Customer Service, Customer Experience And Customer Expectations - 45 Stats And 5 Ideas For You!



We're in a world of rising customer expectations, greater customer choice and increased transparency - what does thsi mean for your business?

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customer service, customer experience and customer

expectations- 45 statistics and 5 ideas!

“83% of business

leaders feel that

customers are the biggest

driver of change”

source: uk fit for change report


“53% of businesses believe that customer service has become more important over the past 12 months!”

source: sage uk report


source: cognito

“66% of uk consumers believe customer service has either stayed the same or

deteriorated over the past three years”


“only 3% believe it has improved a lot and 22% a little”

source: cognito


“81% of customers would be willing to pay more in order to receive superior

customer service”source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“only 29% of the uk’s small

businesses believe that customer

service is a key differentiator”

source: epson business council report


“uk businesses lose 21 million customers a year due to long queues!”

source: you gov


“59% of shoppers are not prepared to wait in a queue”

source: you gov


“18% saying that they would go to an alternative shop”

source: you gov


“32% of frustrated shoppers say they would turn to online retailers!”

source: you gov


“90% of uk shoppers walk away without buying something if they get bad

customer service!”source: market force research


“41% of shoppers said the biggest frustration is lack of interest in their needs”

source: market force research


“59% of UK shoppers want more staff to recommend

products and…

source: market force research


“59% of UK shoppers want more staff to recommend

products and…

80% want to be taken to a product

when asking its wherabouts”

source: market force research


“when asked how companies can encourage them to spend more……”

“40% said improved customer experience”

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“35% said provide quick access to information to make it easier to answer questions”

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“57% of customers will wait 3 seconds or less for a website to load before abandoning it”

source: "consumer response to travel site performance" study


“74% of customers leave if a website doesn’t load on their smartphone in 5 seconds!”

source: fast company


“rude staff are the most common reason for poor customer service by

over 50% of uk customers”source: cognito


“17% said timeliness”source: cognito


“19% said inability to solve customer problems”source: cognito


“the top 5 reasons that create a decrease in customer loyalty are..”

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough

“the top 5 reasons that create a decrease in customer loyalty are..”

being transferred between staff

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“the top 5 reasons that create a decrease in customer loyalty are..”

no response to email

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“the top 5 reasons that create a decrease in customer loyalty are..”

length of time ‘on hold’

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“the top 5 reasons that create a decrease in customer loyalty are..”

being unable to reach a human

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“the top 5 reasons that create a decrease in customer loyalty are..”

unkowledgeable staff

source: oracle report: why customer satisfaction is no longer good enough


“71% of customers go online first whenever they have a problem with a product”

source: ciboudle and thinkjar report


“49% of customers wanting help from a company’s customer service team contact

them by email”source: rakutken’s report


“and 43% pick up the phone!

source: rakutken’s report


“51% of people who make a complaint on line expect a response…”

source: maritz research


“….but 85% of those questioned have never received one!”

source: maritz research


“58% said they were ‘happy’ on receiving a public response to their comments on

social media from a brand”


source: maritz research

“and 27% said they were ‘delighted!”

source: maritz research


“46% of customers

aged 24 and below use

social media to air their


source: rakutken’s report


“33% of them say that

responses are too slow”

source: rakutken’s report


statistic 8...

“91% of customers don’t always

complain when they receive poor

customer service with over 40% of them thinking it is not

worth complaining as companies simply

don’t care!”

source: report by rapide


“only 27% of customers said they

either always or often feedback when

they’ve had great customer service!”

source: report by rapide


“81% of customers would be more likely to give feedback if they knew

there would be an instant response”

source: report by rapide


“86% of customers are more likely to purchase something following a good

customer experience” source: temkin group 2012 report


“64% are unlikely to repurchase if they are very dissatisfied with the customer

service interaction” source: temkin group 2012 report


“48% of internet users told other people “all the time” about a good customer service

experience with a company”source: american express report


“78% of online customers

recommend a brand to friends

and other contacts after a great customer


source: clickfox


“and 68% reported that

they spend more money on the

company’s items”

source: clickfox


“over 65% of uk bosses believe that businesses can’t keep up with the pace of change in today’s competitive markets”

source: fit to change report


“57% agree that an inability to respond rapidly and effectively to change is one of the most significant risks their business faces today”

source: fit to change report


so........what are

you going to


consider this….

i got this great suggestion from jim watson in portland,

maine when i posted the stats on ‘customer think’:

Andy, thanks for assembling this list...

