CS BPP wo AMC 31.10


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Customer Service Scenarios

SAP ECC 6.00

Novwmber 2007


Customer Service – Selling Services and Materials w/o AMC contract

SSTL1,6th Floor, Crow Court#128, Cathedral Road Chennai 600 086

Business Process Procedure

SAP Best Practices Services without Reference to SLA (DA3): BPP

DOCUMENT CONTROL Document Title: Business Process Procedure for mySAP ERP version ECC 6.0

Document ID : SSTL/BPP/SAP/2007-11-05

Purpose: Business Process Procedure

File Name: BPP-PM-2007-05-29

Security Classification: Company Confidential

Author: B. Praveen

Approved by:

Distribution List: SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd, Chennai.

Version No Date of Release Description

1.0 Business Process Procedure


Ver. No. / Date

Brief Change Description

Detailed Change Description

1.0Original Original Document

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SAP Best Practices Services without Reference to SLA (DA3): BPP

© 2004 SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd.

The contents of this document are the property of SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd and are intended for the sole purpose of consumption by Gulf Oil Corporation Limited, Hyderabad Reproduction, distribution, and modification of this document or any parts thereof, in any form, without the written permission of SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd are not permitted. Use of this document or parts thereof for purposes other than those agreed by SpectraSoft Technologies Ltd is not permitted.


R Required entry field (used in the end-user procedures)

O Optional entry field(used in the end-user procedures)

C Conditional field(used in the end-user procedures)

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SAP Best Practices Services without Reference to SLA (DA3): BPP


1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................ 5

2 Prerequisites................................................................................................................................ 5

2.1 Building Blocks...................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Organizational Data and Master Data...................................................................................5

3 Process Flow................................................................................................................................ 6

3.1 Creating a Service Notification..............................................................................................6

3.2 Changing the Service Notification.........................................................................................7

3.3 Creating a Service Order.......................................................................................................8

3.4 Create Quotation.................................................................................................................10

3.5 Changing the Service Order................................................................................................11

3.6 Create a PM Order Confirmation.........................................................................................11

3.7 Creating Resource-Related Billing Request........................................................................12

3.8 Creating the Billing of Debit Memo Request........................................................................13

3.9 Closing the Service Order – Technical complete.................................................................13

3.10 Settling the Service Order................................................................................................14

3.11 Closing the Service Order - Business View.....................................................................15

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SAP Best Practices Services without Reference to SLA (DA3): BPP

1. PurposeThis business scenario addresses a request from a customer to a facility management company. Since the customer does not have a contract with the facility management provider.A customer calls the call center of a facility management provider, asks for repair service. The call center agent creates a service notification, with the request. The supervisor for repair service, calls back the customer for more details and documents it in the notification. The supervisor creates a service order with details about the expected amount of work required, but does not release the order. Based at the service order a quotation is created and sent to the customer, who accepts the quotation. After the quotation is accepted, the order is released and the service performed. The workers confirm the time used for the task. Based on the resources used, a billing request is created and billed. The service order is settled to CO/PA, and closed for businessThis scenario would typically apply for a one time facility management arrangement.

2. Prerequisites

Building BlocksIn order to run this Business Process Procedure (DA3), the following Building Blocks of the SAP Best Practices for Professional Services solution must have been installed: DA0, DA3

Organizational Data and Master DataYou have entered the master data required to go through the procedures of this scenario. Ensure that the following scenario-specific master data exists before you test this scenario:

Data object Value Description

Company code 1000 Company Code 1000

Plant 1000 Plant 1000

Customer / business partner 300015 Spectra Soft Technologies Limited

Sales organization 1000 Sales Org. 1000

Distribution channel 10 Direct Customer

Division 10 API

Work Center ME-GEN Mechanical General maintenance

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3. Process Flow

Creating a Service Notification

UseIn this activity, a customer calls the customer service center in order to request a service. You use this transaction to enter the information that you get from the customer.

Procedure4. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Customer Service Service Processing Notification Create (General)

Transaction code IW51

5. On the Create Service Notification: Initial screen, make the following entries and choose Enter.

Field name Description User action and values Comment

Notification Type

Notification Type S3

6. On the Create Service Notification: DA2 and DA4 screen, on the Problem Notification tab page and sub tab page Cust. Address, make the following entries:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Reference object

Sold-to party Account Number of Customer

Enter the number of the customer 300015

7. Confirm your entries with Enter.

8. On the Create Service Notification: screen make the following entries:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Subject (area) Service Request for PC - test

Enter Description

Equipment Personal Computer 5 Select using the input help (F4)

Coding Field 1 QM

Field 1 1 Is defaulted when selecting first field by F4

Description (long text)

You can enter all the details on the notification here

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Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Execution (area)

Main workCtr Field 1 ME-GEN Work center

Field 2 1000 Plant for the work center

PlannerGrp Field 1 010 Planner Group

Field 2 1000 Planning Plant

9. Confirm your entries with Enter and save the Service Request notification, by choosing Save (ctrl. + S).

8. Make a note of the notification number.Notification number: _______________________________.

9. Choose Exit (shift + F3) to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

ResultA Service Notification has been created.

