cz57064/Assignment #3 11.03.06.doc  · Web viewJascha Heifetz changed the course of violin playing...


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Name: June 16, 2005

(1) Writing in your subject: Students learn to write by writing. Research indicates that students write more when using a computer than when writing by hand.

Develop a computer-based writing assignment relevant to the theme of your portfolio.

Explain how this assignment will promote writing skills using computer-based resources.

This assignment will promote writing skills because not only does it emphasize the importance of context, but grammar and spelling as well. Students will be able to used computer based resources such as websites to research for their assignment.

(2) Editing: Research indicates that students edit and revise more when writing on a computer than when writing by hand.

Use the footnote feature to identify all of the mistakes you can find in this document without the aid of a grammar checker, and repeat with the aid of a grammar checker.

Errors I found without the use of a grammar checker.


Name: June 16, 2005

The causes of the Revolutionary Warr1 was that the the English put tacks in their tea. Also, the colonists would send their parcels through the post without stamps. During the War. the Red Coats and Paul Revere was throwing balls over stone walls. The dogs were barking and peacocks crowing. Finally the colonists won and no longer had too pay for taxis . delgats from the original 13 states formed an Contented Congress. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were towo singers of the Declaration of Independence. Frankin declared "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead. Soon the Constitiion of the united states was adopted to secure domestic hostility. Abraham Lincoln became America's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands. Lincoln said,: "in onion there is great strength."

Errors I found with the use of a grammar checker.

The causes of the Revolutionary Warr was that the the English put tacks in their tea. Also, the colonists would send their parcels through the post without stamps. During the War. the Red Coats and Paul Revere was throwing balls over stone walls. The dogs were barking and peacocks crowing. Finally the colonists won and no longer had too pay for taxis . delgats from the original 13 states formed an Contented Congress. Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were towo singers of the Declaration of Independence. Frankin declared "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead. Soon the Constitiion of the united states was adopted to secure domestic hostility. Abraham Lincoln became America's greatest Precedent. Lincoln's mother died in infancy, and he was born in a log cabin which he built with his own hands. Lincoln said,: "in onion there is great strength."

What kinds of errors are generally not detected by the software? Give examples. Would you encourage your students to use a grammar/style checker? If so, explain how it might be best employed. If not, explain why not.

If you are quoting in a different language (unless you have that specific language downloaded into Microsoft word) it will not present correction. Make sure to check your grammar and spelling options, and show students how to do that to ensure the most accurate use of it.

(3) Analysis of your textbook: Readability is a measure of the comprehensibility or understandability of written text. There are many methods and formulas for determining readability and the related reading age. Teachers should be aware of the readability level of their text as well as the reading level of their students.

Scan three or more paragraphs from your textbook into a word processor file using OCR software. Perform a document check and readability estimate on the

1 War (mis-spelling)


Name: June 16, 2005

text and include the results in your portfolio. Jascha Heifetz changed the course of violin playing with a revolutionary approach which brought technical perfection and expressiveness to their greatest heights. Performing publicly for more than 60 years from the age of six, Heifetz made his sensational New York debut at Carnegie Hall in 1917, and gave his last important concert in Los Angeles on 23 October 1972. After retiring from the concert stage, he continued to pursue passionately his activities in teaching and playing chamber music. He passed away in Los Angeles on 10 December 1987, at the age of 86.It is not common knowledge that Heifetz’s real first name was Joseph. In all the surviving documents, calling cards and concert programs prior to 1912, his name was given in the Russian style as I(osef) R(uvinovich) Heifetz. Legend has it that when the nine-year- old Heifetz entered Leopold Auer’s class at the St Petersburg Imperial Conservatory, Auer said, ‘As there are already several Josephs in the class, we will call you Jascha.’ The stern and influential professor’s decision was not to be challenged. After 1912, the name Joseph was dropped, though Heifetz did acknowledge his real name to some of his students. When not in a mood to be pestered, he was known to have saidwith his characteristically dry sense of humor, ‘Jascha Heifetz? Who is that? My name is Joseph.’

