Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


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  • 7/30/2019 Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


    Corin Badiu, 2008

    Metodologia cercetrii tiinifice

    Colectarea datelor

    Strategii de msurare

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    Obiective Stabilirea tipurilor de variabile

    Surse IT de dateIdentifica si localizeaz seturile corecte de date

    In instituie In afara instituiei

    Strategii de msurare

    Analiza, interpretarea si raportarea rezultatelor Selecteaz programul adecvat: Excel, SPSS Folosete programele pentru analize statistice simplesi prezentarea grafica a rezultatelor

    Interpreteaz rezultatele

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    Predictor * Rezultat

    Variabile deconfuzie*

    Modificatori ai efectului*

    Tipuri de variabile

    *Considerate general ca expunere la factori de risc

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    Tipuri de studii clinice

    Studii fr variabile Studii de caz, serii de cazuri, editoriale,

    opinii / comentarii, rapoarte review Studii cu o singura variabilaStudii descriptive

    Studii cu 2 variabile ExperimenteStudii observaionale Meta-analize si review-uri sistematice

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    Ierarhia tipurilor de studii clinice

    Studii clinice

    Descriptive Analitice

    Experimentale Observationale

    Cohorta Caz-control Cross-sectional

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    Variabila predictor(independenta)

    Variabila rezultat(dependenta)


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    Evidence Based Medicine

    Metode de tratament susinute dedovezi clinice si de cercetare.

    Necesita integrarea celor mai bunedovezi din cercetare pentru diagnostic sitratament cu experiena clinica.

    Ia in considerare ce este optim pentrufiecare pacient precum i preferineleacestuia.

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    Cercetarea asupra eficientei de tratamentface subiectul unui numr mic de articole.

    Evidence based medicine este considerat unconcept ce folosete baze de date inclusivstudii sistematice de caz pentru a ghidaintervenii terapeutice.

    Dovezile trebuie evaluate intr-un contextterapeutic efectiv, Ce tip de interveniecapt sens pentru mine ca practician?

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    ntrebri clinice

    Care este cea mai bun alegere terapeutic pentrupacientul meu?

    Este acest program suficient de bine documentatteoretic? Funcioneaz acest program terapeutic? Ct timp dureaz acest program?

    Ce urmeaz dup aceea?

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    Utilitatea clinicii!

    ClinicieniiSunt n liniaI a asistentei medicale

    Au expertiza clinica necesara i cunosc bine pacienii Sunt formai pentru gndire tiinifica Sunt obinuii cu colectarea datelor tiu sa identifice rezultate

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    Msurtori de baz

    O Linie de baz este o msurtoare aratei de rspuns in absena tratamentului

    Linii de baz Stabilete necesitatea tratamentuluiPermite mbuntirea documentaiei Ne permite s mbuntim studiul

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    Date de baz

    Se creeaz un set de exemplare ale intelor studiului

    Pregtim o fi de nregistrare Folosim msurtori conform criteriilor de referin

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    Strategii de Colectare a Datelor

    ntotdeauna alegei mai mult dect o msurtoare

    Verific acurateea datelor de baz

    Selecteaz designul cercetrii clinice

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    Design de Cercetare Clinic

    ABA designTest, tratament, test

    ABAB designTest, tratament, test, tratament

    Design serial n timpStabilete o linie de baz

    ncepe tratamentulMsoar rezultatele tratamentului

    Design cu linii de baz multiple Obine un numr de linii de baz diferite Fiecare linie de baz trebuie s fie independent de altele Trateaz doar o variabil odat

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    Fiabilitate Valide Sensibilitate Universale Fr erori

    Instrumente de colectare a datelor

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    fiabilitate? Instrumentul va putea msura cu aceeai acuratee:

    n situaii diferite de testare? Testeaz - retesteaz fiabilitatea

    Experimentatori diferii? Fiablitate Inter - operator

    Instrumente de colectare a datelor

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    Este valid?

    Instrumentul careva fi folosit poatemsura datele pe

    care le dorim?

    Instrumente de colectare a datelor

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    Este Sensibil? Instrumentul ar trebui sa fie la fel de sensibil indiferent

    de prezenta sau nu a variabilei msurate i de cantitateaacesteia (linearitate).

    Trebuie sa se caracterizeze valorile: Fals-pozitivi:

    Subiectii sanatosi, prezentati ca bolnavi.

    Fals-negativi:Subiecii bolnavi, prezentai ca sanatosi.

