Crystal & Gemstone Balancing Mini Course · for according to systems such as medical astrology...


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Crystal & Gemstone Balancing Mini Course

The following information is presented as educational and is not intended to replace medical or psychological care. The following information and illustrations were created by Sue Burton-Hidalgo unless otherwise noted. They are copyrighted by Sue Burton-Hidalgo, and are not to be copied or recreated by others. Taking this course does not authorize you to teach it.,

Choosing a Stone • Old school learning – logic: know what the stone is

for according to systems such as medical astrology • New thought learning – intuitive: a feel, a knowing • Shamanic style – each stone speaks to the healer

and is an ‘alive’ member of the Stone People

Traditions in western, European gemstone and crystal lore - an astrology chart wheel, with stones for the traditional & modern Birthstone associations. Jyotish, the astrology of the Eastern Asian Ayurvedic Medicine system, use stones as healers.

WHY do they work at all? • Stones and Crystals naturally ‘remember’ Divine Energy – patterns of light/energy

created by the very movement of their atomic structure.

• They TRANSMIT this energy to their surroundings, causing ‘sympathetic resonance’ when placed on or near our bodies

• Crystals are used today in some electronic equipment due to its high fidelity and piezoelectric properties

A “make at home” radio kit sold in the 1940’s/50’s, using a quartz crystal as the oscillator to pick up the radio waves!

Generalizations that work:

• Black = stabilizing

• Red = heating

• Orange = assimilating

• Yellow = stirring up

• Green = soothing

• Blue = cooling

• Purple = transforming

• White = clarity

Directional energy flow of a crystal

BASE – yin negative charge

POINT - yang, positive charge

Spheres, much like our Earth, have these same North and South poles, just as a magnet works.

Stones with obvious striation have energy flow along the ‘stripes’ One end will be a “+” charge and the other a “-” charge.

A preferred FLOW pattern

Crystals are used to create FLOW. Notice the point on the left hand goes up the arm, and the right hand pulls the energy flow around the circuit of the arms. The same is true for the circuit of the legs. The central trunk circuit has crystal points going up from the pelvis to the crown of the head. All points down = more pulling into the body All points up = more flow out of any negative energy

Stones can be enhanced in the diameter of their ‘broadcasting’ area by adding crystals

“points in” crystals intensify what is at the center

Stones around create bigger broadcast area, particularly a “points out”

“points out” crystals spread the effects of the central stone

There are many Layout Patterns created for a variety of specific outcomes

During this course we will learn and practice a layout pattern for the chakras.

What stones do I need? Our culture likes “bigger is better” and “the most toys wins”, but that doesn’t follow in this work. We’re using small stones in our work today. Perhaps your future work-kit stones could be a little larger, yet you will find this kit works well.

• You may wish to have 4 to 6 fist or palm-sized Quartz stones with points

• 2 or 3 of each of the rainbow colors

• 4 to 12 small Quartz points

• Some Black Tourmaline pieces

• Some Selenite pieces

How do I prepare myself & the stones for working? • Grounding & Centering

• Alignment with Positive Intent/the Universe/the Stone People

• Placing all stones with awareness – consciousness is king!

• Consciously releasing the session & separating from client’s energies

• Saging/smudging/sound/washing/placing on other stones

How do I cleanse after working?
