Crime Under the Sea By Shikha Sanjiv and Cheryl Kim A Lesson on The Three Branches of Government!


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Crime Under the Sea

By Shikha Sanjiv and Cheryl Kim

A Lesson on The Three Branches of Government!



I’m gonna take over your

restaurant and the Krabby

Patties will be mine!

NO! What have I done! My conscience will not

let me rest, I MUST confess!

HELP! What do I do President

Bush??!?!?!?! I just committed a

TERRIBLE crime! I KILLED someone!

I’m sorry Plankton.

The Executive

Branch is not the right place to

confess to a crime. I have the power to fire officials,

make agreements with foreign nations, and

take emergency actions to save the nation.

OH MY GOSH! My conscience is

killing me! I must confess to a

crime before I go insane! Please

help me!

You have come to the wrong place Plankton. This is the Legislative

Branch, which has economic and defense powers. Congress is mainly in

charge of making all laws necessary and proper to carry out powers

expressed in Article I of the Constitution.


committed an AWFUL crime. Please listen to me and let me free my


You have come to the right place, the Judicial Branch, which

consists of a Federal Court and Supreme Court. Every court has the authority to hear only certain

kinds of cases and this is determined by the subject matter

of the case and the parties involved in it. We’ll have a case

for you and you may have to spend some time in prison for

your severe crime.

Wow! Although I have a to serve

time, boy, does it feel great to have

that burden off my chest!