CURRICULUM VITAE Jon G. Allen, Ph.D. -...


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Jon G. Allen, Ph.D.

A. Personal: a. Date of Birth: December 12, 1944 b. Citizenship: US

B. Education: a. Undergraduate Education: B.A., University of Connecticut, with Distinction in Psychology,

1964-1968 b. Graduate Education:

U.S. Public Health Service Predoctoral Fellow, 1968-1969 Psychology Intern, University of Rochester School of Medicine and

Dentistry, Rochester, NY, 1969-1970 Trainee in Clinical Psychology, Syracuse VA Hospital, Syracuse NY, 1970-1971

Psychology Intern, University Health Service, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY, 1971-1972 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1968-1972. Dissertation title: Adaptive Functions of Affect and Interpersonal Interactions. Chairpersons: Michael Davidson and J. Herbert Hamsher.

c. Postgraduate Training: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinical Psychology, The Menninger Clinic, 1976-1978

C. Academic Appointments: a. Current faculty position:

Professor of Psychiatry, Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Baylor College of Medicine; Helen Malsin Palley Chair in Mental Health Research Adjunct Faculty, Institute for Religion and Health, Texas Medical Center

b. Previous faculty positions: Assistant Lecturer, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, 1971-1972 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, 1972-1976 Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1978-1979 Lecturer, Team Leader, Psychological Clinic, and ad hoc member of the graduate faculty, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 1980-1983 Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology, Washburn University of Topeka, Topeka, KS, 1980-1987

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Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Washburn University, Topeka, KS, 1987-1995 c. Honors or Awards Scientific Achievement Award, Kansas Psychological Association, 2002 I. Arthur Marshall Distinguished Alumnus Award, The Menninger

Foundation, 1996 David A. Rapaport Award for Excellence in Teaching, The Menninger Foundation, 1994 University Scholar, University of Connecticut, 1966 Orbison Award for Achievement in Psychology, University of Connecticut, 1968 Phi Beta Kappa, 1967; Phi Kappa Phi, 1968 d. Certification/Licensing Licensed Psychologist, State of Illinois #071-001-702 (1973-1977) Licensed Psychologist, State of Kansas, #412 (1977-present) Licensed Psychologist, State of Texas, #31822 (2002-present)

D. National Scientific Participation: a. Journal editorial boards:

Editor, Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic (1987-1998) Associate Editor, Journal of Trauma and Dissociation Editorial Board Member, Psychiatry

Editorial Consultant/Referee, Journals: Comprehensive Psychiatry, Harvard Review of Psychiatry, Hospital and Community Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, Human Relations, Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Editorial Consultant/Referee, Book Publishers: American Psychiatric Press, Allyn and Bacon, Guilford Press, Pergamon Press, Thomas Y. Crowell, John Wiley & Sons.

b. Review panels: Ad hoc reviewer, American Psychiatric Association guidelines on treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder, 2004

c. Professional societies Member, American Psychological Association Fellow, Kansas Psychological Association (former)


A. Books: Allen, J.G., Fonagy, P., & Bateman, A.W. (in press). Mentalizing in clinical

practice. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. Allen, J.G. & Fonagy, P. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of mentalization-based

treatment. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. Allen, J.G. (2006). Coping with depression. Washington, DC: American

Psychiatric Publishing. Allen, J.G. (2005). Coping with trauma: Hope through understanding (2nd

Edition). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing. Lewis, L., Kelly, K.A., & Allen, J.G. (2004). Restoring hope and trust: An

illustrated guide to mastering trauma. Baltimore, MD: Sidran Institute Press.

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Allen, J.G. (2001). Traumatic relationships and serious mental disorders. Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Horwitz, L., Gabbard, G.O., Allen, J.G., Frieswyk, S.H., Colson, D.B., Newsom, G.E., & Coyne, L. (1996). Borderline personality disorder: Tailoring the therapy to the patient. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Allen, J.G., & Collins, D.T. (Eds.). (1996). Contemporary treatment of psychosis: Healing relationships in the “decade of the brain.” Northvale, NJ: Aronson.

Allen, J.G. (1995). Coping with trauma: A guide to self-understanding. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.

Allen, J.G., & Smith, W.H. (Eds.). (1995). Diagnosis and treatment of dissociative disorders. Northvale, NJ: Aronson.

B. Book Chapters: Allen, J.G., Bateman, A.W., & Fonagy, P. (in press). Promotion of Mentalizing.

In I. Marks, (Ed.), Common Language for Psychotherapy Procedures. Allen, J.G. (in press). Psychoeducation. In G. Reyes, J. Elhai, & J. Ford (Eds.),

Encyclopedia of psychological trauma. New York: Wiley. Allen, J.G. (2006). Mentalizing in practice. In J.G. Allen and P. Fonagy (Eds.),

Handbook of mentalization-based treatment (pp. 3-30). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Haslam-Hopwood, G.T.G., Allen, J.G., Stein, A., & Bleiberg, E. (2006). Enhancing mentalizing through psycho-education. In J.G. Allen and P. Fonagy (Eds.), Handbook of mentalization-based treatment (pp. 249-267). Chichester, UK: Wiley.

Glodich, A., Allen, J.G. Fultz, J., Thompson, G., Arnold-Whitney, L., Varvil, C., & Moody, C. (2005). School-based psychoeducational groups on trauma designed to decrease reenactment. In A. Lightburn and P. Sessions (Eds.), Community-based clinical practice (pp. 349-363). New York: Oxford University Press.

Frieswyk, S.H., Gabbard, G.O., Horwitz, L., Allen, J.G., Colson, D.B., Newsom, G.E., & Coyne, L. (1994). The role of the therapeutic alliance in psychoanalytic therapy with borderline patients. In A.O. Horvath and L.S. Greenberg (Eds.), The working alliance: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 199-224). New York: Wiley.

Horwitz, L., Allen, J.G., Colson, D.B., Frieswyk, S.H., Gabbard, G.O., Coyne, L., & Newsom, G.E. (1991). Psychotherapy of borderline patients at the Menninger Foundation: Expressive compared with supportive interventions and the therapeutic alliance. In L.E. Beutler and M. Crago (Eds.), Psychotherapy research: An international review of programmatic studies (pp. 48-55). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Allen, J.G. (1984). The clinical psychologist as a diagnostic consultant. In F. Shectman and W. H. Smith (Eds.), Diagnostic understanding and treatment planning: The elusive connection (pp. 220-229). New York: Wiley. (Reprinted from Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic.)

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Murphy, T.M., Tarnoff, G., Buskirk, J.R., & Kearns, N.W. (1984). Comparison of ego functions scales and symptom ratings in evaluating long-term hospital treatment. In L. Bellak and L. Goldsmith (Eds.), The broad scope of ego function assessment (pp. 150-159). New York: Wiley.

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Allen, J.G. (1980). Transactional analysis. In R. Herink (Ed.), Psychotherapy handbook (pp. 670-672). New York: New American Library.

C. Articles: Stein, H., & Allen, J.G. (in press). Mentalizing as a framework for integrating

therapeutic exposure and relationship repair in the treatment of a patient with complex posttraumatic psychopathology. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic.

Allen, J.G. (2007). Evil, mindblindness, and trauma: Challenges to hope. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 77, 9-31.

Allen, J.G., & Haslam-Hopwood, G.T.G. (2005). The value of social contacts. Commentary on “Constituting community: Creating a place for oneself.” Psychiatry, 68, 214-219.

