Crown Prince gracesCIPTA AWARDS 2013 - · Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Deputy Sultan to grace...


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ENGAGE 2013 at ITB

Institut Teknologi Brunei

First Issue • January - June 2013

Crown PrinceCIPTA AWARDS 2 0 1 3


BIBD At-Tamwil & ITB Uni Cup 2013Page 5 Page 7

Crown Prince graces CIPTA Awards 2013

6 29th National Day Celebration

7-10 Academic Events

11 Sport

12-13 Religious Events

14-15 Staff News

16-25 Student Experience

26-29 Research

30-31 Facilities

Welcoming Address


ContactInternational and Public Relations

Editorial BoardDr Christine Jothy Raju, Awg Hj Ady Syarmin bin Hj Md Taib, Sanda Kumari Chandran, Mike Cross, Thulasimani Munohsamy, Siti Asmahlati Bolkini Hj A. Ahmad, Dr Florina F Estrada, Serina binti Haji Mohd Ali

CONTENTSAssalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Welcome and greetings from itbpulse, our newly launched in-house magazine which shall serve as the flagship of our University that will explore, engage, exchange and stimulate healthy discussions through a half yearly publication.

With the launch of itbpulse, I hope ITB’s image as an institution of higher learning in the country will be enhanced through its activities and achievements. The ultimate aim of itbpulse is to make ITB visible to our community, both locally and internationally.

Earlier in the year, ITB hosted two big events, CIPTA 2013 on 25 March and BIBD AT-TAMWIL University Cup 2013 on 10 February. We were very fortunate to have His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah, the Deputy Sultan to grace our CIPTA 2013 Award event. His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Malik was our Guest of Honour during the final BIBD AT-TAMWIL football match between ITB and UBD. The University Cup was co-organised by ITB and BIBD AT-TAMWIL.

The ITB community was involved in the National Day Parade and a flag raising ceremony to celebrate our Nation’s 29th Year of Independence. We also celebrated Isra’ Mi’raj ceremony recently. Our dynamic students have held a number of activities such as the handing over ceremony to the new Student Representative Council and organising a Tausyeh competition. Engage 2013 saw ITB opening its doors to the public. We appreciate the participation of our industrial stakeholders during the event.

A new addition to our physical infrastructure on campus is the Phase 3 Complex. It consists of a new block for the Faculty of Engineering, a library, 3 lecture theatres, a multipurpose hall, a student centre and sport facilities.

We signed a new MoA to continue our collaboration with the University of New South Wales on Petroleum and Chemical Engineering programmes. ITB hosted visits from UiTM, BNERI, Thailand’s Ministry of Education and Loughborough University. My team and I, on the other hand, had the opportunity to visit University College London, King’s College London, Robert Gordon University and Loughborough University in April. We had a Change Management Workshop during the third week of April. The 3-day workshop was facilitated by Professor Richard Badham from Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia.

We are very pleased to share with you the various initiatives and activities that have taken place in the past six months. Last but not least, I would also like to thank the contributors and congratulate the editorial team for their commitment and hardwork.

I hope you will enjoy this first issue of itbpulse.


With best wishes,

Zohrah Sulaiman

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah Haji SulaimanActing Vice-ChancellorInstitut Teknologi Brunei

The rationale behind

To be the ‘heartbeat’ of ITB by adding visibility, value, and impact to ITB’s vision and mission.


At-Tamwil Uni Cup 2013




Crown Prince

graces CIPTA Awards 2013

Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda Haji

Al-Muhtadee Billah ibni Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, The Deputy Sultan, consented to grace The Crown Prince CIPTA Awards 2013 at the Rizqun International Hotel on 25 March 2013. His Royal Highness also officiated at the opening of The Crown Prince CIPTA Award 2013 Showcase and consented to visit the booths, interacted with the winners and other exhibitors.

His Royal Highness was welcomed upon arrival by Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor of Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB), Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Suyoi bin Haji Osman, Acting Minister of Education, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Col (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Awang Haji Mohammad Yasmin bin

Haji Umar, Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office and Acting Chairman of the ITB Council, Dato Paduka Dr Hj Zulkarnain bin Hj Hanafi, Permanent Secretary of Higher Education and Vice-Chancellor of Universiti Brunei Darussalam.

Also present at the ceremony were Attorney General, Yang Berhormat Datin Seri Paduka Hajah Hayati Binti Pehin Orang Kaya Shahbandar Dato Seri Paduka Haji Mohd Salleh, Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, Major General Dato Paduka Seri Awang Haji Aminuddin Ihsan bin Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Haji Abidin, Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Permanent Secretaries, High Commissioners and Ambassadors.

CIPTA is an acronym for ‘Creative, Innovative Product and Technological Advancement’ and it is a biennial competition aiming to cultivate innovation and creativity to contribute to the nation’s development.

The arrival of His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah


His Royal Highness Prince Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah with the winners of CIPTA 2013

This year’s CIPTA, carrying the theme of ‘Reaching an Innovative Society for a Sustainable Future’, is the fifth since its inauguration in 2005, and was co-organised by ITB and Brunei LNG Sdn Bhd, who also sponsored the event.

In her welcoming remarks, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor in her capacity as the Co-Chairperson of CIPTA 2013, stressed that ITB would continue to play an important role in generating talent in creativity and innovation. She hoped that participants would go on to the next level and create products that could penetrate regional and international markets. CIPTA winners and participants will become CIPTA Alumni through which they can receive support in the areas of intellectual property, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. The ITB Intellectual Property and Commercial Unit will also work with the relevant agencies to this end. The winners and participants in Category 3 will be given preference. As a follow up of CIPTA, ITB will hold the CIPTA Executive Seminar and Workshop for the CIPTA Alumni.

This year saw 43 participants making it through to the final stages, of which 15 were under Category 1, ‘Creating a New Product, Process or Technology’, 12 fell under Category 2, ‘Modifying of an Existing Product, Process or Technology’ and 16 participants

under Category 3, ‘Creating New or Modifying an Existing Product, Process or Technology by Young Inventors’.

The winner of Category 1, with a cash prize of B$6000, was a project called the ‘Stroke Meter’, a kit for detecting cerebral vascular disorders such as strokes by measuring and analysing the presence of an enzyme in a blood sample. The project was submitted by Associate Professor Dr Fatima Shad Kaneez and Dr Hjh Fazean Irdayati binti Hj Idris. In Category 2, Awang Azmi bin Haji Ja’afar and his father, Awang Haji Ja’afar bin Awang Besar, emerged as winners for their ‘Incubator with Changeable Egg Tray (ICET)’ project. They also received a cash prize of B$6000. In Category 3, Mohammad Aminuddin bin Ariffin went home with the first prize of B$3000 for his invention, the ‘Multifunction Study Table’.

