D. Lesieutre, M. Dillenius, and T. Lesieutre Nielsen ... · AIA A98-4890 Multidisciplinary Design...


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AIAA 98-4890Multidisciplinary Design Optimizationof Missile Configurations and Fin Planformsfor Improved PerformanceD. Lesieutre, M. Dillenius, and T. LesieutreNielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.Mountain View, CA

For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, Virginia 20191-4344

7th Symposium on MultidisciplinaryAnalysis and Optimization

Septtember 2–4, 1998 / St. Louis, MO

AIAA 98-4890

1American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Daniel J. Lesieutre, Marnix F. E. Dillenius, Teresa O. Lesieutre* † ‡

Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.Mountain View, California


The aim of the research described herein was to developand verify an efficient optimization-based aerodynamic/ structural design tool for missile fin and configurationshape optimization. The developed software was used todesign several missile fin planforms which were testedin the wind tunnel. Specifically, this paper addresses finplanform optimization for minimizing fin hingemoments, as well as aeroelastic design (flexible finstructures) for hinge moment control. The method isalso capable of shape optimization of fin-bodycombinations with geometric constraints. The inclusionof aerodynamic performance, geometric constraints, andstructural constraints within the optimization softwarefacilitates multidisciplinary analysis and design. Theresults of design studies and wind tunnel tests aredescribed.


AR aspect ratio of two fins joined at root chord C fin normal-force coefficient, force/q SNF ∞ refC fin normal-force coefficient based on fin area,NFS

force/q S∞ finc , c root chord, tip chordR Tf design objectiveg equality constrainth inequality constraintIP Index of Performance (cost function)M Mach number ∞q freestream dynamic pressure ∞S exposed planform area of one finfinS reference area, body cross-sectional arearefs exposed fin spant fin thicknessx /c fin axial center of pressureCP Rx fin hinge line location aft of fin leading edgeHLy /s fin spanwise center of pressureCP� body angle of attack, degrees fin deflection angle, degrees- fin polar angle location, 0° = horizontal, 90° =f

windward meridian, -90° = leeward meridian� fin taper ratio, c /cT R

This paper describes recent research performed byNielsen Engineering & Research aimed at1,2,3

developing practical methods for missile control findesign and for missile configuration shape optimization.Some background information is presented whichdescribes the importance and difficulties of predictingand designing efficient control fins. This is followed bya description of the technical approach and design codedeveloped. Results from the design code and windtunnel tests are presented.

Missile control fins have been, and are arguably still, themost efficient means of controlling a tactical missile andguiding it to a target. They can efficiently generate therequired maneuvering force either by a direct actionnear the center of gravity, as in a mid-wing controlmissile, or through rotation of the missile to higher �,as in canard or tail control missiles. Affecting all ofthese aerodynamically controlled configurations are thesizing and power requirements of the control surfaceactuators. Other means of control, such as thrust vectorcontrol and control jets are also important to highperformance missiles. Thrust vector control can improveboth the initial engagement of a threat, includingengagement of a rear target, and the end gamemaneuvering (if thrust is still available). Control jets,depending on placement, can be utilized to translate orrotate a missile. Both thrust vectoring and control jetsprovide fast response and also provide control at highaltitudes where aerodynamic control becomesineffective. Lacau details the advantages and4

disadvantages of different missile control configurations.

The primary effects of control fins on missile systemdesign are the available maneuvering force and the timeresponse associated with maneuvering. In terms ofsubsystem design, the control fins determine the actuatorsizing. The actuators influence the missile weightdirectly through their size and power requirements.Briggs describes the performance parameters which5

affect control fin actuator design and size. These includefrequency-response bandwidth, stall torque, rated torque,and fin deflection rate at rated torque. The stall torqueis the maximum expected “worst case” applied torquefelt by the actuator and is composed of the sum(multiplied by a factor of safety) of the aerodynamichinge moment and the frictional bearing torqueassociated with the fin root bending moment. Rated

* Senior Research Engineer, Senior Member† President, Associate Fellow‡ Research Engineer, MemberCopyright ©1998 by Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc.Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics andAstronautics, Inc. with permission.

2American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

torque is the maximum expected applied torque (friction points plotted corresponding to 11 angles of attack from+ aerodynamic) over a nominal flight envelope. Fin 0° to 45°, 10 windward side roll angles, - , from 0°deflection rate capability must permit three axis missile to 90°, and 9 deflection angles from -40° to +40°. Datacontrol up to the structural load limit or maximum value for = 0° are shown as solid circles and correlate fairlyof total normal force acting on the missile. Rated torquewell with C . There is considerable variation ofmultiplied by deflection rate determines the power x /c with deflection angle: up to 14% of c . Whenrequirements of the actuator. Actuator mass is lower Mach numbers are considered, this variation isdetermined primarily by the power requirements and can even greater since the center of pressure is furtheraccount for 10% of the missile mass. Reductions in forward. Much of the deflected x /c variation ishinge moments can significantly reduce this massassociated with nonlinear effects due to the fin-body gapfraction. which are extremely difficult to predict. Results for