Allen, J.G., Stein, H., Fonagy, P., Fultz, J., & Target, M. (2005). Rethinking adult attachment: A study of expert Consensus. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 69, 59-80.

Allen, J.G. (2003). Mentalizing. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 67, 87-108. Allen, J.G. (2003). What stabilizes stable instability? Commentary on

“plausibility and possible determinants of sudden ’remissions’ in borderline patients.” Psychiatry, 66, 120-123.

Allen, J.G. (2003). Challenges in treating posttraumatic stress disorder and attachment trauma. Current Women’s Health Reports, 3, 213-220.

Fonagy, P., Target, M., Gergely, G., Allen, J.G., & Bateman, A. (2003). The developmental roots of borderline personality disorder in early attachment relationships: A theory and some evidence. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 23, 412-459.

Munich, R., & Allen, J.G. (2003). Psychiatric and sociotherapeutic perspectives on the difficult-to-treat patient. Psychiatry, 66, 346-357.

Stein, H., Allen, J.G., & Hill J. (2003). Roles and relationships: A psychoeducational approach to reviewing strengths and difficulties in adulthood functioning. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 67, 281-313.

Allen, J.G. (2002). Coping with the catch 22s of depression: A guide for educating patients. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 66, 103-144.

Allen, J.G., Fultz, J., Huntoon, J., & Brethour, J.R. (2002). Pathological dissociative taxon membership, absorption, and reported childhood trauma in women with trauma-related disorders. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 3, 89-110.

Clifford, P.I., Katsavdakis, K., Lyle, J.L., Fultz, J., Allen, J.G., & Graham, P. (2002). How Are You? Further development of a generic quality of life outcome measure. Journal of Mental Health, 11, 389-404.

Glodich, A., Allen, J.G., & Arnold, L. (2002). Protocol for a trauma-based psychoeducational group intervention to decrease risk-taking, reenactment, and further violence exposure: Application to the public high school setting. Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy, 11, 87-107.

Stein, H., Koontz, D., Fonagy, P., Allen, J.G., Fultz, J., Brethour, J.R. Jr., Allen, D., & Evans, R.B. (2002). Adult attachment: What are the underlying dimensions? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 75, 77-91.

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Allen, J.G., Huntoon, J., Fultz, J., Stein, H., Fonagy, P., & Evans, R.B. (2001). A model for brief assessment of attachment and its application to women in inpatient treatment for trauma-related psychiatric disorders. Journal of Personality Assessment, 76, 421-447.

Allen, J.G., Console, D.A., Brethour, J.R., Jr., Huntoon, J., Fultz, J., & Stein, A.B. (2000). Screening for trauma-related sleep disturbance in women admitted for specialized inpatient treatment. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 1, 59-86.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Console, D.A. (2000). Course of illness following specialized inpatient treatment for women with trauma-related psychopathology. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 64, 235-256.

Gabbard, G.O., Coyne, L., Allen, J.G., Spohn, H., Colson, D.B., Vary, M. (2000). Evaluation of intensive inpatient treatment of patients with severe personality disorders. Psychiatric Services, 51, 893-898.

Allen, J.G. (2000). Trauma therapists at risk. Kansas Psychologist, 26(3),1. Allen, J.G., Console, D.A., & Lewis, L. (1999). Dissociative detachment and

memory impairment: Reversible amnesia or encoding failure? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 40, 160-171.

Allen, J.G., Huntoon, J., & Evans, R.B. (1999). Complexities in complex posttraumatic stress disorder in inpatient women: Evidence from cluster analysis of MCMI-III personality disorder scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 73, 449-471.

Allen, J.G., Huntoon, J., & Evans, R.B. (1999). A self-report measure to screen for trauma history and its application to women in inpatient treatment for trauma-related disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 63, 429-442.

Frager, D.C., Coyne, L., Lyle, J., Coulter, P.L., Graham, P., Sargent, J., & Allen, J.G. (1999). Which treatments help? The patient’s perspective. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 63, 388-400.

Katsavdakis, K.A., Clifford, P.I., Evans, R.B., Graham, P., Allen, J.G., Sargent, J., Lyle, J., & Frager, D.C. (1999). The How Are You? Scale: A quality-of-life outcomes measure for routine practice. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 63, 366-387.

Allen, J.G., Keller, M.W., & Console, D.A. (1999). EMDR: A closer look [video manual]. New York: Guilford Press.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Huntoon, J. (1998). Complex posttraumatic stress disorder in women from a psychometric perspective. Journal of Personality Assessment, 70, 277-298.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Huntoon, J. (1998). Trauma elevates Brief Symptom Inventory profiles in inpatient women. Psychological Reports, 83, 499-513.

Glodich, A., & Allen, J.G. (1998). Adolescents exposed to violence and abuse: A review of the group therapy literature with an emphasis on preventing trauma reenactment. Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy, 8, 135-154.

Stein, H., Jacobs, N.J., Ferguson, K.S., Allen, J.G., & Fonagy, P. (1998). What do adult attachment scales measure? Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 62, 33-82.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Console, D.A. (1997). Dissociative detachment relates to psychotic symptoms and personality decompensation. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 38, 327-334.

Allen, J.G., Kelly, K.A., & Glodich, A. (1997). A psychoeducational program for patients with trauma-related disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 61,

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222-239. Allen, J.G. (1997). Sexual harassment from the trauma perspective. In B.J. Healey

(Ed.), Prevention of sexual harassment training manual for military chaplains. Topeka, KS: Menninger Clinic/Office of Army Chief of Chaplains.

Allen, J.G. (1996). Loosening traumatic bonds. Renfrew Perspective, 2(2), 7-8, 13.

Allen, J.G. (1996). Neurobiological basis of posttraumatic stress disorder: Implications for patient education and treatment. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 60, 377-395.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Colson, D.B., Horwitz, L., Gabbard, G.O., Frieswyk, S.H., & Newsom, G. (1996). Pattern of therapist interventions associated with patient collaboration. Psychotherapy, 1996, 33, 254-261.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Console, D. (1996). Dissociation contributes to psychotic symptoms and anxiety on the Brief Symptom Inventory. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 184, 639-641.

Allen, J.G., & Lewis, L. (1996). A conceptual framework for treating traumatic memories and its application to EMDR. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 60, 238-263.

Horwitz, L., Gabbard, G.O., Allen, J.G., Frieswyk, S.H., Colson, D.B., Newsom, G.E., & Coyne, L. (1996). Tailoring the psychotherapy to the borderline patient. Journal of Psychotherapy: Practice and Research, 5, 287-306.

Allen, J.G. (1995). The spectrum of accuracy in memories of childhood trauma. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 3, 84-95.

Allen, J.G. (1995). Explaining borderline personality disorder to patients. Treatment Today, 7(3), 37, 39.

Allen, J.G. (1995). Fuzzy thinking about memories of sexual abuse. Kansas Psychologist, 21(3), 17.

Allen, J.G. & Coyne, L. (1995). Dissociation and vulnerability to psychotic experience: The Dissociative Experiences Scale and the MMPI-2. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 183, 615-622.

Gabbard, G.O., Horwitz, L., Allen, J.G., Frieswyk, S., Newsom, G., Colson, D.B., & Coyne, L. (1994). Transference interpretation in the psychotherapy of borderline patients: A high-risk, high-gain phenomenon. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 2, 59-69.

Allen, J.G. (1993). Dissociative processes: Theoretical underpinnings of a working model for clinician and patient. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 57, 287-308.

Allen, J.G., & Smith, W.H. (1993). Diagnosing dissociative disorders. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 57, 328-343.