Pengiran Dr Haji Saiful Baharin bin Pengiran Haji Duraman, Co-Chairperson of the CIPTA 2013 Technical Committee, announced the winners. He commented that while many of the projects were of a very high standard, the judges felt that none of the winners achieved a score that qualified them to win the prestigious grand prize, The Grand Crown Prince CIPTA Award Trophy.


Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Duli Pengiran Muda ‘Abdul Malik ibni Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah graced

the final of the first BIBD At-Tamwil Uni Cup on 10 February 2013. In this final match, UBD ‘A’ clinched a hard-fought 2-0 victory over ITB ‘A’ at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium. The Inaugural Uni Cup, jointly organised by BIBD At-Tamwil Berhad and Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) was enthusiastically participated by five higher educational institutions, namely: ITB, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Kolej Universiti Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan (KUPUSB) and Politeknik Brunei. Each institution fielded two teams into Groups A and B.

Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Yusoff bin Haji Ismail, the Deputy Minister of Education and the Guest of Honour officiated at the opening ceremony on 5 January 2013.

The first match of the tournament was between ITB ‘A’ and UNISSA ‘A’. In heavy rain, after a thrilling match,

Royal gracesBIBD At-Tamwil Uni Cup 2013

Javed Ahmed, Managing Director of BIBD presenting a souvenir to Dato Seri Setia Haji Awang Yusoff.

the two teams drew 5-5. The organisers of the BIBD At-Tamwil University Cup are optimistic that they will be able to host the tournament annually due to the strong support from the participating universities.

ITB football coach, Pg Md Nazri Pg Hj Ahmad, remarked that the players had trained for two months and had ample time to improve teamwork.

His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Malik graced the final of the first Uni Cup as the Guest of Honour.

His Royal Highness Prince ‘Abdul Malik presenting the championship trophy to UBD ‘A’.


In a strong show of patriotism, ITB staff and students joined thousands

of celebrants on the National Day Parade at Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddien on 23 February 2013.

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice- Chancellor of Institut Teknologi Brunei, led a contingent of 250 representatives from the University. Joining her were the Principal Officers, Administrative staff, Civil Engineering staff, students and members of the Students’ Representative Council. This year, ITB’s participation was coordinated by the Civil Engineering Programme Area of the Faculty of Engineering.

The matches were held at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium in Berakas, the Hassanal Bolkiah National Sports Complex, Berakas Sports Complex and the Royal Brunei Recreation Club.

The tournament was supported by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the National Football Association of Brunei Darussalam (NFABD).

ITB ‘A’ defeated Brunei Polytechnic ‘B’ 2-1, KUPU SB ‘B’ 2-1, and gained a 3-1 win over Brunei Polytechnic ‘A’ to secure a place in the final.

The runner up team, ITB ‘A’.

29th National Day Celebration

Display of Patriotism

The raising of the National Flag took place at Institut Teknologi Brunei on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 in conjunction with Brunei’s 29th National Day. This is an annual ceremony held before National Day, aimed at re-igniting and instilling a sense of patriotism, as well as reminding ITBians of their duties and responsibilities to the nation.

The raising of the National Flag was conducted by the Army Cadets of ITB accompanied by the singing of the National Anthem of Brunei, ‘Allah Peliharakan Sultan’. The ITB Acting Vice-Chancellor, Principal Officers, staff and students of ITB then sang the patriotic songs, ‘Tekad Kemerdekaan’ and ‘Berkibarlah Bendera’.

ITB patriots in jubilant mood.


Delegation from Thailand

Pg Dr Hj Md Esa receiving a memento from AP Kamjorn Tatiyakavee

On 27 May 2013, the University hosted a working visit from the Office of Higher Education

(OHEC), Ministry of Education, Thailand led by the Deputy Secretary-General, Associate Professor Kamjorn Tatiyakavee. The visit to ITB was in conjunction with the Second Retreat Meeting on Higher Education between the Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam and OHEC.

The Thai delegation was formally welcomed on behalf of the Acting Vice-Chancellor by Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Principal Officers of the University. They were then given an overview of the University’s significant milestones, academic programmes and research pursuits. This was then followed by a discussion session and exchange of mementos.

Guest of Honor, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah Haji Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor delivering her speech

Engage 2013

Engage 2013-an open day and career fair was held at ITB from 14-15 February 2013. Its purpose was to

create a platform for active engagement between the university, industry and the public for the purpose of promoting further education and employment.

In his welcoming speech, during the opening ceremony, the Director of International and Public Relations Office and Chairperson of ENGAGE 2013 Organising Committee, Awg Hj Ady Syarmin Hj Md Taib, noted

Participating Industry Exhibitors were:

1. Brunei Gas Carriers2. Brunei Shell Petroleum Co. Sdn. Bhd3. Brunei LNG Sdn. Bhd4. Brunei National Petroleum Company5. Total E&P6. BAG Networks Sdn. Bhd7. Foster Wheeler8. Brunei Economic Development Board9. Royal Brunei Technical Services (RBTS)10. Schlumberger11. Standard Chartered Bank12. Sahid Sdn Bhd

13. Biro Kawalan Narkotik14. TAIB15. Bridges Talent16. Baiduri Bank17. Mixmedia Group18. The Authority for Info-Communications (AiTi)19. Petrokon Utama Sdn. Bhd20. Kreuz Subsea21. Ruane – TATI22. Tech One Global23. Damit Worley Parsons Engineering Sdn. Bhd24. BIBD25. G4S Secure Solution26. Hengyi Industries Sdn. Bhd

that embarking on higher education is one of the pivotal milestones in a student’s life. He added that choosing subjects or a programme that suits one’s ability and interests, as well as choosing the place to study, are all vital decisions, but can be a daunting task. This is where ENGAGE could assist.

The Guest of Honour, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor, expressed delight to see the tremendous support shown by ITB’s stakeholders, including students and industry partners. She further added that ITB was looking forward to working closely with the various industries to ensure that its programmes continue to be relevant and that its graduates continue to be sought after by employers. She also announced the establishment of the Industry Liaison Office at ITB. An estimated 1700 visitors attended ENGAGE 2013.

Several activities and events to achieve the objectives of ENGAGE were scheduled over the 2-day event. Consultation rooms were set up for prospective students and visitors to have one-on-one discussions with academics on programmes and admission-related matters. An Interview and CV Writing Clinic was conducted by the team from the Centre of Communication, Teaching and Learning. Also participating in ENGAGE were 26 companies who had their representatives on hand to offer advice on career opportunities and discuss educational pathways. Walk-in interviews were also conducted.