Current and future air-to-air missiles are being designedfor internal carriage. Internal carriage sets limits on finspan due to stowage requirements. This results in finswith reduced aspect ratios. Hinge-moment coefficientstypically increase for lower aspect ratio fins due tolarger variations in the axial center-of-pressure travelwith both load and Mach number. The reduced spanresults in lower bending moments thus making thefrictional bearing torques small compared to theaerodynamic hinge moments. The approach described herein to design control fins

Historically, hinge moments have always beenconsidered in missile designs. This has beenaccomplished through the choice of the most beneficiallocation of the hinge line over the expected flightenvelope. Nielsen states that, “It is often contended6

that calculations of hinge moments are not reliablebecause of frequent nonlinear variation of hinge-momentcoefficient with control deflection and angle of attack”(1960). This is especially true for small values of hingemoment (desired). However, Nielsen notes that, whenhinge moments are small, nonlinearities are not soimportant. Lacau mentions, “Theoretical estimate of4

these moments is not yet possible because the controlforces center of pressure cannot be calculated with theneeded accuracy. Therefore, control forces and hingemoments are obtained from wind tunnel tests” (1988).Some examples of fins developed with considerableeffort by manufacturers to minimize center-of-pressuretravel are reproduced from Lacau in Figure 1.4

Not much has fundamentally changed since 1960 or1988 in regards to the prediction or estimation of hingemoments. They are highly nonlinear with respect to M ,∞�, -, and , and are difficult to predict withcomputational methods which lack experimentalempiricism. Lesieutre and Dillenius documented and7

correlated the axial and spanwise fin center of pressurefor fins in the Triservice experimental data base. C ,8

NFSx /c and y /s are nonlinear with the flow conditionsCP R CPand deflection angles. It was shown that x /c and7

CP Ry /s correlate with C for undeflected fins in theCP NFSabsence of strong vortical effects. Figure 2 depicts theexperimental x /c versus C for Triservice FIN52CP R NFS(AR = 2, � = ½) for M = 3.0. There are 990 data∞





Triservice FIN42 (AR=1, �=½) are shown in Figure 3.Compared to FIN52, Figure 2, this lower aspect ratio finshows more variation of x /c with C for both zeroCP R NFSand nonzero deflections. With deflection, the fin-bodygap is physically larger for FIN42 than for FIN52 dueto different root chord lengths. Aerodynamicnonlinearities such as those depicted present a strongchallenge to designers of highly maneuverable missileswhich operate from subsonic to hypersonic speeds.


with improved performance is a practical one whichutilizes numerical optimization and nonlinearaerodynamic prediction methods. The primary goal wasto design fins with improved performance over that ofthe initial or baseline fin. Therefore, it is not strictlynecessary that the aerodynamic prediction accuratelymodel all the nonlinearities present. However, it mustestimate the relative performance of fins adequately.Promising designs were analyzed with CFD forverification prior to wind tunnel testing.


A numerical optimization shell has been coupled withsubsonic and supersonic fast running panelmethod-based missile aerodynamic prediction programswhich include nonlinear high angle of attack vorticaleffects and a structural finite element code. Program1,2

OPTMIS for missiles with arbitrary cross section1,2

bodies and up to two fin sections was developed undera U.S. Air Force Small Business Innovative Research(SBIR) contract. A U.S. Navy SBIR effort investigatedthe extension to and design of flexible composite finstructures which aeroelastically minimize hingemoments. A description of the methodology employed3


Summary of Methodologies Employed

The optimization algorithm implemented in theOPTMIS design software is a direct search algorithm,2

Powell's Conjugate Directions Method. The Nielsen1,9,10

Engineering & Research (NEAR) subsonic andsupersonic panel method-based aerodynamic predictionmodules, SUBDL and SUPDL, are employed as11 12,13

the aerodynamic prediction modules within the designcode. The VTXCHN methodology is used to model14





3American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

circular and noncircular body shapes within the SUBDL where IP , IP , and IP each have the form ofand SUPDL modules. The structural constraints are Eqn. (1) and correspond to overall, body, and finincluded through the CNEVAL-FEMODS module objectives and constraints, respectively. IP includes1,3

which employs automatic gridding and structural finite objectives and constraints for up to two fin sections.elements to compute displacements, stresses, fin weight, Typically, objectives are formulated with respect toand natural mode frequencies. aerodynamic performance variables, and constraints with

For aeroelastic design studies, subiterations between theaerodynamic and structural analysis module CNEVAL-FEMODS are performed to ensure a consistent load1,3

distribution and deformed fin shape. Initially, findisplacements are calculated with the flat-fin (rigid) loaddistribution. The fin displacements are used to define anew fin shape for the aerodynamic load calculation, andthe aerodynamic loads are recalculated. Findisplacements are determined with the updated loads,and this iterative process is continued until the changesin displacements are less than a user-specified tolerance.