Allen, J.G., Buskirk, J.R., & Sebastian, L.M. (1992). A psychodynamic approach to the Master Treatment Plan. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 56, 487-510.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Lyle, J., & Spohn, H.E. (1992). Assessing need for extended psychiatric hospitalization. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 33, 346-352.

Barber, C.C., Allen, J.G., & Coyne L. (1992). Optimal length of stay in child and adolescent psychiatric hospitalization: A study of clinical opinion. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 62, 458-463.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Logue, A.M. (1990). Do clinicians agree about who needs extended psychiatric hospitalization? Comprehensive Psychiatry, 31,

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355-362. Allen, J.G., Gabbard, G.O., Newsom, G.E., & Coyne, L. (1990). Detecting

patterns of change in patients’ collaboration within psychotherapy sessions. Psychotherapy, 27, 522-530.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., & Logue, A.M. (1989). Indications for various lengths of hospitalization: A study of clinical consensus [abstract]. Psychiatric Hospital, 20, 38.

Allen, J.G., Lewis, L., Eyman, J.R., & Coyne, L. (1989). A scale to measure patients’ collaboration in neuropsychological assessment. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 11, 66-70.

Allen, J.G., Colson, D.B., & Coyne, L. (1988). Organic brain dysfunction and behavioral dyscontrol in difficult-to-treat psychiatric hospital patients. Integrative Psychiatry, 6, 120-130.

Allen, J.G., Deering, C.D., Buskirk, J.R., & Coyne, L. (1988). Assessment of therapeutic alliances in the psychiatric hospital milieu. Psychiatry, 51, 291-299.

Allen, J.G., Scovern, A.W., Logue, A.M., & Coyne, L. (1988). Indications for extended psychiatric hospitalization: A study of clinical opinion. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 29, 604-612.

Colson, D.B., Horwitz, L., Allen, J.G., Frieswyk, S.H., Gabbard, G.O., Newsom, G.E., & Coyne, L. (1988). Patient collaboration as a criterion for the therapeutic alliance. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 5, 259-268.

Gabbard, G.O., Horwitz, L., Frieswyk, S.H., Allen, J.G., Colson. D.B., Newsom, G., & Coyne. L. (1988). The effect of therapist interventions on the therapeutic alliance with borderline patients. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 36, 697-727.

Allen, J.G., Colson, D.B., Coyne, L., Deering, C.D., & Jehl, N. (1987). Difficult patients [letter to the editor]. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 38, 672-673.

Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Beasley, C., & Spohn. H.E. (1987). A conceptual model for research on required length of psychiatric hospital stay. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 28, 131-140.

Allen, J.G., Tarnoff, G., Coyne, L., Spohn, H.E., Buskirk, J.R., & Keller, M. (1987). An innovative approach to assessing outcome of long-term psychiatric hospitalization. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 37, 376-380. (Abstracted in Psychiatry Digest, 3, 6-7, 1987.)

Davidson, J., Allen, J.G., & Smith, W.H. (1987). Complexities in the hospital treatment of a patient with multiple personality disorder. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 51, 561-568.

Allen, J.G. (1986). In reply to Olberz’s letter to the editor regarding “An innovative approach to assessing outcome of long-term psychiatric hospitalization.” Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 37, 267.

Allen, J.G., Colson, D.B., Coyne, L., Dexter, N., Jehl, N., Mayer, C.L., & Spohn, H.E. (1986). Problems to anticipate in treating difficult patients in a long-term psychiatric hospital. Psychiatry, 49, 350-358.

Allen, J.G., David, E., & Coyne, L. (1986). Relation of intelligence to ego functioning in an adult psychiatric population. Journal of Personality Assessment, 50, 212-221.

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Allen, J.G., Lewis, L., Blum, S., Voorhees, S., Jernigan, S., & Peebles, M.J. (1986). Informing psychiatric patients and their families about neuropsychological assessment findings. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 50, 64-67.

Allen, J.G., Lewis, L., Peebles, M.J., & Pruyser, P.W. (1986). Neuropsychological assessment in a psychoanalytic setting: The mind-body problem in clinical practice. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 50, 5-21.

Allen, J.G., Tarnoff, G., Kearns, N.W., & Coyne, L. (1986). Paranoid versus nonparanoid schizophrenia and long-term hospital treatment outcome. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 50, 341-350.

Allen, S.M., Allen, J.G., & Weekly, J.M. (1986). The impact of a practicum on aging and reminiscence on gifted students’ attitudes toward the elderly. Roeper Review, 9, 90-94.

Colson, D.B., & Allen, J.G. (1986). Organic brain dysfunction in difficult-to-treat psychiatric hospital patients. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 50, 88-98. (Abstracted in Psychiatry Digest, 7, 24-25, 1986.)

Colson, D.B., Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Deering, D., Jehl, N., Kearns, N.W., & Spohn, H.E. (1986). Profiles of difficult psychiatric hospital patients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 37, 720-724.

Colson, D.B., Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Dexter, N., Jehl, N., Mayer , C.A., & Spohn, H.E. (1986). An anatomy of countertransference: Staff reactions to difficult psychiatric hospital patients. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 37, 923-928.

Frieswyk, S.H., Allen, J.G., Colson, D.B., Coyne, L., Gabbard, G.O., Horwitz, L., & Newsom, G. (1986). Therapeutic alliance: Its place as a process and outcome variable in dynamic psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 54, 32-38.

Allen, J.G., Tarnoff, G., & Coyne, L. (1985). Therapeutic alliance and long-term hospital treatment outcome. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 26, 187-194.

Allen, J.G., Tarnoff, G., Coyne, L., & Spohn, H.E. (1985). Actual versus optimal length of psychiatric hospital stay: An important distinction for prediction. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 49, 500-506.

Colson, D.B., Allen, J.G., Coyne, L., Deering, D., Jehl, N., Kearns, N.W., & Spohn, H.E. (1985). Patterns of staff perceptions of difficult patients in a long-term psychiatric hospital. Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 36, 168-172.

Frieswyk, S., Colson, D.B., & Allen, J.G. (1985). Conceptualizing the therapeutic alliance from a psychoanalytic perspective. Psychotherapy, 21, 460-464.

Allen, J.G., Beale, D.A., Newsom, G.E., Coyne, L., Spohn, H.E., Beasley, C., & Deering, D.D. (1984). A research design to predict required length of psychiatric hospital stay. Psychiatric Hospital, 15, 185-191.

Allen, J.G., Newsom, G.E., Gabbard, G.O., & Coyne, L. (1984). Scales to assess the therapeutic alliance from a psychoanalytic perspective. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 48, 383-400.

Smith, W.H., & Allen, J.G. (1984). Identity conflicts and the decline of psychological testing. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 15, 49-55.

Allen, J.G., Tarnoff, G., Murphy, T.M., Buskirk, J.R., & Coyne, L. (1983). The

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benefits of integrating treatment evaluation and clinical practice in a long-term hospital setting. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 47, 225-241.

Lewis, L., Allen, J.G., & Frieswyk, S. (1983). The assessment of interacting organic and functional factors in a psychiatric population. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 5, 65-68.

Allen, J.G. (1981). Assessment of ego states: Problems and prospects. Transactional Analysis Journal, 11, 247-251.

Allen, J.G. (1981). The clinical psychologist as a diagnostic consultant. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 45, 247-258.

Allen, J.G. (1980). Adaptive functions of affect and their implications for therapy. Psychoanalytic Review, 67, 217-230.