Readability Statistics:Flesch Reading Ease: 37.3Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level: 12.0

According to the computer-generated readability estimates, does this text appear to be appropriate for your students? Explain. (Note: In some programs, document analysis appears at the end of a grammar check).

To be honest, this text would probably be appropriate at the freshman college level. I don’t think it would be suitable for lower grade levels, unless it is simplified by the instructor.

(4) Equations: Many teachers have the need to incorporate equations into handouts, tests and notes. Equation editors allow you to make equations and then export them as graphics to word processors.

Use an Equation Editor to create two or more complex equations from your discipline. If your discipline does not use many equations, you may select from the following list.


Name: June 16, 2005

(5) Word relationships : English dictionaries contain more than 250,000 words, while Spanish dictionaries contain approximately 100,000 words, and most other languages have far fewer. English has an extensive vocabulary and many synonyms. This can cause difficulties for English learners. An electronic thesaurus may be used to help students understand the complex relationship within the English lexicon.

Using a thesaurus, paraphrase the preamble of the Constitution. Include at least ten logical substitutions for the original words. You may use the built-in thesaurus (Tools/Language/Thesaurus) in Word or internet resources such as Merriam Webster's Dictionary & Thesaurus, or Roget's Thesaurus. Describe (with an example) how you can use a thesaurus when trying to explain the meanings of difficult words to your students

Preamble: We the Citizens of the United States, in command to form a more ideal Union, establish integrity, insure domestic harmony, provide for the common security, promote the general interests, and secure the Blessings of independence to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and institute this Constitution for the United States of America.

Using the thesaurus may be of assistance to me, as an instructor, to better simplify a subject matter that might be difficult for my students to comprehend (understand ).

(6) Mastering Content Vocabulary: Although modern English has the largest and most complex lexicon of any language in history, the meanings of many words can be determined if one knows the common prefixes, suffixes and root words. Knowledge of such morphemes is particularly useful for English learners who face the formidable challenge of mastering English vocabulary, with all of its many nuances. According to Richard E. Hodges of the University of Puget Sound ("Improving Spelling and Vocabulary in the Secondary School; 1982, p 30) ,“If you were to examine the 20,000 most used English words, you would find that about 5,000 of them contain prefixes and that 82 percent (about 4,100) of those words use one of only fourteen different prefixes out of all the available prefixes in the language.” Thus, if students master these prefixes, they will know clues to the meanings of thousands of words." *TPE-tip. TPE 7 requires teachers to "implement an instructional program that facilitates English language development, including reading, writing, listening and speaking skills" You may wish to develop a root-word bank for the subject you teach and show how it facilitates vocabulary development (TPE-7)

Identify five words commonly used in your subject. Identify one or more prefixes, suffixes or roots from each. Use an online dictionary to identify 5 or more other words in the English language that use these morphemes as per the example.


Name: June 16, 2005

When searching, you will need to use standard wildcards: *=multiple characters; ?=single character.

Root Meaning Five or more related words that share this rootdict-(from dictionary)

tell, pronounce dictator (one whose word is law), diction (enunciation), edict (a formal pronouncement or command.), dictum (an authoritative, often formal pronouncement), dictate (to say or read aloud to be recorded or written by another)

Music-(from musicology)

The study of the science of music

Music criticism (reviewing of public performances), Music appreciation (type of musical training designed to develop the ability to listen intelligently to music), ethnomusicology (the study of folk music and non-Western music), Musicologist ( pioneer of music study), Music therapy (the combination of music and medicine).

Violon-(from violoncello)

Cello Violin (the most important of the stringed instruments), Contra-violin ( slightly bigger than the normal violin and designed to take the place of the second violin in chamber music), Viola (second member of the violin family), Violotta ( a tenor violin), Violoncello piccolo (similar to cello, but a little smaller).

Mel-(from Melody)

Succession of musical tones

Melodrama ( a stage presentation intermediate between play and opera), Melodramma (17th century term for opera), Melisma ( An expressive vocal passage ung to one syllable), Mellophone ( A brass instrument), Melody chorale ( A type of organ chorale)

Sym-(from Symphony)

A sonata for orchestra

Symphonia domestica ( A programmatic symphony), Symphonic poem ( 19th and 20th century orchestral music based on an extramusical idea), Symphony of Psalms ( A work for chorus and orchestra), Symbolum (Name for credo in Ambrosian chant), Symphonia ( Ancient greek term for unison).