Optimization Problem Formulation

The OPTMIS design software minimizes an Index of aerodynamic modeling methodologies used in the2

Performance (cost function) which includes objectives,equality constraints, and inequality constraints. Thisformulation is an extension of the SequentialUnconstrained Minimization Technique (SUMT) ofFiacco and McCormick. The SUMT formulation was15

enhanced so that multiple objective functions andmultiple design point studies could be included. Thefollowing SUMT Index of Performance is employed:


where the indices m, i, j, and k represent sums on thenumber of flow conditions, objectives, equalityconstraints, and inequality constraints, respectively. Theconstraint weights, w and w , are monotonicallyj kdecreased during the optimization procedure. Theinequality constraints g (x) add a large positive value tokthe IP if g (x) approaches zero. If there are nokinequality constraints, the minimization problem beingsolved is an unconstrained minimization of f(x) when wjis large. As w decreases toward zero, the equalityjconstraints become important. This representation of theIndex of Performance is very versatile and allows singleand multiple point designs to be investigated.

In OPTMIS, the index of performance formulation2

given by Eqn. (1) is further divided into three termsgoverning design objectives and constraints applicableto the fin, body, and overall configuration. The completeform of the IP is given by:

(2) including effects of vortex shedding, comprises

overall body fin


respect to geometric variables.

Program OPTMIS has two methods for handling the2

inequality constraints specified. The first is in themanner specified in Eqn. (1), through a penalty withinthe IP. The second is as a side constraint. If an initialfeasible design is specified, then the optimizationprocedure will not allow a design change in a directionwhere an inequality constraint is violated. This is themanner in which all structural constraints computed bythe CNEVAL-FEMODS module are handled.1,3

Aerodynamic Modeling

This section gives a brief summary of the body and fin

OPTMIS code. The NEAR nonlinear panelmethod-based missile aerodynamic prediction programsSUBDL and SUPDL which include models of11 12,13

body and fin shed vorticity at high angles of attack, aswell as nonlinear shock expansion and Newtoniananalyses, were chosen as appropriate aerodynamic codesfor inclusion in the aerodynamic optimization tool.General descriptions of programs SUPDL and SUBDLfollow. The original SUBDL and SUPDL codesmodeled axisymmetric bodies. The VTXCHN code14

has replaced the body model within SUBDL andSUPDL and can model circular and noncircular crosssection bodies including those with chines. Theaerodynamic calculation proceeds stepwise as follows:1) VTXCHN computes the forebody loads includingvortex shedding and tracking, 2) fin section loads arecalculated including the effects of forebody vorticity, 3)vorticity shed from the forebody and the fin set istracked aft including additional vortices shed from theafterbody, and 4) if a second fin set is present, steps 2and 3 are repeated. This procedure is depicted below.

VTXCHN Body Modeling Methodology

The aerodynamic analysis of a body by VTXCHN,14

conformal mapping, elements of linear and slender body

4American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

theory, and nonlinear vortical modeling. The analysis with all other constant u-velocity panels in the finproceeds from the nose to the base. Noncircular cross section, contributions from free stream due to angle ofsections are transformed to corresponding circles in the attack, body-induced effects (upwash), and vorticalmapped plane. As a result, an axisymmetric body iswakes from upstream fins and body flow separation.created in the mapped space. If the actual body is The constant u-velocity panels on the interference shellaxisymmetric, this step is omitted. The axisymmetric only experience the mutual interaction with the constantbody is modeled by three-dimensional sources/sinks foru-velocity panels on the fins and fin thickness effects.linear volume effects and by two-dimensional doublets Effects of fin thickness can be included by thicknessfor linear upwash/sidewash effects. For subsonic flow panels in the chordal plane of the fin. The strengths ofthree-dimensional point sources/sinks are used, and forthe thickness panels are directly related to the localsupersonic flow three-dimensional line sources/sinks arethickness slopes. The strengths of all of the constantused. At a cross section near the nose, velocity u-velocity panels in a fin section are obtained from acomponents are computed at points on the transformed solution of a set of simultaneous equations.body and transformed back to the physical plane. Thecircumferential pressure distribution is determined in thephysical plane using the compressible Bernoulliequation. For smooth cross sectional contours, the codemakes use of the Stratford separation criterion appliedto the pressure distribution to determine the separationpoints. If the cross section has sharp corners or chineedges, vortices are positioned slightly off the body closeto the corner or chine points in the crossflow plane. Thelocations of the shed vortices are transformed to themapped plane. The strengths of the shed vortices arerelated to the imposition of a stagnation condition at thecontour corner or chine points in the mapped plane. Thevortices are then tracked aft to the next cross section inthe mapped plane. The procedure for the first crosssection is repeated. The pressure distribution calculatedat the second cross section in the physical planeincludes nonlinear effects of the vortices shed from thefirst cross section. The resulting pressure distribution isintegrated to obtain the aerodynamic forces andmoments. Along the body, the vortical wake isrepresented by a cloud of point vortices with knownstrengths and positions.