Academic Events

Sticky Note
The Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AiTi)


A delegation of Principal Officers visited several universities in the United Kingdom in April 2013.

Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor, led the delegation that visited King’s College London, on 15 April 2013. One of the aims of the visit was to engage visiting senior professors/visiting eminent professors from the areas of Business and Information Technology to further develop ITB’s undergraduate programmes. The group also visited the University College London to engage visiting senior professors/visiting eminent professors in the areas of Engineering and Information Technology.

On 17 April 2013, the delegates visited Loughborough University in order to discuss future linkages and collaborations. The visit was also aimed to engage visiting senior professors to assist ITB in developing relevant programme areas and promoting research. The meeting with Robert Gordon University (RGU) in Aberdeen on 18 April 2013 also discussed future collaborations. ITB, RGU and the Brunei Oil & Gas sector plan to collaborate to develop ITB’s programmes in line with the oil and gas industry needs and requirements at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Finally, the delegation visited J. Wippell & Company Limited to discuss the design of official vestments for the Chancellor, Pro-Chancellor, Council members and the Principal Officers, as well as the Bachelor’s gown for the first cohort of the first degree programmes.

Also present during the visits were Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam Pg Hj Md Yunus, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Mr Lim Chui Hua, Deputy Registrar (Administration).

Delegation visits UK Universities

ITB hosts the President and Vice-Chancellor of Loughborough University, UK

Professor Keith Hoggart, Vice-President & Vice-Principal International, KCL receives a token of appreciation from Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor.

The ITB management team having a discussion with Professor Allison

The University hosted a visit by Professor Robert J Allison, the President and Vice-Chancellor of

Loughborough University, UK from 1-2 June 2013. Professor Allison was accompanied by Charlie Carter, the Director of International Office of Loughborough University.

The ITB management team led by the Acting Vice-Chancellor held discussions with Professor Allison at the Empire Hotel and Country Club on collaborating in areas of teaching and learning, research and development. Professor Allison was also given a guided tour of the University campus including the computer and engineering laboratories, and the newly-completed Phase 3 Complex. He gave a talk on Loughborough University’s continuous efforts to improve its performance as one of UK’s leading universities. Loughborough University has an

excellent reputation for its engineering programmes, research, graduates employability, students’ satisfaction and sport.

Academic Events

Professor Robert J. Allison, Vice-Chancellor and President, LU receives a token of appreciation from Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor.


ITB marked another milestone by signing a second Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the

University of New South Wales, Australia (UNSW) on 4 March 2013 at The Pearl. With the signing of this MoA, ITB affirms its commitment to continued development as an institution of higher education.

Signing on behalf of ITB was Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam Pg Hj Md Yunus, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, while UNSW was represented by Professor Dr Graham J Davies, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. The signing was witnessed by Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor and His Excellency, Mr Todd Mercer, the Australian High Commissioner.

Pg Dr Hj Md Esa remarked that the initial MoA between ITB and UNSW allowed ITB to deliver the first year of the four-year articulation degree programmes in Petroleum and Chemical Engineering. Under the second MOA, the programmes will follow a 2+2 format with ITB delivering the first two years of the programme and the remaining two years of the programme will be delivered by UNSW. The degrees will be awarded by UNSW. He further added that the exchange of expertise between the universities will benefit not only the institutions but also the students.

An ITB delegation that visited UNSW in 2012 reported that students under these programmes had adapted to life abroad and were performing well in their studies.

MoA signed with top Australian University

Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam Pg Hj Md Yunus giving his welcoming address.

Civil Engineering Academics visit Hong Kong

Civil Engineering Delegation in Hong Kong

A delegation comprising ITB lecturers, members from the Public Works Department and Technotest Sdn Bhd conducted a 3-day technical study tour of Hong Kong to learn about the latest developments and

best practices in the field of slope engineering in Hong Kong from 17-20 April 2013. The study tour included presentations, briefings and technical visits organised by Ove Arup & Partners Hong Kong Ltd., an engineering consultant, Geotechnical Engineering Office, a government engineering department, and VSL International Ltd., a specialist engineering contractor. Dr Tan Soon Jiann and Dr Ena Kartina Hj Abd Rahman, who were part of this delegation are involved in their on-going research on the stability of slopes in Brunei Darussalam.

Academic Events


A Change Management workshop for the University’s key management personnel was held from 22-24 April 2013 at the Centrepoint Hotel.

The workshop was also attended by Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, Dr Hjh Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor and Mrs Jennifer Hiew, the Registrar. It was facilitated by Professor Richard J Badham from the Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia. Professor Badham has twenty five years of experience working as a consultant, educator and action researcher in Innovative Leadership and change. He has also worked with private and public organisations in Australia, Europe and the US.

During the workshop, participants were introduced to the different stages of the change process, building and developing the change team. The participants also went through simulation and brainstorming exercises that demonstrated the practical application of change management theories.

The participants were assigned into four teams which will embark on post-workshop projects that address priority issues of the University and help take ITB to the next level.

‘Forward to Change’ Workshop

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah, Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Badham and the workshop participants

Industry Practitioner sheds light on Future Energy Mix

Mr Phil Rae delivering his presentation

As part of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Distinguished Lecturer Series, ITB hosted

a presentation on Thursday, 11 April 2013 at The Pearl, ITB. The presentation was organised jointly by the Brunei Chapter of the SPE and the Petroleum & Chemical Engineering Programme of ITB.

The lunch-time presentation was given by Phil Rae who has more than 30 years of experience working in the oil industry. The talk entitled ‘Putting the Energy Industry in Perspective’ drew heavily from his extensive experiences and knowledge of the industry. It presented a balanced view of the global energy industry which enabled the participants to form considered and intelligent conclusions about energy and the environment. Present at the event were representatives of various oil and gas related companies and students currently studying Petroleum Engineering at ITB.

Academic Events


ITB’s contingent won three bronze medals in the friendly Borneo Intervarsity Staff Sports Tournament hosted by Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) in Kuching from 3-8 February 2013. ITB’s pair, Hj Irwan Mahsadi

and Dr Ang Swee Peng won the bronze medal in the Men’s Doubles, as did Pg Anak Arina and Dk Ariana in the Women’s Doubles category and Dk Aidah in the Women’s Singles.

In the Futsal Veterans, ITB won two games against KUPUSB and UiTM Sabah and lost to UNIMAS. In the Futsal Open, the ITB team lost their three games to Swinburne, UiTM Sarawak and UiTM Sabah.

The ITB team finished third in the darts event after winning against UNISSA but losing to UiTM Sarawak and UMSKAL.

