Daily Sound, Thursday, Feb. 16



Shine Blow Dry Bar opens in Santa Barbara, Susan Torrey, Carpinteria arrests

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Surf ReportWind: NW 5-15 kts.Swell: Comb. 6-8 ft. Water: 57° FTide: High: 11:40 a.m. Low: 5:45 p.m.

High: 12:20 a.m. Low: 6:46 a.m.Sunrise: 6:48 a.m. Sunset: 5:37 p.m.


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By Ann PeyratSee Page 6See Page 6


Police make arrests inCarpinteria burglariesInside:

SchoolDistrictpoisedfor cuts

See Page 2


63 easyways to say‘I love you’

all yearlong

See Page 4

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2 Thursday, February 16, 2012 Daily Sound


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Still bleeding from the lastround of budget cuts, theSanta Barbara Unified SchoolDistrict is facing the prospectof reorganizing administra-tive staff, implementing fur-lough days, laying off teach-ers, or some combination ofthe three.

In anticipation of a worse-case scenario the district islooking to slash a $6 millionfor its next fiscal year. Whilegrappling with a $2.6 millionstructural deficit, the districtcould be facing another $3.4million depending on howwell a proposal from the gov-ernor does at the ballot box inNovember.

“We have to make ourdecision now,” Board ofEducation member Ed Heronsaid. “We don’t have the lux-ury of waiting untilNovember.”

Governor Jerry Brown hasproposed a November ballotinitiative for temporaryincome and sales tax increas-es as part of his budget pack-age to close a $9.2 billiongap. If it doesn’t pass, theschool district stands to lose$3.4 million

In addition, the district istrying to reduce its $2.6 mil-lion structural deficit.

Complicating matters forthe district is that by law it

must draw up a budget by thesummer while the state legis-lature, from where the districtreceives most of its funding,is under no such compulsionand has a reputation for com-ing in late.

The district has seen brutalcuts year after year—$20 mil-lion in the last four yearsalone. Board memberMonique Limón said havingslashed so much for so longalready, there isn’t any meatleft for the district to cut.

“We really are done withcutting the little things,”Limón said. “We are down tothe bare bones.

The district has three basicoptions for making the spend-ing reductions and bothHeron and Limón agree thatnone of them are good.

The first is reorganizationat the administrative level.Heron said that though thedistrict is undermanned, it ispossible for some staff to takeon additional duties.

“It gives everyone morework to do but you savemoney,” Heron said.

The downside is that how-ever, is that the administrativestaff are stretched thin as it is.Limón said SBUSD has oneof the leanest staff in the statefor a district of its size.

Furlough days are anotheroption and one that’d been onthe table before. The boardcould shorten the school year

by 5—10 days. Heron saidfurlough days have the advan-tage that, if taken off of theend of the school year, theycan be rescinded if the statemakes up for the shortfall.

“Furlough days are the eas-iest,” Heron admitted.

Furlough days can also bearranged to cut as few teach-ing days as possible to mini-mize impact on the children.But Limón said that still hasits perils as teachers could fallbehind on training just as newcore standards are beingintroduced statewide.

Furlough days would alsohave to be negotiated with theteacher’s union. Heron notedthat the board has enjoyed agood relationship with theunion, but also said its mem-bers haven’t seen a pay raisein at least five years.

The most drastic option islayoffs. Employing fewerteachers would save the dis-trict a lot of money.

But the problem with lay-offs goes beyond unemployedteachers.

“As soon as you start talk-ing about layoffs, you’re talk-ing about increasing classsizes,” Heron said.

Fewer teachers mean largerclass sizes in a district that’salready had to boost the num-ber of students. And largerclass sizes are associated withlower student achievement.

Non-teaching personnel,

such as janitors and otherschool staff, cannot be cutback at the moment becauseof the unification agreementthe school entered into lastyear.

Though staff has yet tocome up with hard numbersfor each option, Limón does-n’t think the problem will besolved with any one option.She herself thinks the boardwill have to go with a combi-nation of reorganization andfurlough days.

“There’s going to be somehard choices about how tospread [the cuts] around,”Limón said.

The board is looking intogetting several $54 parceltaxes renewed in June, thoughHeron noted that if past, thatmoney won’t district budget.Funds from those measuresdo not and cannot go towardspaying down the district’sdeficit.

Instead they pay for arts,math, and technology pro-grams and new facilities inthe district that aren’t part ofthe budget.

While not taking anythingfor granted, Heron said sur-veys have shown strong pub-lic support for the programsand measures to keep themgoing.

“It’s a well thought-outplan that pays for broadeningthe students’ educationalexperience,” Heron said.

SB School Districtmight lay off teachers


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Daily Sound Thursday, February 16, 2012 3


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Sheriff deputies arrestedfour Ventura County residentsyesterday in connection with astring of car burglaries inCarpinteria.

Deputies arrested DonaldRay Reyes, 44, Timothy JayDalrymple, 34, Kristina MariaFerguson, 28, and Janna JoyceCucci after a standoff in aCarpinteria motel roomaccording to a release from theSanta Barbara CountySheriff’s Office.