Supersonic Aerodynamic Prediction Method

SUPDL is a panel method-based program which12,13

together with the VTXCHN body module can analyze14

an arbitrary cross section body with a maximum of twofin sections in supersonic flow. Fins may have arbitraryplanform, be located off the major planes, and beattached at arbitrary angles to the body surface. The finsare modeled by supersonic panels laid out in the chordalplanes of the fins. In addition, a set of panels is laid outin a shell around the body over the length of the finroot chord to account for lift carry-over. The panelmethod is based on the Woodward constant pressurepanel solution for modeling lift. In SUPDL this panel16

is designated the constant u-velocity panel because thepressure on the panel is computed using thecompressible Bernoulli velocity/pressure relationship. Another nonlinear effect is related to nonlinearEach panel has a control point at which the flowcompressibility. For M in excess of approximately 2.5,tangency condition is applied. On the fin, the flow the fin leading edge shock may lie close to the surfacestangency boundary condition includes mutual interaction (usually the lower surface) of the fin. This situation can

Fins can develop nonlinear leading- and side-edgeseparation vorticity as the angle of attack is increased.If the side edge is long (similar in length to the rootchord, for example), vorticity can be generated at anglesof attack as low as 5°. Along the leading edge, vorticitycan be generated at supersonic speeds provided theleading edge lies aft of the Mach cone emanating fromthe root leading edge (a subsonic leading edge). If thisis the case, the leading-edge vortex joins the side-edgevortex. The combined vortex gains strength and risesabove the fin as shown in the sketch which follows.This sketch shows how SUPDL models the path of thecombined leading- and side-edge vortex by locating itabove the fin plane at an angle equal to one-half of thelocal angle of attack (as seen by the fin).

The vortical phenomena along the leading- andside-edges are accompanied by an augmentation tonormal force which is nonlinear with angle of attackseen by the fin. This nonlinearity is modeled bycalculating the suction distribution along the leading andside edges. In accordance with an extension of the17

Polhamus suction analogy, the suction is converted to18

normal force in proportion to vortex lift factors. Theresult is a distribution of nonlinear, additional normalforce along the leading and the side edge.





5American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

also occur at low supersonic Mach numbers if the angle patch is represented by two bending elements. However,of attack is high. In either case, the fin loading since nonconforming elements do not reproduce theprediction based on the constant u-velocity panelproper symmetry properties for a rectangular or a squaremethod and the Bernoulli velocity/pressure relationship planform, there is an option to model each patch withis no longer adequate. As an option, the pressures actingtwo pairs of elements which eliminates anyalong chordwise strips can be calculated with nonlinearasymmetries. For all-movable fins, the control shaft isshock expansion or Newtonian theories. A unique modeled with a beam in bending and a rod in torsion.feature is the option to include strip-on-strip interference No transverse shear effects are included, and bothbased on the linear constant u-velocity panel solution to elements are uniform. These elements are also describedcorrect the flow angle used in either the shock in detail in Reference 22. There are three degrees ofexpansion or Newtonian pressure calculation methods. freedom per structural node: two rotations in the planeDetails can be found in References 17 and 19. of the fin, plus a transverse displacement. For dynamic

Subsonic Aerodynamic Prediction Method

Program SUBDL is a panel method-based program11

which together with the VTXCHN body module can14

analyze an arbitrary cross section body with a maximumof two fin sections in subsonic flow. The addressablegeometries are the same as those described for SUPDLpreviously. The lifting surfaces and the portions of thebody spanned by the lifting surfaces are modeled withplanar horseshoe vortex panels. The strengths of thelifting surface singularities are obtained from a set oflinear simultaneous equations based on satisfying theflow tangency condition at a set of discrete aerodynamiccontrol points. The horseshoe vortices on theinterference shell around the body are used only tomodel the carryover forces between the body and fins(the body volume and angle-of-attack effects areobtained from the three-dimensional sources anddoublets and conformal mapping procedure in theVTXCHN module). The nonlinear vorticity effectsassociated with fin edges described above for SUPDLare also modeled in SUBDL.

Fin Structural Modeling

For fin structural modeling, five parameters for the rootand five parameters for the tip define the thicknessdistributions. The parameters for any intermediatesection are defined by linear interpolation. The genericsection is a symmetric truncated double wedge withfinite thicknesses at the leading and trailing edges andis illustrated in the sketch below.

The fin can be cantilevered at the root, or supported ona shaft to represent an all-movable control surface.

The fin is modeled with constant-thickness, triangularWind Tunnel in Dallas, TX, are given below. For the finnonconforming bending elements, with modifications designs tested in the wind tunnel, four (4) small span20

to allow for anisotropy. The meshed fin is divided fins, FIN1 - FIN4, with exposed span of 0.72 diameters,21

into quadrilateral patches. In the simplest model, each and two (2) large span fins, FIN5 and FIN6, with

problems, consistent inertia elements from Reference 22are used.

Structural Constraint Evaluation . There are twooptions for displacement constraints. In the first option,up to 10 upper bounds and their associated nodenumbers can be specified. Displacement ratios(actual/allowable) are calculated at the specified nodes;if any ratio is greater than unity, the number of violateddisplacement constraints is incremented, and the nodenumber and displacement ratio are recorded. In thesecond option, only a single upper bound for themaximum absolute value of any displacement isspecified. If this bound is exceeded, then the number ofviolated displacement constraints is set to unity, and thenode number and displacement ratio are recorded. Forthe stress constraint, the maximum value of the vonMises bending stress is found. If this value exceeds theallowable, the constraint-violation flag is set to unityand the associated node number and stress ratio arerecorded. Up to five lower-bound frequency constraintscan be imposed by specifying the lower bounds andtheir mode numbers. A frequency constraint isconsidered violated when the frequency for anyspecified mode becomes less than its bound. Thenumber of violated constraints and the correspondingmode numbers and frequency ratios are recorded. Forthe weight constraint, the weight of the initial design issaved. The weight of each subsequent design is ratioedto this initial weight.