Allen, J.G. (1977). Ego states and object relations. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 41, 522-538.

Allen, J.G. (1976). Correlates of emotional style. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44, 678.

Allen, J.G., & Haccoun, D.M. (1976). Sex differences in emotionality: A multi-dimensional approach. Human Relations, 29, 711-722.

Haccoun, D.M., Allen, J.G., & Fadar, S. (1976). The effects of sex and emotion on selection of helping responses by peers. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 23, 17-21.

Pollack, S., Huntley, D., Allen, J.G., & Schwartz, S. (1976). The dimensions of stigma: The social situation of the mentally ill person and the male homosexual. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 85, 105-112.

Allen, J.G., & Webb, D. (1975). Stroking, existential position and mood in college students. Transactional Analysis Journal, 5, 227-233.

Allen, J.G. (1974). When does exchanging personal information constitute ‘self-disclosure’? Psychological Reports, 35, 195-198.

Allen, J.G. (1974). Eric Berne’s theory of transactional analysis [audiotape]. New York: Behavioral Sciences Tape Library.

Allen, J.G., & Hamsher, J.H. (1974). Development and validation of a test of emotional styles. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 663-668.

Allen, J.G. (1973). Existential position and adjustment in a college population. Transactional Analysis Journal, 3, 22-24.

Allen, J.G. (1973). Implications of research in self-disclosure for group psychotherapy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 23, 306-321.

Farina, A., Gliha, D., Boudreau, L.A., Allen, J.G., & Sherman, M. (1971). Mental illness and the impact of believing others know about it. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 77, 1-5.

Cross, H.J., & Allen, J.G. (1970). Ego identity status, adjustment, and academic achievement. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 34, 288.

Farina, A., Allen, J.G., & Saul, B.B. (1968). The role of the stigmatized person in affecting social relationships. Journal of Personality, 36, 169-182.

Farina, A., Sherman, M., & Allen, J.G. (1968). Role of physical abnormalities in interpersonal perception and behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 73, 590-593.

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D. Other works communicating research results to scientific colleagues Menninger Research Department Technical Reports Allen, J. G., & Fonagy, P. (2002). The development of mentalizing and its role in

psychopathology and psychotherapy. (Technical Report No. 02-0048.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Stein, H., Allen, J.G., Hill, J., and Graham, P. (2001). A Psychoeducational Approach to Psychiatric Rehabilitation: Examining Strengths and Difficulties in Adult Functioning in terms of Interpersonal Relationships and Social Roles, (Technical Report No. 00-0041.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Glodich, A., & Allen, J.G. (2000). Protocol for a Trauma-Based Psychoeducational Group Intervention to Decrease Risk-Taking, Reenactment, and Further Violence Exposure: Application to the Public High School Setting. (Technical Report No. 00-0033.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Target, M., Fonagy, P., & Allen, J. G. (2000). Psychometric properties of items for a Q-sort measure of adult attachment (Technical Report No. 00-024). Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic Research Department.

Stein, H., Allen, D., Allen, J.G., Koontz, A.D., & Wisman, M. (2000). Menninger supplementary manual for scoring Bifulco’s Childhood Experiences of Care and Abuse (CECA) interview: M-CECA, Version 2.0, 2000. (Technical Report No. 00-0023.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Allen, J.G., Lyle, J.L., Graham, P., Fultz, J., & Katsavdakis, K.A. (2000). Treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction in The Menninger Clinic adult services: Results of patient self-assessment form October 1999 to March 2000. (Technical Report No. 00-0020.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Stein, H., Allen, J.G., Brand Bartlett, A., & Gabbard, G.O. (1999). Childhood risk and adult functioning: A research proposal. (Technical Report No. 99-0018.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Allen, J.G., Graham, P., Katsavdakis, K.A., Lyle, J.L., & Evans, R.B. (1999). Protocol for assessing treatment outcomes in The Menninger Clinic adult services. (Technical Report No. 99-0011.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Allen, J.G., Graham, P., Lyle, J.L., & Evans, R.B. (1999). Treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction in The Menninger Clinic Adult Services: Results of patient self-assessment from October 1998 to March 1999. (Technical Report No. 99-0009.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Fonagy, P., Allen, J.G., & Stein, H. (1999). A new method for assessing differences within and between individuals in adult attachment: A research proposal. (Technical Report No. 99-0005.) Topeka, KS: The Menninger Clinic, Research Department.

Book Reviews in the Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Experiences of depression: Theoretical, clinical, and research perspectives. By S.

Blatt, 68:267-268, 2004. The wisdom in feeling: Psychological processes in emotional intelligence. Edited

J.G. Allen, CV 11

by L. Feldman Barrett and P. Solovey. 68:260, 2004. September 11: Trauma and Human Bonds edited by S. Coates, J.L. Rosenthal,

and D. Schechter, 68, 188-189, 2004. Does stress damage the brain? Understanding trauma-related disorders from a

mind-body perspective by J.D. Bremner, 68, 189-190, 2004. Mood and temperament by D. Watson, 67:70, 2003. Memory, brain and belief edited by D. L. Schacter & E. Scarry, 67:69, 2003. Affect regulation and the development of psychopathology, by S. J. Bradley, 67:

68-69, 2003. Treatment of depression: Bridging the 21st century edited by M.M. Weissman,

66:206, 2002. Momentous events, vivid memories by D.B. Pillemer, 64:562-563, 2000. Trauma, memory, and dissociation edited by J.D. Bremner & C. R. Marmar,

64:425-427, 2000. Treating the trauma of rape: Cognitive-behavioral treatment of PTSD by E.B.

Foa & B.O. Rothbaum, 64:131-132, 2000. Memory, trauma, and the law by D. Brown, A. Scheflin, & D.C. Hammond,

63:553-555, 1999. The Millon inventories: Clinical and personality assessment edited by T. Millon,

62:552-553, 1998. User’s guide for the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II personality

disorders: SCID-II by M.B. First et al., 62:547, 1998. Dysthymia and the spectrum of chronic depressions, edited by H.S. Akiskal &

G.B. Cassano, 62:536-537, 1998. A mood apart by P. Whybrow, 62:264, 1998. User’s guide, administration booklet, and scoresheet for the Structured Clinical

Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, clinician version, by M.B. First et al., 62:126, 1998.

Role of sexual abuse in the etiology of borderline personality disorder edited by M.C. Zanarini, 62:112-113, 1998.

Impulsivity and compulsivity edited by J.M. Oldham et al., 61:394-395, 1997. Searching for memory: The brain, the mind, and the past by D.L. Schacter,

61:400-401, 1997. Disorders of personality: DSM-IV and beyond by T. Millon & R.D. Davis,

61:409-412, 1997. Traumatic stress edited by B.A. van der Kolk et al., 60:266-269, 1996. Integrated treatment of borderline personality disorder: Pharmacotherapy and

psychotherapy by G.O. Gabbard; Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy by J.H. Greist; Pharmacotherapy of schizophrenia by J.M. Kane; and Strategies and tactics in the treatment of mood disorders by A.J. Rush [videotape series], 60:409-413, 1996.

Handbook for the assessment of dissociation: A clinical guide by M. Steinberg, 60:407-408, 1996.

Compassion fatigue: Coping with secondary traumatic stress disorder in those who treat the traumatized by C. R. Figley, 60:402-403, 1996.

Attachment theory: Social, developmental, and clinical perspectives edited by S. Goldberg et al., 60:554-559, 1996.