10. Changing the Service Notification

UseIn this activity the facility management provider calls the customer back because he has some more questions. After this telephone call the agent can describe the customer problem in more detail and creates a message regarding the customer call.The service agent assigns the responsible person.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Customer Service Service Processing Notification Change

Transaction code IW52

2. On the Change Service Notifications: Initial Screen, enter the following Notification number from the previous section. Confirm your entry with Enter

3. Choose Log telephone call from the action box on the right.

4. In the Subject of conversation area, enter a text of any length.

5. Confirm the data you have entered for the outgoing telephone call by choosing Continue (Enter).

6. On the Change Service Notification: choose the Notification details tab page.

7. Text entered for the telephone conversation, choose Text in the Activity area.

8. To return to the Notification choose Back (F3).

9. To save the changes choose Save (ctrl. + S).

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10. Choose Back (F3) to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

ResultThe Service Notification has been updated with the information of the call.

11. Creating a Service Order

UseThe work center manager searches for assigned notifications and creates a service order with reference to the notification.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Customer Service Service Processing Notification List Editing Change

Transaction code IW58

The selection should be via the main work center (FM-SERV1).

2. Choose Execute (F8).

3. To change the service notification, double-click on the notification number.

This list only appears if more than one service notification exists.

4. On the Change Service Notification: choose the button and check the Organization data dialog box.

5. The Create order dialog box appears. The order type SM02 is used for a service order with revenues because there is not a service contract for the customer.

6. Make the following entries and confirm with ENTER:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Order Type SM02

Main work center

Mechanical General Maintenance


Business Are Business Area 1000 1000

Planning plant 1000

7. On the Create FM Service Order: Central header screen make the following entries:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

PMActType Labour 1015 Select using input help

8. On the First Operation screen area, make the following entries for the operation 0010:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Work durtn 5

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Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Number 1

9. Confirm your entries with enter.

The planned costs are determined automatically from the planned working time in line with the costs rates maintained (for the combination of cost center and activity type). In addition to the automatic calculation of costs during saving of the document, you can

calculate the costs manually choosing the button . You can display these costs on the Costs tab page.

Working time can be different from duration. For example, activity: assembly of an object; Amount of work: 8 hours; Activity duration: 4 hours; Number of persons: 2 (people). The working time is greater than the duration, since two employees carry out the activity. For this function enter in the CCKey field maintain manually

10. Choose the tab page Component and make the following entries

Field name

Description User action and values Comment

Component Pump 100 900000003 Use input help F4 material type ZESS

Batch SP_REP Use input help F4

Requirement Qty.


11. Choose the tab page Location and make the following entries:

Field name

Description User action and values Comment

Sales Organization

Domestic Sales Orgn 1000

Distribution Channel

Direct Customers 10

Division API – Division 1012. Confirm your entries with enter.

13. Choose to confirm that Sales organization 1000 is in company code 1000

14. Choose Tab Control and make the following entries in Control of resource-related billing and creation of quotations sub tab

Field name

Description User action and values Comment

Profile CS Billing Prifile ZCSBILL Choose from the input

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help F4

15. To create a settlement rule choose Settlement Rule (Ctrl + F6)

16. On the Maintain Settlement Rule: Overview screen the create the settlement rule by entering the following data and confirm by choosing enter.

Line number Cat Settlement Receiver % Settlement type No.

1 PSG 100 PER 1

17. The screen Assignment to a profitability Segment will popup, choose Continue (enter) to continue.

18. Choose Back to return to the Create Service Order XXXXXXX: Header: Data screen.

19. Choose Back to return to the Change Service Notification: screen.

20. Save the problem notification by choosing Save (ctrl. + S).

13. Make a note of the service order number: _______________________________.

14. Choose Back twice to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

12. Changing the Service Order

UseIn this activity, the Service Order is released, because the customer accepted the quotation.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Customer Service Service Processing Service Order Change

Transaction code IW32

2. Enter the number of the service order and confirm your entry with Enter.

3. On the Change FM Service order 5XXXXXX: Central Header following the menu path: Order Functions Accept Quotation.

4. Result: The order is updated with a new status: Quotation accepted, and a Debit Memo Request is generated automatically.

5. On the Change Order: Initial Screen Choose enter in order to access the Service order again.

6. To release the Service Order choose Release (Ctrl + F1)

7. Save the Service Order by choosing Save (ctrl. + S).

ResultThe Service Order has now been released.

