CVS exam


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  • 7/30/2019 CVS exam


    CVS Exam

    Routine & Script

    Id like to perform a CVS exam .This will involve me examining your hands, feet face & pulses. Is that ok?

    General:Comfortable at rest, Anxiety, pallor, distress, breathlessness, sweating, oedema, obesity, thin

    Feet:Temp, Colour, Sweaty/Dry, Pitting oedemaHands:Temp, Colour, Sweaty/Dry, Dorsalis pedis

    Nails:Koilonychia, Splinter haemorrhage, ClubbingWrists:Radial pulse (30 secs)Im going to touch you face is that ok?

    Face:Colour, Temporal artery

    Could you pull down your eyelids like this(Demonstrate for them)Eyes: Colour of sclera, Xanthelasma, Corneal ArcusCould you open your mouth & lift your tongueMouth: Colour, Angular Stomatis, Beefy Tongue, SublingualNeck: Carotid pulses (one at a time), JVP

    Ausculation: valvesIs it ok to place the heal of my hand on the mid line of your chest? (demo)Palpation: Sternal heave = increased effort & increased heart sizeApex beat shift

    Percussion: to map out the heart if you think it may have enlarged (surface antomy of the heart at bottom of


    HistoryRecent Dyspnoea, Chest Pain, Oedema, Palpitations, Tiredness, Nausea, Syncope, Claudication,Medical Diabetes, Rheumatic fever, Rheumatic heart disease, Marfans, Family history (hyperten

    heart disease, stroke, hyperlipidemia)Social Exercise, Smoking, Alcohol, Diet


    General Comfortable at rest, Anxiety, pallor, distress, breathlessness, sweating, oedema, obesity,


    Feet Pitting oedema If indentation still evident after 10 sec, test again higher up. Congested/Rsided heart failure, vena cava, liver, kidney disorder, DVT, hypoalbuminia

    (osmotic pressure), low protein diet

    Temp and colour Same as in hands

    Hands Temp Hot + Pink = carbon dioxide retention

    peripheral vasodilatation

    Cold + blue = poss heart problem.

    Blood flow, peripheral cyanosioccurs on hands/feet, not mucous membrane. Causes: Raynauds,

    atheroma (plaque in artery walls)

    Warm + blue = poss respiratory prob, perfusion, occurs on lips +

    tongue Causes: Central cyanosis arterial hypoxaemia, pulmonarydisease

    Sweaty hyperthyroidism

    Colour Pale Raynouds syndrome gangrene

  • 7/30/2019 CVS exam


    Yellow nicotine

    Blue peripheral cyanosis

    Nails Koilonychia Iron deficiency, possibly blood loss



    Small emboli under nail. Causes: Manual worker, infective endocarditis

    Clubbing Fluctuation nail/bed angle, nail curvature, ST bulkHeart Subacute bact endocarditis, Cyanotic congenital heart disease

    Lung Bronchial carcinoma, Fibrosing alveolitis

    GI Cirrhosis, Ulcerative colitis, Crohns disease


    Capillary bedrefill test

    If takes > 2 secs. Causes dehydration, peripheral vascular disease,

    raynauds, shock

    Face Colour Pallor Oxygenated Hb in skinBlue O2 in blood, Cyanosis

    Malar flush Rosy cheeks

    Eyes Xanthelasma yellow blisters around eye, cholesterol, hyperlipedemia, poss liverdysfunction

    Conjunctiva Pale AnemiaBlue cyanosis

    Bleeding capillaries NSAID, hypertension

    Corneal Arcus Silvery white line around eye (> 50) in young cholesterol

    Mouth Breathing patterns normal/panting. Shape (Kyphoscoliosis?)Angular stomatitis Crack at corners, dont heal well Anemia, malabsorbtion, iron/folic A,

    Vit B

    Tongue Colour Big beefy smooth red sore Glossitis, iron/folic acid/Vit B,Pale Anemia

    Brown/dry Mouth breathers, dehydrated , smokers

    Blue central cyanosis

    Anaemia (+ pain from papillae atrophy)Creamy curd like Candida Albicus (Corticosteroids med)

    Sub-lingual Engorged sublingual veins Portal hypertension


    Mitral area L 5th ICS, mid-clavicularline

    lub soundGood place for abnormal 3rd and 4th sounds and mitral


    Tricusped area R 5th ICS, sternal border Aortic regurgitation heard here

    Aortic area R 2nd ICS, 1 cm from


    Aortic stenosis, murmurs

    Pulmonary area L 2nd ICS, 1cm from


    dub sound

    pulmonary valve murmurPercussion

    Heart should be roughly fist size. Tends to enlarge laterally, not medially.


    Parasternal heave Heel of hand over

    parasternal area

    Heave present if hand felt lifting with each systole.

    Causes: Right ventricle enlargement (hardworking hearts get

    bigger), hypertension, Aortic stenosis

    Apex beat shift Palpate MCL 5th ICS Normally should be 3-4cm in diameter

  • 7/30/2019 CVS exam


    (Pt rolls 45 degree to

    their left. start at MCL& move to Mid

    Axillary Line

    Deviation Causes (enlargement of L ventricle) pectus

    excavatum/sinus inversion. Cardiomegaly/mediastinal shift (leslikely)

    Absent death/ obesity/pericarditis/emphysema (or other

    COPD)/sinus inversus/pericardial or pleural effusion

    Apex beat quality Forceful beat CO2Thrill (vibrations) palpable murmursGallop (3rd heart sound) possible L ventricular dysfunction

    Uncoordinated MI


    Head/neck Carotid Only one at a time!

    Found between the anterior border of the SCM above thehyoid bone and lateral to the thyroid cartilage.

    Temporal Over temple just anterior to ear If blocked may lead to blindness in elderly

    UEX Brachial In cubital fossa, just medial to biceps tendon

    Radial Anterior surface of distal radius.Important for checking radiofemoral delay

    LEX Femoral Mid-inguinal point, halfway between the pubic symphysis an


    Get consent first!

    Popliteal Posterior knee, easiest to find with knee flexed

    Dorsalis pedis between 1st and 2nd met (lat to EHL tendon)

    Tibialis posterior 2 cm inferior and 2 cm posterior to the medial malleolus

    JVP Patient at 45, turn head

    R and observe alongSCM

    Look for double dip 2-4cm above sternal angle

    Hepatojugular reflex press abdomen, will raise pressure

    Bradycardia < 60bpm aortic stenosis, anorexia, beta blockers>100 bpm Anxiety, hyperthyroidism, vagus nerve lesion



    If femoral weak possible aortic aneurism

    Blood pressure

    Normal Between 90/60 120/80

    High >160/95 anxiety, temp, no cause, drug, disease, aortic coarctation,



  • 7/30/2019 CVS exam


    Upper border = 3rd costal cartilage on right of sternum to 2nd intercostal space on the left side of


    Right margin the heart descends from the 3rd costal cartilage to 6th costal cartilage.

    Left margin from 2nd intercostal space to Apex at the midclavicular line in the 5th intercostal space.

    Summary: Right = 3CC to 6CC Left = 2IC to 5IC*CC = costal cartilage IC = Intercostal Space