A clinical handbook/practical therapist manual for assesssing and treating adults

J.G. Allen, CV 12

with post-traumatic stress disorder by D. Meichenbaum, 60:264-265, 1996. Mozart: A life by M. Solomon, 60:131-132, 1996. Biological and neurobehavioral studies of borderline personality disorder edited

by K.R. Silk, 59:498-499, 1995. Does stress cause psychiatric illness? edited by C.M. Mazure, 59:407-408, 1995. Catecholamine function in posttraumatic stress disorder edited by M.M Marburg,

59:401-402, 1995. Unchained memories: True stories of traumatic memories, lost and found by L.

Terr, 59:261-262, 1995. Posttraumatic stress disorder: DSM-IV and beyond edited by J.R.T. Davidson &

E.B. Foa, 59:128-129, 1995. Women’s sexuality after incest by E. Westerlund, 59:121-122, 1995. Interface of psychoanalysis and psychology edited by J.W. Barron et al., 59:116-

118, 1995. Trauma and memory: The dissociative defense, the intrusive past, true/not true

[video produced by Cavalcade Productions], 58:548-549, 1994. Nature’s mind: The biological roots of thinking, emotions, sexuality, language,

and intelligence by M.S. Gazzaniga, 58:534-535, 1994. Psychopharmacology: Basic mechanisms and applied interventions edited by J.

Grabowski & G.R. VandenBos, 58:399-400, 1994. Bright air, brilliant fire: On the matter of mind by G. Edelman, 58:268-270, 1994. Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder edited by R.P. Kluft &

C.G. Fine, 57:403-404, 1993. Trauma and recovery by J. Herman, 57:404-405, 1993. Interviewer’s guide to the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV dissociative

disorders by M. Steinberg, 57:405-406, 1993. Memory in mind and brain: What dream imagery reveals by M.F. Reiser, 57:124-

125, 1993. Incest-related syndromes of adult psychopathology edited by R.P. Kluft, 56:267-

268, 1992. Supportive psychotherapy: A psychodynamic approach by L. Rockland, 56:121-

122, 1992. Diagnosis and treatment of multiple personality disorder by F. Putnam, 55:266-

267, 1991. Beethoven essays by M. Solomon, 54:427, 1990. Psychodynamics and cognition edited by M. J. Horowitz, 54:278-279, 1990. Encyclopedia of neuroscience (Vols. I & II) edited by G. Adelman, 53:542-543,

1989. Theories of the unconscious and theories of the self edited by R. Stern, 53:462-

463, 1989. Casebook of eclectic psychotherapy by J .C. Norcross, 53:178-179, 1989. Clinical research in schizophrenia: A multidimensional approach edited by R.R.

Grinker & M. Harrow, 53:171-173, 1989. A guide to the understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders by

A.F. Jorm, 53:74-75, 1989. Mind and brain: Dialogues in cognitive neuroscience edited by J.E. LeDoux &

W. Hirst, 52:545-546, 1988. The brain code: Mechanisms of information transfer and the role of the corpus

J.G. Allen, CV 13

callosum by N.D. Cook, 52:441-442, 1988. Psychoanalysis: Freud’s cognitive psychology by M.H. Erdelyi, 52:348-349,

1988. Empirical studies of psychoanalytic theories (Vol. 2) edited by J. Masling,

52:174-175, 1988. Multiple personality, allied disorders and hypnosis by E.L. Bliss, 52:170-171,

1988. The mind’s new science: A history of the cognitive revolution by H. Gardner,

51:574-575, 1987. Transference in brief psychotherapy: An approach to the study of psychoanalytic

process by S. Grand et al., 51:398-399, 1987. Neuroanatomy and neuropathology: A clinical guide for neuropsychologists by

R.M. Reitan & D. Wolfson, 51:209-210, 1987. The Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological test battery: Theory and clinical

interpretation by R.M. Reitan & D. Wolfson, 51:210-211, 1987. Left side, right side: A review of laterality research by A. Beaton, 51:216-217,

1987. Hemisyndromes: Psychology, neurology, psychiatry edited by M.S. Myslobodsky,

50:209-211, 1986. Empirical studies of psychoanalytic theories (Vol. 1) edited by J. Masling,

48:373-375, 1984. Counseling on personal decisions: Theory and research on short-term helping

relationships edited by I.L. Janis, 46:558-559, 1982. Psychodynamics of hostility by L. Saul, 41:504-505, 1977. Editorials Allen, J.G., & Munich, R.L. (2003). Introduction to “Clinical applications of

attachment and mentalization: Efforts to preserve the mind in contemporary hospital treatment. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 67, 87-90.

Allen, J.G., & Gergely, G. (2001). Introduction to “Cognitive and interactional foundations of attachment” [topical issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 65, 293-295.

Allen, J.G. (2000). Introduction to “Advances in Diagnosing and Treating Trauma” [topical issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 64, 143-145.

Allen, J.G. (1996). Graduate: Educate thyself [epilogue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 60, 536-540.

Allen, J.G. (1996). Introduction to “Rekindling the Psychodynamic Vision: From Clinical Practice to Social Action” [topical issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 60, 425-427.

Allen, J.G., & Leichtman, M. (1990). Introduction to “Hospitalization in the Psychiatric Treatment of Children and Adolescents” [topical issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 54, 1-2.

Allen, J.G. (1989). Editorial. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 53, 475-476. Allen, J.G. (1989). Introduction to “Unconscious Guilt Feelings in

Psychopathology and Psychotherapy” [topical issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 53, 95-96.

Allen, J.G. (1988). Editorial. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 52, 95. Allen, J.G. (1988). Introduction to “Integrating Theory and Therapy” [topical

J.G. Allen, CV 14

issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 52, 471-472. Allen, J.G. (1987). In memoriam: Paul W. Pruyser. Bulletin of the Menninger

Clinic, 51, 416-418. Allen, J.G. (1987). Introduction to “A Tribute to Paul W. Pruyser” [topical issue].

Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 51, 413-414. Grame, C., & Allen, J.G. (1987). Introduction to “Focus on the Family” [topical

issue]. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 51, 321-322. Lewis, L., & Allen, J.G. (1986). Introduction to “Neuropsychology in a

Psychodynamic Setting.” Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 50, 1-4

E. Other works communicating research results to general public Allen, J.G., Munich, R.L., & Rogan, A. (2004). Agency in illness and recovery

(white paper). Houston, TX: The Menninger Clinic. Allen, J.G. (2003). Perfectionism: A prescription for distress. Medical Journal-

Houston, July. Allen, J.G. (2003). Substance abuse is a catalyst for depression. Menninger

Perspective, 33(1), 17-20. Allen, J.G., Bleiberg, E., & Haslam-Hopwood, T. (2003). Mentalizing as a

compass for treatment (white paper). Houston, TX: The Menninger Clinic. Allen, J.G. (1999). Understanding interpersonal trauma: Effects and treatment

[videotape]. Topeka, KS: Menninger Video Productions. Allen, J.G. (1999). Catch 22s of depression [videotape]. Topeka, KS: Menninger

Video Productions. Allen, J.G. (1999). Paying off your sleep debt. Kansas City Lawyer, 9(45), 8-9. Allen, J.G. (1995). Trauma also affects friends and family. The Menninger Letter,

3(12). Allen, J.G. (1995). Sleep—the best medicine. The Menninger Letter, 3(4), 6-7. Allen, J.G. (1995). Depression causes vicious circles in relationships. The

Menninger Letter, 3(2), 6. Allen, J.G. (1994). Temperament: The biological shaper of personality. The

Menninger Letter, 2(10), 4-5. Allen, J.G., & Katz, S.E. (1994). Drugs assist in the treatment of trauma-related

disorders (with S.E. Katz). The Menninger Letter, 2(1), 4-5. Allen, J.G. (1993). Long-term outcome in schizophrenia. The Menninger Letter,

1(8), 6. Allen, J.G. (1993). Traumatic bonding joins abused abuser. The Menninger

Letter, 1(7), 4. Allen, J.G. (1993). How accurate are memories of sexual abuse? The Menninger

Letter, 1(4), 5. Allen, J.G. (1991). I am me; who are we? Menninger Perspective, 22, 5-12. Allen, J.G. (1991). Development of schizophrenia (revised). Menninger

Perspective, 22, 9-13. Allen, J.G. (1985). The development of schizophrenia. Menninger Perspective,

16(2), 8-11.