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13. Create a PM Order ConfirmationUseIn this activity, the technician responsible reports back the time used for processing the service.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Customer Service Service Processing Confirmation Entry Individual Confirmation (Time)

Transaction code IW41

2. Enter the number of the service order and confirm your entry with Enter.

3. Now you can enter the time that was spend for this operation. In the Create PM Order Confirmation: Actual Data screen enter the actual time worked in the field Actual work e.g. 5.

4. Choose the tick box: Final Confirmation

5. To save the confirmation, choose Save (ctrl. + S).

6. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

ResultThe system status of the service order been updated with the actual work made for this order.

14. Material Issuing

UseIn this activity, issue the material to the order for usage to complete the service physically.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Materials Management Inventory Management -> Goods Movement -> Goods Movement

Transaction code DP90

2. Enter the following details in Goods Issue Order – Plant Maintenance Screen

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Gods Issue Goods Issue Take input Help F4

Order Order Take input Help F4

Order Number 5XXXXXXX from the previous screen change order

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3. Confirm your entries by pressing Enter.4. The screen will change to Goods Issue Order5xxxxxxx – Plant Maintenance and also

displays the material of the order5. Enter the following details

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

No. Containers 1 This filed is available in the Tab Page Quantity Also verify the quantity actually issued.

Storage Location

Engineering 1050 Take input Help F4 (This filed is available in the Tab Page Where)

Order Number 5XXXXXXX from the previous screen change order

Item OK Check the box

6. Check your entries by pressing Enter.

7. Click on button on the top of the screen to verify the entries and massages.8. System prompts a message Document is O. K.

9. Then click on button to post the Goods Issue 10. System prompts a message Material Document 4XXXXXXXX posted.

ResultThe materials have been issued to the order to carry out the necessary work.

15. Creating Resource-Related Billing Request and Creating the Billing of Debit Memo

UseIn this activity a billing request is being created and Debit memo raised out of the service order.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP MenuLogistics Customer Service Service Processing Completion Billing Request Process Individually

Transaction code DP90

2. On the Resource-Related Billing Request: initial Screen, make the following entries:

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Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Services Order Service order created in previous step Delete the sales Document entry.

3. To start creating the Billing request choose Create billing Request (enter)

4. On the Billing request for resource-related billing document <new>: Expenses screen save the

billing request by choosing Save Billing Request (Shift + F7)

5. A warning: Do you really want to create the billing request? Choose the button Yes.

6. On the screen Change FM Debit Memo Requ. 700000xx: Overview, delete the billing block, by leaving the field blank.

7. To save the Debit Memo Request choose Yes (ctrl. + S).

Make a note of the billing request number.Billing Request: _______________________________.

8. System automatically takes to the Sales Order: Overview Screen VA02

9. Enter the following details

10. In Sales Tab Page Enter Order Reason: Excellent Price

11. In Item Over view Remove the billing block.

12. Go to the menu path Sales Document Billing

13. System prompts CS Debit order 7XXXXXXX has been saved

14. System takes to new screen Debit Memo (L2) Create: Overview of Billing Items.

15. Save the document Cntr + S

16. System prompts a message Document 9XXXXXXXhas been saved.

ResultThe debit memo is created out of the service order for the material cost.

16. Closing the Service Order – Technical complete

UseIn this activity, the service order status is set to “technically complete”.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Order Service Order Change

Transaction code IW32

2. Enter the service order number and choose Enter.

3. On the Change FM service order 5XXXXXXX: Central Header screen choose Complete (technically) (Ctrl+F12) to continue.

4. A screen window appears where additional information regarding the completion can be

updated, to continue choose Enter.

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5. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

17. Settling the Service OrderUseIn this activity, the actual costs of the service order are settled to CO/PA.

Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Completion Order Settlement Settle Individually

Transaction code KO88

2. A screen might appear where you have to enter the controlling area. In the Controlling area field, enter 1000 and confirm your entry with enter. This will not appear if you have the controlling area as a default for your user.

3. On the Actual Settlement: Order screen, make the following entries:

Field Name Description User Action and Values Comment

Order 5XXXXXXX Enter the service order number

Settlement period

Current period, for example: 006 for June

Fiscal year Current fiscal year, for example 2007

Processing type

Automatic This is the default option.

Processing options

Test run First run with test run, afterwards without

4. Choose Execute.

5. The proposed settlement is now displayed; choose Back (F3) to return to the initial screen for Actual Settlement: order.

6. In the processing options, remove the Test run indicator.

7. Choose Execute again.

The settlement log is displayed. Check the data and choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

18. Closing the Service Order - Business View

UseThe service order is closed in this step.

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Procedure1. Access the transaction using one of the following navigation options:

SAP Menu Logistics Customer Service Service Processing Order Service Order Change

Transaction code IW32

2. Enter the service order number and choose Enter.

3. From the menu, choose Order Functions Complete Complete business. Or click on

available on the top of the screen.

The service order now has the system status CLSD and you cannot assign any more costs or revenues to it.

4. Choose Back to return to the SAP Easy Access menu.

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