    Instrumente de colectare a datelor

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    Ar trebui sa nu existe diferene intre valoarea reala i valoarea pecare un investigator o obine prin msurare altele dect diferentedate de variabilitatea de eantionare.

    Este fara erori?

    Instrumente de colectare a datelor

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    Metode de colectare

    1. Colectare Randomizata (Simpla)

    2. Colectare Sistematica

    3. Colectare Stratificata

    4. Colectare pe grupe / segmente

    5. Colectare pe alte criterii

    6. Alte tipuri de colectare

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    Variabile Calitative i Cantitative

    Exemple de variabile calitative sunt ocupatia, sexul, status marital, etc.

    Variabilele care permit cuantificarea i care pot fi msuratesunt considerate variabile cantitative. Exemple de variabilecantitative sunt greutatea, naltimea, vrsta.

    Variabilele cantitative pot fi clasificate ca discrete sau continue

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    Tipuri de variabile

    1. Variabile de tip categorii (e.g., Sex, Status Marital,religie, naionalitate, profesie )

    2. Variabile de tip continuu (e.g., vrsta, venit,greutate, inaltime)

    3. Variabile discrete (e.g., Numar de copii)

    4. Variabile Binare sau Dihotomice (e.g., ntrebri lacare se da raspuns prin Da sau Nu)

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    Variabile din protocol

    TIPURI de VARIABLEindependentedependente

    intermediareDe confuzie

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    Variabila Independent

    O caracteristica pentru care se face omsurtoare i/sau observaie, careinflueneaz un eveniment sau rezultat(variabila dependenta).

    NOTAVariabila independenta nu este influenatde eveniment sau rezultat, dar o poate determina sau contribui la variaia sa.

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    O variabil a crei valoare este dependent deefectul altor variabile (variabile independente)in raportul de cauzalitate studiat.

    Sinonime: variabila rezultat sau rspuns .

    NOT Un eveniment sau rezultat a crui variatie

    ncercam sa o explicam prin influenta variabilelor independente.

    Variabila Dependent

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    Variabile Intermediare

    O variabila care apare intr- o relaie de cauzalitate de lao variabila independenta la o variabila dependenta.

    Sinonime: intervenie, mediere

    NOTE produce variaii in variabila dependenta i variaz

    datorita variabilei independente.O asemenea variabila este asociata att cu variabila dependenta cat i cu variabilaindependenta.

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    Un factor (care este el insusi determinant alrezultatului), care perturba efectul aparent al uneivariabile de studiu asupra rezultatului.

    NOTAUn asemenea factor poate fi distribuit inegal

    intre cei expui i neexpui i astfel influeneaz magnitudinea aparenta i chiar direcia efectului.

    Variabile de confuzie

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    Organizarea Datelor

    1. Tabel de frecventa2. Histograma de frecventa

    3. Histograma de frecventa relativa4. Histograma5. Poligon de frecventa6. Poligon de frecventa relativa

    7. Grafic cu coloane8. Grafic placinta 9. Tabel Trunchi cu ramuri 10.Box plot

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    Tabel de frecventa

    Suppose we are interested in studying the number of children in the families living in a community. The

    following data has been collected based on a randomsample of n = 30 families from the community.

    2, 2, 5, 3, 0, 1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 3, 2, 4, 1, 0, 5, 8, 6,

    5, 4 , 2, 4, 4, 7, 6Organize this data in a Frequency Table!

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    X=No. of Children Count(Freq.)

    Relative Freq.

    0 2 2/30=0.067

    1 3 3/30=0.1002 5 5/30=0.1673 5 5/30=0.1674 6 6/30=0.200

    5 4 4/30=0.1336 2 2/30=0.0677 2 2/30=0.0678 1 1/30=0.033

    Tabel de frecventa

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    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


    Grafic de frecventa

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    Now suppose we need to construct a similar frequency table for theage of patients with Heart related problems in a clinic.

    The following data has been collected based on a random sample of n = 30 patients who went to the emergency room of the clinic forHeart related problems.

    The measurements are: 42, 38, 51, 53, 40, 68, 62, 36, 32, 45, 51, 67,53, 59, 47, 63, 52, 64, 61, 43, 56, 58, 66, 54, 56, 52, 40, 55, 72, 69.

    Tabel de frecventa

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    Age Groups Frequency RelativeFrequency

    32 -36.99 2 2/30=0.06737- 41.99 3 3/30=0.10042-46.99 4 4/30=0.13447-51.99 3 3/30=0.100

    52-56.99 8 8/30=0.26757-61.99 3 3/30=0.10062-66.99 4 4/30=0.13467-72 3 3/30=0.100

    Total n=30 1.00

    Tabel de frecventa

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    Msurarea tendinei centrale

    Unde este centrul distributiei?