This section describes results including fin planformdesign studies, wind tunnel tests, verification ofaerodynamic performance prediction, and aeroelastic findesign. Additional design studies are described inReferences 1, 2, and 3.

Fin Planform Optimization Design Studies

Descriptions of two fin planform optimization designswhich were tested in the Lockheed-Martin High Speed

6American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

exposed span of 1.4 diameters were tested. FIN1 wasand fin axial center of pressure x /c with � arethe small span trapezoidal reference fin used to start theshown for M = 0.5 and 2.0 and for = 0° and 20°.design optimization for FIN2, FIN3, and FIN4. FIN6 Experimental data are shown as open symbols. Predictedwas the large span trapezoidal reference fin used to startthe design optimization for FIN5. The design studies forFIN3 and FIN5 are described in this paper. Furtherdetails can be found in Reference 1.

FIN3 and FIN5 were designed using OPTMIS to The comparison of the measured and predicted C for2

minimize the fin axial center-of-pressure travel from = 0° are in good agreement for both Mach numbers.subsonic to supersonic flow. The fin normal force basedon fin area was to be maintained. To achieve thisobjective, the ratio |x - x |/|C - C | wasCP2 CP1 NF2 NF1minimized. The subscript "2" refers to the supersonicdesign flow condition, and the subscript "1" refers to thesubsonic design flow condition. This design objectivealso tends to give a flat x response with increasing finCPnormal force. The design flow conditions were: (M ,∞�) = (0.5, 2°), (2.0, 15°). For the reference fins, the lowM number, low � design condition gave a center of∞pressure forward on the fin, whereas the supersonicMach number, high angle-of-attack condition gave anaft center-of-pressure location. The design objective wasto minimize this center-of-pressure travel. The designvariables were third-order Chebyshev polynomialsdescribing the leading- and trailing-edge shapes. Theresulting geometries of FIN3 and FIN5 are shown inFigures 4 and 10, respectively.

Wind Tunnel Test Description

The fin planforms described above were tested in theLockheed-Martin High Speed Wind Tunnel in Dallas,TX, during the period March 3 - 8, 1997. Existing testhardware consisting of a body with fin strain-gagebalances was utilized. The model consisted of a two-caliber tangent ogive nose and a cylindrical body 5.2calibers long. A pair of fin balances were positioned 3.4diameters aft of the nose tip. Figures 4, 6, and 10 depictthe fins described herein. All tests were conducted withidentical fins on the left and right balances to insuresymmetry. The three-component outputs for the fins, (1)normal force, (2) root-bending moment, and (3) hingemoment, were the only model data collected. Theinternal structure of the body permitted mounting thefins at deflection angles from -20° to +20° at 5°intervals. The fin force, C , and moment data, CNF HMand C , were reduced to provide fin axial andBMspanwise center-of- pressure locations, x /c andCP Ry /s, respectively. The tests included Mach numbers ofCP0.5, 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0. The angle of attack range was−12° to 22°, and fin deflection angles of 0° and 20°were tested.

Prediction Verification for Reference FIN1

The predicted and measured aerodynamic performanceof the small span reference fin FIN1 is shown inFigures 4 and 5. The variation of fin normal force CNFS


results from OPTMIS are shown as solid symbols with2

solid lines, and results from the NASA OVERFLOWNavier-Stokes solver (zero deflection only) are shown22

as solid symbols with dashed lines.


OPTMIS slightly overpredicts C at M = 2.0 andNFS ∞� = 20°. OVERFLOW slightly underpredicts C atNFSM = 0.5 and � = 20°. The axial center-of-pressure∞location is also predicted well for the = 0° conditions.All design studies have been performed at = 0°. Thepredicted aerodynamic results for = 20° are not in asgood an agreement with the experiment. For M = 0.5,∞the OPTMIS results for C agree fairly well at lowNFSangles of attack but do not have the correct stallbehavior as angle of attack increases. The predictedaxial center of pressure is forward of the experimentalresult for angles of attack above 10°. This is most likelydue to inadequate modeling in OPTMIS of the gapbetween the deflected fin and the body which changesthe fin loads near the root chord leading or trailing edge.The subsonic prediction module, SUBDL, currentlymodels the effects of deflection through the boundaryconditions and not through geometric deflection of thefin. This accounts for both the overprediction of normalforce and the forward location of the center of pressure.The deflected results for the supersonic Mach number,M = 2.0, show the opposite trend. The normal force is∞underpredicted in this case. The supersonic predictionmodule, SUPDL, does model deflection effects throughgeometric deflection of the fin. However, the nonlinearflow field (local Mach number and local dynamicpressure variations) present behind the nose bow shockcan be important when the fin is close to the nose. Forthis forward fin position, the flow field can varysignificantly circumferentially around the body. Forlarge deflections this places the leading and trailingedges in different local flow fields. The local flow fieldsbehind the bow shocks close to the body surface canonly be predicted well by Euler or Navier-Stokes flowsolvers. The panel method-based programs are notcapable of predicting these local flow conditions.However, corrections based on CFD calculations couldbe included. In spite of the above, the axial center ofpressure is predicted well by OPTMIS.

Prediction Verification for Optimized FIN3

The predicted and measured performance of FIN3 isshown in Figures 6 and 7. C and x /c are shownNFS CP Rfor M = 0.5 and 2.0 and = 0 and 20° as a function∞of �. The results for FIN3 are similar to FIN1. Thecomparisons of the measured and predicted C forNFS

7American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

= 0° are in good agreement for both Mach numbers. predicted slightly aft of the experimental value forHowever, OPTMIS slightly overpredicts the normalforce at � = 20°. OVERFLOW results are shown forM = 2.0 and match the normal force well. The axial∞center-of-pressure location is also predicted well for the = 0° conditions, within 2% of c . The predictedRresults for = 20° are similar to those of FIN1 in termsof C . The predictions for axial center of pressure doNFSnot agree with experiment for = 20°. The reasons forthe lack of agreement given above for FIN1 apply herealso.

Comparison of FIN1 and FIN3

A detailed comparison of experimental x /c data forCP Rreference FIN1 and optimized FIN3, along withpredicted results, are shown in Figure 8 for the designMach numbers 0.5 and 2.0. Again, the design objectivefor FIN3 was to minimize axial center-of-pressure travelfrom subsonic to supersonic speeds. Measured andpredicted results for FIN3 (optimized) and FIN1(reference) are shown for = 0°. The axial center ofpressure is plotted as a function of C (based on baseNFdiameter). Predicted results are shown from theOPTMIS code and the OVERFLOW code. The2 22

experimental data, the results from the OPTMIS code,and the CFD results indicate that the optimized FIN3has less center-of-pressure travel from subsonic tosupersonic speeds and that the optimized fin has aflatter axial center-of-pressure variation with increasingC as compared to the reference fin. For C = 0.3NF NFFIN3 has 50% less center-of-pressure travel than FIN1.There is, in general, good agreement between thepredictions and the experiment. FIN3 produces lessnormal force than FIN1 for the same angle of attack,due to the smaller fin area. However, the normal forcecan be increased by a higher angle of attack or findeflection without adversely affecting center-of-pressuretravel.

Figure 9 compares the FIN1 and FIN3 axial center-of-pressure location for all four test Mach numbers and for = 0° and 20°. The vertical axis (x /c for bothCP R)graphs in Figure 6 spans 0.32. For supersonic Machnumbers (1.5, 2.0, and 3.0), FIN3 shows only slightvariations of x /c with either � or compared to theCP Rreference FIN1.

Results for Optimized FIN5 and Reference FIN6

The predicted and measured performance of the largespan fins FIN5 and FIN6 are shown in Figure 10. CNFSand x /c are shown for M = 0.5 and 2.0 for = 0°CP R ∞as a function of angle of attack. The comparisons of themeasured and predicted C for = 0° are in goodNFSagreement for both Mach numbers. OPTMIS does notpredict the stall characteristics for the M = 0.5 flow∞condition. The axial center-of-pressure location is

moderate angles of attack (unstalled), within 5% of c .R

FIN5 was designed to have a reduced center-of-pressuretravel from subsonic to supersonic speeds. The designflow conditions were: (M , �) = (0.5, 2°) and (2.0,∞15°). Both fins have similar normal force characteristics.The optimized fin FIN5 delays stall and reaches ahigher peak normal force than the reference fin atsubsonic speeds. The axial center-of-pressure results forM = 0.5 and 2.0 indicate that FIN5 has reduced center-∞of-pressure travel from subsonic to supersonic speed upto the onset of stall of the reference fin FIN6.

Aeroelastic Fin Design

Aeroelastic design studies have been performed toimprove missile fin performance through beneficialpassive deformations of the fin structure underaerodynamic load. A description of the design andtesting of an aeroelastic fin structure used to13

demonstrate the potential of chordwise flexibility tocontrol center-of-pressure location is described. This isfollowed by a recent study aimed at using3

aeroelastically tailored composite fins.

In the earlier study, an aeroelastic tailoring procedure13

was developed based on the SUPDL code and a12,13

structural finite element code FEMOD. The design13

procedure was successfully applied to a groovedaluminum lifting surface resulting in grooves inessentially the spanwise direction. The groovedaluminum trapezoidal fin is shown in Figure 11(a). CNFSand x /c are shown in Figure 11(b) and 11(c),CP Rrespectively, for the flexible and rigid fins as a functionof � for M = 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5. Predictions are∞designated TAILOR in Figure 11. The design objectivewas to shift x /c forward to the maximum possibleCP Rextent by varying the direction of the grooves. Thedesign calculations indicated that x /c could beCP Rshifted forward, without appreciable change in C ,NFSwith grooves in a near spanwise direction. Theexperimental data shown in Figure 11 confirm thisresult.

The objective of the recent study was to minimize the3

fin axial center-of-pressure travel over a Mach numberrange of 1.2 to 2.5 for � = 5°. The planform shape wasfixed and the fin was undeflected. The design variablesgoverning the fin structure are the fin thicknessparameters at the fin root and the fin tip, and theprincipal stiffness axis orientation, �, of the compositefin lay-ups. A single orientation can be chosen, or thefin can be modeled as composed of up to three differentlayup orientation regions: the leading edge area of thefin, the middle portion of the fin, and the trailing edgeregion. The configuration modeled and the designvariables governing the aeroelastic design are shown in

8American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Figure 12. Details of the structural modeling of the conventional circular body and unconventionalcomposite layup and structural properties can be foundnoncircular body configurations can be designed andin Reference 3. Structural displacement and stress analyzed.constraints ensure that realistic fin structures areconsidered during the optimization process.

To start the optimization, a constant thickness fin wasspecified. The thickness distribution of the optimized finis depicted in Figure 13. The principal structural axesfor this fin are � = 2.7° for x/c ≤ C and � = -LE R TE48.3° for x/c ≥ C. The deformation of the finRmidplanes at M = 1.2 and 2.5 are shown in Figure 14.∞A large deformation of the fin at the root chord leadingedge is indicated. The normal force and axial center-of-pressure performance of the fin are shown in Table 1and Figure 15. Figure 15 indicates that the optimizedflexible fin maintains the normal force of the rigid fin.The space marching NEARZEUS results shown in23

Figure 15 extends the normal force prediction to highMach numbers. The reduced center-of-pressure travelis indicated in Figure 15 for the aeroelastic fin.NEARZEUS predicts a similar forward shift of the23

center of pressure for the flexible fin.

Table 1.- Rigid and Optimized FlexiblePerformance

M � C x /c �x /c� NFS cp R cp R


OPTMIS 1.2 5æ 0.208 0.3613.8%

OPTMIS 2.5 5æ 0.168 0.5


OPTMIS 1.2 5æ 0.214 0.346.10%

OPTMIS 2.5 5æ 0.168 0.4

Optimized fin �x /c reduced 56% vs. Rigidcp R

The optimized fin has nearly the same normal forcecharacteristics of the rigid fin but the center-of-pressuretravel over the Mach number range is reduced 56%.


An optimization-based design tool for missile fin andconfigurations design and analysis has been developed.The design capabilities of the method for fin planformoptimization have been verified with CFD calculationsand with a wind tunnel test. Significant improvementsto center-of-pressure travel, and hence hinge moments,can be obtained through planform optimization. Initialstudies of aeroelastic fin structures indicate thatsignificant improvements to fin performance can beobtained through the use of flexible structures. Thespeed and multidisciplinary capabilities of the methodmake it an excellent tool for preliminary design. Both


The authors would like to thank Dr. Andy Sullivan andMr. Fred Davis of the Air Force Research Labs, FlightVehicle Branch WL/MNAV, at Eglin AFB for theirsupport of this work under Air Force Contract F08630-94-C-0054, also, Dr. Craig Porter from NAWCWPNS,China Lake for sponsoring the aeroelastic fin designeffort under Navy Contract N68936-97-C-0152. Dr.Samuel McIntosh, McIntosh Structural Dynamics, PaloAlto, CA, was responsible for the structural modelingdescribed.


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CROTALE (canard) MAGIC (canard)


0 1 2 3|CNFS|







x CP/c


FIN52AR = 2 λ = 0.5


M∞ = 3.00° ≤ φf ≤ 90°

0° ≤ α ≤ 45° -40° ≤ δ ≤ +40°

0 1 2 3|CNFS|







x CP/c


FIN42AR = 1 λ = 0.5


M∞ = 3.00° ≤ φf ≤ 90°

0° ≤ α ≤ 45° -40° ≤ δ ≤ +40°

9American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Figure 1.- Control surfaces with limited center-of-pressureshifts.4

Figure 2.- Triservice FIN52, x /c as function of C atCP R NFSM = 3.0 for 0°≤ � ≤ 45°, 0°≤ - ≤ 90° and -40°≤ ≤+40°∞ f(solid symbols are = 0°).

Figure 3.- Triservice FIN42, x /c as function of C atCP R NFSM = 3.0 for 0°≤ � ≤ 45°, 0°≤ - ≤ 90° and -40°≤ ≤+40°∞ f(solid symbols are = 0°).

11. Lesieutre, D.J., Dillenius, M.F.E., and Whittaker,C.H., “Program SUBSAL and Modified SubsonicStore Separation Program for CalculatingNASTRAN Forces Acting on Missiles Attached toSubsonic Aircraft,” NAWCWPNS TM 7319, May1992.

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14. Hegedus, M.C. and Dillenius, M.F.E., “VTXCHN:Prediction Method For Subsonic Aerodynamics andVortex Formation on Smooth and ChinedForebodies at High Alpha,” AIAA Paper 97-0041,January 1997.

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0 10 20






EXP. F1 .5 .0 .0EXP. F1 .5 .0 20.0OPTMIS F1 .5 .0 .0OPTMIS F1 .5 .0 20.0OVRFLW F1 .5 .0 .0

FIN1M∞ = 0.5

Fin M∞ φ δ

δ = 0°

δ = 20°


0 10 20α0.2





x CP/c


FIN1M∞ = 0.5

δ = 0°

δ = 20°


0 10 20






EXP. F1 2.0 .0 20.0EXP. F1 2.0 .0 .0OPTMIS F1 2.0 .0 .0OPTMIS F1 2.0 .0 20.0OVRFLW F1 2.0 .0 .0

FIN1M∞ = 2.0

Fin M∞ φ δ

δ = 0°

δ = 20°

0 10 20α0.2





x CP/c


FIN1 M∞ = 2.0

0 10 20α




x CP/c


FIN3 M∞ = 0.5


0 10 20






EXP. F3 .5 .0 20.0EXP. F3 .5 .0 .0OPTMIS F3 .5 .0 .0OPTMIS F3 .5 .0 20.0OVRFLW F3 .5 .0 .0

FIN3M∞ = 0.5

Fin M∞ φ δ

δ = 0°

δ = 20°

0 10 20






EXP. F3 2.0 .0 .0EXP. F3 2.0 .0 20.0OPTMIS F3 2.0 .0 .0OPTMIS F3 2.0 .0 20.0OVRFLW F3 2.0 .0 .0

FIN3 M∞ = 2.0

Fin M∞ φ δ

δ = 0°

δ = 20°

0 10 20α




x CP/c


FIN3 M∞ = 2.0


10American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Figure 4.- Comparison of measured and predicted C andNFSx /c for FIN1 at M = 0.5.CP R ∞

Figure 5.- Comparison of measured and predicted C andNFSx /c for FIN1 at M = 2.0.CP R ∞

Figure 6.- Comparison of measured and predicted C andNFSx /c for FIN3 at M = 0.5.CP R ∞

Figure 7.- Comparison of measured and predicted C andNFSx /c for FIN3 at M = 2.0.CP R ∞



M∞ = 0.5 FIN1

M∞ = 2.0 FIN1

M∞ = 0.5 FIN3

M∞ = 2.0 FIN3



0.0 1.0CNF






x CP/c


⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗

∆xCP/cR FIN1

∆xCP/cR FIN3

FIN3 M∞ = 2.0


FIN1 M∞ = 0.5





0 5 10 15 200.3




x CP/c


⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗⊗⊗


0 5 10 15 20α0.5




x CP/c


⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗ ⊗⊗

EXP. F3 .5 .0 20.0EXP. F3 1.5 .0 .0EXP. F3 1.5 .0 20.0EXP. F3 .5 .0 .0EXP. F3 2.0 .0 .0EXP. F3 2.0 .0 20.0EXP. F3 3.0 .0 .0EXP. F3 3.0 .0 20.0⊗

M∞ φ δFIN3

0 10 20






EXP. F6 .5 .0 .0EXP. F6 2.0 .0 .0OPTMIS F6 .5 .0 .0OPTMIS F6 2.0 .0 .0

Fin M∞ φ δ

0 10 20






⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗⊗ ⊗⊗

EXP. F5 .5 .0 .0EXP. F5 2.0 .0 .0OPTMIS F5 .5 .0 .0OPTMIS F5 2.0 .0 .0

δ = 0°

0 10 20α0.4




x CP/c



0 10 20α0.4




x CP/c



0 5 10 15 20α










Rigid Exp.Flexible Exp.Rigid TAILORFlexible TAILOR

M∞ = 1.5

M∞ = 3.5

M∞ = 2.5

11American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Figure 8.- Comparison of measured and predicted x /cCP Rfor reference fin FIN1 and optimized fin FIN3, M = 0.5∞and 2.0.

Figure 9.- Measured x /c for reference FIN1 andCP Roptimized FIN3, M = 0.5, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0; = 0° and∞20°.

Figure 10.- Comparison of measured and predicted CNFSand x /c for FIN5 and FIN6 at M = 0.5 and 2.0.CP R ∞

( b ) Variation of C with angle of attack.NFSFigure 11.- Continued.

(a) Grooved flexible fin.Figure 11.- Performance of rigid and grooved flexible fins.





x CP/c


Rigid Exp.Flexible Exp.Rigid TAILORFlexible TAILOR

M∞ = 1.5




x CP/c


Rigid Exp.Flexible Exp.Rigid TAILORFlexible TAILOR

M∞ = 2.5

0 5 10 15 20α0.55



x CP/c


Rigid Exp.Flexible Exp.Rigid TAILORFlexible TAILOR

M∞ = 3.5

β negativeβ = 0°β positivePly Orientation

NBLE = 3 NBMD = 4 NBTE = 1





Body with Control Fin




M∞ = 2.5 α = 5°

OPTMIS Predicted Deformation




M∞ = 1.2 α = 5°

β(x/cR<3/8) = 2.71°β(x/cR>3/8) =-48.27°






Aeroelastically Optimized Fin

1 2 3 4 50





OPTMIS - RigidNEARZEUS - RigidOPTMIS - OptimizedNEARZEUS - OptimizedOPTMIS - Rigid Mod. Shock/Exp

α = 5°


1 2 3 4 5M∞





x CP/c


α = 5°

∆xCP/cR flexible

∆xCP/cR rigid

12American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

( c ) Variation of x /c with angle of attack.CP RFigure 11.- Concluded.

Figure 12.- Configuration and design variables used for theaeroelastic fin design study.

Figure 14.- Predicted aeroelastic deformations.

Figure 13.- Optimized aeroelastic fin thickness.

Figure 15.- Comparison of rigid and flexible finperformance.