J.G. Allen, CV 15

A. Didactic course work i. Courses taught at The Menninger Clinic (postdoctoral training) Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale Seminar (16 hours/year; 4 years) Thematic Apperception Test Seminar (16 hour per year; 4 years) Advanced Diagnostic Testing (8 hours per year; 3 years) ii. Courses taught at Universities

History of Psychology (undergraduate), University of Rochester (3 credit hours; taught one semester)

Mental Hygiene (undergraduate), Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours; taught 6 semesters) Abnormal Psychology (undergraduate), Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours; taught 6 semesters) Abnormal Psychology (undergraduate), Washburn University of Topeka (3 credit hours; taught 15 semesters) Introduction to Clinical Psychology (undergraduate), Washburn University of Topeka (3 credit hours; taught 15 semesters) Laboratory in Clinical Psychology (undergraduate), Kansas State University (3 credit hours; taught 2 semesters) Personality Assessment (graduate), Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours; taught 2 semesters) Seminar in Psychoanalytic Theory (graduate), Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours; taught 1 semester) Seminar in Group Psychotherapy (graduate), Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours; taught 1 semester)

Non-Didactic teaching at Menninger (summary): Served as supervisor of diagnostic psychological testing and psychotherapy and as member of training committee for postdoctoral fellows at The Menninger Clinic, supervising one to two fellows at a time continuously over a ten year period, with supervision ranging from 3 hours weekly (diagnostic testing) to one hour weekly (psychotherapy); supervised psychiatric resident in psychotherapy (30 hours). Non-Didactic teaching in University Settings

Psychotherapy Practicum, Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours, taught 4 semseters)

Psychodiagnostic Practicum, Northern Illinois University (3 credit hours, taught 4 semesters) Psychotherapy Practicum, University of Kansas (3 credit hours, taught 6 semesters) Thesis Chairman: 5 M.A. and 3 Ph.D. in Psychology at Northern Illinois

University; 1 Ph.D. in Smith College of Social Work

B. Presentations: a. International Treating complex trauma in attachment relationships. Newfoundland

J.G. Allen, CV 16

Psychological Association, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, June 4, 2007. Mentalizing as a framework for treating trauma; Mentalizing in clinical practice.

University of Western Ontario Department of Psychiatry. London, Ontario, Canada, May 10, 2007.

Art and science in mentalizing; Psychoeducational approaches to mentalizing; Mentalizing in trauma treatment (keynote addresses). Conference on Minds in the Making. Christchurch, New Zealand, September 5-7, 2006.

Why mentalise? Conference on the widening the scope of mentalisation-based treatments, sponsored by Anna Freud Centre, British Psychological Society, and University College London, Goodenough College, London, England, June 30, 2006.

Art and science in mentalizing. International conference on Mentalization, development of the self, attachment: theoretical background and therapeutic applications. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, June 28, 2006.

Rethinking outcomes in mentalization-based treatment (symposium). American Psychiatric Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 24, 2006

Attachment trauma, mentalizing, and psychiatric rehabilitation (Keynote Address). Annual Regional Specialized Mental Health and Forensic Programs, North Bay Psychiatric Hospital, North Bay, Ontario, Canada, March 11, 2004.

Childhood attachment trauma and adulthood psychopathology; Psychological trauma as physical illness; The catch 22s of posttraumatic depression; The patient’s point of view: We’ve tried everything and we’re not cured. A series of workshops and lectures sponsored by the Cairnmillar Institute, Melbourne, Australia, March 25-27, 2003.

Educating traumatized patients about dissociation. Alder Hey Hospital. Liverpool, England, June 22, 1998.

Potential impact of sexual harassment: Prevention and treatment of issues related to the traumatized individual. Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, USAREUR Army Chaplains/Assistants, and Equal Opportunity Advisors. Willingen, Germany, September 10, 1997.

A psychoeducational program for patients with trauma-related personality disorders. Fifth International Congress on the Disorders of Personality, International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, Vancouver, BC, June 25, 1997.

b. National

The art of mentalizing: An extra-scientific perspective. Symposium on

Attachment, Mentalization and Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Therapies, Seattle, WA, October 19, 2007.

Why Mentalize and why “mentalize”? Evolving the clinical evidence base for psychoanalytic therapies, symposium at the Yale Child Study Center, New Haven, CT, March 17, 2006.

Coping with trauma and depression: Fostering agency and hope. St. Catherine Hospital & Area Mental Health Center, Garden City, KS, October 7, 2005.

J.G. Allen, CV 17

Coping with trauma (book discussion group). American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, May 23, 2005.

Coping with trauma: Hope in understanding; and The catch-22s of depression. Nineteenth National Conference on The Family in Stress and Crisis, Institute for Integral Development, Santa Fe, NM, March 24, 2005.

Treating trauma from a developmental perspective; Conducting psychoeducational programs for trauma. Spurwink Institute, Portland, ME, October 27, 2004.

Attachment and mentalizing: Implications for treating trauma. Brown Lecture Series, Smith College, Northampton, MA. August 9, 2004.

Trauma in attachment relationships; Treating trauma: impact on the therapist. U.S. Psychiatric & Mental Health Congress. Las Vegas, NV. October 29, 2002.

Educating patients about the Catch 22s of posttraumatic depression. Ben Franklin Summit for Clinical Excellence, Chicago, IL, April, 13, 2002.

Three faces of trauma: Anger, grief, and sexuality (panel discussion with C. Ross and D. Meichenbaum). Ben Franklin Summit for Clinical Excellence, Chicago, IL, April 12, 2002.

Attachment trauma and treatment-resistant depression; Educating patients about the Catch 22s of posttraumatic depression. 24th Annual Winter Psychiatry Conference, Menninger Division of Continuing Education, Park City, UT, March 3, 2002.

Complex PTSD (panel discussion with C. Ross and B. van der Kolk). Ben Franklin Summit for Clinical Excellence, Savannah, GA, February 22, 2002.

Treating attachment trauma and its impact on the therapist. Alaska Psychiatric Association, 8th Annual Spring Education Meeting, Girdwood, AK, March 30, 2001.

Treating Trauma: Its Impact on the Therapist. Iowa Chapter, National Association of Social Workers. Des Moines, IA, October 27, 2000.

A psychoeducational approach to trauma. Alaska Department of Health. Anchorage, AK, December 5, 1998.

Bound by fear [interview]. ABC-TV News [investigative report on domestic violence] edited by Chuck Gaudie. Chicago, IL, May 20, 1998.

Treating trauma from abusive relationships in adulthood [interview]. ABC-TV News. Chicago, IL, May 5, 1998.