In bowling, the team participated in the Men and Women Singles, Doubles and Team categories. The ITB players demonstrated a remarkable performance, finishing 16th out of 63 players in the Women’s Singles through Dk Seri Rahayu and 14th out of 31 in the Women’s Doubles, through the ITB ‘B’ pair of Dk Seri Rahayu and Elizah. The host team from UNIMAS dominated the top spots in the bowling events.

The ITB contingent gained invaluable experience in competing at the regional level and look forward to hosting future sporting events at ITB.

Intervarsity Tournament

The ITB Table Tennis team with their medals

Road Safety Improvements

Dato Paduka Hj Awang Alaihuddin bin POKDGSLDSU Hj Awang Mohammad Taha, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Communications, officially hands over projects to Dr Tan Soon Jiann, Director of CRoSS

The Centre for Road Safety Studies (CRoSS) was tasked to carry out two road safety projects

for the Ministry of Communications on 2 March 2013. The two projects are ‘Road Accident Data Enhancement and Development’ and ‘Development of Average Speed Monitoring System’. Both projects are funded by the National Development Plan.



More than 200 male staff and students, led by Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam bin Pg Hj Md Yunus, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, participated in a procession to mark the Prophet’s Muhammad’s (PBUH)

birthday. The theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Rasulullah Teladan Sepanjang Zaman’ which means, ‘Prophet Muhammad, A Role Model of All Times’.

About 140 teams took part in the 4.3 kilometre Maulud walk, which began and ended at the Taman Haji Sir Muda Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien.

Staff and students marching

Maulud Nabi (PBUH) Celebration

ITB Commemorates Isra’ Mi’raj ITB commemorated the event of Isra’ Mi’raj with

a religious talk held at the Concourse Hall of the University on 13 June 2013. The Guest of Honour at the ceremony was Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor. Also in attendance were the University’s Principal Officers, lecturers, staff and students.

The ceremony began with a mass recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and followed by a religious talk given by Ustaz Hj Mohd Firdaus bin OKK Hj Nordin, an invited speaker from Universiti Brunei Darussalam. The talk emphasised the lessons learned from the historical events and their relevance to modern day society.

The Guest of Honour also presented a souvenir to the speaker. The ceremony was then followed with a tahlil session led by Ustaz Md. Nuzul Asmadi bin Hj Abdullah, the University’s Religious Officer.

Ustaz Hj Mohd Firdaus delivering his talk

Religious Events


The Religious EXCO of the Student Representative Council organised a Tausyeh competition in

conjunction with Maulud Nabi.

The University launched the inaugural competition for male and female categories. The competition began with the recitation of Quranic verses by the President of the ITB Al-Quran Club, Ak Muhammad Ha’zul ‘Ilmi Pg Hj Marjuki. In his speech the Head of the Religious Exco, Ahmad Mamduh Abd Wahab, stated that the aim of the competition was to encourage student involvement in religious activities and to balance academic pursuits with religious and spiritual appreciation.

The male category was won by the Blue Team with their rendition of ‘Sollu ‘Ala Hazan Nabi’. The Red and Green Teams took 2nd and 3rd place respectively. In the female category, the Red Team won 1st place with a Tausyeh entitled ‘Ya Hanana’. The Blue and Yellow Teams were in 2nd and 3rd place respectively. The Blue Team from the male category was also the overall champion.

Tausyeh and Dikir Dibaie Competitions

Tausyeh and Dikir Dibaie competitions were held in conjunction with UBD’s Minggu Aspirasi Islam 2013. ITB participated in the Nasyid and Lagu Dakwah competitions and won third prize.

Instilling Islamic Values

Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, presenting the Overall Winner’s Trophy

Participants in the Minggu Aspirasi Islam 2013 competitions at UBD.

Students and staff at the event

Solat Hajat at ITB

A mass Solat Zohor, Solat Hajat and the recital of Surah Yassin were held on 11 April 2013. The

event was held in preparation for the upcoming end of semester examination. The prayers were led by Ustaz Md Nuzul Asmadi bin Hj Abdullah. ITB students and staff members attended this session.

Religious Events


In conjunction with the 66th birthday anniversary of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin

Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam. His Majesty consented to bestow ‘Pingat Indah Kerja Baik’ (PIKB or Excellent Service) and/or ‘Pingat Kerja Lama’ (PKL or Long Service) medals. Among the recipients were thirteen staff members of Institut Teknologi Brunei.

1. Awang Hj Mohd Noah bin Haji Abd Rahman, Programme Leader of CIS Programme Area, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

2. Awang Hj Irwan Mashadi bin Hj Mashud, Senior Lecturer of CIS Programme Area, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

3. Dayang Yeo Sy Mey, Senior Lecturer of CIS Programme Area¸ “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

4. Awang Namasivayam Karuppiah, Senior Lecturer of Business Programme Area, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

5. Awang Ye Lin Oo, Senior Lecturer of ME Programme Area, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

6. Awang Kamarudzaman bin Abu Bakar, ME Senior Lab Technician, “Pingat Kerja Lama”

7. Pg Nooraidah binti Pengiran Haji Mohammad, EEE Senior Lab Technician, “Pingat Kerja Lama”

8. Pg Aidah binti Pg Hj Ahmad, EEE Senior Lab Technician, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

9. Pg Mohd Zapari bin Pg Abdullah, ICTC Senior Lab Technician, “Pingat Indah Kerja


10. Awang Haji Meraj bin Haji Suhaili, ECA Officer, “Pingat Kerja Lama”

11. Awang Hamdani bin Haji Ibrahim, Asst Registrar, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik”

12. Dayang Hjh Siti Mariam Binti Amit, Admin Clerk, “Pingat Kerja Lama”

13. Dayang Bibah binti Haji Maidin, Admin Cleaner, “Pingat Indah Kerja Baik” & “Pingat Kerja Lama”

Excellent Service Awards at the Palace

The Proud Recipients

Outstanding Paper AwardDr Ahmad Nazri W a h i d u d i n , D r U l a g a n a t h a n Subramanian and Pg Abd Mutalib Pg Hj Kamaluddin, lecturers from the Business P r o g r a m m e Area won the

Outstanding Paper Award under the Economics Category at the Second International Conference on Accounting, Business and Economics held in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Their paper entitled “Determinants of Profitability: A Comparative Analysis of Islamic Banks and Conventional Bank in ASEAN Countries”, covered different banking characteristics such as short term fund management, capitalisation, liquidity, size, and macro-economic conditions.

Well Done & Congratulations!

Dr Au Thien Wan has successfully completed his PhD in Information Technology at the University of Queensland, Australia.

