Creation of Israel : created from Carole Marsh text


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Creation of Israel : created from Carole Marsh text

History of the “Promised Land”• Look at this map.

• Do you see Israel?

• What is where Israel is now?

• Why do you think this is the case?

History of the “Promised Land”• Jews believe that the area where Israel is today

is land promised to them by God.

• Even though Israel didn’t exist, there has always been religious connection to the land– All of Judaism’s sacred

places were in Palestine • Western wall most important.

“Promised Land”– once Ottoman Empire

• When was present day Israel acquired by the Ottomans?

• When did the Ottoman Empire break up?

History of the “Promised Land”

• The British captured Palestine from the Ottoman Empire in 1918– With help from Arabs

• July 1922– League of Nations (confederation) allowed

Palestine to be ruled by the British

Causes of the Creation of Israel• 1919-1939

– Jewish Immigrants moved to Palestine because of the way they were being treated in Europe

Causes of the Creation of Israel

• 1941- World War II starts – Adolf Hitler ordered killing of 6 Million Jews

• Holocaust

• The Holocaust is an example of prejudice or discrimination against the Jews.


• The Holocaust was the most extreme form of Anti-Semitism

– Based on this sentence, what do you think Anti-Semitism means?

• Anti-Semitism– The extreme prejudice, hatred, or discrimination

against the Jews.

Home Sick: Zionism • As a result, after WWII Holocaust survivors wanted to go to Palestine, their “promised land”.

• The movement to unite displaced Jews and settle them back in Palestine is known as – Zionism

Fearful of Immigration

• The British, who had claim of the land at the time, was fearful of allowing Jews to return to their homeland

– Why do you think they would be concerned about this immigration?

Decisions, Decisions

• Britain was fearful that….– Arabs/ Palestinians would not accept the Jews

return to Israel.– Jews would not deal with the Arab claim to their

land very well.

• The issue was taken to the United Nations.– What is the Distribution of Power of the UN

The Verdict• The United Nations (confederation) voted to divide Palestine

Red = For creation of Israel

Green= Against Creation of Israel

What regions of the World did not want to create a State for the Jews?

Why do you think they didn’t want this to happen?

Happy Birthday• Modern Day Israel was created at Midnight on

May 14, 1948

Palestinian Reaction

• Based on the Picture to the left, how do you think the Palestinians reacted to the creation of Israel?

Displaced Drama

• Palestinians became refugees in other countries throughout the middle east.– Refugee

• a person who has been pushed away from his or her home and seeks homeland elsewhere

Where did they go?: Map of Palestinian Refugees

According to the map, where did the Palestinians go?


• Because of this disagreement Terrorism is a threat in Israel

One Solution

Israel puts up a wall around Palestinian areas to prevent terrorist from moving into Israeli areas

In Summary• Jews have always had religious connection to Israel

– 1919-1939 Jewish Immigrants move to Palestine because of Mistreatment in Europe

• WWII- Hitler, Kills 6 Million Jews– Anti-Semitism

• As a result of Holocaust, more Jews wanted to go to Palestine– Zionism

• Countries feared that mass immigration would cause conflict– UN voted to create 2 states, One Jewish= Israel, One Arab=

Palestine. Israel was created in 1948• As Jews moved in, Arabs moved out

– Refugee– Terrorism in Israel

• Wall built to keep terrorism out of the State of Israel