Coping with trauma. Department of Psychology, Nova University. Fort Lauderdale, FL, November 7, 1996.

Coping with trauma. Department of Psychology, Nova University. Fort Lauderdale, FL, November 7, 1996.

Traumatic aftermath of domestic violence. Twenty-third Annual Conference of the Florida Association of School Psychologists on “Caring for Children.” Fort Lauderdale, FL, November 6, 1996.

How to educate patients about trauma (with H.B. Stein). American Psychiatric Association Annual Conference. New York, NY, May 7, 1996.

Educating patients about trauma; Challenges in working with memories of trauma. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education (“Eighteenth Annual Winter Psychiatry Conference: New Perspectives in Clinical Practice”). Park City, UT, March 12, 1996.

J.G. Allen, CV 18

Traumatic memory. National Association of Social Workers. Tulsa, OK, March, 1994.

Tuning out trauma: Understanding dissociative disorders. Menninger at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center. Phoenix, AZ, November 1992.

Indications for various lengths of hospitalization: A study of clinical consensus (poster session with L. Coyne & A.M. Logue). National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals. Fort Lauderdale, FL, January 1989.

Problems in the treatment of difficult patients in a long-term psychiatric hospital (with D.B. Colson, L. Coyne, N. Dexter, N. Jehl, C.A. Mayer, & H.E. Spohn). National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals. San Diego, CA, January 15, 1986.

Allen, J.G., A method for predicting required length of hospital stay (with D.A. Beale, G.E. Newsom, L. Coyne, H.E. Spohn, C. Beasley, & D. Deering). National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals. Palm Springs, CA, January 13, 1984.

Difficult patients in the long-term psychoanalytic hospital: Identification and treatment needs (with D.B. Colson, L. Coyne, D. Deering, N. Jehl, N.W. Kearns, & H.E. Spohn). National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals. Palm Springs, CA, January 17, 1984.

Individual differences in range of ego states as assessed by a psychological test battery. Society for Personality Assessment. Scottsdale, AZ, March 1979.

Sex differences in therapeutic responses to emotion (with D. Markiewicz). American Psychological Association. New Orleans, LA, 1974.

c. Regional (Kansas) Trauma in childhood attachment relationships and psychopathology in adulthood.

Prairie View Hospital. Newton, KS. April 23, 2003. Attachment trauma in childhood and depression in adulthood. Western Missouri

Mental Health Center Grand Rounds. Kansas City, MO. April 17, 2003. The catch 22s of posttraumatic depression. Iowa Chapter of the National

Association of Social Workers. Des Moines, IA. April 11, 2003. Molecules and meaning: Educating patients about depression in the era of the

“chemical imbalance.” Kansas City Psychoanalytic Society, Kansas City, MO. December 3, 2002.

Risk and resilience: From childhood adversity to adult functioning (with H. Stein, D. Allen, & K. Wheat). Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Tulsa, OK, June 7, 2002.

Educating patients about the Catch 22s of posttraumatic depression. Ben Franklin Summit for Clinical Excellence, Savannah, GA, February 21, 2002. Treating trauma and coping with its impact on the therapist. Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Norman, OK, May 11, 2001.

Impact of trauma on relationships: Keynote address and workshop. Iowa Psychological Association. Iowa City, IA, April 25, 1998.

Childhood trauma and attachment disorders. Zarrow Mental Health Association Symposium. Tulsa, OK, September 25, 1997.

Coping with loss and trauma. Kansas Highway Patrol Training Academy. Salina, KS, April 9, 1997.

J.G. Allen, CV 19

Current perspectives on treating traumatic stress. Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Des Moines, IA, October 25, 1996.

Responding to trauma. Kansas State University, Salina Campus, Salina, KS, April 26, 1996.

A psychoeducational program on trauma. Missouri Psychological Association. St. Louis, MO, April 12, 1996.

Understanding the impact of trauma. Employees of the Federal Courthouse. Oklahoma City, OK, April 22, 1995.

Trauma and traumatic memories. National Association of Social Workers. Des Moines, IA, April 1995.

Current perspectives on treating traumatic stress. Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Des Moines, IA, October 25, 1996.The many facets of trauma and its treatment. Community Mental Health Association of Kansas. Wichita, KS, September 20, 1996.

Helping patients cope with traumatic memories: A comprehensive approach. Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Norman, OK, November 1995.

Coping with vicarious trauma. Kansas State Nursing Association. Kansas City, KS, October 1995.

Traumatic memory and dissociation: The challenge of knowing what to believe. Kansas Community Mental Health Association. Overland Park, KS, September 1995.

Trauma and substance abuse. Kansas City Chemical Dependency Council, Baptist Medical Center. Kansas City, MO, June 1995.

Overview of multiple personality disorder. Kansas University Regents Center. Overland Park, KS, February 1994.

Ego states: A conceptual bridge between individual and family dynamics (with M.W. Keller). Midwest Conference on Selected Issues and Topics in Marriage and Family Therapy, Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS, May 1979.

The experimental reduction of stress reaction by cognitive manipulation (with J.L. Buck & T.R. McCanne). Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL, May 1976.

Transactional analysis and psychoanalysis. Midwest Transactional Analysis. Chicago, IL, October 1974.

The effects of the “homosexual” label on the behavior of Gay Lib members under conditions of acceptance vs. rejection (with D. Huntley, S. Schwartz, J. Kochalka, & K. Melichar). Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL, May 1974.

Banal Scripts: Sex differences in existential position and stroking. Midwest Transactional Analysis. Chicago, IL, October 1973.

d. Local (Kansas) Stoicism and cognitive therapy for depression. Depressive and Manic-Depressive

Association/NAMI Topeka, Topeka, KS, April 16, 2003. Efforts to preserve the mind in contemporary hospital treatment: Clinical

implications of attachment and mentalization: A symposium sponsored by the Child and Family Center (chair). The Menninger Clinic, Topeka, KS. January

J.G. Allen, CV 20

17-18, 2003. Attachment trauma, mentalization, and the brain. Family Service and Guidance

Center, Topeka, KS, June 19, 2002. Depression, anxiety, and the mind-brain. Depressive and Manic-Depressive

Association/NAMI Topeka, Topeka, KS, April 17, 2002. Childhood experiences of care and abuse: An information exchange (panel

presentation). Social and Rehabilitation Services, Topeka, KS, March 29, 2002.

Psychoeducational groups for adolescents exposed to violence and abuse: A panel presentation (with A. Glodich and colleagues). University of Kansas Social Work Department. Lawrence, KS, April 20, 2001.

Assessment and treatment of sexual abuse (with H. Stein). Colmery-O’Neil VA Medical Center. Topeka, KS, April 20, 2001.

The lasting effects of childhood trauma. Florence Crittenton Services. Topeka, KS, May 6, 2000.

PTSD and comorbid disorders: Differential diagnosis and treatment implications. Shawnee County Community Mental Health Center. Topeka, KS, April 19, 2000.

Remembering childhood trauma: Psychiatric, psychological, and forensic issues for the trial lawyer. Kansas Trial Lawyers Association and The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education. Topeka, KS, April 7, 2000.

The psychological cost of sexual harassment/putting the caregiver into the trauma framework. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education and the U.S. Department of Defense. Topeka, KS, February 11, 2000.

A psychoeducational approach for adolescents exposed to violence and abuse (with A. Glodich). The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education. Topeka, KS, October 15, 1999.

Mental illness and trauma. Kansas Alliance for the Mentally Ill and the Topeka Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association. Topeka, KS, October 21, 1998.