Name: June 16, 2005

Son-(from sonata)

Composition for piano, or for violin, usually with piano accompaniment

Son (a folk dance originated in Cuba), Sonata da camera (chamber or court sonata), Sonata da chiesa ( church sonata), Sonata form ( designates form frequently used for single movements of sonatas), Sonatina (A diminutive sonata).

English has acquired words from many languages as seen in this story. It is helpful to show students these foreign words and cognates so they can better understand the historical relationship between English and other languages and look for cognates when learning new terms. Translate 5 or more words from your discipline into each of four languages using Sherlock, Logos or other resources. Include the translations in your portfolio. Identify cognates and explain how you can use them to help students master English.



Name: June 16, 2005

One way to interest students in the significance of words is to have them study the meaning of their own names. Identify the meaning of five common first names of students in your class.



Traits: Pop singer Selena has put her stamp on this name. People picture Selena as a bubbly, outgoing, popular woman with pretty, dark features. But there is also an air of mystery and sadness surrounding lovely Selena.Meaning

Greek moon

Famous people with this name: singer Selena; Selene, Greek goddess of the moon; singer Celine Dion



Traits: Most people see Diana as a pretty, upper-class blonde who is old-fashioned, quiet, and intelligent. Some, though, see Diana as opportunistic.Meaning

Latin divine

Famous people with this name: Britain's Princess Diana; singer Diana Ross; the mythological Diana, Roman goddess of the moon, fertility, and the hunt; actress Diana (The Avengers) Rigg; swimmer Diana Nyad



Traits: Recently Jennifer has become a popular name (some say too popular). People think Jennifer is a perfect name for a cute, blond


Name: June 16, 2005

cheerleader who is popular and sweet.Meaning

Welsh white, fair

Famous people with this name: actresses Jennifer Warren, Jennifer (Flashdance) Beals, Jennifer Jones, Jennifer (Summer of '42) O'Neill, Jennifer (Dirty Dancing) Grey



Traits: Victoria is pictured as a stately, sophisticated brunette who is rich, conservative, ambitious, elegant, and aloof.Meaning

Latin victory

Famous people with this name: Britain's Queen Victoria; actress Victoria (Dallas) Principal; novelists Victoria Holt, Victoria "Vita" Sackville-West; the movie Victor/Victoria



Traits: Veronica is described as a tall, pretty, long-haired blonde who is a flighty, self-absorbed, sexy cheerleader.Meaning

Latin-Greek true image

Famous people with this name: St. Veronica; actresses Veronica (I Married a Witch) Lake, Veronica (Hill Street Blues) Hamel; Veronica in "Archie" comics

(8) Communicating with English Learners and their families: Southern California is


Name: June 16, 2005

home to a very diverse population, many of whom are immigrants from non-English speaking countries. Translation programs can help break down some of the language barriers between teachers, their students, and the families of these students.

Use translation software (such as Sherlock, or AltaVista Translation Service) to translate a simple document from your class into one or more languages spoken by students in your class. If possible, show this to someone who is fluent in English and the language into which you have translated it, and explain any potential problems.

I used the site for the translation of English to Spanish. I used a loan agreement that I use for the students in my music program. provided a decent translation.

Loan Agreement

The Instrument described is loaned for a period of one school year.

The Instrument must be returned when the student is no longer enrolled in the school music program or plans to transfer to another school

At the end of the school year, the instrument must be returned to the school in the same condition as when it was issued.

The parent is responsible for paying for repairs or replacement if the instrument is damaged, lost or stolen.


Preste el Acuerdo

El Instrumento descrito es prestado por un período de un año escolar.

El Instrumento debe ser vuelto cuando el estudiante es ya no matriculado en el programa de la música de la escuela o planes para transferir a otra escuela


Name: June 16, 2005

A fines del año escolar, el instrumento debe ser vuelto a la escuela en la misma condición como cuando fue publicado.

El padre es responsable de pagando por reparaciones o reemplazo si el instrumento es dañado, es perdido o es robado.