The sheriff’s office hadreceived ten reports of vehiclebreak-ins since February 8th.

Yesterday, deputies found avehicle believed to be con-nected to the crimes parkednear a motel on the 5500 blockof Carpinteria Avenue. Acheck revealed the car hadbeen reported stolen out ofThousand Oaks.

They determined that thetwo men allegedly seen driv-ing the vehicle were inside oneof the rooms along with twowomen. The four suspectsrefused to leave the room andafter two hours, deputiesforced their way into theroom.

Janna Joyce Cucci Timothy Jay Dalrymple

Kristina Marie Ferguson Donald Ray Reyes

Deputies found stolenproperty in both the hotelroom and the stolen car. Theinvestigation is still continu-ing and the Sheriff’s Office is

encouraging anyone who mayhave been a victim to contactthe Carpinteria substation at(805) 684-5405 extension421.

4 arrested in Carp burglariesBY NICK C. TONKIN


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4 Thursday, February 16, 2012 Daily Sound

Less Wind,warmer


TodayThe winds will be much quieter today across the South Coastas the focus shifts into Ventura County as the Santa Anawinds look to return in a big way. Because we wonʼt seemuch wind here in our area, our week will end on a dry andmild note, with daytime highs warming up to near 70 degreesby tomorrow.

Partly Cloudy,Cooler46/61°

Sunny &Warmer48/66°

Breezy &Cooler48/63°

Breezy &Cooler45/62°

MondaySaturdayFriday Sunday


Modern technology reveals the secrets kept for thousands ofyears by Egyptian mummies in a major exhibition at Scotland'sNational Museum.

Scientists used advanced scanning techniques on the mummi-fied corpses of a young woman and a girl child laid over her feet toreveal jewelry in the binding and also have plans to tap their DNAto discover whether the two are related.

The show, including the embalmed mummies and objects datingback 6,000 years from the collections at the Scottish museum andthe National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden in The Netherlands,opened at the weekend and runs through to May 27 when it will goon to Spain.

The exhibition is being staged in a new purpose-built space cre-ated during a 47 million pound ($73.64 million) renovation of theEdinburgh museum completed last July.

Secrets of Egyptian mummies

Republican Mitt Romney faces a new challenge in Arizona'sFebruary 28 presidential primary, where the growing momen-tum of rival Rick Santorum could threaten to derail what hadbeen an expected romp for the on-again, off-again front-runner.

Romney was counting on Arizona to be his safety net as hefell behind Santorum in polls nationally and in his native stateof Michigan, which holds a crucial primary the same day.

But Republican Party officials and activists in Arizona saySantorum's national surge has sparked new interest in his candi-dacy there, raising the possibility of another surprise in a topsy-turvy Republican nominating race that has seen repeatedmomentum shifts.

Close GOP race in Arizona

Officials seek Whitney’s recordsOfficials investigating the death of singer Whitney Houston

have issued subpoenas for her medical records after finding pre-scription drugs in her Beverly Hills hotel room.

The Los Angeles Coroner's office said on Wednesday themove was standard procedure in such cases. Houston, 48, whohad a history of addiction to cocaine and alcohol, was foundunconscious and underwater in a bathtub late last week on the eveof the annual Grammy Awards show.

A private funeral is planned for her in her Newark, New Jerseyhometown this coming Saturday. NBC and CBS television net-works reported on Wednesday that Aretha Franklin, Houston'sgodmother, has been asked to sing at the service.

The coroner's office has declined to release details of an initialautopsy on the "I Will Always Love You" pop star, and is await-ing results of tests for drugs, alcohol and other substances thatmay have been in her system.


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Valentine’s Day is over, butsay ‘I love you’ year-round

Now that Valentine’s Dayhas come and gone, let’s notforget the message of love weall shared. We have toremember there are 364 otherdays of the year and althoughthere are lots of ways to showyour love, here’s my short andvery partial list.

1. Tell your kids you lovethem. Every single day andmean it.

2. Tell them you love them,even when you are angry withthem.

3. Kiss them.4. Show affection in front

of your kids.5. Give hugs and squeeze

them tight.6. Tell them to hug you

back so you can really feel it.7. Teach them the impor-

tance of a good handshake.For girls too.

8. Make sure they knowthey are beautiful and hand-some, inside and out.

9. Make them safe.10. Make sure they know

they are safe with you.11. Make sure you have a

plan for them in case some-thing happens to you.

12. Teach by example.

13. Teachresponsibility.

14. Teach themto be friendly.

15. Teach themto help others.

16. Teach themhow to read a mapand a non-digitalclock, eventhough they maynever have to usethose skills.

17. Talk tothem.

18. Sing with them.19. Read to them.20. Dance with them.21. Let them be part of

making decisions.22. Really listen to them23. Let them help, even

though their help may beextra work for you.

24. Get to know theirfriends.

25. Welcome their friendsinto your home.

26. Create a village.27. Let them believe in the

unbelievable as long as possi-ble.

28. Encourage their imagi-nation.

29. Believe in the magictricks they perform.

30. Let them believe you

really are that tick-lish.