    1. Media2. Mediana

    3. Modulul

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    For a Normal distribution approximately,

    a) 68% of the measurements fall within one standarddeviation around the mean

    b) 95% of the measurements fall within two standard

    deviations around the mean

    c) 99.7% of the measurements fall within threestandard deviations around the mean

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    Concepte necesare

    Scale de msura Distribuie, tendina centrala, variabilitate,

    probabilitate Prevalenta i incidenta bolilor Rezultate ale bolilor (mortalitate, morbiditate) Asocieri (corelaie sau covariana)

    Impact asupra sanatatii (diferene de risc irapoarte) Sensibilitate, specificitate, valoare predictiva

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    Nominal qualitative classification of equal value: gender, race, color, city

    Ordinal - qualitative classificationwhich can be rank ordered:socioeconomic status of families

    Interval - Numerical or quantitativedata: can be rank ordered and sizescompared : temperature

    Ratio - interval data with absolutezero value: time or space

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    Distribuie, Tendina centrala Mean

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    Variabilitate, Probabilitate

    Mean Median Mode Standard deviation Statistical Significance p < .01

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    Interval de ncredere

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    Semnificaia statistica - erori

    Ho True Ho False

    Reject Ho Type I error Correctdecision

    Do Not RejectHo

    Correctdecision Type II error

    Null Hypothesis = Ho

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    Manual statistic Online

    The Statistics Homepage
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    Prevalena i Incidena

    Prevalenceprobability of disease in entire population at

    any point in time2% of the population has diabetes


    probability that patient without diseasedevelops disease during interval0.2% or 2 per 1000 new cases per year

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    Sensibilitate, Specificitate

    sensitivity =a / (a+c)

    specificity =d / (b+d)



    Test ispositive a bTest isnegative

    c d

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    Valoare Predictiva

    Positive predictivevalue = a / ( a+b)

    Negative predictivevalue = d / (c+d)

    Post-test probability ofdisease given positivetest = a / (a+b)

    Post-test probability ofdisease given negativetest = c / (c+d)



    Test ispositive a bTest isnegative

    c d

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    An Introduction

    Diagnosis Sensitivity and specificity Predictive values

    Likelihood ratios InfoRetriever Calculators: Epidemiology, Diagnostic test
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    Eroarea n trialuri cliniceAreas in which bias can occur

    Systematic error in . . . Allocation Response Assessment

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    Allocation or Susceptibility Bias

    Can occur when patient assignments to a

    trial group are influenced by an investigatorsknowledge of the treatment to be received.

    Can result intreatment groupsthat have differentprognoses.

    Eroarea n trialuri clinice

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    Allocation or Susceptibility Bias

    Treatment groups must have similar prognoses, which is achieved by:

    Randomization of patients

    Prospective evaluation of patientsWell-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria

    Eroarea n trialuri clinice

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    Occurs when patientsare assigned totreatments by meansof a mechanism thatprevents both thepatients and theinvestigator fromknowing which

    treatment is beingassigned.

    Randomizarea n trialuri clinice

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    Beneficiile Randomizarii

    Prevents the systematic introduction of bias.

    Minimizes the possibility of allocation bias.

    Balances prognostic factors for treatmentgroups.

    Improves the validity of statistical tests usedto compare treatments.

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    Response & Assessment/Recording Bias

    Can occur when a patient reports a treatmentresponse or when an investigator assesses thatresponse either person can be influenced byknowing the treatment.

    A patient or an investigator may have apreconceived idea of which treatment is better.The patient may also want to please theinvestigator.

    Eroarea n trialuri clinice

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    To minimize Response & Assessment/Recording Bias

    Single Blind (patient blinded): protects againstresponse bias.

    Double Blind (patient and investigator blinded):protects against assessment/recording bias as wellas response bias.

    Eroarea n trialuri clinice

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    Transfer bias

    Occurs when patients are lost to follow-up.Must be minimized.

    Performance bias

    Can occur with a single surgeon or withmultiple surgeons.

    Eroarea n trialuri clinice

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    Confuzia - factori

    Relationship between coffee andpancreatic cancer, BUT

    Smoking is a known risk factor for pancreatic cancer

    Smoking is associated with coffeedrinking but it is not a result of coffeedrinking.

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    Detectarea confuziei

    If an association is observed betweencoffee drinking and pancreatic cancer

    Coffee actually causes pancreatic cancer,or The coffee drinking and pancreatic cancer association is the result of confounding bycigarette smoking.

