hoping that the people who have been kind of like a little bit behind or kind of just getting started now, I hope as they go through all these office hours calls and kind of start to join in everything, they’re going to like feel that passion too. And like I said, I’m also so excited because all of you are going to get to join us for the next round of the program if you want to.

And Jen says, and there are Pokemon in Mimosa. I love seeing that. Yes, there are Pokemon everywhere. That little new Pokemon Go thing. We had people Pokemonin' away in our store today. They’re in our sidewalk sales so that was kind of fun. Yeah and then my husband owns the comic bookstore right above the Mimosa so he owns it right upstairs so that’s kind of fun. We get to have like all of our nerdy stuff in one place. I love it.

And Cara says she just borrowed a bunch of Himalayan Tibetan quartz from me. She’s been waiting for the karmic release stuff. She feels so excited to start trying everything now and you know, Cara, that’s a great thing to mention. Not just about the karmic release stuff but, yeah, everyone works through this program a little bit differently. Some people are going to like do the lecture part and implement those techniques right away and try them out and other people are like, okay, I want to do all the lecture stuff and then I'm going to go back and take the things that really resonated, those most important things and start working with those right away. I think that’s awesome. I’m so glad that you got some crystals to work with. You’re going to give it a try. For those of you who are in the student Facebook group, you might have seen an awesome post by Tree McKenna Cinque and she made some amazingly powerful grid. She took some pictures using those Tibetan quartz and the karmic release grid. She took some awesome pictures and man did that thing pack a punch so yeah, you got to check out what’s going on over there. People are doing some awesome stuff.

Okay. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. People are like Pokemon fun and I love Star Wars and Star Trek and all the Marvel comics stuff. I know, right?

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I would really love to go see Ghostbusters this weekend but unfortunately it’s the big sidewalk sale and I need to bail in some work with the self care stuff and probably should come home and rest but maybe some time this week, get to go and see the Ghostbusters movie. And I also really want to see that Secret Life of Pets. That just looks adorable but yes.

Yeah and Brenda says, "Love Tree. That grid is awesome." It was so awesome. I mean, that was really great and you know, I love like that kind of stuff but then there’s also just some really cool grids that people created on their own over there. Just intuitively created grids and some have photos and some are in like heart shapes and some have all kind of cool crystals and some use the grid basis from the grid templates pack that we have and yeah, there’s just so much stuff going on. It’s so exciting to see what everybody is doing with all the information and how they’re kind of spring boarding off of that and doing some really cool stuff. So I’m excited.

Oh, great. And so Dyra says, "Yeah, I really like going through everything again. I’m ready to do that and implementing those things in my daily life", and yeah, doing that stuff like one piece at a time is great. You don’t have to do it all at once. Just start with one really good routine habit and then add another and add another and before you know it, it’s like awesome crystal goodness everywhere in your whole day.

And oh, okay, awesome. So Dyra is in massage school even that’s fantastic and you're going to combine crystals with your massage therapy, that’s going to be amazing. You know, I just think...I had one massage once with someone that used crystals and it was actually many years ago now, maybe like seven years ago. It was someone I connected with locally through some of my networking just about crystals and she invited me to come have my massage where she'd do a little bit of crystal work and that was so phenomenal. I think it just adds something really special and unique to the massage. So that’s a great idea.

Okay. Does anybody else have anything they want to share or a question or anything like that? I’m going to check my little document and make sure I didn’t miss anything. No. I don’t see any other questions here. So with that, I guess I’ll say Monday expect an e-mail like normal except it will be a little bit different. It will have some reminders and queues of things that you might want to go back and review or look at or catch up on, that kind of thing and I’ll be updating a few more of the class resource guides next week because Lucy and I are kind of finishing those up and yeah, all that stuff will just be available. You know, that’s one thing I guess I want to mention about the class resource guides.

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If any of you ever come across something really cool that you think should just be shared with everyone and kind of relates to a certain topic, send it over and I’ll check it out and see if I, you know, think it would be a good resource added to those resource guides because I’m always just kind of looking for new things to share with everybody and you know, create kind of new pieces to learn from because that’s we’re all here to do.

Cool. Courtney won a crystal meditation in her yoga class last week. That sounds awesome. Crystal yoga like those two things are things that don’t get combined nearly as often as they should. There are a couple of really cool books so one of these was in the class resources not too long ago. I wish I can remember what class that was for but it was Love, Light, Meditations by Shri Akhenaten, I believe. And there’s some really cool meditations in there and there’s also a book called Crystal Yoga. It may actually be called The Crystal Yoga 2. I think it might be because that always confused me and it’s by Roger Calverley or Cavreley and that is more about like the spiritual practice of yoga and not so much the movement yoga but more the meditation aspect, a mental yoga. But it’s about working with crystals in that way and that was a really cool book. So maybe check that out if that’s something that interests you Courtney. That’s awesome that you’re leading meditations. I’m sure people love that.

And Mel, how long will all this stuff be up so that we can re-watch videos or download? Guess what, Mel? The answer is forever and ever for the length of the school and since I’ve been doing this for 10 years now, I don’t anticipate those going anywhere ever but yeah that stuff is just there. It’s permanent. It’s there for you all the time. You have lifetime access. Anytime I update those materials, you’ll have access to the updates. Anytime I add something new to a class, you’ll have access to that new thing in the class and your old stuff isn’t going anywhere. Even the office hours. They’re going to stay available permanently so feel free to kind of take your time and work through everything.