ITB bids farewell

ITB wishes to convey its most sincere gratitude and appreciation to Associate Professor Dr Aria Merkenstein, Centre for Communication, Teaching & Learning, Dr Sushma Ramachandran Nair, Faculty of Engineering, Haji Awang Yussof bin Haji Awang Mohammad, Faculty of Business & Computing and Mr Narayanan, Faculty of Business & Computing for their unconditional support to the University’s mission.

Staff News


Congratulations to the Newly Appointed Principal Officers, Deputies, Programme Leaders and Coordinators as of 1 May 2013-30 April 2014

Principal Officers - Deans/Directors1. Dean of Faculty of Engineering Pg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam Bin Pg Hj Md Yunus2. Dean of Faculty of Business and Computing Dr Hjh Noor Maya binti Haji Md Salleh3. Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Pg Dr Saiful Baharin bin Pg Haji Duraman4. Dean of Student Affairs Awg Joffry bin Hj Bungsu5. Dean of Centre for Communication, Teaching and

Learning Dr Christine Jothy Raju6. Director of International and Public Relations

Office Awg Hj Ady Syarmin bin Hj Md Taib7. Director of Industry Liaison Office and ITB CIO Dyg Voon Nyuk Hiong8. Director of ICT Centre Dyg Yeo Sy Mey9. Director of Centre for Road Safety Studies(CRoSS)-

Dr Tan Soon Jiann

Deputy Deans/ Directors and equivalent position(s)10. Deputy Dean of Faculty of Engineering Dr Ang Swee Peng11. Deputy Dean of Faculty of Business and Computing

Dr Au Thien Wan12. Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies and Research

Prof Dr Guo Zhenren13. Deputy Dean of Student Affairs Dk Ida Nurul Fitri binti Pg Hj Kahar14. Deputy Dean of Centre for Communication

Teaching & Learning Dyg Thulasimani Munohsamy15. Deputy Director of International and Public

Relations Office Dayang Serina binti Hj Mohd. Ali

16. Deputy Director of ICT Centre Dk Hajah Noralam binti Pg Tuah17. Head of Quality Assurance Unit Dr Hj Mohd Khairul Ja’afar bin Hj Masri

Programme Leaders18. Programme Leader Business Awg Soh Seng Hu19. Programme Leader Computing and Information

System Awg Hj Mohd Noah A. Rahman20. Programme Leader Civil Engineering Dr Ena Kartina binti Hj Abd Rahman21. Programme Leader Electrical & Electronic

Engineering AP Dr Mohammad Abdul Matin22. Programme Leader Mechanical Engineering Dr Mohd Gholam Yazdani23. Programme Leader Petroleum & Chemical

Engineering Mr Felix Weerakkody

Coordinators24. Coordinator Engineering Mathematics Dr Md Fazlul Karim25. Coordinator Health, Safety and Environment Dyg Zuliana binti Haji Nayan26. Coordinator Research Project Awg Ismawi bin Haji Md Yussof27. Coordinator ITB CISCO Network Academy Dyg Armanadurni binti Abdul Rahman28. Coordinator Product Design and Manufacturing

Unit Dr Hamid Ullah29. Coordinator IP and Commercialisation Unit Dyg Hajah Siti Eddyilahwati binti Haji Suhaili

ITB welcomes new staff:

Academic Staff1. Professor Dr Nawaf Hazim Saeid Mechanical Engineering- Faculty of Engineering2. Professor Dr Guo Zhenren Civil Engineering- Faculty of Engineering3. Professor Dr Fawaz Yahya Annaz Electrical and Electronics Engineering Faculty of Engineering 4. Associate Professor Dr SomnukPhon-Amnuaisuk Computing and Information Systems Faculty of Business and Computing

Staff News

Congratulations to the Newly Appointed Assistant Vice-Chancellors as of 16 June 2013

Assistant Vice-Chancellors of AcademicPg Dr Hj Md Esa Al-Islam Bin Pg Hj Md Yunus

Assistant Vice-Chancellors of ResearchPg Dr Saiful Baharin bin Pg Haji Duraman

5. Dr Shahriar Shams, Senior Lecturer Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering6. Awang Maziri bin Dr Haji Morsidi, Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Faculty of Engineering7. Ustaz Awang Md Nuzul Asmadi bin Haji Abdullah Unit Ugama

Non-Academic Staff 1. Awang Osman bin Haji Suhaile Library Officer2. Dayang Nurmultazimah Amalina Binti Hj Bakir @

Bakri Assistant Librarian Grade II


ITB Champions at Think Big Ignite

Students from HND Intake 26, Computing and Information Systems Programme Area, Faculty of Business and Computing, won the 1st prize under the College and University category for Think Big Ignite 2 Business

Plan earlier this year.

The students who participated were Ikmalina Hakimah binti Haji Md Yunus, Noraidah binti Haji Awang Damit/ Harun, Mohammad Farhan bin Haji Ismail and Norasiah binti Hussin. The supervising lecturer was Hj Idham Maswadi bin Haji Mashud.

‘Cochrane and Marriot’s Discovery of Oil Adventure,’ is an interactive educational game that is aimed at sharing the story of how FF Marriot and TG Cochrane first discovered oil in Brunei in 1926. It is designed to engage users through a series of mini-games and tasks placed in between each story sequence.

The winners with the Guest of Honour, Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Col (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Awang Haji Mohammad Yasmin bin Haji Umar, Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office

ITB Winners Jubilant ITB staff

Computing Students win top Prizes

The Honourable Attorney-General Datin Seri Paduka Hajah Hayati presents the winning prize for the open category to Mohammad Sahlan Safwan Haji Suhaili and Farhan Nuradli Abd Karim

Brunei Economic Development Board, with the support of Telekom Brunei Berhad, marked World Intellectual Property Day by organising the 30-second Infomercial Competition. It is aimed at increasing

awareness of the protection of Intellectual Property while encouraging innovation and creativity in line with World IP Day theme, ‘Creativity- the Next Generation’. Students from Intake 27 HND Internet and Multimedia Development, Faculty of Business and Computing, won four out of five prizes in the Open category:

1st prize Farhan Nuradli bin Abdul Karim & Mohammad Sahlan Safwan bin Haji Suhaili,3rd prize Muhammad Khairul Fadhli bin Sani & Farhanah binti Julaihi,4th prize Dk Nurul Aqilah binti Pg Haji Emran & Nur Ulyana bte Zinni,Consolation prize Mohammad bin Haji Mohd Salleh

The supervising lecturer was Norhuraizah binti Haji Mohd Ja’afar.

Student Experience


On 18 May 2013, DST launched the ‘Safe Safar’ (Safar means journey in Arabic), a mobile

phone application, developed by HND students from Computing and Information Systems, Faculty of Business and Computing. DST engaged Hj Muhd Saufi bin Hj Jamahat, Mohammad Akif bin Hj Abd Latif, Abdul Muiz bin Abd Kadir and Muhd Adli bin Tebian. The DST initiative was to drive innovation and creativity among young Bruneians.