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    Evaluarea confuziei

    If you know something is a possibleconfounder, in the data analysis use

    Stratification, or Adjustment

    Fear the unknown!

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    Random allocationknown chance receiving a treatment

    cannot predict the treatment to be given Eliminate selection bias Similar treatment groups

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    Un factor Var. Ind.

    Randomization tries to ensure that ONEfactor is different between two or more

    groups. Observe the Consequences Attribute Causality

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    Simple Blocked Randomization Stratified Randomization

    Tipuri de randomizare

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    Randomizare simpla

    Randomize each patient to a treatmentwith a known probability

    Corresponds to flipping a coin Could have imbalance in # / group or

    trends in group assignment

    Could have different distributions of atrait like gender in the two arms

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    Randomizare n bloc

    Insure the # of patients assigned toeach treatment is not far out of balance

    Variable block size An additional layer of blindness

    Different distributions of a trait likegender in the two arms possible

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    Randomizare stratificata

    A priori certain factors likely important(e.g. Age, Gender)

    Randomize so different levels of the factor are balanced between treatment groups Cannot evaluate the stratification variable

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    For each subgroup or strata perform aseparate block randomization

    Common strataClinical center, Age, Gender

    Stratification MUST be taken intoaccount in the data analysis!

    Randomizare stratificata

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    Introductory Statistical Definitions What is Randomization? Randomized Study Design Experimental vs. Observational Non-Randomized Study Design Stat Software, Books, Articles

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    Tipuri de studii randomizate

    Parallel Group Sequential Trials Group Sequential trials Cross-over Factorial Designs

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    Grup paralel

    Randomize patients to one of ktreatments

    ResponseMeasure at end of studyDelta or % change from baseline

    Repeated measuresFunction of multiple measures

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    Studiul Ideal - Gold Standard

    Double blind Randomized Parallel groups

    2 studii

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    2 studii

    Study 1 A U.S. study (2000) compared 469 patients with brain cancer to 422 patients who did not have brain cancer. The patientscell phone use was measured using a questionnaire. Thetwo groups use of cell phones was similar.

    Study 2 An Australian study (1997) conducted a study with 200transgenic mice. One hundred were exposed for two 30minute periods a day to the same kind of microwaves with

    roughly the same power as the kind transmitted from a cellphone. The other 100 mice were not exposed. After 18months, the brain tumor rate for the exposed mice was twiceas high as that for the unexposed mice.

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    Why do the results of different medicalstudies sometimes disagree?

    Could the second study be performedon human beings?

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    Evaluarea faptelor

    Suppose a friend recently diagnosedwith brain cancer was a frequent cell

    phone user. Is this strong evidence thatfrequent cell phone use increases thelikelihood of getting brain cancer?

    Informal observations of this type are called _____________ _____________.You should rely on reputable researchstudies, not anecdotes.

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    Cum putem obine informaii

    Observational StudyThe researcher observes values of the responseand explanatory variables for the sampled subjectswithout imposing any treatmentsExample:

    ExperimentThe researcher assigns experimental conditions(also called treatments) to subjects (also calledexperimental units) and then observes outcomeson the response variable.Treatments correspond to values of theexplanatory variableExample:

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    Tipuri de studii observationale

    RetrospectiveObservational studies that look back in time This is sometimes done to find risk factors for

    certain diseases Cross-Sectional

    Observational studies that take a cross

    section of the population at the current time ProspectiveObservational studies in which subjects arefollowed into the future

    Studii Experimentale /

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    Studii Experimentale /Observaionale

    In an observational study, there can alwaysbe confusion variables affecting the results.

    This means that observational studies can _________ show causation. It is easier to adjust for confusion variables in

    an experiment. In general, we can study the effect of an

    explanatory variable on a response variablemore accurately with an experiment than withan observational study.

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    Dezavantaje ale Experimentului

    They can be ____________ to perform on thesubjects in which you are interested.

    It can be difficult to monitor subjects to ensure thatthey are doing what they are told.

    They can take many years, even decades, tocomplete.

    Results of experiments that use animals do not ______________ to humans.

    They are unnecessary the question of interest doesnot involve trying to assess _____________.

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    Design al colectrii datelor pentru

    studii observaionale Simple Random Sampling (SRS) A simple random sample of n subjects from a population isone in which each possible sample of that size has the

    _______ chance of being selected.

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    Stratified Sampling A stratified random sample divides the population intoseparate groups, called ________, and then selects an SRSfrom each stratum.