Okay. And yes, Lucy, thank you for answering Mel’s question too. Awesome. Well, with that, I just want to say you’ve all been an absolute delight. I am, oh, I just saw a note from Lucy. Oops, I missed a question from Cara. Okay, can you cleanse rhodochrosite by running under cold water and how does that work with tumbled crystals that are on the toxic list? Yes. So with the crystals that are on the toxic list, it’s actually a crystal caution list for two reasons. Because it’s really meant to help people guiding them when they’re making elixirs and essences so it mentions toxic stones which some of them can get wet no problem like rhodochrosite you can totally get that wet in water and it will be absolutely fine. But you wouldn’t want to use it in an elixir but then some of those stones are maybe not toxic but you wouldn’t want to use them in an elixir because they’re too soft or brittle or they might kind of dissolve in water like selenite.

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So I hope that kind of answers. Yeah, you can totally cleanse your rhodochrosite in water. Water is not going to hurt it. You just wouldn’t want to ingest it. So that’s a good question.

And oh Brenda, yeah, adding massage to reiki and crystals. That sounds pretty awesome, Brenda. And okay, so for baths that’s iffy. So most of the crystals are toxic if ingested there aren't...I shouldn’t say they aren’t too many. So there are certain crystals, things like that have some aluminum in them or it’s not a great deal of aluminum like aqua marine and that kind of thing. They can be used in the bath tub totally fine. When in doubt, just use the alternative method or what I’d really suggest is that you actually make a crystal elixir out of your rhodochrosite using the indirect method so where you’re putting the crystal in a jar with no water and then you have a bowl of water and you set the jar in that bowl of water so that the crystal and the water are never making contact. You can make an elixir and then you can actually add the elixir to your bath water to turn your bath into that really nice crystal bath if you’re using a toxic stone. So that would be kind of a loop hole around that, Cara.

And with rhodochrosite I want to double check something so I always to go and I look up the chemical composition of the crystals that I work with in the tub and I can’t remember about rhodochrosite so I just want to double check before I give you wrong information but I feel like that’s an aluminum mineral. Sorry. My thing is just loading here so Lucy, if you could put a link in that would be great. And if you look up rhodochrosite there you can always see the chemical formula. Oh, MnCO3. What's Mn, is it...yeah, I think it it manganese. Yeah, so okay, so manganese I’m honestly not super familiar with. I’m just going to go to my little toxic stone list here and Lucy if you can pop a link to the crystal caution list too just in this chat box for everyone’s convenience, that would be great. But the CO3 that just means it’s a carbonate so that’s totally safe. Sometimes carbonates can be soft in water so you just have to watch out with that. But rhodochrosite is fine for the water aspect of it but I just want to double check on the toxicity. And I don't have all these memorized that’s why I have this list on the website anytime we need to look something up, I just hop over there and oh, interesting. Okay, so this Harton resource. Trying to remember who Harton was. That was one of the books that I read early on, I want to see it was like Peggy Harton. That’s the only resource where that information came from which is interesting.

Now, I will say I do know like some of the high quality rhodochrosite comes from Peru and it usually is mere lead mines so they are often formed near one another but there’s not actually lead in the chemical composition of rhodochrosite according to mindat. Now, it might be an associated mineral where they grow near each other so often especially if you see raw rhodochrosite crystals, you will see them growing out a matrix that sometimes has some lead so I would say if you’re using those straight tumbled stone that is definitely all solid rhodochrosite the gemmy, nice banded stuff.

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You’re probably okay to use that in the bath tub because it’s such a large volume of water and a small stone. But I just want to look up something and see if I can find out what book that was. Oh, it should be at the bottom actually, sorry. Sorry, I’m at bibliography there. So Harton was from Robin Harton. Okay, so this is from You know, that’s the only resource I’ve heard of where they straight up said rhodochrosite contains lead but I always put it even if I’m uncertain because of the chance that that could be accurate information that could be helpful for someone. If there’s ever a chance of a toxin or something like that, I rather people be safe than sorry and use the alternative method appropriation for elixirs. So I guess the same goes with the bath. If you rather be safe than sorry make your elixir using the alternative method and then add some of your elixir to the bath tub but I think a really high quality gemmy piece of rhodochrosite that’s tumbled would be okay to use in the bath.

Okay. Did I miss any other questions? No, I don’t think so. Okay, I’m just going to check my document one more time and make sure and no. That looks like it. So again, thank you all. It’s been so awesome doing this with you every week and I’m glad that at least, you know, next week and then our graduation ceremony and then we will have a week break and then we will be doing the marketing mentorship. So I know that a lot of you will be hanging around for that and we'll also get our weeks together which I’m excited for. In the mean time, if you have anything that comes up, if you have any questions about the program itself or what comes next and that kind of thing, please let me know. I will be sending out announcements about, you know, the start of the marketing mentorship and what to expect and all that kind of thing for those of you who are signed up. But that will be just a couple days before since we will have new people joining the program next week. So with that, I just want to thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you all have a beautiful weekend and I will talk to you all soon. Thanks and crystal blessings.

Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. The information within this document is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Energy Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach.

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