The Honourable Minister of Communications, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Hamzah Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Abdullah bin Begawan Mudim Dato Paduka Haji Bakar, officiated at the launching of this mobile application during the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day event organised by AITI at the Rizqun Hotel.

This mobile application curbs the driver’s urge to call or send text messages while driving by temporarily limiting the features of the mobile phones and keeping the driver focused on the road. Currently, the application is available free for Android users only. It may be downloaded via and the DST Facebook account.

Technology improves Road Safety

The developers with DST personnel

Screenshot of the app

Creative Products from Creative MindsThe Foundation Degree Mechanical Engineering

students took part in a Design Modelling Project in their second semester. They were assigned the task of designing a table lamp. This entailed demonstrating their creativity as well as applying 3D modelling knowledge and skills. These students had no prior knowledge of parametric 3D design modelling at the beginning of the Semester 2. The project provided a learning opportunity for students to develop their 3D modelling knowledge, as well as further exposing them to engineering drawing.

In Semester 2 students were taught basic techniques such as 2D sketching, parametric constraints and patterning features. They were then introduced to the techniques of assembling individual components. During the second phase, advanced modelling techniques such as helical coiling, emboss and sheet-metal folding and development were introduced. After 10 weeks of training, the students were assigned to design their own model of a table lamp.

The creativity and modelling skills demonstrated by the students were quite amazing. Some examples of their imaginative designs are shown.

The students’ creative designs

Student Experience


Newly Elected ITB Student Representative Council

Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah, Acting Vice-Chancellor and ITB staff with the new Student Representative Council

Sixteen students took their oath of office on 19 January 2013 as newly-elected members of the Student Representative Council (SRC), to formally begin their tenure. They were all enthusiastic to continue the

work of their predecessors in bringing about positive change in the institution. Their responsibilities include organising events, community service and various other projects for the benefit of ITB and the community.

The Guest of Honour, Associate Professor Dr Hajah Zohrah binti Haji Sulaiman, Acting Vice-Chancellor of ITB, affirmed in her speech the commitment for creating a culture of successful change, “As new office bearers of the SRC, you have great opportunities for creating an enriching environment for yourselves and for your fellow students, as well as for interacting with both staff and the community.”

She also advised the new members to become more proactive in organising activities and to give utmost importance to the Malay Islamic Monarchy concept, adding that one must always portray a positive image to the world.

Also present at the event were, Dr Hajah Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Mrs Jennifer Hiew, the Registrar and Secretary and Ms Jennifer Voon, Dean of Student Affairs.

First Intake of Army Cadets

Guest of Honour, Dr Hjh Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, with the Army Cadets.

On 2 February 2013, Dr Hjh Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, officiated at the launching of the ITB Army Cadets at the ITB Silver Jubilee Court. The first Intake of ITB Army Cadets comprises 19 male

and 13 female students and 6 academic staff as Coordinators. Since the official launching, the Cadets have participated in various activities including a National Day Flag raising ceremony at ITB, the 29th National Day Parade, marching, map reading, weapons practice, drilling and First Aid training.

Student Experience


Students visit Japan

Participants at Fukuoka Institute of Technology on 5 April 2013

Students of ITB were invited to participate in the ASEAN Economic Community Youth Exchange Programme (JENESYS 2.0) held in Japan from 30 March until 30 June 2013. The youths involved in the Japan-ASEAN

initiatives were exposed to various aspects of Japan’s traditional culture and high technology industry. The Programme aims to deepen mutual understanding amongst ASEAN youth who are likely to play important roles in the future.

Study Trip to Beijing

Feeling proud

ITB was invited to attend the Future Petroleum Engineers Forum in Beijing, China. The host was the

China University of Petroleum, Beijing (CUPB) and the events were held around the campus from 16 - 20 May 2013. Four Petroleum Engineering students were chosen as the University’s representatives.

A host of activities were organised, the most

popular being the Cultural Night. Participants, in their traditional dress, learned about various aspects of the Chinese culture. Sporting activities included the Tug of War and Skipping. The Chinese volunteers also brought the participants to the Forbidden City.

The technical events included the Petrobowl Contest which was highly entertaining as competing universities raced to answer questions. At the Karam Al Yateem’s Workshop students learned about the Chinese industry and had a glance at some new techniques in the field.

Overall, the students found the cultural experience in Beijing enriching and the academic activities stimulating.

In the Forbidden City

Student Experience


Civil Engineering Students put Theory into Practice

At Tasek Merimbun, Tutong

A group of students from the Civil Engineering Programme participated in a survey camp held

from 24 February – 2 May 2013. The activity was based at Tasek Merimbun for the first five days and the final two days were spent at ITB.

The objectives of the survey camp were to reinforce the theoretical and practical work covered in the Surveying I and II units. Upon completion of these units, the students were expected to carry out and interpret field survey measurements using computer technology. The survey camp was supervised by lecturers and technicians from the Civil Engineering Programme. The camp exposed students to typical surveying work encountered in construction practice such as Control Survey, Traversing, Levelling and Detailed Survey.

Building Bridges The building bridges group exercise is a major part of the coursework component in the Engineering

Design module delivered in the first year of the Civil Engineering degree programme. It is designed to give students theoretical and practical experience in the design and construction of structures. It is also meant to develop group and organisational skills and, at the same time, be enjoyable.

The students were divided into groups and were required to design and construct a timber truss footbridge for pedestrians. Upon completion, all the bridges were then tested to assess their structural integrity.

Students in action Students observing the deformation and failure of a bridge

Student Experience


Electronics Workshop focuses on real-world Applications

The workshop participants with the Guest of Honour, Dr Hjh Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor and the facilitators

Dr Hjh Naemah, Assistant Vice-Chancellor presenting a certificate to one of the participants

A two-week workshop was organised by the Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Programme Area. HND and Degree students from both the local and international institutes of higher learning participated in the 6th annual workshop held at ITB earlier this year.

During the workshop, the participants were introduced to high level programming language and industry standard simulation tools providing them with a learning experience that focused on real-world applications. It equipped the participants with skills and knowledge for designing hardware and software systems using PICs. Four academic staff from the Programme Area, Haji Aftab Hassan, Haji Morsidi Bin Haji Kassim, Syed Bilal Hassan and Haji Mohammad Adi Mukmin Bin Haji Sarbini facilitated the workshop.

Industrial Visit to BMC

The group with BMC Operations and Maintenance personnel.