    Colectarea datelor n studiiobservaionale

    l d l d

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    Cluster Sampling A cluster random sample can be used if the target populationnaturally divides into groups, each of which is representative of theentire target population. In this method, a SRS of groups (or strata)is taken. Every member of the selected groups is put into the


    Colectarea datelor n studii


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    Systematic Sampling A systematic sample selects every k th

    person from the sample frame. Theresearcher randomly selects a number between 1 and k in order to know whichperson to select first, then selects every k th

    person after this.

    Colectarea datelor n studii observaionale

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    Avantaje ale colectrii

    Simple Random Sampling (SRS)It is the easiest most widespread form of sampling.Each subject has an _______ chance to be in thesample.The sample enables us to determine how likely it isthat descriptive statistics (like the sample mean)fall close to corresponding values for which wewould like to make inference (like the populationmean).

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    Stratified SamplingIt ensures that there are enough _________ ineach group that you want to compare.

    Cluster SamplingIt does not require a sampling frame of subjects.

    It is less ___________ to implement.

    Avantaje ale colectrii

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    Eroarea n colectarea datelor

    A sampling method is _________ if The sample tends to favor some parts of thepopulation over others.In other words, the results from the sample are notrepresentative of the population.

    Obviously, __________ samples are our


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    Tipuri de erori

    UndercoverageOccurs when a sampling frame leaves out some groups inthe population

    Nonresponse biasOccurs when some sampled subjects cannot be reached,refuse to participate or fail to answer some questions

    Response biasOccurs when the subject gives an incorrect response or when the question wording or the way the interviewer asksthe questions is confusing or misleading

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    Elemente pentru un studiu corect Control group

    Gives us something to compare againstEnables us to control the __________ _______ The placebo effect occurs when patients seem to improve

    regardless of the treatment they receive. RandomizationEliminates ______ that can result when researchers assigntreatments to the subjectsBalances the group on variables that you know affect theresponseBalances the group on _________ variables that may beunknown to you

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    BlindingIncreases reliability of the results

    _________-blind: subjects do not know thetreatment assignment _________-blind: neither the subjects nor those

    in contact with the subjects know the treatment


    Elemente pentru un studiu corect

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    Exemplu A pharmaceutical company has developed a new drug for

    treating high blood pressure. To determine the effectiveness of the drug, the company conducted an experiment in whichsubjects with a history of high blood pressure were treated with

    the new drug. A later experiment randomly divided subjects with a history of

    high blood pressure into two groups. Group A was treated withthe new drug as before. Group B received the most popular drug on the market at that time. The subjects were unaware of which treatment they received. 60% of the patients in Group Aimproved, while 63% of the patients in Group B improved.

    The __________ experiment is better because

  • 7/30/2019 Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


    Exemplu To investigate whether antidepressants help smokers to quit smoking,

    one study used 429 men and women who were 18 or older and hadsmoked 15 cigarettes or more per day in the previous year. They wereall highly motivated to quit and in good health. They were assigned toone of two groups: one group took an antidepressant called Zyban,while the other group did not take anything. At the end of a year, thestudy observed whether each subject had successfully abstained fromsmoking.

  • 7/30/2019 Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


    Studii comparative randomizate

    Randomization ensures that the groups of subjectsare similar in all respects before the treatments areapplied.

    Using a control group for comparison ensures thatexternal influences operate equally on both groups. If the groups are large enough, natural differences in

    subjects will average out.

    This means that there be little difference in the resultsfor the groups unless the treatments themselvesactually cause the difference.

  • 7/30/2019 Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


    Studii i erori Types of studies:

    Observational studies and experimentsExperiments control for lurking variables

    Sampling designs:SRS, stratified random samples and cluster samplesSRS is the preferred method

    Potential sources of bias:UndercoverageResponse biasNonresponse biasConvenience samplingVoluntary response sampling

    Elements of good experiments:Control group, randomization and blinding

  • 7/30/2019 Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


    Precauii If a group is underrepresented in the sample, we cannot

    make inference about it.

    We must be careful when interpreting the results of

    observational studies. For comparison of several treatments to be valid, you must

    apply all treatments to similar groups of experimental units.

    Interesting questions are usually pretty tough to answer.This is due in part to the fact that no single experiment or observational study can determine causation.

  • 7/30/2019 Curs 3 CB Metodologia Cercetarii 2008


    Stop and Think!!! Write the study!

    Describe & classify thevariables. Instruments for measure?


    Prepare to analyze data!