31. Let thembelieve their high fivereally can push you tothe ground.

32. Laugh at thejokes they tell.

33. Let themchoose the games toplay.

34. Play tag.35. Play board

games.36. Play games

they make up, even if it does-n’t make any sense.

37. Set up a treasure huntfor you and help them set oneup too.

38. Catch the kiss theyblow your way.

39. Put kisses in your heart.40. Cuddle with them41. Tuck them into bed42. Tell them stories43. Tell them about your

favorite things.44. Tell them your favorite

color and in return know whattheirs is.

45. Be patient.46. If you’re not a patient

person, try really really hard.47. If are still having a hard

time being patient, take onemore deep breath.

48. Say please and thankyou to your children

49. Go on a picnic.50. Point out the butterflies

that fly by.51. Tell them it’s ok to feel

sad52. Let them know that it’s

not always easy and thatyou’ve struggled too.

53. Let them know that youdon’t know everything andthat you had to take classestoo.

54. Make the time to walkinstead of drive.

55. Do not to hurry them.56. Let them do things on

their time, not always yours.57. Trust your instincts.58. Trust that you are doing

the best for you and yourchild.

59. Trust that you knowthem more than you giveyourself credit.

60. Trust that you areenough.

61. Take time for yourself.62. Eat well.63. Choose happiness.

Santa Barbara Mom SusanTorrey writes a weekly par-enting column for The DailySound.


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Daily Sound Thursday, February 16, 2012 5




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Racial equality continuesto be a struggle in the UnitedStates. But what helps usmake progress is the provenrecognition that all humansare created equal and racialinequity is unfounded. Onesuch moment occurred duringWWII when the 1925 ArmyWar College report claimingthat “Blacks are mentallyinferior to the white man, bynature sub-servient…cowardly…andtherefore unfit for combat”was proven untrue. Creatingthe “Tuskegee Experiment”the army formed an all blackunit of fighter pilots whoserved with distinction. Oneof the reasons was the attemptby the army to make the stan-dards too high for blacks toqualify. The actual result wasan entire unit of black pilotsand ground crew who wereuniformly remarkable. “RedTails” is a fictionalized tellingof the results of this experi-ment.

Directed by AnthonyHemingway, the story is thecreation of John Ridley whowas joined by AaronMcGruder in adapting thestory for the screen. Thoughsome of the facts of their mis-sions were changed, the over-all truth that this group ofAmericans were exemplary is

clearly demonstrated. The ensemble cast includes

two best friends, Marty“Easy” Julian (Nate Parker)and Joe “Lightning” Little(David Oyelowo) whoseunique talents and strugglesallow us to identify with thehumanity of these two excep-tional pilots. Focusing ononly a few of scores of pilotsin the 332d Fighter Group, wecome to care about Samuel“Joker” George (ElijahKeley), Andrew “Smoky”Salem (Ne-Yo), Ray “Junior”Gannon (Tristan Wilds) andLeon ”Neon” Edwards(Kevin Phillips). Also includ-ed are two officers whoseleadership and political acu-men work together to givetheir unit the chance to distin-guish themselves, Col. A.J.Bullard (Terrence Howard)and Major Emanuel Stance(Cuba Gooding, Jr.)

The obligatory love storyis between “Lightening”Little and a beautiful Italianwoman, Sofia (Daniela Ruah)and the superficially present-ed villain is a German acethey nickname “Pretty Boy”(Lars van Riesen). It is thefinal showdown between“Pretty Boy” and the ace ofthe Red Wings, Lightening,that is the climax of the dog-fights and the ultimate proofof the superior fighting skillsof the Tuskegee pilots, evenwhen the German had a jetfighter and the American didnot.

One of the strengths of thefilm is the authentic presenta-tion of the prominence of theChristian faith in the blackcommunity. Joining togetherin prayer before their firstmajor engagement, they askfor the help of their HeavenlyFather. This is contrastedwith one pilot’s trust in the“black Jesus,” a fringe belieffor which he is lovinglyteased by the other pilots.

Although we will neverknow the full impact of theRed Tails in helping winWWII, there is no doubt thatthey helped win a morerespected place for Blackswithin our nation’s culture.This film helps us celebratethat truth as the Red Tails

officers are invited into thewhite-only officer’s club ingratitude for their part infighting the war. It is with theretelling of this true event thatmay increase respect andhonor for our fellowAmericans of all races.

Discussion for those whohave seen this film:

1. When the official gov-ernment report claims racialsuperiority by one race overanother, that governmentmust be challenged. How areyou challenging systemicprejudice in our world today?How do you challenge preju-dice within yourself?

2. The final battle betweenLightening and Pretty Boy isan obvious suicide mission inwhich Lightening lays downhis life for his friend. Do youbelieve it was the lack of fearor the depth of love that droveLightening to do what he did?

3. In the real 332d the com-manding officers were white.Why do you think the film didnot portray them this way?

Cinema In Focus is asocial and spiritual moviecommentary. Hal Conklin isformer mayor of SantaBarbara and Denny Waymanis pastor of the FreeMethodist Church of SantaBarbara.