Forty students from the Communication & Computer System Engineering Programme and the Electrical & Power Control Engineering Programme, accompanied by three lecturers, visited the Brunei Methanol

Company (BMC) on 21 April 2013.

The groups were given a safety briefing as well as a technical presentation from representatives of BMC at the SPARK Mini Theatre. The aim of the visit was to familiarise students with the engineering systems used in the BMC plant. The visit ended with a plant tour.

Student Experience


Inculcating Leadership Qualities

President, ECO CLUB, giving her speech.Presentation of the Certificate of Recognition to ITB by the Head of the Environment Planning Management Unit, JASTRE, Dyg Martina Tamit.

Dr Hjh Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, officiated at the launching of the

University’s first ever Eco Club. Its aim is to inspire, engage, encourage and empower students to play their role in the protection and conservation of the environment, as well as to provide opportunities for students to become directly involved in a variety of projects related to the environment.

The Head of the Environment Planning Management Unit, JASTRE, Dyg Martina Hj Tamit, presented the Certificate of Recognition to ITB. All registered Eco Clubs at schools and universities in Brunei are sponsored by Butra Heidelberg Cement Sdn Bhd, with the support of the JASTRE.

Kem Jati Diri at Pulau Pelumpong

A camping trip was held from 25-26 February on Pulau Pelumpong, located in the Brunei

Bay. It was organized by Nursyazwani binti Bujang, Head of EXCO, Health, Safety and Environment of the Student Representative Council. The two-day camping trip was in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Forty students from ITB and twelve coaches from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports participated in the trip.

The objective of the trip was to train youths to be more independent, to build self-esteem and to foster teamwork.

The participants experienced a kayak expedition from Serasa Water Sports Complex to Pulau Pelumpong. Team-building activities such as orienteering and a cleaning campaign were carried out as part of the expedition.

Kayaking expedition

Camping on the island

Haji Rosmade Bin Haji Mohd Daud, Acting Assistant Director, Minstry of Culture, Youth and Sports, who was the Guest of Honour, presented certificates to the participants.

Student Experience


ITBians involved in the cleaning campaign Students were given gloves to protect their hands.

Jungle trekking Mission accomplished

Tungku Beach Cleaning Campaign

Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Hj Suyoi Hj Osman, Minister of Development, joined over 300 students from various educational institutions, including ITB, UBD and

Maktab Sains in a cleaning campaign of Tungku Beach.

The campaign was part of JASTRE’s on-going effort to promote the cleanliness of the environment. JASTRE also sought to inculcate a sense of responsibility among the public towards the environment.

Bedanu Cave Expedition

Students of the ECO Club and members of the Kampong Kapok Consultative Council had the opportunity to take a closer look at the economic activities of the Kampong Kiudang Consultative Council. They visited

Bedanu Cave and Batu Berkajang Bedanu Cave in Kampong Kiudang, located 6.4 kilometres from the main road. They walked through the forest, climbed hills, and crossed the Kiudang River. Along the way, they also stopped at Wasai Bedanu and watched how local villagers processed herbal tea, which has nutritional values that can reduce hypertension and relieve gastric disorders.

Student Experience


A group challenge Problem-solving activity

Engineers enhance Soft SkillsThe Mech4challenge took place on Sunday, 17 March 2013 at ITB. Eleven teams, comprising 33 participants from different programmes, took part in the event. The event offered an opportunity for students to develop their communication and interpersonal skills through various tasks and activities.

There were 15 challenges altogether which were designed and facilitated by the BEng Mechanical Engineering Intake 4 students, for the Skills Development Unit, Centre for Communication, Teaching and Learning. Volunteers from other programmes and the Student Representative Council acted as facilitators during the event.

Public participants

The participants enjoying lunch

ITB Fun Day

ITB Fun Day was organised by students from the Foundation Degree in Mechanical Engineering (FDME), Intake 1 for the Skills Development Unit, Centre for Communication, Teaching and Learning. The event, which took place on 31 March 2013, was open to all ITB staff and students. The chairperson for the event was Dayang Affidah Bt Hj Daruis who was assisted by 19 students.

The objectives of this event were to improve the students’ soft skills, in particular time management, leadership skills and teamwork. There was a variety of activities lined-up including a visit to the haunted house, balloon darts competition, a FIFA tournament, an F1 simulation and an exotic pet exhibition.

Another objective of this event was to encourage enterpreneurship among the students. To this end, the students invited a number of well known retailers such as OhMyWings, Caliente, Nisa Injeo - the face painter, Wan’s Creation, March Delight and Aeshyy Corner to further add fun to this event. ITB students also set up their own food stalls.

Student Experience


Team members discussing their strategy Hole in the Wall’ Challenge

High Performance Teams at ITB

Students, staff and corporate clients now have the opportunity to hone their teamwork skills. The newly-acquired ITB Team Building Centre, administered by the Centre for Communication Teaching & Learning,

is a facility dedicated to practical teamwork training.

To function successfully in a team, members need to be able to communicate clearly on both intellectual and emotional levels. To work together successfully, team members must demonstrate a sense of cohesion. An effective team process will emerge as members agree on what needs to be done and by whom, are able to give and receive feedback, are involved in decision making and deal productively with conflict.

Choral Speaking by the Mandarin Club

Japanese dance performance

The 3rd Language and Cultural Week, organised by the English Club, was held from 1-6 April 2013.

The students participated in various activities which included Public Speaking, Drama, Choral Speaking and cultural performances from the Arabic, Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin Clubs.

The objectives of the Language and Cultural Week were to create a motivating environment for learning different languages and cultures, to attract and involve ITB students in various educational activities and to develop students’ creativity.

Dr Hjh Naemah Hj Basir, Assistant Vice-Chancellor, officiated at the closing ceremony held on 6 April 2013. In her speech, Dr Hjh Naemah emphasised that being able to communicate across cultures gives one a competitive advantage. Meanwhile, learning about cultural differences helps individuals to understand each other better.

Promoting Diversity

Student Experience


Research Projects

MOE-UBD-ITB Nationwide Research Collaboration


Researchers from the Civil Engineering Department, ITB, led by principal investigator Hj

KBM Shafiuddin, is currently conducting a research entitled ‘Supplementary Irrigation for the Rain-fed Paddy Schemes of Brunei Darussalam’ (SIRaPS). The project which was started in April 2010 is expected to be completed by September 2013. JPKE has granted a B$ 0.613 million fund to carry out this study in order to increase paddy harvest from less than 1 ton/ha/crop to a 3 ton/ha/crop.

The research project aims at: • Identifying the existing and the potential rain-fed

paddy areas in the four districts.• Investigating the availability of water resources

that can provide supplementary irrigation either by gravity or by low-lift pump, or a combination of both.