Catch 22s of depression. Kansas Alliance for the Mentally Ill and the Topeka Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association. Topeka, KS, May 20, 1998.

Psychological assessment of trauma-related disorders (with J. Huntoon). Colmery-O’Neil VA Medical Center. Topeka, KS, January 23, 1998.

Current challenges in applying treatment approaches (with G. Thompson & A. Glodich). The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education (“Diagnosis and Treatment of Childhood Trauma”). Topeka, KS, January 16, 1998.

Depression [interview]. KSN-TV News. Topeka, KS, December 16, 1997. Challenges in treating trauma. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing

Education (“Focused Treatment of Posttraumatic Disorders”). Topeka, KS, December 5, 1997.

The psychological cost of sexual harassment. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education and the U.S. Department of Defense. Topeka, KS, November 20, 1997.

Men and depression. Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Center HealthCare. Topeka, KS, November 11, 1997.

Borderline personality disorder from the perspective of attachment. Kansas

J.G. Allen, CV 21

Alliance for the Mentally Ill. Topeka, KS, October 24, 1997. What do journal editors want? The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing

Education and The Menninger Clinic Division of Scientific Publications (“What Do Editors Want?”). Topeka, KS, October 4, 1997.

Impact of trauma on the individual and interventions for traumatized persons. Pastoral Interventions, The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education. Topeka, KS, June 16, 1997.

Sexual harassment from the trauma perspective. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education and the U.S. Department of Defense. Topeka, KS, June 11, 1997.

The military chaplain’s response to trauma in the family. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education. Topeka, KS, February 24, 1997.

Current perspectives on traumatic stress. Shawnee County Community Mental Health Center. Topeka, KS, December 9, 1996.

Keynote address for conference on “Violence in the Workplace.” Topeka Youth Project. Topeka, KS, September 10, 1996.

Graduate: Educate thyself. I. Arthur Marshall Award Graduation Address, Karl Menninger School of Psychiatry and Mental Health Sciences. Topeka, KS, June 15, 1996.

A psychoeducational approach to trauma. University of Kansas Psychology Department Colloquium Series. Lawrence, KS, June 12, 1996.

Coping with trauma [radio talk show hosted by Harvey Rubin, MD]. TST Radio, Kansas City, MO, April 9, 1996 (available on Internet Web site: from 4/96–3/97).

A psychoeducational approach to the treatment of trauma-related disorders. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education. Topeka, KS, February 23, 1996.

Coping with trauma. Counseling Psychology Student Organization. University of Kansas. Lawrence, KS, February 7, 1996.

Coping with trauma [interview]. Kansas Illustrated, KTKA-TV. Topeka, KS, February 4, 1996.

Traumatic aftermath of violent disasters (with D. Rosen). St. Francis Hospital Chemical Dependency Unit. Topeka, KS, December 1995.

Educating patients about trauma. The Menninger Clinic Division of Continuing Education. Topeka, KS, February 1995.

Traumatic bonding. Shawnee County Mental Health Center. Topeka, KS, May 1994.

Educating patients about traumatic memories. Kansas Psychological Association. Topeka, KS, April 1994.

Traumatic memories. Saint Francis Hospital. Topeka, KS, April 1994. Traumatic memory. Shawnee County Mental Health Center. Topeka, KS, March

1994. False memories: A clinical approach to a political controversy. Annual Meeting

of the Kansas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Lawrence, KS, November 1993.

Disbelief in multiple personality disorder. Kansas Psychological Association. Topeka, KS, April 1991.

Indications for extended psychiatric hospitalization. Kansas Psychological

J.G. Allen, CV 22

Association. Topeka, KS, April 1989. Detecting shifts in the therapeutic alliance (with G.O. Gabbard, G.E. Newsom, L.

Coyne, L. Horwitz, D.B. Colson, & S.H. Frieswyk). Kansas Psychological Association. Topeka, KS, April 1988.

Clinical neuropsychology in a psychoanalytic setting: The mind-body problem in practice (with L. Lewis & M.J. Peebles). Kansas Psychological Association. Topeka, KS, April 8, 1983.

e. Regional (Texas) Mentalizing in clinical practice. Clinical Psychology Department Colloquium,

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, May 2, 2007. Mentalizing in trauma treatment. Psychoanalytic Studies Series, Dallas

Psychoanalytic Center, Dallas, TX, February 20, 2007. Mentalizing in clinical practice. Grand Rounds, University of Texas Southwestern

Medical Center, Dallas, TX, February 21, 2007. Treating depression in the era of biomania. Workshop sponsored by the Texas

Mental Health Counseling Association and Methodist Hospital, San Antonio, TX, October 6, 2006.

Hope in trauma treatment. Workshop sponsored by the Texas Mental Health Counseling Association and Methodist Hospital, San Antonio, TX, July 8, 2005.

f. Local (Houston) Helping family members understand depression and its treatment. Houston

Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Houston, TX, May 18, 2007. Maintaining hope in the face of trauma. Department of Veterans Affairs. Houston,

TX, May 14, 2007. Pathways into and out of depression. Council and Alcohol and Drugs Houston,

Houston, TX, December 8, 2006. Countering biomania in depression with the mentalizing stance. Houston-

Galveston Psychoanalytic Society, Houston, TX. November 15, 2006. Losing and finding your mind after trauma. Houston Group Psychotherapy

Society, Houston, TX. April 7, 2006. Ethical bases of psychotherapy: Are we a clergy without a religion? Grand

Rounds, Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. March 1, 2006

Mentalizing and Coping with Stress. Houston Area Independent School Counselors, Briarwood School, Houston, TX, February 6, 2006.

Mindblindness and Trauma, Mentalizing and Healing. Houston-Galveston Psychological Association, Houston, TX, January 27, 2006.

Mentalizing in healing from attachment trauma. Houston-Galveston Trauma Institute, Houston, TX, January 10, 2006.

Coping with stress pileup, not being God. Episcopal Clericus Meeting, St. Martin’s Church, Houston, TX, December 1, 2005.

Evil, mindblindness, and trauma: Challenges to hope. Psychotherapy and Faith Conference of the Institute for Religion and Health and the Menninger

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Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, November 3, 2005.

Facing trauma with mind in mind. Psychiatry Section, Department of Neuro-Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, September 13, 2005.

Attachment trauma: The catch-22s of depression. The Council on Alcohol and Drugs—Houston. Houston, TX, June 3, 2005.

Finding and losing your mind in attachment relationships. Houston-Galveston Psychoanalytic Society, Houston, TX, January 13, 2005.

Mentalizing: The conceptual boundaries. Child and Family Program Symposium on Mentalization, the state of the art: From basic science to clinical applications. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, December 10, 2004.

Putting the Zing in Mentalization: Promoting Agency in Treatment through Psycho-education (with Efrain Bleiberg and Tobias Haslam-Hopwood. Grand Rounds, Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, October 6, 2004.

Hope in trauma education. Grand Rounds, Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine. Houston, TX, September 15, 2004.

An ethical perspective on psychological trauma. The Menninger Clinic, Houston, TX. July 9 & July 15, 2004.

Coping with the catch 22s of depression: Challenges for persons with Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinson Foundation of Harris County, Houston, Texas, March 19, 2004.

The role of the psychologist in psychoeducation (psychology intern seminar, BCM) September 3, 2003.

Attachment trauma (seminar for residents, BCM), October 15, 2003 & October 20, 2004.

Coping with the hazards of stress pileup (lecture for Menninger Clinic staff), October 17, 2003.

Updated: October 2007