Red Tails: 3 Stars, a story ofcourage and the human spirit


A masked gunman alleged-ly robbed the Bank of theWest at 1036 State Street onTuesday.

At 10 a.m., the man

allegedly walked into thebank, brandished whatappeared to be a .45 calibergun, and conducted a“takeover” style robbery

according to the FBI.The suspect is described as

a 6’1” to 6’3” white malebetween the age of 42 and 46with a heavy build. He wore a

mask and dark blue clothingincluding gloves and shorts.

Santa Barbara detectivesare investigating but declinedto comment further.

Police look for bank robber

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6 Thursday, February 16, 2012 Daily Sound


Owner Linda Gustafson, manager Lynzi Massey and stylist Torrie Armstrong.DAILY SOUND / Ann Peyrat

Shine Blow Dry Baropens in Santa Barbara

If I had known there was aplace like Shine Blow DryBar in Santa Barbara, I mightnot have been so quick to cutmy hair short last month.

It’s always a gamble as towhether or not I’ll like the cut(this time I do!), but I knowfor sure I’ll like the shampoo,scalp massage and blowdry—there’s just somethingwonderful about getting pam-pered and having someoneelse take care of styling yourhair for you … which is justwhat Shine does.

And now there’re two!

The first opened up in July,less than a year ago, at 1250Coast Village Road, and thenewest, at 1129 State Street,made it’s big debut onSaturday.

It’s across the street fromthe Santa Barbara Museum ofArt, by the big courtyard thatused to house restaurant Nu.

“We just wanted to be ableto cater to the downtowncommunity, to the profession-als who work downtown,”said manager Lynzi Massey.During the week, they’reopen at 8 a.m., an hour earlierthan their Montecito location,and don’t close until 7 p.m. (8p.m., Thursday through

Saturday, and 12-6 p.m.Sundays).

“It’s nice for people to getoff work, come here, then goout to dinner, have a night onthe town, do whateverthey’ve got going on,” shesaid.

“More events happendown here, downtown,”chimed in owner LindaGustafson, who lives inMontecito and wasn’t aboutto let this newest populartrend to blow dry, blow by.

The craze started inCanada, moved down to NewYork and has been popping upacross the country, includingLos Angeles, which is where

Gustafson first got the notion.“I thought it’d be a great

idea because there wasn’t anyplace in the Santa Barbaraarea where you could go, geta quick wash and be blownout and done in 45 minutesfor only $35,” she said, men-tioning she’d bought out heroriginal business partner, andis already thinking of expand-ing to locations in ThousandOaks.

With eight stations andthree shampoo bowls, thesetup is very similar to theMontecito location, with bigwindows, high ceilings, lightblue and white décor, ornately


See SHINE, page 7

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Daily Sound Thursday, February 16, 2012 7


framed mirrors on the wallsand a flat screen tv, with com-plimentary mini cupcakesfrom Violette Bakeshop,water, coffee, tea, champagneand mimosas—it is a blowdry “bar” after all.

So it’s appropriate thatsome of the names they’vegiven their most requestedstyles are the House Special(straight, or with a slightbend), On the Rocks (big bar-rel curls) and With a Twist(loose waves).

“If you notice, they [theShine stylists] blow out yourhair a little differently thanyour regular stylist does,because when you get yourhair cut and colored they’reusually just trying to blow itout as a finish, whereas here,that’s all we do. So we’ll pinit up, do different things, justto make it a little fuller, ormake it last longer … so we’llspend more time to make sureit’s right. And that’s why itlasts longer, ‘cuz they’re real-

ly working on it,” explainedGustafson, who employslicensed cosmetologists whoundergo Shine’s own inten-sive training.

When you get a good blowout, it should last 3 or 4 days.According to Gustafson, inMontecito, they have morethan 30 clients who come inon a weekly basis, some thatcome in twice a week, andtons of regulars that come inevery other week. They antic-ipate a similar number ofclientele for their downtownlocation, including walk-ins.

I’ll let you in on a secret—years ago I used to go to asalon where I’d see the samegroup of little old ladies comein to socialize, and get theirhair washed, set and styled. Ikinda couldn’t wait to do that… only I was about 60 yearstoo young. But now that set-ting’s not reserved solely forthe lovelies with white locks(and there’s no big, old-fash-ioned, over the head dryer in

sight—you girls know whatI’m talking about—only themost modern tools, curlersand flat irons). At Shine, it’san indulgence for all ages.

“Tiny Star” parties forgirls 10 and younger havebecome all the rage for birth-days and have been “a lot offun for moms and theirdaughters,” said Massey.

And it’s a luxury for themen, too. “We have someguys with longer hair, but wealso have some that just comefor the 10-minute scalp mas-sage. One guy figured hiswife was going to take 50minutes so he did five scalpmassages in a row while hewaited for her!” laughedGustafson, who also pointedout “Shine does up-dos, wed-ding parties, and will evencome to your home or workon location.”

As client Megan Gildredwas leaving the salon, sherevealed her reason for get-ting a blowout: “because Idon’t have to do anything,and I look fabulous! I will beback …”

And like me, when I had

long hair, she didn’t have tosweat to get it done. A lot ofwork goes into taming thosetresses, and reaching the backto get a nice curl!

My new short cut is muchsimpler to handle, but it wasstill a treat to have Shine styl-ist Torrie Armstrong do it bet-ter than I ever could. I cameout looking like a star, whichis one customer quality thatinspired the name, Shine.

“We want everyone tocome out looking like a shin-ing star after you’ve had yourhair done,” said Gustafson,who has had actual starcelebrities come into theMontecito location, includingKathy Ireland and the wife ofthe legendary hair designerPaul Mitchell. “We treateveryone like a star so thatthey feel special for the timethey’re here, drinking theirmimosa or champagne. Theyget a little scalp massage andit just feels good to havesomeone else do it for you. Iget it done twice a week. Idon’t wash my hair any-more,” she giggled.


Shine owner Linda GustafsonDAILY SOUND / Ann Peyrat

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8 Thursday, February 16, 2012 Daily Sound




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Pages_FEB_16_DS:Layout 1 2/15/12 11:40 PM Page 8


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: JUST LIKEHOME 3095 Hidden Valley Lane SantaBarbara, CA 93108, County of SantaBarbara; Michael Fisher(SAME)Thisbusiness is conducted by anIndividual(Signed): Michael Fisher. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on Jan 11,2012. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller FBN Number:2012-0000122. Published FEB 9, 16,23, MAR 01 2012.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: FPCAPITAL, FP COMMERCIAL 3West Carrillo Street Ste #207 SantaBarbara, CA 93101, County of SantaBarbara; First Principle,Inc(SAME)This business is conductedby a Corporation(Signed):Robert R. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on Feb 08,2012. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Janet Hansen FBN Number:2012-0000407. Published FEB 9, 16,23, MAR 01 2012.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:ALESSARODESIGNS 3325 State Street SantaBarbara, CA 93105, County of SantaBarbara; Paper Ink, Inc(SAME)Thisbusiness is conducted by aCorporation(Signed):. This statementwas filed with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on Feb 07, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Melissa Mercer FBN Number:2012-0000387. Published FEB 9, 16,23, MAR 01 2012.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: NATURALCONCEPTS LANDSCAPING 4165Faria Rd. Ventura, CA 93001,;County of Santa Barbara; Roger G.Ebner(SAME) Cyril Ebner(340 OldMill Rd. #268 Santa Barbara, CA93110). This business is conducted bya General Partnership(Signed): RogerEbner. This statement was filed withthe County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on Jan 25, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Janet Hansen. FBN Number:2012-0000258. Published FEB 2, 9,16, 23 2012.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as:HALLOWEEN BOOTIQUE, WORLDOF MAGIC 290 G Storke Rd. Goleta,CA 93117; County of Santa Barbara;Citco Enterprises, Inc(5964 Berkeley RdGoleta, CA 93117). This business isconducted by a Corporation(Signed):Gina Nguyen. This statement was filedwith the County Clerk of Santa BarbaraCounty on Jan 24, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Melissa Mercer. FBN Number:2012-0000257. Published JAN 26, FEB2, 09, 16 2012.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: SUDINGDESIGN LANDSCAPEARCHITECTS 10 E Islay St. SantaBarbara, CA 93101; County of SantaBarbara; Philip R Suding(SAME). Thisbusiness is conducted by an Individual(Signed): Philip Suding. Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerkof Santa Barbara County on Jan 09,2012. This statement expires fiveyears from the date it was filed in theOffice of the County Clerk. I hereby certifythat this is a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0000092. Published JAN 26, FEB2, 09, 16 2012.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT The following person(s)is/are doing business as: REIKI

RESTORE 1500 Chapala St. #B SantaBarbara, CA 93101; County of SantaBarbara; Anna J. Royer(SAME). Thisbusiness is conducted by an Individual(Signed): Anna Royer. This statementwas filed with the County Clerk of SantaBarbara County on Jan 04, 2012. Thisstatement expires five years from thedate it was filed in the Office of theCounty Clerk. I hereby certify that thisis a correct copy of the originalstatement on file in my office. JosephE. Holland, County Clerk(SEAL)Kathy Miller. FBN Number:2012-0000031. Published JAN 26, FEB2, 09, 16 2012.

Daily Sound Thursday, February 16, 2012 9LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE



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10 Thursday, February 16, 2012 Daily Sound

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Daily Sound Thursday, February 16, 2012 11

HOROSCOPES by Eugenia Last

Sudoku #7

Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 12

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

4 15 8 3

6 9 2 1 58 6 9

5 1 6 7 9 3 2 88 7 2

4 3 7 8 66 7 1

8 4

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com


Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles, Book 12

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #11 9 8 2 6 4

4 8 2 5 37 6 4 3

5 9 7 6 3 26 5 2 3 9

3 2 9 6 1 58 9 1 6

9 3 6 4 76 3 7 1 2 8

5 3 7

9 6 1 7

2 1 8 9 5

1 4 8

8 7 4 1

4 7 8

2 4 5 7 3

8 1 5 2

4 5 9

Sudoku #28 7 1 9 5

6 3 7 84 1 6 2 5 99 5 2 8 1 3 47 1 4 8 26 8 9 3 7 1 52 3 4 6 5 78 6 3 5

6 2 9 4 8

3 2 4 6

5 2 9 4 1

7 8 3

7 6

3 5 6 9

4 2

9 8 1

4 7 9 2 1

1 7 5 3

Sudoku #32 1 4 6 8 5 75 1 8 49 4 8 2 7 5 3

7 8 9 26 7 5 4 8

6 3 99 1 2 6 4 7 3

1 5 4 97 2 4 8 3 5 1

3 9

6 7 3 9 2

1 6

1 5 6 3 4

9 3 1 2

4 8 2 1 7 5

8 5

3 6 7 2 8

9 6

Sudoku #44 6 3 98 7 6 3 49 4 1 7 8 65 1 6 7 3 26 7 42 3 7 5 1 8 91 5 7 9 8 3

8 4 1 7 56 2 3 8

5 1 8 2 7

5 9 2 1

2 3 5

4 9 8

8 9 2 3 5 1

4 6

4 2 6

3 9 6 2

7 1 5 9 4

Sudoku #56 5 3 4 9

5 1 7 31 9 76 8 5 3 7 9 4

4 6 1 9 89 7 8 2 4 3 6

8 6 4 22 6 5 97 8 9 6 5

8 7 2 1

4 2 9 8 6

3 4 6 2 8 5

2 1

5 3 2 7

1 5

3 5 9 7 1

1 3 4 7 8

4 2 3 1

Sudoku #65 8 6 1

7 5 6 96 2 1 8

9 6 8 1 5 28 6 5 1 4 2 3 7 92 1 9 3 7 5

7 8 3 95 6 7 2

4 1 6 8

4 7 9 3 2

1 2 8 4 3

3 9 4 5 7

7 4 3

8 4 6

6 2 4 1 5

9 8 1 3 4

3 2 5 9 7

Sudoku #73 2 6 5 9 8 71 9 7 2 6 4

7 8 4 34 3 2 1 5 7

49 6 3 5 4 1

2 5 1 99 8 5 4 3 27 6 1 9 2 3 5

4 1

5 8 3

6 9 2 1 5

8 6 9

5 1 6 7 9 3 2 8

8 7 2

4 3 7 8 6

6 7 1

8 4

Sudoku #82 4 5 7

6 2 4 37 3 6 2 8

2 8 1 9 55 9 1 6 4 8 3 7

8 7 3 5 19 4 1 3 5

4 6 2 19 4 8 2

8 1 6 9 3

8 9 5 7 1

1 5 9 4

4 3 7 6


6 9 2 4

2 7 8 6

3 5 8 7 9

1 7 6 3 5


Answers Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 12

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

Sudoku #13 2 5 4 9 7

5 7 9 1 2 88 9 7 1 2 6 52 1 4 7 9 83 7 9 6 8 5 1

8 6 2 1 3 49 6 4 5 8 3 2

5 4 3 8 1 76 2 7 3 4 1

1 8 6

4 6 3

4 3

5 3 6

4 2

9 5 7

7 1

2 6 9

8 9 5

Sudoku #23 8 5 6 4 97 9 6 1 2 3 4 5

4 7 3 9 84 2 5 6 7 1 33 1 9 7 8

6 9 8 3 1 5 29 8 3 6 42 1 7 8 5 6 3 9

9 1 2 8 5 7

2 7 1


1 2 5 6

8 9

5 2 4 6

7 4

5 7 1 2


4 6 3

Sudoku #35 8 3 1 9 4 7

3 2 6 7 1 99 1 2 3 5 67 8 6 9 5 1 41 4 2 3 8 9

3 7 8 4 5 6 16 1 9 3 8 4

5 4 9 7 6 23 2 8 4 6 9 5

6 2

4 5 8

7 4 8

3 2

5 6 7

2 9

5 2 7

8 1 3

7 1

Sudoku #49 2 1 6 4 37 8 9 5 2 6 13 1 7 2 5 8

7 9 8 1 6 38 4 3 9 7 6 21 5 4 2 7 85 9 8 1 2 46 8 2 4 3 1 5

3 1 5 9 7 6

5 8 7

4 3

6 4 9

2 5 4

5 1

6 3 9

7 6 3

7 9

4 2 8

Sudoku #58 4 3 6 1 5 2 95 2 3 7 9 6

6 5 8 2 4 71 8 5 7 2 6

4 6 5 8 96 9 4 3 5 8

5 1 8 4 7 69 1 2 7 3 5

7 6 2 9 3 5 8 4


4 8 1

9 1 3

9 3 4

2 3 1 7

7 2 1

3 9 2

4 8 6


Sudoku #61 2 7 3 9 5 8

4 3 7 5 6 98 9 6 1 2 75 6 8 2 4 1 3 7

2 9 81 7 8 5 6 3 9 4

4 1 3 2 7 57 5 1 3 4 22 6 4 7 5 8 9

6 4

2 8 1

5 4 3


3 4 1 7 5 6


9 8 6

8 9 6

3 1

Sudoku #76 7 5 2 9 8 1

2 9 3 6 8 4 58 7 9 2 65 7 9 6 8 1

8 7 5 2 4 9 32 6 1 8 3 7

5 3 9 4 16 9 2 1 5 4 77 1 4 8 6 2 3

4 3

1 7

1 5 4 3

3 4 2

1 6

9 5 4

2 7 6 8

8 3

5 9

Sudoku #81 3 2 9 7 8 6

2 8 6 7 3 1 56 9 5 3 48 1 6 7 9 5 2

4 3 6 2 13 7 5 1 6 4 9

7 9 6 3 83 2 9 8 5 4 75 8 4 1 7 9 2

5 4

4 9

7 1 8 2

4 3

9 5 8 7

2 8

1 4 2 5

6 1

3 6

To solve, every number 1-9must appear in each of thenine vertical columns, each ofthe nine horizontal rows andeach of the nine 3x3 box. Nonumber can occur more thanonce in any row, column orbox.

SUDOKUSudoku #7

Challenging Sudoku Puzzles, Book 12

For more puzzles, visit www.krazydad.com

4 31 7

1 5 4 33 4 2

1 69 5 4

2 7 6 88 3

5 9

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.If you use logic you can solve the puzzle without guesswork.Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle.Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers pageif you really get stuck.

© 2005 KrazyDad.com

For great places to eat, see the Daily Sound’s

Dining Guideevery Thursday!

For advertising rates, please call (805) 564-6001 or email Matti@thedailysound.com

“AND AWAY WE GO” by Hugh Lester

ACROSS1 First name


5 Infiltrators10 Razor with

two blades14 First person

to be ribbed15 “Garde’’

starter16 He went

afloat withNoah

17 Vacationer’smessage tothose athome

20 My brothel’skeeper

21 Did a bailiff’sjob

22 Southernroots

25 Propels highin the sky

26 Lee andRoosevelt

30 Salves aguiltyconscience

33 Sunnyfarewell

34 Univ. ofMarylandcollegian

35 Cotillion kid,for short

38 Vacationer’smessage tothose athome

42 Where slopis served

43 Like muchtestimony

44 Where somebuns aremade

45 Presidentiallibrarycontents

47 Wherethere’s aquest for amate

48 Nobel-winningpeacemaker

51 It’s just forshow

53 Spielbergflick

56 Place forfans

60 Vacationmemento tothose athome

64 Double-curvedmolding

65 Registeredworker?

66 Harvest-ready

67 Retina cells68 Heloise’s

specialty69 ___ BatorDOWN1 Cry from a


2 Cheesethat’s madebackward?

3 Volcanicoverflow

4 In5 Igneous

rock, once6 Plant

gametes7 Billiards ritual8 TV spinoff of

19809 Put away for

storage10 Team in a

dome, once11 Man of steal?12 Mail, as a

payment13 Prayer

responses18 Oppose19 Clinton

challenger23 Fully aged24 Waitstaff

overseer26 They go back

and forth towork

27 Hit thehelipad

28 Type ofoutlook

29 Patientresponse?

31 Threat words32 “All Things


35 Editorialstrike-out

36 Aphrodite’syoung’un

37 Johnson andJonson

39 Alley of oldcomics

40 Do anusher’s work

41 “That’ll show’em!’’

45 Affixes in ascrapbook

46 North Pacificisland

48 It’s a matterof taste

49 Friend, southof the border

50 Cut intocubes

52 Faceconcealers

54 Viaductfeature

55 Corner store,perhaps

57 Grayish-yellowishbrown

58 Routinelyfiled item

59 Angelo’sinstrument

61 Montblanc,e.g.

62 Diner’ssnippet

63 Room towatchtelevision


Edited by Timothy E. Parker May 24, 2008

Universal Crossword

© 2008 Universal Press Syndicatewww.upuzzles.com



: F








ct N


e A










CELEBRITIES BORNON THIS DAY: ElizabethOlsen, 23; John McEnroe, 53;Ice-T, 54; Levar Burton, 55.

Happy Birthday: Get mov-ing. It's up to you to makethings happen. Waitingaround for someone to con-tribute is nonproductive.Once you get what you wantto do up and running, theinterest and support will fol-low. Run the show this yearand you will avoid interfer-ence from individuals lookingfor a free ride. Your numbersare 8, 13, 20, 28, 33, 39, 46.

ARIES (March 21-April19): Expand your interests.Sign up for a class or activitythat will entitle you to greaterknowledge, better health ormeeting interesting people. Alove relationship is highlight-ed. Someone from your pastwill have an impact on younow. 5 stars

TAURUS (April 20-May20): Put greater emphasis onfinancial, health or legal mat-ters and you will find a way toadvance personally. Someoneyou have helped in the pastwill honor the debt and offeryou assistance. Make a pow-erful impact that will leave a

lasting impression. 3 stars

GEMINI (May 21-June20): Don't get angry or letyour emotions get the betterof you. Take the high roadand observe how others per-form and you will separateyourself from those who takean underhanded approach.Your honesty and integritywill pay off. 3 stars

CANCER (June 21-July22): Don't make changeswithout thinking mattersthrough or it could cost youyour reputation or profession-al status. Look at the past,present and future and knowwhat direction or side you areon before you take a leap offaith. 3 stars

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):Keep things simple and youwill have a much greaterimpact on the people aroundyou. Stick to methods thathave worked well in the past.Offer your skills and experi-ence, not your cash. Love ison the rise. 5 stars

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.22): Do what you can to makeyour home more comfortableor user-friendly. If there is away to earn extra income

from home, follow throughwith your plans. Inventingways to subsidize yourincome will be more prof-itable than anticipated. 2 stars

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22):A joint venture will pay off,opening up greater opportuni-ties to raise or earn money.Don't let someone close toyou limit what you can do.You have to make your owndecisions and follow throughwith what works best for you.4 stars

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21): Taking on a simpler andmore moderate way of livingwill save you cash and attractthe attention of someone youlove. Working in unison withsomeone that you haveknown for a long time willease your stress and pay off. 3stars

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Keep your emotionsunder control and you willfind your comfort zone. Don'tlet others dictate how you liveyour life. Someone as innova-tive as you will share yourthoughts and interests.Explore the possibilities. 3stars

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Loss is likely if youbelieve everything you aretold. Do your own research,especially if the changes youare considering entail usingyour own finances. Noteveryone you meet will haveyour best interests at heart.Focus on home and family. 3stars

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18): Listen to offers, but don'tagree to move forward unlessyour intentions are honorable.You cannot please everyone,and you will end up lookingbad or upsetting someoneimportant to your future ifyou try. Honesty is the bestpolicy. 4 stars

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20): Don't make snap judg-ments. Expect someone todisappoint you or to feed youpoor information. Go back tosomeone you trusted in thepast in order to get the low-down on a deal you want todo now. 2 stars

Birthday Baby: You arean engaging, unstructured andspontaneous enthusiast.

Pages_FEB_16_DS:Layout 1 2/15/12 11:40 PM Page 11

12 Thursday, February 16, 2011 Daily Sound


Free mimosa with any brunch entreeAll Day Sunday

Buy one lunch get 2nd 1/2 offMonday - Friday


Casa Blancawelcomesnew chefOnofreZuniga

Less than two weeks agoanyone looking to buy a tick-et to watch the New YorkKnicks play the DallasMavericks this weekendcould expect to pay around$270. Today, the same ticketwould cost about twice that.

Call it Linflation.Jeremy Lin's surprising

basketball heroics have madethe 23-year-old point guard asports sensation and mediadarling nearly overnight, andthere are no shortage of entre-preneurs trying to cash in.

Already, two men haveattempted to trademark thecatchphrase "Linsanity" - afavorite of headline writersand National BasketballAssociation fans - in hopes ofhaving exclusive rights toplaster the word across T-shirts, hats and baby bibs. Athird man has asked theUnited States Patent andTrademark Office for therights to "Lin-sanity" and"Lin-credible."

"Jeremy Lin needs to becareful and hire the right advi-sors and lawyers to protect hisname," said Marc Ganis, pres-

ident of sports consulting firmSportscorp Ltd. "There arepeople all over the planet whoare looking to financially cap-italize on the Jeremy Lin phe-nomenon."

Lin, a Taiwanese-American whose roots makehim marketable in Asia,graced both the front and backcovers of the New York Postand Daily News onWednesday, the day after hit-ting a game-winning, 3-pointshot to propel the Knicks totheir sixth straight win.

Even President BarackObama has taken notice.White House spokesman JayCarney said Obama watchedhighlights of the Knicks dra-matic win over the TorontoRaptors and came away "veryimpressed" with Lin.

The last-second shot addedto the buzz swirling aroundLin, who got his chance onlybecause of injuries and thestruggling form of the Knicks,who were 8-15 before he tookcharge on the floor in theabsence of their two top scor-ers, Carmelo Anthony andAmar'e Stoudemire.

The 6-foot-3-inch Lin wasnot recruited by any of themajor U.S. college basketballpowers and went undrafted in2010 by NBA teams. Twoother NBA teams releasedhim this season before theKnicks picked him up.

Now, after averaging 26.8points during the six-gamewinning streak, he's thehottest sports star in NewYork, with his jersey flyingoff the shelves of local stores.

In anticipation ofWednesday's game betweenthe Knicks and SacramentoKings, Modell's SportingGoods announced it hasplaced a rush delivery of Linmerchandise that will beavailable before tipoff at itsflagship Times Square store.

On the web, fans can buy"Lin Your Face" and"LIN.Y.C." shirts from thesite www.linsanity.com. Thefield could grow even morecrowded before long. Thedomain names" L i n s a n i t y . c o m , "" L i n c r e d i b l e . c o m , ""JeremyLin.com" and"TheJeremyLinShow.com.

‘Lin-sanity’ hits nation

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