• Selecting integrated project development area as a Modular Pilot Project (MPP)

• Selecting and recommending designs for fully irrigated pilot schemes.

The Scope of SIRaPS

This project will motivate farmers to work on agro-industries and promote the country’s agro-based economy, provide employment and encourage diversification.

Project Policy and Management Committee (PPMC) Meeting of SIRaPS

Hydrological survey in Sungai Junjongan

‘Teachers and the Teaching of Malay Literacy, English Literacy and Numeracy in Upper Primary Schools in Brunei Darussalam’

The Department of Planning, Development and Research, Ministry of Education in collaboration with researchers from the Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education, Universiti Brunei Darussalam and Dr Christine Jothy Raju from Institut Teknologi

Brunei are conducting a nationwide study on teachers and the teaching of Malay Literacy, English Literacy and Numeracy in upper primary classes.

The purpose of this study is to determine teacher beliefs and practices. The findings of the study hope to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom.


Curriculum Relevancy Survey

Research Funding Source: ITB Research Fund

Some of the current on-going research at ITB.

Research Funding Source: Brunei Research Council (BRC)


Research Project Title Principal Investigator Status

Measurement and Simulation on Electromagnetic Field Near 66kV Transmission Lines

Dr Md Abdus Salam Ongoing

Mathematical Modelling Dr Md Fazlul Karim Ongoing

Significance of Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Employees

Dr Noor Maya Salleh Ongoing

Research Project Title Principal Investigator Status

Developing a model to Enhance Teaching Learning Programming Skills in Vocational & Technical Education and Training (VTET) Institutions

Dr Haji Afzaal Seyal Ongoing

A talk on the relevancy of ITB’s current curriculum

was delivered by the Director of Industry

Liaison Office, ITB during a Dialogue Session on

‘Capacity Building of Industry Players’ organized by

the Pertubuhan Ukur, Jurutera dan Arkitek , Negara

Brunei Darussalam on 3 June 2013 at Dewan Indera

Pahlawan, Ministry of Development Training Centre.

The purpose of the talk was to engage industry

players comprising clients, consultants, contractors,

academicians, project managers, implementers and

authorities in a discussion to obtain their viewpoints

about ITB’s curriculum. About seventy attendees

participated in the event.

During the talk, Ms Jennifer Voon, the Director

presented the results of the ITB Curriculum Relevancy

Survey which was a mechanism to collect feedback

from industry players and other stakeholders. It

was emphasised that ITB is keen to collaborate with

the industry to ensure that its curriculum remains

relevant in preparing competent graduates for the


Ms Jennifer Voon, Director of Industry Liaison Office and ITB CIO


Research on Green Technology

Ten ITB researchers from the Faculty of

Engineering and Senior Officers from the Royal

Brunei Police Force (RBPF) have initiated a feasibility

study to look into the possibility of designing

power source devices for the unit’s base camp

using renewable energy sources. The objectives

of the research are to help the base camp to adopt

renewable energy, to use it efficiently and indirectly

to improve emergency preparedness and overall

national security. A preliminary survey was conducted

by four interdisciplinary teams from ITB.

An interview with the Police Rangers was also

conducted to gather information about lifestyle,

usage of electrical equipment, and environmental

concerns at the camp. The interview findings will

help future researchers in designing devices using

alternative power sources without causing harm

to the environment. This project will be the first

collaborative work between RBPF and ITB in the

areas of design and manufacturing.

ITB with RBRF’s Police Rangers at the base camp.

Wind power & humidity level were measured.

Measuring the head of the waterfall.

Stream velocity was measured using flowrate meter.



Research ThrustsInstitut Teknologi Brunei continuously promotes research activities towards building and expanding

knowledge in line with its niche areas of Engineering, Business, Commerce and Information Technology. They are aligned with Brunei Darussalam’s Vision 2035, which is to improve the quality of life and to have a dynamic and sustainable economy.

The University aspires to contribute to the achievement of Vision 2035 by strengthening the function of education and enhancing the community’s welfare.

Three strategic research thrusts have been identified namely Oil and Gas, Water and Green Technologies.

The research clusters provide a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration between academics within ITB, other universities and industry stakeholders. The clusters tap into ITB’s forte which will contribute vastly to the University’s research thrusts. As an example, engineers, economists and Information Technology specialists will work together to contribute towards ITB’s thrust of Green Technologies.


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Research Clusters







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Oil and Gas


Green Technologies

Oil and Gas

Oil and Gas has been a major contributor to Brunei Darussalam’s economy since its discovery in the year 1929. Hydrocarbon resources account for 60% of Brunei’s GDP and more than 90% of total exports. Thus there is a need to diversify the economy.

ITB brings together interdisciplinary researchers focusing on innovation in energy sources, production, infrastructure, distribution, cost-effectiveness and policy to effectively provide solutions for these issues. Additionally, research is carried out on design and manufacturing of innovative engineering products or sub-systems using existing or new high technology or advanced manufacturing processes.


The demand for water is increasing exponentially in Brunei; the country’s water consumption per capita

is ranked as one of the highest in the South East Asia region.

ITB has undertaken research in studying the usage pattern, best practices, technologies and tools for the management of water resources. The research is driven by a concern for water scarcity and ultimately for the environment and sustainability aspects which now influences a wide range of decisions. Green Technologies

Green technology is a system that incorporates new and innovative methods and materials that emphasises on renewable energy sources, sustainable development and buildings, cradle to cradle designs, source reduction and green nanotechnology.

ITB has narrowed its research to Energy especially to find new sources of energy and new ways to distribute that energy which is vital to the future generation.



$28m Infrastructure Expansion completed

The new library FOE Administration block

Multipurpose Hall Student Centre and Cafeteria

Lecture Theatre

The new ITB Phase 3 Complex is now ready for use. The $28 million project was funded under the 2007-2012 National Development Plan. The new Complex comprises an administration building, engineering

laboratories and classrooms, a multipurpose hall, a student centre and cafeteria, a library, three lecture theatres and a Surau. The new facilities will provide a conducive environment for teaching, learning and research. A Foundation Laying Ceremony officiated by the Honourable Minister of Education was held on 26 February 2011 to mark the start of construction.

On 13 May 2013, the Department of Planning and Estate Management (JPPE), Ministry of Education, as the Project Coordinator, handed over the new Complex to the University. During the ceremony, Associate Professor Dr Hjh Zohrah binti Hj Sulaiman, the Acting Vice-Chancellor, formally received the keys to the buildings from Awang Haji Omarali Bin Haji Muhammad Jaafar, the Acting Director of JPPE.



Teratak Putih

Rock Climbing Wall Silver Jubilee Multi-purpose Court

ITB Futsal Arena