There's some very powerful stuff here that any business leader can use to map out a Loyalty Improvement Plan for 2013:1. Read each Statistic, and think about how it applies to your own company.

2. Pick the top 4 Stats where your company can most improve.

3. Identify 3 specific initiatives that that will improve performance / satisfaction for each Stat.

4. Begin working on new Initiative each month, so that by the end of each Quarter, you've addressed each Stat, and can begin working on the next.

If you've selected the right Stats for your business, by the end of 2013 you should see significant improvements in Service, which will lead to significant improvements in loyalty.Thanks again Andy, and Happy New Year!Jim WatsonPortland, Maine

Andy, thanks for assembling this list...

There's some very powerful stuff here that any business leader can use to map out a Loyalty Improvement Plan for 2013:1. Read each Statistic, and think about how it applies to your own company.

2. Pick the top 4 Stats where your company can most improve.

3. Identify 3 specific initiatives that that will improve performance / satisfaction for each Stat.

4. Begin working on new Initiative each month, so that by the end of each Quarter, you've addressed each Stat, and can begin working on the next.

If you've selected the right Stats for your business, by the end of 2013 you should see significant improvements in Service, which will lead to significant improvements in loyalty.Thanks again Andy, and Happy New Year!Jim WatsonPortland, Maine

Andy, thanks for assembling this list...

There's some very powerful stuff here that any business leader can use to map out a Loyalty Improvement Plan for 2013:1. Read each Statistic, and think about how it applies to your own company.

2. Pick the top 4 Stats where your company can most improve.

3. Identify 3 specific initiatives that that will improve performance / satisfaction for each Stat.

4. Begin working on new Initiative each month, so that by the end of each Quarter, you've addressed each Stat, and can begin working on the next.

If you've selected the right Stats for your business, by the end of 2013 you should see significant improvements in Service, which will lead to significant improvements in loyalty.Thanks again Andy, and Happy New Year!Jim WatsonPortland, Maine

Andy, thanks for assembling this list...

There's some very powerful stuff here that any business leader can use to map out a Loyalty Improvement Plan for 2013:1. Read each Statistic, and think about how it applies to your own company.

2. Pick the top 4 Stats where your company can most improve.

3. Identify 3 specific initiatives that that will improve performance / satisfaction for each Stat.

4. Begin working on new Initiative each month, so that by the end of each Quarter, you've addressed each Stat, and can begin working on the next.

If you've selected the right Stats for your business, by the end of 2013 you should see significant improvements in Service, which will lead to significant improvements in loyalty.Thanks again Andy, and Happy New Year!Jim WatsonPortland, Maine

Andy, thanks for assembling this list...

There's some very powerful stuff here that any business leader can use to map out a Loyalty Improvement Plan for 2013:1. Read each Statistic, and think about how it applies to your own company.

2. Pick the top 4 Stats where your company can most improve.

3. Identify 3 specific initiatives that that will improve performance / satisfaction for each Stat.

4. Begin working on new Initiative each month, so that by the end of each Quarter, you've addressed each Stat, and can begin working on the next.

If you've selected the right Stats for your business, by the end of 2013 you should see significant improvements in Service, which will lead to significant improvements in loyalty.Thanks again Andy, and Happy New Year!Jim WatsonPortland, Maine

thanks jim!check out his website:

5 simple ideas from me for you

to consider….

be easy to find, ‘deal

with’ and ‘buy



spot ‘disappointment’



‘delight’ your



‘surprise’ them with the level of

service you provide!

‘delight’ your



‘surprise’ them with the level of

service you provide!

‘positively’ please!

do stuff that gets people

shouting about you to



do stuff that gets people

shouting about you to



again, ‘good’ stuff please!

do these things



do these things



encourage, engage and empower your people!

“don’t just stand there….. do something!”

dick dastardly

take action,

not notes!

take action,

not notes!

thanks for your time!

andy hanselman

want some more.....?

download this free 44 page ebook!

Andy’s 3D Thoughts......

3 iDeas in 3 minutes in your inbox every monday morning to

help you think in 3D!

tune in to...

you can find out more

you can follow him at:

you can email him

andy hanselman consulting, 99 parkway avenue, sheffield s9 4wg, uk

andy hanselman is a recognised expert on business competitiveness and customer service. he researches, writes , speaks and consults on marketing, customer service and business development issues to enable leaders to revolutionise their business performance

(and has being doing so for over 20 years!)

you can visit him at: