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Joe Barnhart

Max Azuelos

Alex Brusha

Bacon’s Rebellion (1676)

• First rebellion in Virginia led by Nathaniel Bacon. High taxes, low prices of crops, and resettlement were the reasons. The Governor did not properly protect the frontiersmen so Bacon led a group of men to successfully attack Native American tribes.

Pueblo Revolt (1680)

• Spanish colonists angered Pueblo people in New Mexico. Colonists accused Pueblos of witchcraft and sentenced three to be killed. Popé, after being released by the Spanish, led many men to revolt by pillaging the Spanish settlers.

Salem Witch Trials (1692)

• 19 were hanged for “practicing witchcraft” in Salem Massachusetts. Over 10 months, 165 people were accused.

Stono Rebellion (1739)

• Slave rebellion in South Carolina. Slaves broke into a general store, killed two, and seized weapons. They made their way south freeing slaves, burning plantations, and killed more than 20 slave owners.


• Thesis: Although some reforms, such as nativism and utopias, failed to expand democratic ideals, most such as religion, temperance, abolition, and women's rights sought to expand them.


• Second Great Awakening

• Early nineteenth century religious revival movement

• Charles G. Finney • Baptists and Methodists • Millennialism • Mormons


• Attempt to eliminate alcohol

• Led by many women (most that were involved in the women rights movement)

• some states did ban alcohol


• Sought to end slavery in the nation

• opposed by southern states

• Abolitionists: Henry Highland Garnet, Sojourner Truth, Fredrick Douglas

Women's Rights

• Equal rights for women

• Susan B. Anthony

• Elizabeth Cady Stanton

• Seneca Falls Convention
